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tv   Telekanal Dobroe utro  1TV  April 8, 2024 5:00am-9:01am MSK

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be sure to be punctual and demand the same from others, when i became the chairman of the federation council, the first thing the senator said was no more absenteeism, this is not a meeting of free artists, i want to come, i want not to come, to the committee by proxy, it won’t be like that, we’ll really start with self-discipline, senators must work to the fullest, this is the first, second, besides exhortations, which i will do from time to time, i...
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what if a person is in power, this is some kind of sinecure, in fact no, this is the hardest work, this is self-restraint, it is you who sacrifice the interests of the family there, you deny yourself what you would like to do, you are constantly under fire from thousands of eyes, your every step is visible, this requires being constantly in shape, this requires self-discipline, self-organization,
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that’s it. everything, in the mirror every time there is a new image, her style is thought out down to the brooch on the scarf, down to the curl in her impeccable hairstyle, she does not compete with men, on the contrary, she emphasizes that she is a woman, but she will definitely achieve her goal, i really don’t want to dissolve in this equal weight of men's jackets, i still want to feel like a woman, so i try to choose this combination that is businesslike, but always feminine, i don’t like monotony in everything for me...
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and as promised, let’s return to one of the topics of the issue: ukrainian state terror, this week there was news not only from the crocus case, strikes on our border cities, bombs in icons for easter and disposable agents in yuri lepatov’s report. we all lie still. this sanya, with his voice bleating from fear, made explosives, assembled bombs at home, he part of the chain that the ukrainian special services are trying to form, organizing terrorist attacks in russia, some make explosive devices and hide them in caches, other executors lead to actions, at the initial stage there is recruitment, correspondence on the internet, then personal contact by calling, there are generally questions for you as if no, calm down, everything is fine, take the phone, look at the phone here...
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the sbu officer, in short, who contacted me, he says: we need to collect this girl, help her, she indicated the place, where to put it, she says, he came out of the entrance, press, i pressed the button, the terrorist permikov managed to detonate
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an explosive device under the car in which the writer zakhar prilepin was traveling, returning from donbass, his bodyguard and friend alexander shubin died, he himself zakhar barely survived. dugin, the daughter of the philosopher alexander dugin, was returning from a patriotic festival, and the terrorist trepova carried out the order of the ukrainian curators to kill the military correspondent vladlen tatarsky, handing him a figurine with an explosive device. head of the sbu vasily malyuk on behalf of the terrorist group that now exercises power in ukraine, he signs the murders with a grin, that figurine was handed to him in the form of his bust, he took it, and there was 400 g of thermal bar, they
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worked like a razor in relation to him. he shares the details of the assassination attempt on prilepino , the explosion on the crimean bridge, and tells how a former deputy of the verkhovna rada was killed in the moscow region. further, a control shot in the head, and he remained forever near his place of residence in the moscow region, but i can officially say, the security service ukraine will not comment on this in any way and will never confirm it. yes, he himself said this confirmation, flaunting his mythical impunity. the head of ukraine's military intelligence, kiril budanov, in an interview with a news website.
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there was an explosion. citizens of ukraine are recruited into terrorists through threats, pressure, and persuasion. professional manipulators do this, and the state creates the appropriate background. the national news agency unian is hosting a vote for readers on who will be killed next in russia by organizing a terrorist attack.
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and on television screens, if i may say so, this is social advertising. a woman in an embroidered shirt uses a sickle to cut the throat of a man in a vest who is kneeling. now you are already on the lookout for death. isis members practiced similar things; youtube was filled with their videos, executions of prisoners, children playing football with their severed heads. this child from iraq probably played the first game in her life like cutting off the head of a teddy bear, and this ukrainian girl played a game that her parents taught her. and now to lipetsk from ukraine a couple, processed by curators from the special services and social advertising, arrives. who is looking for where to organize a terrorist attack so that there are more victims, in the cache, toratil bombs, nails and screws, like filling for a bomb, so that they kill as many people as possible, the couple was trained at the desna training ground in the chernigov region. the fsb monitored their movements and how they left
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bundled bags in public places, checking the vigilance of those around them. in the city of lipetsk, at the sokol bus station, i had to commit terrorism. price tag from the sbu, for the same bookmarks, let’s say, there, well, somewhere around 500 dollars, there maybe, give or take, then for a molotov cocktail, well, somewhere around 800, thousands, plus they also promised me an additional reward, and this teenager i was tempted by the prospect of making a career in the ukrainian terrorist unit rdk, as a test they demanded that you commit an arson attack, what kind of things do you have with you, two cocktails, what? i was going to do it, i’m against mobilization, so i wanted to quit the military registration and enlistment office. rdk declares during
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the terrorist attack in the bryansk region, we we don’t fight with civilians, we don’t kill unarmed people. the civilians he killed live nearby. the leader of the s-14 group, which is associated with the sbu, speaks with the same intonations as malyuk and budanov. now they have given us so many weapons not because we are good, not because they want our good, because we are carrying out tasks.
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kaza of the sbu, persuading elderly people, or people in difficult financial situations, to go on fire at a military registration and enlistment office, fsb building or bank. he also recruits citizens of belarus, as one of those detained by the belarusian kgb said. well, sort of depending on how much you want to work, like walk around, see some area, like, send photos, if you have more money, like you need to go, follow up like some kind of loan, yeah, well, like transfer coordination.
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the fsb revealed plans to carry out terrorist attacks in russia on orthodox easter; in the pskov region , hundreds of icons made in kiev were found in a minibus with a trailer. the hexagon is mounted in the base of the frame, the executor of sabotage. all that remained was to insert the detonator, the detonators themselves were hidden in church grounds, they are capable of being undermined remotely by a call or message in the messenger. can you imagine, yes, what could have happened, god forbid, if this icon, supposedly they made a gift from someone and hung this icon in our christian church, it would then explode in front of a crowd of people. how much joy would there be again for these nazis, excuse me, the rest of the ukrainians, as they say, i already called them, how we suck. so i think that success, huge success to our special services and these guys must be said
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thanks a lot. 27 explosive devices camouflaged in icons and ready for use were recovered from cargo traveling along the route ukraine, romania, hungary, slovakia, poland, lithuania, latvia, russia. this cargo crossed six countries, traveling almost 2.0 km. he did not arouse the slightest suspicion at any of the four checkpoints of the european union countries. is it possible to think that this is accidental? well, really.
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are you working with your colleagues to create an appropriate information system? yes, the system is launching from today, we will collect the return.
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the donetsk people's republic celebrates its first round anniversary today. 10 years ago the dpr declared sovereignty. there were years of military confrontation with the kiev regime, the capture and vile shelling of ukraine, peaceful cities, years of perseverance and courage of the heroes of donbass. today this is again our russian region, and the first of many difficult steps was taken precisely then on april 7, 2014. alexey ivanov from the donetsk people's republic on our common holiday with a chronicle of these. 10 years. first big anniversary donetsk people's republic takes place without mass events. it's not time for that yet. on saturday evening, the enemy fired nato-style rocket artillery into the rear area of ​​donetsk. civilians were injured. over the course of these 10 years, kiev has been trying to intimidate the population of the republic, but, as people say, no one has been able to break donbass. and even in
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such a difficult situation, the region lives and develops thanks to the powerful support of all of russia. on lenin square, where rallies of thousands gathered 10 years ago, today recalls the events of the russian spring, how the first victory parade took place in the republic in may 2015, which was banned in ukraine, there were tears in my eyes, honestly, our nephew also took part in the parade, well, in general, there are a lot of acquaintances who participated in the parade, here we looked with tears in our eyes at the equipment, at the military the same age...
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sovereignty and the act of sovereignty was proclaimed , it was there that the declaration of state independence of the dpr was approved. congress of representatives of administrative-territorial entities donetsk region, based on the provisions of the charter of the united nations and a number of other international documents. reinforcing the right of peoples to self-determination. we proclaim. creation of a sovereign state, donetsk people's republic. the barricades started on that side, everything was completely blocked, and here along this edge there were also barricades like this. claudia kulbatskaya 10 years ago, one might say, lived on these barricades, she says that the residents of the region did not accept the anti-constitutional coup in kiev and chose
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an independent path without ukraine, even then everyone believed in the support of russia, but when our country in february 2000. we finally came to this. our film crew worked 10 years ago in slavyansk, one of the centers of resistance to the kiev regime. the ukrainian authorities then began preparing what they called
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an anti-terrorist operation against their own citizens. on the day when nationalists set fire to the trade union house in odessa, together with the protesters in slavyansk , the first attempt to storm the city from outside began security forces and radicals. the approaches to the center of slavyansk are blocked with new barricades, they are built from everything that is at hand. even old refrigerators are allowed in, they can temporarily delay heavy equipment, but not militants, it is known that nationalists of the right sector penetrate into slavyansk under the guise of local residents, and in order not to differ from the militia, they even tie st. george’s ribbons, and once in the city they carry out sabotage work. those who participated then in peaceful rallies, which took place mainly on weekends, on other days people worked, put forward simple and understandable demands. and in everything, of course, who is to blame, the kiev authorities, that they, it means that in kiev this is the way it is, but here in the east it’s not allowed, we don’t have our own voice, so that we are not with the benders, these ones, who are with the fascists , neo-nazis
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who burned half of kiev, and we want us to have order here, so that we have a country that we can be proud of, we, our children, our grandchildren, and we will defend our interests, and no one will shut our mouth , that's enough, the time for silence is over, defend the interests of the young republic had to be taken up in arms by kiev with... the support of western sponsors, which actually started a civil war in the donbass. in february 2022, russia not only recognized the donetsk and lugansk people's republics, but came to their defense. the special military operation helped liberate a significant territory and push back the enemy, which made it possible to reduce the intensity of shelling, and therefore quickly return peaceful life to cities and towns. the city is breathing, i work at the yasinovsky koksakhimi plant. it has already started, and before this was warming up, and people tried, didn’t leave, well, we’re trying, we’re waiting,
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we’re waiting, we’re hoping, definitely, definitely, there ’s no other way, it feels like russia is really helping, of course, it’s felt, and roads are being built, and kindergartens, and schools, the restoration of donbass is a priority task, much depends on the residents themselves, but the main thing here is the support of a large country, we talked about this with the head of the republic denis pushilin. 10 years ago he stood at the origins of the creation of the dpr, a lot has changed for the good, and it has changed so much that we we couldn’t even dream, well, because our entire republic, our cities, our districts are being rebuilt, the whole of russia is helping us, 27 regions are the bosses in our cities and districts, but at the same time we understand that a special military operation is still underway, its it needs to be completed, it is necessary to liberate the entire territory of the donetsk people's republic, there is a lot of work, but this is already work close to creative.
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birth rate and the formation of high social prestige of large families in russia. the new building of the republican perinatal center is the first a facility built from scratch in donetsk over the entire 10
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years of the existence of the donetsk people's republic. we can say that this is now the main maternity hospital in donbass. in june 2022 , the president learned about the dangerous conditions in which children had to be given birth in donetsk; the old building came under fire several times. head of state, then. instructed the government to begin construction of a modern perinatal center in donetsk as soon as possible; to speed up the process , they took a ready-made project as a basis; exactly the same maternity hospital is located in tula. firstborns of this maternity hospital, a boy and a girl, vladimir and evangelina, the baby has a good appetite, mother and daughter are preparing for discharge, this is a great discovery for our city, thank you very much, i’ll come here for the second one, for my brother, the doctors say work is now... under the needs
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of newborns and women and... for the comfort of employees, that is, we work in very comfortable conditions, before we only dreamed about this, of course, before we could only dream about it, unfortunately, we did not have the opportunity to work in such conditions before , huge gratitude to president vladimir vladimirovich putin for such a gorgeous gift to the donetsk people's republic, our women, future children, another important facility in the republic, which vladimir putin opened via video link this week, a new microdistrict in the liberated mariupol, near the new microdistrict of mariupol. there is no name yet, there are signs with the name of the streets of yakov gugel, the first director of the azovstal plant, there are only 10 houses here, nine high-rise buildings have already been commissioned, novoselo is actively moving here, but they are finishing up in the tenth building construction finishing works, this high-rise building suffered the most during the fighting, but at the beginning of summer all 50 apartments here will be ready for occupancy. lyudmila is just starting to settle into her one-room apartment, the main thing is that she no longer has to rent a place, and...
