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tv   Luchshe vsekh Novii sezon  1TV  April 7, 2024 4:25pm-6:01pm MSK

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that's it, you've angered me, sergeant, that's it, you won't live to see the trial, come out, come out, bitch!
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i saw exactly 75, but you said 50? won't do it, record, like this.
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slow down, he freed you bastards, he spent the entire war all the way to berlin, two wounds, like a splinter in the gut, what are you doing, who are you? i, kolvanov, i came to my senses, my head was spinning, i lost consciousness, i had concussions, i had them, now there’s one more, but what happened here, and what do you remember? kolovanov, i don’t need to go,
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i have a daughter, nastyukha is sick, i need to go.
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welcome, come on, major, come on, cool, cool pedal, my daughter is probably in a hurry, she died, 43 received a funeral, she was just a girl, come on, turn it,
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pashka sings in our choir, but i only sing with him at home, i can’t speak or sing in public, ignat told everyone, that i am not mine, and among us the poor are not offended, dear ones, you are mine, take me with you, there in... far away i will be a stranger to you, my dear, i would take you, but there in a distant land, you are a stranger to me no need,
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my dear, take me with you.
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important questions on earth, why there is bird's milk, but no bird's sour cream, why toffee - these are candies, not building material, why do parents forbid drawing in their books, because books with pictures are much more interesting, there is a big show about little geniuses on air on channel 1, the best of all, we don’t have experts, jury or passing scores, we are absolutely happy to all talented kids and... ready to constantly prove that each of our participants is the best. let's begin! she knows what note a fly buzzes, a bus door creaks, and a spoon clinks in a cup. this means that the whole world is a symphony for her, the owner
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perfect pitch, pianist lisa perova. come on , they’re young, come on, they’re young, come on , they’re young, let’s go. sit down, lizonka, my god, what a beautiful girl, thank you, they often tell you this, yes, you look amazing, thank you, tell me, dear, what are you doing, i play the piano, you are 9 years old, how many years have you been doing this ? i have been studying since i was 4 years old, who is this? this is my talisman, god, what a beauty, you walk with him, you sleep, he performs, yes, yes, i once, when i had a competition in serbia, he was sitting on royale, like this, and i won first place
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there, he always helps me, lisa, i’m a little sleepy, you know why, i decided yesterday at 9:00 pm. the whole list of your awards, in the end i fell asleep at 6 in the morning, but never got to the end, no, you just don’t understand, you applaud, and there are more than 100 international competitions, it’s just dizzying, yes, yes, so the question, lisa, do you know what cartoons are, of course, how can you know this when you have time to watch them, freedom? i have time, i walk, i really like to sculpt made of light plasticine, and i do dancing, vocals, choir, when it’s possible to do it all, i have time to sit on the couch, talk with wonderful children, just sleep a little, how many hours a day do you
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practice the piano, an hour and a half, you have everything the family is musical, no, my parents have nothing to do with music at all, i only have two older brothers. and i, my brothers, play the piano, the guitar, the drums, whatever they can, they play everything, tell us about your ideal pitch, magnification? no, this is not exaltation. i'm with i heard notes in childhood, i have been sleeping to music since childhood, so my mother played tchaikovsky, ballet, shalkunchik for me, so when my mother played it for me, i began to sing with the notes, but my mother did not absolutely, but with the notes do, do, do, dora , so directly, she chalk led her colleague with these notes, and oleg ska, who is this oleg, a psychologist? brother, yes, so oleg said that yes, i have perfect pitch, tell me who
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you came to us with, i came with my mother and father, my mother’s name is natalya, and my father’s name is alexey, hello, alexey and natalya, hello, tell me, why did you decide send all the children to a music school, you just live next to a music school, why didn’t they send the boys to sports, well, they chose it themselves, it’s their decision, yes, and well, you should also have some interests in the house, that’s right, not only guitars.
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natalya, does your child have any other hobbies besides music and the piano? lisa is engaged in modeling, this is her hobby, she participates in fashion shows, filming, no, modeling shows, yes, modeling, yes, modeling shows, you walk like a model, yes, yes, to the catwalk, and i immediately think, she’s such a beauty, thank you .
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you just brought us back to this amazing era!
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their flight range is 15 m, height is about five, duration is up to 10 minutes, these are not the technical characteristics of the quadcopter and are not a description of exotic birds, these are great indicators.
