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tv   Ya lyublyu moyu stranu  1TV  April 6, 2024 5:00pm-6:01pm MSK

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i just met who changes opinions, who forms opinions faster. americans believe in hollywood so much, taking everything shown in movies at face value, that sometimes it reaches the point of absurdity. for example, the story that happened to viktor bout in prison. in 2012, a russian businessman was sentenced in the united states to 25 years on charges of preparing a conspiracy to kill americans and provide material support. terrorism, and before that, in 2005, bud became the prototype for the main character of the film, the arms baron. sir, sir, i suggest a portable one anti-aircraft missile system, an old chinese model, is not so effective against modern military aircraft, but it is excellent at shooting down civilian airliners, i’ll give it for 850. later, when buta was arrested, his mother wanted to see him, but the woman was not allowed to see her son, explaining this because her name is not on the approved list.
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so that's your west russia is that the little island right here russia no that's china is like over here somewhere and then like there's ukraine i don't know ussr uh russia now yes where is ukraine a map there so where's russia russia of course, the overwhelming majority of americans are quite primitive people. consciousness, americans, as a rule, do not know what is happening outside their state, they do not know what is happening in the world, the vast majority of americans do not have passports, americans receive a passport if they travel abroad, but then even the majority members of the united states congress do not have passports, that is, they have never been outside the united states, they are not even interested in this, the geography is average american studies from films.
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we also studied geography, literature and history, exclusively from hollywood films. the forty -third president of america, george w. bush, jr., arriving in austria, asked the stunned europeans: where are the kangaroos? after his visit, austria even produced souvenirs, magnets, and mug keychains with the inscription “no austria” no kinguru. but hollywood films, to put it mildly, are not the best textbook. hollywood is a powerful
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weapon of propaganda, its film production has a strong influence on the formation of values, what these values ​​are, we know liquidation of the family, erosion of racial gender... characteristics, lgbt propaganda. hollywood is not about art and politics. this is a powerful political institution that, through soft power, through innocent film images, seems to teach us how to live. so, don't delude yourself. the clichéd image of russians in shanka hats with a bottle of vodka in one hand and a nuclear warhead in the other is not ignorance, not indifference, not irony. we are talking about targeted government policy, not just. and can we do something about this do? nothing, win on the battlefield, yes, prove your strength, yes, bring america down, yes, wait for it to collapse, it will collapse, yes, this, this, yes, all this will help americans understand
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their place in the world , when they realize that they are just the same as everyone else, one of the nation, and maybe not the best, and most likely not even the best at all, then maybe... maybe somehow they will be different look at the whole world, my soul in the world, russia, i value it, i belong and let me say, i love mine. hello dear friends, a declaration of love are probably the most important words in our lives, any citizen of the planet would dream of hearing them, so let’s not be selfish and confess this feeling to our homeland, are you ready? we
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begin, our soloists, the charming valeria and kirill ostapov. cut, he doesn’t have to give up all this to feel the taste of victory, captain of the reds, sava savchenko, hello, hello, hello, savo, introduce your players, today i have, today i have a magnificent team
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of various talents, our country is divided into two equal halves, half of the audience knows him as a wonderful actor and his roles, the other half as a wonderful voice. other actors, theater, film and dubbing actor, vadim andreev, no matter how our game turns out today, in its finale we will definitely jump for joy, because we just have a wonderful team, but someone will jump higher than others, the olympic champion in high jumping, elena sletsarenko, millions of eyes are looking at us, and i even...
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yes, as they say, i scored the brightest stars? let's see how the blue one responds when getting acquainted with girl, he immediately declares that kaverin’s story two captains was written about him and about him, igor lantratov. well, is it possible? of course, in this case , it is very difficult to find a ticket for her contemporary performance, and i would not even be surprised if all the spectators in this hall are not.
