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tv   Vremya  1TV  April 7, 2024 9:00pm-11:01pm MSK

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hello, the sunday program is about the events of this day of the outgoing week. crocus is a new link. he said that he would be waiting for you there.
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in each of the achievements there are people, people's savings in action, you need to understand that cancer is curable and is being treated well, and the fourth stage, when there is metastasis, a solution for life, the poros spill, somewhere there is water just above the knee, somewhere around the waist, but for her, of course, these plastic doors are not a barrier at all, inside, naturally, there is also water, pouring, shaking, frying, nightmares, if the glacier moves away, this... could set in motion the colossal oil of ice in antarctica, which it now holds back like a cork. how do they make money from the weather? floods in russia remain the number one topic: 39 regions, almost 7,000 flooded houses throughout the country. very soon , high water in the kurgan and tyumen regions, the peak rise of the tabol and ishim rivers, is expected on april 10, 12 and 20, respectively. about preparation vladimir.
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the governors reported to putin. a telephone conversation took place with the orenburg region, with governor denis pasler and the head of the ministry of emergency situations alexander kurenkov, whom the president sent there the day before. in the regional center, the water level in the ural river increased by 28 cm in one day. the peak is expected on tuesday, in vorsk the daily increase is 35 cm and the critical mark there has long been passed. sergey ponomarev from the spot. builder's avenue is one of them. central streets in the city of orsk, many shops, cafes, pharmacies, all of them, as a rule, on the first floors of buildings, naturally, suffered, somewhere the water was just above the knee, somewhere waist-deep, but for her , of course, these are plastic doors , at all not a barrier, naturally there is also water inside. passenger cars are here, sometimes up to the windows, and sometimes along the roof in the water, now you can only move by boats, rescuers and volunteers are working, i’m just passing by the yard nearby and... there’s something going on
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, hundreds of residents of the high-rise building are trapped who refused to evacuate the day before, when the water was just rising, and even now some need to be persuaded, great, come on , that’s it, go, pack your things, evacuate, what will come, yes, yes, just remains, there is a spread up to the third floor, let’s all come out here too, the rescued people have to be carried from the entrance to the boat, along with things, documents, and of course, houses... to the central districts of orsk, this is gagarin square, traffic along it is now blocked, you can only use special equipment, or like this, on boats, here, by the way, there is also a bus station, it is literally behind this fire truck, now for obvious reasons it is not working, in the morning i woke up, we heard it, but we
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hoped that it would bypass us , hoped for the best thing is, on the instructions of vladimir putin , the head of the ministry of emergency situations, alexander kurenkov, flew to orsk today, together with governor denis pasler, they visited the most affected areas. according to local authorities, the flood situation in orsk is developing according to the worst-case scenario. we will increase it in some places as needed, but our colleagues, everyone who works in the field, they share information, you can see for yourself that work is being done, in the near future.
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raisa was evacuated twice because of the flood, the day before she moved from her apartment to her mother, in the morning the water came to her house. now they are together with their mother and sister in the school gym. they didn’t take any clothes, they didn’t take anything, just documents and medicine, evacuation, attention to everyone, evacuation. the situation in orsk was aggravated
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by the second breach of the city protective dam, already on the right bank of the ural river, the threat of flooding was announced in advance. number 122. the urgent evacuation in the nikel microdistrict began already when dusk fell on the city, rescuers now have to literally feel their way through the flooded streets, the water is here here, i don’t know, it will be visible, just below the knee, but it is gradually arriving, it
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was necessary to examine several houses, the depth there is already such that it is, that you already have to swim there, this time they saved a man, he says, he believed until the last that water will not enter his house. thanks guys, these are professionals at work. after the first break of the dam on april 5 , the microdistrict, which is called the old city, went under water. the protective structure was not designed for such a flow. the investigative committee opened a criminal case based on the inspection materials prosecutor's office. there they found out that the dam had not been properly strengthened in recent years. this morning, regional authorities reported that water discharge from the local reservoir had been reduced by 500 cubic meters per second, but the effect was quick. not worth it. 500 cubic meters is almost a quarter of that discharge, of course, we hope that in the future we will be able to reduce it further in a few days, which , of course, will certainly in the future have a positive effect on reducing the volume of water inflow into the city. according to roshydromet forecasts
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the peak flood in the orenburg region will be in a few days on april 10, while in the capital of the region the water will rise to dangerous levels tomorrow, they urge people not to wait until the last minute to leave... areas that have survived the flooding, many are on duty in their cars to help those who left their homes, to get to the police , relatives and people responded to the neighbors' troubles, delivering drinking water, food, and of course, many volunteers on boats. sergei ponomarev, natalya sidorova, irina chyuchuy, yuri shotokhin, sergei suvorov and sergei komensky, channel one. vladimir putin, as we have already said, is monitoring the development of the flood situation in the tyumen and kurgan regions. he called governors alexander moor and vadim shumkov; in their regions, due to the anomalous flood, water discharge at hydroelectric facilities has been increased. the water level in the ishim river in the tyumen region may exceed
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the historical maximum by 4 m. the same ishim and the tabol river will overflow in the kurgan region any day now. flooding is inevitable, which means evacuation from dangerous areas, warn. in fact, the discharge exceeds the standard by 45 times, it is absolutely clear to us that through the kurgan region he was told that today in a few days this whole big wave will come here to the territory of the kurgan region, therefore our main task is to notify the evacuation of citizens, to notify everyone, to evacuate those with limited mobility, those who cannot walk, and those who cannot look after themselves. more than 50 temporary accommodation centers have already been deployed in the region, their total number will be 73 in order to accommodate everyone who has nowhere to move. we warn people that...
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with the situation in the chelyabinsk region, we will continue to help people, rescuers go around every yard where they need to pump out the remaining water, and eliminate the consequences. about the weather, its anomalies and their transformation into money, and there will be more today. now crocus, the third week after the terrorist attack, which killed 145 people. as the investigation progressed, there were already 11 defendants, the case was arrested in the basman court of moscow, and at least one more is known, who played an important role in...
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moscow kiev, rushing at a speed of about 170 km/h our security forces intercepted the car at
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this point, near the village of kamunna, 141 km remained to the russian-ukrainian border. the smartphones, even if damaged, fell into the hands of the investigation; the information obtained from them indicates that the fugitives received instructions from curator saifulo until the very end. sayfullo said that the ukrainian border will be waiting for you there, guys who will help us cross the border. and arrived in oka. on the other side, as it turned out, two corridors were being prepared for terrorists at once. our special services recorded the activity of the ukrainian armed forces in demining near the border villages of chuikovka and sopych, sumy region. these places are remote, dense forest. from the nearest populated areas in russia to the border is no more than 4 km. here the terrorists had to burn the car and walk on the commands of the same seifulo. he told us: “leave in the direction of kiev to
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then it didn’t happen, the terrorists were detained and are cooperating with the investigation, which is now establishing both the identity of saifulo’s curator and the customer in a broad sense. at the same time, the facts voiced by the investigators are sufficient, to talk about the direct participation of the ukrainian side in the preparation for... the legal massacre in crocus. firstly, it was established that the mercenaries received money from ukraine shortly before the massacre. secondly, an attempt to escape to kiev, where, as the hired killers themselves say, the main fee awaited them. and finally, a meeting of terrorists at the border organized by the ukrainian special services. this is impossible without an order from above. a striking touch in this picture is the photographs from the phones of the detainees, left after correspondence with this saifulo. nationalist symbols yellow-blue ensign, this is more of a phototypesetting of a ukrainian militant, and not. radical islamist, photographs of people in camouflage uniforms with a ukrainian flag against
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the background of destroyed houses of a ukrainian postage stamp with an obscene gesture were discovered. this data may indicate a connection between the terrorist act committed and the conduct of a special military operation. the implementation of a set of investigative actions and operational measures to verify the involvement of representatives in organizing and financing the terrorist attack continues. it is also known that the ukrainian embassy in dushamba is carrying out recruitment work, attracting mercenaries who want to join the international legion formed by the kiev authorities to conduct military operations against russia. the inadequate reaction of zelensky, who
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accused the russian authorities of organizing the terrorist attack, is also characteristic. at the same time, in slovakia. they say directly that the kiev regime has been sheltering isis militants on its territory for a long time and uses them for its own purposes. it is important to understand that ukraine is no longer the first country turned by the west into a breeding ground for terror. the direct perpetrators of the massacre were financed by ukraine. well, it is known that the kiev regime is not independent, but controlled. with the aks, who are trying to impose the opinion that the sabotage and terrorist act was committed by isis, however, various sources have repeatedly noted that the united states created al-qaeda and is also related to the formation of isis. westerners do not even try to hide their roles
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in the planning and organization of terrorist attacks. the terrorist attack was good organized. was accompanied by extensive, pre -orchestrated coverage by the western media in the way they needed. the western media, which began to push their version of the terrorist attack to the world in the first minutes after the tragedy, did not yet know that the militants would be caught, they would start talking about connections with the ukrainian side, they also revealed their accomplices, and now footage of arrests appears almost every day. on the floor, on the floor, on the floor, on the floor, fsb officers are conducting an operation in three cities at once.
