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tv   Telekanal Dobroe utro  1TV  April 6, 2024 6:00am-9:01am MSK

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sebum, the skin becomes dry, cracks, the barrier function of the skin is disrupted, because the skin is the largest organ of our body, and this is , first of all, a border service, it protects us from external influences, and is also a means of elimination. where else do we have cholesterol involved? now, if you imagine a nerve fiber, yes, some kind of big nerve, for example, or a small one, it has a sheath on it, otherwise...... these are the sensations that we experience as pain, they would be endless, that’s just as soon as, let’s say, a person is formed, there is immediate pain, such an all-consuming sensation, from all these sensations, and the nerve trunk is protected by a myilin sheath, consisting of cholesterol, it is very reminiscent of a copper wire with such a rubber sheath, this rubber sheath is the myilin layer - this cholesterol, well, the basis, in addition, bile acids. in one of the programs we talked about
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how important bile acids are, what an integral component for the proper functioning of the intestines, for vascular health, because plaques are also the basis of cholesterol, so if the bile acids in the gallbladder are not in order, then the blood vessels will also be unfavorable, this is affected by cholesterol, and again - who hasn’t heard by now. vitamin d, yes, this is a fat-soluble vitamin, and also e, vitamin a and vitamin k. in the metabolism of these vital vitamins, cholesterol plays a huge role, by the way, it is not water-soluble, in our country it is fat-soluble, so it won’t be that way cholesterol itself, there will be no all these wonderful substances, no only hormones, but also vitamins, so based on this alone... you can already understand
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how vitally important cholesterol plays, but like everything in our body, when there is little cholesterol, it is bad, when there is a lot of cholesterol, it is even worse, so the most important thing is this is a balance, you probably also know, you already said, but about this division of good, bad, evil cholesterol, they draw all sorts of scary masks around cholesterol, this is the division, it’s conditional. in our body there is nothing unambiguously bad at all, it’s the same with fractions of cholesterol: on the one hand, those same fractions, in general, are transport components of cholesterol in order to deliver it to different systems, fractions are compounds of cholesterol, and fractions are such compounds, and low- density lipoproteins, which are called the evil bad ones, harmful, harmful cholesterol, it has the ability to fall out, it actively falls out of... these structures and
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thus atherosclerotic plaques are formed, it also falls out for a reason, as they say, there is a reason for this appropriate conditions, we have , let’s say, the risk of developing atherosclerosis progressively increases with age, and under certain circumstances, for example, smoking, alcohol abuse, poor diet, lack of physical activity, in general, when a person does not take care, yes, when a person does not take care of himself. this is correct, and with obesity, of course, certain conditions are created, systemic inflammation, and, let’s say, this inflammation does not affect only adipose tissue, it develops in the vascular wall, the inner wall, this is where it begins to be deposited - this fraction - forming atherosclerotic plaques, there are also high-density lipoproteins, this is good cholesterol, we are trying in every possible way to increase it in reasonable ways. so it prevents
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the formation of these very plaques, so the higher it is, the better, the lower the low- density lipoproteins, which, by the way, are formed from very low-density lipoproteins, oh my god, there’s an abyss there, there’s really space, there are also triglycerides, which we also evaluate when we look at the cholesterol profile, this is a form of fat storage, and if they are very high, this is also... an unfavorable moment, it can also be influenced, but why do our cholesterol levels rise at all? , that’s what you think, some of the main points are, well , food, of course, of course, of course, unhealthy diet, and unhealthy nutrition, but we have acquired factors, and there are congenital characteristics, there is such hereditary hypercholesterolemia that hypercholesterolemia was clear. this is a lot,
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cholesterol is understandable, aemia is blood, that is , a high level, high level of cholesterol in the blood, but if there is hereditary hypercholesterolemia, then this is what a person was born with. in the family, most people will have such a problem, unfortunately, such people used to live quite short lives, from about 30 onwards, they could have had a heart attack or stroke, they died, the second important one, so to speak, is an important division - these are acquired, here are acquired - this is of course, well, first of all, wrong nutrition, abuse of civilization, a disease of civilization, yes fast food, exactly, in addition... ah, that the balance of macronutrients is disturbed, that is, fats, proteins, carbohydrates, yes, a lot of carbohydrates, a lot of fatty foods, or some such thoughtless , uh, the predominance of one component, yes, well, but we remember that if we are on
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a high-carbohydrate diet, it seems like we don’t eat fat in excess, a high-carbohydrate diet is when we eat a lot of bread, yes, mm ... and this is not only an unbalanced diet, it is also alcohol abuse, nicotine abuse, with age we - our risks increase, this is not just because age itself, but because with this age a number of changes occur: our body composition changes, we have less muscle mass, more fat mass, this increases the risks of developing subclinical inflammation decreases... the amount of hormones, yes, the gonads stop working, all this also contributes to the fact that we move less, and indeed, as we age, most of us begin to move less, there is less energy for this, less interest in everything about this, well, that is, these are the factors, and the amount of adipose tissue and cholesterol
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is growing, there are many myths around cholesterol, for example, you can often hear, i don’t eat the yolk because i have high cholesterol, i have... this always causes regret, because the yolk is generally the most valuable thing in an egg, now i’ll say it’s completely sedition, once upon a time it was surprising to me, there is more protein in the yolk than in the white itself , yes, well, that is, there is less digestible protein in protein, in there is more yolk, so you shouldn’t give up the yolk, and i repeat once again, if you overuse even vegetable oil, then there will be more cholesterol in your own body, because... the largest amount of almost 70% of cholesterol is formed in your own body and that’s from those products that a person delivers to him, yes, yes, in its pure form this cholesterol enters our body in approximately 30%. now
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there is still such a myth that all cholesterol is formed in the liver, but it really is there is formed most of all, approximately 50% of all 100, but there is also... all 20-25 to 30% on other organs, this is the skin, yes, that same sebum, this is the intestines, these are the gonads, and the adrenal glands, where actually speaking, we produce, for example, most of the thyroid hormones, the same testosterone is produced not only in the gonads, yes, in the ovaries or testicles, but also in the adrenal glands, so there is also such a small production factory there. cholesterol, so the liver is a liver, but everything else also functions. we continue talking about fat and cholesterol, this is a substance deception podcast. my name is olesya nosova, with me is zukhra pavlova. you can watch all episodes of the podcast lab project on the website
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of the first channel regarding cholesterol , everyone is afraid to take medications, they are not afraid, they are afraid to take medications. statins, yes. and this is a big problem, because if statins are indicated, then it is vital to take them, for life, yes, it is for life, firstly, secondly, vitally, otherwise everything can end extremely tragically, here it is not a matter of a person’s choice, it is not , is not question, i want to take articles, i don’t want to take articles, that’s it, but if the situation has not reached the point where the doctor prescribes these medications, then as they say, you can fight a little, you can change the diet, yeah, yeah. you can somehow reduce other factors, the same smoking and so on and so forth, but if you stop smoking, then the risk of developing such catastrophic cardiovascular events is reduced by 56%. what do you even need to say after this? well, yes, but now
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the problem is not only in cigarettes, now it’s also the problem is in vapes, vaping turns out to be even worse, yes, even worse, but we don’t have it. compulsory medicine, so the doctor cannot force the patient, and unfortunately, there is not always enough time to explain to the person how important it is, if he is indicated to take statins, that they... you really need to take the latest data on one of the representatives of the statin class in research have proven a neuroprotective effect, that is , people who take statins, and the risk of developing such a terrible disease as they have less alzheimer’s than those who have other dementias, i guess i was horrified to learn that alzheimer’s is only one of forty possible dementias, dementia is senile dementia, but come to think of it. yes, yes, yes, because, well, it’s good that the heart will work well there, yes,
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it’s great, let’s say, in general the body is strong, but if the head fails, then it seems to me that such longevity is, well, less interesting for a person , whoever comes to the cardiologist at whatever stage, yes, somewhere else the doctor will actually say, while you can do without statins, or when they are already prescribed they will say that you definitely need to take even high dosages, but you still need to change your lifestyle, because the number in the tests is an important story, but without changing your lifestyle, everything else, even what is not reflected in analyzes will progressively deteriorate, deteriorate, so physical activity is vital, and at the same time, here we really want our listeners not to rush to extremes, if you have never worked out in your life, then you decided to do a half marathon go, but it's just completely. there is another
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physiologically very good exercise option - this is swimming, when you and i start to move, our muscle mass is actively involved in this process, it absorbs excess resources that would have accumulated, this is where oxidation occurs, and those same excess fats begin to disappear laying down in the depot, and burning, this... is very, very significant, we will feel better, our body will make itself felt, because there is a general feeling of muscles, then you are kind of like jelly and don’t understand how you, what works, and here you directly clearly feel your muscle mass, nutrition, if you don’t explain to a person why eating like this or this is important, he can also, as they say, get into it, but do it in his own way according to his habits, or for some reason it’s not always on the instructions and... this is sometimes correct, but it’s unwise to completely give up animal fats, but if you divide all the fats into
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proportions, then there should be about 30 animal fats, and 70 vegetable ones, and this includes avocado, for example, and some kind of oil, which you used in the salad, and there is sour cream, it is also full of fat, if there is lard, a piece of lard, yes, it doesn’t matter what kind it is, pork. this is pure fat, but in the traditions of many peoples, eating lard is right here, this is our everything. and what should you say in such a situation? a piece, like candy, please, but if lard becomes the basis of the diet, or if they start frying lard, then this is very bad, yes, but in general there is such an interesting thing, it turns out, here again. on the topic of fat, it turns out there is a huge amount people feel very bad about fat in food, well
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, it would seem that there is a certain dish, i don’t know, it’s fried beef, so one person eats it and it’s fatty for him, the second one is fine for him, that is, he has reduced sensitivity to fatty foods, so this is a big problem from a nutritional point of view, because he may overeat fat without meaning to. this is also a good example, because many people believe that doctor’s sausage, well, first of all, it is useful, because it is doctor’s sausage, it brings exceptional benefits, it heals a lot of things, well, secondly, she’s pink, she has no fat, let’s say, she’s an amateur, she has fat, but in fact there’s practically no difference between them, it’s just that the fat is hidden, ground up, that’s why we must definitely take into account this story, that you don't always have to trust your taste buds. you eat something and it seems to you that it is low-fat, still read the label, look how much
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fat there is, again this all comes back to the topic of cholesterol, 30% of cholesterol comes from food, so if you eat less healthy doctor's sausage, then accordingly you will deliver less cholesterol into your body, you mentioned fatty foods, but how do you feel about low-fat cottage cheese, an interesting question at the... dawn of foggy youth, as they say, it turned out that this is some kind of salvation, but you can eat it and how, now, to be honest, it seems to me that this is something wrong, firstly. the quality of the product seems to me to be much lower than normal cottage cheese, and secondly, probably, when it is produced, it does more harm than good, because what a fat how do they extract it from there, apparently using some kind of chemical reactions or something? well , most likely yes, i’m not a technologist, but i assume that this is some kind of extraction, but let’s say it’s useful, let’s say
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there’s no harm, but we ’ll eat more of the product than that. yes, saturation will not be achieved, so yes, but i am also not inclined to recommend eating low-fat cottage cheese, and 5-9%, in my opinion, is completely normal - the percentage, the fat content of this product, and what’s more, we with you they talked about the fact that many vitamins, but they listed them, and they are fat-soluble, it turns out that something useful should be in it.