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if something goes wrong, he will call his older brother, who will bring tigers and lions with him. people's artist of russia aslol, reserve. who sit behind, they are silent, but energetically move us forward, our spectators, the fifth player of the team - the blue spectators, and the main prize of the game will be a nesting doll, created not by the human mind, but by a neural network, we are starting, the first competition, where does the homeland begin? where does
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the homeland begin, this is a blitz, dear friends, you hear a question from the host, who was the first to guess what the correct answer would be, presses the button, this one, yes, this one, or the neighbor’s button, we have quite liberal rules and gives the answer, if you answer correctly, earn points, if you answer incorrectly, earn points from your rivals. there will be an opportunity to choose a question so that it does not wasted in vain, here the first leaders appear, here the first outsiders appear before our eyes, be the first and don’t be second, let’s go to his circus acts: a cook, a dream on a wire and a ray of light, more than one generation of spectators grew up, the reds were ready to answer, yes this is - this is yuri kuklachov, no, we know.
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called, i will give you possible answers, and we were in no hurry, juma mosque, la-la tulip
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or kul sharif, yes, it’s most likely, juna ma, juma mosque, that’s right, it’s counted, it was me, it was me, so, nikolai gogol in his work, the author's confession, mentioned this particular russian poet as the author of ideas, works of dead souls and... the winner of this program, which airs on channel one, as a prize gets the opportunity to enter mgemo on a red budget, these are smart guys and smart girls, smart guys and smart girls , a more correct name, smart people and smart people, and so it’s true, it’s counted, it’s us, we’re smart, tell me one of the only symbols of russian culture. percussion instrument that can be used to eat blue, there is one that can be used, spoons,
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yes, that's right, spoons, and you can eat, the spoon holder, or something, just pulled us out, again i ask you to draw your attention to the screen, in front of you is a unique sculptural composition of a mammoth, where it is located, well, no options, yes, i wanted to give three options, well, it’s a difficult question, one two three, they don’t have an option. name the brand of aircraft that are almost a century old success story of the legendary design bureau created by ilyushin, the il aircraft, right, this is a very simple question, please, we don’t even need that, and lyushat, let’s fly, right? well now to really erudite and insightful, although
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everyone can answer, i will read poetry now, this is not for us, scarlet dews and alykhmakovs, i brought you a bouquet, i am not the same in anything, i am a cheerful boy delirious, tell me, you will have three options, who wrote these lines, sergei yeseninin, marina tsvetaeva or nikolai gumelev, and i already did, yesenin, no, no, no, i guess it’s tsvetaeva, in my opinion tsvetaeva, okay, tsvetaeva, yes, of course, i’m a cheerful boy, hello, these are tsvetaeva’s poems, they got us into the top three, well done, yulyana. and the final question of our blitz: the youngest city of the golden ring and the main one, and the main one, come on guys, be bold, spoons, no, of course, part-time, the textile center of russia, ivanova, ivanova, right, here
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it is, here it is. i keep telling you about love all over again, but when i get tired of repeating it in vain, i know, i ’ll go to ivanovo, and ivanovo is the city of brides, wonderful, with applause from the audience, let’s sum it up. the first round, where the homeland begins, the score is tied, 5:5, blue and red go head to head with each other, competition number two, mind the chamber, teachers, time with me players, next
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to me suffered, the most delicious. so, you will see three photographs, you need to identify what is shown in these photos and compare it with the letters that we will offer you. attention, first question for the blue team. russian ballet has always been recognized as one of the best, and what’s more, one of the best, the best in the world. here are photographs of maximova, ulanova, plesetskaya. who, where, on what?
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b this is galina ulanova c - this is maya plesetskaya, you are absolutely right, of course, of course, neither one mistake, as it was, in order, but you have folklore national costumes, but russia, as you know, is one of the most multinational.
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let's remember the delights and features of our multinational cuisine. attention to the screen. buzzy, i know everything. perepechi, ech pachmak, or rather, what, where? 30 seconds time. my wife has a couple. buzy is b. it's b, there's meat. this is b. triangle. b is our ed
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written down. we have three. russian metro, yes, we treat the metro with special reverence, most stations are, without a doubt, a work of high architectural.