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yes, this means that you will soon compete with the spare one, yes, we can scare them right now, be afraid, the spare ones, the liver ones are coming, at what maximum height are you working, a little higher than these light bulbs, no, well, aren’t you scared, it’s like
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if you fall from there, i’d be afraid, we are not afraid, it is not scary at all. where is it scary? what are you afraid of, dear? i'm afraid of frogs, frogs? yes, that’s why you jumped under the big top for the first time, you were scared of a frog? no, is it true that you are the youngest performers in your circus? well, yes, do you get paid from the circus? seriously? yes yes? not in candy, in money? real money? yes, do you give them to your mom? no? and you give it to her, she then gives it back, that she is saving your money, yes, what will you buy money for, i ’m saving for a computer, and you’re probably spending it all for dolls, no, i’m looking for a home for my mother, great idea, who did you come to us with, with your mother,
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hello, how does your heart beat when... and at the age of 5 she came out with me in a duet at the manege, guys, i know that in the circus there are a huge number of rules and signs that need to be followed, i’ll tell you now, and you try to guess whether such a sign exists or not, okay, come on, come on, you can’t touch other people’s props with your hands, yes, that’s right,
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smart girl, there is like that, zara. it's a sign for you that you must blow into the elephant's trunk in front of him. going out to the arena, no, it’s unpleasant for him, well done, smart, of course, no, tager, you can’t repaint clowns’ wigs more than four times a year, no, no, that’s right, well done, you know everything about clowns, zara, you can’t sit in.. . in a suit, you can’t, that is, you just have to stand, yes, you can’t sit, that’s right, well done, excellent, you know all the items, i see you can’t be fooled that easily. tager for you , a motorcycle for bears is fueled only with diesel fuel, no, smart girl, that’s
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the money, you can’t take pictures before going to the arena, you can, but what are you you tell me, you are an independent artist, you can’t take pictures, and the last sign, you can’t put it down. posters for tables, chairs and other pieces of furniture, you can, you can, you can’t, this is an old sign, there are a lot of interesting signs, then come up with your own, but for six and nine years old, you know everything, i see that you have been sitting on the ground too long and you are rushing into your native element, the air, i can’t hold you back any longer and i invite you to the best show ever. today , the finalist of the eighth season of the show, id nabiev, will perform with you. tired of being small, tired
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being small, tired of being. tell the birds that you are attracted to howl, you have risen above me so boldly, maybe that’s why it’s so easy for you. fly, that you are not striving to achieve success, that you are not tormented by the grievances
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of the past years, winged years, beautiful years, that’s it, fly and fly through the midnight sun. appreciate it verse by verse to the whole world, you distribute this song and boards of mushroom silver threads, verse by verse to the whole world, you distribute this song and boards of mushroom silver threads, tell. these birds, the time has come, that our planet is fragile glass, clean birches, rivers and fields,
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from above, all this is softer than crystal, will we really hear crystal from all sides? ringing, farewell ringing, full, fly, fly, through midnight, the sun will rise, verse by verse to the whole world, you distribute this song, and i will buy mushroom rains, silver threads. this song to the whole world, grow this song and the silver threads of the tree,
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fly, fly through midnight. and the sun at its zenith, according to the verse, you distribute this demon and silver threads to the whole world, and according to the verse to the whole world, grow this song and silver threads to the rowing boards.
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and nights of fucking silver these applause.
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award ceremony, and of course, backpacks with sweets, these two nice cute fluffy bunnies as a souvenir for you, may they bring you good luck, aerialists from pavlodar, zara and tagir kotenev, the best! the snow is still white in the fields, and in the spring the waters are noisy, running and waking up the sleepy shore, they are running , shining and shouting, they are shouting to all ends, spring is coming, spring is coming, we are messengers of the young spring, she sent us forward. what, where,
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when, spring series of games. watch the time after the program. 75 years ago it was created organization, the only goal of which is the destruction of our country. nato, according to the wehrmacht standard, made their plans, built their support system, logistics. in fact, it was the fourth reich and continues to be so. gorbachev, let's be honest, was simply scammed. when carriers of nuclear weapons were destroyed and our nuclear submarines were cut up under the supervision of american specialists, it still defies any logical explanation. it is extremely important for them that everyone signs in blood that they are all participate in the fight against russia. what they 've done to ukraine over the last
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few years is... a monstrous situation, the only question is how they now evaluate this test of strength, they say they need to hide for several years and prepare better, or continue aggression against russia right now and expand the conflict to the baltic states, for example, so what do you think? what will they choose? premiere, big story, watch after the evening news, a month and a half ago, parents were killed. at the lieutenant's alexei turbin, from now on we have a lot of questions that still have no answer, we will have to keep an eye on his case, no one in the department should know that we are meeting, handsome, our shooter has ripened everywhere, explain how you are turns out to be the first to appear everywhere, which got me fired up, the investigators came to me today, asked all sorts of nonsense, why don’t you pick up the phone, i called you five times,
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but... now explain to me why you call him several times a day, including at night. undercover taxi. premiere. tomorrow, after the program time. cool, cool. chanson. this is not just for you, you have to do it. shalom, my friend, shalom.
