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tv   Golos  1TV  April 5, 2024 9:45pm-11:31pm MSK

9:45 pm
borbon stersman is a product of the stellar group. mancacher whiskey, a product of the stellar group. сnop gin, a product of the stellar group. cognac monte shoca, a product of the stellar group. rom kastro product of stellar group, vodka veda, product of stellar group, old barrel cognac, product of stellor group. l.
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hello everyone, welcome to the show about the most important issues. stories about why you can’t stick your fingers into a power socket if they don’t even fit there, why santa claus is not married to the snow woman, why they came up with candies with cognac, if candies with lemonade are much more tastier? on the air of the first channel, the biggest show about the smallest geniuses, the best of all, we have no jury or ratings, we are going for one thing, to make sure that our future is reliable... right now
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the first guest will come to us, who has already best of all, our participant constantly knocks on wood, but not because he believes in omens, but because he knows that you can assemble a stool for me differently, mr. hammer, signior samodelkin, master of all trades, misha belousov,
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yes, i forgot the sword at home, i can shine my hand on you like this, yes, oh, my mikhail, from now on you my knight, and i’m a lady, just a lady, yes, yes, zhanno will be his, i’ll give you a scarf after filming, okay, yes, that’s it, sit down, please tell me right away how you like our sofa, it’s well made, okay, or maybe you would like to change something in it, but nothing, but i would like some kind of ottoman. attach footrests so that you can stretch out like this, you know, yes, it would be convenient, really, let’s do it next time, i know that you can do anything, and with maxim nikolaevich, who is nikolaevich - this is my teacher, wood, do you go to some a special school for woodworking, well, yes, the school is only for boys, and that there are not a single girl there, there is one department, they are there... well, for example, they sew on buttons,
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that’s one thing, or they cook, well, yes, in principle, what else can girls do, of course, but tell me, girls should generally be able to do something around the house, i don’t know, screw it on, nail it down, no, girls should rest, misha, what a good fellow you are, anyway... where did you come from? are you a boy? i'm from arkhangelsk. is that what you all have there? no, mish, tell me, what tools can you use? can't even list it here? well, can you use a vacuum cleaner? drill, drill, uh-huh, next, saw, saw, this jigsaw, and a hammer, do they tell you about safety precautions?
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sounds safe, good, tell us who you came to us with today, a very good person, maxim nikolaevich, and maxim nikolaevich, i can already hear, there is already one, maxim nikolaevich, hello, hello, do you teach them only physical work or this gentlemanly? education is also your merit, but initially i created my school in such a way as to educate boys become real men, so not only carpentry, but many men’s skills, we talk to them, and how many of these boys do you have? at the
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moment there are already 150, and your boys receive diplomas from real men, of course, as well as the distinctive signs of craftsmen. i was traveling today not only with maxim nikolaevich, but with my mother, oh with my mother, and also with her friends, seryozha’s nine aunt natasha, and introduce me to your mother, what’s her name, svetlana belarusova anatolyevna, hello, hello, svetlana, you're all in the house it works, yes, everything works, everything is subordinated, everything is subordinated, but you are growing a real gentleman, thank you. he’s also handy, there’s this, he’s a very enviable man, right now, let’s demonstrate at least one of your skills, make some serious wooden fake, show everyone
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what you’re capable of! misha, we are in your workshop. yes, theater and film actor and tv presenter mikhail bashkatov came to take a closer look at your talent and take carpentry lessons. hello mishanya. hello, misha - this is misha, misha - this is misha, let’s meet, let’s not get confused, yes, i introduced you boys, this is the thing, misha, spring is coming, it means that my birdhouse at the dacha has become leaky, so i need a new one, but i don’t want you to make one for me squirrel, i want you to teach me, give me
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the technology, and with my children i could do it myself, teach me, you did it according to requests, we start with the walls, ours. zhanna doesn’t believe in us, we have to prove to her that we will succeed, i ’ll cut everything for you now, girls should rest, rest must. girls, and if girls saw something, then only boys, yes, let me help you, let me start, or maybe another saw, no, and wait, but it’s not normal, wait, i’ll wait, here i am a little didn’t calculate, you see, misha, the proverb follows, measure seven times, rub once, yes, i see,
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i will be your apprentice, and well, yes, you are a master, and i am an apprentice, yes, besides, you know, i’m a little -it’s a little... easier to saw than for you, why? because, because the height is greater, the height is greater, and the arms are longer, yes, yes, the walls are ready, next, what are we doing, next is the floor, the pig, the floor, let me move on, get in the way, tell me what else you did, what else you did at the boys’ school, what else you did, what kind of fakes you have, already - the very first thing, this a small box, then i made a key holder, and then this, a key holder - what is this, is this? misha, you know how he made the key holder, how he put the key in a small box, this is not true, why is there no chair or sofa in the workshop, well, what haven’t we done, that’s it, the floor is ready,
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yes, the walls are ready, that’s it, let’s see how, at first i need all these. a magic triangle, where i always put it, i put it here, here, and this is a magic triangle to draw a circle, yes, yes, so, and what will we use to cut it out, we need a catcher, which i, well, this is not the time it will take a long time, well, it will take some time, i understand, but you deftly wield a jigsaw, well done, come on, well, it’s easy, we’ll sand the entrance or let the starlings scratch, right? well, let's sand it, well, it's necessary, yes, let's do it already, if we're going to do it, then do it conscientiously, i sanded everything, that means the hole
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is fine, yes, that's it, yes, we need to sand it down, one here, oh, mishan, what would i do without you, there wouldn’t be a squash-maker, but there must be a squash-maker, there must be, yes, of course, no squarish would have been able to cope. if i hadn’t assembled it, well , yes, take a small screw, come on, we need to do this, listen, yes, we need to speed up, mish, these starlings are already on the threshold, they are flying there, they will evict us from their tamu, and if we squawk at them we won’t do it, that’s all, will, valya, and sha, well, it’s beauty, well, well, it’s beauty, it’s beauty, but there’s no way without a sticker, we need more... yes, the best of all, and if i were a starling, i would
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moved in immediately, wonderful house, such a gorgeous job, of course, deserves a reward, and this is our traditional medal best of all, tired of being small, tired of being, tired of being, served, mikhail, a backpack with sweets, and let this bunny bring it to you as a souvenir good luck to you, our guest was the actor and tv presenter, mikhail bashkatov, thank you, and the young self-made man, misha belousov, the best, well, let's go, that's it, thank you, collect, of course!
