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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  April 5, 2024 5:00pm-6:01pm MSK

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i know what to do, that you can throw mud at anyone, i didn’t see her drunk, but i saw her collecting traffic jams in the trash, she doesn’t see anything, svetlana, look at me, there, there, right there, you see, i i’m sitting here - i’m a narcologist who offers you help, as i understand it, you have a son, dmitry, yes, yes, i want to turn to dmitry, influence the mother, uh, put him on a full course of treatment, mother, and the heart will rise, no get up, live, how will we do it there with the program, with the editors, they know my phone number, and bring my mother for treatment, they they’ll give you the address, directions, i’ll leave it, that’s all , thank you very much, i’m not going, do you want, novel, question for you, do you have rent arrears, is there any, i don’t know what, 149 149 97 33 150, yes, this for what, for what? what,
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please tell me, utilities, this is already enough to begin the process of evicting you, you from this apartment, look at yourself, but your child is real, now your child is in danger, since neither mother , neither the father is inadequate at all, if the child is not she may go to the toilet because... some of these drunks are raging in her, it’s your fault, too. my soul hurts a lot right now about this girl, it’s just tearing itself apart, and i’m ready to help the mother of this child, if you want, i’ll be happy to work with you, because i want to save this girl, i see that you’re lost , i see that you have no strength, that you have no energy, that all this can be fixed if you... do you want, do you want, veronique, do you want,
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veronique, well, they’re offering you, don’t stop cry, she used to be a good mother, she’s good now, now she’s not bad, i feel it now, she’s good, i’m ready to help you, 4 years, i say, 4 years, thrown out of her life, you silenced her, look, she’s driven into you twist the corner of a mother who loves her child in a way that suits your interests; you won’t see the beam in your own eye. i, in turn, am ready to help veronica free of charge in restoring the rights to her daughter. the only person in this studio who is ready for change is veronica. everyone else is ossified in their stupidity confrontation forever.
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good evening, the big game is live, i’m vyacheslav nikonov, today the president of russia, vladimir putin, held a meeting of members of the security council on the issue, well, let’s give the floor to the president, as he himself determined the agenda . our main issue today is to increase the efficiency of work with manifestations of organized crime. crime in general, speaker, minister of internal affairs, kolokoltsev: yes, organized crime, of course, exists within our country, but we are dealing with with such an international organized criminal organization, the kiev regime, and patrons who are also, in my opinion, criminals, absolutely of an international scale and very, very organized, but nevertheless our armed forces continued.
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ukraine's energy system in response to their attempts to damage our energy complex. the ministry of defense also officially announced the liberation of the village of vadyany in donetsk. republics, well, uh , electricity, something has become bad - supply to some ukrainian regions, the metro has stopped working in kharkov, here are six regions where the supply of electricity is now rationed, dnepropetrovsk region, donetsk, zaporozhye, kirovograd, poltava and sumy, kharkov is not here, because there actually are no outage schedules, there is a schedule like this permanent, but... our troops
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have already dispersed and are conducting an offensive within hours. boris aleksandrovich rozhin closely monitors what is happening at the fronts. boris alexandrovich, good evening, good evening, yes, there is a blow in the background, which. causes very serious damage to the ukrainian energy sector, that is , today they again made a statement that up to 6 gw of generation have been lost in recent weeks, this again shows the structural nature of our attacks, our troops continue to advance on most sectors of the front, in the zaporozhye direction we are the main actions we are now making on the rabotinsky ledge, there is still a small advance east of rabotina from verbovoy, here we continue to advance, we have progress on the vremevsky ledge, we have advanced almost a kilometer in the staro area. maiyorsky, we also continue to put pressure in the priyutnoye area, in the ugledarsky direction our troops have advanced a little more in novomikhailovka, here the enemy is already completely, well, concentrated on the defense of the western part of the village, in the georgievsky direction our troops are fighting already in the village itself, closer to the center, in
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in the krasnogorovka area we have not yet been able to advance; in the ovdeevsky direction we have approached directly to umansky, despite the enemy's counterattacks, it was not possible to stop his advance here; the liberation of the waterman was completed. that is, in fact , it was almost completely behind us before, that is , they simply cleared the outskirts and adjacent plantings, that is, they completely knocked out the enemy from there, assault operations are underway in berdychi, the enemy is now thrown back to the northwestern part of the village, assault operations are also underway in semyonovka, somewhere up to 30% of the village is now under our control, but the offensive continues throughout, well, throughout the width of the front line, in the artyomov direction, our main successes over the past 24 hours are directly on the outskirts of chasovyar. the ninety-eighth airborne division broke through the enemy's fortifications directly at the entrance to the city and practically reached the outlying houses on the eastern outskirts of chasyar, that is , the enemy partially retreated from them and made the main efforts in defense behind the canal, which
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in disintegration runs through the city, the situation according to the statement the enemy is the most threatening to the heights along the entire front, we also have promotion in the vesyoly to belyo area. while the special battles continue, the enemy was forced to leave part of the street, which is adjacent to the industrial zone, where our artillery is being squeezed out with the help of drones, which means that in the krasnolimat direction the battles for the thorns have begun, our troops have already entered the village, there are battles going on directly on the outskirts streets, this already allows us to expect that soon we will directly go out to koskol, and also, well, our troops were supposed to put pressure in the tabaevka area, in the krokhmalnoye area in the senkovka area.
