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tv   Zdorove  1TV  April 7, 2024 8:10am-9:21am MSK

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the first task is carried out, here is footage of the combat work of artillery and mortar installations: a well-camouflaged vein hits the enemy’s strongholds, adjustments and objective control are carried out using uavs, there is a target on the same ones, that’s it, one on target, one nearby, we work with thermal bars, we don’t let to the enemy, as they say. that is, it hits already in the trench, even if the enemy is in cover in dugouts, we smoke them out with stramboli shells, that is, oxygen is burned out inside the trench, it can’t escape anywhere, this is the center the greek diaspora, one of the largest in the south of russia, and, probably, in all of russia in principle, where the greek diaspora came from, the first greeks appeared here back in the 700s. trade routes passed here, i
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think when we cook, we will make a fusion of cultures, i will have caucasian-greek pita, i will have leningrad crumpets with a greek sauce based on liver, cod, olives, everything will be takhimis on top, now tam-tararam , there-tararam, there-tararam, bon appetit, premiere, cooks on wheels, today on the first, the snow is still white in the fields, and in the spring the waters are noisy, running and waking up the sleepy shore, they are shining, and they are shouting, they are shouting to all ends, spring is coming, spring is coming, we are messengers of the young spring, she sent us out forward, what, where, when, the spring series of games, look, after the program time, this is my friend
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alyosha, just recently his arm was completely paralyzed and did not work, and now, and now i can move it in different ways, and the guys in the school likes it, like this, it’s clear, now in all directions, a unique russian development scientists, exoskeleton.
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i like my hat, you don’t have a hat? i would like to say in the future that i did everything i could in my life. vienna can fire mines or thermal bars, as well as conventional high-explosive fragmentation shells or guided ones. the firing range is almost twice as far as its predecessor, 7.5 km, and the ammunition capacity is 70 rounds of ammunition instead of forty on non. the equivalent of a rupture, a rupture.
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history, i also studied in moscow in the cadet corps, that is, since childhood, from the age of 12, i have been associated with the army, well, not there i graduated from a higher educational institution, so i went to serve in military service later in my homeland in kastroma. signed a contract with our
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team for many years, we have been serving for a long time, we are good friends there, godfathers, and somehow it stuck , holy holy, my brother serves with me . birth, that is, right there, that is , a driver came to me with ammunition, yelled there, well, shouted throughout the firing position, where is the priest, priest there, so i say, what happened to me, he says, they gave you the news
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that you will have a son, my third child, my combat comrade is already, so to speak, we serve with him a lot, i had a squad commander, i was a reconnaissance officer for... a surveyor, now he is a senior battery officer, i am a gun commander, and we have been friends for a very long time and somehow i asked him, you will be, well, godfather to my son, he agreed, we agreed with the authorities and together with him we went and baptized, i have photographs, my wife constantly sends me, my daughters gave me a pink cheburashka, well, the most important amulet is a wedding ring for me, i don’t take it off him. took it off, something bad will happen, put it back on. ruslan, an experienced artilleryman. snon himself received a baptism of fire, and now he is mastering the kuven self-propelled gun quite successfully. i was in a firing position;
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my godfather had just arrived to replace me. he and i exchange firing positions, and he immediately shakes my hand and congratulates me. i say, for what? he says the order of courage. you will be awarded tomorrow, i was in shock, that is, i didn’t even think that they would give such a serious award, and he and i were awarded on the same day, so let’s say, our crew is preparing to go to the front line, the crew is taking their places, so are we we climb onto the armor, well, as a car, it’s excellent, better than the previous one, and it’s more comfortable to drive, of course more comfortable. you can catch with one hand , just yes, you can even try, we rode on a bmp3, we rode on a polygonetickalo, you can chop with one hand, that is, it’s generally comfortable, but how does it ride, because i know that nona is such a stool, it seems to ride smoothly, it’s easy to waddle, it goes smoothly, we
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tried the bmp3 in action a few years ago at the tarski training ground and we were already convinced of its excellent driving characteristics. but technically how reliable is the car? well, you know, very reliable, i would say, for at least as long as i have been serving, for as long as i have had this equipment under my command, i have had virtually no problems with it, it goes into a ford, into water, up a hill, mud, yes, it’s especially impressive, i would say in the water, after all, when a car floats at a speed of 10 km/h, like a motor boat, it’s...