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for what for what, what was left aside for me, no one, no one, for... are you interested in anything else, besides fencing, of course, and chess, when
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the cubes are taken from your hands, what do you do? i’m sitting and what are your fingers doing at this moment? i don't know how old it is, did you just collect it? yes, the best of all, the new season, on sunday, on the first, only recently she learned to walk, and already today. stands confidently on a snowboard and not only stands, but conquers real ski slopes. our guest is a four-year-old snowboarder, zara ivanova.
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come on, come on, you’re young, come on, you’re young, come on, you’re young, come on, you’re young, come on, come on you're young, you're welcome, well done, you're well done, you're well done, hello zarochka, hello dear, why is she so serious, because i was called to the show, so i need to be serious, you
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've been snowboarding for a long time, huh? from the age of two, now you are about four, that is , half your life has already been on the board, yes, that means you love winter more, probably, than summer, yes, summer, summer, yes, on a snowboard, is it possible to ride in the summer, no, in the summer on the water you can ride a board, but what is the name of a water board, water board, but i heard that surf, no, that’s something else, haven’t you heard? i heard that when you have to do it like this with your hands, and this is with your hands, but you don’t need to use your hands, no, you just have to hold on to a stick, a piece of wood, and you hold on to the rope and the boat will roll you, yes, yes, in general, in the summer you are on the water board, and in the winter you are on the winter board, you have
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some achievements, four butts of pride. are you serious, you are 4 years old and have four world records? yes, i think that's why the girl is so serious, and this is a quadruple world record holder, everything is clear, yes, that ’s it, and i also know that you conquered the mountain, yes, fuck, bubus, i’m bubus. have you been to elbrus? yes, you were the first - a four-year-old person - to conquer elbrus. who did you come to us with, tell me, dad, mom, and poison. introduce us, please. please
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decipher these world records for us. the first world record is that of the oldest person to master aquatics. because it’s not just like snowboarding, but you also have to hold on to the rope, which constantly pulls, and it takes very strong hands to be able to rise out of the water like that, the second world record - he already had a snowboard, our apartment turned into a training ground, we took off the door, put it on the sofa, covered the door with a towel and it was our artificial slope, on which she trained every day, and after such numerous trainings, at the age of two and three, she already started skiing. on the mountains, just like that, the second world record at a younger age, who mastered snowboarding with a springboard, the third world record - she has already performed a 360° turn on a snowboard, and the fourth world record on a waterboard, this is just a very, well, big world record, the first child to do this, this was only at the age of 7, and she i did it at the age of 4,
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a ski jump with a 360° turn of the board and grabbing the handle of the halyard behind my back, zara said that she was on elbrus, is this true? she had a dream, i just once told her that you can ride not just down the mountain, but in such a way that when you fly on an airplane and the sky is lower you are, so i’m saying, but you can still skate like this, i liked the sky below, yes, yes, she calls this skating higher than the sky, you can’t immediately rise to such a height, even for adults, and this is especially true for a child, that is, there there was a lot of oxygen deprivation pressure, and we spent 10 days living at the foot of the mountain, getting used to this altitude, every day it rose. higher, higher, higher, higher, and all these days there was still fog, clouds, snowfall, namely, when the tenth day she was ready, all the clouds cleared just like order, the sun came out, and we went upstairs, and from there she was already snowboarding down to the very bottom. let's watch a video about how you visited elbrus. 4
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800 i went to the sky, did you really ride? do at 24, what do you want to be when you grow up? uncle mitzioner, and if you suddenly fail to become your uncle’s policeman, do you have a backup plan,
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who do you want to become? a doctor, and what kind of doctor? who do you want to treat, animals or people? animals? do you have any pets? no, only brother, only brother, this enough. what else can you tell us? so, you need to learn how to ride a board. will you teach me? yes, let's go to the mountain to learn how to snowboard. well, zarochka, you and i are snowy. shina, yes, cool, here , yes, you like it, yes, first you need to go on the children's balance board, go to the children's
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balance board, here you need to have your knees bent, knees bent, bent, bent, half-bent, half-bent, good, come on, how to get up, wait, you can put your sock next to this. then like this, well, okay, let me try, oh, friends, ta-ta, tata, i i haven’t been this happy for a long time, i’ve mastered the child’s balance, vorta, okay, but wait, how can i get off now, how can i get off, how can i just put my leg here, yeah, so i ’m like this, on my side like that, then on the children's bandbod you need... here it's 180, i thought that i had already received a diploma in snowboarding training, i need to lower my head, so three, four oh oh,
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oh, somehow, zara, am i doing the right thing, or what? - i’m wrong, right, yes, why can’t i do it, the very last time i learned from you... i learned it, and i’m great, yes, then let's move on to an adult, well, let's have an adult for you, but for me the child will still remain, that's it, it's not an adult, it's a circus, what 's the difference between an adult and a child's, it's because he rocks that's why he called her, but he's more complicated, yes , yes, oh, but he doesn’t, and there’s nothing swinging, yes, there’s absolutely no swinging here, we cross the next board, yes, come on, let’s go, oh, just give me a tear, oh, that’s it, let’s go, what’s
