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tv   PODKAST  1TV  April 7, 2024 3:35am-4:20am MSK

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fundamental nuclear science is used in medicine, these are medical pharmaceuticals, and radioactive isotopes, which are used for the diagnosis and treatment of the most serious diseases, primarily oncological ones, which are created on smaller copies, accelerators that were made for fundamental research, the same nuclear ones are used reactions, and knowledge about nuclear reactions that were studied in order to make science fundamental, uh, there are specialized accelerators for the treatment of cancer, they find the use of some registration methods, for example, there was a method for registering particles, when a particle fell into plastic, then the damaged matter was chemically etched and based on the parameters... the resulting pores
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determined what kind of particles they were, that was the detection method, then they realized that it was possible take a polymer film, pierce it through with heavy ions, process it chemically and you will get a membrane, a membrane with hole sizes, with pore sizes that cannot be made by any other methods, clearly calibrated pores, these membranes, they are called track membranes, they are found... it’s just that now there is a boom in the development of various products, primarily medical and industrial, all kinds of filters, all sorts of them, and even some artificial leathers are being tried to be made on the basis of a track membrane, this is what what is done by the perhonrod of nuclear science and is done with the help of the technology that is used for fundamental science, if we look at nuclear science a little more broadly, to include particle physics in it,
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then we can remember tomographs medical ones, which are now in almost every clinic, are also, in general , a product of the science of fundamental particle physics, the world wide web ww, yes, which was invented by scientists at cerny, solely as a convenient tool for displaying the experimental information they receive. scientists, and after that, well, this technology, it has actually spread now in every smartphone and we simply can’t imagine life without it, so in general, in general, fundamental science, it has no goal of doing something, initially doing something useful, something that will enrich or improve our life, yes, its goal is to understand the world around us, the laws of nature that govern it.
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i’ve heard several times that, well, for example, this is a step towards the energy of the future, even when they comment on the discovery of new elements, i’m doing something like this, you know, to make something out of the elements themselves. something is possible, if they are obtained, they are obtained in macro quantities, but unfortunately, elements heavier than a hundredth are obtained in single atoms, with single atoms the maximum that can be done is that they can be to study, but it is simply impossible to make any military or civilian product with so much with so much, besides this, as you also said, these elements do not live that long. generally speaking, at one
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point in time, scientists actually see one atom, well, two, well, sometimes maybe three, if they live long, and study them like this one by one, that is, they synthesized one atom, made a measurement, yes, then they got a second one , made a measurement, but they do not accumulate in such quantities that it is possible with this to do something, like with a substance, well, the very idea of ​​your institute is precisely...
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institute of nuclear research, watch all episodes of the podcast schödinger's cat on the website of channel one and the power of science will be with you. hello, this is the easy money podcast, i’m its host, mikhail khanov, today we have a wonderful guest, anton suborov, economist, rector of the russian economic school. hello, anton dmitrievich, hello, mikhail. we recently discussed the topic of behavioral inflation. when a group of people or a whole class of people influences the prices of certain goods or groups of goods, but, probably, it is right to talk with you, as a professional, as a professor, about the fundamental meanings and
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prerequisites of this term in general, like behavioral economics, here i would still like to analyze this concept in general, what it is, where it came from and how it affects a person, especially now, when the role of... we constantly hear from many sources, namely behavioral economics is increasing, is that so? it seems to me like this: behavioral economics arose as an antithesis to classical, neoclassical economics, which is based on the postulate of rational human behavior. what does rational behavior mean from the point of view of economists? well, first of all, this is the assumption that a person knows what is better for him and what is worse, the second assumption is that a person... makes a reasonable choice and always chooses the best alternatives available; this is the position of classical economists or adepts behavioral economics? this is a methodological assumption in classical economics: classical economics is a very mathematical discipline, it is structured as a set of mathematical models, which,
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based on the assumption that rational economic agents act, are not necessarily people, they can also be firms that strive to get the maximum profit. studies their interaction, theoretical models make predictions, and empirical work evaluates how successful these models are, how they correspond to reality and then unsuccessful models are rejected, and successful ones are developed. behavioral economics arose in the early seventies, first of all it is associated with the names of daniel kanoman and amashetwerski, the seventies of the last century, the seventies of the goths of the last century, but what about the mention almost from adam smith, some of his works related to psychology, that is. i have a daughter studying to become an economist and the disciplines they study are mathematical analysis, probability theory, statistics, working with big problems, psychology, unexpectedly, by the way, yes, it turns out that the difference between economics and mathematics is only in psychology, and there is a thesis that the origins of