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by the way, i saw a scary picture on the internet, the stomach of a world champion in speed eating, either hot dogs or something else, well, it’s just a nightmare, that is , there, well, well, in general, yes, in in general, a pregnant woman, it seems to me, has more modest dimensions, but thank god it was not a live cut, but simply an imitation, so to speak. regarding saturation, we have such a vagus nerve, we somehow already talked about it they said that it not only reflects the volume of the stomach, well, when we have overeaten, it signals to the saturation center, stop too much, it also records this level of free fatty acids, that
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is, it will not react to low-fat cottage cheese for much longer than if it were. was with a normal amount of fat, there is no need to overeat fat either, because every extra calorie is a plus, yes, and not a minus, but fats are just as important to us as proteins and carbohydrates, the only thing is, of course, when let’s say we ate a piece of meat and greens, yes, this is a wonderful diet, but if you imagine that there is not a drop of fat in this meat, well, hypothetically, then part of the protein comes from this. meat will be spent on the synthesis of fats, because this is a vital component for our body, that is, it is not worth excluding them completely, just as elevating them to the rank of priority and placing emphasis on fats there in the keta diet, and in my opinion, it is also not entirely reasonable , this form of nutrition takes place, because this is a diet, this is a therapeutic
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event, a time-limited event, yes, a time-limited event... let's say, ah, places, regions in the world where there is more fat in the diet, well, for example, the far north, yes, there are seals, salmon, these are the options, products, they are usually oversaturated with fats, but as for seafood, it’s still more, the so
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-called polyunsaturated fatty acids, that is, more... for our body, that ’s why the balance is shifted there aside from these polyunsaturated fatty acids useful, it is important to say that omega-3 fatty acids are something that our body does not produce in any quantity under any circumstances, it is only a fraction of fatty acids that comes with food, it is very useful and necessary, without it we simply cannot we can, yes , this is an anti-inflammatory... option, not only that, in large doses omega-3 also has a blood-thinning effect, it reduces the risk of thrombosis, and has an antidepressant effect, because... when we have a lot of omega-3 acids, they inhibit reuptake serotonin, a person has a better mood, not only the inflammatory component is suppressed,
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but also the reuptake of serotonin, so it is a useful substance on all sides, but there is no need to abuse it, because these are also calories, these are still fats, that is, everything has a certain the proper amount, all this has been redistributed in quantity. for a person, an important point in this aspect, it is important for both children and adults, here’s something else that is important to say, and you can often read that there is a lot of omega-3 in plant components, flaxseed oil, rapeseed oil and so on, there is one biochemical trick, so that this version of omega from plant components reaches the desired working version in our... body needs enzymes, which in the human body either do not have one of the enzymes, or there is another version of this enzyme five deltaturase, so little that
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almost all of it is spent on omega-6, and omega-6 fatty acids are an inflammatory component, it would seem, why do we need inflammation, and also synthesize this substance in our own body, but without inflammation we can’t live at all, there’s inflammation. every second, minute it fights with various viruses, bacteria that surround us, which inflammation is essentially a cleansing, it is a protective reaction, a defensive reaction, it is not only directed against some external agents, inflammation develops inside one’s own body as such means of rejuvenation, yes, old cells die, new ones reproduce and appear, that’s why the inflammatory reaction is vitally necessary, to support it you need omega 6, therefore. we produce omega-6, but we do not produce omega-3, so residents of the far north are in a more favorable position in this regard, they have
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a lot of omega-3 in their diet, we have very little, so we usually supplement this with some - taking medications or dietary supplements. and we continue our conversation in the podcast deception of substances about fats and cholesterol and with you are khara pavlova and olesya nosova. usually people after the holidays, after some kind of vacation, after a vacation, which, as a rule, is combined with a lot of food food, and the best tourism, as you know , is gastrotourism, so they, as a rule, worry that they have become very fat, but are there any limits to how fat a person can get there in a day, in a week, well i mean. how much fat he can gain, or not, or he can gain indefinitely, well, relatively speaking, in a week you can gain a maximum kilogram
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of fat, everything else is water, swelling and so on, no, it’s difficult to say so, not to count, not i can say so, not only that, but everything it depends, we can dial it in, what if we actively went skiing this week, we usually do, we actively went to restaurants, yes. well , anything can happen, in winter ski resorts operate where snow has fallen, and there is very high physical activity there, and despite the fact that a person actually eats more there, he moves there, but then it will be difficult to say what he gained if do not do bioimpedance, but this is such a method for determining body composition, and if he was hypodynamic, lay down, watched movies, ate, then naturally he is active. gained adipose tissue, because everything that we eat will not disappear anywhere, it is not air, it cannot be exhaled, it will fit into adipose tissue, yeah, if there is no active physical
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activity, if there is one, a person has a normal balance hormones, then muscle mass is formed, of course, when a person has gained a kilogram in a day, but this is mostly water, of course, and maybe some kind of food that left the body at the wrong time, in some - conditions when motor skills the intestines are not working well, in general, most likely it’s more a gain of fluid, but we all talk about fat, that fat is stored there and so on, but this is the most important mechanism in general that helps a person to save himself, if it weren’t for fat in our body, we would live very poorly, yes, this is generally the main energy depot, reserve, gold reserve. gold currency, in addition, it is also thermal insulation, when - we my patients lose weight, lose weight, they... often say:
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doctor, i started to freeze, i have never frozen, this is really so, because there is less adipose tissue and subcutaneous intra-abdominal, this thermal insulation, its decrease makes itself felt, but this is temporary, then everything is restored, i do not mean subcutaneous adipose tissue, this is it a feeling of warmth and cold, and thermoregulation, but in general , a slimmer person, of course , will need to dress well... warmer, let’s say, because this fat layer will no longer protect as it did when it was excesses, therefore fat is energy reserve, and thermal insulation, a shock-absorbing substance, because our organs in the abdominal cavity, let’s say, yes, they would simply crash, figuratively speaking, against each other, so the omentum, it holds all this together, creates such
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a pillow, but - which protects our organs, this is probably where we should have started regarding the fat depot, because for thousands of years a person could die not only from infection, there was cold, but also from hunger, so such evolutionary mechanisms developed to store everything that comes because that today there is food, but tomorrow it may not be there, spend it sparingly, and store as much as possible, yes, well, it probably can be. someday these mechanisms will change for us and maybe people of the future will be able to eat and not store, well, yes, well, why not, why not dream, well, yes, i agree, although it’s also dangerous, lord, the zombie apocalypse is here, here it is that’s it, dadada, what a horror, but is there any reliable way to get rid of not so much subcutaneous fat, but
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internal fat, because internal fat is the most so dangerous, yes, we have it very clearly, we generally have five types of adipose tissue, this is white fat - this is the so-called abdominal fat, and beige fat is subcutaneous, there is yellow fat - this is in the tubular bones, there is pink fat - this is in the mammary glands of lactating women, that is, only for a certain period of time, and there is also brown fat, this is the fat that babies have... athletes, professional athletes, it is mainly located on the back surface of the chest, between the shoulder blades and a little on the lower back, well, it leaves a person with age. the most favorable, the most , well, from access, well, most people have white and borax, yes, this is subcutaneous fat, beige, because - it synthesizes more anti-inflammatory substances, suppressing inflammation, in... in the abdominal,
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which is in the stomach , it synthesizes more substances that stimulate inflammation, so the abdominal form of obesity, and this is when the waist in men is more than 94 cm, and in women more than eighty, this abdominal this form of obesity, this one, is much more evil, harmful and harmful, because it is against the background of abdominal obesity that metabolic syndrome, diabetes, hypertension, and other variants are formed. and cardiovascular diseases increase the risk of cancer, musculolithiasis, and so on, but as i understand it, you don’t want to reassure us that there is some way or some kind of food or some kind of nutritional supplement, that by taking it, our white internal fat will disappear, but the beige, beige fat will remain, beige is useful, that’s when people with abdominal obesity go for liposuction
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and remove it. subcutaneous fat, the most useful, this always causes me regret, because this fat is precisely designed to fight inflammation, so you definitely don’t need to start with it, the best way, unfortunately, not as fast as the effect of the desired pill, is three actions: reduce the volume of food eaten and the calorie content of this diet, increase physical activity, yes or or... the best: reduce the volume of food eaten increase physical activity, without this you still cannot get out of obesity, and without consequences, when a person loses weight correctly, it goes away from here and there, yes, but the subcutaneous fat part, it usually goes away later, and most often it comes with this complaint the woman says: well, that’s it, i ’ve already lost everything, everything is fine, there’s still some left here, this is the subcutaneous part on the stomach, it will be the last to go
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when the caloric content is closer. really to what is required, so that there is no excess stock, here it’s harder to part with this and there’s no need to, as they say, very actively try to get rid of this particular fat, especially since... in the first place it’s definitely not necessary, this needs to be completed, and in order to really achieve the ideal result, nutrition should be in such a way level of calories, so that you spend more and consume less, this is very difficult today, because people have almost no time to move, they are always at work, and then they come home tired, you can’t force anyone to move, well, at the same time, it’s still the same it's all possible, you just have to think a little bit more about your food. don’t eat mindlessly and under no circumstances completely exclude fats from your diet, because this is a mistake that many people get undermined by, unfortunately, this is the case, thank you, i was with you on the podcast deception of substances,
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my name is olesya nosova, i am the editor-in-chief komsomolskaya pravda and the famous endocrinologist zukhra pavlova was with me. good morning to everyone who is celebrating the weekend with channel one, april 6, saturday, let's start it cheerfully, brightly, not boringly, today we'll take a trip to vladivostok to find out how its residents find a common language, and the father of three children , alexey ivanov, will tell us what an individual day is, we’ll find out where to spend a weekend in a pleasant and educational way, and that’s not all that we have in our plans, by the way, about delicious, bon appetit to everyone who has breakfast, and if you want to find out what the ideal spring breakfast should be like, watch. donna kalematova’s morning begins with self-care: wash, serum, cream, patches. breakfast on the go, coffee cookies, whatever, one cookie, spring diet figure. doctors
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they assure you that in the pursuit of beauty and health, skincare products are the tenth thing. breakfast is the most important. and here are the ideal products not only for early spring, but all year round. eggs contain a vitamin that is very important for the functioning of the entire body, vitamin. this is coagulability, vitamin d - immunity, vitamin a - this is the beauty of the skin, our vision and vitamin e, this is the reproductive system, you also cannot do without fiber, fruits and vegetables, they are responsible for digestion by the hour, plus each has its own bonuses: tomatoes contain lycopene , potassium, magnesium, they support cardiovascular system, reduce the risk of stroke, heart attack, radish bitterness, stimulates bile flow, improves cholesterol metabolism, reduces the risk of obesity. by the way, what about fats? butter and any other sources of animal fat must be in your diet, but they should make up a small part, we should still get more from vegetable sources of fat, for example from avocado, for skin elasticity
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the main thing is without fanaticism, yes, and from avocado sides grow, of course, from bread too, but we also need it, this is the key point, that bread should be made from whole grains, because if we take a whole grain, when... this shell of the grain itself remains, then the maximum amount of vitamins and minerals is concentrated in this shell. in addition, complex carbohydrates provide energy and protect against snacking, because blood sugar rises slowly, the feeling of fullness lasts longer, and it is better to wash it down with chicory, which is a source of soluble fiber or cocoa. why does everyone say that cocoa is healthy because it has antioxidants, what are antioxidants? antioxidants are those substances in our body that contain. very microdoses, but which really work to improve the cellular state of our body. our heroine has mastered coffee and cookies, breakfast is nothing. we returned to dona a week later, the bugs were corrected. if a person
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loves himself, sooner or later he comes to proper nutrition. in fact, it’s not difficult, a person who starts eating right, he immediately feels some changes in his body, his sleep and wakefulness are normalized, his energy appears. but here you need to understand that all products are useful for a healthy body; if you have a disease, for example, a gastrointestinal tract, you need to consult a doctor. ruslan yunyaev, dmitry likhachev, anatoly barikalov, yulia bykova, channel one. on a good spring morning it is very important to warm up. to raise the bar for your own physical fitness and set the rhythm for the whole day, let’s turn to fitness instructor sergei blucher. good morning, there are different types of planks, they all perfectly strengthen muscles, i stand in a classic position, now i will do a version of the plank with an elevated loading your back and abs. join us,
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sit on the floor, feet wider than shoulders, lean on your hands and go into a reverse plank, that is , belly up, bend your knees at right angles, you should get a figure similar to... don’t throw your head back, overload your neck, pull chin to chest. now let’s complicate the exercise: first we straighten the right leg, put it in place, now we work with the left, we continue to practice, the exercise will help strengthen the muscles of the whole body at once, especially the abs, back, and also the back the surface of the thighs and buttocks, you see how much benefit there is, so let’s work!
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it is especially important to recharge your batteries as tomorrow is world health day, april 7th. the most beneficial thing for health is, of course, physical activity, even in small doses. good morning, my name is darina griboyedova, and i’m completely lazy, i’m abusing home delivery, i buy everything online, groceries, household chemicals, clothes. the other day i was delivered equipment, i will implement it in my... it reduces the risk of any cardiovascular pathology. what does it mean be a physically active person? here is the norm: 75 minutes of intense exercise or 150 minutes of moderate exercise. attention per week. and this is the first good news: the load is possible. any time for 7 days, how can we distinguish
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physical activity by type, what is light exercise? during it we can sing and talk. what is moderate intensity physical activity? we can talk, but we can’t sing anymore, and the last most intense load of all, when we can’t not sing, we can’t not talk, we’re just snoring diligently. second good news a gym membership or running record is not necessary if you master the concept of microactivity. but every day, what are microactivities, for example, we cook food, you won’t believe it, this is physical activity, of course, we don’t heat up what was delivered to us in the microwave, this doesn’t count, we mean the whole cooking process, that is, you you bought everything in the store, where you went on foot, then you cut it up with a knife and other cutting tools, you peel vegetables, you suppose, you drive away your loved ones who are already trying to come try what it is, you are fighting with cats who are trying to steal it from you. that is, this is all physical activity, then you also wash the dishes,
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throw out the garbage, this also counts, you got off one stop earlier, walked to work, refused the elevator - this is also microactivity, another good news, even going down the stairs quite a load, otherwise recently it has become fashionable to reset it to zero, wait, how come, do you really fall from the stairs, do you go down from it, that is, you use muscle groups, you keep your balance, so we tear ourselves away from the sofa. and let's go walk at least up the stairs. how long to walk? please, here are the exact numbers. the maximum effect from stairs is 50 steps, which is only the height of the third floor. if you perform this procedure 16-20 times a day, you get the maximum, here is the maximum protective effect : the risk of developing cardiovascular pathology is reduced by 23%. and how much benefit does walking at a fast pace in the fresh spring air bring? do you know where the embankment hint is, how long have you been along it?
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were you walking? that is, these are almost any cities that we now remember, well, even at the doors, the embankment has changed a lot, what a great embankment in nizhny novgorod, in kazan, it is absolutely magnificent, nature has woken up, wake up and you, healthy lifestyle, do whatever you want, just don’t sit there, april 6 was considered by our ancestors to be a day when you can’t count money, supposedly... they will run away from this, what to do then, let’s listen to the opinion of our astrologers, the star forecast for this weekend. both of these days are pleasant and nice guys, friendly, calm, sociable, both love get-togethers in good company, tasty treats, tomorrow has a sweet tooth, and also little inventors, dreamers and are not averse to what is called a change of scenery, especially today, he simply loves all sorts of trips and travels on outings into nature. tomorrow's day is harder to get up to, he loves
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coziness and comfort, but you can easily take him out for some walk or excursion, or for a visit too, just set his alarm clock louder, otherwise he'll be all over the place overslept, that's another thing, we can be quite talkative on such days, and we can blurt out too much, aries, this really concerns you, aries men, when you argue with the ladies, remember that men and women are still creatures from different planets , and it’s even better not to argue with them in the evening, which... may change your plans for tomorrow, but you are unlikely to regret it. taurus has a great weekend when everything goes as expected, the main thing is not to dwell on your problems, otherwise you are now a little inclined to do so. out of a molehill and keep an eye on the money, they might run away. geminis also need to be careful when handling finances, and the stars do not advise borrowing or borrowing at all. otherwise, have a good weekend. it is possible, however, that something will have to be quickly decided and changed on the fly. but it will be interesting. cancer, you won’t be bored either.
