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tv   Vechernie novosti  1TV  April 7, 2024 6:00pm-7:01pm MSK

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children, each of whom is the best. see you on channel one, and i almost forgot, don’t rush to grow up. hello, evening news on channel one, andrey ukharev with you. the rising waters continue, and the evacuation of several more areas of orsk has been announced. overnight, the water reached the central region of orsk, this is gagarin square, traffic on it is now blocked, only with special equipment, or so.
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the head of the ministry of emergency situations arrived at the site on the instructions of the president because of the threat of flooding in the kurgan and tyumen regions. the attack was prepared for almost a month, the traces lead to kiev. new data on the investigation of the terrorist attack in crocus. the ffb published a video of the interrogation of the suspects.
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the center is already recording a rise in water, today or tomorrow its level may reach a dangerous level, the peak of the flood in the city is expected by wednesday, but for now, in the center of the disaster, orsk, the second largest city in the region, more than 6 thousand houses are flooded, there is a new dam break on the ural river, water goes to the central regions, in aerial footage, high-rise buildings, schools, hospitals, they can only be reached by boats, the president receives reports on the situation, how the evacuation is organized inform vladimir putin's people today. one of the central streets in the city of orsk, many shops, cafes, pharmacies, all of them, as a rule, on the first floors of buildings, naturally, were damaged, somewhere the water was just above the knee, somewhere up to the waist, but for her , of course, here such plastic doors are not a barrier at all, inside, of course. there is also water,
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cars here are up to the windows, and in places up to the roof in the water, now you can only move on boats, rescuers and volunteers are working, here i just walk through the nearest yard, if someone asks, then in hundreds of residents of the high-rise building were trapped, who refused to evacuate the day before, when the water was just rising, and even now some need to be persuaded, great, come on, that's it, go, pack your things, evacuation, what?
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covered only with special equipment, or like this, on boats, here, by the way, there is also a bus station, it is literally behind this fire truck, now for obvious reasons it is not working, in the morning i woke up somewhere. we heard, but we hoped that it would bypass us, we hoped for the best. on behalf of vladimir putin arrived in orsk today with the head of the ministry of emergency situations alexander kurenkov, together with governor denis pasler, they visited the most affected areas. according to local authorities, the flood situation in orsk is developing according to the worst-case scenario. d enough, we we still.
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about the possibility of receiving social benefits, introducing mortgage holidays. secondly, it is important that when calling the hotline, citizens can get answers to any questions related to the emergency situation, payments, recovery documents, placement in temporary temporary accommodation centers, more than 500 people are now in temporary accommodation centers, one of them was visited by alexander kurenkov. okay, let us calm down, we are like everyone else. we agreed, we are supported in general, and the city, we feel that you support us, now, we will analyze the installation now, yes, so that we know what awaits us, a disabled person of the second group, raisa , was evacuated from the flood twice, the day before her apartment moved to her mother, in the morning the water
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came to her house, now she and her mother and sister are in the school gym, no clothes, they didn’t take anything, just documents and medications, attention. the situation in orsk was aggravated by the second breakthrough of the city protective dam already on the right bank of the ural river, residents of the nearest nikel microdistrict were warned in advance about the threat of flooding, but not everyone was in a hurry to leave their homes, 2 days already, episode 2 days, scared, we’re already scared, already buses began to transport people to temporary accommodation centers, those who did not have time to evacuate before the water arrived from...