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it seems to me that in any city a gagarin station has the right to exist in memory of the feat of the first cosmonaut of the planet , there is an avenue of peace in any city, so there is no time at all sava savchenko i answer well, and in our opinion this is kazan, so if this is samara and v - this st. petersburg, boring competition, not a single mistake, absolutely correct, yes, well done, champions. 42 minutes underground here and there back and forth these 42 minutes underground and day after
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day it will add up years, every day for 42 minutes we underground here and there back and forth these 42 minutes underground i work day after day. 2:2, the blues and reds scored the same number of points, the final score is also a draw, 7:7, oh, it’s going well, i’m... a manufacturer, i can do everything, but all i need to do is come to any team, perform there, everyone else falls down down, through the night and the wind, i’m destined to go,
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there’s no light anywhere, not my own window, i also criticized in the army, so major novikov wrote me recommendations, he’s prone to criticism, but they just press and press buttons all in vain, for for, but there are no roads . for, for, but there is no money, i have nothing to look after, nothing going to replay, there is no way i would live my life differently. in memory of vladimir zhirinovsky, today on the first. central 812. suspicion of robbery against a taxi driver with the aim of taking over a car, again a taxi, again approximately the same area. maybe they are doing this on purpose so that we focus our attention on this particular area? this is obviously a false trail, the main thing is that they stole a taxi again, and that means, myakisheva,
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myakisheva, where are you anyway, undercover taxi, premiere from monday to first. competition number three, stop, filmed, dedicated to cinema, it will be more difficult for the blue ones, because at the time when we all ran to the cinema as children, ascolt ran to the circus, this is understandable, this is logical, that’s why he did not see a single film, so the first question is red, the films will be red, all the questions in this competition are devoted to creativity.
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so, what dance did vronsky invite karenina to? three possible answers: polanaise, mazurka, waltz, 30 seconds, time, definitely not a waltz.
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how wonderful, what, i would say, hard-won, what, i would say, invented, correct or incorrect answer, we will find out right now, lavals, in french, as you understand, we didn’t guess, it’s okay, blue, before i ask the question, i want to say that the film that you will see now, we are from jazz, for this.
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hello katka, i think you’re dead, no, but they told me that your fears have died down, we’ve been hanging around here for three months without work, but what about you, and it’s also worse than ever, i’m singing in the hygiene choir, and what kind of choir like, press and shine, how much do they pay, so, tell me, please, how much did they pay katya for singing in the hygiene choir at the sanitary education center, chervonets for a concert, free food and a bar of soap, here it is, a pair of stockings, lipstick, well, a couple of stockings, the lipstick didn’t fit, there’s no need for lipstick, come on, let’s look at the options, i don’t know, look, that’s a lot of chervonits, let’s start with this, well, here you are thinking about light,
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come on. command answers are there for me about answer, answer, what kind of choir is this prisant prosvete, how much do they pay? not at all, really, feed them for free, they give you a bar of soap once a month, great! well done, the blue ones answered correctly, the red ones have a question for you from the film by karen shakhnazarov, american daughter, pay attention to the screen, this is actually something i didn’t watch.
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look what’s there, yes, there could be jeans, or a leather purse, or a hemingway book, 30 seconds, time, a big package. look, well , the book, my jeans at that time were a jeans bar , strange, or a kursk voluminous something jeans, i also think, look, this is a movie that came out in 2000 already, this movie came out in the 2000s, in those years the parset is fashion again , well parsley of the country, he probably has it, as if jeans are more logical, but here’s a gift, well, let’s wait, we don’t have any options,
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listen. listen, she can give him jeans without knowing his size, or she knows his attitude, this is obvious from memories, yuliana answers, well, let's take the purse, take the purse, yuliana is telling you the blue team, because the correct answer, attention to the screen , here is a small souvenir for you, look at this.
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arkady grachev. this is the case here. i made inquiries and found out that you were a tap dancer, and that now no one really knows the rosary except you, that’s true, i’m the only real one left, teach me how to tap dance, and where are you dancing? i don’t dance, i work in the circus, in what act, what act does the hero work in. he’s a clown, yeah, no, he works as a janitor, or this is a room with animals, he’s a tiger maker, 30 seconds, spread it out, so, this would be a role model, yes, if the tiger maker was right in childhood, so a clown, looks like
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a clown , in my opinion, in general, everything was very, very difficult for him with money, he didn’t even have much to pay, but it’s quite possible that he was a cleaner, most likely, if money is bad, then what? the janitor , in your opinion, no, well, he even seemed to complain to you that he took away all his money for himself, or a clown, but here i am about 2 seconds 1:00, you need to answer, cleaners to cleaners to cleaners yes, let's see where you are you dance, i don’t dance, i work in the circus, in which act, well, in which one? so i’m cleaning the cages, yes, well, yes, i’m you, i’m good that you told me, this is the final of the competition, stop, it’s filmed, it’s a fun hour of pain
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separation, i want to share with you always, let's shake hands. on a long journey for many years, the final score for this competition is 2:0 in favor of the blue, the final intermediate score is 9:7 in favor of the blue, with a light heart we move on to the hot potato competition. a transforming box that, after a
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while, will have an amazing effect on your psyche.
