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tv   PODKAST  1TV  April 8, 2024 3:55am-4:57am MSK

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myself into defeat, but i still don’t really understand how to properly set myself up for this step, it seems that i’m going back, but maybe not, you know, i emphasize, practice shows that a successful start occurs in only 10-15% on average from 100 possible, i repeat, that is , about 80-90% of people roll back, but also those who rolled back. about 2/3
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say: so, stop, stop, that’s it, i’m not going anywhere else, and about a third say: so, i ’m getting useful experience, i’m not going back forever, but for a year, a year and a half, two, for in order to do additional simply preparatory work, in this case there is no defeat, there is an experience of simply preparing better - for your new start, yes, this is a restart, once again, this is not a refusal back, this is a restart, this is just a way out again .
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and how will this be useful later in my big plan, that is, you are already rationalizing this aspiration of yours, this dream of yours, and most likely it seems to me that in the second iteration the person will no longer sleep, yes, you will be less complacent, you will less illusory, you will be less optimistic, you will be more collected, you will be more critical of yourself, and of your respective cases, of your various ones, how can we say now? yes, that is, this is a very important story, and i emphasize, in any case, there will be no anastasia before and the new anastasia will be more successful, more effective, stronger, wiser than the one that was, so no matter how your trajectory goes, in fact , the very fact that you are communicating with us today, the very fact that you are asking the right questions, the very fact that you find answers for yourself, shows that you are on the right path of transformation, it seems to me that these tears are beautiful, these are just the tears of the birth of the new anastasia, yes, do you feel her, is that?
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like tears of weakness, these are tears of strength, because a person who works on himself always becomes stronger, thank you, i would listen to you, andrey, just endlessly, inspire, friends, well, today we are very radical like this. and intensively reborn our heroine, who left the well-known freelance industry and received quite a lot there stress, disappointment, despair, but it seems that our expert andrei sberovsky and i managed to use this potential, maybe negative, so that right before your eyes, right in the podcastlab studio, a new strong, cool manager nastya was born, and we are we believe her, thank you, this is a psychic podcast,
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watch all episodes of our podcast on the website of the first channel hello, the sunday time program is about the events of this day.
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"the country of the possible, we can cope with any difficulties, because behind each of achievements are people, saving people in action, you need to understand that cancer can be treated and treated well, and the fourth stage, when
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there is metastasis, a decision for life, the orsky spill, somewhere there is water just above the knee, somewhere around the waist, but for her of course these are plastics." how they make money from the weather. floods in russia remain the number one topic: 39 regions, almost 700 flooded houses throughout the country. very soon, big water in the kurgan tyumen region is expected to peak in the rise of the tabol and ishim rivers, respectively 10, 12 and on april 20, while the governors reported to vladimir putin on preparations, a telephone conversation took place with the orenburg region, with governor denis pasler and the head of the ministry of emergency situations alexander kurenkov, whom the president
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sent there the day before. in the regional center, the water level in the ural river increased by 28 cm in one day. the peak is expected on tuesday; in vorsk there is a daily increase. 35 cm and there the critical mark has long been passed. sergey ponomarev from the spot. builder avenue, one of the central streets in the city of khorsk. many shops, cafes, pharmacies. all of them, as a rule, are on the first floors buildings were naturally damaged. somewhere the water is just above the knee, somewhere up to the waist, but for her, of course, these plastic doors are not a barrier at all; naturally, there is also water inside. passenger cars, here, where by the windows, where. up to the roof in the water, now you can only move by boat, rescuers and volunteers are working, i just walk through the yard of the nearest one, if someone asks, they drag them, hundreds of residents of the high-rise building are trapped, who refused to evacuate the day before, when the water was just rising , and even now some are needed
