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tv   PODKAST  1TV  April 6, 2024 4:10am-5:01am MSK

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his candidacy in the elections was supported by 2/3 of the population. since then, such trips around the region have been commonplace. every month there is a new place and always meetings with residents. moreover, each governor did not hide from people and was ready to answer any questions. he announced this meeting in appatity himself. on thursday i plan to work in the city of apatity. come to meet us. well, if you have any questions, write in advance in the comments to this post. the meeting lasted almost 4 hours. already at the exit from the building, the governor suddenly. a man ran up and stabbed him in the stomach, the personal guards did not have time to react, it is unknown how it would have ended if not for an employee of the russian guard, he walked right behind andrei chibis and literally threw him away to the attackers. i would like to thank the russian national guard for their ability to react quickly in the most critical situations. as a result , the attacker was quickly detained. and, of course, many thanks to all law enforcement agencies who carry out their duty honestly and valiantly every day. little is known about the russian guard employee, officer in the authorities. he has been serving in law enforcement since 2007,
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he is a fighter in the amon medved operational company, footage from the scene, here is that same knife, next to a black car in which the attacker was going to immediately escape. an employee of the russian guard fired a warning shot into the air, then wounded the attacker in the leg, twisted him and handed him over to the police. during the investigation, the attacker was detained and interrogated, who was also provided with the necessary medical assistance. during the interrogation, the suspect explained that he felt dislike for the governor, despite the fact that he had not previously there was a sign with him. investigators have yet to verify the words of the detainee, his telephone environment is already being studied, some telegram channels claim that the attacker assured that he hears voices, a number of examinations have been appointed, including a psychiatric one, it is known that he is 42, a local resident, but has often visited st. petersburg. here, on the eighth floor, in a building on veterans avenue, the attacker has a one-room apartment, searches were carried out in it tonight, it is known that he had previously had problems with the law, for causing minor harm to health, his brought to justice, what is this?
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it happened, someone’s door on my floor was broken down. footage filmed with the residents of the house, searches in the st. petersburg apartment of the detainee began at four in the morning, there were signs of a break-in on the door, the room was sealed, the owner of the apartment himself was rarely seen by neighbors on the floor, he did not communicate closely with any of them, he was very rarely here, so quiet, he almost never said hello, and even then he basically covered himself from behind all the time, under the article of attempted murder in connection with carrying out official activities , a criminal case was initiated.
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as soon as the opportunity arises, the kremlin wishes the murmansk governor a speedy recovery, presidential press secretary dmitry peskov told reporters. today, the kremlin press service distributed footage of a video meeting between the head of state and permanent participants of the russian security council. dear colleagues, good afternoon. our main issue today is to increase the efficiency of work with manifestations of organized crime, and crime in general.
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those who applied to the capital's mayor's office received the required payments. there is news from the investigative committee. confirmation of ukraine's involvement was found in the phones of terrorists who were not allowed to go there, stopped in the bryansk region. pavel pchelkin, more details. on february 24, the anniversary of the start of the special operation, the curators indicated the four murderers already known to everyone and the location of the terrorist attack. it was then that these photographs of the entrance to the crocus city hall and the access roads to it. were downloaded to the phone of one of the terrorists. since then the performers began preparations for a terrorist attack and, as photographs and witness statements confirm , came to the complex more than once to study the future crime scene. the results of an expert study of the mobile phones that the terrorists tried to destroy made it possible to obtain information that is significant for the investigation about the circumstances of the preparation for the crime. on the instructions of the curator who led the terrorists' actions, the crocus city concert hall. the hall
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was chosen as the location of the attack, one of the accomplices, at the direction of i found the curator on internet resources and sent him screenshots of images of the entrances to the building... from the terrorists’ phones, which the investigative committee specialists managed to obtain, allowed them to identify the accomplices of the perpetrator of the crime. the day before, three more suspects were detained in moscow, yekaterinburg and omsk. in total , 14 people have already been detained in connection with the terrorist attack, of which 11 have been arrested. the last one today is suspected of assisting terrorists, muhammad shapir zada ​​zaire. decree on this. was accepted by the basmanny court of moscow, and this detainee 4 days ago in in dagestan, i bought weapons for terrorists and transported them to the cache indicated by the curators near moscow, i brought them weapons to these guys who attacked the crust in the city of moscow. in
