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tv   PODKAST  1TV  April 7, 2024 2:50am-3:35am MSK

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to his desk and took out these soldiers, these ones that he made in childhood, each soldier is painted in detail, that is, this is a boy, he began to play with his toy, apparently, he still continued to live that life of his, well, in general, this so as not to go crazy, probably people who survived the tragedy at that age... then it is believed that there is a version that two comrades served, the grandfather told the screenwriter this story, because there was really a civil war there, but these two stories are absolutely the same , here's brother i found it, now we are taking care of these little soldiers who are described in the book, which were made by the uncle who came almost playing at two comrades, but well , here’s the story... but we have one more thing
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that definitely played, according to at least on television, this, this is a thing, yes, it’s from television, this is a thing, um, that too, these are all the things that really remain for the soul, for our living ones, this is the hare tyopa, played by my mother, it was in the good night program. i remember the day when the good night kids program was created, when mom came home, she said, katya, there will be a new program, good night, kids, i was a little girl, this hare tyopa became an all-union favorite, he is charming, like this, and i remember, and since i was four years old, i was filming all the time on television, i think i’ll be a screenwriter here, good night, kids, and yes... good night, kids, here
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’s such a wonderful hare, but that day that you remember, the first program, 1964, and poetry i had very strange ones dedicated to them, i can even see them now i remember by heart, there was a poor widow who smoked, her chicks hatched, they waited and waited, they wouldn’t bring dad back. dad from the war, such stupid poems, inspired by the creation of a new program, well, of course, and mom played this hare in the program, yes, and i remember this beautiful hare, when we were very charming, when we installed it in the mikhailovsky in 2000 the monument to the hare, who crossed the road to pushkin, who was going to st. petersburg, would have ended up on senate square, but the hare ran across the road and he stayed in mikhailovsky and thus escaped.
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my name is ekaterina varkan, and please tell me, there’s another one, you told me, no one in the family even knew this story, before my grandfather left, yes, and you and i recently met, and you say , can you imagine, this is such an unexpected story, completely touching, romantic, connected with my grandmother, my grandmother was quite young, she died immediately after she gave birth to your mother, and this was
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a great misfortune and tragedy, well, really, my grandfather’s first wife , which gave birth to two children for him, here is alexey, about whom i told and my mother, natalya sergeevna, who was an actress in my grandfather’s theater, so i told about the hare tepu, her mother died immediately after my mother gave birth, the fact is that she had an infection blood, and there was no penicillin then, if there had been penicillin, she would have been alive. it was the twenty-eighth year, here was my grandfather’s secretary, where he worked, the secretary was locked with a key, when my grandfather was no longer there, we opened the secretary, and there, in full view, was a huge portrait of his first wife, which means that he worked next to her all his life, here he is, and when the door opens, it’s from the side, if you go into the room, then... you can’t
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see this portrait, i have one like this, i have one at home, i have the same portrait, but small, like this, it’s completely different. sonya, she’s wearing a necklace, as my mother said, this is the only thing i have left from my mother, my mother gave this necklace to me, and i gave it to my niece for a wedding, i’m already right sonya, it turns out that it’s not that valuable, but... in my opinion, aquamarine, most likely, these stones, but in our family there were no diamonds, never anything like that. it wasn’t, this necklace is like such a memory, well, it’s already grandma’s family, yes, yes, yes, yes, now it’s in the great-granddaughter’s possession, but the great-granddaughter has already given birth to her daughter, so it will be
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passed on to whom further along the female line , so the necklace will live, sergei vladimorovich was a great man, but for you he was a grandfather, and you were a granddaughter for him, yes, and he gave you some gifts, somehow spoiled you separately? well, i’m wearing a ring - she and my mother bought it for me, i think in germany, when i turned 20 years old, this is chrysoprase, the stone of acting happiness is considered, since i studied at the chukin institute, which means this chrysoprase was given to me, and of course, when i was little, in those years in moscow there was nothing special there were no normal clothes and nothing.
