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tv   Zhit zdorovo  1TV  April 5, 2024 10:00am-10:51am MSK

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so a slab fell, i still don’t understand, either from the ceiling, or from the wall, a reinforced concrete slab with reinforcement, and mm, covered me, completely pierced my head, eye, bridge of the nose, i somehow managed to gather my strength and get out by myself from under the rubble, i sat down, well, i went out into the street, and here they saw me. and the military guys of the russian federation began to evacuate me to their basement, and then bandaged my head, my eye, started giving injections, well, painkillers, we got to talking there, and i realized that these were guys from tomsk, but i seem to remember them very poorly, and well, as in my eyes, i also have this... there
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the left eye was more or less visible, and where, when they evacuated, they carried me, where i walked, and where they carried me on a tent like a raincoat, or something like that, we walked for a long time, about more than 15 km, there was such mud in avdeevka, and there it was -6. then a car arrived, they took me for evacuation, well, we sat there for another 4 days in the basement, and it so happened that on the seventeenth they took me to the hospital in lugansk in the morning somewhere around, maybe 10 am in the hospital in lugansk, it seems to me that it’s actually a miracle that you, that you’re alive, now what the doctors’ prognoses are, what they tell you, are satisfactory, as if i’m going to the best. i’m moving in
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a positive direction, they did an x-ray, an ultrasound, my eyes and said that they would schedule an operation in the near future, but with this in mind they want to transfer me to a moscow hospital. tell me, please, how long were you until the moment when your sister and father came to you, how long did you not see them, but i didn’t see my father for 2 years, and i didn’t see my sister, well... about five or six years exactly. do you remember, dmitry, what were the first words you said when you saw your son? we hugged and said hello. he said it was mine, he said it was my son, something like that. zhen, do you remember when you saw your father, what you felt? i burst into tears immediately. there’s no other way, here i am, i ’m holding on somehow now, yes. they said they were coming to you. walked, he
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didn’t see it then, he immediately says who, he says, what do you think, who, he says, dad, he knew by his voice, zhen, you must have a full recovery, i really want you to wish that everything that you once experienced remains somewhere in the past, all the best to you, a speedy reunion of your entire large family, good luck, thank you very much, thank you when he told his story, of course, extremely.
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how mercilessly time flies, is it possible to turn back time and send the hands of the clock of our lives in the opposite direction? we will answer this and other questions in the program live healthy! so, dear friends, these are
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the mysterious numbers that stand in our studio; in fact, these are the years of life that you can imagine give at certain times. today we will talk about diabetes and start with the number: german shaich, how many years of life does type 2 diabetes take from a person, the same diabetes that occurs in older people , how many years of life can it take, up to 14 years, up to 14 years diabetes takes lives . now i want to listen to the confession of a person who believes that diabetes mellitus is some kind of heavenly punishment that has fallen on his head, please tell us, i got diabetes mellitus, one might say, unexpectedly, by accident, there was a medical examination at school, i’m a teacher, and
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they told me that i have type 2 diabetes mellitus, it’s like a bolt from the blue, because i... didn’t expect this at all, it will never affect me , i thought, cheerfully, i travel a lot, grandchildren, suddenly, yes, i’m really scared, come to us, please, because the next question i want to ask you, elena anatolyevna, it’s even simpler, do you think, you personally, made some contribution to the fact that you had, as you say, like... a bolt from the blue sky diabetes mellitus, that’s the fact that it thundered, was there any participation in this or not, well, i think so, what, well, firstly, food is not always on time, secondly, well,
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candy, snacks, tea and well, since i travel a lot, i naturally love fruits, and how many sweet fruits are there? and most importantly, well, like kebabs, flatbreads, there’s nothing to blame on kebabs, and now, maybe i modestly didn’t want to say, after all, it’s weight, obesity, of course, obesity is the beginning of diabetes mellitus, with obesity sooner or later diabetes mellitus will be, obesity is it’s not something that falls on your head, it’s not that you got hit by a car and after that...