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attacked the building from etiol in the city of moscow. as the detainee said, he delivered the weapon from makhachkala to mytishche hid in a garage cooperative. the same curator saifulo sent coordinates from chron to the perpetrators of the terrorist attack, and here is a white renno with a black roof, in which the killers will then go to crocus, stopping by to pick up weapons in a garage near moscow. there, the terrorists found psychotropic substances that suppress the feeling of fear and the instinct of self-preservation. this explains the composure with which they carried out the monstrous massacre. over unarmed people, where the weapons are, at the gathering. in total, during the operation in two cities, makhachkala and kaspiysk, fsb officers captured three militants involved in the terrorist attack in crocus. various types of weapons, as well as parts of homemade explosives, were found in everyone’s apartments. the detainees admitted that they were preparing another attack.
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tear it up and hoard it. as for the participants in the attack on crocus, their handlers provided them with both a car and housing. the white renault was sold by the father and two sons of the islomovs. according to investigators, they sponsored the trip of two terrorists to a militant camp near istanbul. 2 days after the terrorist attack, he was eliminated by turkish intelligence services, and this arrested person transferred money to the card of the four killers, so he deposits cash into the atm. within a month, the attack coordinator, sayfullo , identified the target for the terrorists, based on these photographs, where the movement pattern is visible. in the crocus area planned the actions of each participant. one of the accomplices, at the direction of the curator, found on internet resources and sent him screenshots of images of the entrances to the crocus city hall building and the access roads to it. the accused confirmed all this in his testimony. in total , 14 people have already been detained in connection with the attack on the concert hall. people, 11 of them were arrested.
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the heads of law enforcement agencies regularly report to the president on the results of work on the crocus case. speaking at the extended board of the ministry of internal affairs, vladimir putin set the task of making every effort to investigate the cold-blooded murder of civilians. dear comrades, now you, together with colleagues from other departments, are participating in the investigation of the bloody terrorist attack on march 22. i have already said that it is important for us to establish not only the direct perpetrators, but all the links, the chains of ultimate criminal beneficiaries of this crime. the effect of disinformation at the national security and defense council of ukraine told the british times how agents, using social networks and instant messengers, are now trying to destabilize russia from within on
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national grounds. it is very beneficial for us to support any national splits there and feed them with information. we must shake russia by any means necessary and information is critical. by fueling these ethnic tensions, we are weakening russia. but this plan did not work; after the tragedy, society only rallied more closely. as vladimir putin emphasized, russia demonstrates a unique example of interreligious and interethnic unity. do you know that the breeding ground for such extremist activities, and simply outright criminality, is in many cases illegal migration, ideological pumping of various kinds of false preachers and internet sites, it is unacceptable, i want to emphasize this, to use recent tragic events to provoke national hatred , xenophobia, islamophobia, then, in fact, this was the main goal terrorists of their customers, first of all, to sow discord, strife and hatred in
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our country, to split russia from within, this is their main task, we must under no circumstances allow them to do this. as for those who planned and ordered the terrorist attack on march 22, they, according to vladimir putin, must remember one simple thing: those who use these weapons are weapons. which is used against russia, this is already obvious today, we must understand that it is both sharp, it is a weapon, these are orders for crimes for money, but they do not are isolated, also in this professional environment you can say, and you know this well, there are no reliable agents in this environment, they do whatever they want for money, i am not guided by any non-religious or political considerations. only financial, everything is also easy to sell, any information is bought and sold, so we will certainly reach the end customers, there is no doubt about it, such
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crimes have no statute of limitations, in russia to this day they find and call to account everyone who was in any way connected with the terror of the beginning 2000. last week, one of the militants of basayev khatab’s gang, who participated in the attack on pskov paratroopers, was detained. retribution for terrorists is inevitable, no matter how much. unprecedented drone attack on the zaporozhye nuclear power plant. one of them hit the dome of the sixth power unit. there was no destruction, the other two flew into the area of ​​the cargo port and canteen. one of the three wounded is in serious condition. rosatom reports a direct threat to the safety of the station, the largest in europe. just at the moment of the strike , magathe experts were at the nuclear power plant. head of the agency. called refrain from dangerous actions and predictably not a word about who the call is addressed to and who creates the threat. well, we have long understood everything about the zelensky regime. sending
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bombs in icons to russia across half of europe is an essay. let's talk about this more today. but what is important to say now? the general pain after the tragedy in crocus, the support of our neighbors and the country as a whole brought us together so much. more and more people have decided to take up arms in their hands to eliminate the nazi evil spirits and bring them back.
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symbols like ss on helmets, when you saw fascist symbols, there on tv the first ones started, that’s what, i don’t know, well , then i made the decision that i urgently need to come here and urgently need to do something about all this. denis from omsk, when on tv he saw crosses on ukrainian armored vehicles, swastikas on vsu chevrons, he constantly remembered his grandfather, he went through the great patriotic war, spoke, of course, little about the war, almost nothing, but like a genetic code, hostility and struggle. with fascism, that’s all, it’s, well, moving towards russia, it’s already there in the donbass, it’s already there in lugansk, there are already these dead children, i don’t want this to reach my children,
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this whole wave. with limited liability i transferred to the management partners, i told my family that i was leaving on a long business trip to the north, there would be no communication there, i left everything, then in the hospital when i was first wounded, well , they found out that i was taking part, and they rushed me to the military registration and enlistment office i came on march 28, i had long wanted to sign a contract, but then, in connection with the latest event, i decided to go to moscow, which with crocus city, as i got ready in the morning , got up and went, this is the first lesson from the group
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volunteers, some served. why stay at home, if we are men, we can stand up for our country? in different russian regions , volunteers continue to come to selection points to sign a contract, why do they answer about the same here? situation, this was actually the last straw, we will do everything possible so that the citizens of the russian federation, our friends, family, loved ones, they can sleep peacefully, my friends are already there,
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the latest event...
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of course, he constantly thinks about family, he’s worried, but he says that’s why he understands, you can’t stop, you need to move forward only to victory all together, before we left he asked to write down a short appeal to fighters like him who are closing the border and the sky above his house today, thank you very much guys , which stand
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on the borders on. more details about the special operation, let's start with long-range attacks on military infrastructure: in kharkov, explosions in the industrial zone of the industrial district, local authorities confirmed a powerful fire at one of the enterprises, there is information that there repair military equipment. in addition, a fuel storage facility was hit, russian high-precision strikes, including on generation stations, are a response. to attempts by the ukrainian armed forces to attack our energy facilities. and reports from the ministry of defense, a warehouse with nato naval drones and two launchers of the s-300 anti-aircraft missile system were destroyed. and let me remind you that the enemy’s casualties in a week were over 500 people. today, our air defense systems intercepted 16 ukrainian drones over the belgorod region and four over the bryansk region. zelensky this week abolished the status limited fit for military service.
