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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  April 5, 2024 12:15pm-3:01pm MSK

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in raw materials, all this will not be able to be delivered to russia in mid-april. in addition, tokyo prohibits the import of our non-industrial diamonds weighing more than one carat. the russian embassy called the restriction another unfriendly step. moscow has repeatedly emphasized that sanctions against our country are illegitimate and, importantly, ineffective. as diplomats note, the new package was known at the beginning of march, now specifics have just appeared. there is an arctic invasion in the capital region. the warmth will return to moscow very soon, no higher than +7, but according to forecasts, the long-awaited situation will begin to change tomorrow, the influence of air masses from the south atlantic will be really cloudy, well, next week the weather will be like may, 20° celsius, or even higher. that's all for now, we are monitoring the developments, and the information channel on the first will continue the program, time will tell.
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good day everyone, the information channel on the first continues its work, this time will show our regular project, our special project, time to remember. the point is that yesterday in brussels, yes, yes, remember exactly this, yesterday in there was a party in brussels, nato, the nato bloc celebrated its 75th anniversary, you know, instead of a full-fledged celebration, i was expecting a multi-level cake with some meaningful figures on it and... figures, but it was quite modest, look, guys, well not respectable, 75, 75 years, anniversary, what is it, well, the funniest thing is not even that, okay, modest cake, modesty decorates and so on, now please show me, they cut it so painfully, and look how they will do it take this separately, by the way, this is the year sixty-nine, this the twentieth anniversary of nato, people knew how to party there, yes, there is an opinion, i don’t know, some observers note that...
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silverware, so to speak, was transported, melted down for the needs of the ukrainian army, well, that’s how they used to walk and celebrate like that, however, unfortunately, looking ahead to our discussion, i think that, uh, so to speak, the luxury of the curtain is inversely proportional, so to speak, to the situation in nato with nato, many are drawing attention to the fact that nato is now, more than ever, so to speak, well, suddenly again, well, not really one, but at least i got it.
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the other day he had a speech to convince russia that it will not win, interestingly, well, these 75 years of the existence of the nato bloc have made such a paradox obvious, on the one hand, the organization. considers itself, although this is a military bloc, they consider themselves an exclusively peaceful structure, this is true, this is not my invention or a joke, while constantly increasing the military power of some states and constantly fighting with others. time to remember. on april 4, 1949 , 12 countries entered into the north atlantic treaty united into a military-political bloc called nato. this agreement is
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a simple document. nations that sign it undertake to abide by the peace-loving principles of the un. maintain friendly relations and economic cooperation with each other, consult with each other whenever the territory or independence of any of them is threatened, and come to the aid of any of them who may be attacked. however, behind peace-loving speeches the west could not hide what? created for confrontation with the growing power of the soviet union, a few years later the first secretary general of the alliance, lord ismay , openly formulated the true reasons for the creation of nato. the goals of the nato bloc are to keep the soviet union out of europe. americans in europe, and germans under european control. khrushchev also understood this, but nevertheless, in 1954, the soviet union applied to join the new bloc. the means of defense and
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its members have been combined in order to collectively provide security that... they cannot achieve alone in the face of the military superiority achieved by the soviet union in europe since 1945 and in the face of the westward expansion of the political, economic and military system under its exclusive control. this response from nato only confirmed the fact that the creation of the alliance became a kind of revenge for those who were not satisfied with the outcome of the second world war. since then, like an octopus, the north atlantic alliance has begun to absorb more and more. the real test for the alliance was the end of the cold war; the bloc could not find new tasks for itself, after which it entered the era of large operations,
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finally turning from a defensive alliance into an aggressive military bloc. the first hot spot for the alliance was. the united states tried to play the balkan card for many years; in 1991 , kosovo declared its independence, neighboring albania immediately recognized its right to self-determination, but yugoslavia did not want to let go of its land and armed clashes began in the region. in 1999 , nato intervened in the situation after massive bombings belgrade and other cities, the serbian government was forced to agree to the deployment of the alliance's military contingent to kosovo and the transfer of the region to the government. un. the result of the nato campaign was the complete collapse of yugoslavia, with almost 2,000 civilian casualties. the next step for the bloc was afghanistan. in 2001, for the first and only time, the alliance
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invoked article 5 of the north atlantic treaty, which requires all participating countries to come to the aid of an attacked state. operation enduring freedom was a response to the terrorist attack 11. next in the operation of the alliance member states in iraq became part of the american fight against terrorism. the white house suspected baghdad of possessing weapons of mass destruction and collaborating with terrorists. the actions of the united states and its allies led to the overthrow of the current government and a long conflict with the rebels. a few years later, nato troops came to libya. the reason for intervention was the civil war in the republic in 2011; the alliance supported opponents of the current government. the invasion was accompanied by bombings and attacks on government troops. and now, at 75 years old
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, nato has returned to its roots. russia was declared not just the main enemy, but was designated the raison d'être of the military bloc itself. the necessity of which, however, is already doubted even in the united states. let's call nato what it is , an unnecessary alliance that poses a threat to the true national security interests of the united states. nato encourages the dependency of our partners. the alliance creates recklessness and irresponsibility in strategic insignificant, but wildly hostile and aggressive satellite countries, and this show has gone on for too long. what are the exact words, huh? breeds recklessness and irresponsibility, you understand, you've probably heard these statements many times, from strategically insignificant, but wildly hostile and aggressive satellite countries, and this show has been going on for too long, geog, who could it be, i wonder, there are versions, friends, this is a joke , in fact, to some
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extent our american colleague is right, nato really does generate irresponsibility, but here you need to understand that nato is not a charitable organization. and nato is not even about collective defense; nato has been since its founding, and even more so remains now, the most important instrument of the united states for control over europe. it is thanks to nato that the united states, yes, does not spend a lot of money on nato, and trump is right when he says that europe should pay more, but you need to understand that the americans get a huge benefit from this in the form of pumping a huge amount out of europe resources in the form of the fact that european countries pay americans for protection, among other things. some such mutiny on the ship is small, but american geopolitical interests both in relation to russia and iran, and in relation to, for example, china, even though this is not serious now, the americans believe that they will suppress it, so no, nato is not, what kind of riot? well, a number of european countries
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are starting to say on the chinese issue, guys, let’s build a special relationship with china, remember macron metal to beijing, that let's go a little bit. the country will be left with the us-china conflict, because, excuse me, we have already lost energy resources from russia, and now we will lose the chinese markets, it will be generally sad, well , it is hardly a riot, rather a discussion, such a small pseudo. it will be, even if trump comes to power, just how it will remain, no one will leave it; trump will use it more profitably, let’s say, for himself. it’s clear, maxim anatolyevich. well, it’s a paradoxical situation as far as our hero of the day is concerned.
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nato, on the one hand, everything seems to be fine with them, well, the problems have been solved, but not so long ago macron said that nato was brain dead, now he won’t say that anymore, we gave them a second wind, the new members are not bad, yes, so in terms of both the economy and defense capability.
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we will conclude a truce, ukraine is a member of nato and continues to bully like this, engage in provocations, what happens is that the lives of 300 million americans will depend on all these guys, but somehow this is not quite what he himself began with the fact that will suppress the majority of americans to this, well, in such a way, on such a scale, no matter how much they think about it, no matter how, yes, from an expert point of view, there is a certain paradox in this, today. i went on air here, read the news, saw a statement from an american senator, i didn’t look at which
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party, but almost certainly in the context from the republican one, he said that once again ukraine was invited to join the alliance, but ukraine may be in the alliance, but not in the same alliance with the united states, in nato will be either, or ukraine, interesting words, listen, let's find it, guys, look, these are good words, interesting, i wanted to know that now, as an illustration, here - maxim quite rightly says, yes, after all, what is it, in theory, what is nato? lord ismay believed that nato is a structure that allows the states, he once said, to be in europe, to keep america in europe, germany under europe, and the soviet union outside europe. well, of course, yes, but in general this is the idea, based on the initial settings, so to speak, so to speak, i don’t know, fundamental, in theory, this is ensuring security, no, but in theory, well, in theory, this is security. well, attempts to throw out the most powerful player from the collective security system always
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led to the collapse of this system? probably, but every time everyone thinks that this time it will be different, every time they think that, right? so i wanted to show you this rank, so to speak, in honor of the anniversary, there was a big article there, we still read it, there ’s something like that, which means they’re comparing, if they say god forbid, if suddenly something happens, then look, look how easily we can defeat russia, and there it means: there are four times more tanks, and the gdp is 20 times more, that there are six times more combat troops there, i i look and am amazed, listen, well, they seem to be smart people, but adults, at least serious. well, really, really, do you remember putin on some direct line of his, or something , told a joke when the son of an officer exchanged a dirk for a watch, and putin says, well, he describes the situation, he says, well, imagine, here you have a watch, but that’s what he says, the bandits will come, god forbid, they will kill the whole family, they will kill me there, my mother there, my sister, and so on, and you say this, you go out and say, at moscow time 12:30, why did i
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remember this, but will this four-fold advantage in tanks really be easier or more pleasant on the soul, if suddenly... for the general reader, since in western countries they never decide anything, you need to carefully read nato documents, you need carefully read western analytics, you must carefully read western political scientists, that proclaimed as the main doctrine of the united states, the creation of gray zones, the continuation of the policy of brilliant isolation
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that goes into the mid-19th century, it is precisely in this context that actions must be viewed. what we see is that a gray zone is being created between europe and russia, all economic contacts have been disrupted, there is an attempt to strangle russia with sanctions, which has been done more than once in the history of russia, starting from the era of ivan the terrible, there is a very great russian thinker tyuchev, he lived for many years in the west said a great phrase: how the empire appeared peter the great, the empire of charlemagne became impossible, starting... russia to continue the empire of charlemagne, you can argue with this, you need to read western analysts, you need to read western researchers, and not fukuyama, god forgive me
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, who was promoted with the end of history , now if we even take the report. twenty-third year rant corporation china usa new middle ages, new methods of warfare are described very well there, in my opinion it was published, it came out more or less in a wide, well, in a wide media field last summer year, and it clearly says that the new war will continue the traditions of medieval warfare with long military campaigns lasting decades, with long sieges of cities, which we see very well during the northern military district, is it clear where here?