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we specifically don’t want to leave you with this sentence, so we have to tell you and all other people, and there are many, many people with obesity, what to do so that even if you are diagnosed with diabetes, heavenly punishment does not befall you, and heavenly punishment is not death, this must be understood very well, in diabetes, damaged blood vessels mean blindness, firstly, because diabetes is the main cause. look why, the main cause of blindness in the world is diabetes mellitus that’s not all, the main cause of kidney failure is also diabetes, one of the common causes of stroke is also diabetes,
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a heart attack is also diabetes, the loss of a limb is gangrene, this is also diabetes, that is, diabetes, it simply takes everything from us with its tentacles . everything is scary for people, it’s understandable, yes, everything is scary, lord, my god, and now we’ve gone to these numbers of ours, now we’ll prolong your life, we’ll prolong your life, so, once again, diabetes takes up to 14 years life, that’s a lot, but now how can we get it back, and the first thing is treatment. diabetes mellitus with a medicine called metformin, the oldest medicine with proven effectiveness and has been proven to prolong the life of people with diabetes mellitus for 6 years, or maybe more, 6 years, the first number
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is six, constant use of medfarmin, are you taking medfarmin, yes i have a very a good doctor, and the first thing she said was medormin. one of the best drugs, many different names, medormin is an international non-proprietary name, then germanshavich, number four. four - this is weight loss and normalization, if you reduce your weight to normal, you will add another 4 years to your life, plus, i just started , i literally lost 2 kg, i want more, i’m 2 kg for how much, for life, for a life of struggle, yes, it’s somewhere, i ate new year’s, then i lost it for 3
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months, it’s difficult, i went somewhere again, and then february 23, march 8, the old new year, there are a lot of holidays, so, look, weight loss for a diabetic adds more 4 years of life, a total of 10 years already, let’s move on, we are approaching others, arterial pressure. people with diabetes begin to treat their blood pressure when it starts to be higher than 130 by 80 mm of mulberry, and if you lower it to 1280 and below, this adds another 2 years to your life, plus, of course, another plus 2 years , which one is yours? blood pressure, do you know or not? oh, yes, i know, somehow i always had 120, but
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all i’m saying is, i’m ready to fly at any time, but now it’s already 130, let’s measure it, everyone who says 130 is usually 160-170, german shevich, send our guest to medical site, but don’t leave yourself, so if your blood pressure is lower than 120 and 80, you add another 2 years to yourself. life +12, and that’s not all, not all, of course, we know that diabetes leads to the development of atherosclerosis, if you normalize your cholesterol levels, this adds another year to your life. that's it, comrades, if you do one thing, but don't do another, then all this is deducted.
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onov man showed that the earlier diabetes occurs, the more years it takes from our lives, and this figure is 14 years, now let’s find out what blood pressure our guest has and we’ll come with you to the medical site, so, what’s your blood pressure, we have just patients here, what’s the blood pressure? the tanometer is already pumping, pumping and pumping, it is already absolutely
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clear that the pressure will be very high, this is already absolutely clear when you yourself measured 170 and 91, remember, i said, everyone who says i have 120, maximum 130, 170 and 91, so you have to sin yourself, i didn’t pay attention to the pressure at all. reduce weight, control blood pressure with pills and lowering it below 120 and 80 and lowering your cholesterol level to normal will give you back a possible lost 14 years of your life. okay, cool, yes, now i understand, that’s it, no me, you know, i always
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end these conversations with only one thing: your life is needed only by you, all suffering will fall only to your lot, with diabetes it means blindness, gangrene, stroke, a heart attack, as they say, the choice is huge, it’s only your life, only you control it, thunder roars when you get hit by a car, when you eat and live with obesity, it’s man-made creating a disease, of course, then think about how best to live. because this is your life, you personally need it, yes, i would like to live longer, thank you very much, and we will take a break for a while, and then we will continue, bottom line, in 1832 the first production of powdered milk was made in russia,
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powdered milk can be stored for more than 10 years, all... why, what will your hair tell you? my hair has been falling out for a year now, during the day i use several combs and walk around the house, so it spreads around the room. what diseases can you determine by the condition of your hair? closer to the body, these are not wet wipes, these are wet toilet paper, overall this is an achievement. science and technology, but you need to make sure that there are no bad components. wet toilet paper, our expertise. virtual reality is a place where everything impossible is possible. i see you, you are now in my room. hello. several people can be in the virtual space at once, that is, for example, the plant is located in
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talyat, the customer is in st. petersburg. and now they can together meet and discuss. our company is engaged in the development and production of diagnostic tests for determining allergic reactions. using our reagents, the laboratory has the widest range of allergens that can be detected. the main motif of our collections is sheepskin coats; we also produce leather items, suits, coats, trousers, skirts. our brand's style is everyday luxury. arzamas translates as a city of beautiful people, here you can feel like a parisian, an englishman, for sure hourly, it’s all coal-fired, this steam locomotive is from 1955, it’s all for real, it goes well with goose
