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tv   Mechtallion  1TV  April 7, 2024 9:20am-9:41am MSK

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absolutely any radiologist can press one button to send the study to a reviewer and this study ends up here in our expert department, we have such an examination and quality department, other doctors work in it, these are other specialists, and this study will be analyzed by the opinion leader, then is a leader of opinion in this direction. it
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is sent to the doctor’s quality assessment department, the expert writes his opinion on the results of this study. i will emphasize once again that all tomograms and x-rays images from all moscow clinics flock here. but of course, i was interested in whether the patient himself could request the opinion of the experts of this center? it turned out that it could. but only through a doctor, answer me anyway through the eyes of a patient, here i am, for example, a patient, but i don’t know there, any hospital in moscow, for example, the verisaev hospital, i can say, i ask you to send my research to the reviewer of the court in the center , and here they train doctors in those procedures that are done under the control of ultrasound or x-rays, and not only doctors are trained moscow, but also any doctors who speak.
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another amazing thing that is here, of course, is training doctors in different procedures, for example, if you suspect breast cancer, you need to do an ultrasound-guided biopsy. the global situation is such that ultrasound doctors don’t do this, surgeons may not be proficient in this, so you either need two people or train a surgeon, and here surgeons are trained on a simple phantom, phantoms are also made here here. your whole production, but show us, the point is that we have a neoplasm, here it is, yes, that is, it is located in this way, there is a depth of this neoplasm, it is somewhere on the order of a centimeter and a half, our task is to insert the needle exactly parallel to this sensor and get into the new formation itself, that’s it you see, here comes the needle, here it pushes the tissue apart. now click trynk, that’s it, we
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took a biopsy, that’s it, and you and i took a biopsy, here again, of course, the great happiness is that moscow doctors can study, doctors from other regions can come and teach, of course, we have a lot of different training courses, we are also a training center and today we teach everyone who speaks russian, this is our asset today, because we have a large number of colleagues studying, we have our training center , which has...
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which, of course, still exists in moscow medicine, is an absolute focus on the patient, right? yes, absolutely, you need to understand that it is not the goal itself that the devices are 100% loaded, it is more important that the patient gets into this study, and for us this is more of a resource informational in order to understand how we can manage this resource, how where we can route the patient, for example, if a nearby device is broken, where we will send this patient so that it is closer for him to get to. that is, it is very important that, unfortunately, they fail, and even today, all artificial intelligence systems have been opened by moscow to the whole of russia, that is, any clinic in our country can use this system, above, as they say, only stars, well since we are the first after god, then we have to focus on the stars, this is the morning we had, dear friends, a morning at the diagnostic diagnostic center and...
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telemedicine, just one question torments me, can a hospital from the city of kemerovo, for example, say, send you pictures and get an expert opinion. picture, so today this huge, wonderful service has become available to the whole country, this is the greatness of moscow, that moscow breaks through some incredible horizons, but opens them to everyone. in a good way, i love yours generation, this is the generation of my son, now you have all come to medicine, to luxurious, beautiful, intellectual medicine. i sincerely wish you, in our profession , to remain first after god, health to everyone, dear friends, because this is the most important thing, with elena vasilievna everything is always very clear,
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visual, very interesting, it is a pleasure to work with her and i am very- i’m very glad that she invited me to this program, elena vasilievna, respect for your grant, elena vasilievna, you are better. all with respect valeria shipev, watch the program health on the first channel. these are not travel notes with dmitry krylov. our country is so vast that sometimes, when you hear a geographical name, you don’t immediately realize where this place is located. from khakassia, where we are going today, i believe some people may
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have exactly the same story. i'm right? well then , listen to your friend and fellow traveler dk. khakassia, let me remind you, is located in southern siberia. on the shore of the father of the yenisei, which drives its powerful waters for several thousand kilometers, for the totosh it is 3487 km, 319 m and 7 cm, around there are endless steppes with yurts and nomads and herds of wild horses crossing these steppes, and huge mounds, and ancient stone ritual... and shamanic rituals that are still performed here with complete seriousness, and incredible beauty and power of nature , this is all khakassia, its inhabitants, the khakass living in the endless
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expanses of khakassia, a small people, well, how few, judge for yourself, for example, per square kilometer in moscow . peoples related to the khakass by blood are altaians, shors, siberians tatars, yenisei kirghiz, and they always had a common territory of residence, but despite the fact that the history of the hokasses is very ancient, and it is at least one and a half thousand years old, the name of the people as khakass appeared only after the revolution.