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there is no need to do anything in the new building, the finishing is fine, everything is super, nothing needs to be done, so we came in, the furniture was installed, everything is great, live and rejoice, yes, live and rejoice, so let us rejoice, apartments here are given to those who lost their housing during shelling during the retreat of ukrainian militants from the city, our turn has finally come to receive housing, thank you very much, we are very grateful to all the builders for building us such wonderful apartments.
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our common culture, our common traditions, we are one people, and we have never forgotten about this and will never forget, and in mariupol the historical center, the face of the city, are being restored, here are residential buildings and social facilities, special attention to detail: the builders are trying to save all decisions as much as possible architects, the residents themselves help with this, they suggest what this or that building used to look like, by the end of the year the central streets... russia must change its approach to migration policy - said vladimir putin and extended colleagues of the ministry of internal affairs. against the backdrop of the tragic events in crocus , xenophobia cannot be allowed to grow, the president noted. at the same time, the community of illegal immigrants often becomes a breeding ground for extremists. therefore , people who do not recognize our traditions and
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rules. behavior should not come when you begin to understand the circumstances of a particular case, a specific crime, it turns out that the person got to russia without any special problems, went through all the formalities, got a work patent, often having a whole bunch of offenses behind him, sometimes malicious ones, then he applies for citizenship , even without knowing even basic russian, it is necessary here... modern digital electronic databases, biometric data, those that are currently working, they, apparently, are not enough, first of all, it is necessary to ensure the interests and the security of the state and society, to preserve and preserve interethnic and interreligious harmony, our cultural and linguistic identity, everything that is the strength of russia, the principle that
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only those who respect our traditions and language can come and live and work in russia , culture, history. this principle must be decisive. now about healthcare and medicine, its vast, extremely sensitive section of oncology. modern diagnostics, treatment at all stages and rehabilitation. breakthrough technologies are changing the situation in this area every day. opportunities are emerging to detect and defeat previously incurable types of cancer in a timely manner. yulia anishchenko talked about everything with oncologists. their patients, naturally, the first, first reaction is confusion, how is it possible, i’m 32 years old, i’m young, healthy, happy, how could this happen to me? perhaps this is the most common question that arises among young people with a serious diagnosis, maria’s breast cancer was discovered completely by accident, they treated a completely different pathology, everything worked out, early stage, successful operation, the woman is preparing for discharge, when i found out, at first i wanted to tell everyone, then i wanted not
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to tell anyone. then again to everyone, then to no one, then i realized that the way out is to tell everyone, because well, you can help some other person with your story, someone to whom knowledge in this case will give life, because the number of people who are sick... cancer is growing every year, and there are more and more young people among them. this is a global problem. patients are literally getting younger before our eyes, that is, 20 years ago this was i was 60 years old, now i’m 45, 30, 25, 20, 18, yes, this is where it’s scary. the leaders are malignant tumors of the breast, stomach and intestines, this has been proven, but doctors cannot accurately name the reason for such a surge, so far it is only an assumption. any malignant tumor is a change in the functioning of a normal cell. and these are the mutations that are transmitted. their inheritance is indeed becoming more and more common in our society, scientists today know about 200 oncological syndromes, and this figure is inconclusive, the possibilities of genetics with are increasing every year, which means that cancer prevention measures are becoming more accessible to everyone. it is definitely recommended
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to carry out such a diagnosis for healthy relatives of the first second degree, those patients in whom we have already found this mutation, children of course, brothers and sisters, which clarifies the situation and makes it easier for... and the intersection at which you need a sign that i showed you where to go and switched your attention to the right things, because i immediately began to be surrounded by the right people, the right attitude, of course is important, it has a positive effect on the outcome, but
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modern principles of diagnosis and therapy allow doctors to talk about what seemed fantastic just 10 years ago, most cancers today are curable, we must understand that cancer is treatable and treatable well, and stage four, when there is ... something happened, something broke, we fix it and move on, and in order to move on and live longer, especially for young people, scientists are working on advanced technologies, the concept of treatment today is new, it is important not just to kill the tumor, but to maintain health organ systems. what all our radiation therapy methods are actually aimed at today is the preservation of critical organs, protection of the heart, protection of healthy lungs, protection of the pelvic organs, so that patients continue their social... active life, can become parents, radiotherapy is one of the pillars of diagnosis and treatment, powerful proton accelerators make the process as effective and, most importantly, safe. surgery is also reaching a new level. at sechenov university, for the first time in the world
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, a forty-four-year-old patient with sarcoma hearts actually replaced the destroyed atrium and the main vessel, the superior vena cava, with a special prosthesis. for this patient, we used the superior cruciate vein instead of the superior vena cava. the vessels supplied biological tissue; in essence, this is a transplant of part of the heart. the operation did not last long for such a pathology, about 5 hours. a team of oncologists and cardiac surgeons is pushing the boundaries of what is possible; breakthrough technology allows us to save patients for whom classical operations are not indicated in this case. were there any problems before the operation? shortness of breath, pain in the area chest polish? chest, yes, before the operation there was pain here, where the heart was, it was difficult to breathe, yes, he has almost recovered, the patient’s treatment does not end there, then we assume medicinal treatment, staged and observation.
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doctors today already call cancer a non -fatal, chronic disease, which in some cases can be treated better than other non-infectious pathologies, but at the same time doctors and patients themselves say they must help, be on guard against cancer in time...
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that is, human souls, they have become preachers, his disciples, in today's information flow, this is very hard , complex work. but it is very interesting and very important, because the results of this work will largely determine what russia will be like in the very near future in the distant historical perspective and whether it will remain as such, as we imagine it. the russian economy continues to grow, despite unprecedented sanctions pressure, and has good prospects for entering the top four. largest in the world. i talked about this last year wednesday in the state duma, mikhail mishustin, speaking with
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an annual report to deputies, formally the last for the current cabinet. after the inauguration, a new government will be formed. the current report turned out to be even broader than just summing up the work for the year. anna kurbatova, more details about everything. in the building on okhotnoy ryad the cabinet of ministers is in full force. this happens in the state duma only once a year on the day of the government report. in 2 minutes. before the start , the prime minister, speaker of the lower house of parliament, enters the hall at a brisk pace. this the report is the fifth for mikhail mishustin as prime minister and the last in the current composition of the cabinet of ministers. after the inauguration of the president , a new government will be formed. the state duma will approve the candidacies of everyone except the power bloc. therefore, the report contains results not only for last year, but also in many respects for the entire period of work of the current cabinet of ministers. bye. the composition had to face an unprecedented number of challenges, first the
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coronavirus pandemic, then 1900 hit russia western sanctions, according to a number of experts, the restrictions imposed against us exceed all the combined sanctions against other countries in the world. the economy not only survived; at the end of last year, gdp increased by 3.6%. which is more than double the average for developed countries. unemployment fell from almost. compare in the eurozone, it is more than twice as high as the russian one, the volume of investments has increased by about 10%, which is a record for the last 12 years, here is another significant result, what is most important, the economy is becoming less dependent on commodity exports, non-oil and gas revenues have grown by a quarter, total state budget revenues last year exceeded 29 trillion rubles so far... the unfriendly collective west continues to churn out sanctions with
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friendly countries, of which there are many, russia is strengthening relations, the share of trade turnover with them increased to 77%. if we recall the words of the us president that the russian economy will be torn to shreds, then we can see with what results the year has passed, the political system and the economic model created president putin. have shown their effectiveness; this is a great merit of the government of the russian federation. the economy of our country, despite foreign policy turbulence, is among the five largest in the world. the president set a more ambitious goal, to enter the top 4. one of the main challenges of last year was inflation, but thanks to interaction with the bank of russia, mishustin emphasized, it was possible to slow it down to 7.4%. for gasoline, for diesel fuel,
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the most important decisions were made to limit the export of petroleum products, we banned them export so that domestic consumers, our farmers, have more resources, for petrochemical enterprises, for the needs of a special military operation. the prime minister addressed the topic of special operations more than once in his speech, everything from solving the everyday problems of fighters of their families, to fully ensuring military needs under the special control of the government, here are just some of the results, so that our... defenders have everything they need, we have significantly increased production for many positions at times, for vehicles and armored weapons in three, seven times in weapons of destruction, nine times in electronic warfare and reconnaissance communications technology. another important topic is the well-being of russians, insurance pensions and the minimum wage are growing at a rate faster than inflation; the state allocated almost 190 billion rubles last year to... increasing the salaries of public sector employees, with special attention to supporting families
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with children. we develop a holistic support system from the moment a woman becomes pregnant, the birth of a baby, at all stages of his/her growing up until the age of 17 years. from january last year, you know, we launched a single benefit, which is presented every month, based on the situation of a particular family. it was assigned to almost 11 million children, and about 400... expectant mothers, parents are paid a monthly allowance for child care up to one and a half years old, at the moment it has been increased by almost half, to almost 5000 rubles. life expectancy in the country has reached almost 73 and a half years; such indicators have never been recorded in the history of the soviet union in modern russia. not least thanks to the modernization of primary health care. in 3 years , we built from scratch or overhauled 3,500 clinics,
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outpatient clinics, and medical centers, purchased new equipment, and launched the production of our own vital medications. our ved includes 815 items.
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zaporozhye region rebuilt or restored 18,000 objects, these are houses, schools, kindergartens, hospitals, clinics. a fmba multidisciplinary medical center with an area of ​​36,000 km2, one of the best in the country, opened in mariupol. it already 150-200 people received rehabilitation, by the end of the year 3,000 already i know that there is a plan. in january 24 , the donetsk republican prosthetic and orthopedic center was also launched, with up to 700 people. will be provided with rehabilitation means annually. the country has taken up the task of updating airports, many have repaired runways, and for the first time, more than half of domestic flights do not include a transfer in moscow. people are already taking advantage of shorter, more convenient routes. new housing is being built at a record pace. only in
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last year, 110 million m2 were commissioned. there were no such results in all the years of soviet power. and now we are reaching out to them. during the report, not only marat khusnulin, who oversees the construction of izhkh, but also the minister of agriculture, dmitry patrushev, was clearly in a good mood. year after year , our farmers are breaking records. last year , the country threshed almost 148 million tons of grain, this is the second harvest in history, but it’s not just about that. there are real merits here, year after year, and there is no theme of harvest. last year there was a problem with eggs.
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the message proposed to allow graduates to retake one of the subjects before the end of the admission process to universities. are legislative solutions needed to ensure that all school graduates without exception have a second chance or does the government have enough powers? no, they are not needed. everything we need has been done. 2 days will be retake days, well, immediately after the report , the faction leaders summed up the following results: we do not separate ourselves and the government, we understand that if we work, we will do it together.
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taking into account unprecedented sanctions, taking into account the global situation, what is being done we evaluate the government of mikhailovich mishutin positively. 36% economic growth to date. is there another economic system in the world that, having been subjected to such an unprecedented number of unjustified sanctions and restrictions, not only survived, but showed growth? 3.6%. these are numbers, but they show effectiveness. work of the government, and these good results are now obvious, the results that, according to mishustin , were achieved in the country together, by uniting we have more than once... already proven that we can cope with any difficulties, because behind each of the achievements there are people, and, all
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together, we, the people of russia, who have at all times overcome everything, any challenges, will overcome them now, will do everything so that our best country in the world prospers, absolutely in this i'm sure, thank you. anna kurbatova, denis avcharov, ekaterina koryaka, arseny baibulov, channel one. and finally, about the forecast forecast, the coming summer is already being called the hottest in history. for example, in russia in june the temperature can exceed 35°. horrible, global warming. glacier in antarctica tueytsa loses 50-80 billion tons of its body per year. according to scientists, if the territory. the size of britain breaks off at the south pole and begins to melt faster, then global flooding will no longer be avoidable in a few
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years. pyotr deryagin about the doomsday glacier, the overheated elniño current, why the west is pushing for green loans, where is the line between a universal flood and a water tax. severe flooding in tanzania, almost 30. hectares of fields with corn and rice are flooded, a state of disaster is being introduced in zimbabwe due to a catastrophic drought. destroys crops scorching sun. in manhattan, during a storm , lightning strikes the statue of liberty, and a un meeting is briefly interrupted by an earthquake. i, i can continue. summer is coming, climate scientists are sounding the alarm. if 2023 was the hottest year on record. that is, the risk that 2024 will continue to escalate the situation, writes bloomberg. the elneny effect heats up the equatorial pacific ocean, causing
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cataclysms around the world, and the polar ice caps continue to melt rapidly. the thueets glacier , the size of great britain, is being depleted by eyes, it was even nicknamed the doomsday glacier . and scientists are developing a project for a giant underwater curtain that would divert warm water from it. we are worried that it may get out of control, then the level of the world's seas. will rise by 65 cm. the biggest danger is that if the glacier moves away, it could set in motion the colossal masses of ice in antarctica that it is currently holding back like a traffic jam. the level of the world's oceans will begin to rise meter by meter, flooding cities and countries, london, new york, the maldives, tokyo and st. petersburg are at risk of being under water. however, it may not turn out to be, or it will happen in hundreds of years. russian climate scientists say the west likes to exaggerate the situation for spectacular headlines. global warming is an irrefutable fact, but this is not the time to cover
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one’s head with ashes; for example, elniño, which threatened to develop with renewed vigor, suddenly began to fade away, contrary to forecasts. this is exactly the line that we observed, it has been living for the last month, it is turning into something neutral, the fact that the spring is warm somewhere here or somewhere in... in other regions, generally speaking, this does not mean anything, because summer will be in 2 months, forecasts for 2 months have practically no , well, of real practical meaning, so we cannot say that next summer will really be terribly warm there, the antarctic glacier, like the greenland glacier, they are melting slowly, especially the greenland ones. glacier, because of this the sea level rises, yes, but it happens, as i said, at a very slow pace, well, relatively yes,
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the level there is rising 4 mm per year, maybe this will certainly accelerate, well, by the end of the century there will be changes of half a meter, a meter, yes, that is , these are not, well, not catastrophic changes , another huge glacier will break away, well , the level there may still rise by 20-30 cm, it’s not a disaster to say that now the apocalypse will come because of this.
