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tv   PODKAST  1TV  April 6, 2024 12:20am-1:06am MSK

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for example, a story about how, on the recommendation of one of his friends , two mysterious people came to niels bohr, who spent 5 hours asking him about his work with a fairly serious understanding of the problem, and bohr, more or less imagining what kind of people they were, answered for 5 hours in response to their questions, the head of scientific and technical intelligence of the mgb, general vasilevsky, and his deputies spoke to him.
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robert oppenheimer was, after all, an informant for our intelligence, christopher nolan's entire scheme would have gone to waste. in fact, today the film answers more or less exactly the traditional agenda of the democratic party, whose nest has always been hollywood, which, and, accordingly, the oscar academy. this is a movie about a levada professor who is obsessed.
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another thing is that yes, if oppenheimer’s levada interests at some point led her to work for soviet intelligence, this makes the figure much brighter, more voluminous and interesting than oppenheimer was played by, also this year’s oscar winner, kilion murphy. in any case, he is a more interesting figure, but completely unacceptable for modern american public. and thus the oscar is once again confined to internal american problems, again it ceases to be , frankly speaking, an award for great world cinema, and if they had slightly changed the plot, then on the other hand, the film simply would not have made it into the top ten most interesting, they would not have allowed this, and for my part, i want to say that on the eve of the ceremony i... with all my strength and
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with all my heart i wished martin scarceza victory. fortunately, the painting, the killer of the flower moon, despite the age of eighty-one applicant, meets the highest standards. however, this year scarze flew like a veneer over paris, as he always did, almost always for the previous 50 years. as a matter of fact, martin lucanovich's relationship with oscar has always been bad; perhaps the very first great disaster of the film academy happened with the first of the great films from corseza, the film taxi driver. in 1976, an outstanding movie, perhaps even the best movie from corseza, lost to sylvester stalon's rocky alone. as a matter of fact, i
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it’s hard to imagine any competition at all, even a competition for films about boxers, where the film taxi driver can lose to the film lessons, but it happened, and my friends from the anglo-saxon environment spoke to me about my indignation in exactly the same words as we usually answer them when they are indignant at our business, they said, gorelov, you don’t understand, in 1976 - feminism had already begun to take control of the united states, but did not completely trample the masculine essence of film academics, they decided to at least somehow way to respond to this feminist agenda of that time with a knockout, the film taxi driver was not very suitable for this, after all, the main character was not unconditionally positive, he was preparing an assassination attempt on an american senator and only... an extreme
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accident forced him to change his plans to become an american hero in fight with brothel pimps, and secondly, after all, he was a completely outspoken bastard. in fact, for the first time in the history of the american screen, she appeared on the screen without anything in peter bogdanovich's film the last movie show, it was the year sixty-nine, america was very slow in matters of nudity, europe and even the soviet union were very much ahead of it, and since
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the film was aimed specifically at a teenage audience, it talked about how bad it is when you are drafted into vietnam , and what wonderful classmates you have... you sometimes have, in particular the blonde sibelsherd, all generations of american men, of course, fell in love with her right away, such a beautiful girl, dream, freak taxi driver travis bicol played by robert deniro tried to lead to hard porn, and of course, against this background, sylvester stalon, a little stupid, but certainly positive, a good family man, a winner and in general the center of the american dream, looked more presentable. so he, in fact, won. we are starting kvn, for what, for what, what is left aside for me, no one, no one,
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no. takes the cubes out of your hands, what are you doing? i’m sitting and what are your fingers doing at this moment? i don’t know, and how old is it, did you just collect it? yes, the best, new season, on
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sunday on the first. it's still podcast woe by fire and i, its host, with a story about the main films... at that moment reagan won, was attentive to the ordinary ordinary person, the academy decided to correspond, again, to the current agenda, a mad rush flew by, in the ninety-first year , scarzez's film good falloc lost the films dances with wolves about the antics of an american
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officer with the indians, the casino film in 1996 did not make it into the mainstream at all.