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the same cache, the terrorists apparently found psychotropic substances that suppressed the feeling of fear and the instinct of self-preservation, this explains the composure with which they carried out the massacre, and this arrested person... transferred money to the card of the four killers to pay for housing before the terrorist attack, among the detainees also father and two sons, who, according to ska, knowing about in preparation for the terrorist attack, they sold the white renault car to the non-humans, in which the terrorists drove; in the memory cards of their phones , there was still a lot of digital data of active correspondence with curators that was important for the investigation. photographs of people in camouflage uniforms holding the ukrainian flag against the background of destroyed houses on a ukrainian postage stamp were discovered. with an obscene gesture. this data may indicate a connection between the terrorist act committed and the conduct of a special military operation. the implementation of the complex continues investigative actions of operational measures to verify the involvement of representatives
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of the ukrainian special services in the organization and financing of the terrorist attack. as you know, without special settings, many smartphones automatically save photos from chats, that is, collective correspondence. these photos show her being pro-ukrainian. subject. actually, the very fact that the smartphones, even if damaged, fell into the hands of the investigation, indicates that the fugitives until the last received instructions from the curator via mobile communications. after all, moving on white renault, pomkat and kiev highway, the terrorists could get rid of smartphones at any time, along almost 400 km of their journey, from the crime scene to the point of detention near the village of hatsun in the bryansk region, which is located only hundreds of kilometers from the ukrainian border.
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enterprises of the military-industrial complex, air defense systems, arsenals, the energy industry of ukraine, as well as fuel depots, temporary deployment points for ukrainian units, and foreign mercenaries. strike targets achieved, that's it designated targets are hit.
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battle, having been wounded, he took command of the group, held a strong point, the battle distance, the enemy rolled forward a few meters, when the fire was a wall, and he explains in military terms, he took a convenient place, and at the first opportunity. counter aiming bursts, incredible courage, and so on for 2 days, destroying militants, you consider yourself a hero, no, no, of course, machine gunner radimir maksimov says, he couldn’t have done anything differently, he carried out the order to hold the former enemy stronghold, that’s how this strategic point on height near the village of novomikhailovka was taken by our heroic guys from the assault detachment of the thirty-ninth separate guards motorized rifle brigade. forward, grenade,
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come on, machine gun, let's die, here, here, grenades, quickly, an area called clay, the soldiers defended for two days before the arrival of reinforcements, that's all there, we're holding the defense purely, the shells wounded the group commander , most of the guys, hurt and radimir, forgetting about the pain, bandaged himself, helped others, reported to the headquarters about the situation, and in response received an order to lead group, just like that, a simple machine gunner, a private in rank, in his first battle he himself became a commander, they were covering there, we were there too , boys, everyone was there, everyone was just somehow in a convenient place, probably lying, i don’t know, they were right at you one might say, they walked simply. rolled up, no, he just turned around, he didn’t throw them off right away and turned around and left everyone
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there on the field. radimir or burkhad, as his colleagues call him, together with his group, destroyed at least 27 ukrainian militants, fought off attack after attack, the enemy tried to return the opornik, come on, come on, let's go, let's go, don't stand, along the trenches, where, as you can see, in these shots there is really no hiding, american armored personnel carriers, bradleys and maxpros were firing, mines and shells were flying straight. here an enemy tank was hitting, and the guys repelled the attacks, armed with several machine guns and anti-tank rounds. thanks to the unique footage from our drone, you can appreciate the unparalleled courage and heroism of machine gunner maximov. on the left in the shelter there is radimir, on the right there are seven militants at once, the distance between them is a couple of tens of meters, the dry-dryers are trying to crawl closer. the fighter, in short bursts, stops all attempts by the enemy to get closer. you had a direct position, and you were completely open . everything, yes, a man of steel, no, it ’s just them, they’re this, they didn’t expect this, what we
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’ll meet, radimir, a volunteer, came to the military registration and enlistment office in yakutsk at the end of last year, in february he was already training at the training ground as a front-line fighter, and wanted to become an attack aircraft, the commanders say, burkhad is a warrior with a capital letter, the assessment that can be given to a fighter, the assessment is excellent, since he navigated a strong point, there he destroyed the pro...