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they substitute so-called green loans in quotation marks so that countries can replace conventional electricity generation with green ones. the same electric cars turned out to be much dirtier than gasoline cars during production, how much ore is mined for batteries, how many harmful substances are released in enterprises, the environmental damage is one and a half times higher, and for some industries, the energy of solar panels, for example, is simply not suitable, nevertheless it is actively being introduced, although after the refusal of russian energy supplies.
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accordingly, it is expected that it is expected to develop tools for controlling the use of water, it is proposed to come up with some kind of duties to charge for so-called water-intensive technologies, for the fact that goods will be marked with how much water was spent on their... production and thus the goal is set to control up to 30% of the use of fresh water, all this against the backdrop of realistically possible droughts in different regions of our planet due to global warming, and meanwhile, if trillions of dollars were not poured into the financial bubbles of the exchanges, it would be possible to launch a program to cool the atmosphere right now, for example, using geoengineering, there are projects including russia to spray special
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aerosols into the atmosphere that would reduce the heat entering the earth. and thus would cool the earth, humanity would have to adapt to the new climate conditions one way or another, as it was before, periods of hot cooling were followed by millions of years, it is quite possible that suddenly global warming will simply stop due to natural causes, then it will be necessary think about how to keep warm. pyotr deryagin, irina bliznyuk, mikhail fedorov, dmitry belov, anastasia berestenko, first channel. good morning to everyone who is welcoming a new day with the first channel on the calendar april 8, monday, this is morning with you , roman butnikov and yulia zemina are happy to greet today, friends, we rise, wake up, we can’t waste a minute, there’s a new day ahead, we we are sure that it will be bright, rich, interesting, let's start making it like this right from the very morning, let 's take a walk in the spring park in a bright jacket, or take a ride on an electric scooter, without me, and at the same time find out
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where it can be parked according to the rules ? let's remember the rules for safe taking medications, this is all before meals, after and so on, let's talk about financial security, choose the most airless packer, celebrate the day of russian animation, all this and much more very soon, now traditional morning exercises, and fitness trainer maxim kolagur will pay attention, go to the plank with bent arms, so as they say, well, you need to go out, but what to do, and what to do? good morning, this exercise is called strength output, i can do it 15 times. movement is not for beginners, this requires strong back, arm and abdominal muscles. i’ll show how beginner athletes can strengthen their muscles: we go into a plank with our arms bent, our elbows clearly under
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our shoulders, we don’t press our heads into our shoulders, on the contrary, we stretch them out. buttocks, back and abs are tense, we clench our palms into fists, while exhaling we raise our right hand, as if the volume of an invisible enemy. we return to the starting position, changing the position of our hands one by one. exercise will help strengthen the muscles of the whole body, especially the arms and back. at this rate you are on tour. he can do it, let’s continue, friends, spring is unstoppable, summer is moving towards us, but our country is very large , so spring is different everywhere, somewhere the snow melted ahead of schedule this year, somewhere it’s still there, and the thermometer is still at minus, yes in general, the weather this spring is somehow surprising, but we are already accustomed to swinging on these temperature swings, the weather this year
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is clearly stormy, first snowfalls, then... floods have begun in the orenburg, samara, saratov regions and bashkiria, rivers are overflowing their banks, there are threat of flooding in the kurgan and tyumen regions. let's rise to the north in yakutia. there is still snow, children are sledding, but even there the temperature is fluctuating: at the cold pole aimikon it was -10, now -25, in tiksa, the northernmost port of the country -12. the weather is wonderful, we are accustomed people, we have been living in this area since an early age, so this is a holiday for us, it’s already beautifully sunny, it gives us some vitamins. in karelia, the sun was also hot, and then it snowed again. oh, this unpredictable april. we are waiting. that everything will melt soon, we’ll go to the dacha, it’s winter again, but we’re not upset, we’re used to it in the north in such weather, you will soon go to the dacha,
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weather forecasters promise that spring is already sweeping across the country, warmth will come here from the southwest, also in the center of european territory, in the moscow region, and the cold will go to the urals in siberia, and cold temperatures are also expected in the trans-baikal regions in the south of the far east, are they to blame for everything? the northern seas are the main refrigerators of our continent. cooling waves are usually associated with the influx of arctic air from the arctic seas. for example, a cyclone passed through european territory and after it spread very cold air from the barin sea. in the anticyclone, there is a cloudless sky, so at night the air cools down greatly, and during the day, of course, in the sun it warms up, but since the air is cold, this process does not proceed very intensively, so the temperatures are negative at night and it is not very warm during the day. although in chukotka they don’t really expect any warming, ice fishing is in full swing, many people fish until mid-may, but on may 9th everything is correct, cherry blossoms bloomed in sochi, albeit late, but how bright the plants are
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we were waiting for the warmth, as if the popcorn had opened, so the flower buds opened, so we got such an explosion of flowering, which means that nature has already felt real spring. sergey abramov, centurion, liliya lobkova, channel one. well, now our columnist yegor uspensky will drag us into the world wide web, he has prepared bait, the brightest and funniest videos from the internet. we start with a video that is rapidly rushing to the heights of fame on the internet, its main character is a well-fed cat named mickey, he climbed into a box and can’t get out it turns out that internet users are wondering whether the entrance to the box is very small, or someone is eating too much. the following shots touched hearts. users of the world wide web, the dog was afraid of the thunderstorm and hid in the bathroom, the little owner came to support him, sat down next to him on the floor and stood to reassure him: it’s okay, don’t be afraid, i’m with you.
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we haven't had raccoons for a long time, friends, it's time to fill this gap. a resident of toronto, canada, covered his car with an awning so that it would not be damaged by hail, when the elements passed, the awning was removed, and they discovered a whole family of raccoons, who have already settled down. by the way, anyone can take it off, including a child and an adult. painted plasticine puppets in the animation studio in the city of velsk produce cartoons for every taste. move my grandfather a little, and i take a picture on the computer.
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more than a hundred frames, if you combine them, create a complete sense of movement. many people come here to learn this magic, although at first no one thought that the cartoon studio at the local library would become so popular. cartoon studio. we got it completely by accident, at the end of 2021 our the library received the honorary status of a model library, we received 5 million for modernization, among other equipment we purchased a cartoon studio, a camera, a laptop, decorations, we started with master classes for children, soon the adults caught up, here you go, they are sculpting 14 different cats for the next cartoon, why they were just interested in this; creating a cartoon is a continuous experiment; they decided, for example, to find a new angle. we returned the frame of the studio, screwed in new parts, attached the camera, an old iron construction set is coming to help us from soviet times, that is, in our murd studio they use everything, in these
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creative searches the beauty of such local animation, in the cartoon studio of the udmurd village of zavyalovo, almost everything is homemade, now they have a large bright lamp and a separate office, they started literally on their knees. there was nothing yet, they put the textbooks on and put the glass on the phone and filmed the relay animation. the teacher guides, but the children find all the moves themselves. today we will need... an episode of how the girls got lost in the forest, we already have the girls ready, our task today is to prepare the forest where they will walk, and accordingly the raspberries. how will static dolls collect berries? we brainstormed and came up with the idea of ​​cutting a hand out of paper separately and filming a close-up. what will the cartoon be about? it is based on an ancient udmur legend. this is another feature of homemade animation. there is an opportunity to talk about your native land. in the village of prokoshevo, nizhny novgorod region.