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if an order comes for combat work, they will jump out from there from an ambush and strike as a swinging weapon, well, hiding there again, that is, let’s say, the intermediate point where we are now moving is already more dangerous there, we already have to hide there, take cover, already on the street, even in this weather you can’t just take a walk, on the front line vienna attracts everyone’s attention, few people know what kind of combat it is ... the car had emotions about the new weapon , not only our soldiers were surprised, no one saw it, that is, even we are driving towards us, the t-90 is traveling, it is generally small compared to us , that is, you are larger than the t90, yes, we have 3 s to m and
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the tank is 2700 on average, they are surprised it fits they ask what kind of car they think at first it’s some new bmp. the battery commander with the call sign kura has been commanding the vehicles for the second year, he says, at first they were afraid of it, after a little nona it seemed too huge, but then they realized all the advantages of the new technology, the guidance system is also a little like that, at first it confused us, but during work, when we started work, we’ve already gotten to know each other closely, it’s much nicer, much more convenient, the system, for example, is the same auxiliary. which is there, it makes it very easy, speeds up work, the most important thing is what results
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the machine shows, because it is very accurate, if you calibrate it very well, it hits very accurately, literally with the second or third projectile it directly hits the target, and this is clearly visible in combat work, our machine is still in an ambush, near the front line, there is time... so i began to fight on it from the very beginning and special operations. this crew includes both
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regular paratroopers and mobilized ones who came to the front at the call of their hearts, such as, for example, a gunner operator with the call sign kulich. a volunteer - he worked in the bush, on the geocinth before, and now he was transferred here as a gunner. and in civilian life, before they decided to come here on their own, who they worked as, a speech rescuer, a detachment. eastern siberia, yeah, located in khakassia, wrote a letter of resignation, asked where, i said, i’ll go to soo, everything was immediately signed and good luck. why did they suddenly feel the need to go help the guys, i watched patriotic videos on television, the hourly program, i think we need to go help, yes, i went, i’m still here, i’m alone, suddenly the radio comes to life, target designation comes in, smoke alone, take a firing
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position, well, as i understand it, combat work, yes , now you have a target, let’s go to work, with you i can go there, yes, the armor protection equipment, everything is on me, i’ll take everything, well, here you go now i’m inside the car, and that is , not only on the armor. inside, yes, well , now i and the crew are going on a combat mission, they will carry out, we will observe, the crew of the vena self-propelled gun is four people, the commander, the driver, the gunner loading, we are immersed in this car, although the tower here is impressive, i think that there is enough space in it, so where should i go, here, so, you can turn on the light, yes, yes, yes, now we will immediately see what is going on here. oh, so they told me to go to the commander’s place, where is that? i sit in
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the commander’s chair, there is a lot of space, considering that there are more people in the turret than, for example, in a tank, there is more space, more spacious, as for the work of the loader, compared to the previous gun, it is much more convenient to load, there is more room for maneuvers space, charge and so on further. now one line of fire, yes, aimed, ready, shot, combat work, the guys are now
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working harmoniously, the commander, loader, gunner, now fire is being fired at detected targets, a small adjustment and the artillery paratroopers continue to fire, hitting quite closely, disrupting the front line rotation of enemy infantry. everything is cut, one shell , load one shell, load, and the shell leaves again, several shots, after which we... must leave the position, unlock the gun, shot, shot, and yet, now we are also a target, the crew is hiding the combat vehicle behind clouds of smoke, they are working with
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the cloud system, we blow smoke to... disguise our retreat, disguise our position, the cloud leaves, a fairly good, convenient system, because it allows you to hide in the house cloud and leave the position we are in now is unnoticed, because the enemy is already beginning to slowly encircle the area, we can hear arrivals, the enemy opened fire in return, fortunately we are able to get out of the firing position. succeeds without incident, the vein rushes to the rear to strike soon somewhere else, the crew to the car, the commander, well, how did they work, according to the report , they destroyed the enemy’s temporary firing position, now we have come to replenish ammunition, refuel and continue to work, well, to be honest
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, we are full of emotions, we saw your combat work, well, with you were a watch program and a valiant self-propelled crew. artillery mortar installation vienna. see you in exactly a week. i'm in the center of things. in fact, today i can say this about me personally. we are at the center of diagnostics and telemedicine. is led by this one, i would like to say, he is a young doctor, he is only 35 years old, but his track record is already huge and very worthy, so, a gigantic number of images are analyzed here every day , which ones, how many, how many mris, ct scans, in total per day, more than 18 thousand
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studies are interpreted here today our doctors, more, well, count 20. thousand studies a day, it seems to me that the golden hour, when it became clear that this medicine was needed, incredibly, was in the red zones during the pandemic, when the number of patients was so huge that it was it is clear that doctors cannot cope on their own. so, moscow center for diagnostics and telemedicine. there are no wards here, no patients. only doctors sit on several floors. 400 people, 7 days.