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burkhat. for the sake of the world, he and his comrades are among all my ancestors, relatives, everyone came out alive from this fierce battle, thanks to the strength of their ancestors, there are also those in the family who fought in these same places during the great patriotic war, he himself with childhood , he knows how to hold a weapon in his hands, went hunting, and also sings well, graduated from a music college in yakutsk. in vocal class and even won republican competitions, what is the song about, about the national holiday: victories are now different in battle, private maksimov presented by the command for a high state award, alexey ivanov, valentin stukanok, alexander napalkov, anastasia slobodenyuk, first channel donbass. nato is discussing ukraine's renunciation of territories in exchange for accelerated entry into the alliance, writes. italian newspaper laa republic, an option similar to the one by which
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germany joined the alliance in 1955, but only western. the publication makes a reservation; the topic has been circulating in all informal conversations in recent days. what is happening at the official level can be judged by the publication in the new york times. in on the seventy-fifth anniversary of its founding , the north atlantic bloc wants to show ukraine support, but does not intend to accept it, since in this case it follows the principle of collective security. will drag europe into the largest land war since 1945, notes the new york times. next in the newspapers: politics. ukraine faces its largest deficit in history. household workers, military registration and enlistment offices are raking out those who know how to drive tractors or combines in order to transfer armored personnel carriers into tanks, and meanwhile the sowing season has begun, the shortage itself yourself in the enemy’s armed formations, force mobilization and examples of how to fight it off, nikopol, the guy is lucky with his neighbors, you serve, documents and a tv channel. two
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released a report about the shortage of men in ukraine. in one village with 400 inhabitants, the military registration and enlistment office took 50 people. in a neighboring city with a population of 20,000, only women, children and old people are visible on the streets. it will only get worse if we remember that on tuesday zelensky lowered the conscription age limit from 27 to 25 years and abolished the restricted status fit for service. all its owners now await clarification of documents and a military medical examination. it says so. who will believe it, especially since the vote in the parliament on tightening the screws on mobilization is still ahead on april 10. the government will continue to take measures to support the regions bordering the territory of ukraine, mikhail mishustin announced this at a meeting of the cabinet of ministers. thus, the free regime of the economic zone will spread to the belgorod, bryansk and
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kursk regions. they also talked about preferential mortgages and healthcare. dmitry kochitkov will tell you more. this is the first government meeting after the cabinet report to the state duma. among other things, the topic of modernizing hospitals and clinics was raised in parliament. as mikhail mishustin said, the government will continue this work. today , the government has decided to allocate over one and a half billion rubles to equip medical rehabilitation departments in 49 federal centers. more than 600 units of various modern equipment will be supplied there. specialized for the speedy restoration of people's health. we will continue to develop medical rehabilitation for patients with a variety of diagnoses throughout the country. over the past 2 years, the number of hospitals and clinics that have modern equipment for rehabilitation has reached 700, and 2.5 million people have undergone rehabilitation there.