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caviar, such a luxury of the merchants. the payment is not enough to pay for this burger, evgeniy, we have an installment plan for you, that is, it is, in fact, chalk, yes, that is, you can directly, you can gnaw on the wall, if the ring is not enough in your body, nibble and even lick if you want to fight, ready, started, look, the goose has come for the masks, let's go, the premiere, tomorrow is the first one, i'm a grandson. manufacturer, i can do everything, but that’s enough for me come to any group, perform there, everyone else falls down, through the night and the wind, i’m destined to go, there’s no light anywhere from a non-native window, in the army, i also criticized, so major novikov wrote me recommendations,
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he’s prone to criticism, they just push, they push on the buttons, all in vain, for, for, but there are no roads, for. but i have no money, i have nothing to settle, i’m not going to replay anything, under no circumstances would i live my life differently, in memory of vladimir zhirinovsky, tomorrow is the first one, so comrades, what we are doing is secrets, but we’ll ask now distribute cups to the studio with... everyone needs to try it and decide, some kind of milk, natural or unnatural, and for now we are doing our secret, this is a program to live healthy, and we continue, so, cups are distributed to you, who thinks that the milk is natural, raise the glass up, whoever thinks it’s unnatural, don’t lift
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the glass up, so please, experiment with the cups. natural hand up, the moment of truth, everyone received milk made from powder, there was no other milk, now before our eyes mikhail egorovich from powder creates milk, we have a big topic in the program, which is called products of eternal storage, eternal, which means they stocked it today, and found it 200 years later, why did this topic arise? yes, we will get really powdered milk from the hoops pyramid. and in fact, milk powder is not as ancient as the cheops pyramid, but it is known, and the first
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such milk powder was made in 1792 . and in 1832, the first production of milk powder was made in russia. yes, but only the most interesting thing that he patented. starts in the mountains, studying the influence of alpine hypoxia for myocardial infarction, there we had powdered milk, i ate it like this with my finger, it was delicious, right to the point of losing consciousness,
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how powdered milk is produced, let's see, it's a whole process, i've been to production factories several times, so, first, they first select high-quality milk, because it is from it that powdered milk must be made, then... the water is removed in three stages, that is, dried: first the milk is filtered, then evaporation is used and, finally, so -called spray drying, to milk it really became so dry, in the form of a fine powder, containing only 3% water. that is, it is a 97% dry pure product, which is the most important thing in the program - in general , proteins, fats, carbohydrates and about there, well,
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depending on what the original product was, it is approximately the same, approximately 26% each, 30 % of fat is approximately the same percentage for protein, carbohydrates also make up about a third of... approximately the same and, for example, this kind of powdered milk is used for all infant formulas, so they take it away a special amount of fat and a special amount of protein, exactly, baby formula, they are all made with milk powder, it is generally used in the culinary industry and in cosmetology, by the way, in the production of sausages, again it is added there, let's now talk about... from a medical point of view in terms of what we can say about milk powder, should we go to the models? in the first place, we should probably say that
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milk powder contains calcium, about 99% of calcium is found in our bones and teeth, and accordingly, we get calcium from the outside, if we don’t have enough in our body... then we get this situation, brittle bones, and if there is enough calcium, then our bone is solid , reliable, and our teeth don’t crumble, well, there are other microelements and vitamins, because of course we will deal with proteins and fats, but vitamin b-12 is in dry milk, even more, moreover, 50% more than in whole milk. we need vitamin b-12 to form normal red blood cells with normal hemoglobin, without vitamin b12, iron is not built into
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hemoglobin and then we will not get a normal red blood cell, so i brought a little oxygen to our guests, because the red blood cell must carry oxygen, and this is very important, but vitamin b-12 has not only this function, but also the function protectively. from the point of view of the nervous system, b-12 helps to form the insulation of the nerve fiber, the nerve cell, this is a very, very important function of it, that is , we have a podium and we must compare two different types of milk, whole and whole milk and diluted powdered milk, that is, not just powder, because in powder it is clear that there is much more of everything there. exactly diluted by what components we will compare who is on the first, who is on the second, let’s do this - we will compare by the same calcium, by vitamin b12 by phosphorus, which
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phosphorus also helps to form. more, of course, in dry milk, and this is generally logical, because you first extract as much as possible from whole milk and then restore it. i emphasize once again, more when you have already made milk from powdered milk, not in powder anymore, but already in diluted milk, i just put the powder, because otherwise there will be two white glasses and you won’t understand where anything is at all, of course, this means that powdered milk is obtained, already in a diluted form it has jumped on all counts.
