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tv   Vremya  1TV  April 6, 2024 9:00pm-9:36pm MSK

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hello, the program is about the most notable events of this day. the spill point is being evacuated in orsk, new dam breaks are being reported, information from other regions, and where has the threat already receded? zalb at dawn. ukrainian terrorists
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attacked belgrade again. two positions in kharkov courtyards, from where the shots were fired, were destroyed. fine up to a million. increased liability for spam calls or concealment of the full cost of loans. the law was signed by the president. leaf soup for breakfast, lunch dinner, life in gas, when even humanitarian aid to the starving us used to their advantage. soft landing, return of the iss crew consisting of hero of russia, oleg novitsky, the first representation of belarus and the americans. so, floods: 36 regions in the report of the ministry of emergency situations. it was announced an hour ago, vladimir putin received reports from the governor of the orenburg region, denis pasler and the head of the ministry of emergency situations, alexander kurenkov, who was instructed to urgently fly to the disaster zone, organize assistance to people and the necessary work there. in orenburg
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, the water level in the ural river is approaching dangerous levels, it was 8.5 during the day, less than a meter remains. in the evening at in flooded areas, sirena residents were urged to evacuate. in orsk, the red mark has already been passed, almost 10 m with a critical value of 7. and with the estimated height of the dam, the dam has already been breached and news has arrived about other breakthroughs, 5.5 m. an influx of requests for evacuation in orsk is expected by night, it is getting closer there . between moscow and orenburg region + 2 hours. sergey panomariov from the spot. this is what the place where the dam broke looks like now, a stormy stream that washes away everything in its path, even such huge boulders. we are currently at area, which they managed to fill last day, and this day there is no equipment now, the specialists took a short technological break, it is necessary to periodically assess the situation. the fact is that water washes away everything not only here along with the dam break, but... in
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other areas, sometimes it simply becomes dangerous to work, you need to fill it up, fill up new areas. the nearest microdistrict, the old city, began to go under water the day before. on most streets, houses are flooded to the roof, and some are even carried away by stormy storms. current. someone's scoop floats away. there are almost 4,500 houses and 4,000 garden plots in the water. the moment the dam broke on the ural river was filmed by eyewitnesses on a mobile phone camera. it was completely washed out. and... look, everything fell, everything, the water had been rising for several days, the snow was melting, there was a lot of it, powerful floods began, the protective embankment dam near the old town microdistrict could hardly contain the pressure, the prosecutor's office had already found out during the inspection that the dam have not been properly maintained all these years. the investigative committee has opened a criminal case, legal action will be given assessment of the actions of those who were responsible for it. by evening, the second dam in the nikel microdistrict failed. in short, the dam burst. before this, the water
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only overflowed through it, an urgent evacuation is being carried out. they began to remove local residents from dangerous areas in advance; temporary accommodation centers have been prepared for them; there are now about 300 residents of the flooded areas. they lifted what they could, they lifted it, they left it, that’s all, they left everything, well, as eyewitnesses reported, in the morning people were seen, including on the roofs of flooded houses, who only after the arrival of high water decided to leave their home. they continue to be taken out to this day, we evacuated the dog yesterday, so we left them, left the animals, today we decided to return for them, because a high tide is possible, volunteers are rescuing people, evgenia has already made a dozen trips in a truck, taking people out, driving in a straight line , who needed help, turned around, collected the gazelle, they needed it, it died in the water, there were two people there, so they brought the guys, all the property, money, it will all be restored, yes, the most important thing is life. human,
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so thanks to the people who help. the flow of water does not weaken, and the fate of other city streets depends on it. this year there was a very big flood, and i never remember anything like this . e water is above the critical level, the dangerous level for this dam is 7 m, here now it is 9.70, that is, you understand what a difference it is, almost 3 m. we will continue to try to reduce the flow of water into the residential sector, into the city. such a flood has never happened here in the last 100 years, experts say, all victims will be provided help. the governor of the orenburg region decided to double their payments. the group of the ministry of emergency situations has been significantly increased. the day before, rescuers from moscow and perm arrived here. now they are expecting more reinforcements from the capital with boats and special equipment. the flood in the orenburg region was discussed today in the government. deputy prime minister victoria abramchenko gave a number of instructions to the ministry and relevant departments. rospotrebnadzor will monitor
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the epidemiological situation and also monitor water quality. rosvodoresours specialists together with the government regions will be engaged in the restoration of the dam in orsk, and rostekhnadzor. in russia there are only more than 3 ministry of emergency situations specialists rescuing people in the flood zone. there is a positive trend, for example, in the chelyabinsk region. the water left the settlement of verkhnyaya kabanka, returned to the river bed, and went into the south ural reservoir. currently, there are no flooded residential buildings or garden plots. in the altai territory, which was one of the first to introduce a state of emergency. the situation from the air, where necessary , while rescuers continue to monitor
