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tv   PODKAST  1TV  April 7, 2024 5:00am-5:41am MSK

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to say that in general, we must pay tribute to this, well, of course, we can say that to what extent this met the interests of russia, but if alexander had behaved like this, and not otherwise, then it would have been, but in principle alexander demonstrated a certain moral strength, because at that time he could, to a certain extent, dictate conditions in europe, the strongest army was the russian one,
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his politics. alexander is a winner, unlike all other participants in the work at the vendian congress. yes, he understood perfectly well that without resolving border issues, some kind of division, it was necessary to reward the winners, and so on. naturally, this cannot be avoided; any post-war congress, so to speak, must decide something. similar
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questions, but he was the only politician who tried, but they didn’t listen to him, unfortunately, he tried to push through the idea of ​​​​creating some new european rules of the game, but in order to ensure stability on the continent, unfortunately, they didn’t listen to him , yes, by the way, a very interesting detail, it means that san simon supported him. french socialist-utopian, yes, french socialist-utopian, he also wrote, so to speak, as a participant in the congress, in every possible way supported the idea, so to speak, of some kind of new world order, already by this moment, since the transformation in alexander was internal during these napoleonic wars it’s almost as if it’s almost over; for him, in general, morality and the bible are united. something unified, so to speak, and
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therefore he largely approached the solution of political issues, from the point of view, so to speak, of some kind of christian morality, as he understood it, from here, in fact, the well-known so-called sacred union arose; we, of course, have heard about it, but i think that a rare person has read the text of this sacred union, the declaration, and the declaration. this resembles not so much a political document as a theological treatise, there are a lot of words about a united christian world, about justice, and so on and so forth, and metornichus, a pragmatist , unlike alexander i, at first he was very sarcastic about this document, that this is such a moral manifestation of the russian tsar, nothing more...
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and alexander i defended this sacred alliance in practice even when it conflicted with the interests of russia. well, let’s say, greece, yes, when the events of the uprising began in greece, yes, he took the side of the austrians, he was actually supported by the turk, without at all bothering to explain why... what does
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the general christian world have to do with it, the tourist sultan is the legal ruler , legitimate ruler, yes, yes, that is, he said at that time that no, i remained what, who i was before. that is, i am for liberal constitutions there for all this, but this cannot happen everywhere at the same time. alexander i , after this second expulsion of napoleon , became the most authoritative monarch in europe, he knew how to charm, that’s his personal trait, he knew how to win personal sympathy. madame destal, a french writer, said the russian emperor is ogamemnan, the king of kings. gomemman, who led the greek coalition in the war of construction. greek hero, hero of the greek epic. accordingly, here is russian the tsar is handsome and powerful, seemingly merciful, but nevertheless, the sacred alliance in soviet times was quite naturally called
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an alliance of monarchs against peoples. we can say that this is soviet propaganda, but we respect klyuchevsky. klyuchevsky defined the role of alexander as follows: a guard sentinel of foreign thrones against.
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to establish some kind of pan-european house , i don’t know the general rules of the game, but this was simply impossible by definition, because well, first england went ahead, there are bourgeois, so to speak, all sorts of would, and then, so to speak, changes occurred in other european countries, but he, as you rightly say, he did not deal with internal issues, he was partly involved , after all, he came up with military settlements.
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in the end, we know about the rumors, the version, that in the end, that he did not die, that he went to wander, here is the old man, fyodor kuzmich, who in tomsk suddenly appeared somewhere else, here are some reasons... then there is no real reliable information on this matter, as far as i know, and the reasons for the appearance of these words there... one can guess, and well, he was only 47 years old, he died, one might say, although at that time this was still a respectable age, nevertheless, his death was unexpected, he died far from the capital, no one, so to speak, was present at the solemn death,
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especially since the body was brought in a closed coffin , which is natural, where is taganrok, where is st. petersburg, while they were transporting, while they were transporting, well, naturally, yes.