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next, and there olle , this, and this is nolle, nolle olle, well, i created it, and then 180, now i have three, four, descendants of 160, i’m so glad that we don’t have a second snowboard on the mountain, an incredible trick for a four-year-old and even more incredible for me, 360 from a standstill, i almost didn’t turn it too far, these are high snowdrifts here, yes, let me try the yuh too. it turns out, yes, but this is only because i don’t have a board on my feet, when we learned all the tricks, the most important thing remains, yes, close your eyes and
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go down the mountain with a whistle in your ears, i do, ollie, do, do zeros, and 360, wow... cool, we've arrived, oh, well, that was a descent, did you like it? yes, four-time record holder peace, passed, will definitely receive our medal, i’m tired of being with the little white ones, i’d be tired. the medal of our show is the best of all your earnings, are you happy? yes, smile, smile,
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beauty, gorgeous smile, young four-year-old snowboarder from nizhnekamsk, zara ivanova, the best. they say that music can heal hearts. i’ll add from you that it helps with blood pressure and with your back, in general, cancel your appointment at the clinic, we have a great musician in the studio, sasha ankinagentov, young, young, come on, young, come on, young, come on you're young, you're young, you're young, you're young, hello alexander, thank you for inviting me
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to this... we invite only talented children, and you are just that, so we couldn't miss this opportunity. how long have you been practicing the violin? already 5 years, practically a professional? you perform somewhere on different stages, that is, big, small, different. well, are you nervous before a performance? sometimes. when do you worry about small or big? on the big one. why? i just understand. that there are a lot of people watching you now people, when there are three people, it’s not very scary, yes, tell us how your hobby began? in kindergarten , the teacher played a nightly serenade of mozart and tchaikovsky’s val svetov for our whole group, so is it so that you fall asleep or eat well? we felt good, that is, it turns out that...
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ordinary children from kindergarten bring a cold, but you brought mozart. absolutely right, how interesting, they say, hearing can even pick up a melody, yes, yes, and if a person without hearing sings to you, you can pick up hearing, well, let's try, everything is for you, dawns sunsets for you, seas and oceans for you, i don’t know this song, you pick it up, pick it up, you said you can, for you, seas and oceans, for you, flower meadows, for you, wow, i’m thinking now , are you so talented, or did i still hit at least
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one note. now we will listen to the original of what i sang to you, compare it with what you played, yes for you, sunrises and fogs for you, seas and oceans for you, flower meadows for you, only for you, mountains of stars in the sky for you, our crazy world was created for you, alive. and i’m under the sun for you, well done, well done, gorgeous, every violinist dreams of playing a stradivarius violin, explain to me why, but it has a special sound, because stradivarius made such violins with a special varnish, yeah, which ones? for nails, i didn’t
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tell anyone my secret, so you didn’t tell him this secret? no, what musical instrument would you take with you to a desert island? pan, you are a very pragmatic person, i know you are a fan of films about a wizard, yes, and you also want to become a conductor, it’s true, but not... alone and you can’t do without a wand in any hobby, now we’ll check whether you have the inclination for this, whether you can distinguish the pattern of the conductor’s movements from the movement of the magic wand, but put the violin aside and pay attention to the screen, what kind of wand do you think should be chosen for this? , derzhersky or magical, magically, if the light turns green, it means it’s correct, if it’s red, it means
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it’s wrong. oh, little green one, that's right, well done, give us the next picture, this is the spell, how did you determine it? often conductors do things like this, that's right, well done, this is the conductor's scheme, wow, what a scheme, think before you answer, conductor's, you, you 're asking now, conductor's, wave, now let's check, yes, that's right, well done, so the conductor's spell, check, smart girl, absolutely right , i can tell you that you have
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all the makings of both a conductor and a magician, which one would you choose, conducting, i would of course choose. tell me, who did you come to see us with today? which means there’s dad on the right, what’s dad’s name? igor, and mother lena, mother lena, sister anya, grandmother galya, yeah, and grandmother sveta. tell us, when did you realize that he wanted to study violin? no, we didn’t understand, he said, send me to music school, i want to play like mozart on the violin. alena, do you play anything? i play the piano, yes. yeah, that is, after all. professionally, that is, i didn’t finish music school, but sometimes i can accompany. sasha, why are you forcing your mother to play? sometimes classics, sometimes something different. i also try to conduct at home. mom, yes. some
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claim that there will be no classical music in the future. it is not true. do you agree with this statement, it is not true. because classical music will live forever. but are you ready? together with us, he will now decide on a daring experiment and open the door to the future and see how the music will be performed there and what kind of music, yes, we are going to the future!
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sasha anti-agents, a gifted violinist from moscow, and the music of the future was very cool, but the reward is in the future. will remain the same as now, bring a medal, best of all, tired being small, tired of being small, cute, tired of being small, so, the medal of our show goes to sasha amfinagentov, virtuos, violinist and, of course, a backpack with sweets.
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petersburg, so they can meet together and discuss, for example, a car, a model, as if it actually already physically exists. our company is engaged in the development and production of diagnostic tests for determining allergic reactions, using our reagents; the laboratory has the widest range of allergens, which can be discovered. the main motif of our collections is sheepskin coats; we also produce leather items, suits, coats, trousers, skirts. our brand's style is everyday luxury. our everything.
