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tv   Poekhali  1TV  April 6, 2024 12:15pm-1:11pm MSK

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this is how our people are, this is the secret. in moscow there was a big parade of retro equipment, a column of trams passed along one of the oldest lines on lesnaya street, a celebration in honor of the launch of electric cars in the capital. this happened 125 years ago. on the streets you can see transport from the beginning of the last century, modern carriages, and also trams that were filmed in legendary films. the meeting place cannot be changed, pokrovsky gate. hundreds of spectators watch the parade. great option. it's fun to have a day off. and that's it for now that's it, right now the program is on channel one, today arzama, sorov and gorokhovets, enjoy watching, we went by car from moscow along the new m12 highway, watched murom and crystal goose, sadness doesn't suit you, come on, let's have three, zhenya, svi , come on, my dear, naku, let’s go to naku, we go further to the east, 150 km the new city meets us.
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hello everyone, this is the program, let's go and we continue our journey along the m12 highway. well, arzamas is ahead of us. and if you haven't heard anything about this place, then know. here you can feel like a parisian. cherche la femme. and not only a french woman, but also , for example, an englishman. well, exactly. by the hour, and here the geese are on fire, they are very tasty, angart, we learned how to hold a sword, and we will also bring with us onions, full tights or bangs, but you can get here on the legendary retro train, this is the program , let's go, evgeny bokrovsky,
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and we are going along the new m12 east highway, comfortable, more than 800 kilometers long, it connects as many as five regions. moscow, vladimir, nizhny novgorod regions, as well as chuvashia and tatarstan. along this route you can quickly get to kazania, from moscow to the kazan kremlin, the travel time is now 6.7 hours, and previously - 12. you can get to nizhny novgorod in 4 hours. well, our new goal is arzamas. where does it get such an unusual name? there are several versions. the first is from the mordovian name ar. mas, this is how
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the city was called through the letter e until the 16th century. version two. the name of the city was given by two brothers, arzai and masai. allegedly, they were the first margvins on this land to convert to orthodoxy and met ivan the terrible with honors. well, and also arzamas could have appeared from the merger of the words “ezya” and “mas”, which translated from erzian means beautiful. erzian language is one of the three official languages ​​of the republic. mordovia, it’s nearby, literally 70 km to the south. the history of the modern city began in 1572. 20 years after the capture of kazan , a fortress was built on the site of the mordovian settlement. by the 14th century, 11 towers with four gates were erected here. in the center of the fortress they founded a church in the name of the archangel of god michael. today , this is the site of the resurrection cathedral.
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and during the soviet years, this city laid claim to inclusion in the golden ring of russia, but did not get into it for two reasons: firstly, because he was too young for this status, and secondly, there are a lot of defense enterprises around here, and accordingly, foreigners were prohibited from entering here, but no less with each. year and this fall, the flow of tourists here has increased enormously several times, well , firstly m12, and secondly, up to ten trains run here a day from moscow, that is, only from moscow, yes, that is, once they arrived, once they left, logistics, and of course well, beauty. everything is fine with logistics, here since the 18th century, even then a dozen of the most important trade routes passed through arzamas: moscow, nizhny novgorod, simbirsk, tambov, the high road to