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the luminaries promise some meetings, new acquaintances, perhaps a sudden trip, and something romantic is clearly in store for you. lonely. calmness and patience, you are somehow too touchy, still hot-tempered, in general, count to ten before you say something harsh, and tomorrow is clearly going to invite you somewhere, virgo, if there is something that you have been putting off all week and that you never got around to, you have a chance to get rid of it all, but in general, the star advises you to relax to the fullest these days, you have every right, libra is calm... and a little lazy weekend, just if possible, don’t entrust anyone with what you can do yourself, especially if it’s related to money, you can be let down, and you can also be with someone make strong friends, or fall in love. the luminaries hint to scorpios: it is impossible to please everyone. be honest with yourself, everything will work out as it should. if
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you go somewhere tomorrow, take extra time and look at your watch more often. sagittarius, remember this children's game, spoiled? telephone, these days, perhaps something like that, someone misunderstood something, misheard or misheard something, ended up confusing everyone, in general, keep everything under control. for capricorns, the stars promise some benefit, maybe you will save on something or buy something at a discount, today, by the way, is a great day for shopping. towards evening, get ready to help someone, and tomorrow guests may arrive. going on a visit or to some interesting event shines with aquarius, also most likely tomorrow, today is possible. pisces will be able to learn something, find out something new and interesting, and maybe even make a small personal discovery, there will be an opportunity to establish useful contacts, and some
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troubles loom on the horizon, most likely pleasant ones. good luck to you! spring, weekend, i want to go to... travel for a change of scenery, but household chores won’t let you in, don’t be upset, this weekend we’re traveling with channel one, we’re also decorating the house, and we ’re also invited to a wedding, in general, you won’t be bored , it’s not a riot, but it’s also a nice place, but who i haven’t watched brazilian tv series, sanpalo is a program for the lives of others, this is where children come in, poke-poke-poke-poke-poke, you see, and adults come out from here. life here is not at all like in the movies, i was told that san paula is very unsafe here, so i’m wondering how you deal with children with security what do local women spend half their salary on? what part of the body are they especially proud of? girls, girls, where are you losing weight
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? they will forget for what purpose they arrived in yesentuki, i have one question, and you are definitely a doctor, let us remind you that they must feed the residents something special, but first they were inspired by the atmosphere of the city. pay attention to sergius - this is cupid, which will be prepared by those in love with city ​​of the chef. sweet tomatoes, hot peppers , wildflowers, but cool, eat, eat, everything is like water. we saddled the geese and learned a lot about the city. the leading programs have gone, to what century will the stories of local residents and unusual treats take them, this is not a prop, no, let's go, escape to another dimension - this is already a scientific and educational program, our everything, a russian company developing software for virtual reality will reveal a lot secrets. denis, again,
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hello, hello, this time in reality, everything you can imagine is real, a mouse, a computer, a room. the teenager will be accommodated in a program about comfort. matvey lives with a beautiful grandmother, but there is not enough men’s advice, a brave team will help him, the result will surprise matvey. i really want you with your masculine energy, this space, in addition to the structure, which also carries within itself your love, and your burning, what you feel like, i don’t know, like fuel, not repairs, a song, vologda motifs - we are already playing a wedding, traditions, customs of our ancestors.
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will come to mind, anything, you are painfully oppressing me, dad, what kind of dad i am to you, my god, i’m only now beginning to understand what can come out of our little ball, and now we understand what kind of shining nonsense this is, why, i’m like people, well, i was married, i don’t care about azina, an innocent girl, it’s good that i woke up, take everything and divide it, that’s what i thought, a dog’s heart, the famous film adaptation of mikhail’s story. bulgakov is on the first floor today, he is still dancing, dancing,
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football fans, you remember that the cup russia is nearing its end, a review of this week’s matches from our colleague, sports journalist of channel one dmitry terikhov. the russian football cup for the 2023-24 season is nearing completion. the participants have only seven matches left to play in total. in the upper grid of the rpl path. the teams sort things out in a two-round confrontation. the current trophy winner cska defeated baltika in the first semi-final match in kaliningrad, thanks to a fantastic goal from victor davila, the chilean forward hit the hosts' goal with a spectacular blow through oneself. 1:0. spartak scored against zenit in the twelfth minute and the debut goal for the red and white was scored by costa rican striker manfred ugalde. the first half passed with the advantage of the muscovites, but after the break the initiative passed to the st. petersburgers. in the fifty-fifth minute, zenit newcomer pedro waylaid otsky. the penalty kick was accurately hit into the far corner, 10 minutes later the eighteen-year-old brazilian legionnaire scored a double with another dribbling shot after a quick counterattack 2:1. the return
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semi-final matches will take place on april 17, here in lower grid path regions. clubs identify the strongest based on the results of one game. the second quarterfinal stage ended here, which confirmed the dominance of the representatives of the elite division. dynamo knocked out sk khabarovsk, which played its home cup matches in st. petersburg. the blue and white quickly opened the scoring with their efforts. in the second half, the middle peasants of the first league managed to level the score . andrei nikitin, who came on as a substitute, scored an assist to albek gongapshev, but just 5 minutes later, dynamo took the lead again after the standard is played. daniil famin served from the corner flag and paraguayan defender fabian balbuena sent the ball into the net from the goal line 2:1. khimki, the leader in the first league , fought with dignity at home against rostov, during normal time the spectators did not see any goals, and a marathon penalty shootout of sixteen shots ended in favor of the guests. 7:6. andrei talalaev's team achieved a unique achievement by not missing a single field goal in five matches and at the same time being eliminated from the tournament. ural
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extended their home dry streak by beating locomotive. in the seventh minute, congolese defender emerson pushed the ball into the net after a corner kick. one goal was scored in grozny, where akhmat hosted orenburg, although at the very end, when it seemed that a penalty shootout could not be avoided, the bosnian defensive player of the hosts, milos shatara, cut the ball into his own goal. akhmat's mentor miroslav ramashchenko resigned immediately after the game. in trampoline sports she has already received two gold medals, the pride of the coach. she and i have already achieved a lot, completed the third youth
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category, we are now preparing the second youth level. her eyes sparkle, she wants, she is purposeful, hardworking. what does it mean to fight? zlata knows that the girl has a rare genetic disease, cystic fibrosis. this is when viscous fluid accumulates in the lungs and must be constantly removed. sport, of course, saves us, but we need genetic correctors. these pills in a small palm are life. a child per year costs about 20 million rubles, and they suggested that parents submit an application to the state fund circle of good, it’s not so easy to get them for a year now, the attending physicians zlato receives medicine, you see the result for yourself, the corrector is always taken for life, that is, it cannot be exchanged, only thanks to the support of the krugdobra foundation we have the opportunity to take the drug every morning and evening on an ongoing basis. for this purpose, a state was created in 2021. a fund to which funds from the progressive tax of citizens are transferred. this money is used to carry out complex operations, purchase expensive
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drugs and equipment, and help children with serious life-threatening conditions. and chronic diseases, like eight-year-old lisa kalinina from vladimir, short bowel syndrome, when the small intestine is shorter than usual, many nutrients are simply not absorbed, the child is fed through a catheter, but there are drugs that make life easier, we had to collect a whole package of documents, and we waited about a year to receive this drug , we collected all this, we finally received this drug, lisa... has more strength, she went to first grade, she goes to a ballet dance school, and lisa also makes her first gastronomic discoveries, tries what her peers have been eating for a long time i immediately had a dream that when i grow up, i will be a pastry chef. these children know how to enjoy little things. leva zhilnovsky from the krasnodar territory recently moved home, from birth he wandered around hospitals, oncology
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neuroblastoma. who's handsome, honey. they had a bone marrow transplant, they needed rare and expensive immunotherapy to teach the body to kill cancer cells on its own, the doctors advised me to turn to the circle of good, they helped, this is the first victory, leva is finally home. we are not allowed to get sick with any diseases, but we will slowly socialize, right? yes, do you want to go to kindergarten? yes, i want, i want, i want to go to school, there are still many victories ahead, but for now i just want to live. we are learning to live again, that is, after what we have gone through, this is ordinary life, everyday, everyday, like all ordinary people, it seems to us just happiness, and some kind of miracle, and we are very grateful for every day that we we spend it at home, we spend it healthy, just like an ordinary child. sergey abramov sotnik, elena
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savina, channel one. tomorrow, april 7 , orthodox christians celebrate the feast of the annunciation the most holy theotokos, one of the twelve main church holidays. on this day , she remembers how the archangel gabriel appeared to the virgin mary and announced the good news. the small and very quiet village of blagoveshchenye, near moscow, got its name from this blagoveshchensk church. first the houses appeared, then the temple was cut down, and the temple was in the center of the village.
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if there had been no christian civilization, this temple would not have existed, maybe you and i would not have existed, so its agreement turned the whole world upside down. anna is looking forward to the feast of the annunciation with impatiently, for a large family, be sure to set the table and prepare kulebyaka, despite lent, fish filling is allowed today. there is a tradition of cooking in layers, each layer is famous for pancakes, for example, it
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can be red fish, and mushrooms, usually. salty and some kind of grain, for example, rice, or you can make a kulebyaka into four corners, assorted, so to speak, each corner has its own filling. the annunciation, as a rule, always falls during lent, a time when everything calms down a little and calms down, especially for those who are fasting, here, in the midst of silence, a holiday happens. this is such a real explosion that tears apart the everyday fabric of fasting. you come to the temple, everything was like that. black, so gloomy and correct, it’s good that it’s like this, then suddenly, suddenly everything shines like this, with such heavenly light, and it seems to me that it’s very correct that on the day of the annunciation we ourselves sometimes put on something, something blue and light , raise your eyes to the sky, listen to the festive bell ringing, according to tradition, together with other parishioners of the temple, release birds into
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the wild, they are a symbol of the good news, a symbol freedom, fatal love, brilliant cast, how do you like this, gold in malta, historical blockbuster by andrei bogatyrev, they began, oh, wild west, you will die from the gold rush, attention, gold is wanted in malta, and you have a lot of gold, 40 hearths , somewhere in the khabarovsk territory there is real gold, which once disappeared, just like the egent room, and this gold is constantly being sought, as far as...
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business, okay, the time of the twenties is very interesting, i love adventure films , where there are a lot of fights, chases, shootouts, gold rush - it’s so dangerous, bulygin’s friend, the charming actress sonya, and her lover officer daletsky, are ready to go far for gold in the taiga. the officer simply needs gold so that he can go on a spree. buy champagne, ride in a carriage, every normal person needs 40 kudas of gold, when will we see each other, when will you be, what should i pour into my belly button, i
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relied on westerns, i really love serge lyon and quentin tarantino, and yes, i really love paul newman, when i was thinking about how to play, for some reason, i have more vivid male characters, how they sit coolly in the saddle, how they... conduct a dialogue with such a light little creature, in soviet cinema it was quite such a bright style, the properties of strangers, strangers, white the sun of the desert, the elusive avengers, was called either a red western or a story, the umalta river keeps the secret of the missing gold, director andrei bogatyrev himself, like a gold digger, collected facts bit by bit, when they were filming in those very parts of the khabarovsk territory, a wheel was found from an old cart, perhaps exactly. league in which gold once traveled, it disappeared, and this became the starting point of our scenario, let's spend this weekend in search of real treasures, the adventurous easter gold in malta
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is already in cinemas, wow, there must be a test, you know, i'm not into gold at all i understand, to be honest, i don’t understand it, i think my hero doesn’t understand it very well, but thank you, it’s a good gift, my dear, who doesn’t need gold, of course? maria vasilyeva, hello, a large-scale rescue operation in orsk, city floods after a dam breaks, people are involved in evacuating people.
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the water in the ural river had all dropped and had been rising for several days, the snow began to melt, there was a lot of it, powerful floods began, the protective embankment dam, built 10 years ago in the area of ​​​​the city of orsk, had difficulty holding back the pressure, they tried to urgently strengthen it, here are dear neighbors, i’m at the very peak of the dam, they are filling up, but they don’t have time to wash it all away, local residents have been taken out of dangerous areas for several days now, the situation is critical. continues to remain, electricity and gas supply your areas will be disabled. after the dam broke, more than 400 houses were in the flood zone, almost 11 thousand people live there.
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now the lights have gone out in the entire old city, rescuers have to work in such conditions. the light has appeared in the old city again, it will be easier for the guys to work now. despite the obvious danger. not everyone is in a hurry to evacuate, a rescuer has to go around every house, citizens evacuate, take away valuables, go out, go out, sometimes.
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has not weakened much yet, so the situation will remain this unstable and threatening for some time, at least, i think, for several days. there were no casualties as a result of the emergency, no one sought medical help, the ministry of emergency situations group working in the dam area has been doubled, now there are almost 500 people and 200 units of special equipment. attempts to restore the dam do not stop for a minute. machines bring up the earth, and front-end loaders dump it into the breakthrough sector, hoping to rebuild the destroyed wall to stop the water. anatoly lazarev, victor averin, yuri rublev, first channel. in the latest data from the northern military district zone, russian pilots disrupted the rotation of the ukrainian armed forces in the north donetsk direction, attacked the enemy with the crew of s-25 attack aircraft, hit them with unguided bombs, and then an anti-missile maneuver, released heat traps. while the enemy was busy with false
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targets, the pilots returned safely to base. in the kherson direction , a marine drone crew eliminated a boat with ukrainian militants who were trying to cross the dnieper, one of the fpv drone operators controlled the device, the second corrected the aiming and later recorded an accurate hit. ukrainian military registration and enlistment offices will begin to call from the age of 25, to register young people as military service, zelensky signed the law, but on the way... new even more draconian projects, among the proposals are high fines for failure to appear 2.0 hryvnia, this is more than 5,000 dollars and even prison deadline for refusal to undergo a medical examination. in ukrainian society , all these desperate attempts to solve the problem with the shortage of the armed forces of ukraine are causing enormous opposition. the mobilization bill is stuck in parliament, the already amended document was adopted in the first reading in february, throwing out the most controversial proposals, for example, on the conscription of disabled people. well, now, as reported in the rada, after much debate. behind closed
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doors, the document may soon be submitted for a second reading. now, in a previously unthinkable situation, the us treasury secretary has arrived in china to, as she says, protect the interests of american workers and businesses. even before her trip, janat yellen accused beijing of having too many chinese products in the world. it's not about clothing or household appliances, china is actively developing the most advanced technologies, supplying semiconductors and electric vehicles. and here is washington.