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in the absence of medium-long-range missiles , ukraine is completely switching to unmanned warfare. this year, 10 manufacturers will supply armed drones capable of flying at distances of up to 2,500 km. the new ukrainian weapon will be able to attack targets in the mormon region, where about 80 russian army bases are located. rockets are
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yesterday, drones are the future, emphasized bilt's interlocutor. well, bilt, it’s clear, again the question arises about the taurus, but in general, you know, the question itself is posed in an interesting way, and the mormas. region 80 russian bases army, great, that means they propose to attack the far rear of russia, thus, recognizing that on the battlefield, in the theater of military operations itself, the ukrainian army is defeated, the collective west is with it, but proposing to attack the deep rear, they propose to expand simply a terrorist war, and thus , in general, a conflict arises for the international tribunal, and... specific people who will give, therefore, instructions, orders or sign contracts for the supply of such, that is, systems weapons will certainly be recognized as war criminals over time, because this cannot be assessed otherwise, in the west they would have been assessed in exactly the same way, so we have the absolute
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right to do approximately the same thing, whether this will solve anything is another matter, well, of course not , because again, their task, what are they shouting about, what has just been published an article in politics, which... everyone is discussing that the russians will now concentrate their main forces on one section of the front, strike and the front will crumble, that too, that means, depth of analysis, as if it were still under alexander the great it was not clear that if you concentrate...
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that means women, that is, the situation changes, partial conscription, they want to take into the army, germany is militarizing, then the question arises, so it is militarizing, it’s against whom, against us, it makes no sense, that’s it that she, being under pressure from the united states, can begin, say, to make claims, as she did.
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this is a clear pessimistic warning. it comes from officers who served under the command of the former commander-in-chief of the ukrainian armed forces , zaluzhny, who resigned in february. his officers speak anonymously about the grim situation. there is a great risk of breaking through the front line in any of the sectors where russian generals decide to launch an offensive. ukrainians refer to the massive use of fab bombs weighing 500-100 and 3.00 kg. these bombs are mass produced, cost almost nothing and cause terrible damage. thanks to a significant numerical superiority of planning aerial bombs, they have been destroying ukrainian positions
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for several weeks. russia will probably be able to break through the front line and crush it in several places. there is indeed a wide discussion of this article, but its very appearance is, in my opinion, quite symptomatic, although it can be interpreted in different ways, right? aleksandrovich hofman is in the big game studio for the first time, we are glad to welcome you, although tv viewers could already see you on the screen, here ’s yours.