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working on a cartoon about the history of the local town of kstov. animation is the most this is, say, an effective tool, probably, because children are very involved in the creative process in a playful way and study the history of their region. it’s one thing to find out how girls dressed in the 15th century, it’s another thing to fashion these outfits yourself and have the characters dance in circles around the birch tree, so that the birch tree remains in place. it's only easy at first glance. but what kind. our good cheerful morning continues and we are traveling around russia, right now we are going to kalmykia, an amazing, very original region. let's visit the main thing buddhist temple leaves, learn about ancient local traditions that live today. the badmaev family leaves the first cup of kalmyk tea in front of the buddha figurine. this is an offering. there is such a corner with a figurine in
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every buddhist family, for example, the little buddha of the badmaevs is about 120 years old, the figurine is passed from father to eldest son, it was brought from distant tibet, the life of buddhists in kalmyks has interesting and even unusual traditions, one year is added to a person’s age immediately after birth, all things are planned according to the calendar, where they are written good days and not so good days, you see, there’s a yellow icon at the bottom of the scissors, and you can give it to you... good luck, with a haircut you, uh, will remove all the negativity that you have accumulated. you can remove the negative in the main buddhist temple of ilista, in kalmyt, khurul. we are not in a hurry to go inside, first there are prayer wheels. we go around the khurula clockwise and spin the reels. here there are prayers inside them, and by rotating them, we seem to increase these prayers, the power of these prayers many times over. and spiritual practice, and a walk
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turns out, inside the sounds of morning prayer, for from my back you can see the camera and monitor, all this is broadcast on social networks, people write in the comments the names of their loved ones, wishes, the monks see this and immediately pronounce these names in their prayer. words in natibetan, it was there that 400 years ago the kalmyks began to learn the basics of buddhism. it seems to be a complex religion. enlightenment, nirvana and all that, but the local monks talk about it so simply, if a person has good thoughts, his path and the end result are good, without patience a person, they say, like a warrior on the battlefield without armor, if i patience needs to be developed, which means i need to tolerate someone. it turns out that the buddhist will thank his noisy neighbors above, and this philosophy here is close not only to the kalmyks, but also to other peoples of the republic. tatyana azaeva confesses. buddhism, her friend tatyana
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take orthodoxy, but she also visits khurul, there were such moments, it’s hard, somehow bad, you want to retire somewhere, there are a lot of russians, just as it should be, we know all the customs, we will never go to kurul, if we don't go around these drums, all the prayers let’s not twist, and the kalmyks, in turn , bathe in the ice hole for baptism and celebrate easter together with the orthodox, and kulechi, we paint the eggs, we ate these painted eggs, they seemed so tasty, otherwise together maslenitsa and the kolmytsky tsigansar and the muslim navrus are more fun , there is only one reason, spring has come. yuri nesterov, dmitry parfenov, alexander ignatov, natalya kaldaeva, channel one. the snow is still white in the fields, and in the spring the waters are noisy, the sleepy shore will be running, they are running, shining and shouting, they are shouting to all ends. oh, spring is coming, we
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young spring messengers, she sent us ahead, what, where, when, the spring series of games, on sunday on the first, on the first channel a special lesson begins, conversations about important things, and today’s topic, i see the earth, is that so? beautiful, today sergei ryazansky, pilot-cosmonaut, hero of russia, the world's first scientist, spaceship commander, speaks about important things . why do people fly into space? cosmonautics, first of all, is a discovery, these are new technologies that we develop in order to survive there, in order to explore new planets, this is unique scientific experiments that we
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can only conduct in zero gravity conditions. for example, to fly to mars, we need new engines, new engines will be useful on earth, we need. waste disposal, for example, bioreactors, is a very popular technology on earth, new communication systems are appearing more and more, and we also need this. cosmonautics, first of all, is an industry that can make human life on earth better. why do people rush there? because people always want to go to the unknown, to discover the undiscovered and to know the unknown. what professions are needed for space exploration? astronautics is a unique industry; everyone is needed there. there we need pilots who will pilot our spaceships, we need engineers who will design them, assemble them,
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come up with new stations, design the robotics of those robots that will help a person on a new planet or in some dangerous conditions, we need doctors who ... but you can always find yourself in astronautics. how do you see the future astronautics? i am absolutely sure that astronautics will grow and develop. recently, more than 500 space startups have appeared in the world, that is, people see
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potential in this, see the future in this, and not necessarily some company will send a person into space. we need companies that... when you find yourself in space, you understand that we must start thinking as humanity, and not as representatives of individual countries. the most important thing is that astronautics is exactly the future of humanity, and what it will be like is up to you to decide. about
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what did you think when you saw our planet from space? you know, they recalled the words of yuri alekseevich gagarin, how small our land is. fragile, suddenly i realized that i absolutely disagree. yes, our earth is very beautiful, a huge, beautiful planet. when you look closely, you realize that the picture is constantly changing, and you see continents, cities, oceans, volcanoes, aurora, it’s incredibly beautiful. i tried to spend all my free time at the porthole. took photographs, took small short video to share the emotions that overwhelmed me. how do astronauts celebrate cosmonautics day? i’ll tell you honestly that april 12
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is a very good holiday for cosmonauts, which they almost never celebrate, because we are always on business trips, we are on the road all the time, we are always performing, it’s very difficult to get ready. on this day, we all celebrate together at the station, of course, and traditionally wish you cosmic luck, cosmic health, and that everything goes smoothly. on the calendar the eighth of april, on this day only in 1912, the premiere of the first animated film in russia took place, and it was produced by us. the cartoon was called the beautiful lyukanida or the war of the mustache and stags, and it told the story of unhappy love. in the world of insects, in honor of this event we celebrate the day of russian animation on april 8, well, now according to the horoscope, april 8, the 29th lunar day occurs. very powerful, though a little impulsive, but energetic,
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hardy, tireless, and he has a bright head, he will add determination and confidence to us, give us bright ideas, he is very good this day is for bosses and in general for everyone who needs to captivate other people and motivate them to do something, inspiration comes to him, the minuses are where the pluses are, he is self-confident, likes to command, sometimes he engages in project-making, on such days the feeling lets us down measures, we consider our opinion... the only correct way is to react nervously when others do not agree with him. aries, keep this in mind when you have to discuss something with colleagues or business partners. the rest of the day is very good, but if you don’t burden yourself with everything and if you let someone else steer a little, everything will be fine. and in the evening, go to bed early. and everything should work out for taurus. the main thing is to remember that accuracy and discipline are very important today. you can’t be late, let someone down, or cheat even over small things. well. you understand, and don’t get carried away with alcohol. dual day for gemini. in the business sphere, everything will go with a bang,
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including work that requires a lot of physical effort, but on the personal front, not everything is going smoothly. disputes with family, problems with neighbors, and mutual reproaches are possible. however, by the evening everything should be fine. cancers will have the opportunity to get rid of some debts, fulfill some obligations, and repay someone good for good. good news may come later in the evening, and even today. something romantic is shining for the lions, today they are very attractive, and lionesses are generally irresistible, about business there will be a chance to find a non-standard solution to some problem, but be careful here, remember that the stars spoke about a sense of proportion and do not let anything happen. not a bad day for the girls, really you won’t be able to relax, you may even have to take on someone else’s work, but this will add points to you and is not bad for strengthening your authority, so be more careful while driving. there are some troubles there, at work and perhaps at home, relatives may be burdened with something,
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unplanned expenses are possible, but not ruinous, the evening is clearly going to entertain you with something. this day will help scorpios to express themselves and, as they say, open up, there will be a chance to excel at work, just calm down, something or someone can help you piss you off, you don’t need quarrels at all, and the evening will help you forget about business, perhaps in good company. the luminaries hint to sagittarius: believing all sorts of gossip is the last thing, especially if they are gossiping about your good friends. otherwise, the day is quite successful, including for your career, and money is coming to you. capricorns today are charming, eloquent, know how to approach people and, of course, will be able to take advantage of this. just be careful not to get too caught up in these games, don’t outsmart yourself, and be careful with technology. a productive day and aquarius, however, is a little hot-tempered, so don’t let your mood lead you and don’t rush. if you hurry, you will make people laugh, as for money, your motto is accounting and control,
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pisces may have to unravel something, figure something out, perhaps correct someone’s mistakes, you need to work very carefully today with documents, especially if they concern housing, feel free to make a date for the evening, good luck to you, food vacuum sealer, that’s a miracle gadget, a housewife’s dream, sealed products in vacuum packaging sit quietly in the refrigerator and do not spoil for a long time. very convenient, unfortunately, not all of them are, firstly, these devices are equally convenient, and secondly, they are equally effective. how to choose the best one, what to look for when choosing? let's find out experimentally. the vacuum sealer used to be an expensive production apparatus. today, ordinary household appliances for the home, the main design element is the same, a vacuum membrane pump, to put it simply, it can be compared to a syringe. pump action starts with the fact that a... the membrane moves down from the chamber, thus the volume of the chamber
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increases, the pressure in it decreases, the so-called vacuum occurs, the air that we need to pump out directly from the bag, due to the pressure difference, it begins to flow into the chamber. why is a vacuum needed at all to protect the product from interaction with water vapor and oxidation by oxygen from the air. oxygen. is a source of nutrition for many microorganisms, so by removing air from there, we can increase its shelf life from seven to 10 times. true, temperature is important; those products that are supposed to be stored in the refrigerator are stored there. there are bacteria, some in the air, there are bacteria and there are enzymes that are initially found in the products themselves, we cannot extend the shelf life of any product indefinitely, that is, we slow down the action. these microorganisms, it’s like with any chemical reaction, as the temperature rises, its speed increases.
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there are also a number of products that are not recommended for vacuuming. for such products applies. mushrooms, various soft cheeses such as brie, blue cheese, as well as garlic, onions, the main distinguishing feature of these products is the presence of anaerobic bacteria in their composition, anaerobic means oxygen-free, it is not needed for their reproduction, colonies of anaerobes emit gas even in a vacuum and destroy the product, it is possible to vacuum, but for a short period of time, the same blue cheese, so that the refrigerator does not smell, the more expensive the packager, the more bells and whistles functions, in larger copies... they are more expensive, of course, they immediately have there is a place for bags or sleeves for sealing, here they will need to be stored separately bags or sleeves, but you don’t have to look at the power, the speed of air pumping depends on it, at home when sealing a small bag, the difference between weak and powerful will be in seconds , removing functions in expensive models, working with soft
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products, manual pumping of air so that the berries do not flatten the baked goods, but this is according to needs, as is the length for... ruslan yunyaev, nikita kulakov, anatoly barikalov, dmitry gordienko, channel one. bridges connect shores, make the paths shorter, bring us closer to each other. in general, there are more bridges, good and different. there are actually more of them, thanks to the national project for safe and high-quality roads. residents of the village of rapushkalice now travel to school or the nearest hospital using a temporary ferry. the old bridge across the upper seduksa, built in the seventies. they dismantled the destruction of the supporting structure of the support beams, which were, strictly speaking, emergency. the new bridge has been under construction since may last year, foundation, arch structure, waterproofing have already done. now the foundation is being filled with sand, that is, we will fill the arch up to the design level of the road. the length of the new bridge is 39 m; it should be completed in june with a bonus for pedestrians: not a narrow sidewalk, as before, but
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a wide three-meter sidewalk. it was difficult to pass, but vibrating. already, because there is a lot of traffic here, there will be lighting and special noise barriers, so no one will hear passing cars in nearby houses, the traffic flow through the village is considerable, more than 300 cars per day. connects regional centers alanets city, city pekaranta, the city of sartovala, the road runs along the coast of lake ladora, this is a tourist destination. there are plans to reconstruct three more bridges, this year in the same region everything will be according to the national project. safe, high-quality roads. pskov. the history of the troitsky bridge began in the 14th century; it connects the fifty-thousand-strong zapskovye region with the center. in march 2022, the bridge was closed for reconstruction and opened in december twenty-third. the historical appearance has been preserved. the bridge has become wider, instead of two there are four lanes, making it easier for drivers. there used to be more
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traffic jams, now in connection with the bridge, yes, it has become better. it's also more convenient for pedestrians. it takes me 40 minutes to get to work. and so it happened for almost an hour, they walked around the pedestrian bridge, raised this thing, this is the most important thing in my opinion, because it was very low, this is the parapet, and they waited and were afraid that you would get knocked down, god forbid you plop down there. in ugubakha, perm territory, the repair of the bridge over kosva was completed in november, during the work they allowed reverse traffic, that is, they did not completely block it, in each direction the repair was phased, without a bridge, for example, a local city-forming chemical enterprise. to date , the list of major repairs of artificial structures includes 61 objects out of 300 located in the pern region. in total, this year, under the national project for safe, high-quality roads , more than 700 bridges and overpasses will be repaired, reconstructed or built, with a total length of about 60 km. evgeny pelyakov, nadezhda zypkina,
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channel one. good morning to everyone who has already woken up. listen to sports nutritionist alina luchagina, she will now offer her a healthy breakfast option, and even more than one. freshly squeezed fruit juice on an empty stomach is fashionable today, but i advise you to give up this habit. a drink drunk on an empty stomach can provoke a burn, as well as a rapid jump in blood sugar levels... therefore , it is better to serve juice after breakfast, and to stimulate metabolism, on an empty stomach we drink a glass of warm water, after 15 minutes we prepare breakfast, but from cereals it is better to avoid fast food, fast food and fried foods, they do not bring any benefits, but
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what to choose, i suggest to your taste: cottage cheese, i... sandwiches with baked meat or lightly salted fish. if you want porridge, then prepare it from whole grains, for example, buckwheat, but not fried. and green, it is rich in vitamins and microelements, vegetables are also good, fresh, stewed or pickled - this is a source of fiber that improves digestion, after breakfast you can treat yourself to dessert, it is better to finally drink our natural juice, this way we will not cause sudden spikes in insulin , we also drink coffee. after eating, but remember that the drink removes fluid from the body, so we compensate for each cup with a glass of water,
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enjoy your breakfast, now about health, more precisely about medications, but everyone remembers that they must be taken strictly as prescribed by the doctor, that’s what you need to read the instructions, many people forget, well, they probably think, that if the doctor prescribed it, then you shouldn’t read the instructions, by the way, this is very important, before meals, after meals, drink it with water or under the tongue. otherwise, the pill may simply not work, but may even cause harm. medical statistics: in 20% of cases, medications do not have the desired effect effect because we take them incorrectly. five mistakes: first: we swallow something that is intended for chewing or under the tongue. look, this is what the path of the tablet looks like, which we simply washed down with water. it passes through the mouth, enters the esophagus, then enters the stomach and is absorbed in the small intestine. it is actively distributed throughout the body, and you can shorten its path through saliva directly into the bloodstream. take those tablets under the tongue that should act as
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quickly as possible within 3-5 minutes. second mistake, we violate the reception time. yes, all these before meals, in the time and after matter. for example, frequently used anti-inflammatory or more quenching medications, antipyretics on an empty stomach, if taken on an empty stomach, they can cause... a feeling of discomfort, the same acetylsalicylic acid, ate and only after half an hour it can be taken. there are medications that are taken with meals, for example, those that help digestion or, for example, vitamins. this is half an hour before meals. antihistamines, osteoporosis drugs and thyroid hormones are usually prescribed to prevent them. absorption in the stomach, it is necessary in the intestines, so more of the active substance will enter the bloodstream. do you know why? the tablets often seem to be glazed so as not to linger where they shouldn’t. the film coating is enteric-soluble, it allows the tablet or capsule to reach the intestines, where it
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dissolves and begins to exert its therapeutic effect. the third mistake when taking medications is combining incompatible things. for example, you cannot take many medications with milk, because calcium, which is part of milk, is may bind to the drug and form. with sweat, saliva and even breathing. fifth mistake, we skip the move. it is forbidden. the next step is to think, oh, i forgot to take
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a tablet or capsule on time, i’ll take two, this can lead to an overdose and the development of side effects. doctors repeat that if we are undergoing treatment, then it should be done responsibly, and the clues are usually in the instructions for the drug. dmitry roshkov, anton remenny and yulia bykova, channel one. office to the workshop, this is already becoming a trend, more and more people are leaving white collar jobs for blue, as they say now, this is understandable, they pay well, and many are simply interested in doing something with their own hands, and not asking for hours in a boring office, but friends, there are some nuances here, of course, where without them. anton krivelev moved from the office to the workshop 2 years ago; what i do with my own hands warms my soul, the fact that all this can be needed and is really needed in life. everyone will find for themselves where to use this product. in addition, the salary is higher, he works at the izhevsk plastics plant, there are dozens of people like him here. we were engaged, for example, in the same
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engineering and technical work, which involved, for example, building mutual relationships in a team that had people subordinate to them, now they are ready to consider working at a factory, namely to become a worker, to learn how to work here with us, then there is to become a performer, for example, and not a leader. according to surveys, 45. office workers are ready to change their type of activity in favor of production; in fact, this situation is not in all regions, in moscow and the region, for example, otherwise, production is competition, trade, sales. some kind of services, services and sales - this is always in demand as well as promotion. for some, it’s easier to become couriers or taxi drivers, without changing their qualifications or learning again, and the production facilities themselves are not always ready for global training of new personnel. many factories, regional ones, are willing to pay from 150,000 rubles. but they do not agree with applicants, with office workers, that their competencies are not the same, that is, they do not correspond to what
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production requires. and you. in this case there is an intra-industry migration of specialists who are ready to be lured away with higher salaries. there are also stories like this: sergei studied to be a welder, but went to work in the office with an assistant designer. as part of my job , i often went to the workshop, talked with the guys, they talked a lot, it was interesting, there was a lot of equipment, technology, so somehow a very strong interest appeared, how to also participate, create something with my own hands.