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“your voice knows no boundaries at all, you are an amazing classical singer, but you can sing in any genre, this is a very folk song. clothes, golden laurel wreaths and chic demi-season sandals. meet the expert on the ancient greek gods adam galstyan. come on,
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young people are on their way. well, you're young. let's be young. let's be young. let's be young. let's be young. let's be young. hello, hello. how did it happen that your hair was dyed the color of your suit, they didn’t dye it, it was good enough, they didn’t dye it, you were born that way, and why are you so interested in the gods, why aren’t you interested, i don’t know, in modern stars, pop stars, well, you’re interested in space, space , astronomy, astronomy interests you, but what is more, the gods of ancient greece or the cosmos, well , more, probably, the gods, where you were in space or on the clouds? on the earth, this is a mountain, he was here on his grandmother, he was here on his grandmother, his grandmother is the earth, you communicate with us, how as if the audience and i know all this, but we
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generally, as they say, have not kicked in the teeth, absolutely, you know, we know leps there, we don’t know the gods, what do you think, if in ancient greece there had been a goddess jean, what would have happened, well let's think, maybe the goddess of the microphone? with whom did you come to us? mom sasha, brother min, dad khan, hello, hello, you have some simply amazing child, this love for ancient greek history and the gods, did it pass from you to him? but no, i admit honestly, he knows more about this than i do. the thing is the fact that at some point my husband showed him a video about the egyptian pyramids, he liked it, he began to ask for a book about mythology, when we purchased it, egyptian mythology has very complex terms,
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i read it to him, then after finishing the book he said: " i want greece." he had already read greece, and we noticed that he remembered all the names and all the points very well. so long as we maintain this interest, it’s clear, i suggest that you and i go together to mount olympus, there you will tell us much, much more, okay, yes, we are together adam galsyan, come to me let's go, tired of being with little ones, tired of being small, tired of being small, look, adam, you and i are higher than the clouds, cool, but here on olympus, really, let's start with
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the eldest, yes, zeus, let 's go up to him, come on, did he hear us? you've seen? careful, let's go to devs, get up, get up. how are you? oh, god extended his hand to me, dear mother. hello, zeus, hello, here is the head block of lightning.
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look, this is the side of the water, the sea, the ocean, yeah. he wanted to be with many, his wife is an amphetrite, he was with everyone through force, he married through force, that is, he didn’t want to, but he was forced, no, no, he wanted, but those who, no one wanted to be with him, but well let's jump, let's jump, where gargona medusa, a priestess of athena, took off the medusa and kissed her, she
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became not a priestess of athena and athena said: let your face be terrible, snakes wriggle instead of hair, the posedon left her, everything left, the end , so, everything is clear with him, let's go further, further, to whom we go, to aphrodite. a lot of people wanted to be with her, her husband was refest, let's move on to defest.
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defestus is the beech of fire of the blacksmith's craft, the romans call him volcano because they think that he had the power of fire under the volcano, his father did this to hera himself, when hera saw him temple and ugly, she threw him off the upper orenbo, he fell into ... to the lower olympus in the water, he was raised there by the fetis of avrenoma, so well, let's go to apollo, apollo is the god of light, the lord of walkers, poetry, dances, seafarers of cities, he is the son of a yawner. and laton, his sister, is the hunting goddess artemis.
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adam, you’re great, you spoke in great detail about all the gods, but, do you hear, this is another god, oh, mom, mia! well, hello, adam, hello, hello, zhanna, hello, how did you forget about me, about your most beloved big god, you and i often communicate, but you have never seen me in person, let’s get acquainted, my name is lenus, i'm the god of laziness, hello, we've been friends for a long time, haven't we? adam, don’t you believe that such
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a god can exist, well, look at me, look at me, the real one, you see, adam, i i know how to check, stop, ask him what he gave to people, prometheus gave. drive right, and him? i gave people a remote control, i gave people an elevator, you know this ribbon at the airport with suitcases, which you go, it goes by itself, this is all my doing, yes, you people, people, if you are not too lazy, applaud , if not lazy, then louder later. such an excursion to olympus, we simply cannot help but
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give adam the most precious thing we have, the best medal, tired of being small, tired of being small, you are the best, and this i'm telling you i'm not lazy either, give me five, well done, god of laziness as well.