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military spending and other delights of such a phenomenon as warmonger, yes, championing war, in fact, this very figuratively reflects the position of the americans, their, so to speak, view of the development of the situation, and that, the situation in which ukraine is, yes, regularly through the media, through officials, they signal that they do not have enough weapons for... some resistance to russian forces, this is primarily intended to demonstrate that this regime in
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kiev, it may not last without military support, is the most effective a way of such support could be the direct deployment of military contingents of western european and other european powers in ukraine, but for now blinken directly states that america will not do this. everything can change, i'm also familiar with lutvak, he is a big confusion, of course, i think that his best book, i really thought until recently, until i studied the history of byzantium properly, is... the strategies of the byzantine empire, it was really so interesting for its time, it made me really take up the study of the history of byzantium, after which i realized that lutfak is not very good at this , so i would not consider his point of view so generally accepted in america, but the problem really exists, because money is being cut out, yes,
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the situation in congress there is incomprehensible, although now, apparently, there is some progress in... ukraine is in favor, but far from decisive, nato announced a plan, the creation of a new fund to support ukraine for 100 billion dollars, but even kuleba doesn’t believe in it, let’s listen to him. nato has a very simple idea: let's raise $100 billion for ukraine and come up with the right formula to distribute it among all allies. nato is now trying to raise $500 million a year. for a relief package with the current funding model, this initiative has zero chance. do you agree? well, indeed, what the debates in europe, in nato itself, are showing now, and the figures that are constantly being announced, indicate that, of course, 100 billion in additional funding from all participants in the european
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theater, so to speak. military actions, this is quite difficult, because even - i have already referred to this figure many many times, the latest aid package to ukraine is 50 billion dollars, euros, which they are so loud about they stated, but in general it has not yet been fully implemented, to put it mildly, the first tranches are only there and very insignificant, so in order to collect 100 billion, this means in fact we are talking about 50%, at least, and even more , which has already been provided through the european peace fund, through individual countries, so of course. this figure is in the conditions of the economy that exists in europe today, and we see how some have negative growth rates, some have weakly positive ones, well, in general, to be honest, i can’t vouch for for the fact that they can easily collect this money today, i think it will be difficult to collect it in general, well, someone might give some money for a new person, like in
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finland, sweden, well, definitely 100 billion, well , definitely not naturally there are enthusiasts of the type. estonians with latvians, well, maybe even poles, although it’s unlikely, the poles now have a different idea, which was voiced by radislav sekorski, the minister of foreign affairs of poland, with whom our political science community is also very familiar, for many years, let’s listen to him, the topic meetings nato ministers, of course, will have a neo-imperial russian invasion of ukraine, assistance from member countries for ukraine, as well as the possibility of deciding to create a nato mission, but not a military one. and supporting ukraine, it would provide an opportunity to use the pact to train ukrainian soldiers, use logistics and other joint elements that could provide significant support to ukraine. sergey sergeevich, what can we talk about, what kind of nato mission is this, supporting non-military, what is it or is it just a play on words? you know, when the foreign minister talks about those things that are not a function of nato,
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that is, by and large, he says: the north atlantic military alliance is sent to the country.
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soft penetration, but i believe that they will not only fail, he chose the moment poorly, very bad for him, well, in general, it must be said that the paris-warsaw axis existed, it was called the weimar coalition, the period between two wars. it ended very badly, both for france and for poland, which actually combined their efforts against germany and the soviet union, but in the end they were beaten quite quickly by hitler. germany, so here the historical analogies for them are quite bad, well, just like the alliance of napoleon with poland, which, as you know, also ended very badly, both for
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napoleon and for poland, so history sets up the fact that from this is unlikely to happen, well, the situation in the world continues to heat up, these days everyone is watching with great concern what will happen in the middle east and whether a war will break out between... they enter the hall and the lights go out, the star disappears, i loved making love with him, he was not afraid to experiment, filming a love scene is similar to filming a fight, filming
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active action or filming a chase, it is very difficult to show passion, they will say, i wouldn’t do that did, the matodore is on the first day today, if during the passage around the stairs before the film... there wouldn’t have been such a crowd, the horse festival wouldn’t have happened either. everything that can be imagined is real, the courage to imagine is very important here. the attic bed is charming because you can sleep there, relax, you can do whatever you want. our life is short, but everything that is done in it with love is eternal. how much. life around beauty, it all grew out of a hobby, when you do something for yourself, and those around you say: how great you did it, you think so, yeah, you know, i like it, yes, i can share,
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everything comes from childhood, very it’s important to remember what your inner child dreamed of, i did handicrafts as a child, i sewed dolls on my hand, i wrote a script, invited the children of the street servants, let's cover the estates, let's talk about comfort, the premiere, tomorrow on the first. russian in hollywood from a to z americans b- vladovin’s bandits d) head toes e) what is your evidence e f your health we will be and brief k l lshtshfun m.
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chelyabinsk sha, hat at...
