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tv   PODKAST  1TV  April 6, 2024 5:00am-6:00am MSK

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but of course, well, this is systematic, yes, and tolstoy writes, if you don’t understand, but to the karyanin, read it again, i’ve already said everything, she lives on her own, yes, when this world and the heroes there begin, it doesn’t mean dictating theirs to you conditions, no, of course, but you suddenly discover that it develops according to consistent internal laws, great, katya, father looks to the west, it came out more than a year ago, but since then every day i receive some feedback from readers in social networks, and for me, probably this is the most important indicator that there is a response, yes, yes, yes, of course, asya, you, i probably have a more formal approach in this regard, because by the time the protagonist finished, i already had a finished novel, part of the picture, and well, here they are at the same time practically, but somehow conditionally for the reader , yes, therefore, well, that is, i had the feeling that i can create texts, worlds and...
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the approach plays, that there is an author, and there is a writer, a writer needs publications, while i did not have book publications, the one who brilliantly plays hamlet in front of the mirror, in the hallway, after all but i was so quite formal , even if he has the feeling that it turns out very cool, but still it’s not quite right, right zhenya, katya? after all, a response is needed, a response is needed, it is needed, but it must come later, now it’s time for the presenter’s column, as you may remember, in the middle of our issue, i read something, three versions, or it’s an old book, either this is a quote from a classic, or this is a poem, but today there will be an old book, but very unusually young for an old book, because
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that this book was published in 1982, this is the debut book of the wonderful poet ivan fedorovich zhdanov, now dissertations are being written about the so -called poets, metametaphorists, about poets who then offered the reader complicated, unusual poems, but then in those years at the very beginning of the eighties, this is still a deep soviet union, three poets: alexey parshchikov,
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well, he has such poems, for example, the bumblebee heat swayed in the candles, blacker than the blood in the heartbeat, but the color and essence coincide in the nights, pain like a bumblebee yearns for flight. the fact is that this is a reality, not the one that you and i see in everyday life, not the one that is already all written down, as we talk about icons and paintings, everything is described in classical poetry, this is absolutely... a new reality that is realized as if for the second time. i will also read a poem from here, which for so many has become such a test of perception, not a test of the pen, of perception. i’ll tell you a secret right away, it’s about how the saxophone plays, it’s about the music. master, occupy the bases of the open voices, puppy throats, gills cracks until it reached your wall...
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la the flying shell of his immortal exhalation, what seemed inside him no longer began, and did not end, the starry crowd around him, lanterns swelled, music flew in glass balls, a trombone blew, colored bubbles were heard where -every now and then, i’m suffocating , stuffy, open the heavens, heated breath, you raised the fumes like a nickel, yesterday it was dark...
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from the book portrait, which was published in moscow by the sovremennik publishing house in 1982, well, i’ll ask you about this again topical, i’ll start this time zhenya, is it possible now? to study only literature and live only on fees, it is possible to study, but not everyone succeeds, not everyone succeeds, i think, but for the best or the worst, well... there are many different literatures , generally modern, and in the one we are talking about, then there is a great literature, so -called, yes, i think that in it the best manage to live solely on professional income, well, this is probably how it should be, but who
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do you introduce yourself to in life, so you meet in a company, whether i say i’m a prose writer or not , i say, probably asya, you are the most such, well, a candidate of sciences, i, i know that this is a socialized person, after all, yes, a person, i am also a candidate of sciences, well, actually, in my current life these three letters are needed only for weight, three letters are kfn, yes , candidate of philological sciences, yes, i usually position myself more as a teacher, because i continue to teach my estonian language, and not only in reality, and as a writer, well, this is my... conditionally subpersonality, that is, i even share a little some of my names, i have asya for the writer, you are actually anastasia, yes i have i have anastasia vsevolodovna for my teacher, i have nastya for my friends, these people usually intersect, this is still not what romain gory, emile
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azhar had, let us remind you that the writer, whose last name was katsev, received a competition prize twice , contrary to the rules, because he received her under two different names, once by... there are substitutes, deputies, what if you are not katya or manoila, but mary ezhuart, for example, or mary shelley, who knows, no, no, no, i'm ekaterina manoeva, i ask you to love, we love you, yes, i
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i think, if we return to the first question, is it possible to live, depending on how to live, that’s also a good question, okay, because i once said a couple of times that... well , what are you talking about, this is literature, no one i don’t come here for the money, on the other hand, i thought that it’s probably not very correct to say that either, because there are literary prizes, which i also received, and either way, they can’t support the prize for a long time , after all, i i say, depending on how you live, depending on how you live, but there is royalty from books, but there are different ones, there are magazines and i don’t want to push away and says, no, don’t come here, there’s no money here, well, there is, no, well, there is. so, i remind you that today we are talking about modern literature, our guests today are representatives of new russian prose, this is asya volodina, this is evgeny kremchukov and ekaterina manuila. if we are talking about great,
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real russian literature, then what is it? first, secondly, who is your hero, what kind of person is he, is he a person from the present, from the past, to what extent does he take into account. the past and in particular the soviet past, well, i’ll hide the third question here so that we already have there was such a nine-three, but you can get by, well , how can i say this, well, i wanted to say the word of perestroika without the black stuff, but i don’t like it, dostoevsky is all black stuff, the father of murder is a crime, but is it possible to get by without the fact that, well as if not every day comes without murders, without some terrible things, here are three questions in any one.
