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tv   Novosti  1TV  April 6, 2024 10:00am-10:16am MSK

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hello, there is a news release on channel one, in the studio of maxim sharafuddinov, and briefly about the main thing. there is water all around, a dam has broken in two places, orsk, orenburg region. they fall asleep, but don’t have time to wash it all off. urgent evacuation of houses cuts off electricity and gas supplies. the situation is critical.
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crew of the soyuz spacecraft, how did the undocking go , why is this mission special? sakura blossomed in all shades of tenderness in sochi. and let the whole world wait, then everyone will envy this beauty. a point of attraction for tourists from throughout russia, a time of flowering and romance. and at the beginning of the latest news about a powerful flood in orsk, they managed to eliminate one of the two breakthroughs, yes. on the ural river, however, the situation,
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according to the mayor, is rapidly deteriorating, the water level is already 2 m above critical, the most difficult situation is in the old city area, it is half flooded, people are being evacuated en masse to temporary accommodation centers, there are thousands of houses in the flood zone, experts believe that the water from the flooded orsk will leave no earlier than in one and a half to two weeks, according to the situation now, anatoly, this is what some districts of the city of orsk look like now, houses are flooded. the roofs of the road went under water. the night before, the ural river destroyed the dam. the moment of the complete breakthrough was captured on a mobile phone camera by an eyewitness. it was completely washed out. look, that's it. all. the water in the river had been rising for several days, the snow was melting, there was a lot of it, and powerful floods began. the protective embankment dam, built 10 years ago, could hardly contain the pressure. they tried to urgently strengthen her. here, dear neighbors, i am in the very dive. the dams, they fall asleep, but they don’t have time
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to wash it all away. the water, and its level in just a few hours increased by 4 m. having broken through the dam, it began to rapidly seize the territory. that's it, the water came into the yard with terrible force. it has accumulated here, it just overflows over the rails and begins to drown the garden valley. water is rapidly arriving in the old part of the city of orsk. mainly located here. private sector, behind my back there is an airmobile group of the russian ministry of emergency situations from perm, they are preparing boats for the evacuation of residents. local residents have been evacuated from dangerous areas for several days now. the situation is critical, the water continues to rise, electricity and gas supplies to your areas will be cut off. after the dam broke , more than 4,000 houses were in the flood zone, almost 11 thousand people live there. now at the
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moment - the lights have gone out in the entire old city, rescuers have to work in such conditions, the light has appeared again in the old city, it will be easier for the guys to work now, despite the obvious danger, not everyone is in a hurry to evacuate, rescuers have to go around every house, citizens are evacuated, we take away valuables, we go out, we go out, according to the latest data, about 600 houses are already flooded, the water continues to come, grandma, now in a second, everything is evacuated, we leave, sometimes rescuers and policemen carry people out of the disaster zone they have to be held in their arms, quietly, quietly, quietly, so, come on, fall, the dog swam after them, can you imagine, 12 temporary accommodation centers have been prepared in orsk, they can accommodate 6,500 people, they left everything, they left everything, quo. reset of the sreklinsky
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the reservoir is about 2170 cubic meters per second and the inflow is still strong. the dam does not stop for a minute, cars bring in earth, stones, loaders dump it all into the breakthrough sector, hoping to rebuild the destroyed wall. the flow through one of the two damaged dams was stopped, city officials said. now the water level in the ural river is 2 m above
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the level considered dangerous. a state of emergency is now in effect throughout the orenburg region. anatoly lazarev, victor averin, yuri rublev, first channel. the situation is difficult in other regions in the samara region, the floods are the strongest in 35 years, say the local ministry of emergency situations. there was more snow this year than usual, plus a sharp warming. as a result, this is the picture: the street in this village was completely flooded. rescuers move on an inflatable boat. in total , almost 500 people had to be evacuated. this is one of the districts of the chelyabinsk region, the dam of the kabanka river broke. stormy streams of water gushed down below. the region is now in the most active phase of snow melting. first of all, this concerns. southern areas the day before, road communication with five villages was disrupted. in bashkiria , the water level has risen sharply on several rivers at once, this is an ice drift on the bely river in ufa, roads, bridges, houses and garden plots are flooded. in total, there are floods in 36 regions in russia; according to experts, the peak has not yet
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been passed, the water continues to rise. the russian army launched strikes on ukrainian armed forces targets. an explosion was reported in the area of ​​the starokostiantynivka military airfield, khmelnitsky region. in the dnepropetrovsk and kiev regions the target could be enterprises working for the ukrainian army. such footage appears in telegram channels. they write that this is an area of ​​kharkov, an ammunition depot is supposedly hit. russian troops are carrying out precision strikes on everything related to the ukrainian military industry. this is a response to the ukrainian armed forces’ attempts to damage our energy facilities. and news from the nwo zone, dnepr. our reconnaissance spotted a boat with saboteurs who were trying to get to the other side. there are two of our drones in the sky. one adjusted the fire, the second struck, well this is how hail works. yuzhnodonetsk sector, attacks on militant strongholds, including several pieces of equipment among the losses. su-25 attack aircraft
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disrupted the rotation of the ukrainian armed forces in the severodonetsk region of the front and attacked them with unguided aircraft missiles. ukrainian military registration and enlistment offices will begin calling twenty-five-year-olds, young people will be registered as liable for military service. the conscription age is being reduced from 27 to 25 years, a law has been signed according to which the maximum plus has abolished the status of limited fit for service, clarification awaits all its holders documents for a repeat medical examination, voting on the radio, tightening the screws on mobilization is still ahead on april 10. gagauzi will leave the squad. he supports the unification of his country with moldova, let me remind you that the official language there is already romanian from the light hand of president maisandu, she clearly follows a pro-european
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course, and the head of gagauzia, the residents who advocate rapprochement with our country, found herself under colossal pressure, now on her they opened a criminal case, obviously fabricated, as gutsu herself says. the republic can also declare independence serbian, stated milorat dodik, president of the republika srpska of bosnia and herzegovina. a decision will be made if external pressure continues in all directions, in particular regarding relations with russia. dodik has repeatedly stated that the severance of financial and economic ties with our country is fatal for the economy of the region. washington asked china to produce fewer goods, an extraordinary proposal from the us treasury secretary,
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ellen spoke about categories such as electric vehicles, batteries, solar panels, semiconductors, in the high-tech sector in which states want to consider themselves a leader, washington is once again preparing to use one of its favorite tools: protective duties. the american press writes that they may be introduced on all chinese imports. in a huge international scandal, ecuadorian police stormed the mexican embassy in the city of quita. the security forces came for the former vice president.
