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tv   PODKAST  1TV  April 8, 2024 2:25am-3:10am MSK

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this river, both sides began to fall through the ice, in the end they separated, because well, the cold water cooled the warlike ardor, it was necessary to warm up, change clothes, falling through the ice, you are absolutely right, it was actually during the battle of yaroslavach and the swordsmen, yes, yes, the fact is that if according to statistics, yes, we know from german chronicles that about thirty knights took part in the campaign, it would seem that this is not a lot, but a knight in the middle ages... an analogue
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of a tank, yes, next to it there are squires, there are infantry, this infantry and the local tribes that collaborated with the order, no one counted them, but the knights counted, and the guardians summed up the total down to the knight, yes, where, how many were lost, well, yes, every knight, it was something like tank abrams, well, something like that, yes, here - a chronicler who wrote 60 years later, that is, several generations had passed after these events, notes that 20 died...
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i quote the chronicle. boty, like a fierce beast, devoured entire areas, tearing at the remains with his claws. the bravest russian princes fell in battles, others wandered in foreign lands, looked for intercessors, but were not found among the gentiles. mothers cried for their children, trampled before their eyes by tatar horses, and virgins cried for their innocence, like many of them, wanting to save.
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a lot of hardships from the horde, he went to this horde, received a direction label there, and , in general, fulfilled the demands of the horde in almost all respects. well, this is actually a serious problem about the onslaught from the west, because many historians are discussing here , they believe that the onslaught of the west was much smaller, well, it really was smaller, but what can i say than the onslaught from the horde. and the horde conquest should not be underestimated, because archaeologists actually know very well that a number of cities simply did not arise again after it was wiped off the face of the earth by the horde conquest, just remember that there is old ryazan, yes, there is ryazan, yes, and these are two different places, there is a large distance between them, because old ryazan did not recover after the horde invasion, and in general there are quite a lot of such examples, real the danger of implanting catholicism is a controversial issue. which the germans demonstrated,
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this gradual, slow advance with ideological coverage, with the help of denmark and with the help of the construction of fortresses of the local population, baptism by fire and sword, yes, this still took place, but nevertheless, the horde conquest, of course , brought much more troubles to russia than what happened from the west. we know that the word baskak has practically entered the russian language.
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controversial topic related to behavior alexander yaroslavovich in relation to the horde, you actually already touched on it, i will refer to the opinion of academician valentin lavrentievich yanin, and he literally wrote the following about alexander nevsky: alexander nevsky, having concluded an alliance with the horde, subordinated
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novgorod to horde influence, he extended it to novgorod, who was never conquered, that’s what you were talking about, by the tatars, he extended tatar power to novgorod, and gouged out the eyes of dissenting novgorodians, he had many sins of all sorts, despite the fact that... he was the winner germans during the battle on the ice in other battles, but nevertheless novgorod was betrayed to the tatars by them, but at the same time novgorod was protected from the tatar defeat, thank god, that is, yanin, as another of our historians , the living igor nikolaevich danilevsky, noted such complexity, the ambivalence of the figure of alexander nevsky, danilevsky even spoke out more often, but without this complexity, without this ambivalence, the figure will be mythologized one-sided, let's talk. about the relations of alexander nevsky with the vatican, more than once, the vatican offered alexander nevsky cooperation, so to speak, to provide some kind of army, perhaps the same crusaders, in exchange for russia’s adoption
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of catholicism. well, for example, the chronicle says that nevsky received a letter from the pope on kenti 4, where the pontiff assured alexander that yaroslav was still his father. while in tatary with the great khan, he allegedly gave his word to the catholic monk karpin to accept the latin faith, and would have fulfilled his promise if he had not died.
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from russia, the day the special military operations, fate found kal in kiev, he flew to start hostilities, there was a game of being ahead of the curve, this is the frame that was created by three groups of countries, canada, great britain and the usa, he was noticed in corruption scandals, great, a hook appears on which he hangs . bruno call learned a lot from volgo greschäubli, precisely as his patron. war is always a battle of propaganda, this is nothing new, we just have to.