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water-filling dams have been installed, the situation is improving in the samara region, where they have not seen such large amounts of water for almost 35 years; in one day it left more than three hundred houses and almost 800 plots. now for the special operation and the skill of our reconnaissance drone operators, an important task has been completed, a rocket artillery installation with which they fired at civilians in the belgorod region and western-made mobile anti-aircraft systems have been discovered, the coordinates have been transmitted instantly. in the second case , an operational-tactical missile system worked iskander. valentina solovyova has other news from the military. drone footage shows the kharkov area. our scouts are driving two enemy combat vehicles at once. after an accurate hit, a strong explosion detonated
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the ammunition. the launchers were loaded, that is, in full combat readiness. this is what the ministry of defense reported today about the destruction of targets in this direction. operational-tactical aviation, missile forces. and artillery groups of the armed forces of the russian federation in the area in the city of kharkov, two launchers of the franco-italian-made sampt anti-aircraft missile system were destroyed, and manpower and military equipment of the ukrainian armed forces were destroyed in 133 districts. local residents filmed such footage from their windows. yes, military equipment in full combat readiness in the ssu is placed next to residential buildings near shopping and entertainment centers. therefore, the attack on targets was carried out at night. and here’s another video from kharkov, here one of the burnt combat vehicles gets into the lens, it is clearly visible in the footage taken from a drone, this is an installation hurricane-type rocket launchers, including those used by militants to strike belgorod. in the photos published online, fragments of shells are also visible, this is the picture shown
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to the ukrainian television viewer: precise strikes by the russian army on ukrainian military equipment are passed off as shelling of peaceful neighborhoods, the same area, but there is no longer a trace of the burnt-out military vehicle. and attacks on the belgorod region, this video confirming the participation of western mercenaries in today footage appeared on the network, a helmet-mounted camera of one of them, showing an attempt to advance through the village of kazinko on border. together with the ukrainian militants , the english-speaking mercenaries are discussing the approach plan; in radio conversations it is heard that one of the commanders was killed by a russian sniper on the spot, and what matters here is where this commander was from? an american who once owned this camera was also destroyed during an attempt to retreat from the village. and this is the work of our fighters on the front line of the kherson direction. intelligence spotted a boat with saboteurs who were trying to get to the other side.
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there are two of our drones in the sky, one adjusted the fire, the second struck. and here's what else our reconnaissance aircraft saw it from a drone. the footage shows militants in the ssu on the right bank of the dnieper before loading into a boat. at some point , the two simply turn around and shoot their comrades, the bodies are loaded into a boat, they decided not to attack the russian bank of the dnieper, realizing that this is a one-way trip. as the ministry of defense reported in its report, within 24 hours our troops occupied more advantageous positions in the donetsk direction, in avdeevsky, and repelled 12 counterattacks. these shots show the work of the center group. the lancet definitely lands in enemy self-propelled gun. and more from the summary. tonight, the armed forces of the russian federation launched a group strike with long-range, sea-launched, high-precision weapons, as well as unmanned aerial vehicles against enterprises. the military-industrial complex of ukraine, which produces and repairs armored vehicles and uavs,
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a military airfield and a temporary deployment point for foreign mercenaries, the strike targets have been achieved, all designated targets have been hit, networks, meanwhile, more and more footage like this from ukrainian cemeteries appears. so, our boys are dying, that’s how many of them there are. valentina slavova, tatyana bakulina, alexander kovalev, first. and again in belgorod this morning, our air defense forces shot down 10 vampire rszzo shells of czech production, fired from ukrainian territory, the facades and windows of twelve apartment buildings of the local clinic were damaged, the shell hit the roof of the sports complex, at the very moment the surveillance camera recorded, there were no casualties, during jogging made sure once again, in the effectiveness of the decisions that we make together with you, they began to work... a sound warning of missile danger and took refuge in a modular structure,
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which are now located throughout the city of belogorod, belgorod district, as did those residents who were at that time on the streets, so we will continue to take all necessary measures to ensure security, one of the key areas of the special operation, hours, west of artyomovsk,
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a shooting battle broke out, volunteer the corps was formed back in 2022, a fighter with the call sign chulepa in the northern military district almost from the first day, but at home many do not suspect that he is here, he came up with a legend for his relatives so that they would not worry, he went to work in the north, in the taiga, there is no connection , sometimes i periodically write there a couple of times a month that everything is fine, i call if possible, with dawn it becomes clear and visible where in...