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pumping stations, eliminates accidents on wages also won, the trend is this: wages for blue collar workers are really is growing, but at the same time there is still a shortage of personnel; they are more often looking for highly specialized specialists, and to become one, you need to spend time and effort. elizaveta nikishova, denis ponomarev, ksenia maklyak, elena savina, channel one. hello, the news is live in the studio sergei tugushev. the scale of floods in the orenburg region is growing; the elshanka river has overflowed its banks. several more settlements may be in the flood zone. despite the fact that more than 10,000 houses and about 18,500 plots have already been flooded in the region. the most difficult situation in orsk. the water level there has long exceeded the critical level, but authorities say the peak of the flood is still ahead. schoolchildren have been transferred to distance
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learning as of today. many educational institutions are equipped as temporary accommodation centers, housing more than a thousand people. the evacuation continues, rescuers are visiting every house. the day before , the second group to reinforce the spas center detachment arrived in the region; this is another 50 people who are already involved in eliminating the consequences of the natural disaster. meanwhile, in a number of other regions, the leash the decline began, as in the altai territory, rescuers erected almost two dozen temporary dumps there and pumped out the water. there is no risk of repeated flooding for estate plots; the situation in the samara region is improving; about a thousand households have already been drained. the flood has almost disappeared in the chelyabinsk region, but emergency situations ministry employees continue to provide assistance. the latest data on the progress of the special operation, russian pilots attacked the command post of the ukrainian armed forces in the southern donetsk direction. the crew of the su-34 attacked the enemy with aerial bombs with universal modules
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planning and correction. this made it possible to complete a combat mission without entering the destruction zone of enemy air defense systems. under the fire, our artillerymen destroyed the armored vehicles and dugouts of the militants. they were discovered using a copter. then the coordinates were transferred to the crew of the fagod portable anti-tank missile system, and it delivered an accurate strike. these fighters hit targets at a distance of up to 5 km due to previously prepared shelters. based on reconnaissance, we move to a certain place. we create a disguise and are already waiting, when this or that column goes, it is armored vehicles, not armored vehicles, there may be an ambush specifically on the dugouts, if, for example, the enemy personnel left this dugout and returns there, an ambush is set up in the bag so that he returns there to inflict defeat of the enemy, our artillerymen effectively worked in
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the area bordering the belgorod region on the territory of ukraine. there, the crew of the rszzo grad destroyed, along with its ammunition, the enemy vampire multiple rocket launcher system, which was fired upon russian settlements. for this, the crew of our combat vehicle received awards, medals for bravery, for bravery and two st. george crosses of the fourth degree. the ceremony was held in the field, not far from the line of combat contact. in russia, mobile offices for processing and issuing electronic certificates for combat veterans have begun operating. the project was launched by the ministry of defense, it is essentially a bank card in a chip, which duplicates the data of a regular paper id, first of all, military personnel can receive them, those working on the front line, as well as...
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anything can happen, but plastic is not afraid of water, well, as they say, or dirt. the shelling of the zaporozhye nuclear power plant by ukrainian armed forces is an act of nuclear terrorism by the kiev regime, and the world community is obliged to respond to it. the official representative of the russian foreign ministry, maria zakharova, wrote about this in her telegram channel. she wondered: are the leaders of the united states, france and germany aware of this? is that their charges at the bank can there is nothing left from living nature to the protectors who consider themselves the heads of western states. on sunday, the bsu staged a series of attacks on the zaporozhye nuclear power plant. first, they shelled the area with artillery,
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after which they launched several drones. three station employees were injured. one of the drones fell on the dome of the sixth power unit. it did not cause critical damage. russian foreign minister sergei. arrived in china on a two-day official visit, the head of the ministry's plane landed at beijing airport. in the capital of the people's republic of china, at the minister's negotiations with a chinese colleague are planned. reportedly, among other things , he will discuss the situation in ukraine in the asia-pacific region. requests for bilateral cooperation and interaction in the international arena. the strategic missile forces completed exercises with the irkutsk formation. units equipped with yarsvoi complexes.
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that's all for now, stay with us, the program will continue to air on channel one, good morning. statistics, which, as ilf and petrov said, know everything, declare, in one year the inhabitants of planet earth eat about 100 billion bananas. imagine, they counted right in pieces, but maybe they were wrong by a couple, it doesn’t matter, we eat a lot, a lot of bananas, well , yes, it’s true, bananas have long ceased to be exotic, the stores are full of them, all year round, right now. we’ll find out where bananas grow, which varieties are the sweetest, which ones taste like potatoes, and prepare them accordingly; we’ll also find out whether it’s possible to eat speckled bananas with longitudinal ribs and a bright aroma, i ’ve tired myself with these questions, i’m waiting answers, yellow sweet ones, of course, where
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they grow in africa, on a palm tree, of course, that’s them, bananas, yellow sweet varieties of covendish, which occupy almost all the shelves in our country, are resistant to diseases, easily tolerated. ripens well in boxes, but does not grow on palm trees. of course, no, this is not a palm tree, this is an ordinary grass, herbaceous plants, a fruit, a berry, wow, grass, 10 m tall, and the clusters of berries are weighty, they are not only yellow, other more exotic varieties have red, black fruits and even blue, but inside they all have the same light pulp, and similar beneficial properties. bananas are like an energy drink. that is, they contain mainly carbohydrates, relatively few vitamins, and bananas contain quite a lot of potassium. in mini-bananas, the concentration of sugars is higher, so they are sweeter, but the fruits of the plantain variety have a lot of starch, reminiscent of vegetables, they
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even need to be peeled like potatoes and must be heat-treated. peruvian chef ronaldo deep fries. it turns out crispy on top, soft inside. from regular bananas. you can’t cook such a dish, it’s too soft for side dishes for snacks you need hard and starchy plantains, baking is another matter for pies, cookies, muffins, the sweeter the better, here attention is to the peel. brown spots appear due to the fact that the fruit is already ripe, that is, it’s not scary if there are some brown spots on it, you won’t eat them anyway and they don’t affect the quality of the banana in any way. the longitudinal ribs of the fruit are still ripe, and for... april 8 , monday in the studio. zemena and roman budnikov, yes, april 8, monday on
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the calendar, on the city streets after a long winter electric scooters are starting to come back, yeah, in the capital you can rent them since the week before last, in my opinion, they’re in those, you know, racks near the metro, you don’t have to stand in traffic jams, you rush with the breeze, it’s very convenient, if something happens you can just leave it where you want to go to the store or even go down to the metro, no, by the way, about where you want, you’re getting excited now, because yes, you need to park a scooter according to the rules, on the roadway, in the middle of the sidewalk, electric scooters are parked as they please, a pedestrian is disturbed , especially with children, when you go, here this is how those who ride leave it, namely, although the rental conditions clearly indicate that the trip should only be completed in the parking lot, and at the same time, representatives of kick-sharing assure that the scooter should not disturb anyone, it is impossible to leave the scooter anywhere, that is, now we are driving along on the street and just walk out of it and park it... the system simply won’t allow you, let’s check
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that you’re really not in the parking lot yet, and if the parking is in sight, its radius of action is about 10 m, sometimes more, depending on the geolocation error, i finish, yes, i could, at the same time, this is still a violation of the rules, it is important that the responsibility lies with the users, first they will simply warn you, park at random, you will be fined again, the first time is 500 rubles, if the violations continue, then the next fine will be... 1.0 rubles. if we see that the fines do not work, we block such accounts. the scooter i abandoned like that was removed from the road 10 minutes later by a kick-sharing employee, a rebalancer. i constantly ride around the area, see if the scooter is in the parking lot, somewhere in the distance, if i see something like that, i just take it and i take you to the parking lot. there are about a thousand such parking attendants in moscow, and there are 60 times more rental electric scooters. there is a traffic management situation center. a separate group monitors scooters and their parking exclusively,
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which we see, our system has determined that the parking lot is overloaded almost twice, and from the layouts we see the overload and an application has been sent to rental operators. over the past year , about 9,500 such violations were identified. half an hour is given to operator technicians to get to the place, plus another half hour for the actual putting things in order. in most cases , the problem is resolved, but if not, scooters, like cars, can be towed. since last year, we began working to pick up scooters at specialized impound lots of the state defense committee of the moscow region. it is in the interests of kick-sharing companies not to allow such situations, so if those who are used to parking scooters illegally have not yet been fined, it is only a matter of time. natalya kovaleva, denis ponomarev, stanislav khizhnyakov, konstantin struchkov, anzhelika pankratyeva. first channel. and now, dear women, pay attention, let’s not look away from the screens, because we will talk about beauty. it's spring, you need to match, of course, makeup artist safi kovalenko advises
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to do a little magic with foundation, okay, let's do some magic, complexion depends on the time of year, one way or another, in the summer we all sunbathe, and after winter we look overly pale, even me, that means you need to adjust the color of your foundation, otherwise your makeup... will look inharmonious, highlight or somehow change the shade, as a makeup artist i prefer adjusters are colored liquid pigments for decorative cosmetics, including foundation and concealer. let's check how it works. in the spring i add a little bit of white adjuster to my foundation, literally the size of a match head, see how the tone brightens? i'll also add some blue pigment to create it. undertone. look, i treated one half of my face
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with foundation without additives. and on the second half i apply a mixture of foundation and adjusters. this option is ideal for me. if you don't have these pigments, don't problem. now let's figure out what else can be used. hello yana, please have a seat. our model has light skin. let's apply your usual foundation to half of your face. now it is too light for you and makes your face look pale. add a little liquid bronzer to the tone and cover the second half of the face. this is the perfect tone for your color. and one more trick. for those who sit all day long. at the computer and does not see sunlight,
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a pink makeup base will help to refresh the earthy complexion, apply it before the foundation, there is no pink base, a tricky trick, add a little pink lipstick or liquid blush to the tone, and of course, bright makeup is popular in spring, yana, you look great, i wish everyone a sunny mood, now about money, more precisely about plastic money, we have been for a long time they are used to paying very often... by card, scammers have also adapted, they have learned to steal money from us from these cards, and even if, and if you dig deeper, it turns out that most of these crashes are carried out by no means, they are not some super hackers , and the most banal scammers, we ourselves just help them steal our money, we’ve been using bank cards for more than 30 years, it seems we’ve already learned
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that you can’t reveal a three-digit pin code, but the statistics are not encouraging, last year scammers stole more from russians... sometimes they forget on the tables, sometimes they forget wallets and phones and cards in toilets. this is one of the most popular ways to reveal card details, give the second one into the wrong hands when paying, and put the third one nearby, but in a visible place, fraudsters can take a photo of it. it seems that without the code on the reverse side plastic is useless, but banks recommend not to show even the card number again, this is not a set of random numbers, the first six encrypt the name of the bank and payment system.