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olular baskan kibirnіn, kuryngular tutkyn ondynyn, udarylypa birynnyn pazatalgyn. but that’s not all, if a guest is poured a full cup of tea or kumys, then this is a signal. drink quickly and leave, there is no time. and if they splash just a little, oh, then the conversation will be long. but with us everything is exactly the opposite, true, but they were driving, well... tea, of course, which means you can settle down for a long time. it turns out that by the number of corners of the yurt one can judge the wealth of the owner, four corners, well, that’s it, a poor man, six or eight – a middle peasant, from eight to 16 corners, oh, that’s
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a buy. the southern side of the yurt is for men, the northern side, the coldest, belongs to women, but this is not female discrimination at all, just in... movement and survival, this fur coat is completely historical, it was in it that the owner of the yurt, the then khak activist, went to meet in shushinskoye with vladimir ilyich, ulyanov lenin, which is why she went down in history, just like her fur coat, which ilyach himself saw or touched. the horse is the main assistant of the khakass. and they will house him and feed him milk and meat. today's domestic buns
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are the ancestors of wild horses. their herds still graze freely in the steppe today. trainer-rider of dewy horses gennady breeds horses. he sews the harness himself, makes the cart himself, well, in general, according to his wife tatyana, he is a jack of all trades. we found him doing his usual khakhas activity. he was pinning the horse. of course, for us residents large cities, this ritual looks like real torture of an animal, but i do not urge women and children to turn away from the screen so as not to see the wild torment of the horse, well , look at it for yourself, the horse completely calmly endures its changing of shoes, in general, as they say in such cases, as a result of the experiment, not a single animal was harmed, including our pin, yes, and you noticed that the horse is...
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and not among its equally beautiful friends, when nothing distracts us from the beautiful, a connoisseur of the exquisite, you do you agree with me? yes, but i digress. khakassian cuisine. it, like any other, suits the climate and lifestyle. when the surrounding nature is harsh, and life involves physical labor and constant movement, then food becomes scarce. appropriate. yes, almost every traditional khakass dish, but it’s
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just a calorie bomb, like these chalbakh flatbreads, which means wide. or tolkan, which is made from ground and roasted barley or wheat with honey and butter. that is, i drank in the morning and was free all day, well, in the sense i ate in the morning for the whole day charged. local children grow up freely among the steppes and mountains. happy, but the fact that the village has not yet installed the internet, the children have many more important things to do, especially in the summer, and they will still have time to get entangled in the world wide web, like you and me. abaca, the capital of khakassia, a city that should not have been. be, but he is like a child whose birth was not planned, yet the light appeared. at the beginning
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of the 20th century, following the slogan, give the country coal, for the transportation of this very coal, by order of lenin, construction began railway. it was supposed to go from achinsk to minusinsk, but circumstances were such that the road did not reach the planned terminal station, but there simply was no money. this is how the village... ust abakanskaya in 1925 became the final station of the great unfinished railway. a village gradually began to grow around, which grew into a city. the first population of abakan was formed from deportees and dispossessed people, that is, those who were sent to populate siberia against their will. timber rafting was going along the yenisei. and the staigas floated pine and ketor. here, near the abakan there are trees. they caught and made timber out of them, and the abakan of the thirties and forties was built
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with two-story barracks from this very timber, and some have survived, by the way, to this day. today's abakan, to an outsider 's but benevolent glance, is a rather cozy, intimate city living a leisurely life, where string-straight avenues alternate with boulevards, diluted with squares and parks, one of...
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and meditation, it even has its own effel tower almost tall like her parisian sister, with a five-story house, a dream garden park also has an educational function, since in siberia the culture of gardening and landscape design was, well, let’s say so as not to offend anyone, not very developed, siberians have always been cool in other ways, but now, inspired by beauty, many from them they transfer park ideas to... their plots. the mission of the park, according to its creators, is this: we improve the living environment, help people be happier. according to the authors’ dreams, in the future there should be more such gardens, they will free, because people, well, just have to live in beauty and happiness. dream utopia? who
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knows. graffiti in sao paulo. every day, is it true that you can choose any place in the city and draw whatever you want? if you start drawing at some police station, then of course you will be punished, you won’t go to jail, but you will get a fine. what kind of men are here in brazil, very attentive and caring, it’s clear that sometimes someone’s husband can go to the left, our blood is hot, but we have our own woman, she is always alone, i see what you have mostly women work here, we just want a women's coffee shop.
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i'll help you, my god, what is it? but it seems to me that the cocktail party is the best, you have to laugh a lot, we push with our back leg, we push with our back leg, are you interested in anything else, besides fictitiousness, of course, what is chess, when the cubes are taken from your hands, what are you doing, i’m sitting and what are your fingers doing at this moment, i don’t know how many years ago, did you just collect it? yes, the best of all, the new season is on the first today. and now, comrades, let's take a look at the national regional history museum. if any of you ran away from the screen at these words, he made an unforgivable mistake. yes, i’m also not the
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biggest fan of museums, especially local history ones, but this is a special case. imagine, before opening this museum, the chief khakass shaman was invited. a fire was lit right inside the building under construction, only after the shaman, having whispered with the fire and fed it, according to khakassian traditions, received goodness from the spirits, they began transporting this goodness to the museum. and believe me, it was not easy, because the main the museum's collection consists of ancient stone sculptures, some of which are as tall as . up to 5 m. the largest is kimetas, a stone boat. it was found on the shore of a lake and is really shaped like a boat. the block of stone was lowered into the building using special equipment through the roof. all these stones are birthstones. they are the patrons of childbirth. these sculptures
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are of incredible antiquity, but they are practically the same age as the egyptian pyramids. pearl. a collection of sculptures from the early bronze age, the so -called okunev culture. here in this there are about seventy of these statues in the museum. the most impressive collection of stone idols in russia. their research began 300 years ago on the orders of peter number one, the german scientist, daniil gotlep, mr. schmit. yes, this is such a sadly memorable surname for our ears, but the ancestor is not responsible for the descendant. so here it is. the most valuable stone sculptures of the okunev archaeological culture from a historical point of view are stored here; they are older.


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