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persuade, great, come on, that's it, go, pack your things, evacuation, what will arrive, yes, it's just arriving, up to the third floor. distribution, let's all come out here too, the rescued people have to be carried from the entrance to the boat, along with things, documents, and of course, pets, as for the last time we were sitting, when we said that there would be an evacuation, while we got ready, we left, and already the water, who are you with, cat, what’s your name, saffron milk cap, during the night the water reached the central districts of orsk, this is gagarin square, traffic on it is now blocked, it’s only possible on special equipment, or like this, on boats. here, by the way, there is also a bus station, it is literally behind this fire truck, now for obvious reasons it is not working, in the morning i woke up at about 4 o’clock, looked out the window and everything, and the water was standing in our entrance on the street, not we heard sirens yesterday, we heard, but we hoped that it would bypass us,
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we hoped for the best, on the instructions of vladimir putin, today the head of the ministry of emergency situations alexander kurenkov flew to orsk, together with the governor denis pasler, they visited the most victims. presentation of credit mortgage holidays. secondly, it is important that when calling
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the hotline, citizens can receive answers to any questions related to the emergency situation, payments, document restoration, and placement in temporary temporary detention centers. more than 500 people are now in temporary accommodation centers, one of them was visited by alexander kurenkov. well, we were reassured, we were inspired by this, and in general the city supports us. we feel that you supported, now we still have the situation we’ll analyze it, i’ll come back later, yes, so we know what’s going on with us, disabled person of the second group raisa was evacuated from the flood twice, the day before she moved from her apartment to her mother, in the morning the water came to her house, now she and her mother and sister are in the gym schools, no clothes, they didn’t take anything, just documents and medicine, evacuation, attention to everyone, evacuation. the situation in orsk was aggravated by the second breach of the city protective dam, already on the right bank of the ural river,
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residents of the nearest nikel microdistrict were warned in advance about the threat of flooding, but not all were in a hurry to leave home. it’s already been serious for 2 days, right before the end of 2 days, it’s scary, we’re already scared, they started transporting people to temporary accommodation centers on buses, those who didn’t have time to evacuate before the water came, rescuers were looking for them in the dark, here’s the sixth house, on the hotline for residents of orenburgskaya worked, including on requests left by the region, short number 122. urgent evacuation in the nikel microdistrict began already when dusk fell on the city, rescuers now have to literally feel your way through the flooded streets, the water is here, i don’t know, it will be visible, just below the knee, but it is gradually coming, we had to examine several houses, there are already... that we already have to swim there, this time we saved a man, he says, he believed until the last moment
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that water would not enter his house, thank you guys, the professionals are working, after the first dam break on april 5 , the microdistrict, which is called the old town here, went under water, the protective structure was not designed for such a flow, the investigative committee opened a criminal case case based on materials inspections from the prosecutor's office found that the dam had not been properly strengthened in recent years. this morning, regional authorities reported that water discharge from the local reservoir was reduced by 500 km/ sec, but a quick effect should not be expected. 500 cubic meters is almost a quarter of that discharge, of course, we hope that in the future we will be able to reduce it further in a few days, which, of course, will certainly have a beneficial effect in the future by reducing the volume of water inflows to the city. according to roshydromet forecasts, peak flooding in the orenburg region will be in a few. april 10, while in the capital of the region the water will rise to dangerous levels tomorrow, they urge people not
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to wait until the last minute to leave flooded areas while they have the opportunity. in orsk, in addition to rescuers and police, people who survived the flooding of the area also responded to the neighbors’ misfortune. many are on duty in cars to help those who left their homes get to their relatives, deliver drinking water, food, and of course, many volunteers for the tax. with him the tobol river will overflow in kurgan area from day to day. flooding is inevitable,
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which means evacuation from dangerous areas. they warn about the elements and local authorities. i informed vladimir vladimirovich about the receipt of information about excess water discharges from the territory of reservoirs in kazakhstan, as well as the neighboring chelyabinsk region. i told him that today the actual discharge exceeds the norm by 45 times. and it is absolutely clear to us that in a few days everything will be cleared up. a big wave will come here on the territory of the kurgan region, therefore our main task is to warn the evacuation citizens, notify everyone, evacuate people with limited mobility, those who cannot walk, as well as those who cannot look after themselves, in the region ...