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the us treasury said that large economies can take retaliatory measures, china’s industrial power is becoming more and more of a problem for the west, and the prc itself accuses the us of double standards. the china daily newspaper previously wrote that beijing is helping developing countries obtain affordable new technologies in areas where the west does not want to lose its dominance. this is artificial intelligence telecommunications and new energy. the article also recalled that the united states supplies weapons around the world and overproduces them. this is the real threat, the publication emphasizes. the international space crew returns to earth with russian oleg navitsky, on board the manned soyuz ms-24 spacecraft, nasa astronaut laurel akhara and the first female cosmonaut from belarus, marina vasilevskaya. all of them had already left the iss, entered the descent vehicle and closed the hatches. undocking is scheduled for 6:54 p.m. moscow time. after several hours of flight.
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on the calendar is saturday april 6, irina muromtseva is with you, and let's go on a trip to tomsk right now, where they know and keep the secrets of siberian masters, and not just keep them, antiquities. crafts live on and are passed on to future generations. even if you take a short walk around tomsk, it’s immediately clear what kind of folk craft is popular here: wood carving, and not only among the older generation, but among young people. the mechanics and technology college trains professional carvers. cut by fiber
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along the element, with a jamb knife. the tools themselves make the same mistakes. even girls like elvira take care of them themselves. i did. artist, and they told me that i was a woodcutter, i was like, oh, okay, cool, and i entered and started cutting, starting with simple triangles, these are geometric shapes, we practice on them, but then we get such decorations , and this is also the work of students, this is a sculpture of a kangaroo, it is carved from cedar, the most difficult thing was the ears, they chipped twice, what will they do in future, many have already decided. i’ll go to higher education, then i’ll go to work at school. danil wants to teach fine arts, alexey builds wooden houses, elvira renovates old ones. tomsk, of course, tomsk is famous for its wooden architecture. in the museum of history, tatyana kalashnikova talks about another craft -
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making threads from nettles. we took the tradition of the chulym turks; they are, after all, such a people, an ethnic group living a little southeast of tomsk. elk or cow bone. cut the stem, remove fire, the dense part, beat off, crush, one nettle stalk, well , process for about 35 minutes so that you can get this fiber, from this stalk you get 4 m of thread, enough for at least 10 bracelets, or it’s such a ball, by the way, not a thorny thread, well, like siberia without nuts, did you know that cedar pine, if grown in a toiga, gives fruit only after 50 years, but about the fact that the kernels in different regions differ in... in the tomsk region it is the color of ivory , in altai the same ivory has a slightly more yellowish tint, buryatia is a little more whitish, even with a gray tint somewhere. nuts are first calibrated by diameter to clean them, the smallest are 6.5 mm, the largest are 9.5. here we have
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such a small cone, there are approximately as many nucleoli in one cone, 70 nucleoli, and these dark spots are not a sign of spoilage, on the spouts of the kernels of a kiber nut. the embryo is located, which when dried becomes darker in color, and it can be seen in contrast with the kernel, like a black dot; cedar kernels undergo several stages of purification, first mechanical, then manual, i spent 10 minutes behind the tape, and the feeling that everything was already floating, it turns out that this is always the case for beginners, it seemed that it was not the tape that was moving, but the cups standing around us, they were floating, catching it, yes, yes, yes , dropped on the floor, all sorts of things. let's go to packaging and sweet morning candy lines from siberia, yulia molostova, denis panmarev, anton remenny and dmitry gordienko, tomsk, channel one. spring is moving uncontrollably towards summer, vacation time is just around the corner, i suggest you take a look at
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the resorts of our country, let's see how it is there getting ready for the beach season, we'll check. we miss the beaches, they miss you. in novorossiysk after a strong storm. the beach was washed away, but the staff quickly restored everything, they are finishing the installation of gazebos, here we will have a canopy for groups with limited mobility and veterans of the great patriotic war, here there is a cinema on the beach, you can watch movies at night, the beach will be open until late, and there will also be various sports grounds , wait for the beach volleyball tournaments, the musicians are also preparing, david is learning a new repertoire, in yalta tourists... vangogh waited, sitting at a table overlooking the eiffel tower. the verandas have just been renovated. hotels have once again taken up the task of forming bushes, actively mowing their lawns, and sprucing up the property. routine maintenance is carried out in the pool, as well as checking its systems. they also check the numbers. in the spring, this task
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is also planned, general cleaning. degestan, in the village of manas, is also preparing for the tourist season by planting new pine trees. they update their landscape design to surprise. regular guests, the lawns are decorated with marigolds, not far from another new zone, a surprise for tourists, we brought about 500 of it from crimea, this entire field will be a lavender field so that people can relax, admire the beauty, and at the same time receive aromatherapy, sanatoriums are increasing the number of rooms, the eleventh building is being built and we are planning it delivery, that means in the month of may. all of it is fully commissioned, the beaches are already ready to receive guests, just look at how this one looks, as if it were virtual, the sand has been cleaned, the umbrella caps have been updated, the wooden decking has been updated, the most impatient... 2 months until summer, just
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there is enough time to prepare for the tanning swimsuit season, and the vice world champion in fitness eleanor alibaeva will tell you useful exercises and procedures. massage brush, a cool beauty gadget for preparing for the beach season, massaging your thighs. and buttocks, two to three times a week, and if there is no brush at hand, we clench our hands into fists and knead the problem areas with our knuckles, like this, in a circular motion, moving from bottom to top in the direction of lymph movement. once a week we do a lifting mask, take
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liquid skin cream, mix two tablespoons with half a teaspoon of coffee cake, rub into the thighs and buttocks, again in a circular motion from bottom to top, leave the mixture for 10 minutes, caffeine fights fat. deposits smoothes the skin and makes it elastic, wash off the mask, remember, movement is life, even if the work is sedentary, at least once every 2 hours we are distracted for a physical exercise minute, stand up, hands on the waist, legs shoulder-width apart, perform pelvic rotation, first clockwise, then counterclockwise. we move smoothly, no
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hastily, with a small amplitude, we warm up the stiff muscles of the back, hips and buttocks. follow my tips and they will help you feel like queens in the summer. did you know that over the past couple of years, the number of people learning chinese has increased by 60%. or what to buy, i understand this, it just so happened, historically and geographically,
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many here understand the chinese language, they even study it in schools, imagine from the first grade, good morning children, teacher, everyone says not hao, but how to write i i don’t know, the first thing you need to do is draw a line like this, there's a little corner here and...
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15 15 not bad, let's look at the store, leonid explains at the cash register, we need rice. well, we have translation by phone, now everyone has a translator on their phone, it’s been a long time, i’ve been working here for 3 years, would you like to learn a few words in chinese? why do you sometimes communicate with them, ask them, they teach us, we teach them.
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by the way, employers from all over the country in vladivostok are looking for specialists with knowledge of the chinese language. the number of vacancies for sinologists, specialists with knowledge of the chinese language, increased by 183%. where at 22 year there were 600 vacancies in the far east for such specialists, now there are 1,700. fluency in chinese may be required in a construction or fishing company, in sales, in the hotel or restaurant business. some applicants are even willing to pay employees for language courses. ksenia ionkina, ksenia maklyak, stepan erofeev, evgeniy morinkov and dmitry ergulyo. vladivostok - the first channel. each child is an individual, each has his own character, his own interests, we, parents, should devote one-on-one time to each, at least sometimes. why this is so important and how to do it correctly, alexey ivanov, a father with many children, will tell you.
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hello everyone, my name is alexey ivanov, i have three children, but today only my eldest daughter anya is with me, because we have... with the instructor, we finally got there, it’s great, if you have more than one child, then each of them needs their own time with their parents, when brothers and sisters are not around, all the attention of mom or dad is directed to one child. firstly, it is the prevention of childhood jealousy, and secondly, it is an opportunity to strengthen the relationship with the child. for example, to me
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i had to stand up, what to do if my daughter asked, what to do that day should be decided by the children. the front one has been turned around, super, well done, come on in for training, training at the skate park is over, and the day continues, remember, you asked me to get a tattoo, how can i forget, in general, i don’t mind, the tattoo artist is waiting, let’s go, don’t worry , the tattoo is temporary, it can be easily washed off with water, but how many... impressions, hello, hello, we would like to get a tattoo, but not permanent, temporary, so that we don’t get too much from our mother, but great, well then let's do henna, which doesn't last long, a couple of days, like that, yeah, now we'll do everything, now i'll draw you a sketch with a white pen, anya is 13 years old
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and experimenting with her appearance is gaining momentum, parents of teenagers me... .they will understand , i think that banning something is absolutely useless, senseless and even harmful, compromise is our everything, well, very brutal, well, something like this, we have cool tattoos and a lot of impressions, how often do we need to organize such days? i try with everyone as a child, go somewhere at least once a month, the most important thing is that there are no side effects... done, all attention is only on the child, believe me, an individual day is a great tradition, children love it very much and look forward to it. the snow this year is melting at an accelerated pace, and in many places it has already melted, and what’s more, i wish you imperceptible melting snow, so that you can do
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what you love, sow your beds with seeds. today we are choosing cucumbers, and at the same time we will find out how to get them correctly... from this variety seeds, summer residents are dizzy, which cucumbers are best to choose for planting? let's figure it out. first, decide where you will grow your crops. if in a greenhouse, as i did last year, then take varieties and hybrids that do not need to be pollinated. it says on them: they do not require pollination or are self-pollinating. after all, bees and bumblebees rarely fly into the greenhouse, but these cucumbers don’t need them. last year, self-pollinated hybrids gave me an excellent harvest. but besides the greenhouse ones,
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i also grew cucumbers in a barrel. remember how have they grown abundantly? when decorating your garden for the outdoors, you can take any seeds, including those marked “bee-pollinated,” insects will definitely fly to them and... help you get a rich harvest. if you want to harvest before others, pay attention to early-ripening seeds. the pack may say: early ripening, early ripening or early ripening. but don’t rush, turn the bag over and read the instructions, here you will see that some cucumbers ripen 38 days after germination, and others after 50. agree, a difference of almost 2 weeks is seriously, but don’t plant only early cucumbers, otherwise they will overwhelm you with the harvest at the beginning of summer,
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and then there will be a break. last year i specially planted vegetables with different ripening periods, they yielded in waves, one after another. another secret. for those who, like me, plant cucumbers early in may and... wants to harvest until late autumn, be sure to germinate seeds marked: cold-resistant for spring greenhouses or resistant to adverse weather conditions. cucumber is a heat-loving crop, recurrent frosts in spring and early cold weather in autumn , vines are destroyed; last season, cold-resistant varieties bore fruit until the end of october. knowing all these tricks, you will definitely buy in the store. those seeds that are right for you, hurry up, now is the time to plant them for germination, when you buy
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something you need, take it out of the box, and the box is so beautiful, convenient, practical, you just can’t bear to throw it away . designer olga nikishcheva easily gives such boxes a second life , she will teach you and me, dear friends, after delicious cake, don’t rush to throw away this very useful packaging, we will make an original basket from it. to work , we also need this round window seal, pva glue, the most common paper napkins and rope. to begin with, we will create an interesting texture for the base of the basket. we take the window seal, wrap it around the base, and cut off the excess using the adhesive.