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and it seems to me that modern authors, well, at least if we are talking about our generation, in many ways treat literature as a whole not as a tiered floor system, where there is great literature, here is fiction and genre literature, but as for a certain field, that is, you take your basket, walk around this field and collect those berries that are interesting to you, that you need.
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certain techniques, but based on the task, and if the main task of genre literature
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is to entertain the reader, then the big, so -called, it seems to me that the work, no, difficulty, multiplying the world, well, if, well, look how , zhen, how can i increase the world if i don’t like it, that’s always my problem, i don’t like it, but if i just don’t try it, they tell me i should try the delicious soup, and then you’ll like it. i’d rather have some candy right away, how to work for those who are used to looking for easy ways, how does a great author have the right to compromise, some kind of non-acceptance - this is please, you can kill the hero with an ax on the first page, yes, the first phrase is the main thing in in the novel in general, without her it is impossible, it is impossible to take the reader, which we first immediately remember, but for me, apart from my uncle’s most honest rules, everything was mixed up in the house oblonskikh, bravo, i really like the phrase: from one english novel, and the boys were the first to run to the place of execution, great,
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i like that once they were playing cards with the horse guard narumov, the queen of spades, what else is there, mother died at the stranger albercomeu, yes remember the first phrase of your novels, of course, which ones, this will be another spoiler, asya, well, i don’t remember, asya doesn’t remember, but it’s even more interesting, you could pretend that you remember what yours is, i’ll say then two, two rastasi doesn’t remember his novels, his father looks to the west, this is a gloomy the three-story building in which moratik was born and died resembled a funeral home, well, right away it’s darkness, uh-huh, immediately darkness, marathi died, a small child died, as we later find out, this is already, and yes, the second novel, the wind carries dead leaves, this there it’s even worse, the bell that drilled through luisia’s skull announced the end of the lesson, that’s where everything begins at school, of course, zhenya, and bareste protasova. bavrin recognized iju, shijuka prefecture while sightseeing, well
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, yes, yes, well, the arrest is still not murder, but, but there is also a murder, as we said in the protagonist, well, that is, it’s still difficult without such things, we deprived katya of the answer to what great literature is, but i have nothing to add, no, well, after all, you have your own opinion or no, well - and there are two more, who is your third hero, asya.
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you just swallow it, because i must tell you, dear interlocutors, that i am very strict, i am my editor, when i read something wrong, my face is like that of an astronaut who is rotated in three planes, it immediately starts turn into grimace, who is your hero, my hero, a product of his time, so far here are my two books, they are probably in time, this is both here and there are sisters, there are real ones, here they are kind of like that.