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artificial intelligence, it would be more than in any city in the world. it's impossible without help. software modules processed tomograms with enormous speed and calculated the volume
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of lesions. on the right is a raw image, there is no doubt that this is a coronavirus infection. viral pneumonia, on the left screen is an image that processed by an algorithm, we see that the illuminated areas of the ground glass are purple colored, in fact, on the one hand it is beautiful, on the other hand we know we understand that we have a certain percentage of damage, then this speeded up the reading of tomograms hundreds of times, today the experience of a pandemic used to diagnose all diseases, including oncology, this is a completely different level of medicine that serves people, but in fact, few people understand that that center, yuri alexandrovich, do not leave me, which you and i saw, he is the only one in the world because he is so united. there is simply no data storage system, data assessment anywhere, this is what it gives us, ordinary people, how much artificial intelligence can make mistakes, how much
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a person is needed, these are all questions that we will also definitely answer, and most importantly, we will answer the question: can anyone residents of russia can send here their magnetic resonance tomograms or ct scans or x-rays or mamograms around the clock and receive an answer from an expert. the highest level, that's all at the very end program, but while the health program begins, while in this harsh life, endless passions are boiling, waking up healthy in the morning is real happiness, we need to, while swimming on the leading waves, take care of and... strength and nerves, if we give everything to the rakes, health will be on the first,
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health is with you again, dear friends, good morning, i’ll be honest, the morning we spent at the diagnostic and telemedicine center in moscow simply shocked me, a building where only doctors sit and then... artificial intelligence, colossal opportunities for each of us, to have, firstly, the speed of deciphering these most complex studies, and secondly, a second and third expert opinion, this is simply amazing, all the details of what this means for an ordinary person, in addition to the highest science and the highest technology. more about this at the very end of the program, but for now the health program begins, and as always, only one rule applies in our program: only the best doctors in russia and the world help you here, in
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the television clinic of the health program. do you have heart pain and joint pain? which painkillers are allowed by the heart, and which ones are strictly prohibited, written in blood, what is it? tg. let's learn to read tests correctly. this is over the scale. what numbers on a tonometer indicate a hypertensive crisis and how to reduce pressure before a stroke occurs. this, friends, is the target organs, hypertension. brain, stroke, heart - heart attack, eye - blindness, kidneys - chronic kidney disease. insufficiency, and this is a narrowed vessel, due to which the pressure increases. so, people live, treat their hypertension, but life goes on,
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their joints begin to hurt, and people need to take pain pills. unfortunately, almost all pills for pain increase blood pressure and increase the risk of heart attack. how to live, how to be such a person? coronary heart disease, that’s right, how long have you been, lyudmila ivanovna, how long have you been taking pills for blood pressure, for the heart, for cholesterol, 20 years, 20 years, now your joints and bones have started to hurt, what do you drink, what medicines do you take for pain i take iboprofen and...
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pain pills are exactly what you need, now let's start with blood pressure, what is the essence of blood pressure, what is the essence, why pressure rises due to nervousness, probably because the vessels narrow, let's see how the pressure rises, it rises all the time, then rises, then decreases, and if we are healthy, then everything would be fine, so the heart works, determines the cardiac ejection, this is the top one. pressure vessels hold the blow of the blood column, this determines the lower pressure, this is our vessel, if the vessel has narrowed, the pressure has increased,
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the vessel. expanded, the pressure dropped, very simple mathematics, now what do pain pills do, let's imagine that our vessel is so wide, this is what pain pills do, they constrict blood vessels, what happens as a result, let's look at the screen, so, here is the human body, we are... hypertensive, i say we, because i am also hypertensive , i take two pills for blood pressure, so we took a pill for pain, the vessels in the heart have narrowed, but what’s even worse is that the vessels in the kidneys have narrowed, when the vessels in the kidneys narrow, this is generally a command for the body to increase pressure, so the drama happens in vessels in general, in the vessels of the kidneys
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and pressure. what should these people do, what should they do with these people who have two diseases, 90% of them with age, and their joints hurt and have pressure, what should they do? there are big clinical recommendations coming out, these recommendations say the following: first, all painkillers have approximately the same strength of pain relief, the second and...
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of all the painkillers that you can buy without a prescription at the pharmacy, there is only one drug that can be taken if you have problems with the heart and blood vessels. who can tell what it's called this drug? this is an international non-proprietary name, at least anyone knows. the drug is called naproxen, this is the international nonproprietary name, naproxen, i repeat once again, this is the international nonproprietary name, this is what is written small, the brand of the drug can be written large, it is clear, that means why noproxen is so wonderful, first, it has a period of action of 12 -15 hours, if you need to take iduprofen every 4-6 hours, then twice a day is enough.
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from a group of prescription drugs, which may prescribe by a doctor? there is another drug that is already a prescription drug, its international nonproprietary name is celexip, celexip, so which drug do you need? an over-the-counter one you can go buy on proxen from a prescription.