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the city of chasovyar itself, which our units are now actively attacking. the armed forces have not attacked for a long time, the military says, only occasionally they carry out small reconnaissance missions. well , you can feel that you’ve weakened, you can feel it, compared to what happened before, they had surge after surge, now, well, they’re deflated, so to speak, ergeshniks are trying to pass in small groups, they are identified, they are immediately processed if they notice movement on that side of the front line, so that they simply don’t come out, we don’t let them stick out, so as not to get too impudent,
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the enemy dugout from this position about 2 km is now firing an automatic grenade, after shooting back you need to disguise the ags to leave fighters of the snow leopard squad are flying into the shelter of the willow, dirty birds say their task is to systematically grind the enemy forces from... and no one takes them, well, what is left of them, maybe even more, one of the most experienced fighters in the squad, he is a sniper, on donbass is already 10 years old, he always carefully selects a position, away from the main ones, waiting, a fighter can lie there for several days, then an important target appears in sight, but i’m in place, i see a machine gunner, i can
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work, i’m working. and they went to snap, it means they hit it, the job is done, the machine gun goes silent, you can hear only a random burst of machine gun fire, our large-caliber cliff answers them. the 12.7 caliber hits even an armored target at a distance of up to 2 km, the machine gun perfectly dismantles dugouts, the military says. in addition to the infantry, our artillery and attack aircraft are covering the ukrainian positions with heavy fire. the direction of the clock yara is now one of...
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canada in march transferred one and a half billion dollars to ukraine, 2/3 of the promised assistance. at the same time, today canadians called themselves the de facto leader in support amid uncertainty
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in the united states. western, perhaps let me clarify, nato’s participation in the fate of the zelensky regime. the topic of the author's commentary is mikhail leontyev, then we will return with news. however, hello, against the backdrop of panicky predictions of the impending defeat of ukraine, the collective west is figuring out how to get out of it so that all this doesn’t look like putin’s victory, because then it’s a nightmare and the end of the world. may look much worse on the ground than it does today, then the real question will be: how can we be sure that russia will not win, asks former us permanent representative to nato, eve daalder. we we can all think that the nato summit will be held the same way as today, but this is not so, the last 2 months have not been good for ukraine, it will not get better in the near future. as
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the allies said in vilnius, ukraine will. the inability to accept ukraine terribly overshadows the future anniversary summit of this very nato. alliance officials agree that this will not happen at the washington celebrations scheduled for july. nato has no desire to accept a new member who, in exchange for collective security agreements, will drag it into the largest land war in europe in 1945. why is this land? they really think that russia will fight all of nato on earth with conventional weapons. our corporate partners are unraveling their own narratives: putin has already
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lost, but he is about to win. how to hurt putin so that... it is believed that he did not win, ukraine needs to join nato, or what is left of it. in a super official manner, nafiyas, the same dalder, formulates two conditions for ukraine’s admission to nato. she must defeat corruption and must stop fight. the common belief that all wars end in negotiations is wrong. most wars end in mutual attrition or one-sided victory. and very few of them...