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mortgage programs remain a priority, including for specialists in the field. a significant part of our work to strengthen the human resources potential of this critical industry. we talked today about business support. mishustin recalled that in four new regions, dpr, lpr, zaporozhye, kherson regions there is a free economic zone regime. at the same time, neighboring regions, of course, also need additional support, and in order to help
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businesses and entrepreneurs, we are extending the free economic zone regime to them. this applies to the belgorod, kursk and bryansk regions and also to a number of other entities. i spoke about this during the government’s report in the state duma. and today we will consider two relevant bills. thanks to the free economic zone regime, companies will receive serious benefits. this, for example, reduced rates of insurance premiums, zero income tax rate, exemption from property tax and other preferences, this will attract people to the regions. new investments, we hope that the decisions made will help entrepreneurs, first of all, not only to reduce costs, but to increase the volume of production, products, services, create new jobs, and provide citizens who live in border regions with all the necessary range of goods and services. we will continue to take action
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to support these regions. another initiative concerns military law enforcement officers term. for them, service in the dpr and lpr will be equated to the period of service in russia when determining a pension, and as always, the cabinet report in the state duma will be continued in the form of instructions from the ministry and department. mikhail mishutin asked his deputy, head of the government apparatus dmitry grigorenko, to supervise this work. it is important for the cabinet to take into account the proposals of the deputies, and therefore their voters. dmitry kochetkov, zulfiya khakimova and sergey valetov. first channel. we'll be back. in the donbass in the liberated territory, they dug up something self-propelled, armored, something that was supposed to make a splash, in the end it was not even suitable for fodder, alexey kruchinin nevertheless examined it. gromossky building, two towers, a base from a t-64 tank, a unique specimen of its kind. the first seems to be the only ukrainian armored vehicle
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supporting azovits tanks, as planned by the designers, should have become a serious threat to our troops. the construction of the armored car began back in the fifteenth year. otek plant in kiev, especially for the azov national battlefield, which is prohibited in russia. in a story on the ictv channel eight years ago, the new product was pathetically compared to western armored vehicles. hinting that. they really didn’t spare the armor, which made the azovets monstrously heavy, more than 50 tons. the engine from the t-64 is too weak for such a mass, and it is impossible to install another one here. in
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normal mode, the t-64 tank moves over rough terrain at a speed of 35 km/h. that is, having increased its mass by 10 tons, leaving the same propulsion unit, well, at least it wouldn’t moved, but crawled, which is no good in the realities of modern combat. the absurdities do not end there, the car makes a very strange impression, from top to bottom take at least the surveillance system, there is not a single triplex window throughout the entire body, and this is nothing more than an intercom peephole. but the refusal of triplexes in the same promotional story was presented as a great achievement, they say, it is more difficult for a sniper to get through the peephole. they didn’t mention that the crew would simply go blind if the tiny window was covered with mud. they forgot about the main thing, which is the review itself will provide such an innovation? well, about 60°, which generally has a negative effect, even if we are talking about urban combat, that is, it has a very large blind zone, at least
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from the side, then, well, this is not professional optics, at least what a camera from an intercom can see, although the weapons were planned to be formidable, two gsh-23 aircraft cannons, a heavy machine gun and anti-tank guided missiles, the very concept of two towers was outdated a long time ago, in modern combat they only complicate things. provided for crew one single hatch. the azovets did not even pass factory tests when it was apparently brought here to raise the morale of the militants. this was back in the seventeenth year. then we can only guess, either the car came as a semi-finished product and they expected to retrofit it on the spot, or, having looked at this miracle of the ukrainian defense industry, the azovites decided to immediately give up on it and dismantled everything they could for scrap metal. another version: it was necessary to simply cover up the traces of theft during the production of the armored car. frankly raw copy, they collected 5 million dollars from ordinary citizens of ukraine through volunteer organizations, they tried to make ends meet, as we say, making sure that the money
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was wasted, that the car was crude and would not participate in hostilities, the order was given to bury it, they dug it up azovits in the pit, which was shown by the residents of the already liberated territories, in exactly this form, there are no drives, everything here has already been filmed, but nothing here was stupidly filmed. no blocks, no fractions for turns, to control this machine, but even from the remaining details one can conclude, as often happens in ukraine, that pr turned out to be more important than common sense. the design features of the azovets most likely meant a one-way ticket for it, well, for example, the brake pedal sticks out, the assembly itself is hidden behind a welded steel plate, that is, it would be almost impossible to repair it in the field, so for kiev it’s even better that the armored mutant did not arrive. before the front, knocked out by our troops, it would have become a symbol of military shame, but it remained only a monument of shame engineering. alexey kruchanin, roman khrolenko, ruslan mishcheryakov and irina chuchuy.
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first channel donbass. there are already two episodes of naval disgrace in denmark. shipping and flights were closed in the area where there was a danger of a spontaneous launch of a fregad missile. and another frigate destroyed the career of the danish defense commander, above whom only the minister. danes. proven to be effective. this year's first batch of s-34 front-line bombers was delivered to the troops. the vehicle is extremely in demand in the home zone, maneuverable, unobtrusive, with
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this is menacing. at the chikalov plant in novosibirsk they are ready to further increase production; they are waiting for the technical re-equipment of the enterprise; this will require more than a thousand specialists. tatyana kozlova saw not only the assembly stages, but also the final tests of combat aircraft. the legendary su-34 soars into the sky. before joining the ranks of russian combat aviation, each aircraft undergoes a complex of ground air tests. after carrying out the necessary tests, obtaining positive results, they were accepted by the military mission ministry of defense, the air force has been transferred in the near future...