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it could be celexip, in the smallest doses celixip is not so simple, but in minimal doses it is allowed, but proxen is allowed in the usual dose, which means there will be enough pain relief. this is where i wanted to start the program, because this is the last most important study for us doctors, because we we have been suffering for a long time with patients who have pain and hypertension. now let’s take a short break and then continue. “anatoly konstantinovich, maria, give me a wife, you can give it to me, it’s a good idea to collect blankets with your dad, we have embroidered shirts here, it’s so very beautiful, in the vologda province an amazing ritual of dressing up has been preserved, the bride was placed on a table decorated with a rich tablecloth, and her friends helped her put on her wedding
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attire, perhaps.” well, who, who is young, should take our beauty out, well, groom, to there's going to be a wedding, let's go and have a fight. we trusted, we argued, we measured ourselves, we raced, raced, skated, we are having a wedding, today is the first one, cnop gin, a stellar group product, cognac, monte shococa, a stellar group product, rum, castro. product of steller group. vodka. veto. product of stellor group. kiev propagandists distorted bulgakov's biography so much that they instantly turned him into an enemy of ukraine. razkiev,
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mother of russian cities. these crazy people are the ones who will abandon kiev. the sharikovs gave birth to offspring and are now taking revenge on bulgakov. now he was declared a ukrainophobe and rightly so, of course, because they finally started reading books. and also exclusive in our studio. fighters who captured the german marder, outdated equipment, are sent here as a write-off, given to the ukronazis and the tale of how ukrainian civilization appeared in the second millennium bc, anti-fake, premiere, tomorrow on the first, good morning, here are our great people visiting, news, i'm filming the hedgehog. daytime program, and these people go on air 28 or 32 times a day, how much news comes out, well i think it’s not 32 times a day, well, if you count everyone, you have to count, by the way , i’ve never counted in my life, but i counted, if you mean all the orbits, it’s always a live
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broadcast, right, and there’s never any recordings, well, and the people of the live broadcast, they are super stress-resistant, give us a hand, he knows stress-resistant people, it can be stressful while you get to work with work, because there are traffic jams and what we are doing, we are dealing with sugar, cholesterol, and that is, now there is pressure, yes, these are all rapid tests, you can do them at home, well how many years has valerie korablev been broadcasting live? ? there is a son in the family, how old is he? now he is 12, where is he drifting, who does he want to be, or is he still a teenager, this is not very clear yet, but we clearly have the humanities - this is our everything , languages, history, everything connected with this,
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mathematics is not our strong point, but we try, well done, and we manage to relax somewhere together, of course, yes, of course, we manage to learn lessons together, everything works out together, here they are mothers , what do you think and see, well , sometimes it has to be like that, why not eat much after a certain time, well, i think you know everything, lerochka, i always i come here. during the commercial break, so immediately after the commercial break i’m waiting for you in our studio, okay, of course, thank you, health is with you again, dear friends, our program continues, we read
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the tests, tsh, who knows what tsh is? thyroid-stimulating hormone, tsh is a thyroid-stimulating hormone. thyroid-stimulating hormone is produced in the brain, here in the depths, in the pituitary gland, here it is, where it is produced, here tsh, tereotropic hormone, is produced, and our thyroid gland lies here, it is clear what this hormone does, it controls the thyroid gland, as if the thyroid the gland is working poorly, poorly, that is, there are few thyroid hormones, tsh rises. it kind of spurs the thyroid gland, tells it: come on, work, stop messing around, if the thyroid gland produces a lot of hormones, tsh drops, he doesn't stimulate her. thus, they have
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a feedback principle. high tsh means low hormones and the thyroid gland is not working well. low tsh means the thyroid gland is overactive, so tsh should... be normal, it’s clear what the normal is, we’re showing you on the screen right now, i want to invite a wonderful, completely young woman who is now pregnant. but she has had problems with stereotropic hormone for many years, come to us, my dear, this is isabella, you see, she has a tummy here, how long is it now? 23 weeks, 23 weeks, whoever lives there is also a girl, there’s a girl living there, so, you’ve had problems with the thyroid gland for a long time, yes, yes, since you were 14 years old, tsh was 11,
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now let’s look here, look, thyroid gland , here it is, this is the battery of our body, it works, balls, rollers are spinning, we are active, everything is fine with us, it’s clear, the thyroid gland is not working, we are calming down... getting better, dryness, no strength to live, nothing, yes , yes, cold limbs, lethargy, you have to live, you have to get pregnant, you have to give birth, if the thyroid gland does not work in a pregnant woman, this is very bad for the nervous system of the fetus, we remember that there was an era when hypothyroidism... was familial, it was in the alps, and there were entire villages where