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sometimes, it was necessary to inspect several houses, the depth there is already such that it’s like, that they already have to swim there, this time they sent a man, he says, he believed until the last moment that the water would not enter his house, thank you guys, the professionals are working, after the first dam break on april 5 , the microdistrict, which is called the old town here, went under water , the protective structure was not designed for such a flow, the investigative committee opened a criminal case based on the materials of the inspection of the prosecutor's office, they found out that... in recent years the dam has not been properly strengthened, this morning the regional authorities reported that the discharge of water from the local reservoirs were reduced by 500 cubic meters per second, but a quick effect should not be expected. 500 cubic meters is almost a quarter of that discharge, of course, we
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hope that in the future we will be able to reduce it further in a few days, which of course will certainly in the future have a beneficial effect on reducing the volume of water inflow into the city. roshydromet, the peak flood in the orenburg region will be in a few days on april 10, while in the capital of the region the water will rise to dangerous levels tomorrow, they urge people not to wait until the last minute leave flooded areas while you can. in orsk, in addition to the police rescuers, to the neighbors’ misfortune, people who survived the flooding of the area also opened up. many are on duty in cars to help those who left their homes get to their relatives and deliver them. water, food, and, of course, many volunteers on boats. sergey ponomarev, natalya sidorova, irina chyuchuy, yuri shotokhin, sergey suborov and sergey komensky, channel one. two more regions are now preparing for large-scale floods. in the tyumen region, according to the forecast,
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in mid-april the ishim river will overflow its banks. the water level may exceed the historical maximum by 4 m. and in the kurgan region , an unfavorable situation is already developing due to the sudden melting of snow. in the tobol river basin. floods are expected there any day now. kurgan and fifty other villages may be in the flood zone. the president instructed the head of the ministry of emergency situations to promptly respond to the threat of flooding. noted that due to the anomalous flood in 100 years , water discharge at waterworks has been increased, flooding is inevitable, it is important to prepare people in advance for evacuation. the head of the ministry of internal affairs was instructed to ensure the protection of citizens' property. residents are already warning local authorities about the disaster . i informed vladimir vladimovich about the admission. information about excess water discharges from the territory of reservoirs in kazakhstan, as well as from the neighboring
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chelyabinsk region, told him that today the actual discharge exceeds the norm by 45 times, it is absolutely clear to us that in a few days this whole big wave will come here to the territory of the kurgan region, because our main task is notification evacuate citizens, notify everyone, evacuate those with limited mobility, those who cannot walk, as well as those who cannot look after themselves. more than... 50 temporary accommodation points have already been deployed in the region, their total number will be 73 in order to accommodate everyone who has nowhere to move. dear citizens, collect documents, necessary medications, warm clothes, strictly follow the instructions, do not wait for the water to come, evacuate in advance. dear residents of the tyumen region, due to the difficult hydrological situation in north kazakhstan and kurgan regions, according to rozgidromit, an increase in water levels in the ishim and tabol rivers in our region is predicted. if you receive an evacuation signal, you must leave the potentially dangerous area in a timely manner; do not
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put your life and the life of your family at risk. meanwhile, in a number of other regions the flood has already subsided. in the altai territory , rescuers pumped out water from local areas, poured soil into the lowlands, and erected almost two dozen temporary dumps. water is leaving residential areas, the situation is under control, there is no risk of re-flooding. in the samara region, where the flood was the strongest in 35 years, it was possible. to dry about a thousand household plots, the situation in the chelyabinsk region has stabilized, they continue to help people, rescuers go around every yard where necessary, pump out the remaining water, and eliminate the consequences. we’ll return to the topic of natural disasters; in our issue we’ll talk about the doomsday glacier, what ’s happening to it now in the context of global warming, and what climatologists’ forecasts for the coming summer, taking into account abnormally warm spring. more on all this in the program a little later, but for now... news. new information about the investigation into the terrorist attacks in crocus cityhole. intelligence agencies are methodically
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uncovering a criminal network. there are already 14 defendants in the case, militants and accomplices detained in different cities, who have given valuable testimony about how and by whom the bloody attack was prepared. the terrorists named svyaznoy, who within a month identified the target, the concert hall, and coordinated all links in the chain from the delivery of weapons to the escape route of the perpetrators to ukraine. installed. and where exactly were they meeting cross the border, what else did the detainees say during interrogations, new operational footage from dmitry kulko. what were your group's plans after the terrorist attack? who gave you instructions? in new fragments of interrogations published by the fsb, all four terrorists name the name of the coordinator, saifulo, who designated the location of the attack, crocus cityhalls.
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at a speed of under 170 km/h. our security forces intercepted the car at this point, near the village of kamunna, 141 km remained to the russian-ukrainian border. the smartphones, even if damaged, fell into the hands of the investigation. the information obtained from them indicates that the fugitives until the last received instructions from the curator saifulo. saifullo said that there would be guys waiting for you at the ukrainian border who would help us cross the border and drove to... on the other side, as it turned out, two corridors were being prepared for terrorists at once. our special services recorded the activity of the armed forces of ukraine in
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demining near the border villages of chuikovka and sopych, sumy region. these places are remote, dense forest. from the nearest populated areas in russia to the border is no more than 4 km. here the terrorists had to burn the car and walk on the commands of the same saifulo. he told us: “leave towards kiev when you get abroad.” not far from the bloodline, leave your car, call me, i’ll help you further, sfr says call, then i’ll tell you to wonder later. firstly, it was established that the mercenaries received money from ukraine shortly before the massacre; secondly, an attempt to escape to kiev,
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where, as the hired killers themselves say, the main fee awaited them, was finally organized by the ukrainians. not a radical islamist. photographs of people in camouflage uniforms holding the ukrainian flag against the backdrop of destroyed houses with a ukrainian postage stamp with an obscene gesture were discovered. the specified data may.