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first tier, we make such tiers to the very top edge of the basket, apply glue, wrap and connect, wait until the glue dries, decorate the upper edge of the base rope, we will also make a handle from the seal. we wrap it with a cord, here is the handle, take pva glue, apply glue to the side surface, take a paper napkin and glue it, on top with a brush we... process the texture, the napkin gets wet and fills all the contours, also close the bottom,
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use white paint to smooth out the brightness of our napkins , you get such a beautiful, delicate surface, line the bottom with a napkin, and lay out the apples, such an elegant basket will decorate your home, you can store fruits, all sorts of little things in it, and nothing i had to neither throw it away nor buy it, i am the grandson of a manufacturer, i can do everything, but all i have to do is come to any team, perform there, everyone else falls down, through the night and the wind, i am destined to go, there is no light anywhere from a window that is not my own, i also criticized in the army , so the recommendations were written to me by major novikov , he is prone to criticism, they just press him,
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they press buttons all in vain, for for, but there are no roads, for for, but there is no money, i have nothing to follow, i’m not going to replay anything, under no circumstances would i didn't live my life in a different way, in memory of vladimir zhirinovsky, today on the first. cognac monte shococa, product of steller group, rom castm. product lar group vodka veda product lar group cognac old barrel product stellar group stirsman product steller group. good morning to everyone who has just joined us, what else is there to discuss on saturday morning, if not such an always relevant topic: love and money,
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interesting aspects to discuss here. but we ’ll try to figure this out: is it true that married men earn more than single men? how does money affect family microclimate? well , let’s talk about the family budget, of course. love and money, it would seem, where the connection is, but there is one, they say that married people earn more than single people, even economists confirm that if we take our country, then according to the latest data, there is no russian monitoring. economic behavior and public health, the average salary of married men aged 25 to 60 years is noticeably higher than that of single men, by more than 15%. of course, this is not an axiom, but if you think about it, everything is logical: a married man, he thinks about how to provide his family, and if he chooses a job, then he can often give priority not to the job that will be more interesting, but maybe still in the job where he will earn more, this will happen over time,
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but first love... dizzy, empties his wallet. at the beginning of a relationship, you can fall into such a financial hole. these trips to the cinema, trips somewhere, gifts begin. seraphim and ekaterina have been married for 5 years, they say that only after a year of relationship, finances began to grow. when i got married i had my income actually increased because i somehow began to think differently about what to do, what to do, somehow on a larger scale, or something, i began to act more boldly. this is the money field, it... is changing, because already from one person, from one component, we have already turned into two, and if there are more of you, oleg, dad, three children, says the main engine of financial well-being is responsibility, responsibility to family that what your child needs to eat gives him a reason to be responsible at work, so that at a minimum you are noticed, at the maximum you are rewarded, for responsibility and employers value family more, this is
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another financial plus in favor of marriage. now there is a tendency that mostly married people are hired for higher paid and senior positions. married people, they already have experience in dealing with various types of conflict, and it is easier to react to situations at work, to look for compromises and ways out of difficult situations. so, love and family in general have a beneficial effect on finances - a fact, and finances can do everything destroy the idyll. analysis from fziom of past years and... 30% of family divorces occur precisely because of financial issues, more precisely, because of the so -called financial infidelity, separate budgets in the family and unwinding of expenses. unfortunately, often partners very rarely agree, but this is one of the main topics that is worth discussing, how financial flows will be structured, what will happen when we have children. it turns out that in finance, as in love, sincerity is important, then in the family there is literally growth in everything. will
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anna vashok, mikhail volkov, sergey myakin, alexey danko, channel one. for lata, saturday is not saturday unless there is a challenge and no one is taken weakly. today, with her and the host of the program, we are playing a wedding, the group is under the clouds. alla will test the girls for accuracy. this is their program about how cupid goes straight to the heart, and today we will check how honey and the presenters of the program themselves play wedding, a group under the clouds. well, tell me, first of all, you know everything about weddings, that’s what the mainstream wedding is now, drink a jar of kvass, get the key to open the house to the bride from the bottom, and from the bottom, and to catch up with the goose who is running away, and he has our key, well , that’s cool, tell me, you yourself are married, but here we are shoemakers without boots, okay, what?
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bravo, super, listen, this is the boost of energy you will need now, because finally you will be able to compete with each other, we have an impromptu one. slingshot three targets that bring one, two and three points, respectively, let's see who is the most accurate, one, 2, 3, 4, 5, from here we will shoot, girls, today each of you three attempts, hold on, nadimora, come on,
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i’m rooting for myself, help, here are two more attempts, hope remains, please look, why is it all flying away, i don’t understand, galya is so determined, i see, so am i was actually on target, the fans are demanding more, galya, for the third decisive time, he! galya , well done, with a score of 2:0, wins the weak category, and you have a prize, girls, well, congratulations, it was very, very cool, just like one team, well done, gal, from
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the good morning program, a medal that confirms your skill, nadya, i know that you were rooting for yourself, but next time i wish you victory, i look forward to your visit, today i visited a group under the clouds with goodness. april 6, saturday, many summer residents are already greeting this morning in their garden plots, in these plots the main tool of labor, which, that’s right, is a garden wheelbarrow, you can’t go anywhere without it, home master alexey bg will now show and tell you how to quickly and cost-effectively repair your wheelbarrows, flat wheel. if you have a wheelbarrow wheel, you can of course buy it new, but i prefer to change the tube, it will cost less, to disassemble the wheel, it is better not to use a screwdriver, as you can tear the tire, these
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wooden sticks will help out, you need three of them, we trim each one like this on one side, we need it to work into something like a blade, now we will disassemble the wheel and insert one blade under the rim. and we pull out the inner edge of the tire, do not remove the locking stick, but substitute two other sticks, remove the tire bezel along the entire circumference, then we we take out the damaged tube and insert a new one in its place, but pay attention that the nipple does not distort, it must be located in the mounting holes strictly perpendicularly, otherwise the nipple can be damaged, now we are again... all around, once the tire is installed, the nipple is we alternately go through the other two
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in their place, you can pump up the wheel, it’s ready, we’ve done it, we screw the wheel onto the wheelbarrow and go to work. spring, a blooming, joyful time of year, but not for allergy sufferers while they enjoy the aroma the first flowers, others sneeze, wipe away tears and generally feel unwell, sympathizing with what exactly causes poor health, how to distinguish an allergy from a cold? let's figure it out. the pollen season is open in many regions and the pollen level is already average. how do 80% of allergy sufferers react to it? they reject substances with a protein structure, and they are found in plants, even in food products or animal hair, that is, protein is a hopten for our body, which is perceived as a foreign antigen, causing the release of biologically active
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substances such as histamine, prodikenin, clinic and is caused by these substances. the symptoms are similar to a cold, but what is characteristic is that the temperature does not rise, it flows from the nose, it’s like sand in the eyes. a cough may be added, some have been suffering since childhood, some after 40 years, and there are more and more allergy sufferers every year, why no one can say for sure, polynosis has not been fully studied. allergic diseases, unfortunately, can occur at any age and no one can predict whether you will have an allergic reaction or not. yes, i have predisposition, family history, this is a stress factor, this is the large number of preservatives that we use in our diet. ignore the symptoms from the year. a year is unlikely to work out, an allergy, like a snowball, can first arise to pollen, and over time to some products, it is even more difficult to treat this, so even now newcomers are sent to the pollen season. donate blood to quickly figure out what the reaction is. natalya
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has been suffering for 13 years. the first year i had rhinitis , my eyes reacted very strongly, and i they prescribed drops that relieved the itching. over time, asthma appeared. in general , it is important for all allergy sufferers, without exception, and especially those with asthma, to monitor the condition of their lungs. take a deep breath, inhale, inhale, inhale, inhale, inhale and exhale sharply. pull, pull, pull. asthma leads sooner or later to the formation of subekitelial fibrosis in the bronchi, and this very reversible obstruction turns into irreversible when the drugs stop working. after the tests they will prescribe antihistamines, what else should i put in the bird? eye drops, nasal spray, inhaler, barrier ointments and adrenaline, but vasoconstrictor drops should be used with caution, they are addictive already in the second week, for patients who are allergic
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to pollen, herbal medicine, that is , herbal treatment, is strictly prohibited, this causes an even worsening of the condition, even to swelling, for example, of the larynx. morning is the most active period of dust; it is better to ventilate the room in the evening, ideally after rain, when there is no wind. on the street, put on a mask, glasses, a hat, they came from the street to wash their clothes, take a shower themselves, even their hair it's better to wash every day. maryana zhukova, denis panomariov, yulia. first channel. you yourself know what the rhythm of life is, hectic, nervous, and these days are a restless time. it happens that it’s already the weekend, you can relax, but some disturbing thoughts keep wandering around in your head and don’t allow you to rest. irina materanskaya found out how to get rid of this. in recent days, i have been craving more and more warmth, hugs and at least some kind of peace. it's finally saturday, which means you'll have a moment to yourself. today with my
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friend oksana, a psychotherapist, somnologist, we will talk about how to quickly calm down. hi irina, depending on the type of anxiety, it can be strong, weak, or moderate anxiety. of course, in the case of a strong one, it is best to work with a specialist; in a moderately weak case, you can help yourself. first, the exercise is on the eyes, but before that we measure the pulse. how do we do this? we bet. with you two fingers, we find the pulsation, you feel it, we need a timer, count down 15 seconds, count how much pulsation we have here, multiply by four if the pulse is less than fifty, we don’t do the exercises if more, we inhale and exhale, calmly, four times, now we take two fingers while inhaling and press on the inner corners of the eyes, so that there is no pain, but pressure is felt, count to... ten on the eleventh count, yeah, let go, we exhale and
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now count our pulse again, look at the difference, there is a difference, uh-huh, this way we can very quickly calm down both the heart, the pulsation, and the breathing, sometimes once is enough, if not, we repeat twice more. the second exercise is also with the eyes. this method is usually used for post-traumatic stress disorder. we stretch out our arms and put our thumbs up, like this, pay attention, we don’t move our heads, only our eyes, we linger at one point for two seconds, we linger at another for 2 seconds, we just move our eyes from one finger to another, and we have to do this within 90 seconds. now let’s use another sense organ, the sense of smell, the aroma of the oil will help. the olfactory bulbs are responsible for our state and mood. and reflexively turn on through the olfactory nerve our vagus nerve,
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the parasympathetic system, the same one that and is responsible for our peace of mind. the smell of coffee, the smell of baking can soothe, and cinnamon, vanilla, and citrus aromas generally improve the condition. all this gives us a feeling of comfort, because, as a rule, they are associated with warm memories. some warm drinks, water. the sound of water, go, wash the dishes, it helps, especially warm water, a warm bath, it all lowers the temperature, lowering the temperature helps in the production of melatonin, this is a hormone that helps our sleep, and it also turns on when the parasympathetic nervous system turns on. we remember these exercises and always remember that at home some familiar household chores, and especially those related to water or heat, will also help you. calm down, also, to dull the feeling of anxiety, we drink
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warm milk or tea with honey at night, all this relaxes the nervous system and switches to positive thoughts, and of course, as... as much touch as possible, we now especially need oxytocin, which the very hormone of love, irina matheranskaya channel one. in a land where there is eternal snow and cold, people wear earflaps all year round, and to keep warm by drinking a lot of crouching, all the people are dancing, the unknown is flying, we know the sign, to attack novosyoersk, at one secret base there is corn syrup. you can take it, the guy is hardy there and strong, he doesn’t have troubles for anything, he even solves problems in space with a wrench, here is the kazan gym, only it is open to members, and somewhere there in the background of the wonderful anae is already flogging, swimming legs, the head of a finger,
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scraping the bottom with screws, this is how americans see it, but it seems to me that he’s the best in a cocktail, we have to laugh there, we push with our back leg, pushing with your back leg, are you interested in something else, besides fencing, of course, what is chess, when the cubes are taken from your hands, what are you doing, sitting and what are your fingers doing
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at this moment, i don’t know, and how old, you just that i collected it, yes, the best of all is the new season, tomorrow is the first, bon appetit to everyone who is having breakfast, but if you are already even thinking about preparing this for your household for lunch, maria surova offers a very simple and, as always, original recipe quickly look for cabbage soup in 40 minutes - this is the most a quick recipe that i found, my challenge is to make it twice as fast with tuyonka and... cabbage, it’s quite possible to speed up the cooking, you need to do everything in parallel, i soak the sauerkraut while i prepare the other ingredients, excess acid will come out of it if you came across very sour cabbage, it needs to be soaked longer, i will fry it directly in the pan, it’s tastier and
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faster, and not in vegetable oil, in the fat from the stew, i fry it until golden brown, in the meantime, put the carrots in the pan, potatoes cubes and add it right away, its cooking time is the longest, let it already begin to stew, the ideal proportion is 1 kg of vegetables per 1 kg of sauerkraut, it’s time to add it, and a little more tomato paste, sugar and 150 ml of water, i add boiling water to make it faster boiled, simmered for a couple of minutes, pour in 2.5 liters of boiling water and for taste, bay leaf, pepper and peas, salt, let it boil, now stew, you can use any meat, i like beef, while it boils, chop the garlic together with cilantro into a soup, like as soon as the potatoes
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become soft, i turn it off and cover with a lid, ready, eh, a little late, 28 minutes, but for soup... it’s still very fast, i season the cabbage soup with freshly ground black pepper and serve with herbs, the cabbage is crispy, but i like it even better. our ancestors considered april 6 a day when you couldn’t count money, supposedly it would run away, what to do then, let’s listen to the opinion of our... astrologers, the star forecast for this weekend. both these days are pleasant and nice guys, friendly and calm sociable. both love gatherings in good company and tasty treats. tomorrow still has a sweet tooth, and little inventors, dreamers are not averse to what is called a change of scenery, especially
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today. he simply loves all sorts of trips, trips and outings into nature. tomorrow's day is harder to get up, he loves comfort. comfort, but you can easily take him out for a walk or an excursion, or to visit him, too, just set his alarm clock louder, otherwise he will sleep through the whole world, what’s more, we can be quite talkative on such days. at the same time we may blurt out too much. aries, this really concerns you. aries, men, when you argue with ladies, remember that men and women are still creatures from different planets, and it’s even better not to argue with them. in the evening, something may change your plans for tomorrow, but you are unlikely to regret it. taurus have a great weekend when everything goes as expected. the main thing is not to focus on your problems, otherwise you are now a little inclined to make mountains out of molehills. and keep an eye on your money, they might break it. geminis also need to be careful when handling finances, and take or give in debt, the stars do not advise at all, otherwise
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you have a good weekend, it is possible, however, that you will have to quickly decide and change something on the fly, but it will be interesting, you won’t be bored either, the saints promise some meetings, new dating, perhaps a sudden trip, and something romantic is clearly in the cards for you, lonely cancers, tomorrow you definitely have a chance. you are your motto, calmness and patience, you are somehow too touchy, you are also quick-tempered, in general, count to ten before you say something harsh, and tomorrow is clearly going to invite you somewhere, girl, if there is something that you have been putting off all week and haven’t gotten around to, have a chance to get rid of it all, but in general the star advises you to take a rest these days to the fullest, have every right, libra is having a calm and slightly lazy weekend, but if possible not... especially if it’s related to money, don’t expect anyone to do what you can do yourself, they can let you down, and you can also do it with someone make strong friends, or fall in love.