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in yourself, feeling the strength, then, then you will succeed. the very last question for today, what kind of book would you like to write, let's start with katya, now. now i ’m writing a third book, and my goal and dream to write it is to write it the way i intended it, it’s called golden boy, it’s about a child growing up in a family of gold miners, here i’m doing something like throwing challenge yourself. firstly, i have different layers of time there, it’s a different geography , unusual, a boy and not a girl, but this is magadan, they are the steppes and moscow that i know there, so i have great ambitions and a dream to make it very good, so that later we can talk, oh, this is great literature, for me,
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probably, the form and some challenges are very important, which are precisely... connected with the form, with the genre, with the work, with the genre, because i, well, i am part of the picture one way or another, probably , worked with a novel of ideas, roughly speaking, in the protagonist, of course, this is a reworking - ancient tragedy in many ways, as the title shows, the protagonists are the main characters of the tragedy, now i know that there is a certain set of genres that i would like to work with, to find their core and maybe break these genres, that’s for me. for example, a very mysterious and incomprehensible genre is a love story, we have no such thing as a russian love story, our russian authors write under pseudonyms, they write under foreign pseudonyms, because russian will not be read, because our love, it suffering and blackness, that's all the knights, ladies and so on, they are all there, so i’m interested
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in understanding what kind of specificity, let’s say, of a russian love story could have broken her? royalties, from circulation, yes, this question simply does not arise there, if poems, as my students, actors say, hit you, then here because poems are generally disconnected from some other mechanisms at work, and well , we all that remains is to express the general
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confidence that a novel that breaks the usual genres, a novel... that from the borders of the steppes and forests and moscow moves to the extreme southeast, where gold is mined, and a novel, which is also necessary, like poetry, will definitely be written by our guests today, asiy volodina, evgeny kremchukov and ekaterina manuela, it is with great pleasure that i thank you for this meeting, asya all the best, see you again, zhenya, goodbye, see you, thank you, we talk again and again, well, to you, our dear interlocutors, i, as always, say my sacred mantra, read with pleasure, dear friends,
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i once offered my students such a task, gave them a text and asked them to define it main feature. some said that the text was too short and uninformative, others , on the contrary, that it was too long, but they were all wrong. the main feature was that this text was not written by a person, but... hello, today we are gathering our thoughts about artificial intelligence. arutyunovich avetsyan, academician of the russian academy of sciences, director of the institute of system programming, protyry, pavel velikanov, associate professor of the moscow theological academy, i am vladimir ligoida, you know, as a pre-question, just like a warm-up, i want here's what to ask you, what would you call the main horror story about artificial intelligence today? which has nothing to do with reality, but what really worries you? there are a lot of horror stories, but globally, my opinion is that it is very
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important that our society and we understand that we are still dealing with advanced it technologies, and not artificial intelligence in the real sense of the word, but the horror stories concern basically they make films on this topic, mostly about the fact that artificial intelligence will come out of control control, that he will become more powerful than ... man himself, and it seems to me that here it is very important to determine this divide, that these are, in principle, different worlds, and there is no need to be afraid of this in this sense, while the accelerated introduction of any technology , including artificial intelligence, which gives a significant increase in labor productivity, i will say this, and sometimes by tens of percent, sometimes on an orderly basis, without control of mechanisms, technologies, testing for...