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it comes from sea river sand and even pebbles, well, where we lie, where we lie, beach, beach, that’s right, a rod on which meat is threaded for making kebab, skewer, that’s right, as usual. shift: ocean, eaglet, ortec - that's all, camp, pioneer camps, yes, a medical institution, where there is a health resort, sanatorium, that's right, that's right, that's right, sea or
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river bottom, no, not the bottom, don't talk about your team, i repeat, sea or river, travel, cruise, cruise, that’s right, tourist travel, means of protection from exposure to direct sunlight, solar sun protection cream, a room on a ship or ship equipped for living and recreation of people faster yes, why are you shouting faster, it’s not in your hands, hurry up, who is it, guys, bloody rock takes
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the best of the best, yes, something else needs to be added, dear friends, that all the points earned by the red ones in this competition are burned, the blue ones keep for themselves what earned, end of the competition called hot potato, everyone. but in the future, of course, there is an opportunity to catch up, because the next competition is called that, hello to the fiskult. since
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i love the blue team more than the red team, and the first thing you did to him, i would say this, he is afraid, an easy question, this the athlete became the champion of the ussr 18 times, in 1964 she.
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we have a professional athlete on the team, well, once a professional , that’s why maria is actually responsible for her . maria, what sport did you practice professionally at one time, i’m a master of sports in figure skating, by the way. tennis, we will lead them together with
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the senior coach of the women's national team of the soviet union, honored master of sports olga morozova. wonderful, wonderful, two-time olympic champion in figure skating skating, in 2006 in singles, in the fourteenth in team. this skater became the first in men's single skating; he managed to make an element out of his wives.
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let's see if you're right or wrong, well, well , well done, well done guys, that's it, dear friends, the score at the end of this competition is one for the blues, one for the reds, at this point in time 17 8 in favor of the blues is great. kvn, major league, new season, watch the time after the program. i feel out of place as the chairman of the jury. perhaps all the most famous people sat at this table. actors and directors of the world. i'd like to
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have lunch please, but this is pasadeno, we don't have any restaurants. how did you feel in the film, where all the actors. played yourself and only you had a role? is whoopi holbert a police officer? how do the local public perceive our films? do they expect some other round of russian cinema? are we going to the clinic? are you criticizing the american dream? no, i'm trying to tell the story of banks and the last seven days of laura palmer, you are laura palmer, matodore. on friday on the first, say that you like my hat, you don’t have a hat, i would like to say in the future that i did everything i could in my life, dear friends, the next competition can make everything,
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everything, everything, absolutely even out without waiting wheels of fortune, it's called from... you can't erase the words from the song. the competition is two-part. the first part is a blitz. here i ask questions, the red ones answer everyone. naturally. ahead of the blue ones. and thus they practically even out the score. yes. then there will be a second part, but i’ll tell you about it a little later. so. what color car? did the combination drive the singer of the group crazy? blue.