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i'm unarmed, so you can relax, we 'll just talk, you do fencing, yes, how did you get interested in it? i went to the cinema 2 years ago. and there was a cartoon three musketeers, i really liked it, and you decided to become one of the musketeers, yes, i decided to become a musketeer and protect my mother, and that your mother is often attacked by yours, well , not yet, what city did you come to us from? , are you interested in something else, besides fencing,
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like chess, to fencing with your right hand. play parts, you see, you can’t do two like this, but you can do several at once, you can’t do that, that’s only, that’s only possible in artistic fencing, but in normal fencing, as it should be, show me, this is not normal, this is sports, sports, like sorry, like this. so we push with our back leg, we push with our back leg, we push with our back leg, but we don’t connect our legs, lord, they
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are separated, where they are connected, you do this in a step, or that is, like this, but like on a horse, right? this is some kind of special suit for fencing, yes, yes, it’s special, it’s true that some lights are on in it, there’s a regular suit, there’s an electra, what is this, it’s a regular one now, but a regular one, an electri, it’s like a gray mask, but why is the current connected to suit, well, so that there are blows, that is, when your opponent hits you, he hits you and a current goes through your body, oh well... he doesn’t hit me, he’s wearing an electric jacket, so that the hit can be seen, yes, yes, so that the saber works , we have a double, where, here it is, well, these are two screws of some kind, this is not a screw, this is a double, and why is it needed to connect the saber, that is, you connect it here, yes, then
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it already hits with electricity, so tell me how many opponents you have already defeated, there were a lot of them, 78, well, i’ve been going for 2 years already, then yes, you don’t count them anymore, no, you don’t need to count them at all, you might get lost, by the way, who did you come with right away, tell me, mom, little sister and my coach, what’s mom’s name, anastasia, anastasia, hello, hello, you’re not scared , when your daughter fights with other children with blades, it’s very exciting, everyone just how dangerous is this sport? svetlana, all sports are a little dangerous, absolutely everything, but if you follow safety precautions, then everything will be like svetlana, explain to me, that is, there is a helmet, which is straight iron, there is some kind of electric suit, which is electric, another is electric, yes , what is the danger,
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in fact, athletes are sometimes too lazy to put on sports pants, and thereby violate safety regulations and get some, well, let’s say. bruises, how is maya doing in general? fencing? maya is generally great, she is a very lively girl, she loves to commentate on competitions. maya, tell me, do you have any favorite fencers? of course, who is it? this is ilgor mamedov. do you think it’s possible to get his autograph or is it better not to come close to him? i have his autograph, but do i already have it? have you met? here it is on the mask. and he left his autograph for you, here on the blade, what are you talking about, by the way, i also have one favorite fencer, who have you ever heard of... no, he wore a mask, helped people and left
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sword sign, the first letter of your name, you, as the hero of our program, do us the honor, leave us your autograph too, we were given two, as if opponents, these white ones, we need to draw them, oh, i can do this, now each on his canvas he will draw... the first letter of his last name, okay, so, oh, yours is so beautiful, well done, you must admit that it was easy, well, in principle, yes, zoro coped with more difficult things, let's right now we we'll each come up with a coat of arms for ourselves, circle your letter in a square, and i'll have then... a triangular coat of arms, like this, chick , so that no one has this, well, then i’m not a princess, i can afford it, let’s
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finish drawing a helmet or a sword, and then i ’ll draw a microphone, mine, of course, looks more like a candle, but nevertheless, when we explain, we will tell everyone that this is a microphone, so on, i have a cat, oh, give me a cat, and i’ll give you a dog, somehow my dog ​​looked prettier when... i saw the last one once, i’ll help you, come on, come on, help me, let her have different eyes, thank you, t-shirt, of course, that is, she and she was so scary, now she still has a red black eye under her eye, so give me some ice cream, but i still give me the sofa, i think there is something beautiful in my life, of course the sofa, well, it looks like that, but that’s it, and let’s finish drawing on our coats of arms: what united you and me, and what united us, the show is the best, okay, i’m already drawing with both hands, if anything, so,
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what letter comes next after lu, what not you're copying, well, i, i looked at you, oh, we looked at your drawing art, and now let's look at your... art fencing, oh, you are ready to show it to us, then masters of sports, masters of european historical fencing, artists of the original genre of duet, briter, brothers victor and oleg mazurenko will help you with this , tired of being small, tired of being small.
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my dear, you are the best, this is how men first fight, and then kiss hands, of course, you get a backpack with sweets, a wonderful bunny, may it bring you good luck, our wonderful performer, turbine maya, she is the best today , the best ,
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kiev propagandists distorted bulgakov's biography so much that they instantly turned him into an enemy of ukraine. since kiev is the mother of russian cities, these crazy people will abandon kiev. the sharikovs gave birth to offspring, now they are taking revenge on bulgakov. now he has been declared a ukrainophobe and rightly so, of course, because they have finally started reading books. also exclusive in our studio , the fighters who captured the german marder, outdated equipment, send here as a write-off, give the ukronazis a story about how ukrainian civilization appeared in the second millennium bc, anti-fake, premiere, tomorrow on the first, this is my friend alyosha, just recently his
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arm was completely paralyzed and did not work, and now, and now i can move it. in different ways, and the kids at school like it, like this, it’s clear, now in all directions, the unique development of russian scientists, exoskeletons, and not only in the program, life is great, tomorrow at the first, in the role of chairman of the jury i feel out of place plate, elderly people were sitting at this table all the most famous actors and directors in the world, i would like to have lunch, please, only this is passada. we don't have restaurants, how did you feel in the film, where all the actors played themselves and only you had a role, but whoopi goldbert is a policeman? how do the local public perceive our films? they are expecting some other round of russian cinema, are you from the clinic? are you criticizing the american dream? no, i'm trying to tell
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the story of banks and the last seven days of laura palmer. are you laura balder? matador on friday first. tell me you like my hat? you don't have a hat. i would like to say in the future that i did everything i could in my life. we are again together with those who love good music with all their souls. purple haze.