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that artificial intelligence, it will imperceptibly replace a person and thereby will make its continued existence meaningless, it seems to me that this is, of course, a horror story, that’s what really worries us, this is the eternal problem of man, which at one time was still plato in the state, but it was thought that it would be resolved when, as a result of the development of technology. .. everything else that helps a person in life, a huge space of time will be freed up for the spiritual cultural development of a person, here is our experience and
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the industrialization of the post-industrialization of modern digital time, it shows that nothing like 12% of content on the internet is considered indecent. things, but at the same time, yes, about 60, even more than 60% of requests are addressed precisely to this area, that is, what we are talking about, about the fact that human sinfulness is being actualized, we find ourselves surrounded by such vile, very soft, very sticky pillows, from which it takes much more effort to come off, the simplest is an image, an example, of a person who lives, or at least... has experience of living in a village, he knows perfectly well that if he does not go to a well, if he doesn’t bring water, if he doesn’t bring firewood, feeds a cow, then he won’t
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be able to give it to him, he simply won’t survive, a person who lives in an apartment, he is guaranteed, even if he practically doesn’t pay for utilities, he knows that most likely they won’t kick him out, it will still be warm, there will still be water in the tap, he’ll still find something somewhere, scrape it up, and go to the neighbors. something to eat, and he can afford the luxury of sitting, before the tv, now in games, there in social networks and so on. the question is why a person sorely lacks internal immunity in order to resist such temptations. let’s definitely talk about this, there are just a lot of questions at once, unfortunately, there isn’t much time, in principle the main answer has been given, but i still want to maybe explore this topic a little, look. alain turing, the famous mathematician, i think, in 1950 or 1951 , published his article in which he asked the question is, can a machine think? if i'm not mistaken, he then proposed the so-called
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imitation game, right? that if there is a leader, a man and a machine, then the leader is given a task, he asks questions to these two interlocutors and must use their answers to determine which of them is a machine, which of them is a human, in my opinion, thuring said that if more than 70 answers are accepted as human there in 5, or 10 minutes, which means it’s a person, it seems like i read that not a single machine has passed this test yet, further with him, as i understand it, they debated and so on, this... doesn’t raise the question of your definition, that after all, this is definitely not intelligence, you know, what’s the matter, technology doesn’t work like that, if i don’t know, your diesel engine is made very well, it looks like i don’t know any other super engine, this doesn’t mean that it has ceased to be a diesel engine, yes, here is exactly the same situation, until strong artificial intelligence, in this sense from my point of view it is very far, although there is
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enthusiasts who believe that in the next... few years, maximum 10 years, it will be created, from my point of view, this will not happen in my lifetime, and if it happens, it will even happen, this is a separate discussion, it needs to be discussed separately, because that it is generally accepted in the world, by the way, this confirms my words, that the world community thinks so, the subjectivity of artificial intelligence is not discussed anywhere, this means that after all, everyone treats this as complex, but technologies, with this position, this is necessary consider, if such technologies appear, i, as a person who deals with this, will see it.
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perhaps because his abilities are increasing, as it were, writing texts, for example, that is, what i mean is that there is no need to be tempted because of this, that this is something so incredible, when i was listening to you, i also thought about the fact that when we look at an unmanned vehicle, yes, it doesn’t mean that it controls the program in the same way as a person, but there is a completely different principle, what is called driving, here you are you know, this is a very good topic here, driverless cars don’t really exist, so the fact is that when elon musk, for example, was asked, what did he say, i have an assistant, that is, there are a lot of experiments with driverless cars, but in in the sense that an unmanned vehicle drives wherever it wants, and it’s fine, this doesn’t exist , i have been speaking about this for a long time now and said that if there is a dedicated circuit, a special environment, whatever you want to call it, there is technologically, simply humanly, then yes, then unmanned a car makes sense and it will drive, but if, for example, on a city scale, this
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is not... a chess game where a computer can learn to play with itself, this is not a game of go, this is an environment that changes, where it changes dynamically and unpredictably, that is , driverless cars, while this is a research project, a project, i just want to bridge the gap, that when you said about subjectivity, i remembered that in 2011, when the computer utson, in my opinion, defeated jeopardy, who one of the philosophers said that utson does not know that he won in jeoparde, yes, it seems to me that a very important topic is that... a person in a situation where he does not have a pre-prepared algorithm, he dives into a certain depth, artificial intelligence has nowhere to dive, well , that is, there is no such spare space , from which it would be possible to quickly pull up the necessary algorithms to solve this issue, well, by the way, i also remembered this now, i read somewhere that if we compare the human brain with a computer, yes, then we still proceed from that a computer is a system
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deterministic, that is, with the same academician, now he says that everything connected with human memory is not connected with neurons at all, with new cells, well, not with new ones, but with known ones, and they need to be studied and new things direction, in fact, all this needs to be done, so the brain is a much more complex story, probably this is the very last thing that a person in his humanity
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will be able to study. therefore, this is some kind of model, it has the right to life, it has shown its capacity, but this is how it is necessary treat that we have a fairly effective tool for solving problems, now we need to take into account that is... the positions that this technology represents, we must manage risks, make sure that it does not cause harm, and make the most of it, well, as always in principle, in the life of mankind, there was a nuclear reactor, some other complex technologies, but don’t treat this as if now let’s implement it everywhere at any cost, because it’s profitable, well, it’s clear that when you let a person through metro, well what? the difference, well, even if he deceives and comes in, well, let him come in, it won’t affect anything, but if he comes into nuclear...