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are related to the formation of isis. the terrorist attack was well organized and accompanied by wide advance coverage with orchestrated coverage by western media in the manner they needed. the western media, which began to push their version of the terrorist attack to the world in the first minutes after the tragedy, did not yet know that the militants would be caught and would start talking about connections with the ukrainian
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side. the accomplices were also revealed. now footage of arrests appears almost every day. on the floor. here fsb officers are conducting an operation in three cities at once, in moscow, yekaterinburg and omsk. why was he detained? you know? why was he detained? for the tracks. the detainees admitted that they transferred money to the perpetrators of the terrorist attack to buy a car and those same three machine guns with ammunition. but the weapons supplier was hired in dagestan. i. as the detainee said, he delivered weapons from makhachkala to mytishche and hid them in a garage cooperative. the same curator saifulo sent the coordinates from khron to the perpetrators of the terrorist attack, and here is a white fleece with a black roof, on which the killers will then go to
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crocus, stopping by for weapons in garages near moscow. there, the terrorists found psychotropic substances that suppressed the feeling of fear and... in kaspiysk, fsb officers captured three militants involved in the terrorist attack in crocus. various types of weapons, as well as parts of homemade explosives, were found in everyone’s apartments. the detainees admitted that they were preparing another attack. victory i'm going to blow up blow up and a crowd of people whoever gets caught. as for the participants in the attack on crocus, their handlers provided them with both a car and housing. the white renault was sold by the father and two sons of the islomovs. according to investigators, they sponsored the trip of two terrorists to a militant camp near istanbul. 2 days after the terrorist attack, he was eliminated by turkish
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intelligence services. and this arrested person transferred money to the card of the four killers, so he deposits cash into the atm. per month. attack coordinator sayfullo identified the terrorists' target using these photographs, which showed a traffic pattern in area of ​​the crocus, planned the actions of each participant. one of the accomplices, at the direction of the curator, found on internet resources and sent him screenshots of images of the entrances to the crocus city hall building and the access roads to it. the accused confirmed all this in his testimony. in total , 14 people have already been detained in connection with the attack on the concert hall, of which 11 have been arrested. dear comrades, now you, together with colleagues from other departments, are participating in the investigation of the bloody terrorist attack on march 22, i have already said that it is important for us to establish not only the immediate
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perpetrators, but all links, chains of ultimate criminal beneficiaries of this crime. vladimir putin noted that the terrorist attack in crocus was beneficial to those who relied on inciting ethnic and religious hatred in russia, here is the session... the exposure of kiev in the person of andrei kovalenko, the head of the so-called center for countering disinformation at the national security defense council of ukraine, told the british the times, as agents, using social networks and instant messengers, are now trying to destabilize russia from within on national grounds. it's very beneficial for us support any national splits there and fuel them with information, kovalenko said. we must shake russia by any means necessary and information is critical in fueling this tension.
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rosatom called the series of attacks unprecedented, three employees were injured, one in serious condition, and a direct threat to the safety of the stations was also created. one of the drones hit the dome of the sixth power unit, it is reported that there is no damage, the background radiation is normal, rosatom called on the leadership of the eu countries, the international atomic energy agency energy and personally its head raffaele grossi to immediately respond to the escalation around europe’s largest nuclear power plant. i will add that at the time of the ukrainian attack they were at the station. magath experts. the organization confirmed that it is aware of the attack. rafael grossi called for refraining from actions that pose a threat to security. at the same time, again , not a word about who this call is addressed to
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and who creates this very threat. nuclear terrorism, as well as attempts to carry out sabotage on infrastructure facilities in russia, murders and terrorist attacks, our special services have collected a huge an array of evidence of ukraine’s involvement in this, and the worse the ukrainian armed forces are doing against... scammers. about how kiev is trying to create the sbu and actively involve a criminal telephone network, yuri lepatov. this sanya , with his voice bleating from fear, made explosives and assembled bombs at home.