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eremin's nimble fingers, the road is young, well , the road is young, let's be the road, young, well, the road is young, let's be the road, young, let's be the road , let's be young, i can shake your
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hand, maybe? hello, egor. hello, zhanna. you feel a confident hand. your fingers are so strong. right away. it's clear that you train them all the time, yeah, when the cubes are taken from your hands, what do you do? i’m sitting, but i’m twisting my fingers then, how long have you been assembling cubes? a year and a little more, that is, now you are eight, and i started at six, well, in general, my parents set it for me - 30 minutes a day, that’s it, everything else is at my request, you just put it together, right? i didn’t have time to say hello, and egor collected the cube, what level are you, i know, of technique, professionalism, or whatever it ’s called, professional, who said that you’re
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a professional, in general, i’m already on competitions are invited, yeah, if you win there, they give you the title of professional, right, yes, the coolest build master, does he have some kind of title? what is your personal record for assembling? at home , of course, i assembled it by accident, somehow i just took it and somehow scrolled through it, i don’t know, just like that, i somehow calculated it, assembled it in 3 seconds, and you in 3 seconds, yes, and you have some logic, technique, what should you assemble there first row, second or? no, there is a technique, i first assemble the cross, here is the cross, where and where cross, this is one, two, yes, then i do
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the first pair, the second, you fill in the corners, yes, uh-huh, yes, the second pair, oh, here, that is, wait, you do this on all sides, the third pair, on you do it on all facets. here is the fourth pair, we have a layer like this, that is, two, two, two levels, but it turns out, yeah, and like the last one, it has to be how it turns out, and then i collect the yellow color, then the whole cube is assembled using one algorithm, for me it’s just some kind of magic, how to assemble a cross? egorushka, where in life could the ability to solve a rubik's cube come in handy? well, in mathematics, maybe, well, mind is, in theory, mathematics, mind, in theory, yes, yes,
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but cubes, in a cube there are a lot of minds, but do you have friends who don’t know how to solve a rubik’s cube? all my friends don’t know how to assemble, can you teach them, no, or it’s impossible to learn, that’s in general, i always, when... when i teach them, i always have everything in my brain like this, everything, everything, everything is boiling, and because of this i can’t tell you all the formulas, who do you want to become, i want to become an astronaut and designer, fly straight into space, yes, you will take the cube with you, yes, you will need it there, so who did you come to us with, tell me, i came with my mother, with my sister alisa, with my coach katya, as... my mother name? natasha. hello, natalya, so you are also a smart woman, can you solve a rubik’s cube? it turns out, yes. that is , it turns out that i’m sitting here alone. well i
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had to. alice can do it too? no. oh, alisochka, girl, my friend. why is alice so sad? do you want to join us? well, come to us if you want, so what? let's go, let's go. i didn’t collect it, well, i didn’t collect it either, but will you allow yegor to show us his collection of cubes? we hope that we have cheered you up, come back to your mother, and i ask you
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to bring us the collection of yegor eremin kubik, how many copies do you have here? well, there are definitely 25 somewhere, wait, wait, what is this? what is this some kind of flea? does it spin? yes, this is really a cube that can be collected, micro, you see in general, someone sees, wait, this interests me, what is this, some kind of monster, this. gear, it's rubik's frankenstein, y it was my birthday, and a friend gave me this gear cube, but it came together, so i can’t even take it apart, of course, and so, wow, it’s not, but it can be turned in a certain direction, here yes, so look, he then, he doesn’t understand it, that’s it, no, look, he’s stuck.
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incredibly simple, wow, this one is also something like that, there are some small ones, and this is 5x5, and this is 25x 25, no, this is 11x 11, and what other ones are 10x 10, 5 by 5, 6x 6, 7x 7, they are all assembled using the same technique, i i understand correctly, no, no, it varies, yes, and i’m sorry, 10 to 10, how many years do you need to collect? 10:10 i’ve been collecting for an hour 40, 11:11 3 hours, so let’s go back to your parents, mom, natasha, in fact , it costs a fortune to put together such a collection, it just so happens that it’s all a gift for some holidays, relatives, yes, it somehow came together like that, katya, egor is the most talented and of your students, he has already surpassed his teacher, you, he has not surpassed me yet, but...
