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tv   PODKAST  1TV  April 6, 2024 1:05am-1:51am MSK

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dad, how did you react to your husband, like a buzz or what? no, normal, normal, but it was connected, because in fact, that is, as if i still had such an internal state, that a great creative path had been made, here it was as if i, probably, had a request like a woman already start a family, children, that is, to some extent, of course, rest, because i’m just tired of this tough schedule, of certain conditions, well, it just coincided that we’re slowly, that is we still worked together for some time it took a lot of restructuring, as it were, and then i just , well, that’s it, then i got pregnant and it was as if i needed to take a 100% break, well, kind of, even though i worked until the fifth month of pregnancy, let’s do it all at once, so i ’ll fill in the dots, i also read that your husband tried to produce you, is this true or definitely not true, indeed, when we just, well , one might say, we moved in together, we just moved in together and... but he just became more actively
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involved in my life, because well, how would we were nearby and there were such attempts, that is, but he’s not even a creep, he’s just at least all the same, that is, he began to participate more in my life, is privy to some issues, then we also organized a musician, too, or is he not connected at all, no, he’s not at all not connected in any way, but he was connected with the organization of events and concerts in his city, and it so happened that, of course, he seemed to become active , perhaps i...
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she danced, as far as i know, but she graduated from teaching, she is a teacher literature and the russian language, but not with music, my dad played football all his life, it’s very interesting, my grandfather too, in short, i don’t know where music really lives in me, but in terms of the legal side, my dad understands these contracts, i’m a complete kettle in this, and i always send all the contracts are with my father, but recently i hired my first lawyer, who will always be with me now, and so that i don’t get deceived, i have many artists. my friends
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advised me to do this, so i did it. after 13 years, you re-released the song “choose a miracle,” right? yes, i got into the trend because now, actually, this trick is to give the song a new life, to re-release it in a different way, it got the biggest hype, actually. we have prepared for you the actual song “choose a miracle, only jazz, so.” run away, take me, i want to go where you breathe, it’s wet winter, you can’t hear me through the rain, i was swimming in the clouds in the middle of nowhere.
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cool, nyush, usually everyone makes feats now, yes, and you had a very interesting experience, reviving a song and creating a feat, as if with an ex, it so happened that i... in one of
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social networks asked her fans a question: with whom they are most looking forward to a duet, at that moment my feed there simply collapsed, and so be it. but since over these few years i actually dug a lot into what we experienced, i know that ideally, of course, people should disagree on good terms, and since we did not come to some kind of harmony in this issue, that is, it was as if naturally clear that it would be great to, well
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, discuss some things, work through them, and i began to directly work on myself, raise them, and you offered to do a fit? well, it kind of happened that he sent a screenshot, and i kind of thought that this was already a proposal, and i sort of agreed, like i wrote why not, that’s it, then we already texted and agreed to meet, we’re talking about songs mr. and mrs. mi, it turned out very cool, in fact , i think we were both super fired up by the story that no one had ever done this before, that this was a unique topic, even when we realized that we could make this video where we like ala, they're gone. then you again on one set there was no such type it was it was strange yes it was strange not yet on the set it was strange back in the studio when we actually saw each other there we didn’t see each other for a long time well yes actually there for several years we didn’t see each other here we saw each other
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in at some point, i even directly asked everyone to leave, we were left alone, i said, so let’s say, in short, what are you, what kind of grievances do you have against me, right? like, what are you, what do you think, come on, tell me everything, in short, now we have 10 minutes there, come on, here we go he began to tell me, in short, how he, how he sees, what i was wrong about, in short, what happened, because before that i had various excerpts, interviews, and so on, and how i understand that he there were processes there, i kind of had my own and i wanted to clarify and so that there were no hard feelings between us, understatements, and so on, and that your husband wasn’t jealous of this moment in your life, of course, at first yes, but then.. we also had several very deep conversations on this topic, and when i explained, well, the main message, the concept, why are we doing this in general, and of course he reviewed all this, we - you know, were deeply immersed in your desires regarding musical experiments,
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i heard that you respect jazz, i respect it, we suggest you perform the song, don’t interrupt, now. illegal rights to opportunity, you are not an unraveled thread around warmth, you are carried by a stream of wind, along the broken, barely breathing glass of other people's windows, i have told you this more than once. repeated, i endured, i was looking for silence, the sky was louder than she told me then, and i was left to listen to the story on his, don’t interrupt
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me, a musician, do not offend me. you're too close, don't interrupt me, my law is happiness, don't offend me, you're too close, you're too close, ah'. the next level of difficulty, you love burke,
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yes you love burke, we decided to help you with this, what’s going on, this is completely unexpected, absolutely, now try to sing the song “to the warrior the moon, ear, right”? she’s not white, she’s wrong, it wasn’t me, who knows in heaven. will say, yes, yes, it was fate, it’s my dream in heaven, it’s not my dream, it happened a long time ago, don’t circle over it, it’s better to tell me why me, it’s not you who’s sick of sadness, you’re pike-bique, they’re catching up, i look like a wolf, two weeks, like the moon, and if you wait a little.