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in this case it worked out, it worked out, there were quite a few impostors of alexander pavlovich, they appeared in different provinces, fixed themselves, sometimes, out of drunkenness, they passed themselves off as the tsar, well, it happened. sometimes it's like this elder fyodor kuzmich provided more solid grounds for rumors, but of course these are all rumors, and of course a serious historian here should say that alexander really died. in conclusion , we can say, perhaps, the following, simply to state that for many years, russia was perhaps the main player in the international arena in europe, alexander i. enjoyed enormous authority for a very long time,
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but since he was not involved in internal affairs, then russia, deprived of a constitution and basic freedoms, began gradually to lag behind, reforms did not happen, the principles of the sacred union did not justify themselves, nicholas was already forced to renounce them, there was an uprising of the decembrists demanding these reforms, and... but it was prepared not so much by the rebels themselves, but by politics in general, late politics alexander i. and here one more thing needs to be said, there is a paradox, alexander i is perhaps the most educated russian emperor. it was a historical podcast, russia-west, on the swing of history. pyotr romanov and sergei solovyov were with you. learn history with us. you can watch all episodes of the historical podcast russia west on the swing of history on the website of channel one 1tv. .ru.
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hello everyone, this is not the lymshits and tatyana gevarkyan. it’s spring outside, there’s a holiday in our hearts, and in our studio we have guests who literally personify beauty, both external and internal. elena krygina and alla sigalova. hello alla, hello lena, today we have such a spring holiday issue, we will talk about beauty, about beauty, naturally, not only externally, but internally, and i am very glad that you came, because that for me you personify, well , probably not only female beauty, but human beauty in general, by which we today break the stereotype that you can either be smart or beautiful, because in our time it seems strange to me to choose something one thing, and if... you haven’t become smart and beautiful, then something is wrong with you, because
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there are all the possibilities for this, beauty is not only about appearance, but for you, what is beauty? talent, first of all, i don't mean the person in general, i mean those moments of beauty that are associated with unique people, for example, for me , beauty is in raised, hunched shoulders... for me, beauty is yulia’s face in this cosmic window against the backdrop of the sun, for me, beauty is when a mother runs towards her children , what is depicted at this moment is depicted on her face, for me beauty is a surgeon bent over the operating table, so this is beauty, this is a moment in which... each of us can shine, i understand, yes, oh what are you saying, are you saying about this aesthetics of the moment, and
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such moments, there can be many of them in life, or there may be few, yes, there may be few, very often it seems to me that they manifest themselves in certain situations, for example, when traveling, why -very often such moments are captured, or as you said about the aesthetics of a moment in a profession, in a profession, in the place where you show your talent. in life, where you show your talent, in love, above all, where you can show this piece of talent, you have people from your close circle, who for you have some kind of incredible magnetism, the misfortune is that i am surrounded by famous and talented people, so many of them, of course, delight me when i come. uh, watch their films, watch their performances, i have a lot of such people around me, well, you see, you
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are lucky, there is a lot of beauty surrounding you, absolutely, len, tell me, and for you, what is this magnetic attractiveness in a person? ? firstly, i would not tie it to only external factors, if we talk about people, because i am often asked specifically applied questions about beauty, i am, after all, an expert in the field of beauty and makeup, so i usually get a question right away: about how to put on makeup, but i am always talking about beauty there cannot be without some kind of inner - either harmony, or protest, harmony, when there is this calmness, beauty... in the look, in the movements, in the relaxation, and the makeup, and the image, it immediately plays differently, you are like as if you see how beautiful a person sees the world, and this you are inspired, or protest, this is rebellion, this talent, but what do protests of buttarism, for example, performed by women, mean to you, breaking the rules, violating just these very stereotypes, the manicure
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should match the lipstick, and the shoe of the handbag should match color, stereotype and how to apply makeup correctly if you have such and such eyes, and how do you like this makeup, which is now very popular on social networks, they practically show how to apply it, this heavy contouring, heavy layer of foundation, bright pronounced eyebrows, eyelashes, this is beautiful, this is beautiful for , first of all, the audience of the middle east, that is, the makeup is different in aesthetics, yes, that is, there is. always different directions and different aesthetics for scandinavians , this is not suitable in russia mainly either , but it seems to me on the contrary, for a scandinavian type of face, such heavy makeup is more appropriate, but for girls with an oriental type of appearance, after all, they already have bright faces, heavy makeup is not it suits very well, this is a more scenic make-up, there is no specific rule, just why do you see