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behavioral economics almost go back to adam smith, and you said in a conversation before the program almost to socrates, this so? well, it seems to me that we can say that socrates... who said there, plus or minus: i know that i know nothing, and others don’t even know this, generally thought like a behavioral economist, like an advanced user of behavioral economics, like advanced user, this is the thesis, which you put forward, on the one hand, that human behavior is rational, yes, because when they say that the market is rational and the market will always bring it into line, well, let’s put it simply for our audience, let’s say the balance of supply and demand, but when if you think about it and... start decomposing yes, this is a general statement that why is the market rational? we come to the thesis that individuals are rational, a group of people, institutions, companies, and so on. the question that i want to ask right away is, is this so,
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is the person rational in making decisions, especially financial ones? well, it seems that the assumption of rationality is not such a bad starting point, there is even a proverb: fish look for deeper places, but people look for better places. there was a classic survey that asked people how well you drive, conducted in america in sweden, and it turned out that on average 80% of drivers answered that they drive better than most other drivers, it is clear that such a situation is impossible, most people who
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exhibit a high level of intelligence have high intelligence, they doubt what they say, the correctness of their assessments, and most importantly, they believe that people around them are at this... level, therefore they are extremely careful in their judgments, they tend to underestimate their expertise, including , and people with a low level of development and with a small amount of knowledge and education, on the contrary, they are very confident in themselves. they do everything you can, you know how it is, never argue with an idiot, and you will quickly fall to his level, yes, then he will beat you up through experience, the same thing was probably asked here average masses, they said, yes, of course, we introduce very well, fine, mikhail, how smart my interlocutor is, i bet there is another study in which they asked professors, who on average are not stupid people, how well you lecture, but well, what percentage do you think said that they also give lectures better than most of their colleagues, well , 50 percent, no more than 96. yes, that is, this is a fairly stable phenomenon that is observed in different contexts, in different countries,
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it really is that it’s typical for us. on in fact, the mechanisms are even clear: firstly, it’s nice to think good about yourself, but it’s just nice. this is right, it’s not even pleasant, it’s right, this is a more subtle question, i really, really agree that probably in some situations this is right, because it somehow stimulates us, of course, to try something, yes because if we were very skeptical about our capabilities, we would simply be positive.
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nose for the next quarter, for six months, for a year, now and there after the first quarter
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companies are counted, almost everything is underestimated, because in the stock exchange world it is very unprofitable to show indicators higher, let’s say, than what will actually happen, but too low is also impossible, because otherwise the quality of you as an analyst will immediately come into question, but here you need very clearly meet the expectations of the market as a whole, because you otherwise influence the price of the stock, then the stock. there they either fall sharply or rise, so here the situation is the opposite, returning to behavioral economists, from how all this arose, here is the main, let's say, counterargument, the main criticism of traditional economics, behavioral economics is that people systematically deviate from rational behavior, but when i talked about excessive self-confidence, this is rather a deviation in the picture of the world, but our picture of the world is not it corresponds quite well, but closer to it it has some. these are quite systematic distortions, when if you take several people at random,
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they will most likely have similar distortions, some examples too, yes, come on, let me give you an example, if we talk about excessive self-confidence, this is such a motivated distortion, because we really want to think good about ourselves, but there is this anchor effect, which is generally quite mechanical, very similar to some kind of visual illusions, the fact is that any information influences some of our decisions. judgment, even if it has nothing to do with it, but just appeared in front of us at the right moment, a classic experiment like this: we spun the roulette wheel, it stopped at the number 65, the experiment participants were asked the number of african countries that are members of the un, is it more than 65% or less, they gave some answer, and then asked, well, tell me, what percentage of african countries are members of the un ? , well, now, probably 100%, it was a long time ago, when not all countries were members of the un, the answer was, if i’m correct. i remember 45%, in another group everything was the same, but only the ball stopped at ten, the question
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was more than 10% or less, and then they said: well, give your estimate, the estimate was about twenty, that is, the gap was approximately twofold, despite the fact that it is clear that neither the roulette nor the ball have anything to do with africa. this is an easy money podcast, today we are talking about behavioral economics and the rector of the russian economic school, anton svorov, helps us understand this rather complex tool and... model. understanding further about behavioral economics, how behavioral economics is what it studies and to whom. it is useful to study it more deeply for sellers, buyers, people themselves, to learn about themselves, yes, marketers, here are the main, let’s say, customers, beneficiaries, that is , consumers of what is a product of behavioral economics, well, some models of behavior, who, who is the main consumer, it seems to me, everything, everything, everything, well, because, on
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the one hand, if we talk about marketers, then marketers can often say that we have known all this for a long time, and now we have arisen. people who called themselves behavioral economists formulated some results, but we actually acted this way all our lives, and this will be partly true, of course, i also came across such judgments from social psychologists who also said that we know all this, now some guys have appeared who have begun to talk about this in a slightly different language, great, the more people will know these important things about about people, but on the other hand, what is the peculiarity of behavioral economics science, it somehow systematized this knowledge, and it seems to me that it should not be underestimated.