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makaryev. it is not surprising that it was then in the 18th century that the city began to actively develop. well, maria sergeevna, come on, let's take a selfie? of course, razomaskaya selfie, you know what you notice here first of all, churches, there are literally an incredible number of them, is it a joke, only by the 19th century in a not very large town there were 36 church buildings, yes, the city incredibly beautiful, orzamas, this is our first time here, but we like you, we already like you, the pearl of the cathedral square. resurrection cathedral was built in 1814 in honor of the victory over napoleon. there are a lot of monasteries here, let’s highlight, perhaps, the spasopreobrazhensky monastery, a men’s monastery. it was from him that christianity began to spread faster in these lands. zhen,
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zhen, look at the dog. this, by the way, is not just a dog, but a monastic one. he is very handsome, but... for some reason he runs away, come to us, come to us, come to me, look how fluffy he is, oh, what a beauty, this is khadsky, zhen, well, it looks like he’s so well-fed, oh, how handsome he is, oh, he, he’s purring, you can see he’s obviously spoiled with attention, of course, why are you so handsome, and why are you so handsome, oh oh, how lovely, and we can also have a photo shoot. arrange it with him, yes , well, let's go hug, he's in an unsociable mood today, let's remind you that we got to the city by car along the m12 east highway, but you can come here by train, the trains go
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one after another, for a city of a hundred thousand there is very decent traffic, but in general arzamas today several railway lines cross, not only moscow, kazan, but also, for example, nizhny novgorod, penza. these paths have been in operation for over 100 years. there are two train stations in the city. razamas-1 and arzamas-2. and we are in a hurry to meet an unusual locomotive. the same tourist retro train that arrived in barzamas from nizhny novgorod. this is the legendary steam locomotive of the p-36 series, which ran in the fifties. like we did , or like this, that is, to the lower one by high-speed train, well, about three hours and another two or three hours from the lower one here to barzamas on this
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old retro, well, hello turis passengers, romantic runaways, let's take a closer look at how beautiful he is, look in... getting into the driver's cab was not so easy, but we managed, wow, christmas trees, hello, oh, how is everything here, really and very, very hot, very hot, like in a sauna, some kind of stand it, you drive for two hours, 2:10 in one hundred 10 in one direction, tell me about the steam locomotive, it’s really like that distant years, yes, i look at everything , they probably haven’t changed anything, but it’s all for coal, this steam locomotive of the fifty-fifth year of production stood on a monument in the city of sharya , kostroma region, after which it was removed from the monument and put into operation, that is
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, it was again repaired, assembled, refueled, yes, everything was checked, all its elements, by the way, this train runs with friday to sunday, one-way ticket costs 390. did you learn to drive this retro locomotive or did you already know how? no, we studied in the city of kursk, where they train locomotive assistants to become drivers, that is, this is a separate specialty, difficult, of course, difficult, you see how many different valves and handles we have here, the train, like many years ago, runs on coal and steam, but tourists still don’t believe that it is not of a modern design, the driver is... well, how can i not give away coal? for the first time in my life i will throw coal into the furnace of a steam locomotive, well, let's go, let's go,
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that's it, and one more time, real coal, friends, and masha, of course, definitely needs to make some noise. what you need to do, push yourself down, so you need to say so that everyone disperses, whoever is on the pyron, disperse or close your ears, well okay, let's go, let's go, let's go. stronger, stronger, stronger, i don’t have enough strength, it’s loud, it’s great, oh, i’m just getting a little emotional, the locomotive may be old, but inside it’s the other way around, the carriages are modern, comfortable, and we’ll have lunch in a street tent,
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traditionally tasting local street food . guys, it turns out that arzamas has its own street fast food, these are pies? yes, but pies are of course common everywhere, but here they are, naturally, with arzamas onions. oh, right, knock-knock, hello, with onions, yes, yes, yes, how much does it cost? 35 rub. 35, how always?