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premiere. tomorrow on the first. russian, hollywood style. from a to z. a. americans. b. bandits. v. vladovin. g, head, toe. d. what is your evidence. z. your health. x: cold, i’m not used to such a dubak, h -
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chelyabinsk, sha, hat, at the shank, sha, hard sign, s, soft sign, e, yu, i, here, tomorrow on first, our only child is our guest, there is no point in hiding sweets and sweets, because she can easily prepare them herself, young chocolatier and dessert maker yesenia aksyonova, you are young, you are young , you are young, you are young, you are young, you are welcome young, give way young, give way, yasenka, hello, hello, my dear! can i call you yasenka, yasya? can you grow up
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and call me yasenia sergeevna? right. when will you grow up? soon? probably in 20-15 years. how old are you now? i'll get married as soon as i'm old enough you can leave. is there anyone in the family, some kind of groom? feblikovich. the same alexander belkovich, the chef? do you think he will wait 20-15 years? yes, but i think he already has a wife, and he will grow old when i grow up, of course, and he has a wife, she won’t grow old, so frivolous, you ran with this basket, it’s so beautiful what you have here, my cookbook , this is a photo album, what kind of culinary is this, but how is it? and what is this now, read what is written here, so, it
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is written here, cookbook by oksyonova yaseniya, 6 years, the best pastry recipes for children, who do you see yourself in 10 years, i am a great pastry chef, everyone looks at me and applauds my dish, here is the recipe, here is the recipe, here is the recipe, cupcakes for my sister... i am interested in manicure, look, my manicure is beautiful, i still have it on my legs , i had it on my arms, what are you talking about, tell me how your passion for cooking began, you know,
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our parents often bought kinders for us, and i loved them so much, and i loved it that way too, yes, but my mother simply didn’t allow me to do it. why she did she eat it herself and didn’t give it to you, or what? she probably ate while she was sleeping. then i came up with a cunning move: i made this chocolate my own, and my mother could not refuse me. and i got a taste for it, i liked it, i always started saving, saving up chocolate, this one. oh, how cunning this is, but do you dream of working for someone or opening one? my own confectionery shop, my dream is that i have already set one goal, i just need to sell the money and get it, sell the money and get the goal, but i dream of starting sell chocolate to people, and then when they give me thousands or 100 rubles, i
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will buy myself a cafe with this money, but do you have an idea what you want to call it? what did i call my lip gloss, and you made lip gloss, but from beeswax and natural shea butter, and as many as four jars, who did you come to us with today? aksenova kristina vladimirovna, my mother, and grandmother shimmetova anzhelika mansurovna. hello, hello, is it true that your child started cooking by himself at the age of 4? yes, i made my very first cake when i was 3 years, in general, i made the main one, and for her i made children’s cakes, so she collected it herself, decorated it herself, this love probably appeared when she was 3 years old, for
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all this time that you help her, she is with you shared at least one recipe, she keeps them secret, but she gives it to us. if you don’t let him into your cafe, i won’t let him in anymore and i won’t prepare dishes for him, either eat what ’s nearby or leave, of course, you like something, don’t like it, but choose, we talked so much about sweets that i really can't wait to try them, i invite you to your personal pastry shop, you should eat to be with
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the little ones, you should eat to be with the little ones. yessenia, look what a magical confectionery you have, it’s cool, yes, there are so many delicious things here, heart sticks, and some balls, oh, what is this, a chocolate sausage, i love chocolate sausage, i really want it all. try, you did it all, yasya, my mother helped me, at the opening of your cafe, your confectionery, there will be a huge cake, bring a surprise for yasenia aksenova!
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don't break your leg, i'm fine, well hello, baby, how are you, good, and you know me, i know, this is yesenia, by the way, yesenia, hi, you have a cool name, i have, my name is sasha, let’s go to the table, invite me to the table. man, come with us with pleasure, this is a pink chair for me, yes, i knew it, i knew it, you don’t believe that this is the real alexander belkovich, you didn’t quite believe it at first, but then you recognized it, touch it. real, real, yes, you know, how long i sat in this cake, it was infused and soaked in the refrigerator all night, and i
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i was sitting in it, waiting for me to jump out to you, there would be chocolate, it would have already melted, and gelatin too, until it melted, choose a dish, there is a cart behind you, you prepared everything yourself, yes, of course, we invite you for a tasting, and with pleasure in general, this is... and the chocolate sausage, this is, oh, a chocolate sausage, and what is it made of, sausage? no, have you ever made chocolate covered sausage? no, you think it’s delicious, probably not, i think so too, it’s better not to take on this experiment, and you bring me something to try, come on, that’s it, i can give it a go take it there, bring it, come on, i really want to try your sausage, okay, do you know how old i was when i cooked my first? dish at what age 6 years old, i thought that before, no, okay, i should get applause, and she should applaud, since she’s been
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making such masterpieces for 6 years, and what did you, sasha cooked at 6 years old, i cooked it at 6 years old, i i fried eggs, then made pancakes, i was generally a little glutton, i went to visit friends, we got together, fried pancakes, dipped them in condensed milk and ate with pleasure, wow, then croutons they started frying it, then they started making lollipops, and tell me, what did you make it from? sausage, we take butter, melt it on the stove, add cocoa to it so that it is brown , sugar to make it sweet, then mix until it becomes a soft brown mass, grind cookies and nuts. sasha, does this look like your recipe or not? it looks a little bit, it looks like he's speechless, you see, he even tried it, it's so delicious.