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will fly to their places of permanent deployment. the su-34 is produced at the chkalov plant of the united aircraft corporation, which is part of the rastec structure. production volumes have increased, and therefore they work at the enterprise in three shifts. it has become more difficult, but that’s okay, it’s still easier for us than for the guys on the front line. on the front line, su-34 crews perform combat missions at any time and in any weather conditions. the blows are applied to the supporting ones.
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bomb weapons, high-explosive aerial bombs of various types, volumetric detonating aerial bombs that cause significant damage to the enemy, the work is difficult, but we are not afraid of complexity. for the characteristic nasal part of the four-seater, we call it a duckling, and abroad it is known only as a hellish duck. the vehicle earned this nickname due to its combat characteristics. the plane can either disrupt an attack due to sharp maneuvering or suddenly. attack, effectively destroys ground, surface and air goals. the cabin of the aircraft is distinguished by its comfort, for example, here you can stand at full height, which is especially important during long flights, and as for the seats, here they are not located next to each other, but the crew sits next to them shoulder to shoulder, which helps to solve combat problems more effectively tasks. the enterprise carries out a full production cycle from the manufacture of parts to aircraft assembly. when you already see.
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the result of our work seems to take some kind of pride, we sometimes go out to see off planes when we have time, well, it’s like the spirit it’s amazing to see what contribution we have made to this miracle, yes, which can fly. the plant plans to further increase production volumes. for this purpose, a process modernization system has been developed, which will further reduce the production cycle and the production time of aircraft. changes in the schedule have been published. the unified state exam, taking into account two days for retaking, the opportunity to correct the grade in one of the subjects in the same year, an innovation implemented on behalf of the president. on thursday 4th of july it will be possible retake computer science, social studies, russian language, physics, chemistry and the written part of the unified state exam in foreign languages, and on july 5
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the oral part in foreign languages. biology, geography, history, mathematics and literature. the results of all exams, which will be taken from may 23 to june 21, will already be announced. and there will be time to decide whether a second chance is needed in some subject. one of the strongest earthquakes in centuries on the east coast of the united states. magnitude 4.8 might not seem like much, but there are no major underground faults in this area. now there are a lot of videos coming from new york. a notification from the city authorities, an hour late, even briefly stopped the work of the un security council; severe congestion was reported in the area where the organization’s headquarters is located. two major airports announced suspension of operations. autoshocks are not excluded, as repeated tremors of lesser strength are called. france, where the olympics are at the end of july. bed bugs, manure farmers, theft of safety plans. macron pretends to
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hold it. blows, we are waiting for memes in another discipline, he promised to take a bath in the hay, to prove the river had cleared enough for the opening ceremony. the rehearsal was brought from next monday for as much as a month and a half, what. i would rather not hit my face in the dirt, for now it turns out to hit me in another place. ivan blagoy will show you. press the button and you will get a result, but this result is unlikely to be what the french president was counting on when opening the olympic site. the ceremony turned into an embarrassment. member of the french diving team . gendar in swimming trunks in national colors flag, fortunately he escaped with only a couple of scratches, he himself reacted to the incident with humor, right in front of the president, one of the comments under the athlete’s post: these are russians, they washed the board, this is a joke, or
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you’ll start to doubt it, here’s to macron, who watched the fall , they immediately asked a question. are you worried that russia might interfere with the olympic games? i have no doubt, i have no doubts, including in terms of information. every day russia spreads rumors that we are unable to do anything. social network users i really don’t mind mocking, no, not at france’s ability to organize something, at emmanuel macron himself, but his fight with a punching bag caused a real wave of memes. here is the spinach sailor popeye macron, and this is the fight with putin. suspicions of a photo montage of macron’s biceps, wanting to appear stronger than he actually was, were written by publications across europe, including the austrian tabloid kronent siting. so what did you do?