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this is on social networks, because social networks are filmed on camera, well, that is, everything that is posted is a camera, the camera has... it will be different from your daily makeup for there recording a podcast of this makeup, the same thing those who develop on social networks, including earn money, somehow manifest themselves, that is, they use it to look cool on camera, that’s why you see this makeup is quite bright, stage-heavy, because well, let’s be realistic , yes, that is, for modern youth, in many ways , social networks are... a stage, but not in many ways, but simply now the number one means of influencing the minds of not only young people, but adults, by the way, al, how do you feel about the fact that does social media have a huge impact on how we perceive ourselves? well, it depends on the person, for some they influence, but for others, such moments as a social network do not exist at all,
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because they are busy with other things, deep in... in their profession, in their implementation, their own upbringing, education, the culture that is embedded in you and that you have developed in yourself, this influences, everything else, of course not, on a developed person, so i say so carefully, i understand, yes, what you mean, but now we are again talking about our world is so narrow that... i probably have nothing to do with it, not everyone is lucky, i don’t even understand what you’re talking about, some kind of heavy makeup, light makeup, i know that there is makeup for a certain look, you you do one thing, for another image you do something else, that is, everything lies in its cells, and you can take from each cell to use in a given specific case and for
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a given specific purpose, but you will agree that the world is still very strong. has changed over the last, say, 25 years, what and what influenced us in the nineties, and what influenced you in the nineties? i ’ll tell you what influenced me in the nineties, i was greatly influenced by the aesthetics of my perception when i was growing up, again, well, besides, of course, books, theaters, where my grandmother took me, i was influenced by the mtv channel, which i watched, and these were music videos, that’s all there is to it...
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i grew up in surgut, this is a small northern town, where, in principle, there are five house designs, everything is gray, snowdrifts, there are several clubs where children can develop very little there was opportunity. to apply yourself somewhere creatively, and this charge was there, then you turn on the tv, there are just all the colors of the rainbow, these clips, you know, are our pop culture, these
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groups are all brilliant there, no matter who, yes, western pop culture, and you are sitting in the evening, cut these jeans, put lacing in them, to look like in this fashion video, twist some curls and perform on your own stage. against the mirror with hairspray, it was a wonderful, bright time, we glued some appliqués, made ourselves some tattoos from rhinestones, and thus, well, somehow we got to know the world of our adolescence, and saw that it broadcasts to us from there, and it influenced us very much, then - this knowledge of what is going on there, and how they did such choreography, and how they learned to sing like that, and how they do their hair like that, it forces you already with some... internal incentives to develop in the direction in which you are cool, yes, that is, i went in the direction of studying makeup, there is plastic makeup, makeup, all this
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beauty, this is the same show industry, images, beauty, deep, thoughtful, well, yes, well , i like that you and i are so different and young, and you see, it was for you, you were teenagers in the nineties, and i was already an aunt.
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what they have done to ukraine over the past few years is monstrous situation, the only question is how they now evaluate this test of strength, they say they need to hide for several years and prepare better, or continue aggression against russia right now and expand the conflict to the baltic states, for example, so what do you think? will they choose? premiere, big story, tomorrow after the evening news. this is nily komshita and tatyana gevorkyan, and today in our studio we are talking with actress allai segalova and makeup artist elena krygina. it seems to me
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that cinema has always influenced fashion the perception of beauty, in particular women's, but today it seems to me that it especially influences, especially on fashion trends, that is , last year we had barbicore, which was imposed on us by the creators of the film barbie. they sing in a choir, so you are talking about a choir, but i prefer a personality that is different from
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the cordalette. i understand perfectly well, i think that we all choose for ourselves here in a certain way and obviously not focusing on any mass trends, but i’m just interested to know how you perceive the fact that cinema is really about this mass culture is influenced in this way, this is good or this is bad, but this is normal, this is the norm, such waves have a good influence, today this, tomorrow this, but... on the broad masses, on people who themselves do not produce personal understanding, personal style and individuality, well, just look at it, even the same style can change our perception of it in waves, for example, before people in tracksuits were considered representatives of a certain environment, but they were marginal, everyone tried to bypass them aside, now all the fashionable cool kids
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are wearing... these are tracksuits, where do they wear them? unfortunately, alla is everywhere, right? sometimes in the most inappropriate places, i didn’t see; in the theater, for example, i didn’t meet a single person in a tracksuit. by the way, tell me, classical choreography, it somehow influenced the style throughout...