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“calm down, comrade, we are coming to you, professor, on this matter, i cut you off, cut you off, you can say whatever comes to their mind, anything, you are painfully oppressing me, dad, what kind of dad am i to you, my god, i ’m only now beginning to understand what can come out of our ball, and now we understand what kind of shining nonsense this is, why am i worse than people, well , i was married, i don’t care, azina, an innocent girl, it’s good that i woke up"? take everything and divide it, that’s what i thought, the heart of a dog, the famous film adaptation of the story
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by mikhail bulgakov, tomorrow on the first one, he is still dancing, dancing, this program was seen in the video, my name is nikolai drozdov, this is the first time i have seen such contact between a person and a whale, it’s scary with whales, not so much. he blew bubbles, he blew bubbles, and i burst, i don’t know about you, but i just love cleaning, we bought him a ball for his birthday, took a long time to choose and he destroyed it in 5 minutes, we didn’t even have time to go outside, always new year, always housewarming, if the owner is with you, you saw the video, watch with us, the premiere is on sunday on the first, alena aleksandrovna, let’s somehow pay more attention to the work, today that’s it, yes,
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you are definitely united by music competitions, yes, yes, it turns out, that even greater popularity came to you with the advent of a vocal competition in your life, who is the voice, voice, voice children, yes, voice children, yes, yes, we, we are united by the voice, in fact, yes, that’s for sure, you were on the jury , and akmal participated, so, but we were not in the same season, but seasons. i was 14 years old at the time, i always dreamed of participating in this project, but i always understood that what was wrong with me, i was a boy, i was from st. petersburg then, i played football every day, and for me to get on television, on the main channel of the country, this is generally, well, what is it, my brother once took the computer, submitted an application, then applications were accepted on the website, yeah, he told me about it, i took it all as a joke, i’m coming back in a month... with football field, he says: they answered us from the first channel, we went to moscow for a casting, and we started learning songs, i went to the teacher,
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this is where my first step began, the musical world, akmal, right now you are standing here next to this button, with your back to us, with your back to us, facing the people, facing the people and don’t peek, your task will be to press the button at the moment when nyusha begins to sing, but it won’t be so easy for you, because our voices will be changed, oh yes, don’t say that we know, you feel the light between us, we that’s what they wanted, that’s what they were looking for, happiness is like a tsunami, don’t say that we're late, can you feel the light... between us, i can turn around, so who
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was it? ok, you guessed right, turn around, hurray, you can get one voice out of a thousand, now the button magically disappears, and we move on, so the next information, i read here that you want to get rhenoplasty, so tell me, this is this is it jaundice or is it real? i blathered about this somewhere, but i’ll be honest, i really want to, we’ve been imagining what your nose might look like after classical operations, so let’s see, well, this just.