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the center of the greek diaspora - one one of the largest in the south of russia, and probably in all of russia in principle, in essentuki, where the greek diaspora came from, the first greeks appeared here back in 700, trade routes passed here, i think when we cook to make a fusion of cultures, i will have caucasian-greek pita, i will have leningrad crumpets with a greek sauce based on liver, cod, olives, everything will be takhimis on top, now tam-tararam, tam-tararam. there-raram, bon appetit! premiere, chefs on wheels. on sunday on the first. big game on first. the human rights council, an organization of the united nations, held
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a vote to... condemn israel's policies and hold israel accountable for war crimes. this is how they decomposed vote. there were 28 in favor, 13 abstained, six against. among these six are the united states of america, paraguay, malawia, germany, bulgaria and argentina. this is such an interesting combination of pro-israeli forces now. gutierres, secretary general, he is on...
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to date, at the time of our conversation with you, they have not recorded a single incident where israel violated international humanitarian law, and lest you think that we do not take this lightly, i can assure you that this is true, we are monitoring this in real time, over the past 5-6 months they have not once violated international humanitarian law? i repeat, the state department has studied past incidents, and has not yet come to the conclusion that any of them is associated with a violation of international humanitarian law... there is a lie that is absolutely blatant, we see that the united states of america is accustomed to some kind of simple fantastic impunity, when we see that kirby absolutely in good faith says that there are certain norms of international humanitarian law, then probably, forgive me, all lawyers, when this they see, they don’t just blush, they are incredibly ashamed of this person, after this they
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can’t... probably call themselves lawyers, international lawyers, any international lawyer who is related to the law clearly understands that it is now possible to call for accountability practically any official who is now both in the white house and in israel is subject to jurisdiction, because they are accomplices of these crimes, and i’m sorry, but this is clearly interpreted in international law, kirby, who states this, he can also be pulled out someday, god willing, he will go to some tribunal, and he will also be charged as an accomplice.
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equivalents, which is probably true in many respects, but as for iran’s possible response to the destruction of the iranian consulate in damascus by an israeli missile, then, well, firstly, ayatallah held a prayer over... the bodies of the killed officers of the islamic guard corps revolution, well , a screenshot, show times what the cover looks like, it says: a storm is brewing, soon we will be praying in jerusalem, what to expect? what could be the answer now from iran and the whole world
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froze? therefore, it should be assumed that iran will continue to actively use its proxy movements both in yemen, in lebanon, and in other countries of the middle east, thereby, well, trying to inflict
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some asymmetrical damage on the israeli side. well, i must say that this is absolutely not an excluded option, in any case , it is at these moments that nasrola, the leader of hezbollah, speaks, he is always very verbose. until at the beginning of his speech we heard some specific threats or calls for specific actions against israel, so far this is just a general condemnation of israeli policies, which is quite typical for it. but the question that the answer may be asymmetrical, i think is absolutely correct, but what could be the asymmetrical answer, well, i’ll throw out a hypothesis now, but... well, look, the forces of israel and iran in conventional weapons, well, at least equal, iran is definitely not weaker than israel, but israel, as you know, is a nuclear power, and
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iran, well, not yet, couldn’t iran’s creation of nuclear weapons, well, in this case, be a symmetrical response? naturally, the iranian leadership. can pose the question in this way, of course, it will be quite difficult to object to him, of course, because if the question is posed this way, then israel needs to answer if, in principle, it has nuclear weapons, the israeli side still does not recognize whether it has it or not , although they name a specific figure of 200 warheads, it seems that if everyone suddenly opens their cards, although it was correctly said that there the war is still a proxy, a war once, secondly, it is waged through the looking glass using very complex methods, but if we talk about a direct response, well, wait, actually, iran has much greater forces and greater tools for a direct response, although again maybe this will look like a proxy, but nevertheless this is
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a direct clash, because the shiite arc is completely controlled by iran, and there are a huge number of different forces that are in one way or another subordinate to the leadership of tehran, and... and first of all, by the way, the ksir, the largest force that operates most seriously in the region, only the houthis what is it worth, who blocked the red sea, and everything is fine, they do not hide the fact that they are collaborating with iran, however, no one openly says where the weapons come from, but nevertheless, this question is also quite simple, well, i don’t know, now, naturally, iran is yearning for an answer, and will it be accepted for it? the answer, for example, a houthi strike on some next ship in the red sea, i think no, of course, yes, but there is a second option, the fact is that the americans, who are active in the region, are allies israel, they are actually an open flank for this israeli
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american coalition, and they are accessible, they are easy to attack, let’s see what happens to them, and they , as an allied force that supports israel, are fully responsive to a possible attack, because this would be an adequate response and... everyone understands, well, actually, really, well , the range of possible answers is wide, but it seems to me that in these conditions iran may try to withdraw from the nuclear deal, maybe, maybe, yes, because, well, what does he lose in these conditions, nothing, he he loses practically nothing, because if he actually acquires nuclear weapons, the actual enrichment of up to 90% was already enough.