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diagelev in his time at the beginning of the last century was very influential, of course, well, these tutu skirts, which are still included, and yes, such waves too, that is, then no, then all of a sudden they dress in the same thing, then suddenly they all take it off, but what do you think, is it beautiful, or is it still such a strange borrowing from another among. context, everything depends on the context. len, what has fascinated you recently from cinema in terms of the aesthetics of the picture? i’m probably a very minimal cinematographer here, i love old movies, there are movies that i love very much, and periodically i just watch them, and well, there’s a conditional love mood there, i definitely need to watch it once a year, preferably on the big screen , my friends and i take, we order this
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opportunity to turn it on in... in the cinema, because the colors, the music, the picture, the rhythm, everything, i need it like air at some point, and there are a certain number of such films there , but i can’t say that i ’m watching with greed, i’m following what ’s happening, that is, i watched, you know, some mandatory tv series or films that are needed in order to understand the agenda, even just aesthetically , because it’s important for work, well, there’s a conventional series... it’s on the list of required what movie are you watching today? well , of course, i watched everything that was nominated for an oscar, of course, i watch all our series, because all our series are now my students, so i endlessly go to the premieres of all the films, because all the students are calling and i have to go, i'm a film eater, a devourer, i'm a general
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devourer. everything great, and in order to understand what you like, you need to watch everything, all fashion shows, because you won’t see more fantastic performances, for example, margiela’s last show, well, just fantastic, but it’s impossible to imagine the best theater, it immediately pushes your imagination, excites some of your further steps. this is very cool, always, always, but how do you think the canons of beauty have changed, what have we come to today, how different is it all from the last century, what are the bright markers of today, i can quickly say, here i am , for example, a girl who was born at a time when there was no longer a woman in a man’s suit, there was already a woman in a suit, well then it’s as if for me this is not an exclusively men’s wardrobe item, i no longer
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have a clue. a shirt or chemise, men's trousers, i buy a lot of vintage clothes , i'm just a big fan of all possible vintage, and i buy a lot of some old men's collections, because for me there is... and i saw this fashion, and the eighties are just , well, the nineties, these are totally men’s clothing in a women’s wardrobe, these are trousers, these are broad shoulders, and jackets, yes, that is, what probably happened in popular culture in the eighties, in
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russia is still in the nineties, but a little late, these boots are like men’s, a little like military ones, they also appeared then, remember, these are not lymshits and tatyana gevarkyan, today we are talking... about female beauty, with me make-up artist elena krygina and actress allagalova. len, we touched on the topic of how appropriate this or that makeup is in different cultures. tell me how not to make a mistake and how to actually put on make-up correctly as a girl, so as not to look, well, let’s say, funny, stupid. it's funny, it's stupid it’s also not always bad, yes, it’s a question of self-expression, the question is always how you feel, that is, here’s a professional makeup artist, he can paint for you. on your face alone there are 30 very beautiful ones according to the canons of some kind of golden ratio , inspired by i don’t know ancient egypt or for the middle east or for i don’t know japan
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, modern makeup artists can even draw a speeding train on your face now, there are no limits and they can choose you an infinite number of these foundations products and some kind of packaging of this endless cosmetics. if you feel uncomfortable if you look in the mirror and say, oh, well, it’s beautiful, of course, but that ’s not me, that’s all, it doesn’t make any sense, it doesn’t matter, that is, makeup in the first place, and indeed the whole image is that , in which you can sit and not think about the fact that i don’t know how you should sit, how they will look at you, what they will think of you, in creating an image you need some kind of concentration on this, yes, that is, what we call way, this is an image where everything fits together, when you realize that this is all an ensemble, yes, well ok, so what advice can you give to people who, let’s say, don’t have the opportunity to turn to a makeup artist for professional advice, what is the minimum basic set that should be in a makeup bag, well, look, let’s go