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zamas are perhaps the most sentimental people in our country, because at every opportunity they cry, cry, cry, cry, but i literally shed crocodile tears, you touched me, when they cut onions, they are also called onions, onion growers, all because arzamas - this is the onion capital of our country, now we’ll find out what’s so special about
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the arzamas vegetable, what the price of an onion is 45 rubles per kilogram and the arzamas onion will make your eyes water more than anyone else, for which it is called the onion mountain, but in reality it cleaning tear ducts, this is very useful, there is a tradition, you know that we give onions to young people at weddings, weddings, and why why, because when... you give onions to young people, they plant them in water, they grow like this a green onion, yes, a whole bouquet of them grows, a sign that their green wedding is a symbol of subsequent replenishment, improvement of the demographic situation in the country, unexpected details, but there are more important things, how to bring onions home and how to preserve them, in general our arzamat onion, he's a little like that saffron, saffron, yes, what an interesting thing with... unscrupulous, i would say, he loves natural materials, along with other
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crafts we have developed wickerwork, baskets made of birch bark with a bottom in a hole made of straw or from the same birch bark, for this so that he can breathe and always have access to fresh air, oh, and i remember another way, from childhood my mothers and grandmothers kept them like this, tights, tights, of course, remember, hung throughout the apartment, well, let's go to the races or have who has more, competition, who has more, come on, let's go, oh, this is not an easy job, stuffing onions into tights, stockings, well , a life hack from an expert, the best for this were those same soviet tights that practically did not stretch, ask how i know this, it’s better not to ask , wore, all the boys wore tights in childhood, it was so cold, you know how cold it was in my time. in the back with two, that’s right, one in the front, two in the back, we have
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modern tights, thin but strong, i haven’t gained half of it yet, but it’s already difficult to lift, then look, my stockings are no longer that heavy they can stand it, the arrows went, uh, yes, because we had to take tights, the scales will judge us, wait, i’ll throw in a couple more, it’s time to take stock of how many onions i’ll take from arzamas, mind you in one. in one stocking, i also have a second one in my suitcase, 2,650, okay, well, a little, a little, and now, winner tights, now wow? bad for a kilogram more than 3,700 and this is only one how to say tights, and there is also a second one, in general maria sergeevna, we have experimentally proven that tights are much better suitable for storing onions and warmer than stockings, and stockings are better worn where they should be, correctly, beautiful and
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practical. rzamas is called not only the onion capital, but also the goose capital of russia; catherine the great herself nicknamed it that way. well, where has it been seen, in barzamas you can saddle a goose. and if the geese saved rome, then they glorified arzamas. in the 18th century in the city. they bred a special fighting breed of geese. the birds were large and strong, almost the size of a swan. since the 19th century, this breed has been considered one of the best in the country. on arzema geese there has always been great demand. and today every tourist should try a goose dish in arzamas, which is what we will do now. right at this
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table. and the goose smoked, fragrant, these are pancakes with our arzamas goose, the basis of which is the goose itself, adding champignons, white wine cream with smoked sour cream, all this is perfumed with alch smoke and decorated with red caviar, this is our signature dish beaten goose, here two of ours are combined orzamas symbol: goose and bow, this is not a sham, no, the ideal shape of a bow, look how he is... we remind you that he is very vigorous, they are cutting him, crying, crying bitter tears, now i will cry, this is also a goose, this is also a goose, adding onion cream, of course, and white grips, we are ready to devour geese, how do you cook it, we
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cook it in its own juice for 18 hours, 18 hours, why take so long to have such tender meat? yes, this is still in the old old arzamas, this is the 17th century, 20,000 geese were being hatched, they were all taken to moscow, they were taken away on foot, and they walked, you are now seriously, in the sense of a centralized goose walking, all muscovites answer like that, all muscovites answer like they did in kindergarten, but they weren’t serious, but they really were driven , that is, driven straight along the roads, for some reason it was more convenient, there is such a thing.
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now it’s clear why the goose is on the coat of arms of the arzamas region, it’s a pancake with a goose, but of course i’ve tried different pancakes, this is the first time with a goose, thank you for this arzamas, i want to surprise you with something else, where else, and such an unusual arzamat fast food, this is our legendary burger with goose sturgeon caviar, gooseburger, yes, how to cook it his? includes stewed goose meat, a whole jar of asitre caviar, jam from our arzamat onion, it would probably be a sin not to add it, not to add it, sweetie, that’s right, cook, or rather assemble the burger, nika will be right with us, let’s start assembling, arzamas burger making, yes, i’ll take a look now and also cook something like that at home, why are the buns so black,
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the buns, they have something added, add goose, yeah, more, goose caviar goes well together, such a luxury of the merchants, your salary is not enough to pay for this burger, evgeny, we have an installment plan for you, i’ll take out a burger mortgage, if we chip in, i’ll help you, pour it with our sauce based on boiled onions and meat, yeah, let’s get down to the main trick, caramelization, that’s what i knew , something will happen like this, agusta with such a spark came across, please, evgeniy, evgeniy, of course, he is our burger master, i would like it... from you, look how much you have lost, and i
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’ll pick it up here , and what is missing in good? not a frugal guy at all, maybe not at all maybe it doesn’t look very aesthetically pleasing, but don’t drip, it’s so bad that i can’t deny myself , has everything fallen out? on my plate, that’s the pleasure, listen, your geese are excellent, the best, yes, it’s good when you don’t watch your figure, eat, eat, everything is like thick water. we are finally checking into a hotel, it is in the old center, very cozy, there are more than a dozen hotels in the city, mostly mini-hotels, in the spring there are places, you can find something a couple of days before arrival, and if you are going in the summer, housing better to book in advance. in a land where there is eternal snow and cold, people wear earflaps all year round, and to keep warm,
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after drinking a lot in a squat, all the people dance, the unknown flies in exchange, to attack novosyoersk, at one secret base you can take corn syrup, the man there is hardy and strong , to him. adversity doesn’t matter, even in space he solves problems with a wrench, here is the gym of the cauldron, only it is open to members, and somewhere there in the background of the wonderful anaya is already flogging, her legs are swimming, the head of her finger is scraping the bottom with screws, so they see americans, our russian world in its cinema, beckoning harmony.