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there is actually every chance, you collect 11 on 11 for how much? in about 45 minutes, i didn’t know myself, can you imagine, you still have to learn how to learn, but how these skills help you in life, i now have an excellent memory, oh, how i envy you, egor, please tell me, do you have some... then the record for collecting several cubes at once is 3 minutes? in 3 minutes you collected several cubes at once, yes, yes, right now, egor, i invite you to do the impossible and beat your personal record for assembling five cubes, do you agree? yes, then i invite you to the intellectual gym, let's go! you. do you know in what order
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you will collect the cubes or does it not matter to you? has, has in which? first i got a two, then a three, then a four, then a ski in difficulty, right, yes, so that no one accuses us that this is all a set-up, let’s invite spectators who will sort out these cubes for us, right? the old proverb comes to mind: breaking does not build. all cubes have been disassembled. the old record, let me remind you, is 3 minutes. egor eremin. reade set go! oh, well done clever girl! robot fingers, not human ones, this
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is incredible, good girl, i can’t even imagine how difficult it is and how it can be assembled. well done, well done! well done, well done, well,
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congratulations, you have a new record, right before your eyes, yegor eremin has accomplished the almost impossible, collected five cubes in less than three minutes, this record, not only has it been recorded, it should also be yours. .. this is a medal, the only disadvantage of this medal is that it can neither be assembled nor disassembled, which cannot be said about a backpack with sweets, like this one a bunny as a keepsake for you, may it bring you good luck, uh-huh, the fastest fingers
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in st. petersburg, eight-year-old spitcuber egor eremin, the best of all! everything is better! every day when we did not dance can be considered lost - said friedrich nitsche. for our next participant, definitely not a single day goes by in vain. meet shadiya sabar. come on, young people, come on, young people. let's go, young people, let's go, young people. you're young, let's be young, let 's be young, let's be young, hello, dear, what an amazing gait you have, you you walk straight like a dance queen, thank you, you
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’ve been dancing for a long time, you’ve been practicing for a long time, 2 years, that’s a very, very long time, you have such a beautiful hairstyle, it takes a long time to do such a hairstyle, it takes a long time to do, 2 years, what achievements have you had in these 2 years, oh, wait, sorry, achievements, your ear is glowing, you knew about it, yes, these are rhinestones, the rhinestones fell on your ear, i didn’t stick, no, what did they glue them on to you, glue, yes, this is forever will you walk like that, no, but how, and how will you take them off, well, just peel them off, maybe never i didn’t see the glowing ear, right? beautiful, forgive me, i’m a little forty, you know, i ’m always drawn to something so beautiful, tell me about your highest achievement in sports ballroom dancing, when we went for the second time, there was a championship in kazakhstan and i became the vice-champion of the country, you’re dancing with
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or without a partner? i dance alone with a partner, why? because well, they are still so weak for my age, so take two, if one is weak... and they get a lot of views, how many views do you have for your dances, 11 minutes, what is 11 minutes? what did you film there? i danced with the wolf there. tell me who you came with? i came with my dad and mom, mom’s name is asema, and dad’s name is yasen. hello, please tell me, do you also do dancing, are you related to something ? no, we don’t dance, but
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our dad plays the harmonica, i once played the guitar at ray’s house, that is, we have an ear for music, why did they send the child to a sports school? this is probably my dream, once i saw this sport on tv, i think, wow, how beautiful it is, posture, grace, i think, i’m going to have a girl, and i have three boys, so shadyusha was born, and i gave her sports ballroom dancing, and shodyusha was born, she had no choice, that's it, you'll be doing ballroom dancing, but you're glad that she achieved such results, of course, she's our pride, and you... what's your dream, where would you like to perform? i don’t know, i know that every artist’s dream is to perform on broadway, and we postponed the entire broadway for one day right here to our studio so you can dance in its luxurious scenery. are you
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ready? let's go! tired of being with little ones, tired of being with little ones, i want to dance, i want to dance until the morning, as if nature gave me two wings, my time has come, i don’t understand why i’m suddenly tired, worries all rushed away when ... and with me, the whole world is blooming in spring, i can dance all night, in the depths, in the depths. free fishing is very cool in the depths, can the
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earthly world compare with our underwater country, where there is a noisy in the camp, fish play in the depths, life is a car, look down, you're uniting the book and the brook, it's time for a holiday, life is cabaret, life is cabaret, as old as life, they waited night and day for these
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changes, here we are waiting for two former enemies, you can’t recognize them now, both are so gentle, both are embarrassed,
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the lead singer of the coolest musicals and super vocalist sergei li and the real star of this number - shadya sabr, so that you can open the doors of any producers without any problems, we are giving you a pass, medal show ! the best. sergey, you