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transfer to the card to contact the holder, and the more information it displays, the more options there are for plausible fraudulent legends. known card number, name and issue date, some online services can already process the purchase. for the same reason, the card should not be photographed and sent in chats or stored on the phone. messenger can be hacked, your phone can forget or lose. linking a card on the internet is, in theory, safe if you have an official browser in the address bar of the site. but still, for the internet it is better to use only one card and connect the 3d secure function to it, this is when for payment you need not only a three-digit code, but also an sms from the bank. if a person is attentive and careful
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, he compares the online store where he pays for it and reads this confirmation message, where the point of sale is indicated. if they do not match without entering the code, the operation fails will be accomplished. it’s even better to have two different accounts in the bank, one main one, where money is stored, the second expense account with a bank card, at any time you can transfer a specific amount to yourself for purchase. you can also link a credit card to sites, but here it is better to set a limit on the amount of purchases and the number of purchases. remember, you are the card holder, and it is your responsibility to keep its data secret; the bank will return the stolen money only if there is a leak. happened through his fault. natalya leonova, dmitry likhachev, konstantin leonov, first channel. you know what happens: i bought tickets to a theater or a concert? but plans have changed and it’s not possible to go. and it happens that the organizers of the event themselves cancel. yes, yes, how to return money for already purchased tickets to a concert or performance. alena korolkova will tell you everything now. how to get a refund for
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a ticket to a concert or performance? it all depends on the reasons for the return. if the organizer cancels the event, the full cost of the ticket will be refunded within 10 days. and in the event of a transfer, it is important that an appointment is made within the next 6 months new date. if this does not happen, then the event is considered cancelled, the return period in this case is up to 180 days. if the viewer simply changes his mind about going to the event, he can also receive money for the ticket, but exactly how much depends on when he applies. 10 days before the event, according to the rules, 100% of the ticket price will be returned, 5 days - 50%, 3 days - 30%. and if you apply in less than 3 days. you may not get anything. if the viewer has a valid reason - illness or death of a relative, this can be confirmed by appropriate certificates the ticket price will be refunded in full regardless of the date of application. to receive money, you need to follow three simple steps. contact the box office where you purchased your ticket directly. if the purchase was made online,
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the return must be processed on the website. as a rule, there is a special form for this. if the box office refuses, please contact us directly. to the organizer of the event, he is always indicated on the ticket and it is he who must return the money. this can be done in person, by registered mail or through a special form on the website organizer when applying in person. or by mail you need to attach a copy of your passport, original ticket or printed electronic ticket, payment receipt and bank card details for a refund. and if the organizer never returned the money to you, then you are left with an appeal to rospotrebnadzor or legal proceedings. alena korolkova, channel one. bruna kahl, head of the german federal intelligence service. we did not stop working on issues related to russia. the day of the start of a special military operation, fate found kal. in kiev, he flew to begin military operations, there was a game of being ahead of the curve, this is the frame that was created by
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three groups of countries: canada, great britain and the usa, he was noticed in corruption scandals, the hook on which he hangs perfectly appears. bruno kahl learned a lot from volgo schäubli, precisely as his patron. war is always a battle of propaganda, this is nothing new, we just need to be more decisive and take the lead. isn't he leading his own?
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on the first: imagine, you need to tame trousers, for example, i won’t tame them, for those who know how to sew, of course, this is a couple of steps, but
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for those who don’t know how, this is a whole adventure, but if the trousers are jeans, and you need to hem them for a child who is growing like in fairy tales, don’t lift them up, but by the clock, everything becomes a little more complicated, sewing expert milana vasilyeva will help you solve this puzzle, you bought jeans for your son or daughter, now they are too long, they need to be hemmed, but... after 5-6 months the teenager will disappear, and then why buy new ones again? no, i'll show you how you can shorten jeans without trimming excess fabric. lay it out on the table, set aside as many centimeters from the seam as you need to shorten the trousers, draw with laziness. now we take a needle with a strong thread and make these stitches all over the trouser leg. we don’t pull the thread too much, but now we pull it by the edge and a miracle happens, the jeans are shortened. and in such a way that the factory seam is preserved, we iron them, it looks perfect, and after
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a few months, when the child stretches out again, and children grow very quickly, you simply remove this hidden seam and jeans miraculously increase in length, look, there are no traces of hemming, the fabric together with the hem is easy to iron, in my opinion this is a very cool way, do not trim... excess fabric, tuck temporarily. a lucky t-shirt, favorite sneakers, championship belt, things that belonged to sports stars become a collector's dream. people of all ages are engaged in collecting, regardless of their type of activity, and essentially anything can become a collectible. hunting for items related to professional the sport is played by collectors all over the world. their sale at auctions has long become a real business, generating substantial
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income. so, at the end of last year, a collection of six striker t-shirts. year, which went down in history as thriller in manila. the fight with the participation of two americans lasted 14 out of fifteen rounds. before the final, frazier's coach did not let his ward into the ring due to poor condition, and ali won by technical knockout, earning the nickname of the greatest. the authenticity of the equipment is beyond doubt satin white shorts with black elastic stripes became iconic, just like everything ali touched. the shorts have
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the autograph of the boxer and his second in that fight, drew brown. the relic was first discovered in brown's home after his death and sold at auction in 1988 for just $1.00. the shorts subsequently changed hands several times, most recently selling for $150,000 12 years ago. according to forecasts, they will now cost 40 times more. the lot will close on april 12, by the way, the most famous jim irsay, the owner of the indianapolis colts national football league team, is a collector of items from the famed athlete. he already has it. boxers in which ali fought in monila, a robes, as well as a championship belt purchased in 2022 for $6,180,000. by the way, the world record for sports collectibles is held, don’t be surprised, by a 1952 card depicting baseball player mickey mantle; an anonymous auction participant paid 12,600 thousand dollars for it. look today at
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channel one continuation of the multi-part undercover taxi detective. both the taxi and the driver are, frankly, unusual, driven by lieutenant alexey turbin, an operative who always finds himself in the thick of things, as they say, at the right time, in the right place. what if you forgot something, what if you missed something, maybe you got confused in the plot, don’t worry, we ’ll remind you of everything. again, are you following me, i ’m not, this is some kind of unreal coincidence. coincidence or not, alexey turbin is an undercover operative. always turns out to be in the right place at the right time, everything is accidental and not by chance, this is, let’s say, just a top ten, this phrase is a top ten of this plot, he finds intruders in the top ten turbines in each episode, and what’s more, he’s also the first to be at the crime scene , as thanks to my partner, this car, this is the main character, although she is
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a beautiful yellow beast, she still has to blend in with... the crowd, so with the crowd of cars, i mean, for us it seems like an ordinary car , but why did i call her the main one a heroine, because on the roads she is capable of doing powerful things, criminals don’t seem to notice an ordinary taxi driver, they get into the car, just to take him away faster and he takes me straight to the police station, a week ago you drove me in this nadumskaya car, take me to hang out where the people are, these coincidences irritate his colleagues from the criminal investigation department, the best policeman in st. petersburg - vosecki. has been looking askance at the young lieutenant for a long time, this gentleman, with such a face, ready to interrogate and split absolutely anyone he wants did you like the turbines? you are minding your own business turbines, what’s wrong with you, vosetsky is conducting a big investigation, and turbin’s name keeps popping up in the case, but is this the only reason for his anger, the turbine is having an affair with
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vosetsky’s subordinate inna, no one should be in management know that... we’re dating, i think i’ve already talked about this, i hope you ’re not ashamed of me, i won’t blame you, turbines, when people have their own secret, they often, say, it’s passion, it doesn’t matter when the secret is passion, personal life turbine interests him neighbor, aunt tanya, oh, and i see the second car is parked at the gate, i thought who came on business, but it seems like you have a woman, but a woman can’t come on business? maybe, of course, well, aunt tanya, excuse me, of course, this is classic aunt tanya, classic pies, stick your nose in.
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urged to evacuate. the situation in the orenburg region is getting worse; several more villages may be in the flood zone. the elshanka river has now overflowed its banks. despite the fact that more than 10,000
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houses and about 18,500 plots have already been flooded in the region. most the situation in orsk is difficult, the water level there has long exceeded the critical level, but the authorities say the peak of the flood is still ahead. schoolchildren have been transferred to distance learning as of today. many educational institutions are equipped. from temporary accommodation centers, there are more than a thousand people in them, the evacuation continues, rescuers are visiting every house in the region, the day before the second group of reinforcements from the spas center arrived. meanwhile, in the altai territory, samara and chelyabinsk regions , the flood began to recede, but emergency situations ministry employees continue to help people. now , special operations units of the russian airborne forces have stormed a stronghold of ukrainian formations on the outskirts of the village of chasovya. this is the artyomovsk direction. after a massive attack by aviation and artillery, which suppressed the main enemy forces, the infantry was used. the paratroopers approached the enemy dugouts in armored vehicles from several directions
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and quickly took possession of the positions. another ukrainian stronghold was destroyed in the donetsk direction - this is the result of the coordinated work of tank crews and drum operators drones. the enemy suffered significant losses. we are moving west from avdeevka. we passed the thin northern one, we press the enemy through fields and forest belts, we work closely every day, the enemy retreats, but snaps back, so fpv drones and comedians are often used against us, we solve this problem with help. new examples of determination and high professionalism of our fighters. guard private viktor titorenko destroyed three enemy troops from an artillery gun. the enemy's advance towards our positions was stopped. guard private daniel semyonov was able to quickly restore our car from a reactive battery. thanks to this
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, the crew took a firing position and destroyed two fortified strongholds of the ukrainian armed forces, as well as an entire enemy squad. ukrainian youth are saving money to pay off military registration and enlistment office employees when they try to serve a summons. an article about this. he was a teenager, he was caught on the street at gunpoint, pushed into a minibus as soon as they found out about his age, dropped off right on the highway, threatening him with violence if he told about incident. exactly 80 years ago, on april 8, forty
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-four, the crimean strategic offensive operation began, its result was the complete liberation of the crimean peninsula from the nazi invaders. on may 12 , forty of them at cape khersanes were completely defeated and taken. the remnants of the entire 200,000-strong nazi group were captured, and sevastopol was liberated. the battle for it lasted 28 days, despite the fact that the rest of crimea was liberated in a week. on the anniversary of those events, the russian ministry of defense launched on its website historical and educational project the victorious breath of the crimean spring of forty-four. these are dozens of unique documents, photographs, maps, facts of nazi atrocities in archival materials, as well as examples of personal and mass heroism of our soldiers. for example,
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they shot back to the last bullet. the romanians took them prisoner, but our scouts did not say a word, and even under torture they broke their arms and legs. after brutal torture, the scouts were shot on the outskirts of the village. later, all nine were awarded the title of heroes of the soviet union. and in total the highest award for 238 of our military personnel were honored in sevastopol. 160 military units, formations, ships. were named in honor of the liberated crimean cities. boeing once again caused considerable anxiety among passengers during a flight to the united states. shortly after takeoff from denver airport , the casing of one of the engines of the 737-800 aircraft came off, and debris struck and closed. this was filmed by one of the eyewitnesses who were in the cabin. there were 135 passengers and six crew members on board at the time. the aircraft commander made a decision.
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april 8, the eighth day of the second spring month, friends, let's wake up quickly, don't pass by spring, we need to recharge ourselves with a great mood, well, they talk about the spring blues, yes, it exists, but we won't take it, we'll chase it, walk, walk and walk again, in the middle of spring this is what you want most of all, a dozen specialists will say how useful it is... to be in
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the april sun, but there are no less useful and important things, for example, spring cleaning, for evgenia it starts with windows and necessarily with changing curtains, winter ones for washing, spring ones for corniz. this is spring, of course, the mood is cloudy, light, fresh, it was such a long, difficult winter that you want to wear such a delicate veil. have you noticed that cleanliness improves your mood, so if you are a car owner, go to the car wash immediately, otherwise you know what happens all winter. we accumulate dirt, and then we are surprised that the body rots. we had such a case, a man arrived immediately after washing, we found very large, so to speak, holes in him, which had already begun to decompose the body. it's all from the reagents, they eat into the paintwork and cannot be washed off by rain; a car scrub will do the job, a service like that at a car wash. the body is being cleaned with a special mitten and clay, just water, this composition will not be removed. after which we preserve, so to speak, the body with a certain composition called quartz coating. what else needs to be protected?