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relations between mexico and ecuador are, to put it mildly, tense, with the head of state exchanging accusations of corruption and violation of political freedoms. against such a background mexican authorities have announced that they will officially introduce the eye sanctuary. and after this , the ecuadorian side decided to take extreme measures, the pogrom was detained at the embassy, ​​mexico announced the immediate severance of diplomatic relations with ecuador. in just a few minutes , the descent module of the soyuz-24 spacecraft is scheduled to land in the steppe of kazakhstan. the crew has already turned on the engine for braking on board our olek nowicki, nasa astronaut laura lohara and the first belarusian participant in space flight marina vasilevskaya. here's some footage of the undocking from... ks this happened 3 hours ago. on the ground , the crew is met by a search and rescue team. novitsky and vasilevskaya spent
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almost 2 weeks at the station. vasilevskaya performed research, including in the fields of medicine, biology, and physiology. now the russians remaining on the iss are: oleg kononenko, nikolai chup, alexander grebenkin and four american astronauts. but this is the footage that we receive live, this is just the soyuz spacecraft descending. this place is almost 150 km southeast of the city of zhaskozgan. it does not matter according to the schedule, second per second, the place for the best photographs in sochi sakura blossomed, the local dandrari has the largest collection in russia, including unique species. our alena evtyakova tried to convey beauty in the frame. and let the whole world wait, then everyone will envy this beauty. the trees are buried in a delicate cloud of double flowers. beginning of april in japan. hanami, traditional cherry blossom viewing. in sochi, too , the peak flowering season for trees in local parks
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attracts tourists. the beauty hurts my eyes, i just even take the phone, take a picture, you understand that you will then admire it, show it off to everyone, and people will understand that in april you should go on vacation too, so she is generally unsurpassed in her beauty, we are actually from kazan, we have right now it’s still snowy and muddy, so we came here quite simply. as if in a fairy tale. all shades of pink, white and even green, the collection of japanese exotic plants in the sochi arboretum is the largest in russia, 23 varieties. decorative japanese the cherries that we have in our collection are distinguished by the fact that either the flowers look like marshmallows, or they are a waterfall of never-falling white and pink branches, some unusual shape, a combination of these petals, and we remember that sakura blossoms are fleeting , so skip the cherry blossoms. miss spring, live broadcasts of bloggers with blooming content on social networks also gain thousands
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of views and likes, sakura is popularly understood as all trees with pink flowers, but in fact it is the collective name for cherry plum. many diligently reach out to branches and strain their noses, but do not feel any specific aroma, it turns out that real sakura practically does not smell of fruit, it will not bear fruit either, so you can really only admire it... you don’t want to take pictures, you don’t want to take pictures of yourself against this background, so i ’m sitting now and thinking about what thoughts come to my mind, it’s so perfect that i just want to watch and capture this moment, every petal, because i remember it, feel it, record it in my memory, i want to put it somewhere in myself, different sakura varieties in the south bloom in turn, which means that you can admire the openwork trees here until mid-may. in moscow , everything is ready for the parade of retro vehicles, in an hour
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a column of trams will pass along one of the oldest lines on lesnaya street, a holiday, part of the capital’s launch of electric cars, this happened exactly 125 years ago, on the streets you can see transport from the beginning of the last century, and also on the streets trams that were filmed in famous films will pass by; the meeting place cannot be changed, pokrovsky gate. o developments at noon, now on the first channel the program is our everything, enjoy watching! in uvati as part of the russian biathlon championship. the women's 30 km marathon took place. the format repeats the classic mass start with the only difference being that thirty participants, although there are 19 of them, have to cover a distance 2 and a half times longer, and look at the firing line not four, but eight times. victoria slevko, representing the tyumen region, took the lead after the fourth shooting and then only increased her advantage from forty shots of her...


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