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receive the honorable right to reward our winner. and of course, a backpack with sweets, also for you. and this sweet souvenir bunny brings you good luck. champion in sports ballroom dancing. the snow is still white in the fields, and in the spring the waters are noisy, running, waking up the sleepy shore, running, shining and saying, they are! they say in all directions, spring is coming, spring is coming, we are messengers of the young spring, she
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sent us forward, what, where, when, the spring series of games, look after the program for the time, it was 75 years ago. it is extremely important for them that everyone signs in blood that they are all participating in the fight against
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russia, what they have done to ukraine over the past few years is a terrible situation. the only question is how they now evaluate this test of strength, they say they need to hide for several years and prepare better, or continue aggression against russia right now and expand the conflict to the baltic states, for example, well , what do you think they will choose ? premiere, big story, watch after the evening news. central 812. suspicion of robbery against a taxi driver. in order to take possession of a car, again a taxi, again approximately the same area, maybe they are doing this on purpose so that we focus our attention on this particular area, but this is obviously a false lead, the main thing is that they stole a taxi again, this means, myakisheva, myakisheva,
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where are you anyway, an undercover taxi, premiere, tomorrow after the program it’s time for chanson, this is not just for you, you have to do it. it was so festive, and i wanted to go out dancing, but i couldn’t, i was attached to this, i couldn’t kiss my feet. well, i would also like to say that even in such a company, the potential would open up for any mother mom love gypsy taechka your voice knows no bounds at all you are an amazing classical singer, but you can sing in
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any genre, this is a very folk song. it seems to me that this is some kind of completely new reading, and i recognize my dear one by his gait, he wears trousers, and he wears a hat, he wears boots for repairs, three chords, the new season from april 14 on the first, chocolate is delicious, milk is healthy, she is only 4 years old, she has already figured out how to combine business with pleasure, calcium ambassador and milkshake master zlata dichenka, come on you’re young, come on, you’re young, come on, you’re young, let’s be young, let’s be young, let’s be young, let’s be young, come on, well done, my god, zlata, what
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a beautiful dress you have! those pigtails are so beautiful, and what’s that pink thing on your cheek? these are hearts, hearts, they stuck something on me, how old are you, four, four years old, and are you an adult or are you still a child? i’m already an adult, yesterday i washed the cucumber, now not every adult can wash a cucumber. adults don't have time, but you're great! when was it your birthday? fourth month. what did they give you? the cucumber you washed? no, the cash register! did they give you a cash register? yes, grandparents. did they give you a cash register with money? well, yes, with toys. what do you use the cash register for? to sell? sell what?
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products? products? which? cocoa, milk, who do you sell to? myself, and i change and then i buy everything, the cycle of products in nature happens, right? yes, sweetheart, what else do you like to do? drink, dance, draw? i always love to draw and dance, dance, do you love? am i showing my mother in the waiting room how i... and why are there spectators there? no, there was only one mother sitting there, let’s talk to her then, come on, you came with her, yes, what’s her name, oksana, oksana, hello, oksanochka, you dance with your daughter too, we do everything and dance, and
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milkshakes we cook, but zlata cooks, not me, i then look and try to see who taught her himself. what does she like more: dancing or cooking according to her mood, probably when everyone is together and preparing to dance alone? temporarily you can is it to do and cook and dance? no, i can’t, i can’t do this and that, i can, i can just go crazy, how many milkshakes can you make, they’re all different, well, they’re always different, i make strawberry, banana, cocoa, cocoa first there, this is my favorite cocoa, huh? what's your favorite cocktail? my favorite, so my favorite cocktail, my favorite, i’ll remember now, so strawberry, babana, banana and
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chocolate, who taught you how to make cocktails? i myself, well, how are you, that you were lying, lying, thinking, oh, i’ll make a cocktail now, you saw it somewhere, maybe not, i just watched a video with my mom, i taught myself, you’re so... well done! zlata, let’s play a little now! let's! just imagine that i’m a blender, and i’ll spin around, i’ll tell you the ingredients, and you’ll pretend to be a banana, strawberry, chocolate, and i look like a strawberry, wow! so, add strawberries, show me how the strawberry spins! oh, how! the strawberry is spinning beautifully, now we add the banana, the blender is spinning in the other direction, interesting, yes, a cocktail, banana right away
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more, and the blender’s motor is running out, that’s it, oh my god, that’s it, of course i apologize, but the blender is broken, it needs to be fixed, fix it. i thought i needed to lie down for a bit and once he got everything fixed, we played a little, and now let’s go make real milkshakes, are you ready? yes, that's it, then let's go to the kitchen better than everyone else, i'm tired of being small. before we start, i want to call the owner of this place for help,