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who also worked as an sbu officer, he asked me for help to carry out a terrorist attack, an sbu officer, in short, who
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contacted me, he says, we need to... collect this girl, help, she indicated the place where she needs to put it, she says, he came out entrance, press, i pressed the button, the terrorist permyakov managed to detonate an explosive device under the car in which the writer zakhar prilepin was traveling, returning from donbass, his bodyguard and friend alexander shubin died, zakhar himself barely survived. in 2018, he was recruited by the ukrainian special services, twenty-two years old, entered the territory of the russian federation with the aim of... murder, liquidation of zakhar prilepin, method of murder, remote explosion of two anti-tank mines, i'm sorry judges, terrorist vovk killed daria dugina, daughter philosopher alexander dugin, returning from a patriotic festival, and terrorist trepova carried out the order of ukrainian curators to kill military correspondent vladlin tatarsky, handing him a figurine with an explosive device. head of the sbu vasily malyuk on behalf of
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the terrorist group. the security service of ukraine will not comment on this in any way and will never confirm it. yes, he himself said this confirmation, flaunting his mythical impunity. the head of ukrainian military intelligence, kirill budanov, in an interview with the news website yaha news, did the same thing, threatening all russians with death.
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all i will comment on is this. that we killed russians and will kill russians anywhere in the world until the complete victory of ukraine. they've been trying to accuse me of terrorism since 2016, but i want to start by saying that what they call terrorism, we call liberation. the scale of this terrorist activity is growing in direct connection with the failures of the ukrainian armed forces on the battlefield. the ukrainian special services declared their goal to sow fear in russia. alexander maystruk, a member of a group of saboteurs who were sent to commit explosions of power transmission line supports of three nuclear power plants in russia. this. essentially nuclear terrorism, the fsb was able to stop the saboteurs, wrote documents on cooperation with the ukrainian foreign intelligence service, we were taken into the forest twice, we were shown how to assemble a hryvnia device, there was an explosion twice. citizens of ukraine are recruited into terrorists through threats,
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pressure and persuasion. with this , professional manipulators, well, the state creates the appropriate background, so the national news agency unian hosts a vote for readers, who should be killed next in russia by organizing a terrorist attack. and now a couple, treated by the curators of the special services and social advertising, comes to lipetsk from ukraine, looking for where to organize a terrorist attack so that there are more victims. in the cache are tnt blocks, nails and screws, like filling for a bomb to kill as many people as possible. spanking. trained at the desna training ground in the chernigov region. the fsb monitored their movements and how they left bundled bags in public places, checking the vigilance of those around them. in in the city of lipetsk, at the sokol bus station, i had to commit terrorist acts on the instructions of the leadership of the right sector. but what is especially valued by the ukrainian intelligence services is the ability to bring russians, who are weak in mind and morality, to
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commit a terrorist attack. two cocktails, what were you going to do? i am against mobilization, so i wanted to quit the military registration and enlistment office. the leader of the s-14 group, which is associated with the sbu, speaks with the same intonations as malyuk and budanov. now they only gave us weapons, not because we are good, not because they want our good, because we carry out the tasks of the west, because we are the only ones who are ready to carry them out, it’s fun for us, it’s fun to kill and it’s fun to fight, it’s fun to kill and it’s fun to fight, it’s definitely not the same people.
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are discovered in russia, identifying them, thanks to the internet, by a common interest in nazism, for example, or in lucifer. a pistol, walkie-talkies, substances for making explosives, swastika pendants, a portrait of hitler and a friendly farewell message. handwritten in the book: kill to live, live to kill, where did you get the weapon you found? left scouts young? who are moloy scouts? members of the nazi group, why did they need weapons in the country of the pro-pulse figure, who were they discussing? solovyova, who gave the task? stopped them on time, on the list of targets for terrorist attacks of the ukrainian special services... infrastructure facilities: oil and gas pipelines, refineries, airfields, railways. telephone scammers from ukraine also fulfill orders from the sbu, convincing elderly people or people in difficult financial situations to set fire to a military registration and enlistment office, an fsb building or a bank.