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but your own woman, she is always alone, i see that you mostly have women working here, we just want the women’s coffee business to develop along with the men’s in the same way. brazil, coffee is simply bliss, the life of others. premiere, tomorrow on the first. we are going to the suburbs of arzamas, we are on the territory of peshelandsky. gypsum plant, it is already 91 years old, gypsum is mined and processed here , and building materials are produced on its basis. gypsum is
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a completely natural material, odorless, contains no toxic substances, it is not flammable, therefore, it is successfully used in the construction of buildings, well, first you need to get to the plaster, we go underground. oh, close your eyes, it’s flying, they say that underground in arzamas there is a whole network of some kind of underground passages, some kind of natural depressions, but the truth is that no one has gotten to them yet, at least mari sergeevna and i will try, yes, we ...we are again in a unique place, in a real mine, where gypsum is mined at a depth of 70 m, and yes, there is a museum here, the only
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mining museum in our country, and it is in an active mine, here they will show you rare minerals and tell you about the history of mining. of course, i understand that we are in a museum, but if the mines. the first question is, i want to know, what kind of unique gypsum stone is mined here? well , a truly unique gypsum stone is mined here, firstly, it is absolutely pure, it is believed that this is one of the purest gypsums, and i was not mistaken, that’s exactly what the miners in the world say, gypsum, exactly gypsum, gypsum, that is, it’s the same essentially it's chalk, yes, that is, you can gnaw it right on the wall, you can gnaw it and even lick if you don’t have enough in your body, but in general yes. that is, anyone can come to your museum, pick up a pickaxe and , so to speak, try to be a real miner with five blows, firstly, not
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anyone over the age of 14, strictly. production operations have been modernized several times, today gypsum is mined, as they would say in soviet times, at an accelerated pace, 224 trolleys are mined here per day, these are the ones you see, now take it from you, the capacity of one trolley is 3 tons, by the way, if now the work of miners absolutely mechanized, yes, once upon a time , a very long time ago, the trolleys were actually a little smaller, with this pick the guys beat off pieces of gypsum rock from the pillar, manually
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loaded them into the trolleys. well, now we have actually come to the most interesting place in our story, to the wow pace, let us remind you, this is all manually, of our excursion, this is the so-called face, this is also called this wall, the chest of the face, and what is this hole? these are the so-called boreholes, and... they are drilled out with such gigantic, look here, drills, yes, and before, i keep coming back to history, it was done with the help of such a manual drilling machine, try, try, at least hold on to it, it’s heavy, the machine itself, it weighed almost 40 kg, people just called it, by the way, a ram, and only the strongest and most inflated miners could work with him, because pay attention, the drill holes are at different levels, and
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if the first, lowest level of drill holes is behind... and most importantly, even at our plant, the chief mark shader is also a woman . mark shader is not a name, it's a profession. mark shader is a mining engineer. oh, look, i think he blinked his eye. yes, you may ask, what does a dinosaur have to do with it? according to legend, in the 17th century , an incomprehensible creature similar to a monster fell from the sky into the center of arzamas. nobody ever identified him. oh, by the way, in the back, look, it’s moving,
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well, don’t scare me, here, of course, it’s great, interesting, but it’s time to get to the surface, by the way, in arzamas, in addition to this production there are 14 more industrial enterprises, a fifth of the city’s population works here , there is also something exclusive in arzamas, the local eiffel tower, well, more precisely a copy of the parisian one, only... 40 times smaller, just think about it, it has 10,000 parts, it is not surprising that other objects appeared next to it, a small park of miniatures appeared , you saw, you saw this, come on , smile, against the backdrop of a landmark, oh, yeah, off i go, listen, london never happened in my life, but why, when we have arzamas and its tower. the bridge is an exact