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well, for example, in aviation, you know, there are strict rules, just if you don’t you are developing an operating system for aviation from scratch, for example, it is impossible to certify, that is, it is quite strict, and there is no artificial intelligence, it is ordinary software, but it is an extremely dangerous zone and , accordingly, the costs of certification for support are sometimes several times higher than for the development itself , we do this, so i do this i know well, we make a real operating system ourselves, finally the third part, when you can use it as you want, it doesn’t affect anything, well...
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after all, today we are all witnesses to how much the quality of translation has advanced not only from modern languages, but also including from the ancients, for example, i don’t speak the ancient armenian language there, but today
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, thanks to artificial intelligence, i can in general terms imagine what the holy fathers talked about there, interesting for me from this period, that is, something completely new is opening up, before, absolutely inaccessible to...
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but on the other hand, for a believer , a completely different perspective opens up here, and from the christian anthology we understand that a person without god is not a person, in this sense i really like the image that the father uses sergei bulgakov, he says that in a person there is a hole drilled into infinity, that ’s why i really like this image, but the hole does not have its own nature, you know, that is, in my opinion this opens up absolutely. the prospect of such fearlessness precisely in scientific field. academician harutyun avetsyan, proteor pavel velikanov, i’m vladimir ligoyd, today we gathered our thoughts about artificial intelligence. you know, i think
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that there is not a single sector of our life now where artificial intelligence will not be introduced, because once again, i think karmar said, yes, that the capitalist will sell 100% of the profit and his mother, there is an obvious benefit. from the point of view of our country, because on the one hand it is an advantage and hope, on the other hand, of course, there are risks associated with the loss of jobs, this is discussed there, well, it’s understandable, but from the point of view of our huge country, where... the population is not very large, automation of this kind will help us master what is now difficult in this sense, for us in a sense, it’s even simpler, uh, agriculture, for example, well, you need to increase its efficiency, automate it, it’s all connected again with artificial intelligence, because - in traditional ways, if you do this, it’s just very expensive, in medicine, so uh, actually the majority none of us simply go to doctors, to be honest, well, i mean the population. and therefore, what we are doing is we are trying
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to move in this direction and those that screening the population is constantly passive, for example, through the devices that we carry with us, there is a single-channel by now in watches it has already become, and a person can be brought to the doctor earlier , and as you know, the earlier the diagnosis is made, the better it can be treated, from my point of view this will not lead to the fact that doctors will not be needed, on the contrary, there will be even more pressure more, doctors will be needed more, but the efficiency factor can increase sharply, that is, if... before we served i don’t know 1.0 people there, then we can serve 10,000, but more, and a good doctor will be able to convey his knowledge to the regions, up to to villages where sometimes there are no doctors, god forbid that there is a filsher, that is, these are simple examples, and there are a lot of them, in fact, i ’m not even talking about production, where methods of analyzing production have been used for a long time; i don’t know the flow for this to reduce marriage, and it seems to me there are simply no problems here, this needs to be implemented. i am certainly not the person who, despite the fact that he said that safety,
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trust, who wants to stop this, but it needs to be done wisely, again, it needs to be done so that there is control over it, control does not mean that usually people understand this, technologically, thank god, we are a fairly advanced country in this regard, we don’t lag behind anyone, here ’s a little about the social consequences, yes, at one time, like many, i probably read martin ford’s book, robots are coming, remember this the fifteenth, sixteenth year
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did not give such results when our negative effect exceeded the possible positive result in the long term, while he was wrong, judging by his forecast, but are there any risks here? if you allow me, i won’t just answer, but maybe expand on your question. thank you, a very practical plane that i encountered, and i am a person from an analog childhood, adolescence, youth, and i remember very well that if you had any problem in interacting with some different services, there was always hotline phone number, you could call somewhere and after some time hear the live voice of a live operator who would in one way or another get involved in your problem, today there is such an option, it’s practically. it’s worth it, because in most such cases you find
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yourself switched to artificial intelligence, which will ask you questions using a very strict algorithmic method, at some point it just throws you out and says: that’s it, my capabilities have been exhausted, it turned out that what seems should have make it easier to solve the problem, in the end it just drives the person into a dead end, and you understand that listen, what’s the point of calling there if i don’t care... most likely i won’t solve this issue, well, this is a stone in your city, in fact, here i am i think these very issues will definitely be resolved in the next 5-10 years, because now translators are already appearing , you can hang it in your ear and communicate with each other in different languages, i just returned from china, there is a girl in hotel i don’t know a word of english at all, she had a device on which she i spoke chinese, translated into english, everything was fine, not the other way around, that is, my profession. yes, we are with her, we are with her, we communicated with her without translators, she calmly
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understood everything, we did everything, that is , potentially, of course, in a mass sense, yes, but this does not mean that professional translators will not be needed for specialized stories , in this sense, well , yes, there is a social danger that some professions will be unclaimed, well, once upon a time the same thing happened to horses, but this is the story, i don’t care it seems so dramatic if we... manage all this correctly, that is, especially for our country, where we have quite large resources and a small population, we need to fight to improve the quality of this population, that's what it takes.