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they called me semyon nikolaevich, here’s the thing, alexey, alexey, this is the first time i’ve been called by name you name it, it's not good. do you have a partner? no, i work alone. see you tonight? i can’t, i’m starting again today. sorry, are you serious? cuban, don't sleep. and what's that? now you'll find out. undercover taxi. premiere. tomorrow after the program
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time. i feel out of place as the chairman of the jury. perhaps all the most famous actors and directors in the world sat at this table. i'd like to have lunch. please, it's just pasadena. we don't have restaurants. how did you feel in a film where all the actors played themselves and only you was. say you like my hat, you don't have a hat. i would like to say in the future
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that i did everything i could in my life. this is a historical podcast, russia west on the swing of history. today we are dealing with the figure of alexander nevsky. what religious situation was russia in then? many people don’t know about this either. this means that at this moment the byzantine empire was fragmented after the attacks of the crusaders. that is, there is no patriarch of constantinople, there is a patriarch in nicaea, and his legitimacy, in general, is somewhat is doubtful, there is no kiev metropolitan after the tatar invasion either, and the new kiev metropolitan, by the way, on the initiative of the galletian prince, goes for - accordingly, the blessing for his own powers in nicaea, receives them, but he returns to the north-west to alexander, because kiev's own support... he is the metropolitan with alexander , and with the prince, later the prince of the grand duke of vladimir, and he
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acts together with alexander, and alexander at this moment, when the patriarch is not there, when fate orthodoxy in general, is doubtful in this situation, he had a path, either to submit to rome, quite at that time politically possible, a profitable path or the continuation of orthodoxy, and he made a choice in favor of the second, the initiative of the western church in an attempt to annex these possession through... so to speak, a union, yes, some kind, some kind, which had not yet taken place, was quite large, the church such a historical situation was very confused, very confused, showed here the quality of a diplomat, of course, the quality of a subtle a politician who stayed, as they say , at the forefront and did from the point of view of the potential further development of russia, well, in general, in hindsight we now understand that he made the right choice, yes, yes, well, in history alexander nevsky has a
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kind of such antipode, this is grand duke galitz. hardening battle, this was when the russian polovtsians tried together to resist the golden horde, but lost, so he showed very great courage there, the tatars themselves respected him, when he was once in rda, he was perhaps the only prince whom they really accepted him with honor, respecting
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him for his courage, nevertheless , all his life... he fought against the horde, he, unlike alexander nevsky, did not agree with the horde, he fought, his history has been preserved , a well-known phrase that the horde honor is worse than evil, it must be said that he tried to find some other approaches to solving the problem, in general there were two options, here was alexander nevsky’s option, to go for...
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they were tempted by the crown, they also promised an army, in in the end it ended up not uh he didn't fulfilled his promise to the vatican, neither the vatican gave him an army, this was actually the most important thing that he wanted, and the figure, in my opinion , is quite nice, it evokes in me, here is the figure of daniil galtsky, it evokes respect in me, so it’s a pity that this figure has been erased from memory. it turned out to be forgotten, i completely agree with you, my sympathies also belong to daniil galitsky, who completely undeservedly found himself in such a historical shadow, he is mentioned in textbooks, of course, yes, when they talk about the galletian-volyn principality, but of course he is usually not remembered there. if we talk about alexander yaroslavovich, then in particular
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some historians reproach him for his struggle with his brothers, because his brothers tried to lead the anti-horde. a little less than our batu’s from one point of view, but alexander’s position can also be understood, because russia then, at least the lands subject to him, could not resist the horde, that is, there simply was no strength, this was very well shown by batu’s invasion itself . lithuania more or less she was able to, but she also temporarily fell under the power of the horde, and of course. there the power of the horde was weaker due to the fact that russia resisted; russia spent a lot of effort. there is also a complex political connection here, which needs to be understood, which is very easy to swing ideologically in one direction or the other, yes, discarding very important fundamental details, from gorsky’s point of view, alexander’s activities, on the contrary , contributed to the local, somehow limited, yes, the nature of the attack
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by this unruly army, that is, alexandrov what appears here is not... on the one hand, there really is success in the fight against the livonian order, success in preserving orthodoxy in russia, which, from the point of view