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the situation in the chelyabinsk region has already stabilized, people will continue to be helped, rescuers go around every yard where necessary, pumping out the remaining water , eliminates the consequences. about the weather, its anomalies and their transformation into money, and there will be more today. now krokus, the third week after the terrorist attack, which killed 145 people, how... the investigation has progressed, already 11 defendants in the case have been arrested in basman moscow court, and at least one other person is known to have played an important role in the monstrous attack, they are naturally looking for the customers. vladimir putin posed the problem, emphasizing that it has a solution, reporting by dmitry kulko. what plans did your group have after the terrorist attack on storonki,
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who gave instructions to you. in the new fragments of interrogations published by the fsb, all four terrorists name the name of the coordinator, saifullo, it was he who designated the location of the attack, crocus cityhall, supplied them with weapons and gave the escape route. they reported that we were going to ukraine, kiev and there was 1 million rubles. went to kyiv, but somewhere i had to wait. money of 1 million rubles for the promised fee of a million rubles for each, the terrorists immediately after the attack set off along the m3 moscow-kiev highway, rushing at a speed of 170 km/h. our security forces intercepted the car at this point, near the village of kommuna , there were 141 km left to the russian-ukrainian border. the smartphones, even if damaged, fell into the hands of the investigation;
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the information obtained from them indicates that the fugitives received instructions from curator saifulo until the very end. cyphlos. said that there you are will be waiting at the ukrainian border for guys who will help us cross the border and get to kiev. on the other side, as it turned out, two corridors were being prepared for terrorists at once. our special services recorded the activity of the armed forces of ukraine in demining near the border villages of chuikovka and sopych, sumy region. these places are remote, dense forest, from the nearest populated areas in russia to the border no more than 4 km. there's a terrorist here.
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in a broad sense, however , the facts voiced by the investigators are sufficient to speak of direct participation ukrainian side in preparation for the bloody massacre in crocus: firstly, it was established that the mercenaries received money from ukraine shortly before the massacre, secondly, an attempt to escape to kiev, where, as the hired killers themselves say, the main fee awaited them, and finally, a meeting of terrorists at the border organized by the ukrainian special services, this is impossible without an order from above, a bright touch in this picture is the pictures from the phones left behind after correspondence with this saifulo. the symbols of the nationalists, the yellow-blue ensign, is more like a photographic set of a ukrainian militant, but not a radical islamist. photographs of people in camouflage uniforms holding the ukrainian flag against the backdrop of destroyed houses with a ukrainian postage stamp with an obscene gesture were discovered. this data may indicate a connection between
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the terrorist act committed and the conduct of a special military operation. ongoing. those wishing to join the international legion formed by the kiev authorities to conduct military operations against russia is characteristic and inadequate.
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do not try to hide their role participation in planning and organizing terrorist attacks. the terrorist attack was well organized. and it was accompanied by extensive, pre
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-orchestrated coverage that the western media needed for them. the western media, which began to push their version of the terrorist attack to the world in the first minutes after the tragedy, did not yet know that the militants would be caught, they would start talking about connections with the ukrainian side, they would reveal the accomplices, but now it’s unlikely.