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use, and i ended up on some kind of bot, not a bot, well, in general, he says, write whatever you want, that means, neural networks please, demo version for free, and i entered a task on a topic that was clear to me, on my topic dissertation, neurosy generated a twenty-seven-page text very quickly 3 minutes, well, part of the text was closed, because the demo version, yes, i couldn’t use without paying, but i can say with complete responsibility that more than half of my students have such a text, not just in 3 days, in... 3 they won’t write for weeks, the question, i’m sharpening it specifically as a polemical one, what ’s good about that? the problem of education, from my point of view, cannot be solved if you don’t have an elite, but if we didn’t have a glass chemistry department in our country, there wouldn’t be any mathematical education on the scale of the union, and nobody prepares the elite, if a student
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from festekh or vmc brings me a diploma, well, i really read this diploma in detail , thoroughly, no, of course, i listen to him, he... enters, i know his knowledge, if he is in all second-rate universities everywhere , the whole knowledge does not correspond to what is written there, it is still visible, he can order a job, and that there was no business before, well, you think that this business will die, because the chawl appeared, yes, but nothing more , that is, if we build the education system correctly, this will not be interfere, this is again a threat, a risk, but we can manage this risk, and if we don’t have this. of course, if the teacher himself can no longer distinguish, in the sense that a person cannot interview him to understand that he does not understand, well then the problem, yes, this is a different question, therefore, so i therefore, therefore in elite places this does not cause problems, because you either run a hundred meters in the required number of seconds, or you don’t run, and the texts won’t help you, this is an obvious
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thing in my opinion, again, i’m doing this on purpose now i say, the problem exists, of course, it needs to be raised, it needs to be discussed, but... it is not on the plane that is being discussed, how to make sure that the quality of education in our country increases, do not try to close the chat, because this is not possible, because that once again physical people will do this, what difference does it make, but how to do it so that it grows in general, how to do it so that these places have growth points, how to do it, my colleagues and i, when we discussed, after all, of course, you more broadly and you pose the problem deeply, and we instrumental, someone said, but there is no need to try to prohibit it, on the contrary, we should give tasks that, well, for example, are one of the options and solutions that will include ourselves.
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and then, as a professional, choose what you think is correct, this is quite possible, but this is a different level, and again this is not solved by prohibitions or restrictions, you know, i would like to pick up a little on the topic of the need for elites, from this perspective, i it seems that the active introduction of high technologies makes the need for request especially acute...