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i will explain my position, indeed, nato is nothing more than an ordinary collective security organization created in accordance with the fifty-first article of the united nations charter, which indeed allows the right to individual collective self-defense, but that we see de facto, de facto those countries against which
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the alliance’s military operations were carried out were in no way threatened by the countries of the alliance, no more. moreover , at that time these were very militarily weak states, and what can we say that yugoslavia attacked europeans or overseas americans, no, or, for example, afghanistan, in quotes a great military power in the early 2000s , or iraq, no, that is, they simply attacked the weak to achieve their exclusively non-defensive goals, this is a fact. but kiri lovna, absolutely, you are right in everything, i will subscribe to every word, this is not, this does not prevent them from celebrating their anniversary with hope, so to speak, looking to the future, with hope for the future, because again dera, they constantly say : no, well, we exist as a defensive alliance, you know , just in case of a fire, but de facto they do not exist in case of a fire, they
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exist as an alliance created against first the soviet union, then against russia, this kind of truth is really about time admit, they actually came to this already around the year twenty-two they are already openly declaring that yes, indeed , this is who we are, our main enemy is russia, and so on, well, judge. this is the most important base for the united states in the arctic region, where, by the way, nato now conducts very active exercises, regular ones , and every year there it breaks the previous year’s record
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for the number of equipment and weapons involved and people, respectively manpower, that is, it turns out that they have the declaration and the facts are so inconsistent, so i can agree with my colleagues that it is not necessary in general, listen to what they say, what is happening, you need to look at what is really happening. at least that’s how i understand it, but look, this map shows very clearly, here is nato, an absolutely brilliant bloc , so to speak, illustrated for us, told and argued, a bloc that
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has its own political objectives, which achieves them through the military methods, without being embarrassed by anything, well, there are declarations, everything is there, freedom, independence, democracy, everything is like that , but it does its thing, question, tell me, please, this is a growing tension, this is just a vibration of the air. everywhere, and tension, and expansion, statements, everything else, do they make inevitable, inevitable what, so to speak, many, well, rationally fear, but as you remember, about the first world war, as they described, no one, no one wanted this war , but it was inevitable, look what, for example, such a famous, i don’t know, military thinker, edward lutwak, says, he is now a political consultant to the state department and the us department of defense, here an interesting fragment of it, so to speak, of it... i don’t know the reasoning, please, ukraine is constantly asking the west for more and better weapons, but it is clear that kiev is forced to retreat not because of a lack of firepower, but
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because of a shortage of soldiers. nato countries will soon be forced to send soldiers to ukraine or face catastrophic defeat. alliance units could replace the ukrainians, repairing equipment, and take over the technical part of recruit training. these nato soldiers may not see action, but they don't need it to help. ukraine to make the most of its meager workforce, here is another small step towards what, so to speak, what i said, and what we all fear. so, is this inevitable, andrei frantsevich, i wanted to first comment on the consultant, yeah, he probably doesn’t fully understand, although he was in the ministry of defense, how modern military operations are conducted, you can put 500 people in the field, well, with machine guns against planning three-ton bombs, but they will do absolutely nothing, ukraine. does not test, it tests, but not as much in personnel as in the equipment and air defense systems that they are asking for. as for the inevitable conflict
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between russia and nato, which everyone is talking about now, let's look at the basic documents that were adopted at the last summit in vilnius, by nato itself, in general, where are they going, and what in the next 10 years, how do they see the future this alliance? our head of the foreign intelligence service said that we are not dealing with western countries, but managing countries. with western capital, in particular military-industrial. from here we understand that there is some circle of corporations, black rock, vanguard, which have tens of trillions of dollars in the form of shares and turnover, they can manage the president - these are their managers who manage the processes. what are they missing? they lack a large police force with which they can restore order on a planetary scale. a simple example: the houthis, who stopped the flow of cargo through the red sea, hit them very hard. a...
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national government parliaments, at night, a directive came, we packed up, flew away, and there was no need to coordinate with anyone anywhere in the world to restore order. now i have a question: are the americans only part of one military-political bloc? no, it turns out that they are also part of a second one, called aucas, which they created on the other side of the world in order to contain china. americans talk on a planetary scale. they need a force that will
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use the resource of other states, because these. the americans will not spend money on this, but it will serve their interests, so the future that will be is the complete absorption of the european continent, the inclusion of countries that are not yet members of nato and changes are taking place, and we now see the so -called road maps, military schengen, unhindered movement of goods, cargo, logistics changes for the transfer of heavy military tanks, creation of the most powerful large databases. on the black sea, constantia, which is now being built, a new base is being built in poland, this will be a completely different landscape of the european continent, but the retraction, the transformation from nato into a planetary gendarme, which will be, as in the film “star wars, stormtroopers will go and terrorize disobedient states, the americans will make money from this.” but there is always a nuance in this story: it is us, our strategic nuclear deterrent forces, they are really afraid of them,
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and... all countries that have nuclear weapons, this is china, this is britain, this is france, so the parties will bypass this acute the angle, that is, you see, exactly what i said, which is on one side.
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the ratio of nato arsenals, so far from the fact that if we begin to count the number of forces and means that were used in the course of their attack by the opposite side, then the arsenal of the nato bloc itself, namely western models of military equipment and western weapons, is not greatly affected, so i believe that we shouldn’t talk about the fact that nato and europe have weakened, i’m a euro-optimist here, we are dealing with a very serious, dangerous and predatory enemy
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, even with this. apply methods of disinformation, methods of information-psychological impact, these comrades know how to do it very well ; they have many centuries, not many years, but several centuries of experience, his is the use of such methods. no, we are not trying to throw hats at anyone, i’m just repeating, it seems to me that if they are really afraid, so to speak, well, that is , for what purpose are they writing all this, this is an informational and psychological impact on us on their population, that is, that is, we mean a hypothetical scenario.
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situation spends money, resources and military equipment. nato has not yet deployed its own territory, b, of our own people, or at least our regular army, let’s not count the various brigadier generals there who travel, advise, mercenaries, and so on, that is, in essence, we are not talking about whether there will be a direct clash, but about what it will be like, that is, whether they will go to the extent of, among other things, jeopardizing making it a legitimate military target for russia... their territories, the territories of their countries, secondly, are they ready to waste their people their lives, well, there is , well, here about this, there is a choristomatic example there like vietnam, well please, there are simply people, planes, direct collisions, that is, it turns out that what
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is more important, but nevertheless, well, that is - that is , more important, more important than the fact is the legal status, it turns out that it is more important than the fact, because that i repeat, in vietnam we just directly ... saw through the sights there, i don’t know, this very american, the americans, us, and we each other, so what, it didn’t lead, lisitsin, yes, the famous pilot was here one very important nuance in my opinion, during the vietnam conflict in the united states there was a consolidated elite, now we are dealing with multidirectional groupings of the american elite, and these groups each control their own in europe...
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they were called the nuclear forces themselves, these were weapons, so to speak, of nuclear deterrence, so they said, in theory it should to prevent a collision, let it be so, advertising, let's come back, virtual reality is the place where everything impossible is possible, i
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see you, you are now in my room, yes, hello, several people can be in the virtual space at once, that is, for example, the plant is located in talyat, the customer is in st. petersburg, so they can meet together and... and discuss, for example, a car, a model, as if it actually already physically exists, our company is engaged in the development and production of diagnostic tests to determine allergic reactions using our reagents, the laboratory has the widest range of allergens that can be detected. the main motif of our collections are sheepskin coats, we also produce leather items, suits, coats, trousers, skirts, our brand style is casual. tell us everything, premiere, tomorrow at the first, calmly, comrade, we are coming to you, professor, this is what the matter is, cut off, cut off, you can say whatever comes to their mind, anything,
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anything, you’re hurting me you’re oppressing me, daddy, what kind of daddy am i to you, my god, i’m only now beginning to understand what can come out of our little ball, and now we understand what kind of shining nonsense this is, what do i want? people, well , i was married, i don’t care, gozina, an innocent girl, it’s good that i woke up, take everything and divide it, that’s what i thought, the heart of a dog, the famous film adaptation of the story by mikhail bulgakov, tomorrow on the first, he is still dancing, dancing, in a land where there is eternal snow and cold, people wear earflaps all year round, and what... to keep warm , having drunk a lot in a squat, the whole people is dancing, the unknown is flying in retribution, but novosyoersk is attacking, at one secret base corn syrup can be taken, the guy is hardy there
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and strong, he has no troubles for anything, he even solves problems in space with a wrench, so kazana gym, for members only open and... using screws to scrape the bottom, this is how americans see it. the battle for the inheritance of the star of the nineties is entering the home stretch, all the participants in the conflict are in our studio, you filed a lawsuit, why does a person write a will at the age of 30, roman is sure that once the entire inheritance unfairly went to sister christina, if i wanted to cheat, i would have come and done the registration from the very beginning. myself, why is the singer’s son sure that the star’s widow
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is deceiving him, and the document could have been forged, i want to know the truth, handwriting, dad, you know, but i’ll be honest, no, but you were getting divorced officially, it turned out that the court divorced us, just imagine, 26 years later there was such a blow for me, an exclusive with dmitry borisov, the premiere, tomorrow at the first, when you were entering into an inheritance, you told the notary that there are still potential heirs, you see, i would be in such a state, the person i loved died, probably the only love in my life, i am the grandson of a manufacturer, i can do everything, but all i have to do is come to any group, perform there, everyone else falls down, through night and the wind, i’m destined to go, there’s no light anywhere from my own window, i also criticized it in the army, so the major wrote me recommendations.