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countries that call on iran not to produce nuclear weapons are right, and iran is wrong in this situation. an interesting situation, indeed, which could have very large global consequences. refused to purchase, uh, and indeed, prices
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are going up, and then, maybe even more, well, when this conflict began - in the gas sector, oil prices, as they say, shuddered, but they still calmed down quite quickly, uh, and i think precisely due to the fact that closer after such a short period of time it became... it became clear that iran, as many have said, is not interfering in the process, but at least clearly and openly, then there was 80, the mark of 80-81 dollars per barrel rose to 84, plus or minus, yes, and then it again, so to speak, stabilized, now we see a steady, albeit slow, but daily rise in prices for oil already to 90 dollars per barrel, which has already been exceeded, for this overheads.
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iran's withdrawal from the nuclear deal, as well as actions that will lead to a further increase in oil prices, will put americans in a very difficult situation, especially now this year on the eve of the elections, because essentially the price of oil will increase the price of gasoline in the usa and drive down inflation, a possible withdrawal from the nuclear deal will actually mean essentially the collapse of the american, so to speak, efforts to pacify there by... keeping iran, that is, in this
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situation, america is simply broke will come to its elections, is such a situation possible? yes, it's possible. well, let's now look at the situation with israel's position. they are now really waiting for an attack from iran, they are digging a bomb shelter, organizing new bomb shelters, they have already begun to sweep food off the shelves in anticipation of a war with iran, which in general was quite predictable. now we see food. years iran has been acting against us both directly and through its supporters, so
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israel is acting against iran and its supporters, we defend ourselves, we attack, we we can protect ourselves. our principle is simple: if someone harms us or plans to harm us, then we ourselves will harm in return. i must say that some higher powers are also interfering here, i just received a message that there is now a meeting of the un security council on israel, it was interrupted. because of the earthquake, what do you think israel will do, if indeed, well, naturally, depending on what iran will do, but in any case, israel is ready to take very decisive steps, is it possible to use nuclear weapons there? weapons, for example, you know, at the beginning of the events in the gas sector in october last year , such a video was released on social networks, where iranian...
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america and their, so to speak, closest nato allies. it is worth paying attention to the fact that since the start of the hamas operation in october. in fact, such a confrontation has developed in the region , not even between iran, but so to speak , iran’s iranian proxies on the one hand, and israel on the other, but rather between iran and - if we speak in this rather military-doctrinal language, the central command of the united armed forces
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of the united states of america. basically, the iranians are testing the capabilities of this particular unified command and for them... it is of strategic interest for tehran to weaken their position in the middle east, it is clear that this command is much wider, it covers the operational zone, but nevertheless it is in the middle east zone, as sees in tehran that the weakening of centcom could lead to some kind of dividend for them, that is, it could lead to a weakening positions at the same time of israel. yeah, well, i must say that the situation now in the gas sector creates problems for the biden administration not only in terms of oil prices, but also the prospects for election, because in the very democratic party that he heads, the overwhelming majority now condemns israeli actions, unlike kirby, and the white house begins to maneuver,
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maneuver, let's see the latest official statement, the president. biden stressed that attacks on humanitarian workers and the overall humanitarian situation in region are unacceptable. israel needs to announce a series of concrete steps to address the harm to civilians and the safety of aid workers. us gas policy will be determined by the assessment of israel's actions. an immediate ceasefire is necessary to stabilize and improve the humanitarian situation and protect innocent civilians. the president called on the prime minister to empower his negotiators to reach a return deal without delay. it can be seen that for the first time, probably, the biden administration is becoming uneasy and even scared, because we understand that they have already gone too far, if previously practically two parties fully supported israel in one way or another, the republicans
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traditionally always support, no matter what israel does, this is simply a priori, democrats, they were forced to follow the party line of the president who is now in power, but... we now see that not even half of the party, but the overwhelming majority opens their mouths and frankly says: we don’t want to see what is now is happening, especially this happened after israel disregarded the resolution of the un security council, this did not happen, and we see that nothing followed, no sanctions, no embarrassment, and israeli athletes calmly go to the olympics under their flag, it happens so, yes, we just received messages that... by the way, the message came from iran that the united states asked tehran not to strike israel, well, it would be better if they asked israel earlier not to strike damascus, syria and in all neighboring states, well, this is the united states of america, now the secretary of the treasury
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of the united states, janet yellen, is in china, and you know what he’s doing there, trying to force china to reduce. their industrial production, oh god, it would be better if they were engaged in their trains, after advertising, great, virtual reality is the place where everything impossible is possible, i see you, you are now in my room, yes, hello, in virtual space it can there are several people at once, that is, for example, the plant is located in talyat, the customer is located in st. petersburg, so they can meet together and discuss, for example, a car, a model, as if it... really already physically exists. our company is engaged in the development and production of diagnostic tests for determining allergic reactions. using our reagents, the laboratory has the widest range of allergens that can be detected. basically, the leitmotif of our collections is sheepskin coats. and we also produce leather items, suits, coats,
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trousers, skirts. our brand style is everyday luxury. ours is everything. premiere. tomorrow on the first. calm down, comrade, we're coming to you, professor, on this matter, interrupted, interrupted. you can say whatever comes to their mind, whatever you want, that you are painfully oppressing me, dad? what kind of dad am i to you? my god, i’m only now beginning to understand what can come out of our balloon. ah, now we understand what kind of shining nonsense this is. why, am i worse than people? well, i was married, i don’t care, azina, innocent.