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mentally retarded people lived, they were called they are alpine cretins, so our girl, our isabela, takes thyroid hormones, that’s right, yes, and during pregnancy they are increased, and during pregnancy they are increased so that the baby grows up smart and good, moreover, in russia immediately after giving birth in ... thyroid gland, hormones are immediately prescribed thyroid gland, immediately and the child grows smartly, if this analysis did not exist, there would be a huge number of mentally retarded children, this is not the case in our country, this is a free analysis right in the maternity hospital, this is a heel test using... a blood stamp on the blotter on
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special, this is done to all babies, on the second day after birth, of course, and yours must do it strictly, we want to wish you that the birth goes well, when is the due date? in july, in july, so that she would report, give birth, and check up on her girl. stereotropic hormone, once again, the hormone controls the thyroid gland, but it is produced in the brain, here deep in the pituitary gland. we need to know about this. let's take a short break and then continue. this program
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was seen in the video, my name is nikolai drozdov. this was the first time i had seen such contact between a person and a whale. is it scary with whales? not really, he was blowing bubbles. i gobbled it up. i don't know about you, but i just love cleaning. we bought him a ball for his birthday, took a long time to choose it and he destroyed it in 5 minutes, we didn’t even have time to go outside. always new year. always at the vaselya, if the owner is with you, you saw the video, watch with us, the premiere, today is the first one, alena alexandrovna, let’s pay more attention to the work, today that’s all, yes you have, this is my friend alyosha, just recently with him my arm was completely paralyzed and didn’t work, and now, and now i can move the kids in different ways, at school they like it, like
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this, it’s clear, now in all directions, a unique development of russian scientists, exoskeletons, and not only in the program, live healthy, tomorrow on the first, central 812, suspicion of a robbery against a taxi driver with the aim of stealing a car, again a taxi, again approximately the same area, maybe they are doing this on purpose so that we focus our attention? precisely in this area, but this is obviously a false trail. the main thing is that they stole a taxi again, that means. myakisheva, myakisheva, where are you anyway? undercover taxi, premiere, tomorrow, after the program time, we are again together with those who love good music
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with all their souls, lilac fog, volodya, well, i’m hooked, aren’t you? that i swam, swing sing on in russian - this is another task, you know, the gears don’t always match, there is no hearing, no intelligence, everything goes in circles, everything is so organic, the feeling that everything will end well someday, this is so great, this so fresh. that's enough already, this is all hip-hop, everything is there three chords new season from april 14 on the first there is something in this, maybe it really
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is with you again health dear friends our program. our main topic today continues - hypertension and hypertensive crisis. this is not the first program we are talking about hypertension, because we have a project underway called my pressure, my responsibility. and right now i want one of you to tell me: what is a hypertensive crisis? this is what it is, this is what it is? sudden jump. well, what kind of sudden, what kind of pressure surge do we recognize as sharp? 200, above 160. we have a standard for what pressure numbers are considered a hypertensive crisis, let me remind you that we have a lot of participants in our project, my pressure, my
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responsibility, everyone has downloaded a free application called my pressure, here it is, i have it, now i’ll do a simple thing, i’ll enter. here are these numbers 180 and 120 and what should be done at this pressure? and an ambulance, call an ambulance, look, i entered it and they wrote to me, your blood pressure is dangerously high, call an ambulance or contact your doctor, this is an emergency, so, the pressure is 180 and 100. 20, that’s higher, that’s all , this is a stroke, a stroke is not death, it is life, 10 years in a paralyzed state, this is not the first program we have shown you what paralysis is, gereza, this is when half of the body does not work,
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that’s it, this is a drama, a huge drama, you should not live to see this, i don’t want this, so you must control the pressure. now who can help us deal with high blood pressure? a wonderful person
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who is used to living in stress, in cents, knows the price in the literal sense of the word, every second. here he has a diploma as a translator. while still a student, she came for an internship at the information service of channel one. despite all external difficulties, the russian economy has opportunities for... sustainable development. here, on channel one, she found her happiness; her husband peter is also a television worker. together they are raising
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their son artyom. valeria korableva is our guest. in general, all the news anchors used to sit, but now they stand, so only smart, beautiful women remain on the news, and they must be slim. well? thank you, of course, i want to take some tests, lerochka, here you go, well, there’s something not very funny, sugar is normal, cholesterol is normal, blood pressure is here, here 130 and this is very strange, because i generally hippatonic, i usually have either 110 or 120 to 80, or even lower, when i have a really bad headache, i sometimes have 80 to 50, for example, look normal. this is how a person’s blood pressure can normally increase, we are living people, i think