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copy, but i’ll tell you more, it just perfectly replicates the original, well, the only thing is, that it is 1.2, millions of parts, they built it for the world cup, and of course the thames here couldn’t even make a copy of it, but this thing will definitely surprise you, look, and the will, just like clockwork, by the way, yes, oh, what a beauty, oh! good afternoon, where is your sword, sir? what kind of sword, forgive me, sir, i misunderstand something, intrigue, so the sword was found, yes, in this city the fencing is really very cool, and they also hold competitions at the all-russian level, and for those who grew up on films, like the three musketeers or gordemarins forward, this is generally how easy it is to turn into your favorite movie character, if only mikhail
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boyarsky could see me now, protect me. and the courts, it turns out, arzamas is also called the fencing capital, they recently approved a project for the city... how is this, look, well, they don’t hold swords like that, i watched all the films, look, look, this is a gun called a pen, well look at everything, i have a question, i ’ve watched so many competitions, olympiads, and it always seems to me that they are now
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piercing each other, excuse the expression, but they’re not piercing, well, you have protective suits, right? this is a rag, no, no, no, this is a special suit, they make bulletproof vests from them, or more precisely, the suit is made of kevl. so we start moving forward in a standing position, we made an angry expression so that they would follow me, it’s like a crab, yes, follow me, and now we’re trying to go back from the back leg, let’s go, let’s go, yes, it definitely
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worked out, well done, well done, well done, now it turns out that we need to be connected, so this is so that you can estimate how many injections. struck by the enemy, yes, everything will be visible on the scoreboard, but i always think, as they think, earlier, before the introduction of electronic equipment, glasses were counted live, a cloth soaked in ink was attached to the tip of a sword or rapier, so the uniform was historically white, so that the traces of injections with ink were better visible on the enemy’s uniform. oh, maria has a green lantern, eugene has a red one, don’t confuse it, red and green. standing position, right leg forward, right, forward, like that, like that, like that, turn around, sit lower, before the fight they check the guards, the guards so that it doesn’t hit, like that they stab into the guard, it doesn’t burn, everything is fine, that is, in the guard it doesn't
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count if you hit it, it doesn't count the guard is a cup above the handle to protect the hand. well, zhenya, masha, now is your first fight, for the fight, put on masks, with a song, please, because if he suddenly defeats me, the song stays with the person for the fight, ready, ready, where, dance, grass , love. still pure, fly into my garden as a dove, fencing is the only type of martial arts where there is no
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division by weight, height, age, come on, give in, but his arms are longer, it’s so unfair, i don’t know how... they do it are doing it, but to be honest, i’m already tired, sir, defend yourself, it’s time to use a woman’s cunning, zhenya, look, the husker has come in disguise, what are you talking about, well, well, my friend, we have to go even longer, well, mori sergen, i didn’t expect it, well done, i never thought about it at all, but i didn’t i know how to shoot this, well, let’s consider our fight completed, but i will demand revenge in due time, fencing is the art of inflicting injections without receiving them,