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childish, of course, it’s like pizza, just instead of sauce there’s jam, instead of cheese there’s dough, how beautifully you did it, but tell me, this dessert, actually cookies, it’s not difficult to prepare, yes, yes, in general, anyone can make it, but it turns out very tasty, and even you can, can you imagine, even i can, um, how delicious, you know what’s most important , in this recipe you don’t want to overdry the dough, but your dough is so tender, crumbly and it seems dense, when you start
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to bite into it, it just crumbles in your mouth, shortbread due to the butter, but it crumbles in your mouth and becomes very tasty, crumbly , probably because butter was added there, yeah, yeah, and you had a little bit of baking powder there , a little bit of love, and a little bit of love, like that, let's try another heart, shall we? heart, seeds, by the way, this is very cool, pumpkin seeds, they haven’t been fried yet, that is, they’re healthy, you took the white ones, and i’ll take the chocolate ones, there are no seeds, and what will you make these chocolates from, chocolates, melt the chocolate , then pour the hearts into the molds, first sprinkle with sprinkles, then pour in the chocolate, put a pumpkin seed on top of the white ones, it flies into the refrigerator, and then flies out like a bird to on your table, in general, great, here. you're so good at telling how you cook it, i 'll take note of a couple of your tricks, okay, but i like it best when she talks, flies in and out, so i
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'll take this, i'll talk too, so this dessert flies into the refrigerator, and then it flies out like a bird and you can eat this jellied meat, he has a great recipe for molded chocolate in his book, alexander, are you ready to try molded chocolate from oksenova, yes, i actually dream of trying it, look. letters, you see, zhanna, you brought it to brag, yes, that you have such desserts here, zhanna is the best, i prepared this, so, what letter do you choose, i’ll eat the letter f, and i’ll eat the letter f, come on, i want to choose the letter a, this the letter on my last name, aksyonova, well done, do you know why belkovich chose the letter z, why? she is because she is the biggest. i thought, you know why? because he wants to marry you, no, i didn’t even dream of cooking anything
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, marrying him, me? i just wanted to not grow old, but why did you dream about me getting married, now it’s kind of not very good, but i saw it live, it’s still a little old for you, but no, because when i grow up, you ’ll still get old, but yes, that’s right, we’re trying letters or not, but we’re trying letters, i think that my letter z tastes better than yours, after i tried e, i can say that it is fantastically tasty. this is a gift for you, thank you, i wrote the wish myself yesterday for you, may your neighbors love you, may a new home await you, oh, that’s good, may you be smarter than everyone else in moscow, this is amazing, thank you, thank you, my girl, zhanna, it seems to me that she
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knows something about neighbors, that let them love you. neighbors, a new home is waiting for you, it’s somehow connected, yes , you think, i especially liked that you gave the gift to me, and not to belkovich, of course not, you’re the presenter, no one gives you medals, but you give them to everyone, absolutely, yes, such a wonderful talent definitely needs an award, i am delighted with your talent, you are great, a medal to the studio, well, yesenia, you are deservedly awarded this medal, best of all, because you cook very well, thank you. and of course, this backpack with sweets is also yours. the bunny is flying to you, we hope that someday...
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arzamas translates as a city of beautiful people, here you can feel like a parisian. an englishman, well, exactly by the hour, it’s all coal-fired, this steam locomotive is made in 1955, everything is real, goose caviar goes well, such a luxury of the merchants, your salary is not enough to pay for this burger, evgeniy, we have an installment plan for you, that is, it’s the same essentially, it’s chalk, yes, that is, you can
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gnaw it right on the wall, you can gnaw it even if you don’t have enough calcium in your body.
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never deceive, little connoisseur of road signs, lion of thunder, welcome, let's go young, well , well done, let's go, well done , let's go, well done, hello , leva, you won’t answer, no, but you don’t have to answer, right, they greeted you enough? how are you so obsessed with road signs, they are like funny pictures, you understand, just to be honest, i still can’t learn these signs, how did you learn them, you taught them from a t-shirt, some kind of goat or who is the cow, yes, this is a sign for cattle drive, oh, i didn’t even know about this sign, this christmas tree with a stool, it means that this is a resting place, but i thought it was
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transporting christmas trees and stools. no, there ’s a bicycle here, there’s also a bicycle, that this is a sign for a bicycle lane, but what other signs do you know, just road signs, some other money ones? signs, you know, punctuation marks, there are no such signs, no, no such signs, temporary signs, more blue signs, 4,41, 4,4, 4,1,2, 4, 1, 3, what is a stop sign, stop, yes, it's 2.5 , non-stop movement is prohibited, yeah, what else? prescriptive , prescriptive, warning signs, warning, these are functional signs, sign signs, prescription signs, yes
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pozovatelnye signs, signs, this is low information, gold plated signs, uh-huh, what are these gold plated, high appearance sign, and to remember the alphabet, there are a lot songs. and there are no songs to remember road signs no, no, but what if we come up with it ourselves, he’ll come up with it himself, yes, look, i have this in my head, if there’s a brick ahead, we’re heading into a trap, if the crossing is closed, we’re waiting for a cheesecake, a sign, with water, a brick with water , what kind of sign is this, this is a sign, it ’s like this here, don’t throw wet bricks or bricks into the sea, and two things about that, another sign with
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stripes, yeah, this is a sign to buy a railway crossing, is there really such a sign, is there, that means you need to stop before crossing and see if the train is coming, yeah did you guess right? yes, oh, well done, at least i know something, you never praise me, i sit and praise myself, but there is such a sign, praise zhanna, what kind of a sign is this, there is a commendable sign like this, praise zhanna, otherwise there’s no further let's go, i'll say, banknotes, and what are you? i will wait for you to praise me, a sign of money, say: well done, zhana, well done, zhana, thank god, thank you, leva, what do you