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he also recruits citizens of belarus, as he described one of those detained by the belarusian kgb. well, it kind of depends on how much you want to earn, like go around, look at some area, like, and send photos there, but if you have more money, yeah, like you need it. the detonators themselves are hidden in church utensils; they are capable of being detonated remotely by a call or message in the messenger.
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can you imagine, yes, what could have happened, god forbid, if this icon, supposedly they made a gift from someone, and this icon was hung in our christian church, it would then be exploded in a crowd of people. how much joy there would be again, excuse me, these nazis, ukrainians in the rest, as they say, i already called them as slaves, so i think that success, a huge success to our special services and these guys, we must say a huge thank you, from the cargo that followed the route ukraine, romania, hungary, slovakia, poland, lithuania, latvia, russia recovered 27 explosive devices camouflaged in icons and ready for use. this cargo crossed six countries, traveling almost 2.0 km, without causing any the slightest.
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the russian army today again worked on ukrainian military rear areas and facilities related to the defense industry. explosions occurred in kharkov, where, as you know, there are many defense industry enterprises where they produce and repair equipment. eyewitnesses talk about flights in the industrial area, where the main industrial zone is, and local authorities confirmed a powerful fire that broke out at one of the enterprises. in addition, it is reported that a fuel storage facility was destroyed, as well as hangars near the airport. earlier there was information about the defeat of another foreign air defense systems. let me remind you that the russian army is carrying out precision strikes on targets associated with the ukrainian army. in response to attempts by the armed forces of ukraine to attack our energy sector, and news from the ministry of defense, operational-tactical aviation, missile forces and artillery destroyed a warehouse with nato naval drones, two launchers of the s-300 anti-aircraft complex, and also
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destroyed manpower and military equipment in the ssu in 107 districts. in the donetsk direction, our units occupied more advantageous positions, moving forward. russian fighters gradually pushing through the enemy's defenses. from chasovo yar. the enemy was thoroughly dug in there. however, ours have accumulated a lot of experience in opening such fortifications. aviation, artillery, and drones are actively working, and attack aircraft are gradually occupying trench after trench. a film crew from channel one is working on the front line in the bogdanovka area, reporting by alexey kruchinin. the darkness seems impenetrable, but platoon commander iermak, who has been hunting since childhood, navigates at night as confidently as during the day. iermac, is that all you are? do you see bumps, holes, craters or do you just know the way? no, i see them, but well , everything is visible, here is the track on the right, here on the left, it is rolled by an atv. in an amicable way, the distance between us should be greater, but we have to walk back to back, further than 3 m,
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the silhouette hopelessly dissolves in the darkness. yarmak was recently seriously wounded, there are still many small fragments in his legs, but he was discharged from the hospital ahead of schedule. he was so eager to join the soldiers of his platoon. on his back he has a thirty-kilogram backpack with food for the guys. who are waiting for us on the front line, we climb the hill, quite steep, here ermak is in front with his huge backpack, with a wound, leaning on his machine gun.
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but enemy birds, says yarmak, are already afraid to fly over his positions, because he hits drones as accurately as he hit ducks in his time. here are some of the recent trophies: two copters per day, one drone with a drop, judging by the sakartvel inscription, launched by georgian mercenaries. the guys shot it down with a machine gun, they landed another kamikaze drone with the rap complex, this one can also be reached with small arms, despite its high speed.