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received for the film the departed, which was a copy of the hong kong original, which in itself is quite strange, they shut it down he has now been nominated 10 times and received no awards. scarcez's main message was generally the awareness of how great, how pleasant, how sweet it is to be in america, a complete son of a bitch. all his films are stories of success, complete scumbags, retarded moral monsters, sometimes just not the most pleasant characters, such as the boxer lomotta or... ropert papkin in the film the king of comedy, well, there was also the exception
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of the success story of jesus christ in the film "the last temptation" christ." scorse then tried to cast his favorite in the lead role robert denira. danir said, "marty seems to have gone crazy." of course, i too am a beautiful christ. christ was played by william dafoe. all his other films were dedicated to varying degrees. scoundrels in whom america did not want to recognize itself, it was such a beautiful distorting mirror, the same story happened this year: killer of the flower moon is a movie about how 100 years ago, at the beginning of the 20th century , oil was found on the land of the asseiji tribe, as a result, the land-owning tribe became the wealthiest, wealthiest enclave in the united states. yes, immediately all the swindlers of america rushed in, began
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to sell local photographs for 40 dollars, coffins for 1.00 dollars, well, etc., profiting in every possible way from the simple-minded indians, but the most enormous crime was that all the surrounding whites began to marry indians, after which indians were found either...
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this time scarcez also had to be content with only a nomination, perhaps
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this is another academic failure, of which there were already enough in the overall oscar score, now a few words about the other nominees with 2010, instead of five titles on the shortlist there are 10, let's talk about the rest, the area of ​​interest is a film about the commandant of the auschwitz concentration camp, which, of course, could not become the main film of 2024, simply because it cannot be the main film, a film about the commandant of the auschwitz concentration camp. the film is very good, and it is good precisely because no atrocities occur in the frame, there are no ovens, no hundreds of people driven into crematoriums, there is one. the wailing wall, the fence, this same commandant, in front of which phloxes grow,
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in front of which the dogs will develop, uh, the little kids of this very commandant are jumping, and some issues related to current life are discussed, in general, a normal lawn, however, sometimes thick black smoke comes from behind the fence, and somewhere in the distance people are screaming , but the residents of this bungalow are already accustomed to not noticing this, and even calmly... joyfully splash with their children in the pool, which is also on the territory of this lovely household, and, perhaps, in contrast, the authors really achieve the greatest horror, as... as possible, and i still in the text of komsomolskaya pravda, he said in advance that the film for the best foreign film, the oscar for the best foreign film was guaranteed to the film, so it happened, well, here i repeat, the victory is absolutely deserved, and another picture, the film past lives, well, allowed us to discuss
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at least something related with him. only because of the film academy’s open bias towards southeast asia, it was the only asian film among the dozens of main contenders, a movie about how korean lovers were separated in childhood, and as adults they meet in new york, squeezing out remarks once an hour, in general they worry about how they parted, but again - only the academy’s obvious tilt towards southeast asia allows us to discuss this film seriously, and the tilt is clearly towards korea, because america has already fought with japan, with china will most likely be. now the film
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is about a private school in the seventies, in which... at christmas there remains a loser-teacher and a loser-student inside the school, who was not taken just in time for the christmas holidays, the film is wonderful, but monstrous burdened by the line of a black african-american boyfriend whose son died in vietnam, in general, this aunty was absolutely useless in the plot itself, and besides, she also greatly increased the running time by about 20 minutes . so the film would have fit perfectly into an hour of 40, now he has more than 2 hours, but it was absolutely clear that this particular young lady would receive the oscar for best supporting actress, it just so happens that the oscar for best supporting actress has long been reserved for black fat women, if in the nomination there is
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at least one black woman, and especially a fat woman, then... will receive oscars, this has already happened five times out of six, this year the situation was extremely complicated by the fact that three black women were competing for the oscar for best supporting actress actresses and two of them were fat, it seemed to me that the aunt from the film the color purple has a much better chance, because in this picture her heroine simply knocked out the white one. the mayor of the city and even sang a powerful black song of national freedom over his body, to me it seemed that it was impossible to interrupt her, but here i was mistaken, the prize was given to the lady from the film abandoned, and it was certainly in vain, she is not an actress, it is clear that when she
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needs to play something serious, the drama of the mother of a dead son, the director films her from the back, everyone knows very well in what situations directors have to do this, when the actor simply can’t pull it off, and clearly she doesn’t pull it off at all, her whole merit lies in the fact that she’s fat, because she’s black, applause from the academy, virtual reality is where everything impossible is possible, i see you, you are now in my room, hello, several people can be in the virtual space at once, that is, for example, a factory is located. our company is engaged in the development and production of diagnostic tests for determining allergic reactions. using our reagents, the laboratory has the widest range of allergens that can be detected. basically, the leitmotif of our
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collections is sheepskin coats; we also produce leather items and suits. coats, trousers, skirts, the style of our brand is everyday luxury, our everything, premiere, tomorrow on the first day, welcome to visit us, in hollywood there are rules, the standard works, you have to use it, i’ll break you, such a blockhead, so to speak, well, maybe he’s not a bad guy, but i’m still an idiot, what is your evidence, comrade colonel, are you okay, i say steven, well, it’s impossible , but he’s completely childish.