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the kyiv regime doesn't have enough. the loss of initiative and the inability to break into operational space under increasing pressure from russian forces are forcing the ukrainian army to retreat in the most important central sector of the front. in the artyomovsk direction , russian troops reached the hour ravine, on ovdeevsky, they are driving the nazis towards umansky. the ukrainian front is under threat of dissection. thanks to the courage and professionalism of our military personnel over
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the past month in the donetsk people's republic the settlements of nevelskoye, orlovka, tonenkoe, krasnoe, and the village of mirnaya in the zaporizhzhya region have been liberated, just from the beginning of the year under ours. russian federation. we continue to reduce the enemy's combat potential. since january , the ukrainian armed forces have lost more than 80 thousand military personnel, 14 units of various weapons, including over 1,200 tanks and other armored combat vehicles. successes of the russian army. ukraine faces a great risk of the collapse of the front, in it, on condition of anonymity, high-ranking ukrainian military personnel who served under commander-in
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-chief zaluzhny, who was fired in february, paint grim pictures. thanks to the much greater numerical superiority of controlled air bombs, which have been hitting ukrainian positions for several weeks now, russia will probably be able to penetrate beyond... one of the interlocutors admitted to the politician’s journalists that the ukrainian armed forces do not believe in western help. now nothing can help ukraine, because there are no serious technologies that can compensate ukraine for the large mass of troops that russia will probably send to us. u we don’t have such technologies, and the west doesn’t have enough of them either. according to ukrainian military estimates, kiev needs 4 million shells and 2 million drones per year. these numbers are not encouraging. for the entire western military-industrial complex. the united states and its allies can jointly produce 1,2000 shells per year. for comparison, russia has already reached the production rate of 3 million shells per year. but the main problem in the ssu, and this is recognized in the west, is the lack of personnel. in
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many ways, this is the result of the incompetent command of the notorious meat assaults. and so now kiev is ready to drive all ukrainians to the front indiscriminately, regardless of health and age.
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chernovidskaya, and the ivano-frankivsk region breaks all records: 40,000 draft dodgers, and 54% of ukrainians surveyed treat draft dodgers with understanding. eddie, are you listening? to the point of despair, women, children and husbands, whom military commissars take by force, go on to attack them themselves. in the khmelnytsky region, a woman accused military commissars of the death of her son, publishing two photos, before the guy was detained in a store and in a hospital, where he spent two days lay with an injury. brain incompatible with life. last year , according to the ukrainian obbudsman , more than a thousand, in fact, criminal stories involving military commissars were registered, this year there are already more than 300, no one is punishing them for exceeding their powers. a very
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remarkable fact is that when these graves surrender, they ask to do two things: firstly, not to return them back in a prisoner exchange. secondly, they are asking for russian citizenship. politics says that ukraine is facing the largest shortage of agricultural workers in history. military registration and enlistment offices are raking out those who know how to drive tractors or combines in order to transplant armored personnel carriers into tanks, and meanwhile the sowing season has begun. military conscription in ukraine has led to a historic shortage of people capable of operating farm equipment and keeping the economy afloat, said agriculture minister nikolai solsky. in order to replenish the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine, it is necessary to call up about a million ukrainians to the front, because today the army of ukraine, in the form which it existed in the twenty-second year, was virtually destroyed, the skeleton was knocked out. on this background. french president macron, who has his eye on the matter, continues to terrify
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nato allies with the prospect of sending units of the french regular army to ukraine. the command of the french foreign legion in early march approved the composition of a battalion tactical group of about 1,500 people. it is expected that in april the group will be brought to a state of full combat readiness for an operational rush to ukrainian theater of military operations. that these groups would become legitimate targets for russian forces. which means they will put nato on the brink of a collision with russia, and the whole world on the brink of a nuclear war, everyone understands, and especially the french. what are france's interests in the black sea in ukraine? zero, yes, but. what interest does russia represent for france: an energy partner, an industrial partner, a nation that, as general de gaulle aptly put it, as long as we are allies with russia, things are going well, as soon as we cease to be allies, everything is going awry, but i would even say...
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will enter the war on the side of ukraine, it will not matter to us where france’s decision-making centers are located, whether it will be ukraine or it will be france, we will definitely strike, this is our political position. the sudden call on wednesday from the french minister of defense le carnus to our minister shaigu looked like an attempt to lay down straws. le carnu tried to divert suspicions from kiev about organizing a terrorist attack in the moscow region. shaigu noted that the kiev regime does nothing without approval behind. we hope that in this case
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the french special services are not behind this, the telegram channel of the russian ministry of defense quotes the minister. as for macron’s initiative, sergei shaigu pointed out that if this intention is realized, france will create problems for itself. while macron is rocking nato’s european boat, putting the entire organization at risk, in the us the white house continues to shake congress in the hope of shaking out $60 billion to help ukraine. ukraine can no longer afford any delays, we we see what has been happening in the last weeks and months in ukraine, they are losing ground on the battlefield, and i want to say that we need to carry out a package of additional assistance to ukraine. but the republicans in congress were stubborn, and among those who were stubborn was the first emigrant of ukrainian origin in the us congress, victoria sparts, née kulgeyka. a republican from indiana who is one of the most colorful personalities in the house. representatives said she does not support the package recently passed by the senate,
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which includes $60 billion in spending, related to ukraine, as well as funds for israel and taiwan. in kiev, this situation is causing acute confusion; the adviser to the head of zelensky’s office, podalyag, essentially said: if you don’t give money, we won’t consider you a hegemon. it is important to invest in your reputation, it is important to confirm your reputation, it is important to live up to what you say to yourself and what you do. if you want to be a global leader, if you understand what global leadership is, then you must confirm this, if you are not ready for this, then we need to come out and say: look, we are a little smaller than we always said. in europe , the ukrainian topic this week was marked by the seventy-fifth anniversary of the north atlantic alliance. the head of the ukrainian ministry of defense, kuleba, did not use, on the occasion of the holiday, to beg for some american air defense systems, which russia is successfully destroying. i don’t want to spoil the holiday, but
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of course, my main message will be about patriot, because the salvation of ukrainian lives, the ukrainian economy, ukrainian cities depends on patriot and other systems. we're talking about the patriot because it's the only system that can intercept ballistic missiles. in response , silence, as regarding ukraine’s entry into nato, on the seventy-fifth anniversary of its founding, the north atlantic bloc wants to show ukraine support, but does not intend to accept it, writes.