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standing gifts, yes, it’s a funny story, my grandfather had already by that time, but he , in my opinion, long before my, no, probably after my birth or before my birth, he quit smoking himself and told me, katya, what do you want to give so that you finally quit smoking, well , what should i give you, and i jokingly said a car, he immediately answered me, smoke, so i still smoke quite badly, we say ...
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when he was already left alone, already his second wife was not alive, and he and i, he had dinner with us or we lived in neighboring apartments with him, my mother was his best friend, i’m now going to our program, i looked at books, everywhere like that inscriptions, to my most necessary friend, daughter, natalochka, you told me that he was very sad in the mornings, that there were no guests, no, it was in the evening, he said, in the evening, natalochka, and that no one would come to us today, my mother said, no, we had guests yesterday, well, that was yesterday, and well, we ... in his house, here it is, we have a unique opportunity to listen to a recording of one of
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the romances that he performed, perhaps, so to speak, for guests in the process of some kind of, so to speak, faceted glasses fell from the table, fell , yes, they crashed, my life is broken, they fell, yes they crashed, my life is broken, here he enters the hall of the bar, the bites are twisted, so modestly, nobly, he looks at his watch, so modestly, nobly, he looks. at the clock, look, look, bastard, look what time it is, maybe this is the last time you’ll see a girl, maybe
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this is the last time you’ll see a girl, yes, i want to throw my cap in the air, i used to be fond of all our folk holidays, here’s another thing... i was sitting sad at home, suddenly i remembered, it was still the soviet union, brezhnev’s time, that today is the night before christmas, my husband came home from work, i dressed him as a bear, turned his sheepskin coat inside out, i put my dog ​​on a leash like this on a collar from our dog, my mother came from the theater, she and i painted our cheeks, i said, we’re all going around the house to sing carols, we just walked out the threshold, the elevator goes up, there’s grandpa from the concert with the hero’s star, where are you going? , i say, should we sing carols , carols? “you don’t know anything, ” said grandfather, wait, after 5 minutes he took off
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his fur coat and hat, left the apartment, already wearing scarves, but behind the hero’s star, and we walked around the house with grandfather, that means, with my husband, the bear, with mom, we were so funny, two dolls with her, then no one celebrated christmas, somehow it was not our holiday, but it turns out that everyone celebrates. in the house, it turns out, everyone is covered, grandfather sang kolyatki in russian, in ukrainian, and under prutkin’s door he sang in, probably yiddish, or, well, in general, he sang kolyatki in hebrew, and prutkin’s door was not opened, it passed there for about five minutes, prutkin’s wife calls and says, sergei vladimevich, was that you? he says, no, it was me, of course, they say, but we thought it was a pogrom, so they
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opened, come in, that means they were giving us there are sweets everywhere, here i am on the first evening, i remember, we were received by komoretskaya’s daughter, our entire entrance sat at her set table, everyone gathered with these, that means, bags of what, they conjured up, every year we began to organize such a holiday, every year. .. at different entrances or in the next entrance there was a table, well, the main thing is that after this table you got to the house, at least somehow, but how, well , yes, in the same entrance, you know, in the same entrance there are different floors . katyusha, please tell me, when my grandfather passed away, he was somehow present in the theater, he was somehow participates, helps, but he is always in the theater, always in the theater, outside the theater, he is always with us, always when we have...