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of many historians, was the key to the independence of the subsequent moscow state, on the other hand, it is really the suppression, the bloody suppression of the anti-ardyn uprisings, and this is very difficult to fit into one figure, which, of course, became the banner of the struggle... with the west in moments of aggravated relations, the nickname nevsky appears at the end of the 15th century, but along with others, and takes root precisely under ivan the terrible, under whom, in fact, uh, alexander nevsky was canonized in 1547, this is the beginning of the independent reign of ivan iv, he was elevated to the kingdom at that moment, in the context of deterioration relations with livonia and then the future, of course, livonian war, in which the livonian order will be destroyed cult - century with
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the germans, relations are calm, prusia, austria, allies of the russian empire, the attitude towards alexander nevsky is calm, in churches in his name are not named in his honor, but when the first world war approaches, relations with the germans worsen and during the first world war again alexander nevsky. the man who fought against the germans, again on the brush, and of course, actualization during the second world war, you mentioned the film at the very beginning, the brilliant film by sergei esenstein with cherkassov, respectively, in the leading role, who, by the way, is depicted on the order of alexander nevsky actually an actor, we don’t know what alexander nevsky looked like, yes, accordingly, the main character of the film is from einstein, and completely myth from historical truth, especially taking into account the insufficient number of sources in the mass consciousness , it is almost impossible to separate, i think. here the task of historians is still to understand further, but in the mass consciousness alexander nevsky will remain who he is at the moment, i think that this is already rooted, rooted, today we
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dealt with the figure of the famous grand duke alexander yaroslavovich, alexander nevsky, it was a history podcast russia-west on the swing of history, pyotr romanov and sergei solovyov were with you, study history together. with us, you can watch all episodes of the historical podcast russia-west on the swing of history on the website of the first channel, hello everyone, on the air of the first channel the podcast everyone wants to fly and i am its host . this year marks the 130th anniversary of the birth of this outstanding man, the legendary aircraft designer sergei vladimirovich ilyushin.
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it is impossible not to remember this man. that's why the first channel trusted me a story about this aircraft designer. the pride of the country of the soviets, the pride of russia. the man who is the only winner of seven stalin prizes. eh, this is the most stalinist prize. existed before the death of the father of nations, then it was the lenin prize, now it is a state prize, three stars on this man’s chest, i pronounce his name, surname and patronymic with pleasure, sergei vladimirovich ilyushin, an outstanding designer, i can proudly and correctly to say, the father of a whole line of amazing aircraft, the creator company, which is still working, he was born... a huge family in a very large family, large, 11 children, he was born on march 18 , 1894 in the village of dilyaleva, this is
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the vologda region, i repeat, 11 children, a family of a peasant, a poor man, lived very friendly, lived poorly, at the age of 6 i learned to read, at the age of 8 i went to a parochial school, like, by the way, very many, but... i finished only three classes, i had to help my family, i worked for 15 years, i left at home to earn money, wandered, wandered around the cities, was even somewhere in the amur region, took up any kind of work, then he came to st. petersburg at the age of sixteen, worked at the kolombyazhsky airfield, and there he saw an airplane for the first time, he saw it during the flight. the first international aviation week in russia and was completely fired up, well, like everyone else, because the thing in the air,
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of course, made an impression. in 1914 he was drafted into the army, first served in an infantry training team near vologda, and then persuaded, well, in general, quite funny too, by the way, as was customary in our country, for two bottles of vodka to transport him to petersburg, and until the end of the war he served at the commandant's airfield, which he served at first. hangar, then an assistant aircraft engine operator, a junior and finally a senior engine operator. in 1917 he received his pilot's diploma. since 1918 , the airfield team was disbanded and ilyushin joined the bolshevik party. during the civil war he served in the ranks of the red army, the navy was organized, where he served, by the way, he flew himself, and in the twenty-first
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year he entered the institute of engineers. began as chairman of the aircraft section of the scientific and technical committee of the air force forces of the country, where he worked until the thirty -first year, was studying world experience, naturally, just like all aircraft manufacturing, aerodynamics, he developed tactical and technical data for various aircraft, by the way, under his leadership the tactical and technical data of polikarpov’s u2 aircraft were developed, that the very machine that was