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from the applied, but why do we need makeup at all, that is, we wake up with in the morning , we just want to look somehow fresher, better, with age we lose the natural blush that children have, and... perhaps the sparkle in the eyes becomes not so bright , the iris itself is not so juicy green or wait juicy, there is a product that can add this brightness, makeup, for example, little tricks, yes, the eyebrows are not so thick, the oval of the face is not so clear, that is, we have some kind of series, let’s say, well , fads in which we understand that once upon a time, when, for example, i really liked myself, they are no longer there, and yes. with my inner state, with my new kind of maturity, wisdom, i like myself, but i would like to tighten up my appearance a little from that period, then this is, first of all, a foundation, because it removes pigmentation, it evens out the tone, it hides nasolabial folds, dark circles under
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the eyes, the oval of the face becomes clearer in moderation and suitable for a specific skin type, for a specific face, in shade, in texture, well, let’s say, on request, blush, yes, it can be cream blush, cream... i, let’s say, take priority because they are always livelier, they are easier to apply cream sizes, lighter, much lighter, well, in principle, now the main trend is very beautiful sleek, polished skin, and no matter how old you are, we we all want beautiful, sleek, polished skin, this trend has largely come to us from the korean market, yes, that is, when there’s just a little bit of a dewy glow, and this one with a girlish blush, the main thing is that... matches the natural blush, yes, that is, you can pinch yourself on the cheek so that it appears, you can see there as a shade of mucous membranes, for example, yes, it looks like mucous lips, the eyes are brighter in a second, the face is rested, straight, well, you like yourself,
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the mood is super, and where i'm in a great mood, then it's a good day, and then i want to to develop, i want to be manifested, to look into the world, well, that is, this is very much what it would seem like. it starts with your pleasant reflection in the mirror, and yes, well, probably from the basic products, yes, it’s mascara , as a rule, it’s always better with it than without it, i agree. in different ways, but 90% of the cases , eyelashes are always painted, they open the eyes, make them brighter, more attractive, glowing, so you can emphasize them, that’s the color of the lips, i remember i had a meeting with olive shadmizon, this is a person, who is like, well, a makeup guru, old school french, he’s such a rather impressive frenchman, grayskely was also doing his makeup, we talked to him and he’s right on...
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i don’t know what he was doing at the show, girl models are walking along the catwalk, thin, pretty, i’m looking at the dress, i’m looking at , let’s say, i’m looking at figures, hairstyles, faces, and he sits next to me and says: no, that’s outrageous, what’s wrong, i say that he’s not, well, look, they all... are so dry and i
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i understand that i don’t even look at it at all, where he saw on the podium with these beautiful, fragile girls, models, in beautiful dresses, he saw dry elbows on them, he is probably a professional director, show director, he has a deformity, i just look at it, what else do you pay attention to in appearance, well, first of all, i’ve already said everything about it, yes, a vessel in which there is emptiness or fire flickering in the vessel, so it’s as if everything has already been drawn, and then you know what seems to me, uh, yes, of course, we’re lips of something we paint, well, especially when we go to some kind of event like this, this is how we are sitting now everyone is like that, but when you go to the mirror in the morning and if you get scared, it seems to me that you shouldn’t grab your... carcass, you should go to the doctor, you know, because you still
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have to be healthy for you to go to the doctor in the morning said to the mirror: oh, how wonderful it is to stop eating at night, for example, as in my case, well, everyone there already manages their evening in their own way, but it seems to me that this is the most beautiful thing, and i see, for example, when someone -do any of my actresses with whom i work come to rehearsal just to wash up? you think, god, how beautiful she is, by the way, i adore people without makeup, girls, so it all depends on the context, but can al then, since you pay attention to dry elbows, a talented, super talented person, allow himself to walk around with dry ones? elbows, he can afford anything, a talented person can afford anything, but it is desirable that this should not be within the framework of the criminal code, yes, but, but with not dry elbows, that’s what the definition is called, how
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people are defined who like talented people, because i, for example, know about myself that i am a sapiosexual, because i like smart people, that is, this fascinates me first of all, yes, this is a trend among young people, unfortunately, it’s so nice that young people like me , but you are still a young lady, beautiful, so this is a trend, yes, because unfortunately. about the men we like.


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