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tv   Chasovoi  1TV  April 7, 2024 7:40am-8:11am MSK

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and i’ll play the black-eyed cossack girl,
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they’ll put me in jail, but they’ll give me a big fine. the men here in brazil are very attentive and caring. it’s clear that sometimes someone’s husband can go to the left. our blood is hot, but we have our own woman, she is always alone. i see that you mostly have women working here. we just want the women's coffee business to develop along with the men's coffee business equally. brazil, coffee is simply bliss. the lives of others. premiere. today is the first one. 75 years ago an organization was created with the sole purpose of destruction of our country. nato members made their plans according to wehrmacht standards, built their logistics support system. in fact, it was the fourth reich and continues to be so. gorbachev, let's speak frankly, was simply cheated when nuclear weapons carriers were destroyed, slaughtered under american supervision.
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specialists, our nuclear submarine cruisers, still defies any logical explanation; for them it is extremely important that everyone signs in blood that they are all participating in the fight against russia, that they have done to ukraine over the past few years, this is a monstrous situation, the only question is how they now evaluate this test of strength, they say they need to hide for several years and prepare better, or continue aggression against russia right now. and expand the conflict to the baltic, for example, state. so what do you think they will choose? premiere, big story. watch after the evening news. central 8:12, suspicion of robbery on a taxi driver with the aim of taking possession of the car. taxi again, again approximately the same area. maybe they are doing this on purpose so that we focus our attention on this particular area, but this is obviously a false trail. the main thing is that they
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stole a taxi again, which means myakisheva, myakisheva, where are you anyway, undercover taxi, premiere, tomorrow, after the program time. in order to live and enjoy life, you need to do what you like. why did you tatyana mikhailovna decide to become a teacher? because i love children very much. i am the master of ceremonies, who is this? the man, who connects hearts? i work on a crane, in ferrous metallurgy, i go to work with joy, and leave work with pride. study to become a heating engineer. you won’t regret it, one day i became
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an artist, well, for example, with such a wonderful voice we can voice some grandfather, i wanted to be an artist, then a navigator... a sea captain, at the end of the tenth grade i decided to become a doctor, like my mother, in small steps you can move towards your goal, nothing is impossible. walks through old vladimir, that’s how many times we’ve been to this city and this was the first time we got there on such a pleasant street, it’s as if we’ve returned 100 years ago, stepped into another century,
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look, there’s an old water pump here, and it’s working, water is flowing, yes, there’s an antique market, souvenirs, shops, churches, look different, and here monument. and i’m shalapai, here ’s a spy looking out from behind a cabinet, there ’s a shalapai boy sitting over there, by the way, this area used to be called shalapaevka, and this word came from the name of the district, and we all know who shalapai is, you’re a shalapai, i’m more impudent, from nakhalovka district, everything ponyalovsky and shalapaevsky always bullied them, bullied them, well , in general, vladimir is a cool city, come and see a lot of interesting things!
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minskaya himself processed, well, folk, folk, but he selected it himself, he selected it himself, rare accordionists, guys, he brought it through the soul, through the heart, listen,
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dear friends, again with you the section “entertaining horn studies from the vladimir
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land”, yes, i’m right, yes alexander alexandrovich lebedev will teach experienced people, yeah, the lesson is short, our program has a short transmission time, so it’s an educational program for those who are in general. doesn't know what it is vladimir horns, please, an instrument, a vladimir horn, so small, it’s called vseunok, this is the smallest one that carries upstairs, yeah, lucky one, i thought that’s my daughter’s name, no, it’s very similar, well, show me, sash, right away show that something in the russian heart at this moment is already reverberating. i don’t know how old this instrument is, at least roughly, no, if you take my horn, then it might be about 10 years old, but in general, in general, this phenomenon, you know, it is very ancient, back in the late 19th century there was such a famous group, we in the peasant region, kondratik organized
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a choir of horn players, this colite was very famous not only here in russia, but abroad, imagine, at the end of the 19th century they were already touring western europe, in general they went as far as the city of paris, yes. on the way they gave concerts, by the way, yes, of course, especially back, it so happened that when they didn’t come back, they were abandoned there by the person who organized everything.
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this bass horn, it's really very interesting, it sounds an octave lower than what kind of wood is used, by the way, let me show you master, you know, the best manewood , mazhevelovaya, come on, come on, well done,
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you know, very often i hear,
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they play the vladimir horn, you know, they don’t sound like that, the thing is that it’s good, good playing on the vladimir horn, it should look like a screen, wow, they sound soft and not rough, this is the most difficult thing to achieve the sound of an ensemble, now we want to show how songs should sound approximately, songs, of course, the ensemble of vladimir horn players, vein in fact, to dress like a rose blossom, beautiful brown hair spread over the shoulders,
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and just look at them with your heart , and just look at them with your heart, all the daring molos of the little girl were driven from the little girl from the little girl, they fought with blinders, the little girl of the little girl was fighting with blinkers, one day when katenka was going to the river for water , earring after kusik katya gyrfalcon in the sleep,
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earring after kusik calls katya wait, katyusha got scared and leaned back to the bush, nursery and little heart started to play, knock-knock-knock, idon’s little heart started to play, just wait,
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we can’t drag it away here, there’s coffee and a roll , here a roll of tea, my lazy sweetie, i saw through you, but you’re sour, oh , we’ll never forget vladimir, oh, what nice people here, my sweetie, fragrant, i saw through you, and you’re minty. oh, goodbye, let's say, goodbye, oh , thank you all, let's say for your efforts, my candy with
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marmalade, i figured you out. and you , my sweet candy with marmalade, i saw through you and you are sweet and yes.