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akmal you and your mentor vasily basta, that’s right, everything is correct, you have the same song titles, right? we combined a little bit here, but tell me, you were inspired by this song and so it happened, it worked out, honestly, yes, yes, i see something, it’s so good. at these graduations, even if i open the notes on my phone and look, i have someone, i’m sitting in the studio, i’m sitting in the studio and there are poems, i wrote them in some hotel while i was at a concert, here they are there’s something about the school there, i’m telling my sound producer, listen, let's try to throw something, we started gluing something there, drawing something,
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that's how this song , a musical applique, was born, so to speak, we thought, why should we take it now? and not to combine these songs one into another so that it turns out, well, let’s call it a fashionable bootlek, oh god, you know, so to speak, let’s move on, in the end we have here, that’s why yes, here it’s kind of necessary to somehow correspond to it , so let's please, i'm not dancing with you, hesitating, and you so beautiful in heels, and you don’t know what? i also wanted to tell you, today the last bell is ringing, see you, i ’m switching off to zero, and how can i make you remember our love, slow dancing, you’re so beautiful in heels, and you won’t know
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what i wanted tell you so, now look. slow, to make you cry, and they all sound the same, and banal and not talented, but i took the guitar and sang, and yours is white, and you’re about to be 17 years old, i just wanted to please you, i took it guitars played, sang, along the roads, i walk desperately, our dialogue.
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make a hit, i don’t mind, since you are artists who broadcast love through themselves, i suggest that this song should also be about love, yes, well, i have a line, you know what’s in my head, maybe i was born for the first time in my life, love - it's you and me, love is you and me, yes, you and me, love is yours, maybe your eyes, your words, love is your eyes, love is me and you, where there is light there is no places, well , like darkness, for darkness, for darkness, for emptiness, for emptiness, for emptiness. be love is you and me, love - just look into my eyes, so love is you and me, just look into my eyes, love is me and you, where there is light, let all dreams be with you, love, this is me , just look into my eyes,
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love is me and you!
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you tell the whole world about us, how i brought you flower bouquets, how i waited until the morning, at the entrance, waiting for you, how you shed tears on the ground, how i screamed at you and broke my hands, i will dress up because of you, you tell us about the prom to the whole world, how i brought you bouquets of flowers, how i waited until the morning, at the entrance i waited for you, like tears spilled on the ground, as i shouted to you, i won’t come and broke my hands, i’ll dress it up and... there’s no light in my eyes for you, what are you talking about, you say, you’ve changed, maybe you’ve just grown up, your words and notations only convey to
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your tears, stop dividing my gap into yours , tear it apart, come on, come on, get out, you are from my soul, you are like me, you are a very strong poison, once again i look into your eyes and your body seems to be crucified, one two three. i, i finished what we started, in my affairs, you don’t see love anymore, no matter how much you try to change me, i will be for you repeat, tell us about our flower, how i brought you bouquets of flowers, how i cradled until the morning, waiting for you at the entrance, how tears shed on the ground, how i shouted to you. i won’t come and i broke my hands, i’m talking for you,
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i’m waiting for you, i’m waiting for you, i’m waiting for you. this podcast is a must read. i'm glaya nabatnikova. today we are discussing gustov flabert and his novel "madame bavarie", with actress alexandra revenko and oksana
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bondarenko, director of the moscow transport museum. it’s great luck that today our guest is the director of the moscow transport museum, because in the novel mrs. bavari plays a very important role in transport. there are several scenes with caretta, as well as with... you probably best of all of us represent the sociocultural context of this novel, please tell us why it made such a big impression, why it, so
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to speak, shook the moral foundations, why flaubert appeared before trial for this novel? i was always surprised by this moment, why did this novel so shake the moral foundations of that very beautiful france, i was always surprised by this moment, but such a system very interesting. double standards, yes, of a kind of french society, on the one hand, puritanical, because catholic, now we will talk about another landmark work of the great philosopher emil rousseau about education, yes, which actually gave the definition of woman and her place in french in the first society, on the other hand we know that this is a country of great courtesans, in general in our russian view, the french woman is certainly.