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hello everyone, this is the podcast of schrödinger's cat and i am its leading scientific journalist grigory tarasevich, our today's guest is alexander karpov, doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, scientist-secretary of the laboratory of nuclear reactions. joint institute for nuclear research, hello, we have such a topic today, maybe a little strange for those who are used to such a strict division in physics at school and chemistry. look, this year is our anniversary, mendeleev is 190 years old, einstein is 145 years old, each of these two wonderful scientists is a symbol of an entire science, just as einstein is a symbol of physics, mendeleev is a symbol of chemistry, what alexander is doing, well, as i understand it, where -something between einstein and mendeleev in a metaphorical
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sense, but i would like the periodic table to appear on the screen now, the same one that we are used to at school, here we have the ninety-ninth, which is named after einstein, there is an element named after mendeleev, already much after his death, what is their peculiarity, is that they do not exist in nature and... einstein's element was obtained as a result of thermonuclear explosions as a side reaction. in general, why does the periodic table stop reaching further? what does it mean in nature, yes, because nature, we usually say that uranium, element number 92, is the heaviest in nature, we mean, first of all, the earth, maybe the solar system, well, everything that falls to us on earth, from somewhere from outer space, in this sense, really uranium is considered to be the heaviest element, which is found in such gigantic
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macroscopic quantities, and heavier elements, some of them are found on earth, but many are in the universe, where these elements are synthesized, continuously, yes, in principle they can be there , the same einstein and fermat, of course, they are in the broad sense of understanding nature in the universe, they exist, but we don’t find them on earth, we don’t find them, because on earth we can find those elements or those isotopes of these elements , which either stable, or those that live... long enough to survive on earth, let me remind you that the earth in general, the solar system is about 4.5 billion years old, and those elements that live billions of years longer, they exist on earth, that’s how since uranium is such a last element, uranium 238, its half-life
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is also coincidentally 4.5 billion years, that is, on earth we still have half of the original amount of uranium, i understand that obtaining it in nature is no longer a trivial task, i on just in case, let me remind you where the elements come from, initially, after the big bang, we had hydrogen and a little helium, there wasn’t much else, well, one in three, yes, but for something even heavier, even a little heavier than hydrogen and helium to appear, it is necessary that the stars lit up, and then the stars can create new elements up to a certain limit, in my opinion up to iron, if i’m not mistaken, well, there are two types of reactions that, in principle, people use to obtain artificial elements, artificial isotopes, yes, in order to get a new element, you need to change nucleus, that is, change the number of protons, we can do this, in fact, nature does it in two ways: either by merging the nuclei of lighter elements, they, like two droplets of liquid , approach each other, merge, the nucleus of a heavier element is obtained, and then
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it is formed an atom, that is, as a structure where there is a nucleus and electrons, this is a way to... this is exactly the way nature produces elements, as you correctly said, up to iron, nickel, something like this, but nature cannot do this heavier than iron, that's why that in order for stars to burn, fusion reactions must proceed with the release of energy, so up to iron they proceed this way and that way, and iron is heavier, on the contrary, they begin to proceed with the absorption of energy, so the star cannot move further, it simply goes out, and the only way that remains is with the help of... neutrons, this is a type of decay, beta minus decay, this is when , well, one might say, an extra neutron appears in the nucleus, and which benefits from becoming a proton, then it can do it for due to this weak interaction, due to beta minus decay, he can do this, more electrins and electrons and antineutrinos fly out, but they
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leave the nucleus. in fact, there was a neutron in the nucleus, it became a proton, there was iron there, iron with number 26, so... the neutron decayed, which got into the nucleus, it became an element number 27, another neutron hits it, it decays, the element with number 28 is nickel, and so on, along this ladder we can move up up up up, these two processes are responsible for what we have periodic table from iron to uranium, well to put it more simply, everything that our world consists of, which we eat, feel,
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heavy, like, for example, gold, here is my ring, and it did not even come from a supernova explosion, but from an even more monstrous event, a collision of neutrons stars friends, it’s hard to imagine, here i have a ring, in it are atoms of gold, in them are nuclei that appeared due to the fact that somewhere in space huge bodies collided, with frantic energy they compressed other nuclei, such a bit of a fantastic story, but how i understand this fantastic story... you lower it to the ground and do it in your laboratory, almost, that is, if you understand what they do in laboratories, then this method with neutrons, which you talked about when you talked about the ring. and about supernova explosions, collisions, mergers of neutron stars, everything is true, but in this way a person can produce artificial elements from uranium to fermium,
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einstein and fermium, that is, from ninety- two, from ninety-third to one hundredth, these eight elements can be produce this way irradiating with neutrons, from the hundredth, that is, starting from the 101st element from mendelevium. periodic table, and if you now open the modern version of the periodic table based on the number of new elements created, you
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will see names such as, for example, who we have 104 elementium, reservefordium, 105 dubnium, because the institute where alexander works is located in the city of dubna , this element was named after this city, and this decision was international. so flerovi what is our 114 114 element flerovium in honor of the founder of the laboratory where alexander works, there is 115 element muscovy, and this, may the residents of the capital forgive me, is not in honor of moscow, in honor of the moscow region, because dubna is located in the moscow region, i will correct it a little, and there the official decision is written in honor of the moscow region and the ancient russian land of muscovy, place location of the united nuclear institute. research, so in general, in principle, this is in honor of the ancient russian state of muscovy, and in this sense, of course, moscow, well, okay, okay, and element 118, aganison in
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honor of yuri aganisyan, scientific director laboratory where alexander works, and this is the second case in history when an element was named in honor of a current active scientist, and not posthumously, as was the situation with mendeleev, the curies and many many...