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what is still left of historical russia, that is, to destroy its core, in fact, its own russia, the russian federation, and subordinate everything that remains to its geopolitical... i say this with confidence as a former director of the fsb, as a former secretary of the security council, and then president and supreme commander. oddly enough, someone wants revenge for failures in the fight against russia back in historical periods, for
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hitler’s unsuccessful campaigns against russia, napoleon and the like. someone strives to ensure that in today's conditions... on thursday, the north atlantic treaty organization, this is the full name of nato, turned 75 years old; the tenacious bloc has outlived the ussr, to contain which it was created with the participation of recent allies in the war with nazism, and the warsaw pact, which appeared six years later, the alliance, it would seem, there was no one to restrain the socialist camp,
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but it began to fill the geopolitical void, violating its own promises. 20 years ago, nato expansion reached our borders in... the baltics, last year to finland. mikhail akinchenko about how far the anniversary has come. the ulthar reed clinic for america is like the burdenko hospital for russia; among its patients are dozens of famous military leaders, including the first us secretary of defense james forrestel. however, in in history, he became famous not at all for being the first, but for the fact that on may 22, 1949 , he jumped from the sixteenth floor of a hospital building shouting “rus.” going manic paranoia explained the suicide in the american press, when exactly the us secretary of defense went crazy is unknown, but in recent years forestel has been fiercely obsessed with the soviet union. it was he who convinced truman to take a course towards confrontation with moscow, and became one of the inspirers of the policy of macarthyism. it was he who
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supervised the negotiations on the american side creation of the nato bloc. and his associate in this matter was his close friend george kenon, adviser to the us embassy in the ussr. author of the famous long telegram of 8 thousand words, a message sent from moscow to washington in february 1946. world communism is like a pathogenic parasite that feeds only on infected tissues. many foreign countries, especially those in europe, are exhausted and intimidated by past experiences and are less interested in universal freedom than in their own security. they seek advice, not empowerment. responsibility. we must be able to offer them such assistance to a better extent than the russians, and if we do not, it...
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cannot be achieved without the fraternal union of the english-speaking peoples. in moscow, of course, they heard all this rhetoric and carefully watched the formation of a new western ideology, in which the already well-known outlines were so clearly visible. it should be noted that mr. churchill and his friends are strikingly reminiscent of hitler in this respect. and his friends. hitler began the business of unleashing war by saying proclaimed a racial theory, declaring that only people who speak german
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represent a full-fledged nation. mr. churchel begins the work of unleashing a war also with a racial theory, arguing that only nations that speak english are full-fledged nations called upon to decide the destinies of the whole world. but the west did not heed stalin’s warning and soon moved from theoretical calculations to practical ones. on april 4, 1949 , the north atlantic treaty was signed by norway, denmark, the netherlands, belgium, luxembourg, france, italy, portugal, great britain, iceland, canada and the united states. this alliance of twelve states became known as the north atlantic treaty organization, or more simply, nato. three years later , greece and turkey joined it. moscow was in no hurry to take retaliatory measures; in 955, western germany was not included in the alliance. the memories of the difficult war were still too fresh to calmly watch how
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the threat again began to emanate from the territory of the recent mortal enemy. and in the manual in the anti-soviet military bloc , former high-ranking functionaries of hitler's third reich appeared, who surrendered en masse into american captivity in may 1945. a large number of senior officers and generals. under the auspices of the united states, and the united states received deeply motivated, competent military personnel to fight against the soviet union and the soviet bloc. the most famous of them is adolf heusinger, former. chief of the operations department of the general staff of nazi germany, one of the developers barbarossa plan. in sixty-one, he headed the nato military committee. in response to
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the emergence of the western military bloc, the ussr created the eastern one. in 1955 , eight states of the socialist camp signed the warsaw pact. spain's entry into nato in 1982 did not affect the existing balance, but everything changed with the collapse of the soviet union. gorbachev took a bold step, he said that he would withdraw 450,000 soldiers from east germany and allow east germany to be included in nato, which is actually a hostile army, but in return he demanded that nato not be expanded further east. james baker, then us secretary of state, as is well known, promised that nato would not move east, 5 years later, in bazhezinsk, one of the first. neoconservatives came up with a proposal to expand nato directly to russian borders through the membership of fifteen more states. and the proposal was
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accepted. in 1999, the first wave of nato expansion swept across europe. poland, the czech republic, and hungary were accepted into the alliance. then, in an effort to expand their sphere of influence, the western military bloc finally dropped its masks and showed its true face, staging the first large-scale war after world war ii. the year after the terrorist attack on september 11 , the united states for the first time invoked article 5 of the nato charter, which obliges all members of the alliance
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to act as a united front. thus began the invasion of afghanistan, and then. at the same time, the united states strengthened its influence in europe . in 2004, the second wave of nato expansion included bulgaria, estonia, latvia, lithuania, romania, slovakia and slovenia. in 2007 at the munich security conference, russian the president tried to reason with western leaders to remind them of their promises. obviously, the process of nato expansion has nothing
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to do with the modernization of the alliance itself. or to ensuring security in europe, on the contrary, this is a seriously provoking factor that reduces the level of mutual trust, we have a fair right to ask frankly who this expansion is against, and what happened to the assurances that were given by western partners after the dissolution of the warsaw pact, where now these statements about them no one even remembers, but let me remind you: he then said: the very fact that we are ready not to deploy nato troops outside the territory of the federal republic of germany gives the soviet union firm security guarantees. where are these guarantees? where
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it became clear in april 2008, when it was announced at the nato summit in bucharest. the intention to admit georgia and ukraine into the alliance was opposed by the leaders of france and germany, but the rest of the alliance members only took note of their point of view. angela merkel later explained that she was against this decision. because she understood that putin would consider this a declaration of war. just think, merkel directly stated that she was against nato expansion at the expense of ukraine, because she understood, and quite correctly, that putin would regard this as a declaration of war. and what did the united states do... the bloc was replenished with sweden, but nothing worked out with ukraine. nato was the mortal enemy
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of the soviet union during the cold war. this is a military alliance with the heart at heart. america, the most powerful state on the planet, and it is clear that russia does not want to see this military alliance on our doorstep. here in the united states we have what we call the munroe doctrine. its essence is that no great asian or european powers are allowed to operate close to us and unite with our neighbors in some kind of military alliances. so, if we don't like being next to major powers, is it any wonder that the russians don't want nato on their doorstep? three decades after the collapse of the ussr , russia tried to stop nato with persuasion put forward by our country in december 2021 demands for security guarantees were the last attempt to resolve the matter peacefully, but in the western bloc, which had been preparing for war with our country for seven decades, they apparently considered that their time had come, and even though they threw ukraine to the forefront instead of themselves, they backed it up with all the technological and
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the economic power of the north atlantic alliance. from the very beginning we have staged a battle between washington, nato and moscow, and now, undoubtedly, we find ourselves in the losers' corner, and this façade of nato unity is quickly crumbling from within. nato is the titanic, which has already collided with the iceberg and is sinking, and the people on board are struggling to climb aboard to sink with it, but there is no point in doing so. apparently, french president macron was not so wrong in 2019. mikhail akinchenko, vyacheslav arkhipov, yulia zagranichnogo rozhedinova, us channel one.
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the news continues in slovakia, one of the nato countries , peter won the presidential elections. pellegrini, head of parliament and opponent of arms supplies to ukraine. previously, he repeatedly stated that kiev was being pumped up weapons only lead to the death of people, and will become the cause of disaster in the future. the only thing possible. pilligrini considers peace negotiations to be a solution; i recall the same anti-war position of slovak prime minister robert fitz. today is the birthday of valentin matvienko, the first female chairman of the federation council in our history. this post is actually the third in the state after the presidential prime minister. recognition is guaranteed, but valentina ivanovna is not only about the duration and merit of the award. by the way, by decree of vladimir putin, she was awarded the title of hero of labor. olga knyazeva. she looked like a woman, in almost every interview she emphasizes that she does not like questions about the role of women in politics, first of all, she is a professional. in terms of the number of women leaders, we are very proud of this.
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russia remains the world leader for the third year in a row. but it just so happened that charm and energy are mandatory accompaniments of her professionalism, so during working visits, everyone from the chairman of the people's republic of china to the president of brazil within the framework of diplomatic protocol, they seem to be smiling. moved from a small town to st. petersburg, entered college, studied excellently again, then a career in the komsomol, went through all its steps, one might say that in the early nineties she was a people's deputy of the ussr, elected from the union of soviet women, whose interests she actively defended, and we also expressed the wish that this concept of a large family be starting with three children, the committee led...