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deeply different in moral principles, principles of life and even for some reason, in terms of food, apparently because the french love to eat very much, they still love it with pleasure. rather than the defining difference with a man and who a woman should be, which accordingly left an imprint on her upbringing, she should love her husband, cook deliciously, please him, this is a kind of representation of bourgeois society, but this is the absolute work of a great philosopher with definitions, almost quotes , she should like to read, listen carefully to her husband or her man, remember that
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interesting scene... when, already quite bored, being in a family relationship with charles bovary, she decided in everything, madame bouvary, emma, ​​she decided to obey him in everything, follow him in everything, nod her head at everything, and listen to him, than don’t you see a quote visualized in gustave flaubert’s novel from the very teaching of jean-jacques rouseau, who a woman should be, and so she should raise a man while he... it seems to me that emma, ​​emma bavarier also disagrees, because she somehow has completely different ideas about how she should lead a woman behaves as she should. to live, to feel,
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and it just seems to me that her entire attention is immersed in the inner world, in the world of experiences, she is the person who wants to make a novel out of her life, cool, by the way, very very accurate, yes, yes, and it seems to me, just when i started working on the role, i read the novel, the last scenes were especially hard for me, as i later found out that the flauber is just like... when i was writing, i probably experienced even more, i changed handkerchiefs and cried, yes, that is when he finished the novel, he burst into loud crying and madame bouvary said to semmua, it’s me, it’s me, by the way, we’ll raise this topic later, that is , how the flaber managed to embody this female psychology, but it seems to me, alexandra, when you were preparing and reading, you thought this was convincing in general the emotional picture of this role, that is, the beginning and the end.
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how this tragic end comes to him, to which ema comes, it is justified, it is understandable, this path, you can describe it, what happens to her in general, so she married this charles bavari doctor. when i i picked up the novel, i already began to prepare for the role, and as actors often do, and most often you speak for your character, and from the very beginning you begin to justify it, because it’s yours.
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as she is, yes, and he makes many sacrifices - in this work, for her sake, but again, not because of his knightly nature or, say, some kind of pompous ideas, he simply accepts her as such or accepts this world because it is as it is, because he is, in fact, one of the players of that society, bourgeois society, which is a flaber very beautifully, possessing almost
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poetic prose. maybe this is connected with his novel, you can read it in the original language, so i want to tell you that this work is really in the original language. it sounds very colorful and musical, it also has its own rhythm, which i described very nicely on the sides, yes, that is, there are three sections, each has, or rather 13 sections, each, in my opinion, has 10 certain sonnets and so on further, in general, the symbol of a circle in the novel, firstly, charles, ball, yes, nabokov, he has an absolutely wonderful lecture on foreign literature, one of them is just about the novel, madame bavari, and just... very interestingly they describe these circles, for example, weddings, the symbol of the circle, how the procession goes around, a round cake, then also the funeral of charles’s father, and the burial place, yes,
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the burial place of em in three coffins, in general, this is all multi-layered, in my opinion, she was buried in three coffins, again, and this impoverished charles, they tell him it’s expensive, but he says, nothing i don't want to hear. again not i can agree with you, it seems to me that again there is a circle symbol in this too, charlie is so closed in on himself that uh, i can’t say that he loves emma for who she is, it seems to me that he doesn’t know her, he fell in love in her, for him, well, in her appearance, it turns out, well, maybe inside, she was a young girl who lived on a farm.
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again, this is society, it seems to me that the novel is a kind of quintessence or the last drop, as it were, the cherry on the cake in the context in which
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french society found itself at that moment, and not at the time of the narration in the novel, but we understand that flaubert wrote it there in the fifties, and the narrative takes place in the 19th century.
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in general, probably the first feminist movement at this moment, this is precisely the need for education, a change in education, because surely a woman and the same madame bavari, having great opportunities in education, would not have fallen for the bait of this cunning dress merchant, yes, who completely screwed her up and got her into a terrible credit history, which led to the same family tragedy after her death.