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the luminaries hint to scorpios: it is impossible to to please everyone, to arrange for everyone, be honest with yourself, everything will be as it should be, if you go somewhere tomorrow, take a reserve of time and look at the clock more often. sagittarius, remember that children's game, broken phone? something like that is possible these days , someone. you misunderstood something, misheard something or misinterpreted it, and in the end you confused everyone, in general, keep everything under control. the stars bring some benefits to capricorns; maybe you will save on something or buy something at a discount. today, by the way, is a great day for shopping. towards evening, get ready to help someone, and guests may come tomorrow. going on a visit or to some interesting event shines with aquarius, also most likely tomorrow. today, you may have to work around the house and put things in order. be careful. with household chemicals, and also, when you have to convince some stubborn people of something, don’t raise your voice, the fish will be able to learn something, learn
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something new, interesting, and maybe even make a small personal discovery, there will be an opportunity establish useful contacts, and you also have some troubles looming on the horizon, most likely pleasant, good luck to you! in the theater at the trumpet premiere of the play "your home, my home". a story about unexpected circumstances.
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an aristocrat from england, radion vyushkin while denis kutuzov enters the image of a husband and tries to fall beautifully, he is a mysterious body in the closet, there will not always be a bag on his head, how long did you stay in the closet? 2 months, 2 months in the closet, then you then have the premiere, yes, that’s how it is in our theater, but in general, thank you, the premiere show is the most exciting, especially when it comes to comedy. funny comedies, because they are more difficult to play in drama, it seems to me that everything is simpler, but here you need to make people laugh, it’s very difficult, to be reliable in order for them to believe you. criminal mysticism behind the scenes at juliet shabanova, she plays from the skid, things began to disappear, listen, yes, really, where did she go, i’m offended that i will be left without these, without eyelashes, but in different corners of the stage a knife appears, evidence with fake blood , although maybe this is all the tricks of the artistic director dmitry astrakhan, just such a knife, so scary. dinner story won't you cook? well, well, yes, rather from whom, my house, your house, a simple story about
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a house exchange, where a prim, respectable english family ends up in a crime story. it’s a sharp sitcom, but at the same time it’s absolutely human, absolutely about reality, absolutely about today . here each hero finds himself in unusual circumstances, and so does the viewer, to excite a person, to excite him right down to his very core... for those who like to tickle their nerves. elizaveta negishova, konstantin struchkov. first channel. football fans, you remember that the russian cup is nearing its end. review of this week's matches from our colleague, channel one sports journalist dmitry terikhov. the russian football cup for the 2023-24 season
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is nearing completion. the participants have only seven matches left to play in total. the rpl path grid, the teams are sorting out their relationship to the two-round confrontation, the current trophy winner cska defeated baltika in the first semi-nal meeting in kaliningrad, thanks to a fantastic goal from victor davila, the chilean forward hit the hosts' goal with a spectacular overhead kick, 1:0. spartak scored against zenit in the twelfth minute and the debut goal for the red and white was scored by costa rican striker manfred ugalde. the first half passed with the advantage of the muscovites, but after the break the initiative passed to the st. petersburgers. at the fifty-fifth minute , a newcomer. pedro watched for a rebound in the penalty area and accurately fired into the far corner; 10 minutes later , the eighteen-year-old brazilian legionnaire scored a double with another dribbling shot after a quick counterattack, making it 2:1. replies the semi-final matches will be held on april 17, in the lower bracket of the regional path, the clubs identify the strongest based on the results of one game. the second quarterfinal stage ended here, which confirmed the dominance of the representatives of the elite division. dynamo knocked out ska khabarovsk, which
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played its home cup matches in st. petersburg. white and blue quickly. opened the scoring through the efforts of vyacheslav grulev, in the second half the middle peasants of the first league managed to equalize the score, andrei nikitin, who came on as a substitute, scored an assist on albek gongapshev, but just 5 minutes later dynamo took the lead again after a set piece. daniil famin served from the corner flag and paraguayan defender fabian balbuena sent the ball into the net from the goal line 2:1. timki, leading in the first league, fought with dignity at home against rostov. during normal time, the spectators saw no goals, but a marathon penalty shootout of sixteen strikes. ended in favor of the guests 7:6. andrei talalaev's team achieved a unique achievement by not missing a single field goal in five matches and at the same time having been eliminated from the tournament. ural extended their home dry streak by beating lokomotiv. in the seventh minute, congolese defender emerson pushed the ball into the net after a corner kick. one goal was scored in grozny, where akhmat hosted orenburg, although at the very end, when it seemed that a penalty shootout could not be avoided, the bosnian player of the hosts’ defense,
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milos shatara, cut the ball into his own goal. akhmat's mentor is miroslav ramashchenko. resigned immediately after the game. in the first semi-final stage of the regional path, orenburg will meet dynamo, and the urals will meet rostov. spring, weekend, you want to go on a trip, change your surroundings, but household chores won’t let you. don’t be upset, this weekend we are traveling together with channel one, we are also decorating the house and we are also invited to the wedding. in general, you won’t be bored. this is not rio de janeiro, but it’s also a pleasant place, but... who hasn’t watched the brazilian tv series sao paolo - this is a program for the lives of others, here children come in, poke-poke-poke-poke-poke, you see, and adults come out from here , life here is not at all like in the movies, i was told that here is st. paul very unsafe, so i’m wondering how you transport children with guards, what local women spend half their salary on, what part of the body they are especially proud of, girls,
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girls, where are you...
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from the word command, it won’t work, weekends are on the first day channel gives you the mood, don’t miss it today, ours is all about comfort, let’s go, tomorrow the lives of others we will play the wedding of a cook on wheels, victoria bolenskaya, channel one. let's find out what events have happened in the country and the world by this hour. the news broadcast is on air on channel one. this news at the first studio maria vasilyeva. hello. large-scale rescue operation in orsk. the city is flooded after a dam breaks. more people are involved in the evacuation of people.
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friends or to temporary accommodation centers. i urge you to go to your relatives or take with you personal documents of all
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family members, money and valuables, medicines you need, essentials. don’t wait until the situation becomes threatening, leave, you need to evacuate as quickly as possible. after the dam broke , more than 400 houses were in the flood zone. now at the moment, everything has gone out in the entire old city, it will be easier for the guys to work now. light, rescuers have to work in such conditions. light is back in the old city despite the obvious danger, not everyone is in a hurry to evacuate. rescuers have to go to every house. citizens are evacuating and taking away valuables. let's go out, let's go out. sometimes rescuers and police officers have to carry people out of the disaster zone by hand. 12 temporary accommodation centers have been prepared in orsk; they can accommodate 6,500 people. raised up
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left, left everything. but they said, that’s it, the dam is reliable, everything will be okay. the discharge of the sereklinsky reservoir is about 2,000 e 2,170 m/s. uh. and the influx has not yet weakened much, so the situation will remain unstable and threatening for some time, at least, i think, for several days. there were no casualties as a result of the emergency; no one sought medical help. the ministry of emergency situations group working in the damba area has been doubled, now there are almost 500 people and 200 units of special equipment. rebuilding the dam does not stop even minute, cars bring up the earth, and front-end loaders dump it into the breakthrough sector, hoping to rebuild the destroyed wall to stop the water. anatoly lazarev, victor
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averin, yuri rublev, channel one. latest information on the progress of the special operation. military groupings of the vostok troops stopped the attack of the ukrainian armed forces, while improving their positions along the front line. during the day, 155 militants were eliminated, their strongholds were hit, and more tanks were hit. units of other equipment. in the severodonetsk direction, russian pilots disrupted the rotation of ukrainian formations, the strike attacked the crew of s-25 attack aircraft, hit them with unguided bombs, then performed an anti-missile maneuver, released heat traps while the enemy was busy with decoys, the pilots returned safely to base. in the kherson direction, a crew of marine drones eliminated a boat with saboteurs who were trying to cross the dnieper. one of the fpv drone operators controlled the device, the second corrected the pointing. later recorded an accurate hit. our artillerymen worked effectively in the southern donetsk direction rszzo-grad crews destroyed enemy strongholds and also disrupted them. an attempt to rotate his
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units. objective control data confirmed large enemy losses in manpower and equipment. ukrainian military registration and enlistment offices will begin to call from the age of 25, to register young people as liable for military service. zelensky signed the law, but new, even more draconian projects are on the way. among the proposals, high fines for failure to appear are 200.00 hryvnia - that’s more than 5.0 dollars. and even a prison sentence. if you refuse to undergo a medical examination. in ukrainian all these desperate attempts to solve the problem with the shortage of the armed forces of ukraine are causing enormous opposition in society. the mobilization bill was stuck in parliament, the already amended document was adopted in the first reading in february, throwing out the most controversial proposals, for example, on the conscription of disabled people, but now, as reported in the rada, after long debates behind closed doors, the document may soon be submitted to the second reading. manned spacecraft soyuz sms-24. just undocked from the iss
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on board the international lander crew russian oleg navitsky, nasa astronaut laurel akhara and the first female cosmonaut from belarus marina vasilevskaya. their space expedition lasted 2 weeks and now they are returning to earth. very soon the union will begin an autonomous flight, and then turn on the engines to brake and leave orbit. during descent, the temperature around the ship can reach 2,000°. therefore, after planting, the heat-protective layer will turn black. the apparatus of the first long-term expedition of cosmonauts oleg will land in kazakhstan near the city of zhiskazgan at about 15 am in moscow. well , seventy crew members kononenko, nikolai chup and alexander grebenkin, as well as four astronauts, remained on the international space station. nasa. and finally, footage from sochi, where the cherry blossoms are at their peak. the trees are shrouded in incredible beauty with petals of the most delicate shades, white, pink. in the sochi arboretum myself.
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the richest collection of japanese exotic plants in russia, more than twenty varieties. tourists and city residents have taken up their cameras; those who come here for the may holidays will also have time to capture these views. you will be able to admire the decorative plum cherries in full bloom for a month and a half. and that's all for now. and now the floor to irina muromtseva. good morning to everyone who is celebrating the weekend with channel one, irina muramtseva is with you, sixth on the calendar. april is saturday, let's start it cheerfully, brightly, not boring. today we will take a trip to vladivostok to find out how its residents find a common language. and the father of three children, alexey ivanov, will tell us what an individual day is. we'll find out where to spend the weekend, it's pleasantly educational, and that's not all we have in the plans. by the way, about delicious. bon appetit to all breakfast eaters, and if you want to know what the perfect spring breakfast should be, watch. the morning of the bottom
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kalematova begins with self-care, wash, serum, cream, patches. breakfast on the go, coffee cookies, whatever, one cookie, spring diet figure. doctors assure that in the pursuit of beauty and health, skincare products are the tenth thing, breakfast is the most important, these are the ideal products not only for early spring, but all year round. eggs contain a vitamin that is very important for everything to work. body, vitamin k is a coagulant. vitamin d is immunity, vitamin a is the beauty of the skin, our vision, and vitamin e is the reproductive system, you also can’t live without fiber, fruits, vegetables, they are responsible for digestion by the hour, plus each has its own bonuses, tomatoes contain lycopene, potassium, magnesium, they support the cardiovascular system, reduce the risk of stroke, heart attack, the bitterness of radishes stimulates bile flow, improves cholesterol metabolism, reduces the risk of obesity, and what about fats, butter and any...
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then the maximum amount of vitamins and minerals is concentrated in this shell. in addition, complex carbohydrates provide energy and protect against snacking, because blood sugar rises slowly, the feeling of fullness lasts longer, and it is better to wash it down with chicory, which is a source of soluble fiber or cocoa. why does everyone say that cocoa is healthy because it contains antioxidants. what are antioxidants? antioxidants are those substances in our body that are found in very microdoses. but which
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really work to improve the cellular state of our body. our heroine has mastered coffee and cookies, breakfast is nothing. we returned to dona a week later, working on... fighting the disease, defeating our diagnosis and living a full life despite this diagnosis, the little heroes of our next story know what it is. we sincerely wish their parents long, happy years of life and say a big thank you to the circle of good foundation, which helps them with this. zlati khalitova
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has been in trampoline sports for seven and a half years already received two gold medals. coach's pride. she and i have already achieved a lot and accomplished a lot. the third youth level, now we are preparing the second youth level, her eyes are shining, she wants, she is purposeful, hardworking, what it means to fight, she knows like a goldsmith, the girl has a rare genetic disease, cystic fibrosis, this is when a viscous fluid accumulates in the lungs, it needs to be constantly removed, sport, of course, saves you, but you need genetic correctors, these pills in a small hand, the life of a child, cost about 20 million rubles a year, and you can’t get them so simply, the attending doctors suggested that parents submit:
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they purchase expensive drugs, equipment and help children with severe, life-threatening chronic diseases, like eight-year-old liza kalinina from vladimir, short intestine syndrome, when the small intestine is shorter than usual, many nutrients are simply not absorbed , the child is fed through a catheter, but there are medications that make life easier. we had to collect a whole package of documents, and we waited about a year to receive this drug, we collected it all... we finally received this a drug. lisa has more strength, she went to first grade, she goes to a ballet dance school. lisa also makes her first gastronomic discoveries, trying what her peers have been eating for a long time.