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technology to such a level of sensitivity that experiments that failed about 15-20 years anywhere in the world, it became possible to make them, indeed the technique succeeded -
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after all, it was not zero probability that they were able to merge, they need to be brought to each other, overcoming these repulsive forces, for then with, albeit with a negligible, but to do this, they need to be accelerated, accelerated, and to speeds that are approximately 10% of the speed of light, that is, this is approximately. that is , through these channels, pipes, i don’t know what it’s called, just an accelerator is needed for this, elements fly at a speed of 30,000 km/second and how do i hit
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some kind of... target, absolutely right, how they are accelerated and how to determine what worked and what didn’t? well, the accelerator that is used is called a cyclotron, and in fact its entire operating principle is based on the fact that the magnetic field e allows you to rotate a charged particle, in general it should, according to a school physics course, a charged particle in a constant magnetic field moves in a circle and accelerates the electric field, that is , plus or minus, a charged particle, an ion, prepared in advance, flies between plus and minus, accelerates, then we must change the polarity so that next time it accelerates again, does not slow down, and the magnetic field turns the resulting trajectory into a spiral, that is , as the speed increases, the radius of the orbit increases, and we get spirals, the beam moves along this spiral, but gradually.
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accelerated by an electric field, in the end it is output, it hits just these channels that we see on the screen, these channels go into the experimental halls, where there is a separator, a target, after it the separator, after it the detection system, what happens further, here is a particle flying, a particle of what you use as a dart that you send, if we talk about the heaviest element. used in calcium was used as a bombarding particle, its very rare isotope, calcium 48, and the targets were isotopes of transuranium, that is , artificial elements, because calcium is element number 20 and in order to get element 114, we will make a target out of it
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with a beam of calcium 48 with, as i said, with very much in the form of foil and thin foil, we irradiate with a small probability that we will hit the core with a core; also with a small probability, these two nuclei will merge, you will get a core of a new element that must cool down. because it's in hot state and then flying out of the target, it will fly through the separator, which we see on the screen by the red thing, yes this is the red thing, that is, in front of it , this is just the box where the target is located, the beam flies out of from behind the wall, hits the target, which is located in a plastic box in front of the first red element, and then there are separator elements, and
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which allow all background events or garbage, so to speak, to be separated to the detector, delivering only what what are we looking for atoms of superheavy elements, and so element 118 was obtained, which received the name gonisyan, and so element 118 was obtained, but then we had to take targets from california, that is, in order to get 118, then to supplement the twentieth calcium we had to take california , element with number 98, when they merged they gave element with number 118. which today is the heaviest known, closes the seventh period of the periodic table, well, it’s clear that in a simplified form it seems that, oh my god, i took a piece of the element, threw it at others and it happened happiness and glory, but it is clear that this is a complex process, and it is also complex because the heavier the element, the less it lives, in theory,
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so 118... how long it lives in nature, the isotope that we know, it lives a little less than a millisecond, that is, a millisecond is 1. second, the element known for the top 118 lives a little less than 1. second, but correctly, i understand that there is a hypothesis of the existence of islands of stability, the so -called, which suggests that there far away, into the region of super super super heavy elements. you can get there and there may be something more stable, disintegrating there not in millionths of a second, but managing to live for a while, you know, the picture seems very romantic, boats, sea monsters, your wife drew it, yes, absolutely right, beautiful, from the point of view from a physics point of view, what is this about? well, this is a picture, it’s called a map of nuclei, but it’s just an artistic interpretation of it, in general such
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pictures are used in science. in the sense that the nucleus consists of neutrons and protons, are depicted such nuclear maps or isotope maps, where the number of neutrons is plotted horizontally and the number of protons vertically, therefore on the left. the last element in the natural periodic table and then we see how the stability