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that when you sit live on air, the pressure increases because the heart and brain need blood flow, now we have entered the program, it’s still some kind of element of pressure, pressure is a compensatory thing, but once this figure has arisen at least once, then just simple advice, this is not a reason to take medicine, this is a reason. every morning now for 2 weeks i woke up, went to the toilet, this is mandatory, because if you don’t go to the toilet, the pressure will increase by 10 mm. i calmly measured the pressure, this is just a recommendation, and if everything seems to be calm for 2 weeks, you can already , well, i’ll say more than that, with such a pressure of 130 and 80, if there are no risk factors, we do not prescribe treatment, we say, change your lifestyle, remove salt, 30 minutes. every day, at least 5 days a day walk or exercise for a week, lose weight, but what’s the point of losing weight, there’s already unearthly beauty here, so, here we have
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an emergency situation, for example, i even set up a chair and now we’ll still call someone, measure the coding, comrades , let’s come out, you took the rap with us, answered questions, now there is such a free application, it’s called my pressure, we all use it, because it just changed our lives, it gives advice, that’s all. the whole topic is a hypertensive crisis, look, the person’s blood pressure is higher than 180 and 120, expose this sleeve to measure the pressure, expose it, one sleeve can be exposed, because the pressure is measured only on the bare hand, and it doesn’t matter which hand, right or left, it doesn’t matter at all how to reduce the pressure, whether to reduce its urgency, use whether with pills or not, lerochka, since you have been in various scrapes, a question for you, how... the pressure of mom and dad where they live in moscow in moscow, what to do, reduce it urgently, not urgently, what to do, well, probably drink
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the pill the doctor prescribed, come here, this is very interesting, globally, today the point is this, look, let’s imagine that the pressure has increased, yes, the pressure, when it increases, the risk of stroke is always somewhere there is a plaque, if we do not reduce the pressure, then you see, the body tries to push through this plaque. anyway , push the blood under pressure so that the brain is not drained of blood, in order for at least something to get through, so the first recommendation is not to lower the pressure, or wait for an ambulance, or take those medications that lower the pressure slowly, but today we even say to call an ambulance, lie down and do nothing, you see how the plaque is pushing, but the blood flow is preserved, and if we completely reduce the pressure. for example, look, here we have a plaque, yes, while the pressure is high, something flows here, you see, then, for example, we
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sharply lowered the pressure, sharply lowered the pressure, here we have the steal syndrome, there is not enough blood, it does not push through it, therefore it is impossible to reduce it sharply, these layouts are so clear, isn’t it true, yes, it surprises me all the time, how clear everything is with you, how simple it seems. they come to us, where are you going with your 130? here, as expected, we are not far from 180, and no one believes, everyone says, i don’t believe, but at the same time it is quite low, but it turns out that we only need one fabulously high one to ring the bells, enter, and the gap is not important, yes between the top ones. unprincipled, so we enter 178.82, pulse 66, well, of course, the red zone,
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this is understandable, the red zone, are you... taking any medications or not? how many years? 48, 48, and which ones should you drink? well that's it anyway does the doctor determine or select or is there any general set of vocabulary? if your pressure is higher than 140 and 90, 140 and 90. tablets are prescribed to everyone, first one, then the 20-10 rule, if the upper pressure is higher by 20 than 130, and the lower by 10 than. 80 is prescribed two tablets, and so on, so this is the first advice for you, but we will think that you are so stressed right now that you just jumped to 178, well, it’s the same, apparently, as for me, yes, weeks, lerochka, you have 130.90, this is like our upper limit of the norm, so , of course, we say this is pressure, but try it on, look, most likely everything
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is fine, but here we are no longer in such goodness. we say, measure it accurately, look, but 99.9% you are a hypertensive person who needs to be prescribed medications, well, everyone wants to measure it, everyone says, this can’t be, i’ll measure it now, by the way, the second time it’s better, lower, lower, it always happens lower, because the vessels adapt, now how old are the parents, are the parents hypertensive, well, there’s no dad, i’ve already been with us for about 12. 13 years, it turns out, mom, well, mom, you can, i won’t say mother's age, mom looks great, mom is just zing, there are, sometimes there are issues with blood pressure, sometimes she takes pills, but it started literally quite recently, well, it starts for everyone at some point, the limits for women are 50 years old, after 50 the pressure starts to rise, because well, as they say, just a little bit,
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my comrade didn’t get any better, well, just a little bit. 74.91, well, the third time or is that enough? let's try on the third one, so look, what you need to know, and i need to tell my mother, i, too, would be glad to hide my age, but everything about you and me is written in wikipedia, so you can hide it, you don’t have to hide it, every ding-dong-dun, well , it’s not written about mothers, you can at least hide your mother’s age, but at least something is written, and if it’s written about you, it can be written about your mother, too, no, we hide, we generally hide everything from everyone, we don’t tell anyone. about our treacherous damn age, in short, it means, look, the situation is simple, that for a mother, it doesn’t happen that way, that pills are taken sporadically, pressure is the enemy, because it can lead to a stroke, a stroke is horror, this not death, this is paralysis of half the body, the pressure needs to be measured, in the same way , now mom needs to measure it for 2 weeks and decide if it is standard, higher than 130 and 90 higher than.