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a dream immediately appeared. when i grow up, i will be a pastry chef. these children know how to enjoy little things. leva zhilnovsky from the krasnodar territory recently moved home since birth. i went to hospitals, neuroblastoma oncology, who is handsome, the sun is shining, they had a bone marrow transplant, they needed rare and expensive immunotherapy to teach the body can kill cancer cells on its own, the doctors advised us to turn to the circle of good, they helped, this is the first victory, leva is finally at home, there you can’t get sick - with any diseases, but we will slowly socialize, yes, yes, you want to go to kindergarten, yes i want , do you want to go to school? there are still many victories ahead, but for now we just want to live, we are learning to live again, that is, after what we have gone through, this is ordinary life, everyday, everyday, like all ordinary people, it seems to us just happiness and somehow not
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all kinds of simple miraculously, and we are very we are grateful for every day that we spend at home, that we spend healthy, just like an ordinary child. sergey abramov sotnik, elena savina, channel one. it is especially important to recharge your batteries as tomorrow is world health day, april 7th. the most beneficial thing for health is, of course, physical activity, even in small doses. good morning, my name is darina griboyedova, and i’m completely lazy, i’m abusing home delivery, i buy everything online: groceries, household chemicals, clothes. the other day i was delivered equipment, i will introduce physical exercise into my life activity, it’s so simple and most importantly useful. replacing just one minute of sitting on your butt exactly with one minute of any physical activity reduces the risk of any cardiovascular pathology by 1%. what
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does it mean to be a physically active person? here is the norm: 75 minutes of intense exercise or 150 minutes of moderate exercise. attention, per week. and this is the first good news: the load can be spread as desired over 7 days. how do we distinguish between types of physical activity? what is a light load? during we can sing and talk with it. what is moderate intensity physical activity? we can talk, but we can no longer sing. and lastly, the most intense load of all, when we can neither sing nor talk, we just snort diligently. the second good news is that a gym membership or running records are not necessary if you master the concept of microactivity, but every day. what is microactivity? for example, we cook food. believe it or not, this is physical activity. of course, we don’t warm up what we got it. or in the microwave, this doesn’t count, we mean the whole cooking process, that is, you bought it all in
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a store where you went on foot, then you cut it up with a knife and other cutting tools, you peel vegetables, suppose you drive away your loved ones, who are already trying to come and try what it is, you are fighting with cats who are trying to steal away from you with an ashmetka, that is , this is all physical activity, then you will also wash the dishes, throw out the trash, this also counts. we got off at one stop earlier, we walked to work. gave up the elevator, this is also a micro-activity. another good news: even going down the stairs is quite a load, otherwise recently it has become fashionable to reset it to zero. wait, how come, do you really fall down the stairs? you get down from it, that is, you use muscle groups, you maintain your balance, so we tear ourselves off the sofa and start walking, at least up the stairs. how long to walk? please, here are the exact numbers. maximum effect from stairs on fifty steps. this is only the height of the third floor. if you are like that perform the procedure 16-20 times a day, you
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get the maximum, this is the maximum protective effect: the risk of developing cardiovascular pathology is reduced by 23%. and how much benefit does walking at a fast pace in the fresh spring air have? don't know where? hint: embankment. how long have you been walking along it? that is, these are almost any cities that we now remember, well, even in tver... the embankment has changed a lot, what a great embankment in nizhny novgorod, in kazan, it is absolutely magnificent, nature has awakened, wake up and you, zosh, do anything, just don’t sit. the snow this year is melting at an accelerated pace, and in many places it has already melted, and how, and i wish you an imperceptible melting of the snow, so that you can do what you love, sow your... seeds, today we are choosing cucumbers, and at the same time let's learn how to grow them correctly, over to
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oksana stankevich. this variety of lucky seeds makes your head spin. which cucumbers are best to choose for planting? let's figure it out. first, decide where you will grow harvest. if in a greenhouse, as i did last year, then take varieties and hybrids that do not need to be pollinated, it is written on them: does not require pollination or is self-pollinating, because bees and bumblebees rarely fly into the greenhouse, but for these cucumbers they not needed. last year , self-pollinated hybrids gave me an excellent harvest, but in addition to greenhouse hybrids, i also grew them. cucumbers in a barrel, remember how abundantly they grew and decorated the garden? for the street, you can
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take any seeds, including those marked bee-pollinated; insects will definitely fly to them and help you get a rich harvest. if you want to harvest earlier than others, pay attention to early-ripening seeds; the packet may say early-ripening, early-ripening, or early -ripening. but take your time, turn the bag over and read the instructions. here you will see that some cucumbers ripen 38 days after germination, and others after 50. agree, the difference of almost 2 weeks is serious. but don’t plant only early cucumbers, otherwise they will overwhelm you with the harvest at the beginning of summer, and then there will be a break. last year i specifically planted vegetables with different dates.
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when they matured, they produced crops in waves one after another. another secret: for those who, like me , plant cucumbers early in may and want to harvest until late autumn. be sure to germinate seeds marked cold-hardy for spring greenhouses or tolerant of adverse weather conditions. “cucumber is a heat-loving crop, recurrent frosts in the spring and early cold snaps in the fall destroy the vines; cold-resistant varieties bore fruit for me last season until the end of october. knowing all these tricks, you will definitely buy the seeds in the store that are suitable exactly to you. hurry up, now is the time to plant them for germination. did you know that over the past couple of years the number of people learning chinese has increased by 60%. for
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residents of vladivostok, these figures are even higher. our correspondent, ksenia ionkina, was convinced of this. when you arrive in vladivostok, already at the airport you hear michal o in chinese, and why is it so customary for us to hear nihoo more than once in vladivostok? how many words do you know in chinese? actually i don't know much, but i understand very well when people ask me, how to go to the store or what to buy? i understand it. this is how the chinese language developed historically and geographically. many people here understand it, they even study it in schools, imagine from the first grade, good morning, children, teacher, everyone says no hao, but i don’t know how to write, the first thing to do is like this, line, line here, corner, here
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such a thing down, students of the far eastern federal university in chinese can and...
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not bad, let's look at the store, leonid at the cash register explains, we need rice, well, we have a translation in phone, now everyone has a translator on their phone, for a long time now, i’ve been working here for 3 years, would you like to learn a few words in chinese, why do you sometimes communicate with them, ask, they teach us, we teach them, by the way, employers. all over the country in vladivostok they are looking for specialists with knowledge of the chinese language. a request from an employer, the number of vacancies for sinologists, specialists with knowledge of the chinese language, has increased by 183%. where in 2020 there were 600 vacancies in the far east for such specialists, there are now 1,700. fluency in chinese may be required in a construction or
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fishing company, in sales, in the hotel or restaurant business. some applicants are even willing to be paid. the snow is still white in the fields, and in the spring the waters are noisy, they are running, waking up the sleepy shore, they are running, shining and shouting, they are shouting to all ends, spring is coming, spring is coming, we... the young spring messengers, she sent us ahead, what, where , when, spring series of games, tomorrow, after the program time, mancacher whiskey,
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a product of the stellar group. gin сnop product stellar group, monte shococa cognac, a product of the stellar group, rum, castro, a product of the stellar group, still wondering how to spend this weekend, be sure to include in your plans a trip to the cinema, chase, adventure, fatal love, brilliant cast, how do you like it? so, malta has gold, a historical blockbuster by andrei bogatyrev. started, oh, wild west, you will die from the gold rush, attention, gold is being sought near malta, and you have a lot of gold. codes somewhere in the khabarovsk territory there is real gold, which once disappeared, just like cactar room, and they are constantly looking for this gold, as far as i know so far, the real
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story of a robbery that occurred more than 100 years ago, near the malta river in the far east, here robbers carry out a daring raid on the caravan of gold miner leonty bulygin, 40 buds of gold are stolen, bulygin gathers a squad to return the stolen goods, oh. america usi. the time of the twenties is very interesting. i love adventure movies, where there are a lot of fights, chases, and shootouts. the gold rush is so dangerous. girlfriend bulygina, a charming actress. and her lover, officer doletsky, are ready to go far to the taiga for gold. an officer simply needs gold so that he can go on a spree, buy champagne, and ride in a carriage. every
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normal person needs 40 kudas of gold. when will we see each other? when will you be here, what should i put in my belly button? i relied on westerns, i really love serge lyon quensen tarantino, and yes, i really love paul newman and... when i was thinking about how to play, for some reason i have more vivid male characters, how they sit there coolly in the saddle, how they conduct a dialogue with such a light little creature, in soviet cinema it was quite such a bright style, one among strangers, a stranger among one’s own, the white sun of the desert, the elusive avengers, they called it either a red western or an eastern, the umalta river keeps the secret of missing gold, director andrei bogatyrev himself is like gold. the seeker collected facts bit by bit, when they were filming in those very regions of the khabarovsk territory, they found a wheel from an old cart, perhaps the very same cart in which the gold once traveled; it disappeared, and this
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became the starting point of our script, let's spend this weekend in search of real treasures, adventurous adventure gold near malta, already in cinemas, wow, there must be a test, you know, i don’t understand gold at all. to be honest, i don’t understand, i think my hero doesn’t understand very well, but thank you, it’s a good gift, my dear, who doesn’t need gold, accommodate everyone, feed us, we leave at dawn, asya ratkevich, svetlana neimanis, iosif kobrin, andrey tsarev, channel one, let 's go on a trip right now, m in tomsk, where the secrets of siberian masters are known and kept, and not just kept, ancient crafts live and are passed on. the next generation, even if you walk around tomsk a little, it’s immediately clear what kind of folk craft is popular here, wood carving, and not only among the older generation, but among
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young people. the mechanical and technological college trains professional solvers. we cut along the fiber along the element using a blunt knife. the tools, those very joints, are made by themselves, even girls like elvira take care of them themselves. i generally entered the artist and they told me. that i am a wood cutter, i was like, well, oh, okay, cool, i entered and started cutting, starting with simple triangles, these are geometric shapes, we practice on them, but then we get such decorations, and these are also the work of students , this is a sculpture of a kangaroo, it is carved from cedar, the most difficult thing was the ears, they were chipped twice, what they will do in the future, many have already decided, i will go to higher education, then... i will go to work at school. danil wants to teach fine arts, alexey builds wooden houses. ilivera updates the old ones. tomsk, of course, tomsk is famous for its wooden architecture. in the
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history museum, the patron tatyana kalashnikova talks about another craft: making threads from nettles. we took the tradition of the chulym turks, this is, after all, such a people, an ethnic group living a little south-east of tomsk. split the stem of an elk or cow bone, remove the fire, raft. beat off part of it, crush it, one nettle stalk, well , process for about 35 minutes so that you can get this fiber, from this stalk you get 4 m of thread, enough for at least 10 bracelets or such a ball, by the way, not prickly thread, well , like siberia without nuts, did you know that cedar pine, if it grows in the taiga, bears fruit only after 50 years, but about the fact that kernels in different regions differ in color, in the tomsk region it is the color of ivory... in altai the same ivory has a slightly more yellowish tint, in buryat it is a little more whitish, even somewhere with a gray tint. the nuts are first calibrated by diameter in order to
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clean the smallest ones. 6.5 mm, large 9.5. here we have such a small bump, approximately how many nucleoli are there in one cone? 70 nucleoli. and these dark spots are not a sign of damage. on the nose of the kernel of the cybra nut there is a germ, which becomes darker in color when dried. and it can be seen in contrast with the core as a black dot. cedar kernels undergo several stages of cleaning, first mechanical, then manual. i’ve been watching the tape for 10 minutes, and it feels like everything is already floating, it turns out that this is always the case for beginners, it seemed like it wasn’t the tape that was moving, but the cups standing around us, they were floating, they were dropped on the floor, all sorts of things it was, let's go to the packaging and candy lines, sweet morning to you from siberia, yuliastova, denis panmarev, anton remena and dmitry gordienko, tomsk, channel one, good morning to everyone who is coming to
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us? just joined, what else is there to discuss on saturday morning, if not such an always relevant topic: love and money, interesting aspects to discuss here are a dime a dozen, but we will try to figure out this: is it true that married men earn more than single men, how does money affect the family microclimate? well , let’s talk about the family budget, of course. love and money, it would seem, is where the connection is, but there is one, they say they are married. earn more than single people, even economists confirm that if we take our country, then according to the latest data, there is no russian monitoring of economic behavior and public health, on average , the salary of married men aged 25 to 60 years is noticeably higher than that of single men, more than 15%. of course, this is not an axiom, but if you think about it, everything is logical. a married man, he thinks about how
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to provide for his family, and if he... gets a job, then he can often give the priority is not the job that will be more interesting, but maybe still the job where he will earn more, this will happen over time, but first love makes one’s head spin and empties one’s wallet. at the beginning of a relationship, you can fall into some kind of financial hole, these trips to the cinema, trips somewhere, gifts begin. seraphim and ekaterina have been married for 5 years, they say that only after a year of relationship, finances began to grow. when i got married, my income actually increased. because somehow i became different to think, what to do, what to do, somehow on a larger scale, or something, began to act more boldly, this field, monetary, it is expanding, because already from one person, from one component, we have already turned into two, and if there are more of you, oleg is the father of three children, says the main driver of financial well-being - responsibility, responsibility to the family, that what your child needs to eat gives a reason to be
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responsible at work, that... so that at least you are noticed, how maximum of you awarded. for responsibility, employers value family workers more. here is another financial plus in favor of marriage. now there is a tendency that mostly married people are hired for higher paid and senior positions. married people already have experience in dealing with various types of conflict, and it is easier to react to situations at work, to look for compromises and ways out of difficult situations. so love and family in general have a beneficial effect on finances - a fact, but finances can destroy the entire idyll, analysis from fziom of past years, and 30% of family divorces occur precisely because of financial issues, or rather because of the so -called financial infidelity, separate budgets in the family and unwinding of expenses. unfortunately, often partners very rarely agree, but this is one of the main
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topics that is worth discussing, how financial flows will be built, what will happen when we have children, it turns out that in finance, as in love, sincerity is important , then there will be growth in literally everything in the family. anna vashup, mikhail volkov, sergey myakin, alexey danko, channel one. kind on a spring morning, it is very important to warm up in order to raise the bar of your own physical fitness and set a rhythm for the whole day, let’s turn to fitness instructor sergei blucher. good morning, there are different types of planks, all of them are great for strengthening muscles. i’m standing in a classic position, now i’ll do a variation of the plank with increased stress on the back abs. join us. we sit on the floor, feet wider than shoulders, lean on our hands and go into a reverse plank, that is, belly up. bend your knees at a right angle.