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we are faced with a situation when we see some attractive banking offer, for example, you can take out a loan at a rate that seems incredibly low, some time ago i quite often received such offers, the rate there is almost lower than the rate on a deposit in the same bank, but at the same time we understand that somewhere in the fine print it is written that in fact there are some commissions and
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if you calculate the total cost of this loan, it will of course be significantly higher, what else is possible, what? that your phone will really break down during this period, it’s generally not that big, and how long will it be, how long will it really cost to subjugate it on the one hand, on the other hand, how much time will you lose to take advantage of this guarantee, then in general this is often not always the most cost-effective solution, i don’t want to say that it is obviously wrong, because you you are buying peace of mind, which also costs some
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money, but you just need to look at it soberly and purely economically, most likely these are... the offers are not the most profitable, well , yes, there is a whole industry, called insurance, that works with such situations, and there are whole scientists , called actuaries, who calculate the probability of this or that event, if we are talking about car insurance, there it goes down to the brand, driving experience, age, and so on, but here it is, well, unlikely, i think that the mathematically calculated numbers, you are absolutely right...
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here now, as a rule, i think that the majority of our audience knows that they will be surprised, you will be surprised if you have never done this, that the next day will act the same offer with the same a discount with the same thing, with the same conditions, and sometimes even better, the second thing is to evaluate the offer, try to evaluate it in comparison with something, and if you have nothing to compare with, then refuse or is it easier, or should the goal still be to find a comparison? well, if this decision is important, it seems to me that we need to try to find a comparison, we need to think about what kind of extraneous factors could now influence our tendency to accept or not accept something. proposal, returning to the anchor effect, there could be some completely extraneous effects, well , for example, let’s say i come to buy a tv and see some huge
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tv for a million rubles, which i didn’t even think that i would buy, yes, but it will make me in general - more ready to pay some conventional 100,000 there for some other tv, yes, so whether this is right or not, the question is yes, so in principle it is really better where there is no need. not to make any hasty and emotional decisions, but this is not means that if suddenly a friend calls you to go there for tea or a glass of beer, you should definitely refuse, such an impulsive decision could be very very good, yes, because we are living people, after all, what people often regret in at the end of life, this is that we did not communicate enough with friends, with loved ones, so some impulsive... the decision is completely justified, returning to the important topic of trust, yes, if, if you have trust, of course, trust, but check, yes, but in general, if there is trust and for him there is reason, then, probably, there is no need
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to really strain yourself on every occasion, to calculate and look for some kind of catch everywhere. let's ask this question of a more personal nature, you yourself, as a person capable of analyzing the situation, well, at least there almost immediately or a little later, even if it happened, you can note - look for some marketers who are plotting , often problems in yourself and the problem and solution, how popular is this topic now among students who choose
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as an educational direction study traditional economics or specialize in behavioral economics, how popular this topic is now and how important it is for the younger generation. artificial intelligence, yes, yes, so it seems to me that in the future some standardized things, artificial intelligence will successfully do without us, after all
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, i want to believe that interaction between people will remain, behavioral economics is such an important set of ideas, i i would say not even knowledge, because if we talk about cognitive errors, well, i’m reading now steven pinker's class book, called rationality, it says at the beginning that about 200 seem to be known cognitive errors, well... probably, if you count, maybe there will be more, it is impossible to remember and it is impossible to correct each of them, but understand that in general, they exist, understand some approaches, understand that reflection is important, awareness is important, it seems to me that this is something that we can learn from behavioral economics and use every day in our lives. considering all of the above, antonich, thank you thank you very much for taking the time, for the fact that we discussed in such detail, on the one hand, your favorite topic, on the other hand , a topic that could potentially become... only leads to an improvement in the quality of life. always armed with new knowledge is always a favorite for our audience, because thank you very much, anton, for an interesting conversation. thank you very much, mikhail, it seems to me