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that’s what maliere said, and it seems that we have succeeded here, although a little, but calmly , comrade, professor, here’s the matter, cut off, cut off, you can say what will come to them head, anything, you are painfully oppressing me, dad, what kind of dad am i to you, god? i’m only now beginning to understand what can come out of our ball, and now do we understand what kind of shining nonsense this is? why, i go around people, well, i was married, i don’t care, gozina, an innocent girl, it’s good that i woke up, take everything and divide it, i thought, the heart of a dog, the famous film adaptation of the story by mikhail bulgakov, today on the first, is he still dancing? dancing, this is the center of the greek
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diaspora, one of the largest in the south russia, and probably all of russia in principle, in viastuk, where the greek diaspora came from, the first greeks appeared here back in 700, trade routes passed here, i think when we cook, we will make a fusion of cultures, i will have caucasian-greek pita , i will have leningrad crumpets with a greek sauce based on liver, cod, olives, and everything will be tahimi on top. now, there we go, there we go, there we go, bon appetit. premiere, chefs on wheels. tomorrow, on the first day. being in arzamas, we, of course, could not help but go in deveevo. deveeva is an orthodox place that is known not only in our country, but throughout everything. world, and it is known for its
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temples and miracles, the st. seraphim-tevevsky monastery of troitsk is located there, in which the relics of the famous st. seraphim of sarov are kept, there you can, naturally, admire the icons, light a candle, or, for example, draw holy water, and also plunge into holy spring. oh, we don’t know if we have the courage to take a plunge now, when the weather outside is, let’s say, not very good, but... the snow hasn’t all melted yet, but we ’ll try, we’ll try, zhenya, for sure, it’s an hour’s journey from arzemas, if you go by car from nizhny novgorod, it’s 170 km, very close to diveeva, mordovia, well, we’ll take our excursion we start from the embankment of the village of deveevo, yes, you heard right, the village embankment is in the same sentence, this is the only village in our country that has its own... large, beautiful embankment, not all cities can
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boast of this, yes, in deveevo on today there are 8,000 people living there, and tourists there are millions here, like other holy places, pilgrims come here from all over the world. yes, if you come here during the season, then don’t expect to find a place to rent here, because you need to do this, well , at least two, three months in advance, the only thing is that you can probably come and stay in the winter. there are no problems with the housing stock here, every second courtyard is a guest house, there are also hotels, but this is such a popular place that you need to book rooms very, very much, that’s what everyone said, olesya, yes, that’s right, probably this is directly related to the history of our village, in the first half of the 15th century , the first russian settlers began to appear on the left bank of the vichkinza river, this is the river, and just like that... in 1552, our tsar ivan the terrible
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conceived a third campaign against kazan, and he was moving just through our lands, together with ivan the terrible the kasimov army was moving, among the kasimov army there was murza, divey, the son of mokshev batugov, it was in his honor that our village was named, because in 1558. the earthly inheritance of the most holy theotokos, inheritance in
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orthodoxy is called her lot, land, which she pointed out as a great shrine. it is believed that such land is under the special protection and heavenly control of the mother of god. and the monastery was founded in the middle of the 16th century. ryazan landowner agafya melgunova became widowed and vowed to devote her life to god. she had a vision to establish it here. monastery mother founded the kazan church. at the end of the 18th century , the young deacon seraphim took leadership of the kazan community. he also founded the milnichnaya community. thus, seraphim of sarov became the patron of the deveyevsky women's monastery. well here we are on cathedral square, this is the heart of the fourth portion of the most holy theotokos. to our left is the famous trinity cathedral.
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today there are quite a few people here, but you would know what happens here on the main orthodox days.