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of the elements decreases, decreases, falls and we actually reach the edge of the world of nuclei, the edge of the world, and that very thing, and indeed it was predicted in the sixties it was predicted that.. .if we go to very heavy elements, in the region of element 114, which is already known today, and true with a gigantic number of neutrons 184, but if we can synthesize such a nucleus, then it will really live for a long time, for how long there are different predictions there from thousands of years to millions and billions of years, this area was called the island of stability of superheavy elements, in fact, starting from this prediction is actually the story of the search for an island of stability, with the search for superheavy elements, they found an island, discovered it, you can scream earth, you can scream earth, you can scream earth, because those are just the experiments,
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which were made in dubna at the beginning of the millennium, they just prove that the island of stability exists, we did not get to its center, these very stable isotopes, we have not yet been able to see, we have not been able to synthesize, but to the shore of the island of stability, we really got there, we see that as we take small steps towards the island, the lifetime grows quite quickly, that is, there, well, on average, adding one neutron to a superheavy element, we increase the lifetime by about 10 times oh yeah, it's true a gigantic figure that... suggests that we see this growth in stability, and we really, really, really hope that these elements in the very center will actually live for these predicted thousands, maybe millions of years, you know talk about an increase in the number of neutrons,
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yes, but if we talk about protons, your vertical ruler reaches approximately 124, approximately, but could there be a large continent outside the screen? stability, i recently read an article where american astrophysicists analyzed one of the asteroids, which is somehow anomalously dense, their hypothesis is that this is generally the 164th element, which is not even close here, could this continent, island, or at least some kind of lagoon of stability exist there, there are predictions that, except this first island of stability, there are others, indeed the most distant, quite large island was predicted in the area... 170, just 160, that's about an element, the only thing is how reliable are these predictions, to say, well i think that no one will undertake it, because nuclear physics, a science based on models,
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on our model ideas about the nucleus, the quality of the forecasts of these models very much depends on how far we have gone from the known area, from the area of ​​nuclei that we know them experimentally, mm... hoping that these nuclei can live long enough, well, in general, is difficult, because well, what is generally considered to determine the end of the periodic table? it is believed that the periodic table will end in principle, where the stability of the nucleus becomes negligible, and the nucleus will not live long enough for an atom to form, well, that’s a fraction of a nanosecond, that’s where the fraction of a nanosecond is needed for the nucleus to form. layer with electrons, that’s when we reach such times, then, well, in fact, it will not be an atom, and therefore no longer a chemical element. the stability of a nucleus - heavy, very heavy, is actually determined by its stability
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with respect to fission, and the nucleus is charged, protons are like charged particles, they strive to destroy the core; there are nuclear forces that, on the contrary, strive to keep it in a compact form. the opposition of these two forces determines the stability of very heavy nuclei, and the heavier the nucleus, the more these repulsive forces, the coulomb forces, they become stronger, more powerful and more powerful. nuclear fission, it limits the world of nuclei and the world is believed that it is precisely this process of atoms, it is predicted that somewhere not very far beyond the 120th element, we will just reach values ​​of lifetimes that will not allow experimentally register these chemical elements, that is, they will live so short that the nuclei that we simply... will be able to detect them, there are, however, other predictions that these will not be ordinary
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dense nuclei, they may result in nuclear bubbles, this such a structure, when we have not a dense one, like a drop of liquid, but a bubble where protons are closer to the surface, this will prolong the stability of the nucleus, and nuclei in this form can exist much heavier, there is also such a prediction, but this is still in areas of predictions. well returning to einstein and mendeleev, how many years have already passed, how many steps have physics taken forward, but is it clear how the nucleus works? an infinite amount is known about the nucleus, but unfortunately, we do not know the exact form of nuclear forces, that is, those forces that hold the nucleons, protons and neutrons that make up the nucleus hold together, we know everything.