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it should work. a figure similar to a bench, don’t throw your head back, overload your neck, pull your chin towards your chest. now let’s complicate the exercise: first we straighten the right leg, put it in place, now we work with the left, and continue to practice. the exercise will help strengthen the muscles of the whole body at once, especially the abs, back, as well as the back of the thighs and buttocks. you see how much benefit there is, so... we work, each child is an individual, each has his own character, his own interests, we, parents, should devote time to each one one on one, at least sometimes, why this is so important and how to do it correctly, the father of many children, alexey ivanov, will tell you.
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hello everyone, my name is alexey ivanov, i have three children, but today only my eldest daughter anya is with me, because we have an individual one. day, what it is and what we will do, now i’ll tell you everything. so, friends, we are starting a skate training, let's try on one leg, sit down a little here and hold yourself. and we straighten the balance. we're at the skate park. anya skates a little and has been wanting to go to training for a long time with'. finally we got there, great, if you have more than one child, then each of them needs their own time with their parents, when brothers and sisters are not around, all the attention of mom or dad is directed to one child,
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firstly, this is the prevention of childhood jealousy, secondly, the opportunity to strengthen the relationship with the child, for example, i had to stand up, what to do if my daughter asked, what to do that day should be decided by the children. turned around, super, well done, run to training, training at the skate park is over, and the day continues, do you remember, you asked me to get a tattoo, how can i forget, in general, i don’t mind, the tattoo artist is waiting, let’s go, don’t worry, the tattoo is temporary, it can be easily washed off with water, but i was so impressed. hello, hello, we would like to get a tattoo, but not permanent, temporary, so that we don’t get too much from our mother, but great, then let’s do it with henna, which doesn’t last long, a couple
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of days, like that, yeah, so now we’ll do everything , now i’ll draw you a sketch with a white pen, not 13 years old and experimenting with my appearance are gaining momentum, parents of teenagers will understand me. i believe that banning something is absolutely useless, pointless and even harmful. compromise is everything. well, very brutal? well, something like this. we have cool tattoos and a lot of impressions. how often should such days be organized? i try to go somewhere with each child at least once a month. the most important thing is that there are no side issues. all attention is only on the child, believe me, an individual day is a great tradition, children love it very much and they’re waiting, you buy something you need, you take it out of the box, but the box is so beautiful,
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convenient, and practical, you just can’t bring yourself to throw it away. designer olga nikishcheva can easily give such boxes a second life , she will teach you and me, dear friends, after a delicious cake, do not rush to throw away this very useful packaging, we will make an original basket from it, for work we will also need such a round seal for windows, glue pva, the most common paper napkins and rope. to begin with we will do interesting texture for the base of the basket: take the window seal, wrap it around the base, cut off the excess and glue it together. edges with hot polymer glue, apply glue to the packaging and fix the first tier, make such tiers to the very top edge of the basket,
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apply glue, wrap and connect, wait until the glue dries, decorate the upper edge of the base with a rope, and also make a handle from a sealant. and we wrap it with a cord, and here is the handle. take pva glue, apply glue to the side surface, take a paper napkin and glue it, work on the texture on top with a brush. the napkin gets wet and fills all the contours. we also close the bottom. we smooth out the brightness of our
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napkins with white paint, we get such a beautiful, delicate surface, we line the bottom with a napkin and lay out the apples. such an elegant basket will decorate your home; you can store all sorts of fruits and small things in it, and you don’t have to throw away or buy anything. 2 months until summer, just enough time to prepare for the swimsuit tanning season, he will tell you about useful exercises and procedures vice world champion in fitness eleonora alebaeva. massage brush, a cool beauty gadget for preparing for the beach season. we massage the thighs and buttocks two to three times a week. and if you don’t have a brush at hand, we squeeze our hands into... like this and knead the problem areas with our knuckles, like this,
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in a circular motion, we rise from bottom to top in the direction of lymph movement, once a week we do a lifting mask, take a liquid cream for... skin mix two tablespoons and half a teaspoon of coffee grounds. rub into thighs and buttocks. again, in a circular motion from bottom to top. leave the mixture for 10 minutes. caffeine fights fat deposits, smoothes the skin and makes it elastic. we wash off the mask. and we remember,
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movement is life, even if the work is sedentary, at least once every 2 hours we are distracted for a minute of physical education, stand up, natalia’s hands, feet shoulder-width apart, perform pelvic rotation, first clockwise, then counterclockwise. we move smoothly, slowly. with a small amplitude, we warm up the stiff muscles of the back, hips and buttocks. follow my advice, they will help you feel like queens in the summer. for lomeluta, saturday is not saturday unless there is a challenge and no one is taken weakly. today, with her and the host of the program, we are playing a wedding, the group is under the clouds. allah will test the girls for accuracy. this is their program about how cupid goes straight to the heart, and today we
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will check how accurate the presenters of the program themselves are, playing swipe, group under the clouds, hurray, hurray, hurray, the whole company is good, nadya, galya, good morning, good morning, girls, tell me, first of all, you know everything about weddings, that’s what the mainstream wedding is now, drink a jar of kvass, get the key, to open a house, all from the bottom, and from one, yes, or to catch up with a goose who is running away, and he has a key on his neck, well, that’s cool, tell me, you yourself are married, but here we are shoemakers without boots, well, it’s good that you said hello , you’ll definitely take some kind of chip for your wedding, we will sing songs at our wedding, well, girls, dedicated to all brides, my little glass, silver, on a golden platter, placed, yes, to someone.
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1 2 3 4 5 we’ll shoot from here, girls, today each of you has three attempts, keep it up! here are two more attempts remain with hope, please look, why is it all flying away there, i don’t understand,
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galya is so determined, i see, yes, i was actually at the goal. the sonics demand more, galya, for the third decisive time, galya, well done, with a score of 2:0, wins the weak category, and you're a priest, girls, well , congratulations, it was very, very cool, just like one team, well done, 1 2 3, gal, from the program good morning, the medal that is under... nadya, i know that you were rooting for yourself, but next time i wish you victory, i’m waiting for you to visit, today i had a group visiting under the clouds with good morning, you know what the rhythm of life is like, hectic, nervous, but these days are hectic, it happens
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, it’s already the weekend, you can relax, everything is wandering in your head some disturbing thoughts are wandering around, not allowing you to rest, how can you get rid of this? but in the case of a strong one, it is best to work with a specialist; in a moderately weak case, you can help yourself. first, the exercise is on the eyes, but before that we measure the pulse. how do we do this? we give you two thumbs up, we find a pulsation, do you feel it? and we need a timer. we count down 15 seconds, count how many pulsations we have here and multiply by
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four. if the pulse is less than 50, we do not do exercises; if it is more, we inhale and exhale. calm down, four times. now we take two fingers while inhaling and press on the inner corners of the eyes, so that there is no pain, but pressure is felt, count to ten, on the eleventh count, uh-huh, let go, exhale, and now we count our pulse again , look at the difference, there is a difference, yeah, this way we can calm down very quickly and heart, pulsation, and breathing. sometimes once is enough, if not, we repeat it twice more . the second exercise, also with eyes. this method is usually used for post-traumatic stress disorder. we stretch out our arms and put our thumbs up, like this. and pay attention, we don’t move our heads, only our eyes.
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we linger at one point for 2 seconds, and linger at another for 2 seconds. we just move our eyes from one finger to another. and we have to do this within 90 seconds. now let's use another sense organ - smell, the aroma oil will help. the olfactory bulbs are responsible for our state of mood and reflexively turn on our vagus nerve, the parasympathetic system, through the olfactory nerve, the parasympathetic system, the same one that is responsible for our calm. the smell of coffee, the smell of baking, as well as cinnamon, vanilla, citrus aroma and in general can soothe. improve the condition, all this gives us a feeling of comfort, because, as a rule, they are associated with warm memories, some warm drinks, water, the sound of water, i went and washed the dishes, this helps, especially warm water, a warm bath,
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this all lowers the temperature, lowering the temperature helps the production of melatonin, which is a hormone that helps our sleep, and it also turns on when... the parasympathetic nervous system. we remember these exercises and always remember that at home some familiar household chores, and especially those related to water or heat, will also help you calm down. also, to dull the feeling of anxiety, we drink warm milk or tea with honey at night. all this relaxes the nervous system and switches to positive thoughts. and, of course, as much touching as possible. we especially need oxytocin now, that same one. hormone of love irina matheranskaya channel one at the trubnaya theater premiere of the play “your home, my home” is a story about how unexpected circumstances can turn your... vacation into an adventure full of humor and comic situations. our correspondent elizaveta nikishova looked behind the scenes. jungle in
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the house. the world of farce, the world of such grotesqueness. plates suspended in space. what disguise will we have for such a stage effect? the effect is a surprise, it cannot be said. surprise, i won't tell you. and cabinets with secrets. oh. and if these were all the secrets of a crime comedy, my house is your house. based on ioan's play about gilvy, let's see what we have here, oh my god, while denis kutuzov enters the image of the husband of an aristocrat from england, radion vyushkin is trying to fall beautifully, he is a mysterious body in the closet, the bag on his head will not always be like you were you in the closet? 2 months, 2 months in the closet then you then then the premiere, yes in our theater it’s like that, but in general, thank you, the premiere show is the most exciting, especially when it comes to comedies, funny comedies, because they are difficult to play. not in drama, it seems to me, everything is simpler, but here you need people to laugh, it’s very difficult, to be reliable is also so that they believe you, criminal
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mysticism behind the scenes at juliet shabanova, she plays suzy, things started disappearing, listen , yes, really, where did she go, it’s a shame that i’ll be left without these, without eyelashes, but in different corners of the stage a knife appears, evidence with fake blood, although maybe this is all the tricks of artistic director dmitry astrakhan, here a knife like this, like this, a scary story, you can’t cook dinner. well, well, yes, a sea of ​​​​whom, my house, your house, a simple story about an exchange of houses, where a prim, respectable english family ends up in a criminal story, an acute sitcom, but at the same time it is absolutely human, absolutely about reality, absolutely about today day, here each hero finds himself in circumstances unusual for himself, and the viewer too, to excite a person, to excite him to his very roots, not just somehow... a little catch, prick or something, he laughed, but then he just suddenly was like, hop! premiere at the pipe theater, for those
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who like to tickle their nerves. elizaveta nikishova, konstantin struchkov, channel one. spring is moving uncontrollably towards summer, vacation time is just around the corner, i suggest you take a look at the resorts of our country, let’s see how they are preparing for the beach season, edit. we missed the beaches and they missed you in novorossiysk after a strong storm the beach was washed away, but the staff quickly restored everything, they are finishing the installation of gazebos, here we will have a shelter for disabled groups and veterans of the great patriotic war, there is a cinema on the beach, you can watch movies at night, the beach will be open until late, and there will also be various sports grounds, expect beach volleyball tournaments, musicians are also getting ready. david is learning a new repertoire. and in yalta , vangogh has been waiting for tourists, sitting at a table
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overlooking the eiffel tower. the verandas have just been renovated. hotels have once again taken up the task of forming bushes, actively mowing their lawns, and sprucing up the property. regulatory work in the pool, as well as checking its systems. they also check the numbers. in the spring, this task is also planned - general cleaning. getting ready for the tourist season. and dagestan in the village of monas, new pine trees are being planted, the landscape design is being updated to surprise regular guests, the lawns are decorated with marigolds, there is another new area nearby, a surprise for tourists, we brought about 5,000 of them from crimea, this whole field will be a lavender field so that people could relax, admire the beauty, and at the same time receive aromatherapy, sanatoriums they are increasing the number of rooms, the eleventh building is being built and we are planning its delivery, which means it will be fully commissioned in the month of may, the beaches
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are already ready to receive guests, just look at how this one looks, as if it were virtual, the sand has been cleaned, the hats have been updated, the wooden flooring for umbrellas, the most impatient tourists are already here and seem very happy. elena savina, gusen kuliev, channel one. spring, weekend. i want to go on a trip, change my surroundings, but household chores won’t let me, don’t be upset, we’re traveling this weekend together with the first channel, and we also decorate the house and the wedding, we are also invited, in general, you won’t be bored, this is not rio de janeiro, but it’s also a pleasant place, but who hasn’t watched the brazilian tv series san paolo, this is a program about the lives of others, they come here children, poke-poke-poke-poke-poke, you see, and the adults come out from here. life here is not at all like in the movies, i was told that it is very unsafe here in sao paulo, so i’m wondering how you transport children with security, what local
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women spend half their salary on, how...
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their masculine energy is this space, in addition to the design, which also carries within itself your love, and your burning, what you feel like, i don’t know, how fuel, not repairs, a song, vologda motifs - this is already playing a wedding, traditions, customs of ancestors, weddings in this program is unforgettable, food, clothes, dancing, and every gesture here, nothing is accidental, they quarreled, they made peace,
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they made peace, they argued, that’s all. on april 7, orthodox christians celebrate the feast of the annunciation of the blessed virgin mary, one of the 12 main church holidays. on this day he remembers how he appeared to the virgin mary archangel gabriel announced the good news. the moscow region is a small and very quiet village of blagoveshchenye, which got its name from this blagoveshchensk church. first the houses appeared, then the temple was cut down, and the temple was in the center of the village. this is a quadruple layout, where along the edges of the quadrangle
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there are huts and sheep. there is a temple in the center of the square, so first the huts, first the village, first the repairs, and then the temple. the temple is the courtyard of the trinity lavra of sergei, bright and light, perhaps because it was consecrated in honor of a holiday with the same mood, the annunciation to the most holy theotokos. annunciation is one of the twelve main church holidays. on this day, they remember the gospel story about how the archangel gabriel appeared to the virgin mary and it was she who announced it. become the mother of the child god. maria, still very young, of course, could have been scared, disbelieved, refused, a lot depended on her decision. if she had not agreed to this feat, because it was a feat, as subsequent events showed, then there would, of course, not be christianity, there would not have been the culture that we have, there would not have been yes, christian civilization would not have this temple...


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