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sintukah, where the greek diaspora came from, the first greeks appeared here back in 700, trade routes passed here, i think when we cook, we will make a fusion of cultures, i will have caucasian-greek pita, i will have leningrad crumpets with such a greek sauce on based on liver, cod, olives, everything will be tahinis on top, now there-tararam, there-tararam, there-tararam, bon appetit, premiere, cooks on wheels. on sunday at the first, i want to show you one very
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impressive photo, just amazing imagination, however, it was our hydromedical center that tested the lightning guidance system, and the accuracy is high, okay, i was joking, i see how everyone is looking at me in horror, this is humor , and sanctions lead to your humor, lead, well, where already? just in case, it’s still a joke, it’s just that lightning actually struck the torch of the statue of liberty in new york, and you know what else i want to show you, ekaterina strizhenova took it symbolically, agree, katya strizhenova interviewed we often quote him, the leader of the patriots party, the french politician florian philippot, this is just a continuation of our conversation, he told katya about france’s dependence on the nato bloc, about the united states, about how he, as a frenchman . feels himself in an exclusive interview,
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watch a small fragment of it. france must regain its independence. we are now a country that currently has no room for maneuver. we have become a colony of the usa, the european union and nato, because the european union is completely subordinate to nato. russians must understand that france does not have its own currency, does not have its own budget, we cannot regulate our borders, because here we are subordinate to the european union. and moreover, the european union - brussels sets the terms of trade agreements for us and manages a number of others. important information was obtained after investigators studied the terrorists' phones,
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that the target of the crocus attack was reported to the criminal almost a month before the attack on february 24, the anniversary of the start of the special operation. the curator, through his accomplices, sent the performers photographs of the concert hall and the access routes to it. mobile contacts helped investigators expand the circle of suspects and another significant detail that indicates where the traces may lead. photo images discovered. people in camouflage uniforms with a ukrainian flag against the background of destroyed houses of a ukrainian postage stamp with an obscene gesture. the specified data may indicate a connection between the perfect. terrorist act and special military operation. the implementation of a set of investigative actions and operational measures to verify the involvement of representatives of the ukrainian special services in organizing and financing the terrorist attack continues. the terrorists tried to destroy the phones, they didn’t have time until the last minute,
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they hoped that they would be helped to cross the border into the territory of ukraine. it was there that the criminals drove in a white renault immediately after the attack on crocus city hall. their operational. took in the bryansk region, three more accomplices were detained the day before. the operation took place in moscow, yekaterinburg and omsk. these are the people who transferred money, bought weapons and cars for terrorists. the investigation continues to search and uncover the criminal chain. those who ordered this bloody attack will be found and punished to the fullest extent. the russian army carried out massive attacks on ukrainian armed forces targets in the kharkov region at night. arrivals have been reported in the area of ​​the village. where is the military airfield located? telegram channels write about explosions in izium - this is an important transport hub. energy facilities were damaged in the odessa region infrastructure. this was confirmed by ukrenergo. meanwhile, energy supply was limited in four regions of ukraine. not enough power. because of this, factories operating on the apu stopped working. let me remind you that at the end of march
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the dnieper hydroelectric power station was put out of action, and flights were made via power systems in the ivano-frankivsk and lviv regions. russian troops inflict high-precision attacks. strikes on everything related to ukrainian military infrastructure and industry are a response to the ukrainian armed forces’ attempts to damage our energy facilities. now about the investigation into the assassination attempt governor of the murmansk region andrey chibis. he is in stable condition in intensive care, but there is no threat to life, doctors said. the night before, after a meeting with residents of the city of apatity, a criminal attacked him with a knife, wounding him in the stomach. the attacker , the detainee, has already given evidence; tomorrow i will choose him. video from the hospital thanked everyone for their support. alena germanova, more details. dear friends, i have come to my senses after the operation. i want to say a huge thank you to our doctors who saved us, did everything quickly, clearly and
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right. in the intensive care unit of the apatity-kirov central hospital, just a few hours after the operation , andrei chibes is already conscious and can communicate. dropping is hard. from murmansk, here in apatity there is a scientific center of the russian academy of sciences, tourists often come, yesterday’s trip there was long planned, the governor of the murmansk region himself announced it, called for people to come to a meeting with him, it is known that after the round of social...
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he was going to immediately hide, employees the russian guard had to open fire during during the investigation of the criminal case of an attack on the governor of the moruman region , the attacker was detained and interrogated, who was also provided with the necessary medical assistance. during the interrogation, the man explained that he felt displeased with the governor, although he did not know him before. investigators have yet to verify all the detainee’s words. his telephone environment is already being studied, some telegram channels claim that the attacker assured that he heard voices, it is known that he is 42, a local resident, works as a track installer, often visited st. petersburg, here on the avenue veterans, the attacker has an apartment, searches have already taken place in it this morning, it is known that the man had previously had problems with the law, for causing minor harm to health, he was brought to justice,
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a criminal case was opened on the fact of the attack, under the article of attempted murder in connection with with the ongoing activities, andrei chibis himself is already communicating with the treatment family. will be long, but doctors assure that there is no need to fear for the governor’s life. now i will recover and continue to fight, only forward. everything will be fine. alena germanova, natalia sidorova, vladimir smirnov, ksenia ugarova, yuri yarchenko, channel one. ukraine is faced with a record shortage of agricultural workers, the minister of agrarian policy complains. there has never been such a personnel crisis, but forced mobilization will only gain momentum. however, there is a chance to fight back, especially if there are defenders. the military registration and enlistment office employees were left with nothing, the conscript ran away as if he were in handcuffs.
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over the past 2 weeks, more than 500 volunteers have signed contracts with our ministry of defense, only in the sverdlovsk region, they have already begun to prepare at training grounds in training centers. the number of people wishing to become participants in special operations continues to increase in different regions. the tragedy at kropus sitiholi left no one indifferent. situation situation city hall, the fact that a terrorist attack occurred, i cannot stay away, i
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think i am obliged to protect my people, i believe that everyone who is capable, who is able to resist evil, a threat to the security of our country, should do the same, volunteers, doctors came from all over the country to moscow, to the russia exhibition at vdnkh is a large-scale forum, among the organizers of rosmolodezh exchange. experience and knowledge, presentation of the best social projects that will receive grants from the state. today there are more than 160 thousand people in the ranks of volunteers, including in new regions. volunteers help doctors, care for patients, and do educational work. i have always strived to help people, which is why, in fact, i went into medicine, i always volunteered, i always helped doctors, helped nurses, and i realized that i should be here. for me it's very an important platform where you can implement your socially significant projects. i specifically teach first aid through a collection of events, i really
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like it, because i believe there is nothing more important than a saved life. and for me , medical volunteers are already a way of life, i have been doing this for 7 years, i can no longer imagine my life without volunteering. we are engaged in the prevention of cardiac and cardiovascular diseases, the prevention of endocrinological diseases. i came here exactly communicate with other coordinators from other regions so that we are no longer valued, we have insufficient funding, our salaries have been frozen for 15 years. it’s important to protest, i’m like a squeezed
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lemon, we will retire with broken backs because we carry heavy things. expenses are growing, but nothing is changing for us, they only added 25 centimes to us, this is a dummy. well, in italy people follow the former minister of health to the pita. starting tomorrow, but cloudy, next week it's almost june again, indicators significantly above the climate norm, on wednesday
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+22°, the record for the day may be broken, forecasters say the weather will be like this until the end of the week, but by the weekend it will get a little colder. an important mission to save one of the rarest animals on the planet: exactly 12 years ago , the land of the leopard national park was created in primorye, an initiative of vladimir putin. during this time the population. the eastern leopard, which until recently was on the verge of extinction, has increased almost fourfold. the reserve is a huge protected area, almost half a million hectares, where they also live amur tigers, lynxes, bears, dozens of species. our correspondent, maryana yatskevich, visited this unique place. so, we make our way through the branches into the very depths of the national park, in order to see the far eastern leopard, the probability is small, but still there, we do not lose hope.
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they are the size of their mother, that is , in a few more months they will begin to exist independently, but at the same time they still feed on their mother’s milk, this is a rather interesting observation, because well, we thought that at this age they no longer have leopardiat mixed diet, and how many more discoveries remain to be made about the rarest cat in the world, all efforts are being devoted to studying it, preserving species in primorye, in 2012 there were no
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more than 35 far eastern leopards, and now there are 129 of them in the national park, and there are still honorary titles. nikolai drozdov named his leopard baikal, they sent me portraits of him, they even sent me a small video once, he has about six sons, but that’s pretty good for him, which means he ’s 202 years old and that’s our average age.