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the second coulomb force, yes, but when we talk about nuclear forces, we don’t know their exact mathematical form, we only have nuclear models, that is, a model is, in any case , our idea of ​​that object, that we are studying, it can be better, it can be worse, these models can be very complex and very close to reality, but they still remain models, any model has limitations, from the point of view of nuclear theory, so the brick that is not enough for nuclear science to truly become such a science, one might say precise, precise in the sense that we have precisely written equations, if we can solve them, we will get with you an absolutely correct solution, and if we perform an experiment, we will simply confirm it , here is nuclear physics unfortunately, it is not such a science, that is, we have learned to explain and predict very many things, but ours are possible... we are still limited by the knowledge about the nature
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of nuclear forces that we have, well, after all , if without an equation formula, at the level of metaphors , the core is i don’t know, a snowball, a brick wall, a drop, some kind of lattice, what is it? well, there is such a model as a liquid drop, and from the point of view of which the core is a drop of very dense matter, a drop of such a nuclear liquid with rather sharply defined features. edges, in order to to understand what density this formation is, then approximately, if we had a hundred-liter barrel of nuclear matter, this nuclear liquid, then this barrel, the mass of this barrel would be the same as the mass of water in lake baikal, in general our substance, strange as it may sound, it seems to us that we are very dense, or the stone is dense, the iron is dense, generally speaking, we ourselves consist of emptiness, these small nucleoli are very...
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a complex that was built quite
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recently, the first experiments were carried out at the end of 2020, and what was done with from the point of view of technology, characteristics, we said that a breakthrough from the last five elements became possible after the characteristics were improved hundreds of times in the nineties, but it turned out that 20 years have passed, and after 20 years the experimental technology can be made. tens more, well, maybe up to 100 times better than 20 years ago, that is, a new accelerator has been built, more powerful, more efficient, new separators, and we are now already... making the first experiments so far on known elements , we we see that the productivity of this complex has increased by tens of times, the number of atoms that all laboratories in the world have accumulated throughout history, we can collect the same amount and even sort it out in
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a thirty-day experiment, this really shows that we have reached some another, to some new qualitative level of conducting experiments. actually , there are two tasks for the new accelerator complex: the first task number one is the synthesis of new elements, which you are asking about, the second is the study of already existing - discovered elements, their isotopes, new isotopes, but if we talk about the synthesis of new elements, then what is such a big catch, is that targets heavier than california cannot be made, and california with calcium, that’s when merging with... california we get element 118, which is already known, that is, we must move on, move away from calcium to heavier beams and this, unfortunately, leads to the fact that the probability of synthesis decreases, according to predictions and according to the first experimental estimates says that well
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the reduction can be from 10 to 100 times, this really creates difficulties in conducting experiments precisely because... a new experimental complex, this factory of superheavy elements, has been built, that is, we are technically gaining a factor - about 30 - in efficiency, this , we hope, will give us the opportunity to reach elements 119, 120, the synthesis of which will be 30, 40 times less likely than the synthesis of the heaviest known elements, but still, we can probably assume that those schoolchildren who entered the first grade this year, by the time they study chemistry, will see the periodic table a little longer than now, 119 will appear there, 120 will appear, and this is a task that, generally speaking, is on the agenda of several laboratories in the world, including ours, we certainly hope that in
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the next year or two we will be able to build and stage such an experiment and it will be successful, and we will be able to declare that what theoretically could be the applied value of your research? well, why in theory? in general, nuclear science has given the world a lot there are many, but you can also remember nuclear energy, but electricity, recently, probably a lot of such discoveries
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of fundamental nuclear science are used in medicine, these include medical pharmaceuticals, and isotopes. oncological diseases, some registration methods are used, for example, there was a method of particle registration when a particle fell into plastic, further along...


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