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choose by appearance, it should be white, not yellow, but white, it should be free-flowing and not swollen in any way, well, i would also start with the packaging, because it should be airtight, and if the milk is not in airtight packaging . absorb water, so sealed packaging in such packaging, and this the next question is how to store it, how to store powdered milk in the hiops pyramid, you need to cut it in your own branded packaging, because in this way it is preserved much longer, and you need to store it at approximately the same temperature.
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so that later you can say: certify, i stored it for 10 years, so the expiration date is everywhere, put it there and wait until 10 years have passed, it never happens anywhere for more than two years, don’t be alarmed, it has actually already been proven that milk powder can be stored for 10 years or longer, therefore it is actually a product of eternal storage, last, how to eat milk powder correctly,
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what did we do? we took powdered milk, condensed milk and crushed nuts, this was for us, as we later found out, the first rafaelo, because you knead it like this, it’s wonderful, and why didn’t you treat us, a wonderful woman came to us, she the difference from you has mixed everything up, tell us what kind of miracle dish you have, and you know, i have just the perfect glaze recipe and this recipe will be useful to any housewife, a glaze that is suitable for both easter cakes and... cupcakes and for pastries, for cakes, it’s done in 3 minutes: 200 g of condensed milk, 60 g of milk powder, three teaspoons of lemon juice, mix, that’s it, you can eat it like rafaelka , add nuts, and if you look, i made it just like an hour ago , it’s already thickening, it’s perfect on the cake. you know
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what, we have pine nuts here, let’s make rafaelka, as andrei petrovich puts it, come to us, now we’ll make rafaelka, we’ll treat everyone, pour it in, professor, please sit down, thank you very much, andrey petrovich, don’t be sorry, don’t be sorry, let’s try it, the taste of childhood. better than any modern candy, in fact, now we’ll hand it out to you, our guests who come to us for the recording, guys, please give us some spoons and give them to everyone, i’ll go through all this, it’s time for us to talk about medicine, this is the center of the greek diaspora, one of the largest in the south of russia, and, probably, in all of russia in principle, where the greek diaspora came from,
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the first greeks appeared here. bon appetit! premiere, chefs on wheels! on sunday on the first! graffiti in sao paulo all day. it's true that you can choose any place in the city and draw whatever you want. if you start drawing at some police station, then of course it will fly to you. they won't go to jail. but the fine will not be small, what kind of men are here in brazil, very attentive and caring, it’s clear that sometimes someone’s husband can go to the left, our blood is hot, but we have our own woman, she is always alone, i see what’s in you
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mostly women work here, we just want the women's coffee business to develop along with the men's in the same way, brazil coffee is simply bliss, the lives of others, the premiere at... sunday on the first. testament of zhenya belausov. the battle for the legacy of the star of the nineties is entering the home stretch. all participants in the conflict are in our studio. have you filed a lawsuit? why does a person write a will at 30 years old? roman is sure that the entire inheritance was once unfairly given to sister christina. if i wanted to cheat, i would have come from the very beginning, formalized everything about myself. why is the singer’s son sure that the star’s widow is deceiving him, and that the document could have been forged? i i want to know the truth. dad's handwriting. it was such a blow for me after 26 years. exclusive with dmitry borisov. premiere, tomorrow on the first. and
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when you entered into an inheritance, you told the notary that there were still potential heirs. you see, i was in such a state, the person i loved died. probably the only love in my life. well, like this, i pick my way through my hair and go to our medical site, i pass by this balding head, on our medical site... this a wonderful doctor, this is a guest and expert of our program, the president of the russian association of trichologists, otrichologists are hair specialists, dermatologists, professor and doctor of medical sciences, aida,
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busaikhanovna, gadzhegoroeva, aida gusaykhanna, here we have a girl sitting with her hair, she came to us with complaints, complaints, in short, the hair is falling out, it’s all about to fall out, tell me, the hair is already falling out, yes, the hair has been falling out for a year, during the day i use several combs and walk around the house, so they crawl around the room, i collect , that's if hold your hand, they remain, remain in your hands, here they are in clouds, uh-huh, uh-huh, that means our first topic is generally in the subject of hair, today we will talk about methods.