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that curiosity is what helps us live happily and live better and become better people. hello, in the program time about the most notable events of this day. spill point, evacuation in orsk, new dam breaks reported. information from other regions, and where is it? zalt at dawn, belgorod, two positions in kharkov courtyards, ukrainian terrorists again attacked from where they fired, destroyed. fine up to
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a million. increased liability for spam calls or concealment of the full cost of loans. the law was signed by the president. leaf soup for breakfast lunch dinner, life in gas, when the united states even uses humanitarian aid to the starving in its own interests. smooth landing the return of the iss crew as part of the “hero of russia” oleg novitsky, the first representative of belarus and so, floods, 36 regions in the reports of the ministry of emergency situations. it was announced an hour ago, vladimir putin received reports from the governor of the orenburg region, denis pasler and the head of the ministry of emergency situations, alexander kurenkov, who was instructed to urgently fly to the disaster zone, organize assistance to people and the necessary work there. in orenburg, the water level in the ural river is approaching dangerous levels. 8 and
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a half was the day, less left. in the evening in the flooded areas of the inhabitants of the siren calls to evacuate, in orsk the red mark has already been passed, almost 10 m at a critical level, and at the estimated height the dams have already been broken and news has arrived about other breakthroughs of 5.5 m. an influx of requests for evacuation in orsk is expected by night, it is getting closer there, between moscow and orenburg region + 2 hours. sergey ponomarev from the spot. that's how you are now. looks like the place of a breakthrough, a dam, a stormy stream that washes away everything in its path, even such huge boulders, at the moment we are in an area that we managed to fill last day and this day there is no equipment now, the specialists took a short technological break, it is necessary to periodically assess the situation, the fact is that water washes away everything not only here along with the dam break, but in other areas, sometimes it just becomes dangerous to work, you need to fill it up, fill up
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new areas , microdistrict, the old city began to go under water even the day before, on most streets houses are flooded to the roof, and some are even carried away by a stormy current, someone's scab is floating away, there are almost 400 houses and 400 personal plots in the water, moment the dam break on the ural river was filmed by eyewitnesses on a mobile phone camera, it was completely washed away, look everything, the water has been rising for several days, the snow is melting, there was a lot of it, it started. floods, the protective embankment dam near the old town microdistrict could hardly contain the pressure. the prosecutor's office has already found out during the inspection that the dam has not been properly maintained all these years. the investigative committee has opened a criminal case, and a legal assessment will be given of the actions of those who were responsible for this. by evening the second dam in the microdistrict failed nickel. in short, the dam burst. before this, the water only overflowed through it, an urgent evacuation is being carried out. local residents from dangerous
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areas began to be taken out in advance, temporary accommodation centers were prepared for them, there are now about 300 residents of flooded areas, they raised what they could lift, they left everything, everything was left, as eyewitnesses reported, in the morning, including on the roofs of flooded houses people were noticed who only after the arrival of high water decided to leave their homes, they continue to be taken out to this day, we the dog was evacuated yesterday and was left behind.
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the orenburg region decided to double their payments, the group of the ministry of emergency situations was significantly increased. rescuers from moscow and perm arrived here the day before; now they are expecting more reinforcements from the capital with boats and special equipment. the flood in the orenburg region was discussed today in the government. deputy prime minister victoria abramchenko gave a number of instructions to ministries and relevant departments. rospotrebnadzor will monitor the epidemiological situation and also monitor water quality.