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well deserving of an oscar for his male lead. main paul jamati lost to keelin murphy. next, the film the poor and the wretched by yorgas lathimos was, of course, a magnificent film was too complex, not only for american audiences, but even for our critics. i read in one of the reviews that the view of the world is through the unclouded optics of a simple-minded person.
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certainly not new, it first appeared in the author, of course, it is necessary to say that the view is the times of enlightenment 350 years before the birth of forrest gump, and even more so the critic himself, and well, philosophical stories and candide from the film critical community. pictures, of course, oscar, etc. lemi stone, for some reason the majority of the world's population is sure that playing a weak-minded person, or
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weak-minded go, this is the pinnacle of acting, in my opinion, this is not so, tom hanks did not show any acting skills in the performance of, for example, forrest gump, the usual, slightly grotesque action associated with... traditional antics, and well of course, emmy stone, you just need to take your hat off to her for constantly appearing naked in the frame, this is, in general, a rather sharp outburst of an actress who had not previously allowed herself to do this, and decided to agree only in the film of a big and serious arthouse director, but otherwise, perhaps. stone certainly lost the oscar to the indian lily gladstone from the film killer of the flower moon, i’m very glad that most commentators here
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agree with me that the main female oscar was a dispute between actresses named stone and gladstone, my sympathies are on the side of the indian, although stone too in general, the actress is of quite high quality and high-level. we say, completely deservedly, but the fact is that - when - the director of the film puts the most gorgeous, twitchy
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urban cover for the film "wetsite story”, clearly completely written for the concrete jungle of a big city, superimposes it on the green lawn of the bernstein estate with a swimming pool and green bushes. it is clear that only a person with a complete lack of musical taste could do this; cooper, apparently, does not have one. as for in our opinion, the distaste for this picture is deepened not only by the bad dialogues, but also by the fact that bernstein’s friend koussevitzky says there that in tsarist russia he was forced to earn money as an axman on long-distance trains to moscow and back. having reached moscow, he immediately changed to an oncoming train and never saw the city, because jews were not allowed to live there. great and interesting discoveries about the life of jews
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in the russian empire. especially aggravated by the fact that conductor koussevitzky served as a double bassist in the orchestra of the bolshoi theater for 11 years, the same conductor koussevitzky, who could not come to moscow due to the fact that due to the fact that anti-semites did not allow him there, the screenwriter himself cooper could not help but know this, and the fact that he is trying in this way to make amends for american anti-semitism with tales about russian anti-semitism, says that he is about... a pig, and a person should not discuss this directly, let's say, but the film anatomy of a fall told about the investigation of the fall from the roof of a quarrelsome husband and the accusation that he fell to his wife, a long movie, i can’t say that it’s any interesting, but nevertheless, she won an oscar for the screenplay
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today. the main american agenda is based on the fact that all men are scoundrels, if women threw them off the roofs, then they should go there road, and the barbie movie, of course, was an indulgence to mass taste, it was difficult to expect that this movie comic would receive at least anything at the oscars, it received an oscar for the best song, in my opinion, maybe for the music, it doesn’t matter, and... on the other hand, the barbie film made its contribution, its contribution to stories about the origins of the sexes. in barbie's opinion, it was not the woman who was produced from a man's rib, but the man who was produced from a female quirk, and it would be better for him to remain there within the framework of this quirk. and finally the last one
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picture from ten. in general, the film was quite nice, american fiction, the story of a black writer and teacher, whom no one wants to perceive as a black intellectual, it is clear that such a paradoxical dark topic could not get into the top, most often the authors are given an oscar for such films for the best screenplay, because the screenplay is considered the territory of smart people for smart people, always, as soon as some complex and paradoxical picture appeared on the horizon at the oscar academy, they bought it off with an oscar for script, this was the case with the film pulp fiction pulpfiction, this was the case with the 11-time oscar-nominated film citizen kane,
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he received a prize only for the script, he believes... and a further decline in the planet’s interest in this ceremony can be predicted without any difficulty. this was the podcast mount with fire and i, its host denis gorelov, with a story about the oscar ceremony in 2024.