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dream of becoming, i will become a traffic controller, a traffic controller, of course, and you know how a traffic controller regulates traffic, he raises his hand up you know, it’s called a rod, a rod, well done, but what is the name of the traffic controller’s wand , levochka, who did you come to us with, with your mother, what’s your mother’s name, you have to think about it, really, i know, the sign is called, pedestrian. transition, let me give you a hint, there is a sign, maybe lena, natasha, katya, what’s your mother’s name, lena, lena, well, you see, i got there, hello,
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lena, hello, well, first of all, i sympathize with you, of course, thank you, i don’t think anyone knows as much about signs as you do, yes, that’s right, you have all the categories. i'm not a driver at all, but i had to to teach him how to convey information correctly when he was 2 years old, and he didn’t speak yet, we were walking and he was pointing out on the street, these are all the signs, but i don’t know them, i came home, let’s teach him, then we went for a walk and let's tell him them, little girl, well, learning the signs is one thing, but putting them into practice? this is completely different, i invite you to a real road adventure where we will meet road signs face to face, as they say, are you ready? uh-huh, get on the road, tired of being
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small, tired of being small, tired be small, well, lyova, we finally got there. to the world that you like, the world of road signs, look how many red and blue there are, warning signs,
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and what should you do when the road is slippery? when you can bump into it and it falls on the road, it means you need to slow down, that’s right, you need to be careful on the road, my favorite sign is nuts, this is not a sign of ores, this is a sign of deminius, no, well, look, round circles, or these are coffee beans, didn't you say smoothly? said wrong, no, what did i say wrong, that's it that's right, here are the pebbles and coffee beans running into my mouth, this is a sign, okay, okay, rockfall, oh, this is my husband - in the garden, this is not, this is just knowing the road works, like with little men, my husband is digging again, what - then zantom, this is not dantsu, this is just a mountain, a mountain, yes, oh, and why did my husband
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go to the mountain? in the form of human shovels, this is a sign of road work, road work, okay, what kind of sign is this? natasha, is the code prohibited? no, this is a sign, parking is prohibited, the count is broken, why is the letter n crossed out, natasha, nina, nastya, this... they don’t want to see it here, it’s just a sign, but we have the last sign, oh, what a nice yellow square, it’s not a square, it’s a sunny day, it’s my road sign, but here’s another sign, so, oh, crosses , zero, i know this game, it’s a sign, dorok. no, but what
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about the skolskaya road sign, well, yes, it’s a triangular sign, it refers to what kind, prescriptive, informational or prohibiting, warning, warning, are all the warning signs in the triangle, yes, a round sign, this is a sign for burning stations, that is, you can’t get any closer we won’t drive up, we’ll move on, it’s me, it’s a person, and i’m not a person, in your opinion, no, this is a pedestrian path, a pedestrian path with me, okay, if i can think of it, and the little blue ones are some kind of information, no, it’s prescribed, he prescribes that for this person, this is a good future, this is a sign, a path, you’ll just turn out great. instructor, everything
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is clear, the most important thing, you know, the sign, i know this, this is attention, there is a traffic light ahead, and a worm, this is a sign for dangerous turns, and this is a dangerous turn, you and i are running, this is for a sign kids, why run, you can just walk calmly, it’s not us, it’s definitely not us, this is the sign that remains to be put on, for sure. you and i are no longer children, adults, where is this sign put up, at school, near the school, so that if drivers are driving, then they just look, drool, they have to stop, that means children, yes, i have a convertible that i want drive, but i need to get a license, will you help me get a license, yes, let's drive a convertible, we won't wear a seat belt, we will, let's buckle up, buckle up. and i
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'll buckle up, let's go, oh, i'm going, oh, look, oh, what kind of sign is this, uh, y, s, ha, e, v, s, e, k, best of all, this is the best of all, yes, started at the green point. the beginning of the settlement is the best, oh, 40, there is a speed, yes in the city, speed limits, give way, who to give way to, a bicycle, there is no one, i don’t want to give way to anyone, who is it, the car is letting us pass, why, it’s because we are going according to programs, the main thing is for us, yes, yes,
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the main thing for us is going, oh, look, look, taxi, taxi, hey, taxis, turn the music down, up without stopping for... arrived, traffic light, the color is red, the red ones are standing, yes, yes, when the yellow color is ready, get ready, wait a minute, i'll wait, it's green, that's it , let's go, let's go, oh, children, be careful, children, slow down, mom, be careful. cross the road, but no, don’t cross, wait, we’re going, the pedestrian is in the transitional area, cross, overtaking is prohibited, prohibited, i’ll be like this, why stop, see the sign, yes,
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stop, brick, that i overtook the summer resident under the sign, overtaking is prohibited, this is bad, bad, i ’m sorry, i won’t do this again, what i shouted to the taxi driver from the window, turn it down, it’s not a violation, no, it’s that i had to give way, but they gave way to me, it means i’m cool, or it’s a violation, violation, violation, second violation, but i was driving 40, as the sign says, i’m doing great, yes, and what do you think, i passed my license, yes, hurray, oh, already the steering wheel, tore off the steering wheel by accident, lion of thunder, best of all, medal in the studio, badge,
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no, tired of being small, tired of being small, tired of being. lyovochka, dear, a medal for you, a backpack with sweets, lev gromov, the best of all, calmly, comrade, we are coming to you, professor, this is the matter, ragged! interrupted, you can say what comes into their head, anything, you are painfully oppressing me, dad, what kind of dad i am to you, my god, i’m only now beginning to understand what can come out of our ball, and now they understood what kind of shining nonsense this is, why am i different from people, well, i was married, i
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don’t care about azina, an innocent girl, it’s good that i woke up, take everything and divide it, that’s what i thought, the heart of a dog, the famous film adaptation of the story , my name is nikolai drozdov, this is the first time i have seen such contact between a person and a whale, it’s scary whales, not really, he blew bubbles, he blew bubbles, but it burst, i don’t know about you, but i just love cleaning, for his birthday they bought him a ball, for a long time you...