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i say, why is viburnum blooming? he says: we were making a movie, not for you, beautiful melody, beautiful, it’s still madness, we won’t let world war iii start, often it’s just the work of the special services, who order scripts, and sometimes write the script, my mother was excluded from the list, we visited, they said, this is not your mother, it says, that your parents are the aminovs from the weapons harrow, bathhouse, vodka, garmon, hollywood, tomorrow. on the first one, which will take a long time to drive, quietly, bicycle, bicycle, that’s right, i
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work in the circus, in what room, say, as a janitor, i clean the cages, the youngest city of the golden ring, ivanova, ivanova, that’s right, city ​​of brides, visual, my life, visual, i am yours, i know further, something there. premiere, i love my country, tomorrow on the first. testament of zhenya belausov. the battle for the legacy of the star of the nineties is entering the home stretch. all participants in the conflict in our studio: did you file a lawsuit? why does a person write a will at 30 years old? roman is sure that the entire inheritance was once unfairly given to sister christina. if i wanted to cheat, i would have come from the very beginning, formalized everything about myself. why son. vtsat is sure that the star’s widow is deceiving him, and the document could have been forged, i want to find out the truth, you will recognize my dad’s handwriting, i’ll be honest, no, but you
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were divorced on purpose, it turned out that the court divorced us, imagine such a blow for me after 26 years, exclusive with dmitry borisov, premiere, tomorrow at the first, when you entered into an inheritance, you told the notary that there were still potential heirs, you see, i was in such a state, i... the person i loved died, probably the only love life, graffiti in sao paulo is everywhere, it's true that you can choose any place in the city and draw whatever you want, if you start drawing at some police station, then of course you will be punished, you won’t go to jail, but the fine you will get is not small, what kind of men are here in brazil, very attentive and caring, it’s clear that sometimes someone’s husband can go to the left, blood... hot, but a woman of her own, she is always alone, i see that you mostly have women working here, we just want the women's coffee business
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to develop along with the men's equally, brazil, coffee is just bliss , the lives of others, premieres sunday on the first. the big game is on the first one: somehow the united states and israel, the heavenly powers have become very rotten. during today's meeting of the security council on israel , an earthquake of magnitude 4.8 occurred in the new york city area, the meeting was interrupted, the day before there was a terrible thunderstorm, and lightning struck not just anywhere, but directly. the statue of liberty, and on april 8, very soon, a total solar
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eclipse is expected over the entire territory of north america, something is obviously wrong in the american kingdom, but, not to mention, that american trains demonstrate remarkable stability. so, friday, the hit parade of american gatherings. trains oklahoma, as it is, lincoln county was traveling 90 cars of a freight train, 22 of them derailed and overturned, they were transporting stones that spilled out, the reasons for the derailment are being determined, but what is there to find out, well, the stones are heavy, so that’s why from the rails, but the rails yourself, you can see for yourself what they are like, will not be pulled away anytime soon. rosvelt, california, crash is under investigation. mosardis
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a staff tractor trailer carrying wood chips crashed into a train at a railroad crossing, as a result of which it went off the rails. slidell louisiana, a passenger train, the largest passenger company mtrek, crashed into a chevrolet suburban at a railroad crossing, well, the driver said that he switched the gearbox in the wrong direction, it happens, well, no matter what. so from above the crane, this is florida, the bridge over the new river in the center of fort lauderdale, received significant damage after it fell on it a crane from a skyscraper under construction and punched a big hole there, so that american infrastructure continues to demonstrate
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its weakness, let me remind you, last year 100... and under these conditions, the united states decided to dictate china's industrial policy. jannet elin has arrived, she is already there, she is currently traveling in the southern regions, she has not yet reached beijing, but she has already made an amazing statement there. excess capacity is not a new problem, but it is increasing and we see emerging risks in new sectors, particularly direct and indirect government support currently results in production capacity significantly exceeding china's domestic demand. i think