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to make animals more comfortable, russia and china is preparing to sign an agreement to unite the territories of the national parks of the two countries, then the total area will increase to one and a half million. maryana yatskevich, yana savitsky, anastasia slobodenyuk, channel one. that's all for now, we are monitoring the development of the event, the information channel on the first will continue the program, time will tell. the information channel on the first continues its work, live broadcast, time will tell the program, anatoly kuzichev is with you, france is in the sights of our interest, let's talk about it, the investigation continues, you know terrorist attack in crocus city halls, a lot of things are popping up there, we have reason to believe that there is still some
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connection between the conduct of the svo and this terrorist attack, well... for example, french president emmanuel macron, he insists on his own versions, his version is simple, like the west, so to speak, everything, they told you isis, that means isis, stop investigating something there, well, here you go, so to speak, like here you go, emmanuel macron’s statement regarding that what to look for the ukrainian trace in this terrorist act - this is just ridiculous, please, when the minister of the armed forces gave a report, as ministers usually do, about conversations with their colleagues, some comments from the russian side would...
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while macron states that france has some useful information regarding the organization of the terrorist attack in crocus, but we have, let's listen, we have useful information, i will not disclose it here, about the origin and organization of this terrorist attack, well , in general, if this is called information, and not in any other way, then usually it is either shared, or at least somehow.
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the second thing is that now the french media are writing that a very bad situation is developing with the olympics, specifically with security at the olympics, there is a very big threat of terrorism, and... again pomly parisien wrote about this, that france should not neglect any important source of information, one way or another connected with terrorists with some kind of terrorist activity, and russia, which, we remind you, has been fighting terrorism for so many years several continents, has a sufficient amount of information about groups, perhaps we have some connections, most likely we have some of our own agents there, and so on, the french minister of foreign affairs, according to the french media again... wrote , called mr. shaig, including for this purpose, to ask for his help in the fight against terrorism, because on the eve of the olympics, yes, because for france this is a key moment, if now the french either allow,
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god forbid, of course, munich at your olympics, not god forbid, or even - the second year, yes, the seventy -second year, take the factory workers, a huge tragedy, or they will sign off on their complete inability to fight terrorism, for example, by canceling the opening ceremony of the olympics, then this is... a statement that shaigu expressed the hope that france had nothing to do with the terrorist attack in crocus, that is, in principle, moscow, it seems to me, is making it clear that in principle, guys, if you did not participate in this, we can think about whether to help you or not, this
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is not a question, this is not question of nobility, sorry, we are not in that situation now we are at a time when we can be noble, it’s a head-to-head question, if france is ready to help us with something, we are ready to help, if it is not ready, let them deal with the terrorists themselves, especially russian ones.
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where macron has such a very concerned brow and he expresses in every possible way, so to speak, the entire world gathering, or where he fights and then becomes the hero of numerous memes, all this does not at all redeem, therefore , in my opinion, france’s position is extremely unstable, because -he’s trying to jump over macron, i mean from all these three senses, not so much in the mental sense, just from the point of view of tasks, because all these three tasks, that is , on...
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this term of yours, thank you for it, instability, if you compare it, well, i don’t know , if we liken a country, a power there , a state, to a certain organism, i want to speculate about instability in a mental sense, and i understand that this is, so to speak, a conditionally correct likening, but nevertheless why, but still so to speak , we can draw some analogies they will always be fully functional, so that’s why i’m talking about instability, africa, yes, it’s emotionally a very unpleasant story, it’s just personal.
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it’s emotionally unpleasant, it’s in a strategic sense, so to speak, painful, and so on, but you know, there’s this kind of self-sublimation, we go back to psychiatry again, that’s self-sublimation, so to speak, you declare yourself, i don’t know there, well let's say this is our famous boxer, mukhameli, yes, yes, you remember, yes, how his hand is like this here, and then on everyone in official photographs she somehow shrinks to normal, to makron’s normal, which is what i’m talking about, so that’s it... well, you just start to believe in yourself and big and wet like what a man, well man the country is starting to vibrate in this, so to speak. in the same way, i don’t know in the same direction in the same spirit, look , the vice-president of the french national assembly , sebastian chinu, so to speak, i don’t know on on on on on on on on on on on on on in the same tonality on on on this i don’t know on. some kind of drama such
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a sense of self stated that the country in general, you you know, what is this alliance for us, what is nato for us in general, it is nato for us, joked sebastian shinu, here are his words. in peacetime, we must leave the nato unified command, is it clear why? but is n't nato effective since finland and sweden decided to join the alliance? no, it means that we ourselves must maintain a certain independence when it comes to our national defense. we have nuclear weapons, they... presents us with incredible opportunities, it is a deterrent force, it cannot be negotiated. so you say that we don't need our neighbors. no, this means that i don’t need any umbrella, and we don’t have to listen to the governments of other countries, we have nuclear weapons, we ourselves are capable of defending ourselves, so we don’t need to negotiate the issue with anyone. just remember there was a movie like that, phantomas went wild. listen, i don’t know why you’re laughing, i’m furious.
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tell the europeans that it is impossible for such different countries to unite without attempts to create some kind of average european almost special nation, and from here in general, all the problems began, that is , the liquidation of the national state, the creation of such a quasi-state association, where the germans do not live, where the french do not live, where the europeans live, the concept.
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to - to these words of shinya, well, first of all, there is of course an admiration for this same colleague, a journalist, who asks the question, listen, isn’t nato effective, since sweden and finland have joined it, an awesome argument for... we need to take into service, it’s clear that there is an emotional moment, kirlevan spoke about it, yes, it’s clear that shinyu i want to be french, and he probably sensed that, so to speak, that they were all becoming europeans, and for him, well, for some reason, i don’t know why, he doesn’t like it, but another element, he says quite, well, as if
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meaningfully asserting that we have nuclear weapons, this is true, this is the only european country in the eu, or rather, from the nuclear club, so to speak, we have an excellent army, so to speak. we ourselves are capable, we don’t need an umbrella, it’s interesting in a technical sense, gevorg, how much france truly self-sufficient in a military sense. the presence of nuclear weapons does not particularly mean anything if there is no confidence that they will be used, that is, what is important here is not the technical, technical possibility itself, but the confidence that france, in order to protect its national security, or if someone puts it under a threat to her vital interests, it will be used.
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russia is forced to spend huge amounts of energy, when due to a conflict with resources to support an incomprehensible ukraine with an incomprehensible result, when all this is here the thing is happening, instead of speaking out, so that in europe there are dozens of orbans who began to say that guys, let's finish, our interests have diverged from the american ones, we and...
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there will be no athletes from russia, russian athletes at the olympic games , there will be some participants from russia, but in europe there are no european politicians, there are some
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managers from europe who, so to speak, manage their states hired by the united states or other transatlantic ones. listen, look, what an interesting rhyme, it’s so unexpected, but remember, we had such an it entrepreneur, arkady volush, yes, who suddenly turned out to be a kazakh entrepreneur - of israeli origin, well, just like when he needed it , well, like, well, naturally , well, of course it’s such a disgusting story, but listen, it turns out that these are all, so to speak, managers of european origin in the service of a common project, it’s understandable. i must say that, like russia, we are a little bit euro-optimistic here, we don’t give up hope on europe, we don’t, we believe that europe can still improve, that’s why not everything is lost in the russian doctrine, foreign policy regarding europe, look, that means, by the way, this is important, just
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to emphasize why georg got bogged down, so to speak, he said, so they gave up the energy sources in the same phrase, he said that , so to speak, he is engaged in self-destruction, well , because cheap energy resources are not so much about... well, it’s more fun, no, this is a prospect, this is an opportunity for development, or yes industry is natural in this sense or impossibility, so this is very important , much more than it might seem at first glance, that’s what concerns, what concerns nato, what concerns expansion, what concerns spinelessness and spinelessness of a politician, look, now the editors brought it to me, the usa published about archival documents from 1992, very interesting. and so on, look, please, we are not going to interfere in the internal affairs of russia, as well as in the internal
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affairs of other independent states, members of the cis. our common interest is so that there is stability in russia, because super-stability in russia is very good for europe. i mean, it’s clear, everything is clear, the value of their words and other things, this is not a discovery at all, but this, this is a science for all of us about how to treat any agreement, but nevertheless, here is another very similar indicator. i think it's an illustration. in fact, that’s all that is called in international law the concept of continuity, that is, the doctrine of in what aspects the russian federation is successor to the soviet union, in almost all respects, in fact, it worked precisely because european-americans at that time, at the beginning of the nineties, really believed that stability within russia was the key to global stability in general, because frankly , eh.. ... the collapse of a structure similar to the soviet union, but excuse me, it’s like the fall of the roman empire in terms of its impact on
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international relations, so naturally, everyone was worried, a country with a huge nuclear arsenal, how it would all be distributed, a guarantor of security, having the right of veto in the united nations, huge reserves of weapons, and so on and so forth, therefore, the europeans and americans accepted the concept that we are the successors in everything and in debt in treaties, as we remember. we paid all the external debts of all the soviet republics and so on, this became precisely possible thanks to the paradigm of that time, that it would be better if everything in russia was stable, and this would be more or less good for everyone. then the picture of the world changed because i as i understand it, the brain of nato, which is located overseas, in relation to us and europe, had some kind of magic switch that started talking about world hegemony, that well, on...