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i didn’t see your smile, you probably hide it from strangers, you don’t make mistakes and don’t utter unnecessary phrases while immersed. each time stupider, we shoot masks to become even plainer, just how much life was needed to feel here now that it’s not necessary, pray again, you’re so strange, pray, you know, i’m tired of the deception, the confused crust is driving me crazy, but i give you
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more ass. you never know again, you’re so strange , i love you, god, you really are gross and i’m afraid to give you another chance. my heart told me today, because it doesn’t matter what they think about us, even if it’s strange, i thank you for what we have now, what we have now, everyone is looking for their own answers, but i i feel that somewhere very deep inside. there are no secrets, whatever you want, just look, and how to do it, you never know again, you’re so strange, you never know, you know, i
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got up from deception, i’m struggling, it’s crazy , but i’ll give you another try, it’s not enough again, you're so strange, love, i'm serving, maybe you're really cool? i'm afraid to give you another chance. i'm afraid. you are so strange. little do i know, i’m tired of yes, but i’m giving you another try, you never know again, you love so strange, i ’m giving, maybe you really are sad and i’m afraid,
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but i’ll give you another try... friends, hello, this podcast is not a format of a place where each artist can reveal himself in a completely new way, and as always in this studio , my wonderful co-hosts are karina cross, vale carnival, the gip group. this is roman, nikita, arkady and alexey, of course, me, anton lavrentyev, and today, as i know, we, yes, we are not alone here, our guest is an artist who amazed everyone not only with her vocals, but also simply with stunning
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beauty, just a minute, this is a mother of two children, nyusha is visiting us today, hello, guest as always, we are not alone, despite his young years, this young man managed to win our hearts. millions of girls and even women of completely different ages, so meet akman, how sweetly you speak, what do you think unites you, besides unearthly beauty, of course, music, in fact, this whole event of yours is cool, it’s really capable to bring people together, because to be honest, nyusha and i saw each other, i saw, i can call you, of course, or you howl. shy, i'm afraid to come here, but now now we will sing, we will get to know each other, so your event, this musical one, really brings us together, of course
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, music unites us globally, but i know that akmal today even prepared a remake of nyusha’s song, she played trump card, yes, of course , well, because i can’t wait, i want to hear, me too. run away, take me, i want to go where you breathe, it’s wet winter, and through the rain you can’t hear me, i’m in the balanya, i was swimming in the clouds, however, by the way, what?
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please tell me how it happened was such a hit born? i was inspired for this song by a life situation, at that moment i observed a loved one who was worried about ...