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hello! on the air of the first channel , the military information program chasovoy and i am its presenter alexey rafaenko, watch this release! new special operations, self-propelled gun two-in-one vein and mortar. this is a self-propelled artillery and mortar unit that we have heard a lot about, but have never seen. the universal weapon can fire anything, even captured ammunition. testing of new equipment on the battlefield is carried out by kostroma artillery paratroopers, the shell has loaded one shell, fire, and the shot is ready, combat work has begun. and at the beginning
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of the release there is news about the combat work of our army in the northern military district zone. combat sortie of su-25 attack aircraft and k-52 attack helicopters. their goal is a cluster enemy equipment in the avdeevsky direction. pilots are working on the ground right next to the line of contact. strikes monitor the situation with their own eyes. we try to interact with reconnaissance groups, with uav groups,
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to observe the target being hit as much as possible. high- explosive fragmentation, high-explosive charge, thousandths scale. in the same avdeevsky direction, artillerymen destroyed a mortar crew and a bsu ammunition depot. the strikes were carried out from a distance of 18 km from an akatsiya self-propelled howitzer. caliber 152 mm. fire adjustments were made in real time from the arland 30 drone, which allowed the minimum amount of ammunition to be spent. follow me, follow me. 27 destroyed.
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the sentinel continues his series of reports from the special military operation zone. this time
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the film crew is working in the donetsk direction. we are moving along the broken front roads towards artyomovsk to the positions of our paratroopers. the weather today is fog, snow and rain, slush, dirt, some may find it disgusting, but here on the front line, it probably couldn’t be better. because visibility is zero and activity enemy unmanned aerial aircraft, well, also reduced to zero. we are somewhere in the suburbs of artyomovsk, a year ago there were serious battles here, now the front has moved forward, but artillery is still very active on both sides. bad weather helps us, we can at least go outside without so much fear of an air strike. it was the elite of our army, the paratroopers, who were entrusted with conducting combat tests of the next new product of the domestic defense industry. well, this is so that you
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can better understand the weather conditions in which we have to work under our feet. it’s muddy and it’s impossible to move around in boots, even special military boots, so only rubber ones help out. boots, now i’ll show you what even we had to change into, we are on the front line, where only heavy tracked vehicles can drive, we are knee-deep in mud, and we came here for a specific combat vehicle, this one, it’s called vienna. this is a self-propelled artillery and mortar unit that we have heard a lot about, but have never seen. we ask the crew to move the car
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to an open place, fortunately there is thick fog allows. guys, i’m glad to finally get to you, you are far, deep and look at your interesting equipment, which we, frankly, have never seen before. please tell us what the... this gun is, why it is so remarkable, a 2.31 vein self-propelled artillery gun, this is quite a new development, they sent it to us as an experimental one, yeah, but it passed all the tests, proved that it combat-ready and much better than its predecessors, this self-propelled gun is universal, can fire both like a regular howitzer and like a mortar. 2s31 vienna - it is a 120 mm gun, it fires many types of shells, even shells from
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nato countries, french ones.
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they will immediately remember us in any way in all directions, that is, they were always proud of us and admired us. it is curious that nona comes not only on tracks, but on wheels, based on armored personnel carriers. the modification is designed for mountainous areas. however, we also saw this car for the first time in the special operation zone. the uniqueness of this machine is that it is highly mobile, there is more maneuverability in it, especially for tasks such as ours, let's say it works. like a sensing weapon, they arrived, fired back, and, accordingly, it would be necessary to quickly escape from this position, well, the enemy didn’t figure it out, this machine is very good for this work, it goes well on wheels in the mud, it also goes well on the highway and it even accelerates to 100 to 110, that’s how it can be, now the artillery paratroopers are showing their fortune with new equipment, it is better protected, it shoots noticeably more, i should
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just draw the attention of the audience to how huge this machine is in comparison , for example, with its predecessor, but here is an airborne nona, that’s right, it’s from the 9 nona, yes, that’s right, what a small car, it can actually be dropped from airplanes, it’s more difficult for me to imagine such a car, probably how it’s possible, but it’s not intended, yes, specifically for airborne troops, it is floating, but not landing, if it was designed on the basis of an airborne combat vehicle. bmd2, then the vein is made on the tracked base of the bmp-3, the main fire armored vehicle of our infantry. if nonu is joking called a foil tank, since it only has bulletproof protection, the armor of the vein holds even 20 and 30 mm shells. i see that you have already upgraded this car so much, and you have an anti-drone visor
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because... well, everything comes with experience, i myself personally fell under this so -called baba yaga, that is, mines fell on us, but we all saved our lives, left the firing position, took up a new firing point and began to work further, than she did well, maseki on it fits normally, that is, yes, well, i i see, she looks so cute, brutal and massive, in the frame there are kostroma paratroopers with all the attributes. for camouflage purposes, the airborne forces can at most afford the legendary blue and white vest. why were the valiant artillery paratroopers allowed to test this vehicle in combat? well, because it was the airborne troops that proved themselves to be the most combat-ready units. how long have you been fighting before this relationship? since july, i was one of the first gun commanders who tested it and went to
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complete the first tasks. prickly, here footage of the combat work of artillery and mortar installations: a well-camouflaged vein hits the enemy’s strongholds, adjustments and objective control are carried out using a uav. there is a target on the same ones, that’s it, one at the target, one nearby, we work with thermal bars, we don’t let the enemy, as they say, relax, that is, it’s already striking. in the trench, even if the enemy is in cover in the dugouts, we smoke them out with trambol shells, that is , oxygen is burned out inside the trench, he can’t escape anywhere, this is the center of the greek diaspora, one one of the largest in the south of russia, and, probably, in all of russia in principle, in yesentuki, where the greek diaspora came from, the first greeks appeared here back in 700 years.


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