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trophy hair and look at the condition of the skin and between the hairs, if there is a link to a computer diagnostic program, we can also do the calculations, the device is very beautiful with a blue glow,
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the device made a deep impression on me, here it is, in fact it’s a microscope, right? yes, this is a microscope, and there are different magnifications, there is a magnification of 60, there is. 60 times in 200 is possible, that is, this is a huge increase, right, the increase is enough to determine those changes that i talked about, so we tried.
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let me tell you what i see, and here in the pictures, well, the hair itself, by the way, looks good, it’s gray, or dyed a light color, and its own, yeah, in general, i don’t see the main sign of hair loss according to the female type, i don’t see hair of different diameters, they are more or less... all uniform, well, there is a single thinner hair here, but overall in the mass, i think that’s all will correspond to the norm, a large number of scales on the hair, not even just on the scalp, but on the hair, that is, it is definitely dandruff, dermatitis, absolutely true, maybe in the acute phase, the feeling that the hair is falling out, that’s right, of course, it’s already normal, that’s why you have another disease, we call baldness alopecia. and you have siborrhoeic dermatitis, see how
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huge the scales are, aidagus ikhanna, just show the scales, they are white, you see, they are quite large, large, this is all an honor , no, that’s right, because this is formed not because everything is in order on your head, everything is fine, but because there is a slight inflammation there, as a result of this inflammation certain pro-inflammatory cetokines are formed, in fact they can. they break off, they fall out, and it’s no coincidence that you have them all in scales, so you take out the hair from here, that is , it’s here, it’s thick here, it’s empty here, come on, we ’ll show you what baldness is, aitgusaikhanovna, come on, then, look , now let's look at the screen, on the screen now there will be normalcy first, and then alopecia,
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here we will show you what alopecia is, like this, like this, like this, like this , hair falls out, these little ones, we will see, so, the norm, you also only have scales, and now there is a pathology, you see, these empty holes, these here, this is what true baldness looks like, we are here... we see yellow dots quite pronounced, these are the mouths of empty follicles, the yellow color is due to the fact that inflammation forms inside the follicle, subcutaneously, and also here hair hemp in the form of an exclamation mark, black dots, these are all signs here, by the way, of a completely different pathology, not yours, don’t worry, not because the hair color is different, but because this is, in principle, a completely different disease, but we don’t care about that.