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that it will take a long time to drive the answer of the quietest bike bike right yes alexander barykin. the most famous musical group from udmurtia, world famous, yes, buranovsky's grandmother, buranovsky's grandmothers, that's right, who does the hero of the hit, larisa chernikova, i love you, dima, red, pilot, pilot, that's right, that he's ready to kiss vladimir markins, cat, red in front with a spoonful of silt, i am ready to kiss the sand on which you walked, again to those fairy tales, run in front of panovskaya silt, i am ready to value the sand, which you walked on, now, and now
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the second part of our music competition. how many more vocalists i don’t see here, but in vain like this, in vain i’m giving it away like this, here it is for you, and your team is a little behind, choice, yes, you get this blue envelope, wait, don’t open it, so, there’s the name pesi, after you tell us what song your team will sing, what song your team will sing, you choose a soloist, soloist, guard, that's it. it’s clear, but we don’t have much intrigue here, soloist soloist or karaulova, the guys are coming, we have great pleasure in calling here. the clearing is covered, they immediately say, well, well, what ’s most perfect, everything is delicious, in half an hour, when they’ve finished talking,
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a song will sound, why, there’s a special song there, as i understand it, at first everything will be very comfortable, the lyrics are on on the screen, the orchestra is blowing with all its might, into the music, the guys are singing along, you know everything, the lines will disappear, this is where you need to, yes, the music will disappear, the backing vocals will disappear, this is where you have to not lose sight, you have to continue singing. we call on you not to lose sight of it, yes, that’s what the competition is called, don’t be shy, yuliana, every line you sing really gives you one point, every line you sing is clumsy, this is rap, it doesn’t give you anything, but yuliana, what kind of song do you have, and this and this, this is talanova, my beloved, tatyana bulanova, your applause. how about getting acquainted with this song, tell me, you know the beginning for sure,
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the intro is already beautiful, dancing, smiling, smiling and dancing is ours, in extreme cases, just show the movement, and the words are the same, but spring has passed, i’m leafing through, there’s a night voice above me circling in the air. no, it sounds in the dark night, a simple song of love, cries and calls, wow, my darling, my pain, my darling, i am yours, only heaven knows how much i love you, my darling, my life, my darling, i am yours, i know, i’m even singing something there,
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there’s no need, no need to be sad, what do you have there and i’ll tell you so blue, get upset in the beak, it smells nice, the smoke of cigarettes with minthol, like you were, but it’s not bad, who knows, who knows, who knows, so friends, who is from your team.
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met again, why is my peace disturbed,
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why again, for your losses, did you want to blame me, for one thing, for one thing, it’s only my fault that i don’t have the strength to stop loving you. i’m only to blame for one thing, that i don’t have the strength to forget you, i’m only to blame for one thing, that i don’t have the strength to forget you, this was the perfect reading of the song, i want to appeal. difficult song,
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bring it, everything is great, but all that remains is to find out the score of the competition and you can’t erase the words from the song, the blue ones scored seven points, the red ones 10, the total score at the moment is 24 blue, 18 red! well, now let's move on to the final competition, which can change everything, everything on this site and turn it 180°. wheel of fortune!
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i'll ask a question for both teams, the answer is always! number. the team that gives the answer closest to the correct one gets the opportunity to spin our wheel of fortune, which will perhaps even radically change the score of our game today. there are only two questions: first, the most trump card, well, right here, right here, the coveted place at vdnkh, in addition to the pig breeding cosmos pavilion, was the panoramic cinema, well, of course, where.
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how many degrees 360 360 means how many film projectors 360 you want 11 and the logic is clear yes absolutely 11 projectors how many red ones do you have 32 blue ones 24 they turned out to be closer to the truth tame this drum and as far as you know 360 what kind of intuition is there.
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what is the trick, i must say that in mathematics, that our record holders are located on yoga mats from the crimean bridge to ratonda, gorky park, and there it fits exactly, right. 11 as 5,060 people, yes, yes, the wheel is ours, the red ones were closer to the correct answer, estimate 5.00, by the sixth round played, we need another 50 rounds, the main thing is 15 points, this red sector, white-red 15, that’s it, you win, i don’t want to look at it, stop, nos, minus, minus, where? the god of this game, he should bring us victory, what kind of intrigue is this, and we will win, plus 7
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points, we are interested in the final final score of today's game, it is like this, red, red team 25 points, blue team already 27, right? a great reason to get together, so see you, the world is not simple, not simple at all,
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you can’t hide from the storm, from thunderstorms, it is impossible to hide in it from winter fugues and from separations, from bitter separations, but besides troubles, asked before, there is sunlight in the world and the stars , there is a home, the warmth of fire, i have, you, i have everything that i have in life me, everything that is the joy of every day, everything that worries and dreams about, somehow everything, everything you, everything that i have in life, everything that is the joy of every day, everything that i call my destiny ,
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connected, connected only with you, with you, with you, only with you. hello, evening news on channel one, andrey ukharev with you. mass evacuation in orsk, part of the city is rapidly going under water after a dam breaks. the fact is that water washes away everything not only here when the dam breaks, but in other areas
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it sometimes becomes simply dangerous to work.


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