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any adequate evidence or argumentation, such accusation. speaking about rumors allegedly spread by russia before the olympics, the french president said meaningfully: we need to hold on. and strength of spirit, self-confidence, attitude towards truth, this is the strength of democracy and great nations. but with the organization of the olympics, france seems to be haunted by failures. so, a laptop with security plans was stolen from an employee of the paris city hall.
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we will probably soon hear further accusations against moscow. ivan blagoy, dmitry volkov, dalia serzhedinova, evgeny leonov, first channel.
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hello, i am still dmitry bak, and to my deep happiness i am still the host of a literary podcast, let them not talk, let them read, this is a crafty name, of course, we talk at our meetings, on our programs, but we don’t just talk so, in order to encourage you to read, our guests today are representatives of the new generation. prose writers, by the way, there is a poet among them, try to guess who it is before i discover this secret. so, our guest today is asya volodina, hello. hello. asya - the author of two wonderful novels, part of the picture and the protagonist, and the protagonist has already
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been awarded an art theater prize, and part of the picture is also very popular. in addition, our guest is a literary critic, and i’ll tell you a secret, a poet. and prose writer evgeny kremchukov, his latest novel “the magic choir” was included in the short lists of two major awards, the yasnaya polyana prize and the big book prize, and... hello, zhenya! hello! well, katya manoila, who has just released her second novel, is carried away by the wind dead leaves, and the first novel has already received a lot of press, this novel is called "the father looks west", and it was on the long list of the big book award in the short list of the yasnaya polyana award. katya, hello. both the laureate of the lyceum and the laureate of the lyceum prize, by the way , i didn’t say this about asya volodina, who is
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a finalist for the lyceum prize, but it’s up to you to decide whether you’re a finalist or a finalist, it’s your choice, the main thing is not that, but the main thing is that we today we are talking about modern literature. i promised to stun you with a question, but i didn’t say what, and i’ll surprise them. answer: yes, no. are you a millennial or not a millennial? millennial, millennial? yes. are you a millennial? no. no. you're older than the millennials. yes. by feeling or by passport? what about the feeling? by feeling. finally, katya, are you a millennial or not? i thought at first the question would be: are you a millionaire? well, it's almost the same thing. i'm a millennial, millennial. well, that is, 2:1, i don’t, 2:2 you can say, yes, that’s how it is with us. i even think it’s worth coming up with a program on how to become a millennial. i think it will be so absolutely stunning history, that is, how to look younger, in fact, because a millennial is synonymous with fashionability and youth. well, millennials are those who
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are either the same age as the new millennium, or a little older than when the new millennium began, but felt themselves to be adults, active at the moment when the 21st century began, well, this is what we are talking about, we mean this meaning when we say this long word: millennium, a millennial is a person who is related to the turn of the millennium, that’s what i wanted to ask my guests, and... today it is possible to have a single history of literature, well, some pushkin, gogol lermantov or not, again a quick answer, yes or no, or everyone has their own literature, asya, no, it’s impossible, everyone has their own, everyone has their own, zhenya, everyone its own modern literature, modern, of course, pushkin, i think, well , it can hardly be raised, each to his own, katya, yes, i’ll ask you, asya , what actually pushed you to become... a writer, i even put this
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phrase in quotation marks, yes, well , imagine, a daughter or son comes to you and they say: mom or dad, i will be a writer, what will we answer him? wait, what will you live on, strictly speaking, and who will you study for, and where will you work, what does it mean to be a writer, that’s what was most important for you when it all started? well , actually, it started for me just after i finished my studies, found a job and , moreover, defended my phd thesis, and apparently after that i was allowed. i already have to live the way i want, in fact, i had a piece of bread, i know what you teach german and estonian, this is my main so and so usually, yes, that is, you are a linguist, i am a literature student, but it so happened that i taught language rather than literature, but literature has always been my great love, in fact i studied in graduate school, 3 years, i wrote a dissertation on folklore, and i got so burned out, in fact, doing science that after writing my dissertation on... a year later i started writing a novel, because this is an excellent occasion,