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you to give instructions, consider it, for 8 years she was the governor of st. petersburg, west-speed diameter and the newest clinical complex of the almazov federal heart center and a complex of flood protection structures, many were built openly during her governorship. valentina ivanovna not only sought additional payments to the blockade survivors, but also personally helped their families. i love people very much, and all my life i have tried to help, any appeals, any solutions, i always tried to help people, this also gives.
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the federation council should more effectively represent the interests of the regions in at the national level, hardworking during her governorship , everyone in her office even worked on saturdays, today colleagues of the chairman of the federation council say to each other: when you learn to work like matvienko, everything will work out for you, so someone thinks that if a person is in power , this is some kind of sinecure, actually no, this is hard work, this is self-restraint, you are sacrificing there...
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success: today i got up at 15:6, this is traditional, this is how i get up before a plenary meeting, mandatory exercises, contrast shower, 7:00 leaving for work, no... i’m not a superstitious person, there are no special signs, i look in the mirror before going out, that’s all, in the mirror every time there’s a new image, her style is thought out down to the brooch on the scarf, down to the curl in her hair impeccable hairstyle, she does not compete with men, on the contrary, she emphasizes that she is a woman, but she will definitely achieve her goal, i really don’t want to dissolve in this identical mass of men’s jackets, i still want to feel like a woman, so i try to choose something like this combination. businesslike, but necessary
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feminine, i don’t like monotony at all, i need change, i need movement, and i don’t like monotony in clothes, uh, that’s why i sometimes wear a dress, sometimes a suit with a skirt, sometimes i want to wear trousers. both the dress and her statements are often vivid and memorable. here, for example, is what she answered to the vice-speaker of the european parliament during the summit of the parliaments of the g20 countries, when she accused our country of starting a war with ukraine. if madam deputy speaker of the european parliament is ready for discussion, i am ready to spend it with you in detail, in pictures, together, please, i invite you to such a dialogue. matvienko knows how to choose words that are simple and understandable from political platforms or when giving compliments to complete strangers . thank you that you are so active, that you are so caring, that you are so active and your beauty is unearthly, look, you really paint our women. and in these words there is always
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more person than politics. valentina matvienko was able not to lose this humanity, to carry it through the corridors of power and to make it part of her unforgettable image. olga knyazeva, pavel volkonsky, ekaterina koryaka and natalya ardeonova, channel one. this is sunday time, see below. terror, sabotage, deception, anti-russian instruments of ukraine, from traitors to telephone operators. living in the history of 10 years of the donetsk people's republic, how it all began and what has changed in donbass? to sum it up, the fifth report of the government in the duma, unprecedented challenges and impressive results of work. what do they care about snow, what do they care about heat? climate as a weapon in politics, greedy greens and what is the glacier of the ship day? we will continue, after the commercial,
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don’t switch, the snow is still white in the fields, and in the spring the waters are noisy, they run, they wake up the sleepy shore, they run, they shine, and they say, they say in all directions, spring is coming, spring is coming, we are the messengers of the young spring, she sent us away. forward, what, where, when, spring series of games, look after the program time, gin sheaf, lar group product, monte chococa cognac, stellar product. rom kastro, a product of stellar
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group, vodka veda, a product of stellar group, old barrel cognac, a product of stellar group, bourbon stirsman, a product of stellar group, mancacher whiskey, a product of the steller group, kiev propagandists so distorted the biography. that in an instant they turned him into an enemy of ukraine. since kiev is the mother of russian cities, these crazy people will abandon kiev. the sharikovs gave birth to offspring, now they are taking revenge on bulgakov. now he has been declared a ukrainophobe and rightly so, of course, because they have finally started reading books. and also exclusive. in our studio there are fighters who captured the german marder. outdated equipment, sent here as a write-off, given to the ukronazis and a story about about how ukrainian civilization appeared in the second millennium before...
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why don’t you answer the phone? i called you five times. now explain to me why you call him several times a day, including at night. undercover taxi. premiere. tomorrow after the program time. mole.
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cool. hello in our huge country, i love russia because it is very beautiful, it has... beautiful cities and a lot of beautiful places, the mighty yenesey river, which is great for fishing, very beautiful in winter, especially when the frost turns all an incredible fairy tale. to date , i have already traveled through 79 regions of our wonderful country. this is an outlook, this is interesting, these are
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new emotions, from all regions of russia. this is sunday time, we continue, and as promised, we will return to one of the topics. issue: ukrainian state terror. this week there was news not only about the crocus case, attacks on our border cities. bombs in icons for easter and disposable agents. in the report by yuri lepatov. we all lie still. this sanya, with his voice bleating from fear, made explosives and assembled bombs at home. he's part the chain that the ukrainian special services involved in organizing terrorist attacks in russia are trying to form. some make explosive devices and hide them in caches, while others detonate them. at the initial stage, recruitment, correspondence on the internet, then personal contact by calling. there seem to be no questions for you there at all, calm down, everything is fine, take the phone, look at the phone, on whatsapp, set another
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password. in this way they recruited and instructed a terrorist who was supposed to kill one of the former ukrainian politicians. the fsb foiled this attempt. and in just the last two years it has been recorded in russia. for 235 attempted terrorist attacks, most of them prevented, which were developed on the territory of ukraine, and these are only those episodes that the fsb considers sufficiently worked out to report on them, showing video with confessions. it was a couple of killers who managed to bring the matter to the point of detonation. after a while, i met another person who also worked for sbu officers, he asked me. assistance in carrying out a terrorist attack, the sbu officer, in short, who contacted me, he says: we need to help this girl get ready, she indicated the place where she needs to put it, she says, he came out of the entrance, press, i pressed the button, the terrorist permikov managed to activate
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an explosive device under the car in which the writer zakhar prilepin was traveling, returning from donbass, his bodyguard and friend alexander shubin died, zakhar himself barely survived. dugin, daughter of the philosopher alexander dugin, returning from a patriotic festival, and the terrorist trepova carried out the order ukrainian curators for the murder of military correspondent vladlin tatarsky, presenting him with a figurine with an explosive device. the head of the sbu, vasily malyuk , on behalf of the terrorist group that now exercises power in ukraine, with a grin, signs that statue under the murders. they handed him a statue in the form of his bust, he took it, yes, there was 400 g
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of thermal bar, they worked like a razor in relation to him, shares the details of the assassination attempt on prilepino, the explosion on the crimean bridge, tells how a former deputy of the verkhovna rada was killed in the moscow region ilya kiu. weapons of 9x19 caliber, short-barreled rifled, were used in the chest area and beyond, a control shot to the head, and he remained there forever. his place of residence in the moscow region, but i can officially say that the ukrainian security service will not comment on this in any way and will never confirm it, and he himself made this confirmation, flaunting his mythical impunity. the head of ukraine's military intelligence, kiril budanov , did the same thing in an interview with the news website yaha news, threatening all russians with death. everything i i will comment on the fact that we killed russians and will continue to kill russians anywhere in the world until the complete victory of ukraine, they are trying to blame me for those. since 2016, but i want to start by saying that what they call terrorism, we call liberation. the scale of this
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terrorist activity is growing in direct connection with the failures of the ukrainian armed forces on the battlefield. the ukrainian special services declared their goal to sow fear in russia. alexander maystruk, a member of a group of saboteurs who were sent to blow up power transmission towers at three nuclear power plants in russia. this is according to essentially nuclear terrorism. the fsb was able to stop the saboteurs. wrote documents on cooperation with. the ukrainian foreign intelligence service took us into the forest twice, they showed us how to assemble a nervous device, and twice there was an explosion. citizens of ukraine are recruited into terrorists by threats, pressure, and persuasion; professional manipulators do this, and the state creates the appropriate background, so it’s a nationwide thing.