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we usually recommend to our patients,
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first of all, this is the level of the hormone that regulates the function of the thyroid gland, tsh is the tests that need to be taken if you have any suspicions of hair loss, tsh is what is td, then, well, the most studied, probably more -less justified causes of telogen hair loss is a trace element of iron. therefore, we usually and not only iron in the blood, we also look at hemoglobin, we look at feritin, all these three indicators together need to be combined and... and see how pronounced microelementosis is in you, such as, if it occurs, there are other microelements that can also affect the quality of hair, sulfur, for example, but we will still see certain changes in the hair shafts; today we can say that you have true baldness no, although you are so upset, as if you
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had a blue dream to come to us, and we said true baldness, she would have said, that’s what i thought, you don’t have this disease. you made me happy, there are other diseases, there are diseases of the scalp, seborrheic dermatitis, which needs to be treated, it can be treated perfectly, this is not our topic today, but we will specifically talk about this next time, your hair does not fall out on its own, i see, i see, sit down, please, thank you, she didn’t feel any joy, i want one more thing to say, we very often come across such an analysis... they determine everything in the hair that is generally found in nature, they determine it in the hair, in fact it has no diagnostic value, that’s what has a diagnostic value - this is the determination of heavy metal salts , that is , poisoning with salts of heavy metals, we
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will now have the name of these heavy metals, these tests play a role, let's list these... it seems that this will not affect anyone, just recently my old friend comrade, it turned out that that because of mercury, remember, they used to put mercury fillings made of amalgam, it turned out that he had chronic mercury poisoning, they carried out all the tests on him, including...
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we have embroidered shirts here, it’s so beautiful, an amazing one has been preserved in the vologda province ritual of dressing up, the bride was placed on a table decorated with a rich tablecloth and her friend was helped to put on her wedding dress, someone came to us, well, who is young, bring out our beauty, well, what about the groom, there will be a wedding, we quarreled, tried each other out, play the wedding is on sunday on the first, you're not hungry, no, you don't want to drink, no, you want chocolate, modern kids,
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we don't want candy, we don't want to eat, we want to go under the circus big top, i'll assist you, come on , darling, let me help, but it seems to me, in a cocktail best of all, you have to laugh a lot there, push with your back leg, push with your back leg, are you interested in anything else, besides fencing, of course, what is chess, when the cubes are taken from your hands, what are you doing, sitting and what are your fingers doing in this moment, i don't know how many years ago, you just collected it, right? best of all, new season, on sunday on the first. this program is to live healthy, friends, and i am with such a cart, with toilet paper. why? because here we
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asked ourselves: how much of this very dry toilet paper does the average person, the average resident of russia, the average russian use per year? mikhail egorevich, announce the figure. over the course of a year, the average russian uses 42 rolls of toilet paper. this is how we are... people, as they say, i don’t want to say ugly words, of course, we do it absolutely in vain, because there is nothing worse for a person than dry toilet paper, all practitioners begin meetings with patients with the fact that there is nothing worse than dry toilet paper, why is this the anus, why is dry dry toilet paper bad, dry toilet paper is bad the fact that... it can violate the integrity of the skin, create cracks in the anal passage, sometimes there are
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ruptures, rupture of the sphincter, and we, as they say, go on and on, from the point of view of practitioners, the ideal is that who knows, wet wet toilet paper, rinsing, rinsing, yes, this is the perfect shower. in second place are wet wipes. today this is an absolutely scientifically proven fact: perfect washing. therefore, progressive people have long hung a shower next to the toilet and use only it, and there are entire nations, for example, in muslim culture no one wipes anything with any pieces of paper, only water, only water, so the number of problems in this culture associated with this zone many times less. than in other cultures, this too you need to understand, but since not everyone has water, today we have an examination of toilet paper, wet, it turns out that there is it too,
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it’s right here it’s written: wet toilet paper, but we practically no one used it, these are not wet wipes, these are wet toilet paper, in general, is an achievement of science and technology, but you need to make sure that there are no bad components, what components? there should not be, there should not be two components: the first is triclasan, this is a generally known antiseptic substance, triclasan, it affects the activity of the thyroid gland even in minimal quantities, it is shown that especially if there are wounds, as they showed there , the anus, then triclasan is perfectly absorbed, moreover, if we take pregnant women to show. that boys really have hormonal disorders,
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if the mother used anything with triclasan, the second wonderful component, in quotes, of course, is methylisothiazalinone, that’s such a long word, so take a screenshot, take a picture, look if you see it on this wet toilet paper three classes. or methylisothialene, in this case you should not use methylisothialene, it really irritates the mucous membranes, causes allergic reactions in more than 10% of people who use it. and the last question that german shaich wants to answer, he believes it is conceptually fundamentally important, how to properly wipe your butt, it’s all very simple. wipe your ass from front to back, i emphasize again, from front
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to back,


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