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this explains the composure with which they carried out a monstrous massacre of unarmed people. where are the weapons, at the collection. total during operations in the two cities of makhachkala and kaspiysk, fsb officers captured three militants involved in the terrorist attack in crocus. various types of weapons, as well as parts of homemade explosives, were found in everyone’s apartments. the detainees admitted that they were preparing another attack. or they were going to blow up the victory park and blow up a crowd of people whoever
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came across it. as for the participants in the attack on crocus, their handlers provided them with both a car and housing. the white reno was sold by the father and two sons of the islomovs. they, according to investigators , sponsored the trip of two terrorists to militant camp near istanbul. 2 days after the terrorist attack, he was liquidated by turkish intelligence services, and this arrested person transferred money to the card of four. killers, here he is depositing cash into the atm. over the course of a month , the attack coordinator, saifullo, identified the target for the terrorists; based on these photographs, which showed a traffic pattern in the crocus area, he planned the actions of each participant. one of the accomplices, at the direction of the curator, found on internet resources and sent him screenshots of images of entrances to the crocus city hall building and access roads to him. the accused confirmed all this in his testimony. a total of two arrests have been made in connection with the attack on the concert hall. there are already 14 people, 11 of them have been arrested. the heads of law enforcement agencies regularly report to the president on the results of work on the crocus case. speaking at the expanded board of the ministry of internal affairs, vladimir putin
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set the task of making every effort to investigate the cold-blooded murder of civilians . dear comrades, now you, together with colleagues from other departments, are participating in the investigation of the bloody terrorist attack on march 22. already he said that it is important for us to identify not only the direct perpetrators, but everything. links in the chain of ultimate criminal beneficiaries of this crime. vladimir putin noted: the terrorist attack in crocus was beneficial to those who relied on inciting ethnic and religious hatred in russia. and here is a session of self-exposure of kiev in the person of andrei kovalenko. the head of the so-called center for countering disinformation under the national security and defense council of ukraine told the british times how agents, using social networks and instant messengers, are now trying. russia from the inside on national grounds. it is very beneficial for us to support any national splits there and feed them with information. we must shake russia by any means necessary and information is critical
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. i want to emphasize this, to use recent tragic events to provoke national hatred, xenophobia, islamophobia and so on. actually, this was the main goal of the terrorists of their customers, first of all, to sow discord, strife and hatred in our country, to split russia from within, this their main task, we must under no circumstances allow them to do this. as
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for those who planned and ordered. terrorist attack on march 22, then, according to vladimir putin, they must remember one simple thing: those who use this weapon, this is a weapon that is used against russia, this is already obvious today, must understand that it is both sharp, this is a weapon here are orders for crimes for money, they are not isolated, also in this professional environment one can say, and you know this well, in this environment there are no reliable agents, they do whatever they want for money, not guided by any religious or political considerations, only financial ones, everything is also easy to sell, any information is bought and sold, so we will certainly reach the end customers, in there is no doubt about this, such crimes have no statute of limitations; in russia to this day they are finding and calling to account everyone who was in any way connected with the terror of the beginning of 2000; last week he was detained. one of
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the militants of basayev khatab's gang, who participated in an attack on pskov paratroopers. retribution for terrorists is inevitable, no matter how long it takes. dmitry kulko, maria mortanova and vitaly zaitsev, channel one. ukrainian terror today, an unprecedented drone attack on the zaporozhye nuclear power plant. one of them hit the dome of the sixth power unit, there was no damage. the other two flew into the area of ​​the cargo port and canteen. one of the three wounded is in serious condition. atom reports a direct threat to the safety of the station, the largest in europe. experts were at the nuclear power plant right at the moment of the strike magate. the head of the agency, rafael grossi , called to refrain from dangerous actions and, predictably, not a word about who the call was addressed to or who was creating the threat. well, under the zelensky regime, we understood everything a long time ago. sending bombs in icons to russia across half of europe is a style. let's talk about this more today. well, what is important to say now? general pain after
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the tragedy in crocus. support for our neighbors and the country as a whole only brought us together, more and more of us decided to take arms in our hands to destroy the nazi evil spirits and return peace. contract for service in the armed forces in in recent days, people have started signing one and a half times more. evgeny lyamin from those who could not stay at home. but i live near the crimean bridge, when the bridge was blown up, i was still at home, i personally saw it all from my window. it was after the terrorist attack carried out by the sbu, alexander says, that he decided to volunteer to sign a contract, then during... the explosion, a married couple, a family from the belgorod region, was traveling by car on vacation to crimea, their daughter was wounded and left an orphan. , a tragedy that happened almost before our eyes, opened the window i saw that smoke was coming from the krylsky bridge, black smoke, then i simply sat down at home, talked with my parents, with my wife, they fully supported me, alexander is a father of many children, he says, then he and his wife agreed
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that they would wait until the third time. i was waiting for my son to be born, i waited, stayed with him for some time and went to carry out the task, some swastikas, these symbols like the ss on helmets, when you saw the fascist symbols, that’s where the first ones started on tv, that’s what, not i know, well, that’s when i accepted it the decision is already such that i urgently need to come here and urgently need to do something about all this. denis from omsk, when on tv he saw crosses on ukrainian armored vehicles, swastikas on the chevrons of the armed forces of ukraine, he constantly... remembered his grandfather, he went through the great patriotic war, spoke, of course, little about the war, almost nothing, but like a genetic code, the fight against fascism, that’s all, it’s moving towards russia, it’s already in the donbass, it’s already in lugansk, there are already these dead children alla angelov, i don’t want this did not reach my children, this whole wave of nazism, fascism, the so-called one, came, came as a sergeant, senior rifleman, rose to the rank of officer,