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rosvodoresours specialists. together with the regional government will undertake the restoration of the dam in orsk, and rostekhnadzor has been instructed to inspect the remaining dams and other protective structures in the region. floods are now thirty-six. in the regions of russia, there are only more than 3,000 emergency situations ministry specialists rescuing people in the flood zone. there are positive dynamics, for example, in the chelyabinsk region. the water left the settlement of verkhnyaya kabanka, returned to the river bed, and went into the south ural reservoir. currently , there are no flooded residential buildings or garden plots. in in the altai territory, which was one of the first to introduce a state of emergency, almost four hundred houses were freed from water. the main thing is that there is no risk of re-flooding. people can finally come back. the guys arrived instantly, well done, many thanks to them, directly from the heart, they helped, they arrived, they helped quickly, they got everything, they pulled everything out, while rescuers continue to monitor the situation from the air, where water-filling dams need to be installed, the situation in the samara region is improving, where we haven’t seen
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such big water for almost 35 years, in one day it left more than three hundred houses in almost 800 plots, now local authorities are helping to assess the damage and clear houses and roads of dirt and debris. a rocket artillery installation used to fire at civilians in the belgorod region and western-made mobile anti-aircraft systems were discovered. the coordinates are transmitted instantly. in the second case , the iskander operational-tactical missile system was operating. valentina solovyova has other news from the military. drone footage shows the kharkov area. our scouts lead immediately two enemy combat vehicles. after an accurate hit, a powerful explosion detonated the ammunition. the launchers were loaded, that is, in full combat readiness.
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this is what the ministry of defense reported today about the destruction of targets in this direction. operational-tactical aviation, missile forces and artillery of groupings of the armed forces of the russian federation near the city of kharkov destroyed two anti-aircraft missile launchers. sampte complex of french-italian production, and also defeated manpower and military ukrainian armed forces equipment in 133 districts. local residents filmed such footage from their windows. yes, military equipment in full combat readiness in the ssu is placed next to residential buildings, near shopping and entertainment centers. therefore, the attack on targets was carried out at night. and here is another video from kharkov. here one of the burnt combat vehicles gets into the lens; it is clearly visible in the footage. from a drone, this is a hurricane-type missile launcher, including the ones militants are using to hit belgorod, in the photo published online there are visible fragments of shells, this is the picture they show to the ukrainian tv viewer: the precise strikes of the russian army on equipment in the ssu are passed off as
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shelling of peaceful neighborhoods, the same area, but there is no longer a trace of the burnt-out military vehicle. stupid question, but have we cleared this building? today, footage appeared on the network confirming the participation of western mercenaries in attacks on... the urban region, this is a video from the helmet camera of one of them, in it an attempt to advance through the village of kazinka on the border, together with ukrainian militants, english-speaking mercenaries are discussing an approach plan, you can hear in radio conversations that one of commanders were killed by a russian sniper on the spot, and what matters here is where this commander was from? american, the owner of this camera during the attempt to retreat from the village, too. was destroyed. and this is the work of our fighters on the front line of the kherson direction. intelligence spotted a boat with saboteurs who were trying to get to the other side. there are two of our drones in the sky, one adjusted the fire, the second struck. and this is what else our
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scouts saw from the drone. the footage shows ukrainian armed forces militants on the right bank of the dnieper before loading into boat. at some point, the two simply turn around and shoot their comrades. the bodies are loaded into the boat. attack on the russian coast. they decided not to go, realizing this was a one-way path. as the ministry of defense reported in its report, within 24 hours our troops occupied more advantageous positions in the donetsk direction, in avdeevsky, and repelled 12 counterattacks. in these frames, the work of the center group, lancet accurately flies into the enemy’s self-propelled gun. and more from the summary. tonight, the armed forces of the russian federation carried out a group strike with high-precision long-range, naval weapons. air-based, as well as unmanned aerial vehicles at enterprises of the military-industrial complex of ukraine, engaged in the production and repair of armored vehicles and uavs, a military airfield and a temporary
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deployment point for foreign mercenaries, the target strikes were achieved, all designated targets were hit. seti, meanwhile, more and more footage like this from ukrainian cemeteries appears. so, our boys are dying. that's how many of them there are: valentina solovyova, tatyana bakulina, alexander kovalev, channel one. and again belgrade, this morning our air defense forces shot down 10 vampire czech rsz shells. produced from ukrainian territory, the facades and windows of twelve apartment buildings of the local clinic were damaged, the sports complex was hit by a shell on the roof, which was recorded by a surveillance camera at the very moment, there were no casualties. while jogging, i once again became convinced of the effectiveness of the decisions that we make together, the siren and sound warning of missile danger began to work and took refuge in the modular design. which are now located throughout the city
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of belgorod, belgorod district, as did those residents who were on the streets at that time, so we will continue to take all necessary measures to ensure safety. and one of the key areas of the special operation. chasov yar, west of artyomovskaya, is the key to the liberation of other cities of the dpr. enemy positions are bombed daily by aviation and artillery. and our correspondent huseyn. his reports to our locality will be orekha guys, in groups of two or three people we get to the position of our infantry, the nearest is vasilievka, so if you take it 10 hours beyond the mountain, this is a settlement not far from the town of chasovyar on the northern outskirts, here they are howling together with other units of the russian army.