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a collective security system, so that no one to anyone did not threaten anything, this is exactly what this moscow, to one degree or another , has been carrying out through various projects, at least since the late nineties, first in the form of some kind of general system, from conditionally lisbon to vladivostok, then, when we realized that this was impossible, that we into this system common with nato will not be accepted, because excuse me, as i said, nato is an instrument of us control over europe and the americans do not need a russia that is not controlled by them there. came up with our idea of ​​security guarantees, the very document that vladimir putin proposed
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to the americans to accept before the start of the svo in order to come to an agreement in an amicable way, we did not agree amicably, as a result, now we are carrying out the svo in order to actually force our so-called former partners, completely revise the system , finally restore order in europe, order, from which everyone will benefit, both we and the europeans, and if the americans behave well, then the americans will too. sounds, so to speak, optimistic, thank you, george, friends, about the fact that nato controls the actions of ukraine, about the fact that nato is involved, for example, in explosions, undermining the northern streams, the head of the french party patriots, nowadays it sounds, so to speak, not as clear as it once was, patriots, florian philippot, he actually calls on paris to stop supplies weapons to kiev and abandon the insane threats against russia, that’s what he calls them.
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with the passage of time, nothing can be ruled out, we are doing everything necessary to prevent russia from winning this war. after this, the french army began training, and tv channels began discussing how the french army would act? two main scenarios are considered: concentrate. the very fact
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of deploying ground forces along the dnieper, even if we say we will not shoot first, will be considered by russia as a provocation, absolutely not, because it would mean forcing russia to debate from a position of equality: we have soldiers, we are a nuclear power, our soldiers can be quickly deployed. the other day, the head of the russian foreign intelligence service , sergei naryshkin, confirmed that paris is preparing to transfer part of its military to the western regions of ukraine to begin a ground operation against russia. the contirgen is already being prepared for shipment to ukraine. at the initial stage it will be about 2,000 people. the french military fears that such significant units will not be able to be quietly transferred to ukraine and quarter there. thus, it will become a priority and legitimate target for attacks by the russian armed forces. this means that the fate of all the french who have ever
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come to the territory of the russian world with a sword awaits him. also, a number of sources reported that part of the french military contingent. is in sofia and is preparing to land on the borders of the square, but french society, which had previously opposed france’s participation in military operations in ukraine, began to speak out even louder against macron's policies. the government and the president of the republic clearly tell the french people and political forces that france's position has changed. there are no more red lines, no more restrictions. on the side of common sense is florian philippot, one of the candidates for the presidency, who has always fought against the independence and self-sufficiency of the republic, monstrously, 2.0 french soldiers are sent to ukraine, the french military must at all costs refuse to follow this order, which could provoke a third a world war, a bloody battle for our country. and as is customary in the european union, he was immediately accused of sympathy for russia. macron
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is doing everything to discredit us. i am not pro-russian and not pro-american. i would like france to pursue an independent policy. the idea of ​​the americans, who say that france should be in the vanguard of this war with russia, and macron is trying to say: yes, we are ready to play the role of this american vanguard, this is very irresponsible, he is trying to drag the baltic states here states, poland, the czech republic, he says: yes, we are ready to be in the vanguard of the war with russia, the majority of the french, of course, are against this. emmanuel macron has not ruled out the possibility
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of a ground operation in ukraine at some point to counter russian forces. is he right or wrong? i believe that this is the correct method in relation to vladimir putin. this man doesn't speak out much in the media, but here's what he told the lemont newspaper. pierre schiel, chief of staff of the army, shared information. the army is ready france has the opportunity to involve a division of about 20 thousand people in the coalition within 30 days. this is a logical continuation of the head of state’s statement about the possibility of sending troops to ukraine.
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was it retouched? the muscles look like they 're saying they've been retouched, which looks like they're real muscles but not retouched.
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military uniform, if with doctors, he dresses up as a doctor, if with firefighters, then , accordingly, he is in a firefighter’s uniform, and if he is photographed with boxers, then he will be photoshop where he has big muscles, and i also call him crazy from time to time because i think his behavior is irrational, it's crazy, there is a feeling that he has absolutely no control over what he does, i make caricatures of a person who brings misfortune to my country, my fatherland, who uses his high position not for the good of the country, so i believe that caricatures can be made, many people in the world think that he...
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practically, he is not very respected, in matters and his bold statements, calls for war, agriculture, of course, his reputation is bad, recently there was an exhibition of agriculture, agricultural products were exhibited, and the president of the french republic, macron , came there, this time he took 800 police officers with him, because he was afraid that he... only our newspapers read , they only watch our television, they think that they are in a hollywood film, so they succumb to nato propaganda, they believe in bad russia, good ukraine, like in the disney cartoon, beauty and the beast, but everything changes with
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the help of social networks, independent media, there is the french who are ready to resist macron, the french have not forgotten friendship with russia and have not forgotten their history, do not believe those who say the opposite, many french people simply do not know how to stop macron, but there are mechanisms that exist, and we are doing everything that in our power, there are many french people who work. to restore friendship with russia when macron was elected, what made him so attractive that he promised the french that they would vote for him when he was elected in twenty-two, then it was impossible hold debates, rallies, the war began in february, there was no election program, the people voted mechanically, in the second round they voted against marine lepine, because between rounds, when macron was conducting his election campaign, he emphasized the need to stop marine lepine with all his might, that’s how macron was able to win on this... in antagonism. moreover, he spent a lot of money on his election campaign. he received money for it, including abroad. 2 years before his first election, no one
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knew, but suddenly for some reason, when there was still the first presidential race in which he participated, for some reason he began to appear on the front pages of all newspapers. it is amazing. this is a created figure, sold to the french with a lot of money. he was not elected for what he proposed, not for his political campaign. there is, of course, the possibility that he will be impeached by the fransk people's assembly. according to the constitution, but unfortunately, parliamentarians are now not doing much in this direction; elections should be held in 2027 president, it is not yet clear who can replace him at the moment, but we need to prepare for the fact that his term... is running out , he should be replaced by a patriot who will primarily focus on the interests of france, turn away from washington, and restore nato friendly partnership relations with russia, and not only. you know, france is present everywhere in the world, it is in the indian, pacific oceans, in this regard , it is necessary to restore relations with brix and conduct dialogue with everyone, with china, india, brazil and with african countries continent, and of course, with russia. we need to get away from dependence on the american government and on the policies of the american government.
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i recently read that... an american journalist made a statement that bridget may have once been a man. the authors of the investigation put forward the theory that first lady brigitte macron was actually born under the name jean michel. in our opinion, this is john michael. john michael was a man for 30 years, had five children, and then made a transgender transition and became bridget. now i will show you their version of the before and after photos. by the way, chinese software was used in the investigation . these photos, the people in them look like two peas in a pod. anyone will say that these are not two similar but different people, but one and the same. on the left is john michael, on the right is the first lady. yes, there is a lot of talk about this in france. i'm not very knowledgeable about this. is this being discussed in france? yes, yes, this is a very discussed topic, there is a lot of talk about it on the french internet. everyone
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has their own opinion on this matter. i'm not very i understand the plot, so i won’t make bold statements. of course, people are aware of this age difference. macron was 14 years old when bridget met him. she was 25, it seems we need to clarify whether she was 25, or 25 years apart, or more. he was very, very young, he was 14 years old. it is not customary to talk about this in the french media. the age difference is a topic that is not discussed. you can't say the age when he met bridget. he was very young. if everything had been the other way around, if the girl had been 14 when they met future husband. with such an age difference, it would be even more scandalous. macron doesn't really like it when his personal life is discussed. there are other topics that are connected to macron's past. for example, the money he had before he entered politics is also a taboo topic in the french media, that is, talking about macron’s past is a big taboo. in this regard, french journalists are very polite, they do not want to insult him, offend him, in general, they engage in self-censorship. now the prime minister of france.
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moreover, the european union, brussels , sets the terms of trade agreements for us and manages a number of other processes. we do not even conduct our foreign policy independently, we are now a shadow of the great france that was before, so the first thing i would do as president is to ensure that france withdraws from nato and the european union. in order to leave the european union, you just need a true patriot who loves france to come to power. macron, he doesn’t like france, he doesn’t know its history. he once said in 2010, that there is no such thing as french culture, that it does not exist. imagine to. i was shocked that very quickly the american services and the white house announced that there was certainly no connection with ukraine; on the evening of march 23 they said that it was definitely not ukrainians
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and nothing at all.
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what are canes? this is an opportunity to show your film to the whole world. in general, this is truly a holiday. it doesn't matter, as long as kan is the host of the festival. do you swear in your testimony to tell the truth, the whole truth and the whole truth? underneath it all, strong and true love for cinema. he wasn't afraid to experiment, shooting a love scene is similar to shooting a fight, shooting action or shooting a chase, it's very difficult to show passion, they will say, i would
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n't do that. the matador is in first place today, if during the passage before the film there would not have been any stairs around. using our reagents, the laboratory has the widest range of allergens that can be detected.