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well, of course, besides drones there are others dangers from which you cannot protect yourself either with jammers or infantry weapons. this is where the cassettes burst, yes, both the cassette and the mortars arrive. from here they are pouring heavy fire on enemy position number 36, which is opposite. so. the most accurate dumps, here are the shots from bogdanovka:
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any movements of the ukrainian armed forces infantry, even in the dark, result in losses, one after another the enemies are hit with wogs, fragmentation grenades or half-kilogram landmines, which are jokingly called fap-05 here. they also successfully attack with kamikaze drones, adapted for night raids, but the enemy does not sleep either. all night, here they are, vlogs, and these vlogs are unknown to us, well, most likely they noticed it, we had a ride. provisions and noticed the atv began to work on it, every 15 minutes a bird flew in, dropped the gods, well, tried to destroy our atv. at the headquarters of the first battalion , they monitor the situation around the clock, the entire area of ​​​​responsibility is visible, drops, kamikaze drones, air attacks paralyze the garrison of the ukrainian armed forces in bogdanovka, driving the nationalists underground. we even had i mean, i haven’t eaten for 3 days. because, well, it’s impossible to get out, because not only are you afraid, but you also
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don’t know, you don’t know what to do, how to get away from this, so it’s very, very scary, almost his entire battalion consisted of such mobilized people, the morale was appropriate, people like if only everyone was waiting for the end of the war, for some kind of outcome, because, believe me, it’s already the third year of the war, everyone is tired, no one wants to fight anymore, everyone. the prisoner was trained in germany, nato instructors also trained his colleague, fifty-year-old sergei gerasimov. city there is such a lenin, there was a camp there, a tent camp, in this tent camp we were, well , we were, the germans were guarding us so that we wouldn’t scatter across germany, well, the preparation was so-so, a c grade, they didn’t really push us because we... . a group of marginalized-adjuncts, well, 40-50,
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marginalized-adjuncts, which means they are of limited fitness, that is, people over 40 with various diseases, they were thrown into the inferno under the hours of the yar, they were actually doomed to death, we see that these are ordinary men whom caught, they had the appropriate preparations, well, practically zero, they set, let’s say, a difficult area of ​​terrain - they were placed, the person in charge, they weren’t even stirred. with a combat unit that had experience. plugging the holes with people caught on the streets, the ukrainian armed forces cling to the outskirts of chasovo yar. but our troops are getting closer to this important donbass hub of ukrainian defense. crap. there is a shortage of soldiers not only in the ranks of ukrainian militants, but in the armies of european countries. bloomberg writes: the armed forces of france, if they suddenly had to fight now, are able
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to hold a front line with a maximum length of 80 km. the article came out against the backdrop of a debate in the old world about the return of conscription. young people are not willing. goes to military service, personnel shortage in the british troops. european militaries are having great difficulty attracting young people to a career that is full of restrictions and restrictions and lacks benefits and incentives. think about the secrecy associated with military service, the lack of social networks, the need to be away from home for a long time. the british army has failed to meet its recruitment targets for all conscripts over the past 5 years. centers france also did not fulfill its plans last year, not recruiting into the army.
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congratulations on the anniversary are being received today by federation council speaker valentina matvienko, the first woman in russian history to occupy such a high post. by presidential decree , she was awarded the title of hero of labor, as
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the text says, for special services to the state and people. in the civil service , valentina matvienko worked in the government for many years. in our foreign missions , she headed st. petersburg for 8 years. now valentin matvienko is the third person in hierarchy of the state. according to all polls, the most recognizable woman in politics. you are watching the evening news and this is what will happen next in our program. the problem is global . why is oncology getting younger? the patients are doing great work right before our eyes. that is, 20 years ago it was 60 years, now it’s 45, 30, 25, 20, 18. it’s scary. and how have the principles of treatment changed? you can beat cancer at any stage. spring two-wheeled aggravation. as the weather warmed up, a lot of scooters poured out into the streets. there are already many victims. why
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people don’t think about themselves; will the new rules help? could a warm spring be a harbinger of an abnormally hot summer? forecasts for 2 months have virtually no real practical meaning and is global warming connected with a series of natural disasters around the world? more on this and more in a couple of minutes, stay tuned. 75 years ago an organization was created whose only goal was the destruction of our country. nato members. they made their plans according to wehrmacht standards, built their support system and logistics. in fact, it was the fourth reich and continues to be so. gorbachev, let’s be honest, was simply scammed when carriers of nuclear weapons were destroyed, our nuclear submarines were cut up under the supervision of american specialists,
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something that still cannot be explained by any logical explanation. it is extremely important for them that everyone signs in blood. that they are all involved in the fight against russia, what they have done to ukraine over the past few years is a monstrous situation, the only question is how they are trying this now they are assessing their strength, saying that they need to hide for several years and prepare better, or continue aggression against russia right now and expand the conflict to the baltic states, for example, well, what do you think they will choose, premiere, big story, look. evening news. kiev propagandists distorted bulgakov's biography so much that they instantly turned him into an enemy of ukraine. since kiev is the mother of russian cities, these crazy people, they... will abandon kiev, the sharikovs gave birth to offspring, now they are taking revenge on bulgakov now they declared him a ukrainophobe and they did the right thing, of course, because they finally started reading
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books, as well as an exclusive, in our studio the fighters who captured the german marder, outdated equipment is sent here as a write-off and given to the ukranazis and the tale about how ukrainian civilization appeared in the second millennium bc, anti-fake, premiere, tomorrow on the first. this is my friend alyosha, just recently his arm was completely paralyzed and didn’t work, but now, and now i can move it in different ways, and the guys in the school likes it, like this, it’s clear, now in all directions, a unique development of russian scientists, exoskeletons, and not only in the program it’s great to live, tomorrow on the first.