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burettes, however, they say that sitting on them they’re not going to, why didn’t they like the red sofa, and what will they do with their furniture ? well, let's go young, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, young, let's go, like from the circus, exactly, exactly, you are not from a fairy tale about princesses, no, what is your name? eroida, masha, polina, are you the best? why does she giggle all the time, yes, or
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jokes, jokes, giggles, which one of you is the most serious, eroid, eroid, eroid, why i don’t even know myself, they said that you’re serious , maybe because you’re the oldest, probably , and who’s the strictest, masha? masha, why are you the strictest? well, when something doesn’t work out right away, it’s the most demanding, right? yes, and you say, let’s do it again, we say, please, mash, we can’t do it anymore, no, not yet we will, you have some strict rules that cannot be broken in a team, do not pull on socks, where, pull on a sock, just like that, and this is a technique of execution, and i’m talking about something, for example, that you cannot eat. before a performance, or you can’t wear makeup there, i don’t know, or you can’t
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wear some kind of ring there, you can’t let your hair down, because everyone has to have the same hairstyle, but a bump, a bump, it’s called a shi hairstyle, a bump, everyone has a bump, by the way, what genre are you perform, equilibr, equilibr, what is this called? number, russian dance, this is our audience now.
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circus quartet from barnaul, with such splits you can take seats in the cinema for all your breasts, you know, it’s like a village, it’s busy, busy, and i also know that you perform acrobatic acts and... stools, for example, you stand in a pyramid, it’s true, yes, yes, but how do you determine who will be below, who is the strongest, iroida, you are the strongest, it turns out, well, yes, well, well, well, let me tell you now who is the strongest, let’s hold each other’s hands , i'm with with all our strength, with all our strength, well, not so much as to break it, but okay, so much, so, hello, masha, masha, masha, masha, oh, you should be below, masha, well,
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wait, so, now, now, police, you ’re definitely never downstairs, you need a new girl who will be fourth from the top, because the three of you are very strong, it’s you, yes, god forbid, i can do the most on a stool. sit in the corner, what do you like to do, besides your training, i like to learn korean, i can say hello to you, tell you my name, please, anyoga, hermeun, erimyn and raida, machine, what are you doing, i can train my dad, but what are you teaching him, that he lifts me up, and i do all sorts of elements there, and you perform in tandem, i understand, dad you insures, well, holds.
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we encourage you to win, well, girls, are you ready to show us your incredible talent, of course you are ready, show us a number, yes, so, attention, the best in the show , circus number russian dance, tired of being small, tired of being small, big, tired of being small
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the trio-russian dance is an inhabitant of the russian forest, this is real russian acrobatics, show tricks on wild bears and yet, no one thought of it, your performance was at the highest level, so the awards are also
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high, well, i think it will not be difficult for you to get them. .. from any height. the trio-russian dance goes for medals, the best. one, two, three. well done, come down to us. well, girls, the moment has come when these medals have found their place. i'm tired of it. girls, this is all for you, and they are so beautiful bunnies, this is good luck for you, polina velichinskaya and roida lukina and masha kudryavtseva, the best.
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what are canes? this is an opportunity to show your film to the whole world. in general, this is truly a holiday. it doesn’t matter, as long as the kans are leading the festival. do you swear in your testimony to tell the truth, the whole truth and the whole truth? underneath it all, strong. and a true love of cinema. when the actor enters the hall and the lights go out, the star disappears. i loved making love to him. he was not afraid to experiment. shooting a love affair scenes. filming a fight, filming active action or filming a pursuit, it is very difficult to show passion, they will say, i would not have done that, matodore, today at the first,
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if during the passage before the film there had not been such a crowd around the stairs, the cannes festival would not have happened either was. testament of zhenya belausov. the battle for the legacy of the star of the nineties is entering the home stretch. all participants in the conflict are in our studio. have you filed a lawsuit? why does a person write a will at 30 years old? roman is sure that the entire inheritance once went to his sister unfairly christina. if i wanted to cheat, i would have come from the very beginning, formalized everything about myself. why is the singer’s son sure that the star’s widow is deceiving him, and that the document could have been forged? i want to know the truth. you know dad’s handwriting, to be honest, no.
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count your son, because it turns out faster, meet the master of instant mathematics, the lightning-fast shield leader pasha shutov, well, the way is young, well , the way is young, let’s be the way, young, well, the way is young, and the way is young, let’s be the way, hello pashenka. from what you brought, i understand this dog, yes, abacus, this is an abacus, and i know what it means, these are the abacus, they are small, because they are for children, yes, to
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make it easier to count, for example, 7 + 14, how to count on these abacus, here it is seven, here are five and two, oh my god, listen, well, in the modern world there is a calculator, poke-poke-poke everything, here, well, you need to learn to count, and not like this... just bang everything and counted really stupid things it’s not even interesting, bang, the abacus is much more interesting , they were invented right there in the 15th century bc or when the abacus was invented, but i don’t know and you can directly count anything on these abacuses, yes, but you can count without them , yes mentally, yes i do this, i substitute it and, as it were, i count. what are you talking about, those people who do mental arithmetic compete with each other, yes, you won
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some competitions somewhere, but at the olympiads, but there are olympiads, yes, the olympiad in mathematics, but there are championships, there are no championships, this world championships in running, i heard about running, about football, i heard about football, but about mental... no, no, what heights have you achieved, i have two cups there is at home, what are these cups for? the first cup was for winning the math competition , i remember, finally, the second cup voted for me becoming the champion in the world, as i understand it, since i forgot again, the olympics? i remember, finally, pash, it turns out that you are a winner of the world olympiad in mental arithmetic, yes, you are a big star,
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it turns out that i don’t get sick, this disease is star fever or like star fever, no, if you get sick, i have a special oil, no need, thank you, no need, oh, what a modest fellow came to us. a have you ever timed your counting speed ? it’s high, yes 0.3, that’s 0.4 0.3 seconds in one action, pash, pash, pash, wait. 0.3, but that ’s all about 0.3, at this speed it takes 0.3 seconds, this is on a calculator, you press the button longer, that is, it’s not fast, but lightning fast, almost at the speed of light, but basically, by the way, you can you can also count not only comments about but also in your head, i understand that you count very quickly, but why are you talking so quickly, it’s not in vain that you talk jabber all the time, you jabber