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pressure at one fine moment, a person blows to himself in his sleep, thinks that life is wonderful, but she is actually one step away from a hypertensive crisis, it’s clear, well, what’s up, they measured, oh, we’re lucky, 152 and 88, this is an indication for two pills right away. yeah, but i won’t torment you further, take it off, otherwise we ’ll measure it now, and as for the norm then we’ll go, but slowly, measure at home for 2 weeks with morning, woke up, went to the toilet, sat down, leaned on the back of the chair, measured it, by the way, i want to say, this is a free application, i love it, there is such a thing, it’s called how to measure
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blood pressure correctly, because we make seven mistakes when measuring blood pressure . don’t talk, yes, i know that, in my opinion, you need your legs, and when you talk, the pressure can increase to 10 mm, and if you measure clothes up to 50 mm, the pressure will be too high, so we made a whole program about this, look at seven mistakes , and you look too, sit down now in place, you can enter 154 of your own, you intend to, which means you need to sort things out with your mother, this is really serious, serious advice, because. how does the beautiful and smart valeria
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korableva live now, what is interesting in life? besides the daily news, there is still some kind of life left for ler, well, unfortunately, there is so much to say, but from time to time something happens, there is a theater, a concert. treatment, what has been interesting lately, why am i asking, because here we are, people who do daily programs, we record them in cycles of several at once programs, there is no such privilege in the news, the news is all broadcast live, so valeria korableva wants, doesn’t want, she has to come and go live, she wants, doesn’t want to come and go live again, so i ask, in these episodes , what's interesting now? where i managed to go, well, for example, i was at russian fashion week, no, i wasn’t, like that, because i was on the air, and i was, well, i think there will be more good events, now, especially in spring, so
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in winter, you know, you want to wrap yourself up in blankets, even if you have some time, just do nothing, this also happens, but plus again i say, school, school, it’s terrible, in general, in short, in my free time, son, he’s 12. yes, and mom, valeria korableva is like that on air. good morning, dear friends, good evening, dear friends, mother received her second higher education 2 years ago, by the way? legal, wow, there are women in russian villages, what can i say, i respect her endlessly, so there was no time for campaigns, so to speak, for a week i spent on her for this fashion, lawyers needed it, but why? well, that’s how life turned out, well, just like that, i wanted it, well done, okay, i wanted it, that’s how many years i studied, and the master’s degree is now 2 years, just 2 years and a master’s thesis, it’s
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not so terrible, we studied for five, and you are even more by five there and so on, we are doctors, we study for 6 years, then 2 years of residency, 3 years of graduate school, and this is just the beginning, and then you just study, study , study, because medicine is changing, well, i i don’t know, i honestly admire it? honestly, it's better unlearn rather than do homework, it’s better to get a second higher education, it’s easier for god, because when you come home from work , this is about to start, when a person is still a perfectionist and he thinks that if you’re a perfectionist, and you have a boy, i have two sons, what is this for my son, nothing, mommy, but it happened before, now a call from a classmate that they asked you, vika, this, this, this, this, this...
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i just want to say that we too there were battles with my eldest son, but i just want to say that nothing was lost, excellent guy, a brilliant doctor, surgeon, well, just , therefore, no, well, well, all sorts of things happened, we are mothers of boys, these are not girls, where she did her homework all with an a+, these are other people. but just don’t despair, the work won’t be wasted, let’s wish valeria that everything in her life is wonderful, thank you for coming, i’ll hug you like the mother of a son, thank you
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very much, another mother of a son, let’s take a break for a while and then continue, this is the center greek diaspora, one of the largest in the south of russia, and, probably, throughout russia in principles, where the greek diaspora came from, the first greeks appeared here back in the 700s, trade routes passed here, i think when we cook, we will make a fusion of cultures, i will have caucasian-greek pita, i will have leningrad crumpets with such greek sauce based on liver, cod, olives, everything will be tahinis on top, now there-tararam, bon appetit, prime minister, cooks. on wheels, today on the first one. 75 years ago an organization was created whose only goal was the destruction of our country. nato members
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we made their plans according to wehrmacht standards, built their support system and logistics. in fact, it was the fourth reich and continues to be so. gorbachev, let's be honest, was simply scammed. when carriers of nuclear weapons were destroyed. cut our nuclear submarine cruisers under the supervision of american specialists, it still defies any logical explanation; for them it is extremely important that everyone signs in blood. that they are all involved in the fight against russia, what they have done to ukraine over the past several years, this is a monstrous situation, the only question is how they now evaluate this test of strength, they say they need to hide for several years and prepare even better, or continue aggression against russia right now and expand the conflict to the baltic, for example, state ones, and so on. what do you think they will choose? premiere, big story, look, after... the evening
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news, i feel out of place as the chairman of the jury, all the most famous actors and directors in the world were sitting at this elderly table, i would like to have lunch, please, only this is pasadeno, we don’t have restaurants, how did you feel in the film, where all the actors played themselves, and only you had a role, and is whoopie holbert a police officer, and how do the local public perceive our films, they expect some kind of... then some kind?