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solving the problem of excess capacity more generally. consideration of market reforms is in china's interests. as i said earlier, china is too big to export its way to rapid economic growth. additionally, as demand is created, there will be global spillover effects. china's implementation of market reforms has been one of the greatest economic success stories of our lifetime. called into hundreds of millions of people out of poverty. there is potential for significant benefits from reforms. to be honest, i don’t remember ever telling someone so openly that it was necessary to curtail industrial production, well, in europe they curtailed it quite effectively, in ukraine too, well, but they did it quietly, now suddenly grandma arrived, she starts telling china that they need to curtail industrial production, you see, they have industrial overcapacity, with excessive industrialization, they need
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to give up this, well, this is... as they say, the last argument of the kings, yes, if i may say so, in this case, why? because today we see a sharp increase in supplies to world markets of those technologies that come from china, which are generally considered flagship today, in europe and the united states of america, these are renewable technologies, these are green technologies, these are solar panels, this is including engines for wind... generators, not to mention electric vehicles, which today are becoming more and more competitive compared to american european auto industry, china is actively paving the way in the market close to america, negotiations were held, including on the development of automotive projects in china in mexico, which is today united with the united states by a single, so to speak
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, trade agreement, which is precisely the focus... here's to this american company, let's listen to bloomberg. france will lobby for measures to restore trade balance with china based on environmental criteria, as it sees an economic threat in oversaturation of the eu market with chinese products. we must show our teeth to our economic rivals, said finance minister bryno lümer. the era of happy globalization is over, the era of globalization of rivalry has begun. possible measures have not yet
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been identified as one of the options, according to the french ministry of finance. there may be rules according to which part of government tenders will be reserved for european companies. another option is to provide bonuses and grants only to products that meet strict criteria environmental friendliness this is what a return to a planned economy means, it turns out that this is what they criticized the soviet union so much for, how the state will plan, this must be done, only they forgot one simple thing, in my opinion they were talking about fair competition, about free markets , that globalization is very good, everyone buys what is cheaper, and regarding their opinions, it was also very important to say that citizens are ready to buy chinese, not their own, it’s too expensive, yes, well, in the end they will be left without goods, because its there is simply no industry, but the united states is now... still putting pressure on the netherlands to, let's hear it, raiters, president joe biden's administration plans next week to put pressure on the netherlands to ban its
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largest manufacturer of equipment for the production of afm chips from servicing some technology nodes in china, two people familiar with the matter said. the united states is relying on allies in its efforts to thwart beijing's technological development. well, now let's look at the dynamics shares
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in russia and china, that is, they have stumbled upon a complete dead end here too, but if they really now begin to set limits for chinese production. the chinese will naturally respond by banning rare earths, where are they going to get them? yes, a number of rare earth metals have become the subject of very great demand, including for the military-industrial complex of the united states, also germany, and so on. but here, by the way, i would draw attention to the fact that the issue is not only in china, similar restrictions on indonesia introduces exports to the usa and not only to the usa. malaysia, even loyal hanna or relatively loyal nigeria and other countries with reserves of rare earth metals, in this situation, some kind of long-term planning, both
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in the military-industrial industry and in other industries that require these kinds of raw material resources, it is very difficult will play back. yes, the united states, like grandmothers, is freezing their ears off, but they are celebrating nato’s seventy-fifth anniversary. these days, this is what a lot of work will be devoted to history, sunday evening, don’t miss it, but here our cause is just, victory will be ours, the enemy will be defeated. we pass the word to the news, all the best, goodbye, see you next week. hello, evening news on channel one, andrey ukharev with you. the condition of andrey chibis is stable and serious.


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