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that's right, eyes from the sun, we put on last year's glasses, but they are too big, no reason to throw them away. first, you should check the screws, if you need to tighten them with a small screwdriver, if the glasses continue to fall off nose, it means the plastic is deformed. the frames changed shape if the glasses were stored in a warm place, for example, next to a radiator, but everything is fixable. in optical salons, the plastic will be heated with a hairdryer and pressed to your size. and one more thing is a must. check the lenses, even micro-scratches allow ultraviolet light to pass through, if you are not satisfied with the quality of the lens, it is scratched, there may be a small chip, then it’s nothing complicated, the lens can be replaced, you can make a lens with a gradient and can replace it with some other color, spring is the time for experiments with color, the soul asks for this a green coat and a pink jacket to boot, but what a blow to the wallet, we take out scarves from the mezzanine, or buy, if you want new things, you know what we have now... 143 ways to tie
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scarves, the first method, this is how my mother wore it, like katerina, tikhomirova from moscow doesn’t believe in tears, we became lighter, more relaxed, we just hid the scarf a little under the collar, straightened it a little like this over the shoulder, we got a little bit of a sailor look, it’s even better when we let it out triangle forward, we get a little scarf effect, warm and functional, alyonushka, we call this image. well, when we tie it like this, and if we do, then it immediately turns out a little french, alyonushka stylist svetlana dubrovskaya recommends that in the spring you have time to walk all the beauty that you have in your wardrobe and already start making a list of new looks and things to do in the meantime. ksenia ionkina, dmitry gordienko, mikhail karasev, vladimir repin and alexey nikazakov channel one.
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good morning, this exercise is called strength output, i can do it 15 times. the movement is not for beginners, you need strong muscles of the back, arms and abs, we’ll show you. we go into a plank position with bent arms, elbows clearly under the shoulders, we don’t press our head into our shoulders, on the contrary, we stretch our neck, buttocks, back and abs are tense, we press our palms into fists, while exhaling we raise our right hand, as if we are hitting an invisible enemy, we return to the starting position , take turns changing the position of the hands. the exercise will help strengthen the muscles of the whole body, especially the arms, abs, back, at this rate you will be able to exercise on the horizontal bar, let’s continue, this is my friend alyosha,
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just recently his arm was completely paralyzed and didn’t work, but now, and now i can move it in different ways, and the kids at school love it. like this, of course, now in all directions, a unique development of russian scientists, exoskeletons, and not only in the program to live healthy, today on the first, veda vodka, lar group product, old barrel cognac, steller group product,
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the bodmaev family leaves the first cup of kalmyt tea in front of a buddha figurine. this is an offering to the ancestors. every buddhist family has such a corner with a figurine. for example, the little buddi of the badmaevs is approximately 120 years old. the figurine is passed from father to eldest son. it was brought from distant tibet. the life of buddhists in kalmyk has interesting, even unusual traditions. one year is added to a person's age at once. after birth, all things are planned according to the calendar, where good days and not so good days are scheduled, you see, the icon is yellow, there are scissors at the bottom, and you can get a haircut, and you will have good luck. with a stroke, you remove all the negativity that you have accumulated. you can remove the negative in the main
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buddhist temple of ilista, in kalmyt khurul, we don’t rush to go inside, first the prayer wheels, we go around the khurula clockwise and...
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i need to tolerate someone, it turns out that the buddhist will thank the noisy neighbors above, and this philosophy here is close not only to the kalmyks, but also to other peoples of the republic . tatyana azaeva professes buddhism, her friend tatyana poberey is orthodox, but also visits khurul. there were such moments, it was hard, somehow bad, i wanted to retire somewhere, there were a lot of russians, just as it should be, we know all the customs, we never let's go to the kurul, if we don't go around all these drums, we won't spin the prayers. and the kolmyks , in turn, bathe in the ice hole for baptism and celebrate easter with the orthodox. we bake easter cakes, paint eggs, we ate these painted eggs, they seemed so tasty. and then together maslenitsa and kalmyt tsigansar and muslim navroz are more fun, there is only one reason, spring has come. yuri nesterov, dmitry
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parfenov, alexander ignatov, natalya kaldaeva, channel one. on the calendar april 8, on this day only in 1912 the premiere of the first animated film. animation, well, now according to the horoscope. april 8, the twenty -ninth lunar day meets the first, the twentieth day of the sun, very powerful, although a little impulsive, but energetic, hardy, tireless, and he has a bright head, he will add determination and confidence to us, give us bright ideas, this day is very good for bosses and in general for everyone who needs to captivate other people and motivate them to do something, inspiration comes to him, the minuses are the same... where are the pluses, he is self-confident, likes to command, sometimes gets busy projectism, on such days we are let down by
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a sense of proportion, we consider our opinion to be the only correct one, and react nervously when others do not agree with it. aries, keep this in mind when you have to discuss something with colleagues or business partners. the rest of the day is very good, and if you don’t burden yourself with everything and let someone else steer a little, everything will generally be fine, and in the evening go to bed early, for taurus everything should be. it will work out, the main thing to remember is that accuracy and discipline are very important today, you can’t be late, let someone down, cheat even over small things, well, you get the idea, and don’t get carried away with alcohol. a dual day for the twins, in the business sphere everything will go with a bang, including work that requires a lot of physical effort, but on the personal front not everything is going smoothly, disputes with family, problems with neighbors, mutual reproaches are possible, however, by the evening everything should get better. cancers will have the opportunity to separate. debts, fulfill some obligations, repay someone good for good. good ones may come later in the evening
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news, and today you risk falling in love. something romantic shines for the lions; today they are very attractive, and lionesses are generally irresistible. there will be a chance to find a non-standard solution to some problem, but be careful here. remember what the stars said about a sense of proportion and don’t let anything happen to you. it’s not a bad day for the girls, however, they won’t be able to relax, they might even have to. burden yourself with someone else’s work, but it will add points to you and is not bad for strengthening your authority, but be more careful while driving. some kind of light is shining on libra chores at work and, perhaps, at home, relatives may be burdened with something, unplanned expenses are possible, but not ruinous, the evening is clearly going to entertain you with something. this day will help scorpios to express themselves and, as they say, open up. there will be a chance to excel at work, just calm down, something or someone may piss you off. you don’t need quarrels at all, and the evening will help you forget about business, perhaps in good company. the luminary
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hints to sagittarius: believing all sorts of gossip is the last thing, especially if they are gossiping about your good friends. otherwise, the day is quite successful, including for your career, and money is coming to you. capricorns today are charming, eloquent, know how to approach people and, of course, will be able to take advantage of this. just be careful, don’t get too caught up in these games, don’t outsmart yourself, and be careful. aquarius has a productive day with technology, though he’s a little hot-tempered, so don’t let your mood guide you and don’t rush, if you rush, you’ll make people laugh, as for money, your motto, accounting control, pisces, you may have to unravel something, understand something, maybe correct someone’s mistakes, you need to work very carefully with documents today, especially if they relate to housing, feel free to make a date for the evening, good luck to you, food, vacuum cleaner, yeah, that’s it, a miracle gadget, a housewife's dream, sealed the food in vacuum packaging, cheers
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, it sits quietly in the refrigerator, it doesn’t spoil, yes, it’s very convenient, unfortunately, not all of them, firstly, these devices are equally convenient, and secondly, they are equally effective, how to choose the best one, what to look for when choosing, let the experienced ones find out way, a vacuum sealer used to be an expensive production device, today it is an ordinary household appliance for the home, the main design element is the same, a vacuum... a membrane pump, to put it very simply, it can be compared to a syringe, the action of the pump begins with the membrane moving down from chamber, thus the volume of the chamber increases, the pressure in it decreases, the so -called vacuum occurs, the air that we need to pump out directly from the bag, due to the pressure difference, it begins to flow inside the chamber. why is it needed at all? vacuum to protect the product from interaction with water vapor and oxidation by oxygen from
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the air. oxygen is a source of nutrition for many microorganisms. thus, by removing air from there, we can increase its shelf life by seven to ten times. true, temperature is important; those products that are supposed to be stored in the refrigerator are stored there. there are bacteria, some in the air. there are bacteria and there are enzymes that are found. in the products themselves, we cannot extend the shelf life of any product indefinitely, that is, we we slow down the action of these microorganisms, it’s like with any chemical reaction. also mushrooms, various soft cheeses, such as brie, there are a number of products that are not recommended to be vacuum-sealed, such products include blue cheese, as well as garlic and onions. the main distinguishing feature of these products is the presence of anaerobic bacteria in their composition. anaerobic means oxygen-free;
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it is not needed for their reproduction. colonies of anaerobes, even in a vacuum, emit gas and destroy the product. you can vacuum it, but short. term the same blue cheese so that the refrigerator does not smell. the more expensive the packer, the more bells and whistles there are. in larger copies, they naturally come out more expensive, they immediately have space for bags or sleeves for sealing, here they will need to be stored separately, bags or sleeves. but you don’t have to look at the power, the speed of air pumping depends on it; at home, when sealing a small bag, the difference between weak and powerful will be in seconds. izdub. functions in expensive models - working with soft products, manually pumping out air so that the berries do not flatten the baked goods, but this is according to needs, as is the length of the sealing bar. ruslan yunyaev, nikita kulakov, anatoly barikalov, dmitry gardienko, channel one. right now we invite you to meet one of the best street vendors in the indian state of kirala, this is rajitana. the man
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is shredding potatoes into boiling oil on a grater so quickly for chips that you just can’t take your eyes off him, yes. yes, you must admit, it’s so tempting to try at least one small slice of this obviously natural, but completely unhealthy delicacy. bridges connect the banks, make paths shorter, bring us closer to each other, in general, there are more good and different bridges. there are actually more of them, thanks to the national project for safe and high-quality roads. residents of the village of rapushkalice in korelia now travel to school or the nearest hospital using a temporary ferry. the old bridge over the upper sedexa, built in the seventies, was dismantled. there were destructions of the supporting structure of the beams; the supports were, strictly speaking, in disrepair. new the bridge has been under construction since may last year; the foundation, manual structure, and waterproofing have already been done. now the foundation is being filled with sand, that is, we will fill the arch up to the design level of the road. the length of the new bridge
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is 39 m; it should be completed in june with a bonus for pedestrians: not a narrow sidewalk, as before, but a wide three-meter sidewalk. difficult. was to pass, but it was already vibrating, because there is a lot of traffic here, there will be lighting, and special noise barriers, so no one will hear passing cars in nearby houses, the traffic flow through the village is quite large, more than 300 cars per day. the olonets petkaranta lepilto road connects the regional centers of the city of olonets, the city of petkaranta, the city of sartovala, the road runs along the coast of lake vadra, this is a tourist destination, there are plans to reconstruct three more bridges. this year in the same region everything is according to the national project for safe, high-quality roads. pskov. the history of the troitsky bridge began in the 14th century; it connects the fifty-thousand-strong zapskovye region with the center. in march 2022 the bridge was closed for reconstruction, opened in december twenty third, they preserved their historical appearance. the bridge has become wider, instead of two there are four lanes,
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making it easier for drivers. previously there were more traffic jams, but now due to the bridge, yes, it has become better. on foot. it’s also more convenient, it takes me 40 minutes to get to work, but it took almost an hour, we went around the pedestrian bridge, raised this thing, this is the most important thing in my opinion, because it was very low, and they walked along this parapet and were afraid that you will wake up, god forbid you will fall down there, in ugubakh , perm territory, repairs to the bridge over kosva completed in november, during the work they allowed reverse traffic, that is, they did not completely block it, in each direction the repairs were phased, without a bridge to... for example, you cannot get to the local city-forming chemical enterprises. to date, the list of major repairs of artificial structures includes 61 objects out of 300 located in the pern region. in total, this year , under the national project for safe, high-quality roads , more than 700 bridges and overpasses will be repaired, reconstructed or built. general length is about 60 km. evgeny polyukov,
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nadezhda zypkina, channel one. now, dear women, attention, let's not look away from the screens, because we will talk about beauty: it's spring, you need to match, of course, makeup artist safiya kovalenko advises to do a little magic with foundation, okay, let's do some magic, complexion depends on the time of year, so or else, in the summer we all sunbathe, and after winter we look overly pale. even i, which means i need to adjust the color of my foundation, otherwise my makeup will look inharmonious. to highlight or change in any way. shade i, as a makeup artist, prefer adjusters; these are colored liquid pigments for decorative cosmetics, including foundation and concealer. let's check how it works. in the spring, i add
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a little bit of white adjuster to my foundation, literally the size of a match head. see how the tone brightens? i'll also add blue pigment to create a neutral undertone. look, i applied foundation to one half of my face. without additives, on the second half i apply a mixture of foundation creams with adjusters, this option is ideal for me, if you don’t have such pigments, no problem, now let’s figure out what else can be used? hello yana, please take a seat, our model has fair skin, let's apply your usual foundation to half of the face. now it is too light for you and makes your face look pale. add a little liquid bronzer to match the tone and cover the second half of the egg.