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exactly. no matter how long you go to ordinary mathematics or you are bored there, well, i just listen to the teacher and do everything he says, for example, like our teacher says, open, for example, some page, and here you are like this from the back of your pocket, no, i calmly open just the page i need , everything, calmly open it and go to sleep, let it be, no, i’m not sleeping, so what, do you read books, well... well, did you read them when you quit? last week, why didn't you throw in enough numbers there? i'm tired of reading, i'm tired of reading, but there are books on mathematics, isn't it, well, of course i i haven’t heard of these, mom, can you imagine, you’ll thank me later, preview now for a child, love of reading, i was interested, i wanted
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to ask how you are? you’re relaxing and i think you ’ll say now, i’m relaxing with a book, well , mostly just math right away on the phone, that is, you’re an ordinary child, after all , you’re not a robot, i’m not artificial intelligence to you, and they’re allowing you to play on the phone? yes, well, sometimes i play on the phone, and he says: go do math, well , i’m going, who’s telling you that, mom and grandma, until you... do it mathematics, what are the conditions, i want to understand how you live, well, until you do mathematics, don’t pick up the phone, that is, we are only talking about mathematics, yes, that’s why you learned to count so quickly so that you can quickly count on the phone, and you listen to music , yes, i even specifically turn on music to do something faster, to play with toys or on my phone, i even do math faster this way, because when i
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turn on the tv, there are all sorts of pictures, i... speak more slowly, well i don’t know how to grind, i just try, just like this, just like this, everything is different, i am, yes, that's it, that's the limit, that's it, that's the slowest speed you have, step over your limit, you 'll succeed, say, hi, hi, i'm
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on, some kind of stupidity, really, who are you with came to us, with his mother, with his brother, with his grandmother, with the teacher, with his son, that’s all, so, grandmother, what’s the name, uh? are you sure, you said so, hesitantly, teacher, olya, olga, who else is there, her son, who, her son, her son, what’s his name, are you friends with him, do you know him in general, i know him, that means he’s yours friend, what 's his name, vanya, oh, vanya, ugh, thank god, hurray, i remembered, yes, now it’s a simple task,
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what’s your mother’s name? nina, nina, i’m sure, and konstantin, konstantin, your brother, yes, olga, hello, finally, open the veil of secrecy, tell pasha’s real credentials, because he’s shy, it seems to me, well, pasha started training 3 years ago, in the twenty-second year, he took second place in the world olympiad in mental arithmetic, which was held online. so olya, please, this is the first time i’ve taken third place, yes, the third time, yes, why are you bothering me, wait, can’t i? is it possible, well, wait, well, you didn’t say anything at all, that you didn’t participate anywhere, yes, now we find out, now olga is telling, and last year he became a champion at the world olympics, before us is an olympic champion, an olympic champion, yes according to mental arithmetic, and many children
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of this age participate in the world olympiad, well, there were 90 eight countries and, in my opinion, 1,800 participants, children, yes children. pash, well, bravo, bravo, are you ready to show us your talent? then i invite you to a fight with numbers, let's go take it your friend. welcome. to our digital arena, in front of you is a special screen on which there will be examples, they will also be duplicated on the big screen. the first example will be very long, it's 20 actions with two-digit numbers at half a second speed.
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complete silence in the studio. reade set go. 44 incredible, 20 actions for half a second, this means that in 10 seconds you correctly calculated the correct answer, well, let’s complicate the task, you smile, as if you are relaxed, why am i nervous, explain to me, why am i standing, at my hands are shaking, maybe because i got a c in math, but it’s unlikely that this is connected. so, 40 actions with two-digit numbers at an even faster speed, 0.3 seconds.
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pay attention to the screen, example number two. 20. show the correct answer. right. i think i'm now starting to understand what you think. you just tap the number five with your fingers. and everything is transmitted through your hands to your head. let's move on to the third example. ready? yes. now pavel. in your eyes will calculate the correct answer of the example from 50 actions, and these will be three-digit numbers, pay attention to the screen,
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979. show the correct result, right, right, this is incredible, of course i have seen a lot in my life, but this, a medal to the studio, the best medal is yours, of course, this backpack with weaknesses, also for you, this bunny is a souvenir for you, may he bring you
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good luck, young master of mental arithmetic, pavel shutov, the best! another graduation has come to an end, but talented children will never run out, in a week new talents will plop down on this sofa, so that the whole country exclaims, they are the best, see you on channel one, and i ask you not to rush to grow up. mbase dorën.
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hello matador in france, we are starting our special edition dedicated to the cannes international film festival.
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what does the cannes festival mean to you? it's crazy, i'm on the jury now and i have to watch all the films, it's very tiring, but i like it here.
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it’s really a holiday, it’s a forum for filmmakers, and no matter how many attempts there are to come up with and organize something, it ’s still the leading festival, this is how it is a dream, it’s wonderful, here i met natasha, other strangers, but wonderful people, i’m very happy, i’m sincerely happy about this, i think that the cannes film festival is the most interesting of film festivals, which... there are a lot of them happening in the world, and
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even then the best in cinema tends to be seen in cannes.
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what do you think about the cannes festival? sure, it's a giant show, but it's based on movies. i think this is one of the main events in the world of cinema. of course, this is what lies on the surface.
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it's related, but it's not. only in places like kan, i can meet the people i saw on the screen and talk to them, that's the most important thing, and the prizes are nonsense. well, this is what it is, in general, i don’t know, it’s very difficult to explain what the cannes festival is to someone who hasn’t seen it, it’s still some kind of holiday with cruel tension, because... i really want the film was, so that they would love, so that they would react somehow, and since to some extent every katsky festival is a birth, yours or death, then the relationship with this festival also freudian is easy to go to.


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