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became a unit commander. the second i firmly decided for myself, here he is until victory, the business will wait, i hung up the padlocks where i could hang the padlocks, and there i transferred the management of my limited liability company to the partners, i told my family that i was leaving on a long business trip to the north, there is no there will be contacts, everything left, then in the hospital at the first wound, well, they found out that yes, i was taking part in my own, i came to the military registration and enlistment office on march 28, i had long wanted to sign a contract, but then, in connection with the latest events , i decided to go to moscow, which, as soon as i got ready, got up in the morning and i went, this is the first lesson with a group of volunteers, some recently served their military service, someone held a machine gun in their hands 10-20 years ago, a lot, of course, needs to be remembered, but this is what they say, everything
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is gradual, instructors with combat experience, classes are daily, there is nothing to protect the butt, he protects you, my weapon is my protection, nikolai from ulyanovsk is a steering mechanic by profession, the river fleet is his family. explain that he cannot do otherwise, well, after the terrorist attack in moscow, well, how to stay at home when this happens in russia, why stay at home, if we are men, we can stand up for our country, volunteers continue to come to selection points in different russian regions , to sign a contract, why do they answer about the same here, the situation, this was actually the last straw, we will do everything possible to what...
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trouble will come when the case is already prepared. according to our defense department, over the past 2 weeks , more than 20,000 people have signed a contract to participate in a special military operation. i believe that everyone who is capable, who is able to resist evil, a threat to the security of our country, should do the same. over the past week and a half, the flow of candidates for contract military service has increased significantly. the main motive is desire. protect your loved ones, prevent a repeat of the events in the moscow region, the selection point is working around the clock, people arrive from different parts of the country, vasily from belgorod, the military registration and enlistment office also went himself back in the twenty -second, when the ssu began shelling
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civilians in the belgorod region, never actually flew under the luch station, the transformer there caught fire, the lights were turned off when the shelling began shibekin, went voluntarily to... now he is in a mortar crew in the ovdeevsky direction, last year he was wounded, after treatment and rehabilitation, he returned back, the family lives in belgorod, in the area who constantly attacks usa, my wife used to pray for me, but now i pray for them. of course, he constantly thinks about his family, worries, but he says that’s why he understands that you can’t stop, you need to move forward, only to victory, all together. before we left, he asked me to write down a short message to people like him.
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there is information that military equipment is being repaired there. in addition, the fuel storage facility was damaged. russian high-precision strikes, including on generation stations, are a response to the ukrainian armed forces’ attempts to attack our energy facilities. and reports ministry of defense, a destroyed warehouse with nato naval drones, two launchers of the s-300 anti-aircraft missile system. and let me remind you that the enemy’s losses in manpower per week were over 5,000 people. today our air defense systems intercepted 16 ukrainian drones over belgorodskaya and four over bryansk. zelensky this week abolished the status of limited fitness for military service. the kiev regime does not have enough mobilized people, and if you take into account that they have lowered the conscription age by 2 years, then they will also try to drag twenty-five-year-olds into the meat grinder. hasty
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trying to poke holes in human resources does not give results. ours are advancing in all areas of the special military operation. ivan kanavalov will develop the topic. initiatives and the inability to break into operational space under increasing pressure from russian forces are forcing the ukrainian army to retreat on the most important central sector of the front. in the art direction. orlovka, thin, red, in the zaporozhye
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region, the village of mirnaya. in total, since the beginning of the year , 403 km of territory in new regions of the russian federation has come under our control. we continue to reduce the enemy's combat potential. since january, the ukrainian armed forces have lost more than 80 thousand military personnel, 1,400 units of various weapons, including over 1.2 tanks and other armored combat vehicles. the successes of the russian army are also recognized by the collective west. the authoritative publication of the politician blew up the western media space with an article under the hysterical alarmist headline: ukraine faces a great risk of the collapse of the front. in it, on condition of anonymity, high-ranking ukrainian military personnel who served under commander-in-chief zaluzhny, who was fired in february, paints gloomy pictures. thanks to the much greater numerical superiority of guided
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bombs that have been hitting ukrainian positions for weeks now, russia will likely be able to penetrate behind the front line and destroy it in some areas. one of the interlocutors admitted to the politician’s journalists that the ukrainian armed forces do not believe in western help. now nothing can help ukraine, because there are no serious technologies that can compensate ukraine for the large mass of troops that russia will probably send to us. u we don’t have such technologies, and the west doesn’t have enough of them either. according to ukrainian military estimates, kiev needs 4 million shells and 2 million drones per year. these numbers are unbearable for the entire western military-industrial complex. the united states and its allies can jointly produce 1,2000 shells per year. for comparison, russia has already reached the production rate of 3 million shells per year, but the main problem in the ssu, and this is recognized in the west, is the lack of personnel. this is largely the result of the incompetent leadership of the notorious.