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the main motif of our collections is sheepskin coats, we also produce leather items, suits, coats, trousers, skirts. our brand's style is everyday luxury. ours is everything. arzamas translates as a city of beautiful people, here you can feel like a parisian, an englishman, well, exactly by the hour, it’s all coal-fired, this steam locomotive was made in 1955, everything is for real, goose caviar goes well together, such luxury is the merchants, you don’t have salaries enough?
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when visiting hollywood, the rule is that you work there, you have to take advantage of it, i’ll break you, such a blockhead, so to speak, well , maybe he’s not a bad guy, but still idiot, what is your evidence, comrade colonel, are you okay, i say steven, well, it’s impossible, and he, like a child , doesn’t understand why, i say, why oh viburnum is blooming, he says, we were making a movie , not for you, beautiful melody, beautiful, anyway, this is madness, we won’t let us unleash a third world war. often this is just the work of the special services, who order scripts, and sometimes write scripts, my mother was excluded from the list, we visited, they said, this is not your mother, it says that your parents are from amin weapons defense, bathhouse, vodka, harmony,
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hollywood, tomorrow on the first, the will of zhenya belausov, the battle for the inheritance, the stars of the nineties are reaching the finish line, all participants in the conflict are in our studio. roman is sure that at one time the entire inheritance unfairly went to sister christina, if i wanted to cheat, i would have come from the very beginning, documented everything myself, why is the singer’s son sure that the star’s widow is deceiving him, and the document could have been forged, i want find out the truth, you’ll recognize dad’s handwriting, to be honest, no, but you were officially divorced, it turned out that the court was ruined, can you imagine it was such a blow for me after 26 years, an exclusive with dmitry. borisov. premiere, tomorrow on the first. and when you entered into an inheritance, you told the notary that there were still potential heirs. you see, i was in such a state, i... the person i loved, probably the only
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love in my life, died. anatoly konstantinovich, mario, give me as a wife. you can give it away. it's a good idea to collect the dowry with your dad. we have embroidered shirts here. yes, very beautiful. in the vologda province preserved an amazing ritual of equipment. the bride was placed on a table decorated with a rich tablecloth and her friends helped her put on her wedding attire. who came to us? well, like this. who, who is young, bring out our beauty, well, the groom, there will be a wedding, we quarreled, we tried each other, we quarreled, we believed, we are having a wedding, on sunday on the first. florian.
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hello, news on channel one, andrey ukharev is with you. and we start with the footage that came shortly before our release. vladimir putin held meetings with permanent participants of the russian security council. the meeting took place via video conference.
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andrei chibis’ condition is serious, but there is no longer a threat to life, doctors said. the duties of the head of the region are entrusted to his deputy. the investigative committee published footage from the scene of the attack, the city of apatity, the car in which the criminal arrived, and the knife, presumably homemade, with which he stabbed the official in the stomach. it all happened late in the evening, when chibis, after a meeting with residents, was leaving the community center, the attacker tried to escape, and was detained by an employee russian guard, had to use their service weapon during interrogation. a forty-two-year-old local resident explained the act to personal hostility,
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according to a number of telegram channels, the man assured that he heard voices, it is known that he worked as a fitter, had previously been convicted, a search was carried out in his apartment, the contents of his phone were being studied, and his surroundings were being checked. that night, the russian army again dealt a massive blow to the ukrainian military rear, explosions thundered in the kharkov and odessa regions. ours strike with surgical precision at army targets, enterprises that released. supplies, equipment, drones, and the strikes themselves are the russian response to attempts in the ssu to attack our energy sector. and footage from the front line, a strike group of a russian fcs helicopter hit an enemy stronghold in the kupinsky direction. three vehicles went on a combat mission - the k-52 alligator, the transport and combat mi-35 and the multi-purpose mi-8. having received the coordinates of the target, our helicopter pilots worked at the location of the concentration of enemy manpower. the strike was carried out by unguided missiles. the strong point was destroyed, combat the vehicles returned to the airfield and the feat of our
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fighter, radimir maksimov, a private who had to take command of his unit in his very first battle. the assault group with a daring attack captured an important enemy stronghold. the enemy tried to regain the position, throwing huge forces in american armored cars into attacks one after another, but all attacks were repulsed; radimir himself, even after being wounded, continued to destroy the attacking forces. militants. that battle lasted almost 2 days. how it was, the hero himself told our correspondent alexey ivanov. do you consider yourself a hero? no. of course not. machine gunner radimir maksimov says: he couldn’t do anything differently, he was following the order to hold the former enemy stronghold. this is how our heroic guys from the assault detachment of the thirty-ninth separate guards motorized rifle brigade took this strategic point at a height near the village of novomikhailovka. forward, grenade,
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come on, machine gun. let's die, machine gun and here, here, grenades, quickly! the soldiers defended an area called clay for two days until reinforcements arrived. next comes the hardest battle, most of the guys, including radimir, were wounded by fragments from mine shells. forgetting about the pain, he bandaged himself, helped others, and reported the situation to headquarters. in response, he received an order to lead the group. just like that, a simple machine gunner, a private in his first rank. in battle he himself became a commander, they provided cover there, we were also boys there, everyone was there, everyone, just somehow in a convenient place, probably lying, i don’t know, they came straight at you, one might say, they just rolled on you, not , just turned around, didn’t throw them off right away and turned around and left everyone there on the field, rodimir
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or burkhad, as his colleagues call him, together with his group, destroyed at least 27 ukrainian militants, fought off attack after attack. the enemy tried to return the opornik, come on, come on, let's go, let's go, go, don't stand, in the trenches, where, as you can see, it's really impossible to hide in these frames, american armored personnel carriers, bradleys and maxpros were firing, mine shells were flying, they were hitting with direct fire enemy tank, the guys repelled the attacks, armed with several machine guns and anti-tank shots, thanks to the unique filming from our drone, you can appreciate the unparalleled courage and heroism of machine gunner maximov, on the left in the shelter is radimir, on the right with...
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his condition in battle, he refused hospitalization, we persuaded him, but he left it at that, his mother came up with an unusual name the world is the homeland and the world, and burkhat, according to all my ancestors and relatives, is all burkhat. radimir says he and his comrades emerged alive from this fierce battle thanks to the strength of their ancestors. there are also those in the family who are in the same fought in places even during the great.
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traitors who passed information about the russian military to the ukrainian special services were detained in the lugansk republic. the footage shows a man who, on instructions from the sbu, collected personal information about our border guards and data about their cars. he reportedly conveyed all this to kiev. during interrogation he admitted that he was recruited back in 1919; a criminal case was opened against him under the article of espionage related to the installation. the attack on crocus cityhall took almost a month to prepare. the terrorists were led by a curator, so the perpetrators knew the entrances and approaches to the building in advance. the investigative committee received new, extremely important information after studying the phones of the attackers, which they tried to destroy, but did not have time. the list of contacts made it possible to expand the circle of suspects; in the correspondence, among other things, photographs were found indicating their connection with ukraine. alexander
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lyakin on how the investigation is progressing. the terrorists were informed that crocus city hall was a target for attack almost a month before attacks.
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camouflage uniform with the ukrainian flag on photos of people in the background of destroyed houses of a ukrainian postage stamp with an obscene gesture were discovered. the specified data may indicate a connection between the terrorist act committed and the conduct of a special one. operations. the implementation of a set of investigative actions and operational measures to verify the involvement
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of representatives of the ukrainian special services in organizing and financing the terrorist attack continues. the terrorists did not have time to get rid of the phones because before at the last moment, they received instructions from the curator, who promised that they would be met not far from the ukrainian border and would be helped to cross it. it was there that the criminals rushed in a white renault immediately after the attack on crocus city hall. they were detained there on the m3 highway a few hours later.
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whoever is able to resist evil, a threat to the security of our country, must do the same. the russian aerospace forces received the first batch of new su-34 front-line bombers this year. modern maneuverable, fast, carry formidable weapons and at the same time remain almost invisible to the enemy. the vehicles were manufactured at the novosibirsk aviation plant named after chkalov as part of the state defense order. tatyana kozlova with details. the legendary su-34 soars into the sky. before joining the ranks
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of russian combat aviation. each aircraft undergoes a series of ground-based air tests. they check the bomber thoroughly . they fly at maximum altitudes and maximum speeds. another batch of aircraft transferred to the russian defense as part of the execution of the state defense order. after the event. necessary tests, receiving positive results, were accepted by the military representative of the ministry of defense, the air force was transferred and will soon fly to their places of permanent deployment. they produce the su-34 at the chkalov plant, united in the construction corporation that is part of the rastec structure, production volumes have increased, and therefore they work at the enterprise in three shifts, it has become more difficult. well, it’s okay, it’s still easier for us than for the guys on the front line. we call drying for the characteristic nasal part a duckling, and abroad nothing less than a hellish
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duckling. the vehicle earned this nickname due to its combat characteristics. the plane can either disrupt an attack due to sharp maneuvering or suddenly attack itself. effectively destroys ground, surface and air targets. the airplane cabin is distinguished by its comfort, for example. here you can stand at full height, which is especially important during long flights, and as for the seats, here they are not located behind each other, but the crew sits next to each other, shoulder to shoulder, which helps make decisions more efficiently combat missions. the enterprise carries out a full production cycle from the manufacture of parts to aircraft assembly. when you already see the result of your work, some kind of pride seems to take over you, we sometimes go out to see off planes, when we have time, and it’s as if it takes your breath away. what, what contribution have we made to this miracle, yes, which can fly, the plant plans to further increase production volumes, for this a
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process modernization system has been developed, which will further reduce the technological cycle production period of aircraft production. tatyana kozlova, natalya moshtakova, tatyana shilina, kirill danilov and konstantin anisimov, siberian bureau, channel one. japan is expanding anti-russian sanctions. moreover, 164 categories of goods have been added to the export ban, including motor oil, lithium batteries, pipes for gas and oil pipelines, floating cranes, drilling rigs...