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... renamed polikarpov-2, the legendary airplane on which, as you know, girls flew, destroyed night bombers, in the thirty-first year ilyushin achieved his goal, he headed the tsaga design bureau, the central aerodynamics institute, i remember him very well, i worked at the tupolevo plant , mailbox 116 on radio street, and my father was opposite on the other side of that same radio street. i don’t know, maybe it still exists, there was a division like this: heavy aircraft were developed by tupolev, light aircraft were given to ilyushin, from then on a rivalry began, i must say, a rather friendly rivalry between the ilyushina design bureau and the tupalev design bureau, in the year thirty-six, and ilyuzhena, this means that he is 41 years old, he produced his first aircraft, tskb-26, please do not confuse it with the central cremic hospital,
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this is the central... a lot of machines, he lifted the air, tested, a lot of machines, won international prizes in various categories, by load capacity, by rate of climb, by height, by amazing aerodynamics and much more. since the beginning of the war, the ilyushin design bureau developed the db-3 bomber, a long-range bomber, it was later renamed
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4. first flight in '39 - made db-3, crew of four, serial production from thirty-nine to forty-fifth, a total of 5,256 cars were manufactured, the plane was in operation from forty to fifty-two, and also an absolutely legendary car, which, by the way, i will gladly take in hand, the same famous il-2. the history of this airplane is amazing, how to calculate all the amazing characteristics at that time, i say amazing, because this is confirmed not by me, but by the people who flew on it, there’s one interesting thing history, you see, the fact is that the war is already quite serious weapons on german aircraft, the question arose, how to actually protect the pilot, how to protect the structure,
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power-engine, i must remember one amazing fact: during the first world war, when wooden planes, trimmed, trimmed with fabric, pilots, rose into the air. i was thinking about making an armored plane, it was almost 2/3 armored, all the way up and down. ilyuzhin, this is what he wrote, by the way, about this plane: it’s overdue the need to create an armored attack aircraft, or in other words, a flying
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tank, as it was called at the front, in which all vital parts were armored. our design bureau decided to make the armor work in the hull. aircraft, that is, make it the working fluid of this very machine. until now, designers have put armor on the frame only for the purpose of protection. the complexity of the task turned out to be in choosing the thickness of this steel sheet, so that, well, so as not to overweight this very machine in vain. and in march of forty-one the first flight of a serial attack aircraft in a single-seat version took place in voronezh. the industry believed that in order to increase. number of aircraft per day, it was necessary to release the aircraft without a gunner, this later had dire consequences, despite the terrible resistance of ilyushin, the body version was still released only with a pilot without a gunner in the back, but this led to
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the fact that in the first years of the war, especially the end forty-one, beginning of forty-two, the losses were significant, then this is what happened: such a helicopter that i demand immediately to redesign the plane to make it a two-seater, i forbid stopping the conveyor, the deadlines are short, i ask you not to let the country down, then the decision was made to make, as i told you, a two-seater with a gunner... a sadist in the back, who was positioned like this, he sat with his back to the pilot, he had a hemisphere, left, right and behind, then something happened that does not fit into any fairy-tale gates, in general you can hardly believe it, and any person who
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is familiar with aircraft production technology, with what a conveyor belt is, one can hardly believe that this work was completed in 7 days; naturally, no one left. 7 days of sleepless nights, monstrous stress, and after 7 days the car took off in the two-seater version. in today's times , i myself have read the opinions of some people who believe that in 1943-4 this was done in vain, since german aviation no longer had air superiority, the second pilot naturally influenced the weight of the aircraft, the tactical and technical characteristics in some way sense and... sort of it wouldn’t have been necessary to produce a car with a shooter’s ancestry already in 44-45, a controversial history, a controversial history, but nevertheless this very il-2 airplane is considered one of the best aircraft of the great patriotic
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war. however, after some time , joseph vesarionovich sent a memo signed by himself, and as ilyushin recalled, apparently this note was not prepared for him. mm, judging by the way it was written, it was stalin himself who wrote it, compiled it himself, sent it himself, quite, well, rare thing, and we prepared the notes according to his instructions, the following was written there, i will not give the entire note now, but nevertheless, this is what was at the core, which means that he is seriously concerned about what is being released. from the assembly line one car per day, categorically demanded to increase the number of cars, uh, seriously hinting that if this
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was not done, it would mean that the ilyushin design bureau was letting the country down in wartime with all the ensuing consequences. well, how easy it is to understand, i say again, the one who is familiar with the factory one. maximum efforts were made by production, and, as lyushin later recalled, praise and honor to the women and children who worked in large numbers at the plant you... parts for these aircraft, this was done, the number of aircraft per day increased greatly, very greatly, and of course, this affected the priority of soviet aviation in the air; in general, stalin, as they say, i certainly cannot say this, but judging by the memoirs of contemporaries , one aircraft was a priority. designer, this is yakovlev. he loved him, he got used to him