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the day ukraine officially joins nato will be russia's final strategic defeat. that’s it, ukraine’s involvement in nato was the reason. the beginning of the svo, and accordingly, abandoning it is a condition for its completion, they would like to rip everything off so that everything would be as before, but this no longer exists as before, the end of their world has already arrived, they must understand that the vampires' point is running out. however, goodbye. this was the author's commentary by mikhail leontyev, we continue. near east. tomorrow in cairo there will be talks on a ceasefire and exchange of hostages in gaza. israel, hamas, qatar as a mediator, and
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the united states are participating. they are in a difficult situation. approval of biden's support for israelis has dropped from 37% in october when it all started to 30% now. the white house is linking further assistance to the netanyahu government's position on humanitarian issues. plus there’s another problem: iran, enraged by israel’s raid on its consulate general in damascus. kirill brainin, first things first. in english, these green leaves are called mellow, nothing in common with the marshmallow marshmallow, popular in a world without hunger. here, in the north of the gaza sector, there is another world in which wael and his daughters, having collected shoots, will walk through the ruined houses in search of wood for the fire so that the wife can cook something like soup for breakfast, lunch and dinner. my daughters say: dad, you feed us these every day leaves, we want to eat fish, chicken, canned food, or anything else. residents of the gas sector can sometimes get something else only in
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a fierce battle for humanitarian aid, which is dropped from airplanes. those who did not die during the bombings die when they go for flour or humanitarian aid, life here has become impossible, and this is not an exaggeration, here is footage from the al-jazeera tv channel. but even the fear of death recedes before the threat of dying from hunger, and the general secretary recognizes this prospect for residents of the gas sector. more than half the population, more than a million people, suffers from a catastrophic event. famine, today children in the gaza strip are dying due to lack of food and water, this is incomprehensible and completely avoidable, nothing can justify the collective punishment of the palestinian people, but some
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may still not find action israel's violation of humanitarian law is quite capable of the united states. the state department is working and as of today, while we are talking, they have not found a single case of violation israelis international humanitarian law. if you think we don't perceive.
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that the target was hamas, the strike was naturally discussed in a half-hour conversation between president biden and israeli prime minister netanyahu; it seems that the conversation between the allies did not go too smoothly; in any case, leaks to the press provoke rather unpleasant questions. have you threatened to cut off military aid to israel? i asked them to do their job. we are really talking about humanitarian efforts, which washington has repeatedly demanded from israel, and finally demonstrate. and now mr. kirby’s assessments of everything. yes, disappointment
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is growing. i do not intend to preview any potential policy solutions. we want to see some real change from the israeli side. if we don’t see them, then there will be changes on our part. but i won't go into details. it is obviously increasingly difficult for washington to protect an ally who not only forced thousands of palestinians to pay with their lives for the autumn attack by hamas militants, but also provokes a potential escalation of the conflict. israeli air strike on the iranian consulate in damascus. on monday, just in this series, high-ranking officers were killed, including brigadier general of the islamic revolutionary guard corps mahamad zahidi. the attack on the diplomatic mission was condemned in various terms by the whole world, including western countries. tehran promised a tough response, and this is the new main pain for the united states. in any case, new york times sources take the promise very seriously. us military forces in the region are listed in increased combat readiness. according to
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an israeli official, israel does. brought his armed forces to a state of heightened combat readiness, canceled vacations for combat units, recalled some reservists from air defense units, and blocked gps signals. two iranian officials, who asked not to be named because they were not authorized to speak publicly, said iran had put its army on full alert and it had been decided that iran should respond directly to the attack in damascus to contain israel. experts tend to argue about the scale of the iranian response, but one way or another , israeli incontinence.