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and in general, a person who knows medicine, with an education, is just a man who you can cling to and somehow get through so that he can take you out of there, we are talking about charles, yes, we are talking about charles. she tried to raise her charles, a mid-level physician, into a great medical scientist who performed a complex operation and became a hero; of course, the poor unfortunate coachman became a hero. tabloids throughout paris,
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this neighbor most likely provoked him , of course, and ema supported and moved to a big city, that’s what she wanted, she understood that on her own, i think, she understood that on her own, that she didn’t have her own strength to change the foundations of the system, but she really wanted to, in general, i think so now that of course it’s a novel - this is an amazing... amazingly beautifully and subtly described collision of the illusion of reality, i agree, the illusion of reality, this deep, internal, introvertive, illusory, no matter what books and literature the world was brought up on - emma, ​​this picture, yes, that is, when for some ideal the standard of a beautiful life is actually taken from a picture, not an internal core, but there is not an internal internal reference, this is a beautiful external one. which i really don’t want to give up, let’s say, a simulacrum, yes, something that
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has absolutely no basis in the real, and the collision with the reality of life with the reality of society is constant throughout the novel, such finely accumulating collisions, including unsuccessful operations - this is already the last such a powerful surge, which leads her to what this novel is for, let's return to our first the question is, why was this novel and flaubert with it so monstrous? criticized by french society, and after all, one of, including one global accusation in court about flaubert, about this novel, sounded very funny, sarcastic, practically, why do you so beautifully describe the threshold of emma’s betrayal, of course, and this novel in general the story of the married life of a provincial couple should be called completely differently, something like that. testament of zhenya belausov. the battle for
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the legacy of the star of the nineties comes to the finish line. all participants in the conflict are in our studio. have you filed a lawsuit? why does a person write a will at 30 years old? roman is sure that the entire inheritance was once unfairly given to sister christina. if i wanted to cheat, i would have come from the very beginning, formalized everything about myself. why is the singer’s son sure that the star’s widow is deceiving him, and that the document could have been forged? i want to know the truth. do you recognize dad's handwriting in fat? honestly, no.
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are you criticizing the american dream? no, i 'm trying to tell the story from trice banks of the last seven days of laura palmer. matador in next friday on the first. tell me you like my hat? you don't have a hat. i would like to say in the future that i did everything i could in my life. this podcast is a must-read, i’m aglana badnikova,
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we’re discussing gustav flaubert’s novel madame bavari with actress alexandra revenko and director of the moscow transport museum, art critic oksana bondarenko. all episodes of the podcast are required reading; you can find them on the website of the first channel emma is first attracted to her neighbor, the treacherous rudolph, who seduces her very competently, she is interested in leon. yes, it is platonic, but she revels so much in this feeling that this is platonic love, she cannot afford to come closer, yes, that this is a love that cannot.
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he writes a novel using all the cliches of all novels, their dialogues, they are just disgustingly vulgar. by the way, yes, sasha, thank you very much for now touching on this topic of vulgarity in literature, but flaber was so in this sense, i don’t even know how to say, melancholic or hippochondriacal, because for him, as it were, the meaning of his prose, in in particular, in madame bavaria - this is...
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bad, good, cunning, flatterer, madame bavaria, vicious, absolutely not, but he somehow guides you through the work in a way that turns each of the characters, well, in particular emma, ​​into different sides and sides of this medal, the medal of this woman, for example, what, well, for example, at some point you really support her madly, at some point you think what a stupid, naive girl, at the third moment... how she plays beautifully, how playful and shaky she is, how beautifully she plays this young leon, in her relationship with whom, it seems to me, she is taking the rap for all her resentment received from her first lover, and this skilled heartthrob, on the other hand you think, my god, looking at this character
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through a strict prism, wow, what strong woman, just like that, actually resist, take a jump with your head. from the very beginning, it seems to me, she goes from the very beginning, that is, as a feeder, well, she is desperate, of course very brave, she runs through some fields in the morning, but she draws from this just life energy, she somehow came up with this for herself, this is the philosophy of her life, she sees in this the very real life, her idea, this is the only way a woman should live, good, that’s the feeling. emma, ​​it seems to me, has a moment of choice, that is, she is seduced by this rudolph, they live some kind of beautiful story, stereotyped, vulgar, but nevertheless, for emma, ​​probably for the first time, so to speak, she has experienced some kind of adventure , the one she wanted, now, having already lived this story, this
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lover abandons her, dripping water on her farewell letter, pretending to cry, uh, after the story with rudolph, emma experiences a nervous breakdown, having received this farewell letter, yes, 43 days and 43 nights, yes, she actually learns to eat again, learns to walk, that is, she is born again, yes, having survived this crisis , there is also a big question here, was she really sick, in fact, when i was working on the role, and we talked a lot about this, how long she was actually sick, no one knows, and where she played, it seems to me, even she herself i couldn't understand. that is, perhaps she played some role, of course, with on the other hand, she also wanted to attract charlie’s attention, in fact, throughout the entire novel, everyone is surprised how charles didn’t see it like that, emma herself wanted him to pay attention to me, this illness is also, perhaps, one of the reasons to draw .


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