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the opening night is tomorrow after the program , i feel out of place as the chairman of the jury, perhaps all the most famous actors and directors in the world were sitting at this table, i would like to have lunch, please, but this is pasadena, we don’t have restaurants, how did you feel myself in a movie where all the actors played themselves or...
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on the first one, tell me you like my hat, you don’t have a hat, i would like to say in the future that i did everything i could in my life, you watch the evening news and we continue: a unique development of russian scientists - a drug that successfully fights antibiotic resistance, received ... there are no analogues to the medicine in the world, all thanks to its ability to block the so -called superbugs, those that
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have mutated and become resistant to conventional antibiotics. our specialists have found a way out, but in general, domestic science is now demonstrating excellent results in many ways areas, including the treatment of oncological diseases. you can beat cancer at any stage. modern diagnostic and therapeutic methods allow this. a new challenge, problems are increasingly being identified among young people, why? have you tried? figure it out yulia anishchenko. naturally, the first, first reaction is confusion, how can this be, i’m 32 years old, i’m young, healthy, happy, how could this happen to me. this is perhaps the most common question that arises among young people with a serious diagnosis. maria's breast cancer was discovered completely by accident; they treated a completely different woman. pathology. everything went well, early stage, successful operation, the woman is preparing for discharge. when i found out, at first i wanted to tell everyone, then i wanted to talk. to no one, then again to everyone, then to no one, then i realized that the way out is to tell everyone, because well, you can help some other
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person with your story. to whom knowledge in this case will give life, because the number of people with cancer is growing every year and there are more and more young people among them. global is a world problem. patients are getting younger literally before our eyes, that is, 20 years ago it was 60 years, now 45, 30, 25, 20, 18, yes, this is really scary. the leaders are malignant tumors of the breast, stomach and intestines. this has been proven, but doctors cannot name the exact reason for such a surge, so far it is only an assumption. any malignant tumor is a change in the functioning of a normal cell. and these mutations, which are inherited, are actually becoming more and more common in our society. scientists today know about 200 cancer syndromes, and this figure is not final. the possibilities of genetics are increasing every year, which means that cancer prevention measures are becoming more accessible to everyone. definitely recommended.
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there was not a glitch, but an intersection at which it was necessary, like a sign that showed you where you need to go, and switched your attention to the right things, because the right people immediately began to surround me. the right attitude is, of course, important, it has a positive effect on the outcome, but modern principles of diagnosis and therapy allow doctors to talk about what seemed fantastic just 10 years ago, most cancers are curable today.
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you need to understand that cancer is treatable and treatable well, and stage four. when there is a metastasis, something happened, something is broken, we fix it and move on, and in order to move on and live longer, especially for young people, scientists are working on advanced technologies, the concept of treatment today is new, it is important not just to kill the tumor, to preserve health of organ systems. what all our radiation therapy methods are actually aimed at today is the preservation of critical organs, protecting the heart, protecting healthy lungs, protecting the pelvic organs, so that patients continue. radiotherapy is one of the pillars of diagnosis and treatment; powerful proton accelerators make the process as effective as possible and, most importantly, safe. surgery is also reaching a new level. at sechinov university, for the first time in the world , a forty-four-year-old patient with cardiac sarcoma had his destroyed atrium and main vessel, the superior vena cava, actually replaced with special prostheses. for this patient, we
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instead of the superior vena cava main region. the chest cavity, yes, before the operation there was pain here, where the heart was, breathing was heavy, rather heavy, yes, he has almost recovered, the patient’s treatment does not end there, then we assume medicinal treatment, stage-by-stage treatment and observation. doctors today already call cancer a non -fatal, chronic disease, which in some cases can be treated better than other non-infectious pathologies, but at the same time
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doctors and patients themselves say they should help to be on alert for cancer, come for medical examinations on time, and at the first symptoms, regardless of age, seek help without delay. yulia nishchenko, veronica elvuchenko, varia rabakova, kristina neznanova, channel one. orthodox christians today celebrate the annunciation, one of the main christian holidays. the day when, according to scripture, the archangel appeared to the virgin mary and brought the good news that she would become the mother of the savior of the world. solemn services in all churches, in honor of the holiday, representatives of the clergy changed their dark vestments to... resides over our people, over the countries that form the historical russia, over our church, over all who with faith and hope look to the lord, turning their prayers to him with love for their neighbors
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and carrying out their christian work. amen! the annunciation almost always falls during lent, but on april 7th there is a message for the grazing. well, a beautiful tradition: after the service in the temple, white doves are released into the sky. with the onset of warmer weather , electric scooters appeared on city streets, a real headache for pedestrians of other participants. movement, what about other people, reckless drivers forget about the risk for themselves, and the worst thing is that among the victims were children; three children in a month were hospitalized in the moscow region alone. how to protect, how to deal with violators? rental services, for example, equipped scooters with numbers. several more ideas are already in the works; elena pich will tell you more about them and what to do if you find yourself in an unpleasant situation.