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yes, that is, having burned out in philology, a person becomes a writer himself , and i just i’m ready here, i don’t know, not to tear into pieces, not to tear into pieces, but to argue very harshly, because how can you speak on faulkner, but of course you, dear friends, know that william faulkner, billy faulkner is the person who shervut anderson, another prose writer, short story writer, sent a famous letter saying: "billy, you're a country boy, you." write only what you know about that piece of land that can be covered with a postage stamp on the map, and faulkner began to write his magnificent, brilliant novels, like this you can burn out, well, that’s a good reason to become a writer, zhenya, how was it for you? i came to literature as a poet, and in order for you to have books, two, two collections of poetry, in '11 a book of guides, a book of poems, was published, this year in '23 a book was published, a cloud of them all. for me, literature is a way of knowledge. and if
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poetry was a way of knowing oneself, then prose became a way of knowing reality. that's probably it. well, this is a clear formulation, but still, i always repeat the phrase that bazarov says in response odentsova, she shows him maps of saxon switzerland. he says: i don’t like painting, but i’ll look at it from a geological point of view. well, you can, of course, look at the picture from the point of view. and there may be different methods of cognition, i’m not saying that it is the only, unique or best. but this is one of them, and it’s probably the closest to me, it’s clear, well, katya, how it was with you, but for me it turned out that love appeared as soon as i learned to read and write, love for literature, love for literature, yes, that is when you open a book, start reading it and fall into this other
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universe and feel like a different person, another moment, that at some point, i may not like the story, and i can close it. no, rewrite, yes, i had this in my childhood to write down a finished book, i just wanted anegin not to kill lensky, but suddenly he won’t, i thought, well, why not write, well, now it ’s being done, well, now it’s separate the direction, by the way, seems to be even profitable, that is, friends, well, of course, it’s clear, dostoevsky said that in order... to write a novel, you need to stock up on one or more strong impressions, this is very important, my question is, to what extent does your life fit into it in a transformed form or in a direct form, well, we we involuntarily compare the facts of the biography and
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the novel, sometimes very directly, sometimes not so directly, that’s still the extent to which personal experience is included in... i described my life a little, quite interestingly, and the first comment was approximately what seems to be a person’s biography more interesting than his text, probably, it’s more interesting to read about a biography, and so i realized that perhaps you shouldn’t deal all the cards at once and it’s better to still let the text be read, and not yourself, but at
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the same time, really, well, my personal experience is reflected in all of them in one way or another in my texts, the point is that of course i give my characters a lot of myself or what... i see around me, because this is my way of getting used to it, that is, for me writing is a lot of acting, great, it’s possible to create without yourself a novel, just based on technique, experience, the ability to put words correctly in the correct order, or is personal experience necessary just as dostoevsky says? it seems to me that we should be filled with not just one experience , or even just a few, but many. i sometimes feel like i’m stewing in this same broth and giving out, well, i don’t know, some kind of the same story, there i’m writing one of my experiences, and this may be for my benefit as therapy, but for literature this is a minus, this is a minus, so
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i’m starting to mercilessly cut this text, then i understand, let’s leave this for the diary, but here for the reader. that is, in order for it to become art, you need to cut something off, something, like pushing the diaries aside, i liked it, zhenya, how is it with you? i think that it is impossible to write a novel and some kind of artistic world solely from the head on technology, yeah, but the heart, well, you can argue about the proportions, but the heart must certainly be present, that’s it, and
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the heart can tune in, as katya says, but that is once you tweak it a little like, well, some gadget, and a camera. just biographies in my texts, but it seems to me i’ll tell you about my experience, the farther my presence goes, the less it is, that is , gradually, i’m probably still leaving this, well , probably not only i’m leaving, but like wine the sadness of the past days in my soul, the older i get, the stronger, the stronger, yes, but here it already penetrates, its creativity, experience, personal experience, the time, the spirit of the time, and not the spirit of the heart, both this and that, this is not dangerous, this is not...
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so, i remind you that we today we are talking about modern literature, we are talking about the literature of millennials, that is, those people
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who have become adults, have become creators in the brink of the millennium, our guests today are representatives of new russian prose, this is asya volodina, this is evgeny kremchukov and ekaterina manoila, well, at this point we will open the spoiler a little, well, actually, my interlocutors.
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