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surrender, they are asked to do two things:
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firstly, not to return them back in a prisoner exchange, and secondly, they ask for russian citizenship. politics writes that ukraine is faced with the largest shortage of agricultural workers in history. military registration and enlistment offices are raking out those who know how to drive tractors or combines in order to transfer armored personnel carriers into tanks, and meanwhile the sowing season has begun. military conscription in ukraine has led to a historic shortage of people capable of governing. agricultural machinery and keep the economy afloat,” said minister of agriculture nikolai solsky. for in order to replenish the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine, it is necessary to call up about a million ukrainians to the front. because today the ukrainian army in the form in which it existed in 2020 has been virtually destroyed, its core has been knocked out. against this background, french president macron, who has his eye on business, continues to terrify nato allies with the prospect of sending units of the french regular army to ukraine. the command of the french foreign legion in early march approved the composition of
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a battalion tactical group of about 1500 people. the group is expected to be fully operational in april. “as long as we are allies with russia, things are going well, as soon as we stop being allies, everything goes wrong, but i would even say that if we wanted, this is exactly what i advocated 2 years ago, it would be neutrality. aggression against russia always ended tragically for france, french historians and
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political scientists remind macron. the conqueror of europe, napoleon , lost everything when he decided to fight the russians. the french legion of volunteers included german wehrmacht, was in '41." lacarnu tried to divert suspicion from kiev of organizing a terrorist attack in the moscow region. shaigu noted that the kiev regime does nothing without the approval of western curators. we hope that in this case the french intelligence services are not behind this - quotes the minister telegram channel of the russian ministry of defense. as for macron’s initiative, sergei shaigu pointed out that if
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this intention is realized, france will create problems for itself. while macron is rocking the european nato boat, putting the whole thing at risk. ukraine can't afford any more delays, we've seen what's been happening in the last weeks and months in ukraine, they're losing ground on the battlefield, and i want to say that we need to pass a package of additional aid to ukraine, but the republicans in congress are stubborn , and among those who are stubborn is the first emigrant of ukrainian origin. in the us congress victoria sparts nee kulgeika. the indiana republican, who is one of the most colorful personalities in the house of representatives, said it does not support the package recently passed by the senate, which includes $60 billion in ukraine-related spending, as well as funds for israel and taiwan. in kiev
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, this situation causes acute discomfort. the adviser to the head of zelensky’s office, podalyak, essentially said: if you don’t give money, we won’t consider you a hegemon. the head of the ukrainian ministry of defense, kuleba, did not use, on the occasion of the holiday, to beg for some american air defense systems, which russia is successfully destroying. i don't want to spoil the holiday, but of course, my main message is there will be a patriot, because the salvation of ukrainian lives, the ukrainian economy, ukrainian cities depends on the patriot and
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other systems. we are talking about patriot because it is the only system that can intercept ballistic missiles. the answer is silence, as if about an introduction. ukraine in nato. on the seventy-fifth anniversary of its founding, the north atlantic bloc wants to show ukraine support, but does not intend to accept it, writes the new york times. in the article , nato wants to demonstrate support for kiev, but nothing more. and the italian larepublika notes that on the sidelines of nato the topic of ukraine giving up its territories in exchange for accelerated entry into the alliance is circulating. but these are informal conversations, but the nato secretary general minted his usual mantra at the anniversary. ukraine needs help as soon as possible, we see the situation on the battlefield, we see how complex it is and what demands are placed on ukraine, we appreciate everything that the nato countries have done, but this.