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it is located in the house church, the residence of the patriarch, you hear the ringing, yes, church bells, it cleanses, and in general, friends, there is such grace here, it even somehow breathes differently, yes, amazingly, people just pass by and say hello to you, yes, people, everyone is smiling, everyone has bright faces and good intentions, and this would be
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a line with the bell tower of the trinity cathedral. this cathedral is young; it was founded in 2012, but was built in just a year. there are two temples here, the lower temple and the upper temple, in fact, where we are now, only in this temple there are about 400 images that have been posted for 7 whole years. and of course, the main image is the mother of god right in the center, that is. when a person comes here for the first time, he immediately sees her. and it is no coincidence that the author depicted it on such a semicircular wall, because if you look at it take a closer look, this 3d effect is created. yes, it seems that our lady is hugging us all. in general, these places, arzamas,
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diveeva, sarov, are called by believers the land of seraphim. despite the fact that the saint was born in kursk, more. he lived part of his life here, and here we are already at the source of st. seraphim of sorov, and here, not far in the sarov forests, was his cell, and now pilgrims come here to replenish their spiritual strength, draw holy water or plunge into it. in these places the monk led an ascetic life, lived as a recluse for many years, and then he received the laity, according to legend , and healed them. excuse me, but can you help me get some water? and we learned about this source in
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the sixties of the last century, according to legend, it was here that an old man came to this place. thanks seraphim. sorovsky struck his wand three times and said: “there is a holy spring here.” and, as we promised, zhenya will plunge into the holy spring. the point of this ritual is not to prove to yourself or others. that you can plunge into ice water to wash away your sins, and by the way, you shouldn’t assume that in the summer it’s it’s easier to do because the water temperature here is the same 4° all year round.
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well, what can i say, overall it’s quite good, it’s not even cold, now it’s even warm, it seems everything went great, arzamas captivated us with its hospitality, antiquity, architecture, temples, incomparable views, delicious dishes,
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very convenient and quick to get to by car from moscow and kazan. well, on this bright note in a holy place, our journey ends, what can i say, come for yourself, see everything, try everything.
1:04 pm
his path to cinema is a chain of accidents, somehow everything is lined up on the one hand, but completely unplanned on the other. and finally, tap dancing. where do happy coincidences and unexpected turns come from in life? is this an accident? okay, or are all our steps destined from above? life itself gives you a chance, who we will become, what awaits us in our personal lives, how long we will live, is it possible to know our fate in advance? we turned to the most famous astrologer in our country, pavel globa, asked him...
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and just as unexpectedly we might part ways with them, he suddenly began to reprimand me that i i ruined my life, i ruined it for yakov, he could have even had many more children, i feel sorry for the children, especially my own, i forced him to play badminton with me, i broke his leg, he could well have lived until he was eighty, somewhere no less than up to 85 years old, i’m alive from... healthy, good, yeah, i saw that he was in a lot of pain, she apparently had a lot of heart pain, what else was inherent in
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the fate of evgeny evstegneev from the beginning, and what did he achieve on his own, despite to the stars, we are far from him, believe me, far away, i realized that i still needed. “stop, stop, stop, stop, cheerful, you need to speak more cheerfully, and cheerful as, more cheerful, well done, attention, evgeny evstegneev’s first leading role in a movie was not heroic at all, what is required of you, my friends, discipline, he played the director ".
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that not the day of 100, that not the day of 100, or even 150. the film was immediately banned, it was considered anti-soviet, more specifically anti-khrushchev. the arts council was outraged by the hints at the corn program, and some even noticed the portrait resemblance of the pioneer inochkin’s grandmother to the general secretary. i had it too grandmother. didn’t notice any hints, said: “funny, show me!” and ebstegneev woke up famous. we begin the parade-carnival, this man, in principle, could, if he
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had not realized himself as an actor, he could also have had... a good career, an excellent lawyer, however, evstegneev’s relatives and friends think differently, if he didn’t become an actor, he would have been a wonderful mechanic, cars were his real passion, i remember he spent time in the garage, that was his kind of life, that’s what he really loved, that’s him i talked to mechanics, some owners of other cars nearby, right?
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the fact that he was a genius in his profession was recognized by everyone, not only critics and spectators, but also colleagues, and this happens very rarely in the acting environment. artists and directors unconditionally accepted evstegneev’s talent, did not discuss his roles good or bad, did not compare him with anyone, no envy, intrigue, gossip. evstegneev was recognized by everyone, so he confessed.
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impossible, unknown to anyone, so i mean he said some words that i’m doing this without you a novice director, my second film was just called him personally, asked him to listen to all this, asked me to send him this episode, which wasn’t even a script, he agreed and said, well, i’ll give you one day there, and do you know that? evstegneev agreed to star in this film primarily because.


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