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my parents raised me on chanson, it so happened that i went to school by dwing, then somehow everything gradually outgrew and i began to learn the work of lyuba uspenskaya, and the boys and i were sitting in karaoke, i was singing a song in polish, and one of our guys said to me: listen, it would be cool if you did some kind of remake of this song, you would leave it to everyone famous chorus, but at the same time i would write new verses, and that’s how this idea was born, but what, what did love itself say to you? this is also a very interesting story, i was sitting in a cafe,
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in short, and a number called me, i picked up the phone and heard this velvety voice that was so familiar to madness, this one, alec boy, she’s amazing, i just listened to the song, it was simple amazing, i melted right in this cafe, my girlfriend was sitting with me, sitting opposite me, she was looking at me. by the way, she's sitting here, she won't let lie, she looks at me, and i look at her like this, we caught each other, and i say: this is vospensky love, when i finally finished the conversation, i’m talking to this girl, i think she’s in in high spirits, in my opinion she was a little under the weather, she was 100% nervous to call a stranger, but as a result i met her in person, and i realized that she is always like this, she is always like this with open arms to a person, well, in short, she says that we
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need to meet with you, maybe we we'll come up with something else together, that's it, but somehow she's at concerts, i'm working there somewhere, so our schedules never lined up, let's sing a song like a pole, come on, don't look at me, i’m my own enemy, i traded you, let’s start by buying this, right? there’s no one around, i’m walking alone, i was a fool, i’m sick of you, but no luck, there’s a trap again, the heart in my head is completely filled with you, i’m drunk, i’m drunk with you, i’ll never find peace anymore, here we’ll carefully step in now, yes in the chorus, i understand everything correctly, yes, everything is correct, sing along like voslenskaya love in reality, and i
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’ll come to you across the field and across the pole, i ’ll come across the field and across the pole, to you a thousand miles away, to you a thousand miles away, i’m with a broken wing, but i’ll fly to you, i’m with a broken one wing, but i will fly to you for a thousand stars, to you for a thousand stars! excellent, so good, in general! arzamas translates as a city of beautiful people, here you can feel like a parisian, an englishman, well, exactly by the hour, it’s all coal-fired, this steam locomotive is made in 1955, everything is real, normal goose caviar is combined, such a luxury for the merchants, your salary is not enough to pay.
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i clean cages as a janitor, the youngest city. golden ring, ivanova, ivanova, that’s right, the city of brides, my beloved, my life, visual, i’m yours, i know further, i’m singing something there, premiere, i love my country, tomorrow
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on the first day, nyush, you originally worked with dad, your dad was a producer, what’s it like when... your dad produces you, i think it was very cool, because it really wasn’t like that initially concept, that is, like my dad, he wanted to find excellent conditions for me, that is, we talked with different labels, producers, there was such a long search path, well, he finally realized that he didn’t dare trust me with anyone , i was basically born into a musical family and, of course, my dad, he is also a composer and... with his skills, with his experience, it was probably even strange to transfer me somewhere to someone, that is, to him there was just some kind of inner uncertainty, but in the end he performed more even as my music producer, i heard, it’s true, he mortgaged the apartment so that it would really be like that, yes, we simply didn’t have the opportunity, that is, how would we
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calculate how much money it would take to record material there, to film clips, at that time he was at a dissolution. that is, he could start opening his own business there, do it and could, as it were, essentially invest in me, and he made a choice to support the business, well, yes, in fact, yes, it was really a family business, also his wife participated, she was like a co-producer, well, of course there were, there was everything, there were certain disagreements, but overall we still interacted very well, i think that this was the best option from all those labels and production centers. producers who could work with me. wait, is dad involved in his musical life now or not anymore? no, not now. i can always turn to him and periodically turn to him for advice, for some kind of support, but i had a very important stage, in fact, such a certain separation, because wow, i i wanted to ask, how can i break up with my dad? yes, it was a very difficult period, it
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lasted, yes, actually, somewhere, well, probably even a couple of years, because when i met my husband, i just... learned to build a relationship just with my dad, in fact , there were several very difficult conversations between us, where the truth really needed to be told, and i cried, and dad got angry, well , that is, we had just such showdowns, but this was exactly about it, well, anyway, every person has dad has his own expectations he had his own expectations, he believed that we would probably work together all our lives, and to some extent, well, to some extent, he seemed to be completely directed and involved in my project. so of course both the daughter and the project, when it’s all a boom, that is, of course you can understand it, well, the apartment got lost, everything is fine, the apartment, well, of course not, of course, yes, everything, everything is fine, everything happened, we rented , probably three clips for an apartment, there are three clips for the one that was sold, my dad reacted like my husband, like a buzz or
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no, normal, normal, but it was connected, because in fact, that is, as if for me. there was also such an internal state, that a long creative path had been made, here it was as if i, probably, like a woman, had a request to already create a family, children, that is, as if to some extent, of course, rest, because i i just got tired of this tough schedule, of certain conditions, and it just so happened that we slowly, that is , we still worked together, some more time was spent on restructuring, as it were, and then i just well, i’ll take it all later.


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