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constantly. and it’s not that, well, you can’t say that, he loved, in the sense, he singled him out from everyone, singled him out a little, treated him a little differently. this was always evident from the way he addressed him, the way he treated him, the correspondence, and so on. nevertheless, joseph vessarnovich had incredible respect for elyushin. and how... then a rather serious problem arose, the fact is that the ministry demanded that the design bureau be moved closer to the plant. ilyushin was categorically against this, because transferring the design bureau from moscow, no one knows where, transporting everyone with their families, equipment, and so on, the struggle was quite serious. and ilyushin wrote a letter to stalin directly. he was one of the few who had the right. the opportunity to write directly to the father of nations. stalin
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forbade the design bureau to transfer and specifically invited lyushin to live with him at his nearby dacha so that he would not be interfered with his work. this formulation is definitely stalinist. for some time ilyushin actually lived with stalin. remembering, by the way, the spartan atmosphere that was at the dacha. about the fact that... stalin slept on bed, on a narrow bed, covering himself with a simple, almost, well, not a soldier’s, but in any case, such a thin blanket, he recalled this, well, how can i say, with a certain amount of respect, infuriated with surprise, let’s say , during the war there was 36,000 vehicles were produced, in the merbakht they called it a meat grinder, they also called it an iron thicket, and...
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the attack aircraft turned around and gained a height of 400 m, that
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is, in one combat turn, that is, this is how it is, this is how it managed to gain 400 , it went down, which means bombs were possible to drop while flying horizontally, it was possible to drop to a nose-up, roar and the bomb flew there just like that, the plane went in this direction, and there was a bomb, but this is a rather difficult story, it’s just amazing the pilot’s skill for sure... the sight understands exactly where it will go cargo, go up and immediately go there, and the bomb flew straight to the target, a serious story, kiev propagandists distorted bulgakov’s biography so much that in an instant they turned him into an enemy of ukraine, since kiev is the mother of russian cities, these crazy ones people, they will refuse kiev, the sharikovs gave birth to offspring now from bulgakov, now he was declared a ukrainophobe and they did the right thing, of course, because they finally started. read books, as well as exclusives in our studio, fighters who captured the german
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marder, outdated equipment, are sent here as a write-off given to the ukranazis and a story about how ukrainian civilization appeared in the second millennium bc, anti-fake, premiere, tomorrow on the first, we again together with those who love good music with all their souls, lilac fog...
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maybe that’s really enough already, this is all hip-hop, everything is there three chords new season from april 14 on the first channel on air everyone wants to fly me and the presenter leonid yakubovich we are talking today about the legendary man about sergei vladimirovich ilyushin but the most important thing is that this l2 airplane launched a whole galaxy of airplanes. which were developed by the company in the forty-fourth year , the il-10 heavy attack aircraft was equipped with an am-42 engine, had powerful artillery weapons , quite powerful, four wing cannons, now i’ll tell you ns23 with a total ammunition of 600 rounds and a turret gun that
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stuck out in front of the b20. the maximum speed was tenth. this is almost 150 km more than the maximum speed of the il-2, well, naturally there was 400, somewhere around 350-400 maximum, and here 551, serious speed, il-10 attack aircraft were used in large quantities in the war with japan, this is the fourth stalin prize , now there is the next serious model that you can remember: this is the il-12, a medium-range twin-engine passenger the aircraft, first flight in 1945, was produced in two versions, passenger and cargo, the passenger version was designed to carry from 16 to 30-32 passengers without
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luggage, and the crew was two pilots: navigator, roadman, flight mechanic, mass production. was in production from forty-nine to fifty-five, a total of 6,300 -odd aircraft were manufactured, the il-28 was the first, by the way, the first soviet jet bomber, in the fiftieth year ilyushin was awarded the sixth stalin prize, a secret
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machine, so the awarding of the award sheet was limited to only the wording for the development of the area. aircraft manufacturing, here is another aircraft, i must say, an outstanding aircraft, simply, simply stunning, long-range four-engine passenger aircraft, first flight in 1957, crew of five people, two pilots, a navigator, a mechanic, that means 120 passengers, the il-18 was originally designed as passenger plane. and went into mass production from 1957 to 1985. the plane was for a long time the main medium-haul airliner in the soviet union. everything was made, i’ll tell you now, in my opinion.


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