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the enemy dugout from this position, about
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2 km away, is now firing an automatic grenade. after shooting, you need to camouflage the ags and go into cover. the sky is dirty and birds are flying. the fighters of the irbis detachment say their task is to systematically grind down enemy forces. since 2014, ukrainian militants have been well here dug in, they say that even concrete dugouts were observed from the copter. they don’t go on a roll because they have big losses, they have a position, there are about 200 of them lying there, and no one is taking them, well, what ’s left of them, yeah, maybe even more, max is one of the most experienced fighters in the detachment, he has been a sniper in the donbass for 10 years, he always carefully selects a position, away from the main ones, waiting, a fighter can lie there for several days, then an important target appears in the field of view, goris, well, i’m on place. i see a machine gunner, i can work, i’m working, but they started to snap, it means they’ve hit,
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the job is done, the machine gun falls silent, only random machine gun fire is heard, our large-caliber cliff answers them. the 12.7 caliber hits even an armored target at a distance of up to 2 km, the machine gun perfectly dismantles dugouts, the military says. in addition to the infantry, vysu's positions are covered with heavy fire. our artillery and attack aircraft. the direction of the clock of yar is now one of the hottest and most mobile points on the front line. on some in some areas, our army has already approached the city at a shorter distance.
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the man who attacked the governor of the murmansk region andrei chibes with a knife was taken into custody for 2 months, the trial took place in the hospital where the defendant was taken, during the arrest he tried to escape and was wounded. let me remind you that the attempt on the head of the region occurred on thursday evening, when he was leaving the cultural center after a meeting with residents of apatity, he underwent surgery. life is out of danger. canada transferred one and a half billion dollars to ukraine in march, 2/3 promised help. at the same time, today canadians called themselves the de facto leader in support amid uncertainty in the united states. western, perhaps, let me clarify, nato
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participation in the fate of the zelensky regime, the topic of the author’s commentary by mikhail leontyev. then we'll be back with news. however, hello, against the backdrop of panicky predictions of the impending defeat of ukraine, the collective west is figuring out how to get out of it so that all this doesn’t look like putin’s victory, because then it’s a nightmare and the end of the world. the situation on the ground may look much different worse than today, then the real question will arise: how can we be sure that... will not win, asks former us permanent representative to nato, iva daalder. we may all think that the nato summit will be held the same way as today, but this is not the case. the last 2 months have not been good for ukraine, and it will not get better in the near future. as the allies announced in vilnius,
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ukraine will be a member of nato. the challenge for us is having a good, clear roadmap to achieve that outcome.
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it must defeat corruption and must stop fighting. the common belief that all wars end in negotiations is wrong. most wars end in mutual attrition or one-sided victory, very few of them end in negotiated peace. for the foreseeable future, the most that can be hoped for is a frozen conflict. and then they will immediately be accepted into nato. the collective west is nato itself, it negotiates with itself all the time, and at the same time, it argues within itself that it should put its troops in ukraine, but not in such a way that to fight, but to thrash.


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