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which was always, in general, not only in the 20th century, but that he did not have the right to engage in any professional activity, he could not earn money, but at the same time he had to be deeply immersed in many different spheres, in the military sphere, into philosophy, into languages, into culture, he should be drawing there and dancing there and so on and so forth, what is it, this is the creation of a model. not a model, the creation of a certain person, whose main work in life is service, service, of course, a knight is first of all, service, and service with the understanding that for this service you can and must... give your life, this is the norm, it seems to me that all this artificial intelligence, the context of high
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technology, it simply pushes us to the point that if we do not return to the theme of service and do not pose it as the cornerstone theme of human life in general, then we will have nothing to oppose to these technological possibilities, i would say even more radically, if we have already gone in this direction, if we do not disentangle the idea of ​​​​man with a function, if we do not return to the understanding that... this is a seeker of truth, goodness, love, beauty, otherwise, in general, artificial intelligence, no matter how we define it, it has already defeated us, i am afraid, that we are now again endowing artificial intelligence with subjectivity, we are trying, this is not once again saying that this is not so, there is no need to be afraid of it, but i would be opposed to serving the profession as such, i will explain why, because, well, and if it turns out , that i don’t know, serving the profession contradicts... serving the homeland, what then to choose, or family, for example, or friendship, that ’s what’s more important, it’s in the person, that’s the struggle,
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probably, internal to a person and talking to gentlemen, as a person whose profession is unlikely, in your case, in your case, it’s not a contradiction, yes, well, for example, very often it comes up, you make some kind of technology, it can always be used in different ways, that’s kind of an important question, for me it was a discovery that... relatively speaking, the professional amateurism of a knight in all matters, he was a guarantee, he was still a guarantee that he was not engaged by any, no profession, no internal, so to speak, cultural interpretation outside of all this, because chivalry is actually the creation of secular culture, i don’t want it, it’s completely different, it’s just by the way, there was no step from church culture to secular culture in russian culture. chivalry, this is also an important cultural fact. academician harutyun
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avitisyan, protyrey, pavel velikanov, i’m vladimir ligoido, we gathered our thoughts about artificial intelligence. here look, yuri mikhailovich lotman, what did he say, when some kind of technological discovery appears, any, yes, some kind of revolution, a breakthrough that should make life easier, it always first throws it back, because, as lotman said, he had , he spoke in terms of technology and culture, he spoke technology. has not yet become a culture, now the telephone has appeared, for the first time we can talk without seeing each other, and we don’t understand, but like text messages, we don’t understand, the person answered us, he’s upset, happy, he doesn’t care, yes, that is , time must pass, lotma says, for technology to become culture, my question is, the speed with which changes are happening today, not even the speed of implementation, but the speed of the appearance of something, but the implementation, which is what you were talking about , yes, doesn’t this problem pose an extremely acute problem? can we... say that there is a problem that, in lotman’s terms, technology does not have time to become culture, i absolutely agree, moreover, we are
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right here, each of us we may be seen several times throughout our lives these so-called revolutions took place, although from the point of view of a person who deals with it, this is simply an evolutionary development, the world around was changing, and what is happening now in social networks is only the beginning, because we will be immersed there more and more, there are already countries where... well, everything seems to be there, everything seems to be fine, there is entertainment, and digital entertainment will all be cheaper, cheaper, this is also something that is not talked about much, but uh,
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if digital education, digital wednesday, this is also a reduction in price, with one on the one hand, it seems to be accessible to everyone, on the other hand , it may not be of the highest quality , because our educational experience shows that there should still be combined methods, that is, digitalization is very good, but not enough, but... it does not completely replace human communication, but it’s hard for me to imagine that with a priest only through the digital world, but we’re heading towards this, to be honest, but on the other hand , we, as orthodox people, probably understand what’s ahead, what’s ahead of us is waiting, so in this in the sense that we are moving, we are moving in this direction, there is also nothing surprising, so our task is to create the situation as much as possible so that these technologies do not harm us, they still allow us...
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and the technologies themselves, they cannot replace the internal the development of the potential for beauty that a person has, and accordingly, what we can contrast here is, well, probably some specific internal experience with a certain practice, practice, i would call them a kind of digital asceticism, yes, which can may well be applicable, hygiene, yes, which is not necessary for people there who are church believers, they can be quite universal. that is, if society at some point understands that this disproportion of technology to man, this is the impossibility of scaling technology without taking into account the fact that for whose sake everything exists, and it created a corresponding request for such asceticism, i think we can find just after all , the same approach to the cultivation of technology that i spoke about votman is great, let’s
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hope so, i have one last question, if... you can do it in blitz mode, but very briefly, today there are a lot of opportunities, using the program, to get answers to some of your questions, yes, so-called chats that give you solutions, one colleague admitted to me that he he says, i generally don’t make any decisions without consulting, because well, he just says, he understands better than me, so to speak, and gives advice, i have a question, do you use this in your life, if so, in what cases?