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meet the king of the blender, his great bubble, mr. szbaltinho. hello, hello, i'm the prince of milkshakes, welcome to my kingdom, what's your name, zlata, nice to meet you, and i'm zhana, if anyone is interested, nice to meet you, zlata, where do we start, what will be our first the cocktail will be strawberry, strawberry, what do we need for this, add milk to the blender, right? wow, well done, ice cream, ice cream, ice cream, strawberry, how many strawberries do you need, one, two,
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three, four, yeah, more are needed, no, that's it, okay, let's put it away, then close it, why do you need to close it, because would immediately mixed well, everything is correct, until we count, to five. 1 2 3 4 five which glass should we take this one or this one this one this one so what are we pouring completely into there yes let me help you that’s enough no more you need for it completely let’s melt it all with each one wow and what else do we need to add later? is it drain, is it cream, should it be whipped or beaten? no, they need to be opened, opened, then wait, and we want to put strawberries on top or not,
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but i can’t do it, help me, come on, and yes, also, oh, well done, what a strong, oh, what a great fellow you are, it turned out beautifully, but something is missing, yes, yes, but it’s missing. there is not enough decoration, what decoration is missing, these colorful things, you need to add straws for drinking. pink, pink, of course, and the color of the girls, of course, is also strawberry, thank you, your syrupy spirit, but it’s very beautiful, though, with a stick it’s even better, well, i suggest you arrange a competition to see who can make the next cocktails faster, let’s try, yes, ok,
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applaud! boldly, and i participate in your competition, or i’m just eating, and you’ll time it, come on, i like to time it, let’s go, so, i’ll assist you, come on, dear, let me help, and the assistant is like this, there are two of us, wait, wait, we have we have an emergency, we need it, it stuck, well done, oh, splashes, now a banana, yes, bananas, i would like to have such an assistant at home, oh, what a great fellow you are, so, what is missing, it seems chocolate, so we already have bananas, and we have chocolate, are you ahead of me, no, yes, yes, yes, come on, come on, you don’t need to add anything else, no, no, faster, 3, 2, 1, one, yes, 3, 4, 5,
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so, let's, oh, it pours out there, yeah, this is a special option, so that's it, okay, share with others, so, let's continue , we need cream, gold, what else do we need, here, here, here, come on, look at what you have brought , uh, man, you see how she breathes, she runs away from me. tubes, yes, i’m running, i’m running, hurry up, hold on, yeah, that’s it, that’s it, we won, we did it, eh, i tried, i tried, but i also did it well or not, let’s give the grades first, let’s get the grades let's give it, i'm all 10 out of 10, 10 out of ten, let's rate it by applause, come on,
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come on, good and a strawberry smoothie, a banana shake, in my opinion, oh, you see, the banana one somehow went better, okay, thank you, and we have another chocolate cocktail, which cocktail won, do you think? who got more clapping? me, i think, you, because your banana cocktail won, mr. sbaldinio, yes, you lost? well, not for the first time, but never mind, you will have another chance to improve, now we will prepare another cocktail together, you will do nothing not limited, yeah, let your imagination
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go wild. create a cocktail that will be called the best, what is needed for this, milk, oops, you see, i spilled it without you, yeah, okay, let's add fruit, yes, we'll have the best cocktail, add, let's have strawberries, strawberries, yeah, what else, yeah, we'll add chocolate there, of course, come on, banana, let's have some more, listen, i have ice cream, will it fit into our blender? i don’t think so, shall we add slat? no, no, but it seems to me that it should be best in a cocktail be in a cheerful mood, add love there, hearts should be sent to them there, and of course applause, we’ll add stormy applause, i’m collecting, let’s do more, more,
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kisses here. we need to send it there , i suggest blender, blender, let's close it tightly for how long we count yes five one 2 3 a tube a tube and already a tube maybe we can add some cream, come on, let's wow stars, stars, definitely, beautiful, beautiful, yes, and if you want, i 'll cut up a strawberry for you too , she's delicious. very useful who will be the first to try me you this is a cocktail best of all, zlata dyachenko, medal to the studio,
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tired of being small, tired of being small, tired, tired, the medal of our show is presented by the king. shake it up, especially for zlatychenko. and of course, this backpack with sweets. and here is this bunny as a keepsake for you, may it bring you good luck. the creator of milkshakes is zlata dyachenko. she's the best today. today these are all the participants, but in a week we will continue our journey through the world of wonderful children, each of whom is the best
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, we will see you on the first channel, and almost i forgot, don’t rush to grow up. hello, evening news on channel one, andrey ukharev with you. the rising waters continue, and the evacuation of several more areas of orsk has been announced. overnight, the water reached the central districts of orsk, this is gagarin square, traffic on it is now blocked, only with special equipment, or so.


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