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in power and about their anti-russian project, vladimir putin spoke on tuesday at the board of the ministry of internal affairs. now is the time when internal external threats are intertwined and
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ultimately equally directed against our citizens and society, against our sovereignty. after the collapse of the ussr, our geopolitical ill-wishers certainly set themselves the goal of completely destroying what was left of historical russia, that is, destroying its core. own, our own russia, the russian federation, and subordinate everything that remains to our geopolitical interests, i confidently say this as a former director of the fsb, as a former secretary of the security council, and then president and supreme commander-in-chief, oddly enough, someone wants revenge for failures in the fight against russia back in historical periods for unsuccessful ones...
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this has never happened, no one has succeeded, this will not happen and no one will be able to do it. on thursday , the north atlantic treaty organization, which is the full name of nato, turned 75 years old; the tenacious bloc has outlived the ussr, to contain which it was created with the participation of recent allies in the war against nazism and the warsaw pact, which appeared six years later than the alliance. it would seem that there is no one to restrain the socialist camp. but he began to fill the geopolitical void, breaking his own promise, with himself. 20 years ago, nato expansion reached our
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borders in the baltic states, and last year it reached finland. mikhail okinchenko about how far the anniversary has come. the walter reed clinic for america is like the burdenko hospital for russia; among its patients are dozens of famous military leaders, including the first us secretary of defense james forrestel. however, in history he became famous not at all for the fact that was. first, but because on may 22, 1949 , he jumped from the sixteenth floor of a hospital building shouting “the russians are coming.” the suicide was explained by manic paranoia in the american press; it is not known exactly when the us secretary of defense went crazy, but in recent years forestel has been fiercely obsessed with the soviet union. it was he who convinced truman to take a course towards confrontation with moscow and became one of the inspirers of the policy of macarthyism. he is the one from the american side. george kenon, counselor at the us embassy in the ussr, author
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the famous long telegram of 800 words, a message sent from moscow to washington in february 1946. world communism is like a pathogenic parasite that feeds only on infected tissues. many foreign countries, especially those in europe, are exhausted and intimidated by the experiences of the past, and are less interested in universal freedom than in their own security. they seek advice, not responsibility. we should be able to offer them such assistance better than the russians, and if we don't do it, the russians will. the telegram, in which kenan described in detail the impossibility of peaceful coexistence of the two post-war superpowers , became a real manifesto of the cold war, and a few days later , former british prime minister winston churchel came out in support of it. in his famous speech in the american fultan, he announced an iron dependence on different sides. whom he placed recent allies in the anti-hitler coalition. today the scene of post-war life is still completely
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recently shining in the bright light of an allied victory. it should be noted that mr. churchill and his friends are strikingly reminiscent of the relationship between hitler and his friends. hitler began the business of starting a war by proclaiming a racial theory, declaring that only people who speak the german language represent a full-fledged nation. mr. churchel begins the business of starting a war also with a racial theory, arguing that only
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nations that speak english are full-fledged nations. decide the destinies of the whole world, but to stalin’s warning on the west did not listen and soon moved from theoretical calculations to their practical implementation. on april 4, 1949 , the north atlantic treaty was signed by norway, denmark, the netherlands, belgium, luxembourg, france, italy, portugal, great britain, iceland, canada and the united states. this union of 12 states became known as the organization.