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bound, like all others, by international law. ecuadorian police entered the mexican embassy in armored cars and took away former ecuadorian vice president jorge glas. now he is in a maximum security prison, a defendant in corruption cases. at the end of the twenty- second year, he was released from sidev for a bribe for 5 years, and received another six a year later for a similar story. the day before, the mexicans gave glas political asylum. there was an arrest warrant issued after he took refuge in their embassy. latin american countries one by one. stands in support of mexico, which announced the severance of diplomatic relations with ecuador. completion of a special space mission: the crew of the soyuz ms-24 spacecraft was met in the star city. its entire journey to earth is in accordance with the schedule: undocking from the iss, braking, re-entry , parachute release and landing in the kazakhstan steppe. but on board is the first belarusian female cosmonaut, marina vasilevskaya. only 2 weeks in orbit, with
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this. a lot of experiments and a professional attitude towards the start on the second attempt, about the return of the crew home in detail dmitry tolmachek, we accompany you, how are you feeling? i feel great, altitude 1.580, so altitude 980, so we tightened the straps, 350, 200 m, the crew is all silent, we are waiting for landing, the last moment is almost complete silence. 10:17 moscow time, the landing took place in the kazakh steppe in the south-eastern zheskazgan , the astronauts are carefully pulled out of the module in their arms, i took it, it is clear that all three are in excellent condition mood, even if slightly tired, marina
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vasilevskaya literally glows. out of happiness , for the first time a citizen of belarus was in orbit, and this first belarusian cosmonaut was a woman. everything is fine, everything is fine , i feel great, the emotions are incredible, space, of course, i now understand why 138 such a profession, because when i saw it all, i understood why they were flying there, first of all a short medical examination, measuring the pressure of the oxygen level in blood, the astronauts are given gifts, flowers and nesting dolls, the commander... oleg novitsky leaves a commemorative autograph on the capsule. thanks for the work. thanks to everyone who waited with us today. their soft landing was ensured by dozens of specialists. each stage was scheduled in seconds. everything could be seen online. the broadcast was conducted on the roscosmos website. at approximately 4 a.m., oleg novitsky, marina vasilevskaya, and nasa astronaut laurel oha transferred from the station to board
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the soyuz ms-25 spacecraft. i understand, in 2 and a half minutes we expect the dpo to turn on. the cosmonauts' relatives probably watched the fading during these shots. hearts. oleg novidsky’s eldest daughter came to tsup for this purpose; by the way, she promised to first prepare his favorite potato pancakes for her father; he, like marina vasilevskaya, was born in belarus. i asked him what he wanted, and i suggested it, he said: yes, i want potato pancakes, potato pancakes are great, so we decided. i’m very glad that he returned, that everything worked out for them. it’s very good here, that’s why i’m looking forward to a personal meeting, the descent vehicle was piloted by oleg novitsky, an experienced cosmonaut, for him this is his fourth space flight, and you see, women in space exploration are what are called beginners. thirty-three-year-old marina vasilevskaya was selected for this expedition
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from thousands of applicants. at the international space station she was engaged in research in the field of medicine and biology, their launch into orbit from the beykanur cosmodrome took place on march 23 on the second attempt, the first time the power system failed, so ... after 2 weeks, the crew returned safely to earth. here is a solemn meeting already in the moscow region, right here in the dispensary of the star city of the cosmonauts they will spend the next few days under the supervision of doctors, undergo a thorough examination, rest and recover after the flight. the footage of the meeting in the star city is now accurate, they are at home, then a short rest, new challenges, new flights lie ahead. dmitry tolmachev, oleg krupen, ilya podkidyshev, tatyana shillina, ruslan bashko, channel one. the achievement of our great country, including in space, at the russia novkh exhibition, there is already a ten millionth visitor there today. konstantin panfilov from yaroslavl and his wife ekaterina were congratulated in atom pavilion, gift, certificate for
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a trip to murmonsk, nuclear icebreakers, naval operations headquarters, beauty of the russian north. a trip to the shores of the barintsov sea and the arctic ocean awaits them. it’s very surprising, we... didn’t even suspect it until the last moment, it’s very cool, of course, a very pleasant surprise, we’ve never been to the north, i can’t imagine what’s there, and i’d really like to see it, especially yadakola, that ’s all it’s just beyond fantasy, there’s something for us, we’ll go and attend this event with pleasure, it will be it’s quite interesting, i think, to see what the country is proud of, people come several times with friends, families, and whole people. classes, how did it happen that the exhibition became so, so popular? the secret is that this exhibition is being done by the whole country, all our visitors, we communicate a lot, we know what we like, what we would like
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to improve, it’s as if the whole country has united , the whole country is showing what we are proud of, we like it so much this atmosphere of love and pride, because russia is like that, our people like that, that’s the secret. it was planned that the forum would run until april, but the interest in the exhibition turned out to be so great that it was extended until july 8, and visitors are expected every day, except monday, this is a technical day. that's all, well, right now kvn, the major league, the second game of the season.
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good evening, friends, my name is dmitry khrustalev, this is the major league of the club of cheerful , resourceful people, and you know, our kvn club is not just a game, it is a unique school that trains not only comedians, but also actors for the entertainment industry of our country, directors, producers, and, to be honest, the presenters too, many programs are similar to kvn, but only being here in this hall, you understand that... a copy will never surpass the original, and you know, the 1/8 finals - this is the stage from which many people in big show business began their creative career.


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