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forecasters say, below the climate norm for the first time in a month, frosts at night today during the day they promise no higher than +7, but according to the arctic invasion, the temperature, as predicted, the long-awaited warmth will return to moscow very soon, the situation will begin to change tomorrow, the influence of air masses from the south atlantic will be really cloudy, well , next week the may weather will be 20° celsius, or even higher. with this , i say goodbye to the residents of the european part of russia; the program will continue on air. good afternoon, the big game is live, and i, vyacheslav nikonov. today , russian president vladimir putin held a working meeting with members of the security council and this is how he himself determined agenda. our main issue today is to increase the efficiency of working with
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manifestations. security council, well, the big game is taking place today in an unusual format, and it is a great pleasure for me to introduce you to two outstanding economists, the most outstanding economist in france, and perhaps in all of europe.
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podaljaka, good afternoon, well, our troops entered within hours, as you said yesterday, yes, yesterday’s information was confirmed, our troops were caught on the outskirts of the participating area, and this morning the information that it’s coming, i can say that we are expanding the plazahead here - we have completely cleared the forest, which there is also in the area north of this area of ​​the so-called kanal microdistrict. now we have cleared it, now we are entering the area of ​​dachas and, as i understand it, we will attack the canal area from two sides at once, at the same time, to the south on the ivanovsky side there is an advance of our assault group towards the canal itself, uh, how far have we gotten there or not , i can’t confirm yet, but yesterday we were already very close to it, the meaning of this maneuver is is to provide the flanks of the attack on the channel area and in general for the hour of avyara,
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thus securing the left flank, and from bogdan. the right flank will be secured, that is, we are moving, advancing on a broad front, here we must immediately understand that the battles will still be very difficult, we should not expect a quick takeover of this populated area, the enemy has driven two entire brigades there, and motivated ones at that good brigades, that is, they dug in there a little frivolously, our bombers will still have a lot to work hard to dig them out from there, though there is a plus, there are so many of them there that in general, throw a bomb at any high-rise building and there won’t be...
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there will be big problems in this area, well, traditionally the avdeevsky area, attention is riveted, our troops are clearing the berdychs, there are very tough battles, the enemy understands that we have broken through his main line of defense, here he is trying to counterattack, to knock out our guys, but they stubbornly hold on and even build on their success, although here too you shouldn’t... expect quick movements forward, but there literally go 3-5 km from the enemy, this will be a key line of defense, it will crumble then the enemy will have big problems, but again this is also not soon, this is not... here traditional battles for the western part as a whole are probably the main directions . thank you very much, yuri ivanovich podalyakov, for, as always
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, accurate information about the situation on the fronts of the northern military district, where ours continue to maintain the strategic initiative. well, economics. this week in the state duma. was the annual traditional government report on the work for the previous year, and the figures of our economic development were presented there, in my opinion very, very impressive, this is actually how it looked on the slides that prime minister mishustin showed: gdp growth - 3.6%, unemployment rate - 3%, investment growth - 9.8. percent industrial production, overall growth by 3.5%, while the manufacturing sector is the driver of growth by 7.5%. major
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industries, shipbuilding + 4.1%, automotive + 16%, aircraft + 19.4%, energy mechanical engineering 36.8, tank building, this is the basis of economic growth of more than 60%, the total engineering complex is 21.1%. well , as for our foreign economic relations, already 77% of our foreign trade accounted for trade turnover with friendly countries, that is, excluding the entire west, japan, australia, south korea and so on, and the growth in trade turnover with the cis countries is small. and as for defense production, cars, armored weapons grew three times, weapons grew seven times, communications technology, electronic warfare, reconnaissance nine times, well, to be honest, i did not
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expect such numbers and could not even believe that this was possible, and you, mr. shapir, effectivement, indeed, the results for 2023 are excellent, even more so, the fact that the economic decline in the twenty- second year was very weak, less than 1.2%.
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i think that the city of moscow and the moscow region are developing very rapidly within the central federal district, i also think that moscow today is one of the most modern cities on the entire planet, and i think i agree with you now on this.
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being actually the fifth economy in terms of these growth figures, it should be noted that in terms of purchasing power parity, we generally turned out to be the fourth or fifth economy there in terms of growth rates. so to speak, yes,
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we are ahead of china, india, uh, the same turkey, but we still, so to speak, quite successfully keep the bar, despite the fact that, so to speak, the countries, as it was correctly shown, who imposed sanctions against us, demonstrate, at best, weak positive, in the usual case, so to speak, negative, negative growth, but we have a very serious competitor who , of course, is breathing down our backs, with the task of moving on. into the category of the fourth economy, this is a serious task that is worth working on, and our competitor is indonesia, which is persistently striving to become the top five largest countries in the world, a large country, if we imagine the territory from ireland to ashgabat, this is the length, so to speak, of indonesia territorial from one point to another, a fairly rapidly growing economy, well , the population is under 300 million, the population is larger than ours, yes, so of course it is a competitor. large, serious, but the interesting
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thing is that we do not see among our competitors, traditional, in quotes, competitors the countries of europe and there the same united states of america, which today have not yet achieved economic growth rates, we still have to seriously study the reasons for such a lag, because if in the first periods of the month of the twenty-second year they talked about energy shock, then now everything is already becoming...
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when europe cut itself off from, i don’t know, from our fertilizers, from huge volumes of raw materials, created all the competitive advantages on the contrary, for the countries of the east, for the same india, for china, which are growing much faster, largely due to the fact that they receive cheap russian energy resources, raw materials, so why doesn’t the policy of sanctions work, after advertising. virtual reality is a place where everything impossible is possible. i see you, you are now in my room. in virtual there can be several people in the space at once, that is, for example, the plant is located in talyat, the customer is in st. petersburg itself, so they can meet together and discuss, for example, a car, a model, as if it really already physically exists. our company is engaged in the development and production of diagnostic tests for determining. using our reagents,
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the laboratory has the widest range of allergens that can be detected. the main leitmotif of our collections are sheepskin coats, we also produce leather items, suits, coats, trousers, skirts. our brand's style is everyday luxury. ours is everything. premiere. tomorrow on the first. rum castra is a product of stellar group. russian in hollywood style. a, americans, b. bandits. v. vladovin. g. g head, toe. d. what is your evidence. e. e, f, z. your health. and and short. k. l. lshtshfum. m.
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corn syrup. n novosi oirsk. a. leave it. b. kh: cold, i’m not used to such an oak tree, tsesyuzhty, chelyabinsk, sha, shank’s hat, sha - hard sign, s, soft sign, e, y. usa janyavodka, garmon, hollywood. tomorrow, on the first day. testament of zhenya belausov. the battle for the legacy of the star of the nineties is entering the home stretch. all participants in the conflict are in
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our studio. have you filed a lawsuit? why does a person write a will at 30 years old? roman is sure that the entire inheritance was once unfairly given to sister christina. if i wanted to cheat, i would have come from the very beginning and formalized everything. myself, why is the singer’s son sure that the star’s widow is deceiving him, and the document could have been forged, i want to know the truth, handwriting, you know dad, heat, i’ll be honest, no, but you were divorced in prices, it turned out that the court divorced us, just imagine , 26 years later there was such a blow for me, an exclusive with dmitry borisov, the premiere, tomorrow at the first, when you were entering into an inheritance, you told the notary that that there are still potential heirs, you see, i was. in this state, the person i loved died, probably the only love in my life, i am the grandson of a manufacturer, i can do everything, but all i have to do is come to any group, perform there, everyone else goes downhill, through the night and the wind, i am destined to go,
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there is no light anywhere from a window that is not my own, i also criticized it in the army, so majorno wrote recommendations to me. prone to criticism, but they push, push buttons all in vain, for, for, but there are no roads, for, for, but there is no money, i have nothing to follow, i’m not going to replay anything, under no circumstances would i live my life according to - to another, in memory of vladimir zhirinovsky, tomorrow is the first, the snow is still white in the fields, and in the spring the waters are noisy, running, waking up the sleepy shore, running, shining and saying, they they say in all directions, spring is coming, spring is coming, we are the young messengers of spring, she sent us
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forward, what, where, when, the spring series of games, on sunday on the first. the big game live: western countries have imposed a number of sanctions against russia that have not been imposed in the entire history against all other countries of the world, only in the last 2 years against. 15,628 sanctions were imposed on russia, of which 3.5 were imposed on the united states of america, more than 2,000 on canada, 2,377 on switzerland, and so on and so forth. moreover, the total
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number of sanctions has already exceeded 1900, if take into account the sanctions that were introduced before the start of our special military operation. but why?
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the impact on the european economy was devastating.