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i did everything i could in my life, health is with you again, dear friends, let me remind you how this morning began, i am in the center of events, in fact, today i can say this about me personally, we are in the diagnostic center and telemedicine, leads, to whom this young doctor, i wanted to say, just...
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it became clear to him that this medicine was needed, incredibly, he was in the red zones during the pandemic, when the number of patients was so huge that it was clear that the doctors themselves were unable to cope with. so, moscow center for diagnostics and telemedicine. there are no wards here, no patients. only doctors sit on several floors, 400 people, 7 days a week, 24 hours a day, continuously transcribing and describing. x-ray, computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging of all patients, all clinics moscow. guys, doctors, you are all doctors, that’s right, yes, you are now doing lung tests, yes, and what are you doing now, a filmogram of the lumbosacral region and the knee, and how long does it take to write a report for one radiologist, now it reaches the order 10 minutes, in 10 minutes.
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of course, such a decryption speed became possible only because moscow created special artificial intelligence programs. look, these are images of magnetic resonance imaging, ordinary, this one with the defects that i highlighted artificial intelligence. this is a hint for the doctor that speeds up decision-making. artificial intelligence was first used during the coronavirus pandemic. then, in 2020 alone , 2 million ct scans of the lungs were done in moscow, more than in any city in the world. without the help of artificial intelligence, this would not be possible. software modules processed tomograms with enormous speed and calculated the volume of lesions. on the right is an unprocessed image, there is no doubt that this is a coronavirus infection, viral pneumonia, on the left screen is an image that is processed by the algorithm. we see that
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the areas of frosted glass are illuminated with violet light, in fact, on the one hand it is beautiful, on the other hand we know we understand that we have a certain percentage of damage. back then, this speeded up the reading of tomograms hundreds of times, but today everything has reached a new level. artificial intelligence is a real doctor’s assistant, but you must admit, we don’t want a machine to be responsible for our lives. what is the demand for it and what responsibility does the machine have? none, here we are with yuri aleksandrovich came to the conclusion that we are not impressed by the word artificial intelligence, artificial intelligence is not a personality, not a person, and it has no personal responsibility for yours.
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he is the one who reviews and signs the study, but the program speeds up the work significantly. she counts the sizes of cavities, chambers of the heart, the sizes of organs, and does that routine work that does not require intelligence, but takes time. and moscow’s merit lies in the fact that these programs began to help doctors in various areas of medicine. one of the most important oncologists. right now this doctor is examining a breast x-ray. glands, suspicion of breast cancer, you can’t make a mistake, you have a mammography, yes, yes, what did the artificial intelligence highlight here for you, what did it not like, this is it, is the machine now mistaken or not, the localization was not mistaken in the second place,
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perhaps the category is overestimated, i i put 4, service, writes probabilities up to 4b, but well, it ’s still cancer he saw, a4, a4b, overdiagnosis for cancer. better than underestimation, you know, the question is that here, that is, four is still cancer, four, five is cancer, there is no discrepancy here, because the artificial intelligence service does not divide into a and b, that is , the artificial intelligence service, we deliberately did this, what difference does it make to us, our doctor can already differentiate between a and b, the main thing is that he identified four correctly, so, the speed of doctors’ work has increased many times, just imagine, the official standard... today is more than a day, but here it takes 10-15 minutes, how many studies do you personally do per day, as a radiologist, x-ray specialist, approximately 40, approximately 40, and how long is your working day? 6 hours, 6
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hours, that is, if 360 is divided by 40, it turns out that how much time do you spend on one study? but that’s not all, if the doctor is not sure of the diagnosis, he requests expert help and receives it immediately, that is, in moscow you can get a second and third expert opinion on any controversial issue. any doctor in the city of moscow working in a hospital, absolutely any radiologist, can press one button.


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