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under the auspices of the united states, and the united states received deeply motivated. competent military personnel to fight against the soviet union and the soviet bloc. the most famous of them adolf heusenger, former chief of operations of the general staff of nazi germany, one of the developers of the barbarossa plan. in sixty-one, he headed the nato military committee. in response to the emergence of the western military bloc, the ussr created the eastern one. in 1955 , eight states of the socialist camp
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signed the warsaw pact. entry of spain. germany and will allow east germany to be included in nato, which is actually a hostile army, but in return he demanded that nato must not be expanded further to the east. james baker, then us secretary of state. as is well known, he promised that nato would not move an inch to the east, 5 years later, in brzezinsk, one of the first neoconservatives came out with a proposal to expand nato directly to the russian borders, through the membership of 15 more states. and the proposal was accepted, and in 1999 the first wave of nato expansion swept across europe. poland, the czech republic, and
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hungary were accepted into the alliance, at the same time in an effort to expand their scope. the western military bloc finally dropped its masks and showed the true face, organizing the first large-scale war in europe after world war ii. 78 days of continuous nato bombing, as the defense organization likes to call itself, nato bombed belgrade in the center of europe for 78 days in a row until serbia disintegrated and kosovo broke away from it. well, then the united states built the largest military base in the region there. this does not fit into... bombing belgrade in order to build a military base in the place that was cut off from serbia. what a wonderful display of friendliness. in 2001 after terrorist attack on september 11, the united states for the first time invoked article 5 of the nato charter, which obliges all members of the alliance to act as a united front. thus began the invasion of afghanistan, and then a whole series of middle eastern wars. in 2003, the alliance attacked
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iraq. according to some estimates, the number of victims of the american occupation has exceeded. at the same time, the united states strengthened its influence in europe. in 2004, the second wave of nato expansion included bulgaria, estonia, latvia, lithuania, romania, slovakia and slovenia. in 2007 at the munich security conference, russian the president tried to reason with western leaders.
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after the dissolution of the warsaw pact, where now these statements, no one even remembers them, but i will allow myself to remind this audience of what was said, i would like to quote from the speech of the nato secretary general, mr. werner in brussels on may 17, 1990, he then he said: the very fact that we are ready not to deploy nato troops outside the territory of the federal republic of germany gives the soviet union firm guarantees. georgia and ukraine, the leaders of france and germany opposed
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but the rest of the alliance members only took note of their point of view. angela merkel later explained that she was against this decision because she understood that putin would consider it a declaration of war. the bloc was replenished with sweden, only with ukraine, so nothing... nato during the cold war was the mortal enemy of the soviet union, it is a military alliance, the heart of which is the united states of america, the most powerful state on the planet, and it is completely clear that russia does not want
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to see this military alliance on its doorstep. here in the united states there is what we call the munroe doctrine, the essence of which is that no great asian or european powers are allowed to operate close to us and unite with our neighbors in any kind of military. so if we don’t like being next to major powers, is it any wonder that the russians don’t want nato on their doorstep. three decades after the collapse of the ussr, russia tried to stop nato with persuasion put forward by our country in december 2021, demands for security guarantees were the last an attempt to resolve the matter peacefully, but in the western bloc, which had been preparing for war with our country for seventy years, they apparently considered that their time had come, and let them give up on... from the very beginning we staged a battle between
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washington, nato and moscow, and now we are undoubtedly in the loser's corner, and this façade of nato unity is quickly crumbling from within. nato is the titanic, which has already collided with the iceberg and is sinking, and the people on board are struggling to climb onto... us channel one. news continued in in slovakia, one of the nato countries , peter pilligrini, the head of parliament and an opponent of arms supplies to ukraine, won the presidential elections. previously, he
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has repeatedly stated that pumping kiev up with weapons only leads to the death of people, and will become the cause of a catastrophe in the future. peligrini considers peaceful negotiations to be the only possible solution. let me remind you of the same anti-war position of slovak prime minister robert. today is the birthday of valentin matvienko, the first female chairman of the federation council in our history. this post in fact, the third in the state after the presidential prime minister. recognition is guaranteed, but valentin. ivanovna is not only about duration, merits and awards. by the way, by decree of vladimir putin she was awarded the title of hero of labor. olga knyazeva looked like a woman. in almost every interview, she emphasizes that she does not like questions about the role of women in politics. first of all, she is a professional. in terms of the number of women managers, we are very proud of this. russia remain for the third year in a row.


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