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from iraq, probably the very first game in my life was like cutting off the head of a teddy bear, and this was a ukrainian girl playing a game her parents taught her. and now a couple, treated by the curators of the special services and social advertising, comes to lipetsk from ukraine, looking for where to organize a terrorist attack so that there are more victims. in the cache there are wasted bombs, nails and screws, like filling for a bomb to kill as many people as possible. the couple was trained at the desna training ground. chernigov region. the fsb monitored
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their movements and how they left bundled bags in public places, checking the vigilance of those around them. in the city of lipetsk, at the sokol bus station, i had to make terrorist acts at the direction of the leadership of the right sector. but what is especially valued by the ukrainian intelligence services is the ability to bring russians, who are not strong in mind and morality, to commit a terrorist attack. someone is focusing on... what were you going to do? i am against mobilization, so i wanted to quit the military registration and enlistment office. the rdc declares during the terrorist attack
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in the bryansk region, we do not fight with civilians, we do not kill the unarmed. the civilians he killed live nearby. the leader of the s-14 group, which is associated with the sbu, speaks with the same intonations as malyuk with budanov. now they have given us so many weapons , not because we are good, not because they want our good, because we are doing what we do.
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who was discussed about solovyov, who gave tasks to ukraine. they were stopped on time. the list of targets for terrorist attacks by the ukrainian special services includes infrastructure facilities - oil and gas pipelines, refineries, airfields, and railways. telephone scammers from ukraine also fulfill orders from the sbu, convincing elderly people or people in difficult financial situations to go to the military registration and enlistment office of the fsb or bank building. he also recruits citizens of belarus, as one of those detained by the belarusian kgb said. well, like , depending on how much you want to earn, like go around, see some area, like send photos, well, if you have more money, yeah, like you need to go and follow some military man, yeah, well, like send it coordinate it or put it under the car here, it’s on the territory of smolensk you had to go, uh-huh, go there in
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the indicated place, install it on... they’re buried somewhere, he’ll get it, then the place put, the fsb revealed plans to carry out terrorist attacks in russia on orthodox easter. in the pskov region , hundreds of icons made in kiev were found in a minibus with a trailer. the hexagon is built into the base of the frame. the perpetrators of sabotage had only to stick the detonator. the detonators themselves are hidden in church utensils. they are capable of being undermined remotely via a call or message in the messenger. can you imagine, yes, what could have happened, god forbid. if this icon, supposedly they made a gift from someone, and this the icon was hung in our christian church, it would then explode at a gathering of people, how much joy there would be again, excuse these nazis, ukrainians in the rest, as they say, i already called them how i suck, so i think it’s a success, a huge success we must say
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a huge thank you to our special services and these guys, from the cargo traveling along the route ukraine, romania, hungary, slovakia , poland, lithuania, latvia, russia from... it did not arouse the slightest suspicion at any of the four checkpoints of the countries european union. is it possible to think that this is accidental? well, it’s certainly no coincidence that the idea of ​​hiding hexagen in icons with the image of christ the savior or in a copy of the icon of the kazan mother of god came to the minds of those in ukraine who relied on state terrorism. yuri lepatov, arseny baibulov, channel one. the defenders of the fatherland foundation has been running for a year now. the decree on its creation was signed by vladimir putin on april 3 , 2023. by june, the first department was already helping veterans of the northern military district, their families, wireless and bureaucracy to draw up the necessary documents provided benefits. treatment and rehabilitation, retraining, employment, a place in
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kindergarten for a child, almost a million requests this year. about the results, plans, how the work is structured. anna tseveleva, head of the fatherland defenders foundation, reported to the president what else was needed. i asked you to do this in due time, to get feedback on the quality of the services provided, well, the means of rehabilitation. i know that you and your colleagues are working to create an appropriate information system. yes, system with today it is launched, we will collect it back. communication both through the government services portal and through the chatbot, which will be downloaded to the mobile phones of these guys, we will definitely collect feedback from the guys, how satisfied they are with the service, the help that we provided them, and the relevant ministry and department, i i see you several times, well, constantly during our
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conversation, all the time you talk so warmly about those people... with whom you work, defenders, our guys and so on, like that we must treat everyone with care and love, directly to our soldiers and their family members, this is the attitude towards people that needs to be preserved in the future, and if you allow, we have some kind of initiative, we have a category of guys who were seriously wounded are currently in wheelchairs or are double amputees. that is, both lower extremities at once, now we want to take the initiative to provide these guys with a manually controlled car - to include it in the list of rehabilitation means such an opportunity for a young man would be a potentially life-changing decision, he would be able to go to work and go somewhere,
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in order to generally remain on such an active agenda in life, we will assume that this issue has been resolved. the donetsk people's republic celebrates its first anniversary today. 10 years ago the dpr declared sovereignty. there were years of military confrontation with the kiev regime, seizures and vile... april 7, 2014 alexey ivanov from the donetsk people's republic on our common holiday with a chronicle of these ten years. first the big anniversary of the donetsk people's republic is taking place without mass events, it is not time for this yet. on saturday evening the enemy struck from a rocket launcher. nato model in the rear area of ​​donetsk, civilians were injured. over the course of these ten years, kiev has been trying to intimidate the population of the republic, but, as people say, no one has been able to break donbass. and even in
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such a difficult situation, the region lives and develops thanks to the powerful support of all of russia. on lenin square, where rallies of thousands gathered 10 years ago, today recalls the events of the russian spring, how the first victory parade took place in the republic in may 2015, which... was banned in ukraine, there were tears in our eyes, honestly, our nephew also took part in the parade, well, in general, a lot friends who took part in the parade, we looked at the equipment and the military with tears in our eyes. lilia is the same age as the donetsk people's republic, she is also 10 years old. what does donbass mean to you? this is happiness, this is light. for me this is joy. witnesses of all these events. and well i like me patriot, yes, this all inspires, that is, i believe in the best, i kind of believe in our future, positive, positive. the main
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events then took place outside inside the building of the former donetsk regional administration, it was there that the declaration of sovereignty was approved and the act of state independence of the dpr was proclaimed, a congress of representatives of administrative-territorial entities. based on the provisions of the charter of the united nations and a number of other international documents establishing the right peoples for self-determination proclaims the creation of a sovereign state, the donetsk people's republic. the barricades started on that side, everything was completely blocked, here... along this edge there were also barricades like this. claudia kulbatskaya 10 years ago, one might say, lived on these barricades, she says that the residents of the region did not accept the anti-constitutional coup in kiev and chose
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an independent path without ukraine, even then everyone believed in the support of russia, when our country recognized donetsk in february 2022 and the lugansk people's republic, it became clear that there would definitely be no way back to independence; donbass was returning home. everything has already been said there in support there. that yes, recognition of us, that’s probably where the screams were heard all over the city, a shout of hurray, we were actually sitting there, we heard our neighbors screaming, hurray, this was probably the next step for us that it was not in vain that we started all this in 1914, these barricades here, there, this referendum on may 11, well, that all this was not in vain and what to what we... our film crew 10 years ago worked in slavyansk, one of the centers of resistance to the kiev regime. the ukrainian authorities then began preparing what they
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called an anti-terrorist operation against their own citizens. on the day when nationalists set fire to the trade union house in odessa along with protesters, the first attempt to storm the city by security forces and radicals began in slavyansk. the approaches to the center of slavyansk are blocked with new barricades, they are built from everything that is at hand. even old refrigerators are used, for a while they they can detain heavy equipment, but not militants, it is known that nationalists of the right sector penetrate into slavyansk under the guise of local residents and, in order not to differ from the militia, they even tie st. george ribbons, and once in the city they carry out sabotage work. those who participated then in peaceful rallies, which took place mainly on weekends; people worked on other days, put forward simple and understandable demands. and in all this, of course, who is to blame? kiev authorities, what are they... in kiev this is how it’s supposed to be, but here in the east it’s not allowed, we don’t have our own voice, so that we are not sbanders, these ones, who are with the fascists, neo-nazis, who burned the floor