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i hope for a russian carriage, risking the life of a young man. rides on an electric scooter in the middle of the expressway, riding on the side, causing irritation to motorists, the scooter driver violated three traffic rules at once: he drove onto a highway where cars can accelerate. up to 110 km/h, his own speed clearly exceeds the 25 km/h allowed for electric scooters, and he has the right to move on a sim only on the right edge of the road. personal mobility devices, abbreviated sim , have been officially recognized as a vehicle for a year now, and simple traffic rules have been in effect for their users for the same period . we tried to remember them by those who have already opened the new season. firstly permitted places and preferably there. where there are bike paths or places for riding a scooter i should speed very well , because you can run into people, you should always maintain an average speed, well , cross the road on foot, all the most important things and don’t
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drive on red; the truth is that these rules are not observed, to put it mildly we were all convinced that in a matter of minutes, without dismounting , a dozen electric scooter lovers crossed the wide road only thanks to speed... the actions of the car driver remained alive these a young man and a girl, they were riding together on one scooter, they decided to immediately move to the other side of the highway and found themselves under the wheels of a car. surprisingly, it’s not only young people who ignore the ban on dangerous driving together; parents don’t hesitate to risk their children’s lives; teenagers even go to school in four; the rental account was apparently borrowed from one of their relatives. it is generally accepted that not many injuries are caused. wet, the statistics are about 3,000 injuries last year, compared to cars, of course, this is not much, but only we have 100 times more cars, as the number of scooters and other personal
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mobility devices increases, the number of injuries will increase. this season, we have equipped the scooters of our service with large license plates that allow them to be seen, including from cameras located on the city streets, now fans of electric scooters will receive chain letters demanding to pay a fine for... violating traffic rules, for now only in the capital, but the possibility is already being discussed in in other large cities, reformat cameras, video recordings for reading license plates of personal mobility devices, and the plates themselves may soon appear not only on rental sims, but on private sims, that is, it will not be registered as a car, yes, when you go to the state traffic safety inspectorate, you get plates, there is rack accounting, tram-pam-pam, it will be a simple system that will be there at the level of government services, you went there, filled out a simple form, pressed the button that's it, but at the same time, if you were caught... employees are unaccounted for scooter, then there you will again be subject to administrative liability. in an effort to reduce the number of accidents, the rental company trains the electric scooters themselves to follow traffic rules. for example, all scooters
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of kickshaking services are limited in speed, plus, if you enter an area where there are a lot of pedestrians, where people are relaxing, in a park, in a square, then the scooter itself automatically slows down. we are currently testing technology that will allow the scooter to independently determine that two or more people are riding on it. passengers, and, accordingly, to prevent this. so far, only rental services insure, some exclusively the client, others also third parties, for example, passers-by. so, if you were hit by a scooter, try to remember the color of his vehicle, the time and place of the incident, then there is a chance to receive monetary compensation. by the way, pay attention that in many cities there are already so-called slow zones, where the permitted speed for scooters is even lower than stated in the road rules. appeared territories and streets where sims ride, local authorities in general. banned, in return they promise to build special paths so that owners and tenants of scooters, scooters and bicycles do not interfere with pedestrians and motorists. elena pich, oleg statun, dmitry orekhov, maryana soboleva,


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