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of the year. these countries are extremely skeptical of
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the euro, which they froze in february 2022 , about this idea, said one of the officials, who requested anonymity because the negotiations are very sensitive. the problem is that this will set a precedent. in other words, these countries will fear that they may be the next to lose. how much? in your opinion, the position of these three countries can really have an impact on western policy, well, you know, this is a rather complex process that we see, the thing is that the very globalization that we often talked about, we continue to talk about, it was largely initiated and accelerated by the west, before in total, the united states of america built a global system of financial and economic management, but it was the developing new countries and new markets that best adapted to it and... found ways to develop, these are the countries that were today
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mentioned, this is china, this is saudi arabia, this is indonesia, they are very strongly integrated into the global economy, these are exporting countries, countries that have a fairly powerful export potential, and naturally, due to the structure of the world economy, many of their reserves are located, so to speak, in safe assets, as has always been considered, including the same treasury obligations of the united states. so quickly that these same countries are gradually preparing for possible changes,
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the same china is actively, and saudi arabia, they are gradually withdrawing from american assets, today we see this in the price of gold on world markets, which is largely supported by purchases by central banks, that is, central banks actually invest in gold, creating an additional reserve of their own to insure against, so to speak, these unforeseen circumstances, therefore this is what happens, mr. sapper, what do you think in general? what are the chances that europe and the united states will confiscate russian assets, will this not bring them much greater losses, why not do this? as for the usa, for example, there are quite a lot of risks there.
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china, indonesia and saudi arabia are... reminders of the rules of the game, the financial game, and they are also reminders of international law.
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not paying off the external debt to these countries, i think western governments should also keep this in mind when they try to confiscate our assets, we can simply not give them all this money, count it as payment of the debt, so it’s really difficult to intimidate us here, but the consequences obviously, the european economy is now experiencing very there is serious tension, germany is already being called
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the sick man of europe, there was an article in bloomberg about this not so long ago. in general, they emphasize that one of the main reasons for the weakness of the european economy is precisely energy prices, here is a slide that illustrates the price of electricity in various countries, and it turns out that for any volume of energy consumption, german - german electricity turns out to be the most expensive in comparison with spanish and chinese american, well here they haven’t yet... haven’t provided russian energy, but in fact, russia in russia is much cheaper than in all these countries, that is , in fact, in my opinion, there is a direct dependence, but the current european crisis and, above all, the german crisis with with energy, well , the energy shock was certainly the starting impulse, which actually strengthened
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these processes that we now see in europe are negative, this is firstly, secondly, after all, we will not forget... that many european countries were enough integrated into the russian economy, i mean business, they worked very actively here, even according to the estimates of the university of gel, the school of management, which keeps records of companies that have left russia, the assets that remain in russia amount to about 160-170 billion dollars. assets that remain with companies that have not left russia continue to remain here one way or another in one form or another, that is, secondly, thirdly, of course...
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in addition to these miscalculations, we see that is now happening in europe's competition with china, and not only from europe, but also america, yes, in fact, all green energy, which is said in europe, today is increasingly being built on chinese wind generators, on chinese solar panels and so on, they are becoming the world's largest manufacturers of means for green energy, electric vehicles and the chinese automobile industry are virtually filling the european american markets, therefore. naturally, the miscalculation occurred not only in russia, they underestimated their overall global position in the world economy, the french economy, well, france looks a little better than germany, all economic indicators show this, there are serious problems there too, we have seen the performance of farmers for a long time, in general the problem of farmers, it is common to the european union, the problem of
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agriculture, that’s how would you rate the state of the french economy and what is it like? it would not be accurate to say that the french economy is stronger than the german one, no, the french economy remains weaker than the german economy in many aspects, this can be seen gdp,
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which is the french government's attempts to re -industrialize the french economy. more than growth in germany, but this is not why today, of course, growth in france means that the french economy is stronger than
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the german one, well, on our graph that we show, france also showed a downward movement, but still not as rapidly as the federal one the republic of germany, which we have surpassed to become the fifth economy in the world, which indonesia has already surpassed too. well, what about the american economy and the world economy in general after advertising. what are canas? this is an opportunity to show your film to the whole world. in general, this is truly a holiday, as long as kan is the host of the festival. do you swear in your testimony to tell the truth, the whole truth , the whole truth? underneath it all, strong and loyal.
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love scene, similar to filming a fight, filming action or filming he was not afraid to experiment, filming a pursuit, it is very difficult to show passion, they will say, i wouldn’t do that. matador, today on the first. around, beauty, it all grew out of a hobby, in it with love, it is eternal, how much life there is when you do something for yourself and those around you say how great you did it, you
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think, yeah, i like it, yes i can share, everything comes from childhood, it’s very important to remember, what did your inner child dream of? i used to do handicrafts as a child, i sewed dolls by hand, wrote a script, invited the children of the street servants, let's throw a blanket on the farm, let's talk about comfort, the premiere is... tomorrow on the first. calm down, comrade, we're coming to you, professor, on this matter, interrupted, interrupted. you can tell what will come to them head? anything. are you bothering me too much, dad? what kind of dad am i to you? my god, i’m only now beginning to understand what can come out of our balloon. ah, now we understand what kind of shining nonsense this is. why, am i worse than people? well, i was married, i don’t care, azina, an innocent girl.
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in a region where there is eternal snow and cold, people wear earflaps all year round, and to keep warm, after drinking a lot, they dance in a crouch. solves problems with a wrench. here he has no troubles for anything, even in space kazan’s gym, for members only he open, and somewhere in the background is the wonderful anaya. spurs, legs swim, the head of a finger, scraping the bottom with screws, this is how americans see our russian world in their movies.
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tomorrow on the first day, i am the grandson of a manufacturer, i can do everything, but all i have to do is come to any team, perform there, everyone else falls down, through the night and the wind, i am destined to go, nowhere does my native window shine, in the army, i also criticized, so my recommendations were written to me... they press buttons all in vain for for, but there are no roads, for for, but there is no money, i have nothing to do, nothing going to replay, under no circumstances would i live my life differently, in memory of vladimir zhirinovsky, tomorrow on the first, graffiti in sao paulo is everywhere, it’s true that you
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can choose any place in the city and... draw what you want , if you start drawing at some police station, then, of course, you will be punished, you won’t be imprisoned, but you will get a significant fine. what kind of men are here in brazil, very attentive and caring, it’s clear that sometimes someone’s husband can go to the left, we have hot blood, but we have our own woman, she is always alone. i see that you mostly have women working here, we just want the women’s coffee business to develop along with the men’s in the same way. brazil. and coffee is just bliss. the lives of others. premiere on sunday on the first. big game on first. joe biden is in an easter mood, even though he has declared easter day as
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trans day of visibility. but. regarding the economy, he is extremely optimistic, let's listen to him: what do you say to people who are unhappy with our economy? i'll say that we have the best economy in the world, we need to make it even better, we really have the best economy, jobs are growing like never before, we have the lowest unemployment rate in 50 years, it's just that the consequences of past crises are still having their effect, we need to get people moving, i think that both me and
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325 billion dollars, well, the debt problem itself, how it can be solved, is a big question. consumer spending in the united states has changed its composition, with almost half now just paying for housing for the vast majority american population. inflation.
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yes, the american economy is holding up better than the european ones. because, first of all, the united states has its own energy industry. secondly, because the us did not apply some sanctions. yes, these are sanctions on fertilizer, for example. the eu, but it cannot be said that
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the american economy is doing great, and the fact is that.
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not a new problem, but it is increasing, and we see emerging risks in new sectors, in particular direct indirect government support is currently leading to that production capacity significantly exceeds china's domestic demand. i believe that addressing the issue of excess capacity as part of the broader consideration of market reforms is in china's interests. as i said earlier, china is too big. to export your way to rapid economic growth. additionally, as demand is created, there will be global spillover effects. china's implementation of market reforms has become one of the most significant economic success stories of our lifetime, lifting
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hundreds of millions of people out of poverty. the potential for significant benefits from reforms is now available. a completely unprecedented statement in its impudence, but there’s this problem of industrial overcapacity.
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to the detriment of their european partners, they are essentially engaged in subsidizing their high-tech, including industry, they themselves are engaged in subsidizing, but china cannot do this, because it is china, that is, this of course speaks of such a rather cynical, so to speak, hypocritical approach, but this
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also means that today's america is really losing the competition to another completely different model of economic growth, which we see in china, well , france is starting to play the same game and... france has now also decided to play such a big game, and geopolitical, and geo-economic, geo-economic, so french finance minister lemre today said that he, too, joins the american policy of curbing chinese
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industrial growth, and macron simultaneously made a statement that the ukrainian authorities will receive the maximum support from france right up to dispatch. french troops to ukraine, that’s where macron is now so aggressive, and isn’t this related to the failures of french policy in... in africa, which is also now being attributed to russian intrigues. i was not, was not completely wrong when i linked france’s problems in africa with russian influence, but this is nevertheless not the truth, not the whole truth.
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well, european countries are of course coming to the conclusion that it will be a long, protracted process, and of course, the stock market brings with it risk, which today is at the peak of its values ​​may well collapse, will there be a crisis this year? i don’t think that there will be any sharp crisis like in 2008. but nevertheless, we in the eu, i think, are entering a situation
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of permanent crisis, and this is the real problem, yes, this is the real problem, but russia is still god will give on the rise, because our cause is just, the enemy will be defeated, victory will be ours, we give the floor to the news and see you. at 17:00 don't miss it, this is the news on the first, hello, in the studio valery korableva, at the beginning of the investigation into the assassination attempt on the governor of the murmansk region andrei chibis, he is in intensive care, his condition is stable, serious, but there is no threat to life, doctors said. the night before, after a meeting with city residents. apatity, a criminal attacked him with a knife.


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