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of kiev, and we want us to have order here, so that we have a country such that we can we, our children, our grandchildren, are proud, and we will defend our interests, and no one will shut our mouth, enough is enough, the time of silence has passed, kiev had to defend the interests of the young republic with arms in hand. with the support of western sponsors, actually started a civil war in the donbass. in in february 2022, russia not only recognized the donetsk and lugansk people's republics, but came to their defense on purpose. military territory and push back the enemy, which allowed the operation to liberate, helped to significantly reduce the intensity of shelling, which means quickly returning peaceful life to cities and towns, the city began to breathe, i work at the yasenlovsky coke chemical plant, it had already started up, and before that it was warming up and people tried not to leave, well, we try, we wait, we hope, definitely,
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definitely. there is no other way, but it feels like russia really helps, of course, it is felt, and roads are being built, and kindergartens, and schools, the restoration of donbass is a priority task, a lot depends on the residents themselves, but the main thing here is the support of a large country, we talked about this with the head of the republic denis pushilin, 10 years ago he stood at the origins of the creation of the dpr, a lot has changed for the good, and it has changed so much that we couldn’t even dream of it, well, because our entire republic, our cities, our districts are being rebuilt. all of russia helps us, 27 regions are chiefs in our cities and regions, but at the same time we understand that a special military operation is still underway, it needs to be completed, we need to liberate the entire territory of the donetsk people's republic, there is a lot of work, but this is work and close to the creative process, for which we are very serious i miss donbass very much. new houses and roads, social support and medicine, major repairs of infrastructure, all this is
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donbass in the region today, finally. forgot what a water blockade is, they will build a new water pipeline from the don river this week in a perinatal center opened in the capital of the republic; via video link, the head of the dpr and the chief doctor of the center reported to the president on the completion of construction. the center was built in record time. and today it is the most modern, equipped with all the necessary equipment of a medical institution for this profile in the region. its staff number is more than 620 employees, these are 160 doctors and 290 paramedics, and the team is already staffed by almost 70%, all this is a serious contribution to the great overall work to support russian families, fertility, the formation of high social prestige, large families in russia. the new building of the republican perinatal center is the first facility built from scratch in donetsk. for all
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10 years of the existence of the donetsk people's republic, we can say that this is now the main maternity hospital of donbass; in june 2022 , the president learned in what dangerous conditions it was necessary to give birth in donetsk; the old building came under fire several times. the head of state then instructed the government to begin construction as soon as possible in donetsk, a modern perinatal center, to speed up the process, they took a ready-made project as a basis; exactly the same maternity hospital is located in tula. firstborns. of this maternity hospital , a boy and a girl, vladimir and evangelina, the baby has a good appetite, the mother and daughter are preparing for discharge, this is a great discovery for our city, thank you very much, i will come here for the second one, for my brother, the doctors say that work now gives new strength, in the operating room a certain microclimate is maintained, with a certain humidity, a certain temperature, which regulated to meet the needs of both newborns and
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women and... there is no name yet, there are signs with the name of the street of yakov gugel, the first director of the azovstal plant, there are only 10 houses here, nine high-rise buildings have already been commissioned, new villages are actively moving here, but construction is being completed in the tenth building finishing work, this high-rise building suffered the most during the fighting, but at the beginning of summer all 50 apartments here will be ready for occupancy. lyudmila is just starting to settle into her one-room apartment. the main thing is that you can no longer rent a house
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it is necessary, and... in the relations of russia as a whole in relation to memory, about the one that connects people in all territories of our vast country,
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our common culture, our common traditions, we are one people, and we have never forgotten about this and let's not forget, and also in mariupol? the historical center, the face of the city, is being restored, including residential buildings and social facilities, with special attention to detail: the builders try to preserve as much as possible all the decisions of the architects, the residents themselves help with this, they suggest what this or that used to look like. another building; by the end of the year, the central streets are promised to be completely restored. alexey ivanov, valentin stukanok, alexander napalkov, natalya litovka, pavel evdokimenko, channel one, donetsk people's republic. russia must. change the approach to migration policy - said vladimir putin and his extended colleagues of the ministry of internal affairs. against the backdrop of the tragic events in crocus , xenophobia cannot be allowed to grow, the president noted. at the same time , the community of illegal immigrants often becomes a breeding ground for extremists. therefore people who don't
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recognize our traditions and rules of behavior, they should not come. when you begin to understand the circumstances of this or that case, a specific crime, it turns out that the person came to russia without... the danger of the state and society, to preserve, to preserve interethnic and interreligious harmony, our cultural, linguistic identity, everything that is the strength of russia , the principle that
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only those who respect our traditions, language, culture, and history can come and live and work in russia. this principle must be decisive. now about healthcare and medicine. in its vast, extremely sensitive section of oncology: modern diagnostics, treatment at all stages and rehabilitation, breakthrough technologies change the situation in this area every day, opportunities arise to identify previously incurable types of cancer in a timely manner. yulia anishchenko talked about everything with oncologists and their patients. naturally, the first, first reaction is confusion, how come i’m 32 years old, i’m young, healthy, happy, how could this happen to me? this is perhaps the most frequently asked question.
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by inheritance, there are actually more and more of them in our society. scientists today know about 200 cancer syndromes, and this figure is inconclusive. the possibilities of genetics are increasing every year, which means that cancer prevention measures are becoming more accessible to everyone. it is definitely recommended
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to perform such a diagnosis on healthy first-second degree relatives, those patients in whom we have already found this mutation, children of course, brothers and sisters, which clarifies and simplifies the situation. for them the task comes down to searching only for a specific mutation already known in the family, however , genetics is not the only reason, lifestyle, stress and nutrition also influence, but how to explain cancer in very young people? polina was diagnosed at the age of 17, the form is non-hereditary, the cause has not been established. a strong, persistent girl underwent a successful operation and realized the main thing for herself. i just thought for some time that there was some kind of illness, some kind of glitch, a glitch in my life, i thought that something was wrong. now i think that it was more likely not a failure, but an intersection at which it was necessary, here like a pointer that showed you where to go and switched your attention to the right things, because the right people immediately began to surround me. the right attitude is of course important, it has a positive effect on
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the outcome, but modern principles of diagnosis and therapy allow doctors to talk about what seemed fantastic just 10 years ago, most cancers today are curable, you need to understand that cancer is treatable and treatable well, even in the fourth stage, when there is metastasis, something happened, something broke, we fix it and move on, and in order to move on and live longer, especially for young people, scientists are working on advanced technologies, the concept of treatment today is new, it is important not only for...
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pathology does not last long, about 5 hours. a team of oncologists and cardiac surgeons is pushing the boundaries of what is possible: breakthrough technology allows us to save patients for whom classical operations are not indicated in this case. before the operation, did you have any problems: shortness of breath, pain in the chest cavity, chest? yes, before the operation there was pain here, where the heart was, it was difficult to breathe, he the patient has practically already recovered from this treatment. ends, then we assume drug treatment, stage-by-stage treatment and
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observation. doctors today already call cancer a non-fatal, chronic disease, which in some cases can be treated better than other non-infectious pathologies, but at the same time doctors say that patients themselves should help, be wary of cancer, come for medical examinations on time, and at the first symptoms, regardless of age, seek help without delay. yuli anishchenko, veronica elvuchenko, vadarya rabakova, kristina neznanova, channel one. in the past week, 12 new year-round youth educational centers appeared in russia, combining the best initiatives, practices and developments. vladimir putin took part in the opening via video link. there are 16 such centers in the country. two more will appear in the near future: in the kherson and zaporozhye regions. the topic of youth was developed at a meeting with the cabinet of ministers, the government is developing a new national project, speaking about the scale of the importance of the task, the president i remembered a passage from the bible. i remembered. gospel, remember, jesus came to galilee, and
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next to the sea of ​​galilee he saw fishermen, some were catching fish, some were straightening nets, and he said to them: “follow me, and you will be fishers of men, that is, of human souls.” . they became preachers, his disciples. in today's information flow, this is a very hard, complex job.