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content that does not have such watermarks signs, they will fall under regulation, i think that our country and everyone else will follow this path, because otherwise it will not work, why am i telling this, that this is one of the examples of how society is gradually starting this business, although to limit not in the sense of what to prohibit, but what i as a consumer have the right to know, i ... i see, this is my neighbor saying or generated, but this kind of work will be increasingly in demand, and in this sense we we are also not lagging behind anyone, one of the countries in the world that has we are developing appropriate technologies, and it seems to me that this is very important, on this optimistic note, dear friends, i am extremely grateful to you, it seems to me that we have talked about a lot of important things, thank you very much again arutin ishkanovich avitisyan,
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academician of the russian academy of sciences, director ... institute of system programming of the russian academy of sciences, proteria pavel velikanov, associate professor of the moscow theological academy, i am vladimir ligoida, today we were gathering thoughts about artificial intelligence, fears of hope for about it, all the best, hello, this is a deception podcast. substances, my name is olesya nosova, i am the editor-in-chief of komsomolskaya pravda and with me is the famous endocrinologist dr. suhra pavlova, and today we will talk about fat, our favorite topic is fat, the very, very yes, but before we actually go directly to fat, let's talk a little about cholesterol, because all these things are interconnected, inextricably, yes, come on, cholesterol, in short, is an organic
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compound belonging to the class of alcohols. in the 18th century, for the first time in gallstones, stones from the gallbladder, a substance was discovered that was called cholesterol from the greek solid bile, well, it’s really not a current substance. it’s so hard, pebbles, from that period it began - such a mythological story around cholesterol, it is either discriminated against, then justified, then elevated to elixir states, then it’s our most important one, but they pill it, but in general it’s a vital substance it is organic, that is, when a can of vegetable oil says no cholesterol, it is clear that this is a marketing ploy plants and it could be... it could be mainly animals, it’s purely animals , it’s purely animals, yes, but we must make a reservation that if you overuse vegetable oil, then there will be a lot of your own fat, well, there’s
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a different relationship, another yes, well, just a little i almost forgot to say about this, so, probably, in order to indicate the general importance of this topic, we must say why we need this cholesterol, well, in most heads... modern humanity, cholesterol is atherosclerosis, atherosclerosis is plaques, yes , this is something scary, terrible, we have to fight it, and even a large number of remedies have been invented to lower cholesterol, i have never heard anyone say how to increase cholesterol, everyone wants to remove it, but in general why do we need it, our entire body consists of cells, all tissues and all systems, everything is made of cells, this is such a unit, the beginning of measurement, so... this is a cell, and a cell is a structure, each of which has inside also its substructures, organelles, i know, even this is a difficult word, exactly, so that this
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the structural part is separated from the environment, there is a membrane, like a fortress moat, such a wall, a fence, this fence largely consists of parts of cholesterol, of its fractions, of fats, the so- called lipid layer, and it gives... to all this some kind of structure, one important point, imagine how many cells there are in our body, there is some cholesterol everywhere. the second important point, we know that many hormones consist of cholesterol, that is , the basis is cholesterol, so without cholesterol we understand, even in this aspect life is impossible. further, when we talked to you about vitamin d, we said that the basis for the synthesis of vitamin d is sebum, so... for the synthesis of sebum is cholesterol, what a useful thing, not this word, moreover, when we have little of this sebum, the skin becomes dry, cracks, the barrier function of the skin
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is disrupted, because the skin is the largest organ of our body, and this is , first of all, a border service, it protects us from external influences, and is also a means of elimination, where else we have cholesterol is involved, there is. imagine a nerve fiber, yes, some kind of big nerve, let’s say, or a small one, there is a sheath on it, otherwise the sensations that we experience, pain, they would be endless, only as soon as, let’s say, a person was formed, immediately the pain is so all-consuming, but from all these sensations, and the nerve trunk is protected by a meilin sheath consisting of cholesterol, it is very reminiscent of a copper wire. such a rubber shell, this rubber shell, the myelin layer is cholesterol, well, the basis, in addition, bile acids.


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