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minutes before the start, the prime minister , speaker of the lower house of parliament, walks into the hall with rapid steps. this report is mikhail mishustin’s fifth in a row and the last one in the current composition of the cabinet of ministers. after the inauguration of the president , a new government will be formed. the state duma will approve the candidacies of everyone except the power bloc. therefore, the report contains results not only for last year, but also in many respects for the entire period of work of the current cabinet of ministers. bye. this squad had to face an unprecedented number
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of challenges. first, the coronavirus pandemic, then 1,900 western sanctions hit russia. according to a number of experts, the restrictions imposed are against us. economics is not easy survived, and at the end of last year, gdp increased by 3.6%. which is more than double the average for developed countries. unemployment fell almost 6 to 3%. compare in the eurozone, it is more than twice as high as in russia. the volume of investments has increased. by about 10%, which is a record for. the last 12 years, here is another significant result, most importantly, the economy is becoming less dependent on raw material exports, non-oil and gas revenues have increased by a quarter, total state budget revenues last year exceeded 29 trillion rubles. bye the unfriendly collective west continues
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to impose sanctions on friendly countries, of which there are many, russia is strengthening relations, the share of trade turnover with them has increased to 77%. if you remember.
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for petrochemical enterprises for the needs of a special military operation. the prime minister addressed the topic of special operations more than once in his speech, everything from solving the everyday problems of soldiers of their families to fully ensuring military needs under the special control of the government, here are just some of the results. to ensure that our defenders have everything they need, we have significantly increased production in many areas has increased significantly. threefold for cars and armored weapons. through defeat seven times, in communications technology, radio electronic warfare and reconnaissance nine times. another important topic is the well-being of russians, insurance pensions and the minimum wage are growing at a rate faster than inflation; the state allocated almost 190 billion rubles last year to increase the salaries of public sector employees , with special attention to supporting families with children.
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we develop a holistic support system from the moment a woman becomes pregnant and the baby is born at all stages of his... growth up to the age of 17 years. since january last year , you know, we launched a single benefit, which is presented every month, based on the situation of a particular family. it was prescribed to almost 11 million children and approximately 400 thousand expectant mothers. parents are paid a monthly allowance for caring for a child up to one and a half years old; at the moment it has been increased by almost half, to almost 50 thousand rubles. life expectancy in the country has reached almost 73 and a half years. such indicators have never been recorded in history of the soviet union of modern russia. last but not least, thanks to the modernization of primary health care. in 3 years, we built from scratch or overhauled 3,500 clinics, outpatient clinics, and medical centers, purchased
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new equipment, and launched the production of our own vital medications. our ved includes 815. ankylosing spondylitis, which was previously considered incurable, scientists from all over the world have been struggling with how to stop its development, and research is now underway to find a drug for russian innovators. a drug that can help tens of thousands of people, we are proud of such successes, special attention to our new subjects, they
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are connected via video conference for the second year in a row, please show the regions via video conference, in donbass, khersonka. in the zaporozhye region , 18,000 objects were rebuilt or restored, these are houses, schools, kindergartens, hospitals, clinics ; a multidisciplinary medical center fmba with an area of ​​36,000 was opened in mariupol. m, one of the best in the country, 150-200 people have already received rehabilitation there - up to by the end of the year there are already 3,000, i know that there is a plan, in january 24 the donetsk republican prosthetic and orthopedic center was also launched, where up to 7,000 people annually will be provided with rehabilitation means. the country has taken up the task of updating airports, many have repaired runways, and more than half of domestic flights are not being included for the first time.
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last year, the country threshed almost 148 million tons of grain, this is the second harvest in history, but this is not only about this, there are real merits here, year after year, and there is no topic not the harvest, last year there was a problem with eggs, well, corrected, it was a small one, colleagues, let’s applaud, but mishustin’s report, as has already been calculated, became a record in duration. 5 hours, including answers to questions from the audience, a short pause for mikhail vladimirovich to prepare, already ready, already
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ready, there are only a couple of months left before school graduation, mishustin is asked about the unified state exam. vladimir putin, during the announcement of the message , proposed allowing graduates to retake one of the subjects before the end of the admission period companies to universities. are legislative solutions needed to ensure that all school graduates, without exception, have a second chance ? the government has enough powers, no, they are not needed, everything that we need has been done, 2 days will be retake days, well , immediately after the report, the faction leaders summed up the following results: we do not separate ourselves and the government, we understand that if we work, then together, there are a huge number of sanctions against us, they are necessary against us, but the government must answer, since we are in front of the people, that’s what i think today our chance, the chance of that...
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severe flooding in tanzania, almost 30,000 hectares of corn and rice fields are flooded, a state of disaster is being introduced in zimbabwe due to a catastrophic drought. crops are destroyed by the scorching sun. in manhattan , lightning strikes the statue of liberty during a storm, and a un meeting is briefly interrupted by an earthquake. i, i can continue. summer is approaching, climatologists are sounding the alarm, if 2023 became the hottest year on record, then there is a risk that 2024 will continue to escalate the situation, writes bloomberg. effect it heats the equatorial part of the pacific ocean, causing cataclysms around
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the world, and the polar ice caps continue to rapidly melt.
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practically no real practical meaning, so we cannot say that next summer will really be terribly warm there, the antarctic glacier, like the greenland glacier, they are melting slowly, especially the greenland glacier, because of this the ocean level it’s rising, yes, but it’s happening, as i said, at a very slow pace, well , relatively speaking, it’s rising 4 mm per year
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level, maybe this will certainly accelerate, the hydrocarbon footprint, everything possible is being done , whole concepts on quotas have been adopted in order to reduce the use of fossil fuels in global energy, replace them with renewable energy sources, what we are seeing is that the benefits are accruing to all this policy the beneficiaries are the owners of those very
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green technologies and financiers who... provide so-called green loans in quotes so that countries can replace conventional electricity generation to green. the same electric cars turned out to be much dirtier during production than gasoline cars, how much ore is mined for batteries, how many harmful substances are released in enterprises, the environmental damage is one and a half times higher, and for some industries, the energy of solar panels, for example, is simply not suitable, nevertheless it is actively being introduced, although after the refusal of russian energy. germany's economy, for example, is in recession, and this example seems to have cooled intentions on its carbon footprint. new trend water recommendations are already being developed on quotas, duties and control of global water resources. and what we hear from think tanks in western countries. it turns out that those industries that feed a significant number of the population of developing countries, primarily agriculture, provide income, including
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export, are mining. the extractive sector, textile production and energy production, it turns out, are negative factors for the water balance, accordingly, what is expected is to develop tools for controlling water use, it is proposed come up with some kind of duties - charge for so-called water-intensive technologies for the fact that goods will be labeled with how much water was spent on... their production and thus the goal is set to control up to 30% of fresh water use. and all this against the backdrop of realistically possible droughts in different regions of our country. planet due to global warming, and meanwhile, if trillions of dollars were not poured into the financial bubbles of the exchanges, it was already possible to launch a program to cool the atmosphere, for example, using geoengineering there are projects, including in russia, for spraying special
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aerosols into the atmosphere that would reduce the heat entering the earth, and thus cool the earth. humanity will one way or another have to adapt to new climate conditions, as it was before. periods of heat and cold followed by millions of years, it is quite possible that in...
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the game is being played against television viewers today.


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