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this is the perfect tone for your color. and one more trick. for those who sit in the office all day at the computer and do not see sunlight. a pink makeup base will help refresh your earthy complexion. apply... wear it before foundation, there is no pink base, we use a tricky technique, add a little pink lipstick or liquid blush to the tone, and of course, bright makeup is popular in spring, you look great, i wish everyone a sunny mood. statistics, which, as ilf and petrov said, know everything, state that in one year the inhabitants of planet earth eat about 100 billion bananas, imagine, they calculated it right in pieces, but
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maybe they were wrong by a couple, it doesn’t matter, we eat a lot, a lot of bananas, well, yes, it’s true, bananas have long ceased to be exotic, the stores are full of them, all year round, right now we’ll find out where bananas grow, and which varieties are the sweetest, which ones taste like potatoes, yes and prepares them accordingly, i can find out later. pour bananas into spots with longitudinal ribs and a bright aroma, i tired myself with these questions, i’m waiting for answers, yellow sweet ones, well , naturally, where they grow in africa, on a palm tree, of course, these are them, bananas, yellow sweet varieties of the cavendish variety, which occupies us in the country almost all counters, resistant to diseases, easily tolerates transportation, ripens well in boxes, but it doesn’t grow on palm trees, of course not, it’s not a palm tree, it’s an ordinary grass.
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in mini-bananas, the concentration of sugars is higher, so they are sweeter, but the fruits of the plantain variety have a lot of starch, they resemble vegetables, they even need to be peeled like potatoes and must be heat-treated; the chef from peru , ronaldo, deep-fries them. it turns out crispy, on top, soft inside. you cannot prepare such a dish from ordinary bananas; they are too soft. for side dishes for snacks, tough and starchy plantains are what you need. baking is another matter, in pies, cookies, muffins, the sweeter the better, here attention is paid to the peel. brown spots appear due to the fact that the fruit is already ripe,
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that is, it’s not scary if there are some brown spots on it, you won’t eat them anyway and they don’t affect the quality of the banana in any way. even when ripe, the longitudinal ribs are almost invisible, and the smell is clearly pronounced. yulia kozlova, mikhail chetveryakov, vasily yurov, tatyana yus, channel one. we remind you that today is monday, 8 april, right now there is a news release on channel one, stay with us. hello, sergei tugushev is broadcasting news in the studio. the scale of floods in the orenburg region is growing; the elshanka river has overflowed its banks. several more settlements may be in the flood zone, despite the fact that the region is already flooded. today
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they switched to distance learning, many educational institutions are equipped with temporary accommodation sub-pools, there are more than a thousand people in them, the evacuation continues, rescuers are visiting every house, the day before, the second reinforcement group of the spas center detachment arrived in the region, this is another 50 people to the seven hundred who are already involved in eliminating the consequences of the natural disaster. meanwhile, in a number of other regions, the flood began to decline, as in the altai territory, a lifeguard was erected. the flood has almost disappeared in the chelyabinsk region, but emergency situations ministry employees continue to provide assistance to people. russian foreign minister sergei lavrov arrived in china on a two-day official visit. the board of the head of the ministry landed at beijing airport.
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in the capital of the people's republic of china, the minister has plans. negotiations with his chinese counterpart will reportedly, among other things, discuss the situation in ukraine in the asia-pacific region. issues of bilateral cooperation and interaction in the international arena. the latest data on the progress of the special operation: russian pilots attacked the command post of the ukrainian armed forces in the southern donetsk direction. the su-34 crews attacked the enemy with aerial bombs with universal planning and correction modules. this made it possible to complete a combat mission without entering the zone. ours are under fire the artillerymen destroyed the armored vehicles and dugouts of the militants, they were discovered using a copter, then the coordinates were transferred to the crew of the fagot man-portable anti-tank missile system, and it delivered an accurate strike. these fighters hit targets at a distance of up to 5 km from pre-prepared shelters. according to reconnaissance , we move to a certain place, create
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camouflage, and then specifically. we are waiting for this or that column to move, these are armored vehicles, unarmored vehicles, there may be an ambush specifically on the dugouts, if, for example, enemy personnel left this dugout and are returning back there, an ambush is laid for him to return there to defeat the enemy, our artillerymen worked effectively in the area bordering the belgorod region on the territory of ukraine, there the crew of the grad missile system destroyed the enemy along with their ammunition. .. which shelled russian populated areas. for this, the crew of our combat vehicle received medals for bravery, for the active multiple launch rocket system vampire, bravery and two st. george's crosses of the fourth degrees. in russia, mobile offices began to operate, processing and issuing electronic certificates for combat veterans. the project was launched by the ministry of defense. this is essentially a bank card in a chip, which duplicates the data of a regular paper
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id. first of all, they can be received by military personnel working on the front line, as well as those undergoing treatment and rehabilitation in hospitals, and in general such electronic documents will be issued not only to participants of the svo, but also to veterans of previous companies. those who have already received plastic id, they see many advantages. you don’t have to carry a lot with you, no id, no cards, no, well, everything in one is convenient, you can lose your id.
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the report of the leaders of the usa, france and germany is that their wards on the bank may leave nothing of wildlife to the defenders who consider themselves the heads of western states. on sunday, the ukrainian armed forces staged a series of attacks on the zaporozhye nuclear power plant, first shelling the territory with artillery, after which they launched several drones. three station employees were injured. one of the drones fell on the dome of the sixth power unit. the aircraft did not cause critical damage. the head of magathe reacted to this attack. rafael grossi, he called for refraining from any actions that violate the basic principles of protecting nuclear facilities. the strategic missile forces completed exercises with the irkutsk unit. units equipped with yars systems mastered new patrol routes and worked on camouflage and combat security issues. divisions support carried out the withdrawal of special equipment and zones of conditional chemical contamination. the fighters also
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trained to repel attacks. groups, the experience gained during the special operation was taken into account, drones were used to analyze the safety of the route, in total more than 300 fighters , about 300 units, were involved in the maneuvers. that's all for now, stay with us, the first channel will continue to air with the program good morning, from the office to the workshop, this is already becoming a trend, more and more people are leaving white collar jobs for blue ones, as they say now, this is understandable, they pay well, and many are simply interested in doing something with their own hands, and not asking for hours in a boring office, but friends, there are nuances here, of course, where without them, anton krivelev 2 years ago and... moved from the office to the workshop, that i do it with my own hands, warming my soul, that all this can be needed and is really needed in life, everyone will find for themselves where to use these products, besides , the salary is higher, he works at the izhevsk
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plastic plant, there are dozens of them like him here, they worked , for example, well, the same was engineering work, which were engaged, for example, in building mutual relationships in a team that had people subordinate to them, now they are ready to consider. work at a factory, namely to become a worker, to learn how to infiltrate here with us, that is, to become a performer, for example, and not a manager. according to surveys, 45% of office workers are ready to change their type of activity in favor of production; in fact, this situation is not in all regions; in moscow and the region, for example, it is different. production consists of competition, trade, sales and some services. and services and sales are always here is in demand in the same way as promotion. some people find it easier to become couriers or taxi drivers. do not change your qualifications and do not study again, and the production itself is not always ready for global training of new personnel. many factories are regional, they are willing to pay from 150,000 rubles. but they do not agree with applicants, with office workers,
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that the competencies are not the same, that is, they do not correspond to what production requires. and in this case, there is an intra-industry migration of specialists who are already ready to be lured away by higher salaries. history, sergei studied to be a welder, and went to work in the office with an assistant designer. as part of my job, i often went to the workshop, talked to the guys, they talked a lot, it was interesting, there was a lot of equipment, technology, so somehow a very strong interest appeared, how to also participate, create something with my own hands, i moved to the workshop , i remembered my studies, improved my qualifications, the salary is higher than the office salary, the schedule is no overtime, i’m happy with everything. alexander titovsky also worked in an office in the administration, then moved to tyumen and i didn’t want to go back to the computer. i wanted more of this varied physical work, that is, i sat in the office and i wanted to communicate with people and do
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more physical work. now he is involved in the operation of water networks at pumping stations, eliminating accidents and also won wages. the trend is this: blue collar wages really do. but at the same time , there is still a shortage of personnel; they are often looking for highly specialized specialists, and in order to become one, you need to spend time and effort. elizaveta nekishova, denis ponomarev, ksenia maklyak, elena savina, first channel. well, now our columnist, yegor uspensky, will drag us into the world wide web. he prepared the brightest and funniest videos from the internet. we start with a video that is rapidly reaching the heights of internet fame. its main character is well-fed. a cat named mickey, he got into the box, but he can’t get out, internet users are wondering whether the entrance to the box is very small, or someone is eating too much. the following footage touched the hearts of 10 million users of the world wide web, the dog was afraid of a thunderstorm
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hid in the bathroom, his little owner came to support him, sat down next to him on the floor and began to calm him down, don’t be afraid of anything, i’m with you, we haven’t had raccoons for a long time, friends. hit with boxing gloves, the video became incredibly popular on the internet and has already earned more than 20 million likes. good morning to everyone who has already woken up, friends, have you already had breakfast, if not, then that’s great. because you have the opportunity to listen to sports
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nutritionist alina luchagina. she will now offer her version of a healthy breakfast, and not even alone. freshly squeezed fruit juice on an empty stomach is today. but i advise you to give up this habit. a drink drunk on an empty stomach can cause a burn, as well as a rapid jump in blood sugar levels. therefore, it is better to apply. juice after breakfast, and to stimulate metabolism, on an empty stomach we drink a glass of warm water, after 15 minutes we prepare breakfast, but it is better to avoid instant cereals, fast food, and fried foods, they do not bring any benefit, but what to choose? i suggest for your taste: cottage cheese, eggs, baked sandwiches. meat or lightly salted fish. if you want porridge,
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we prepare it from whole grains, for example, buckwheat, but not fried, but green. it is rich in vitamins and microelements. vegetables are also good, fresh, stewed or pickled - they are a source of fiber that improves digestion. but after breakfast, you can treat yourself to dessert, preferably natural. and finally, drink our freshly squeezed juice, so we won’t cause sudden spikes in insulin. we also drink coffee after meals, but we remember that the drink removes fluid from the body, so we compensate for each cup with a glass of water. enjoy your breakfast. runa kahl, head of the german federal intelligence service. we did not stop dealing with issues related to... the day the special military operation began, fate found kal in kiev, he
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flew to begin military operations, there was a game of being ahead of the curve, this is the frame that was created by three groups of countries, canada, great britain and the usa, was caught in corruption scandals, great, a hook appears on which he hangs. bruno call took a lot from volgong schauble, just like from his patron. war is always a battle of propaganda, this is nothing new, we just have to be. i feel out
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of place as the chairman of the jury. perhaps all the most famous actors and directors in the world sat at this table. i'd like to have lunch please, but this is pasadena, we don't have restaurants. how did you feel in a film where all the actors played themselves and only you had a role? is whoopi golbert a cop? how do the local public perceive our films? they are expecting some other turn of russian cinema. are you criticizing the american dream? no, i'm trying to tell banks' story in the last seven days of laura palmer. matador. on friday on the first. tell me you like my hat. you don't have a hat. i would like to say in the future that i did everything i could in my life. chanson, this
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is not just for you, you need to do it, shalom, my friend, shalom, let him go along the roads, it was so festive, and i wanted to go out dancing, but i couldn’t, i was attached to this. well, i would also like to say that even in such a company there is potential. he wears trousers, and he wears a hat,
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he wears shoes for repairs. three chords, new season from april 14, on the first. on the first channel , a special lesson begins, conversations about important things. and today's topic is, i see the earth, it's so beautiful. today is about something important. says sergei ryazansky, cosmonaut pilot, hero of russia, the world's first scientist, spaceship commander . why do people fly into space? astronaut? first of all, this is a discovery, these are new technologies that we we are developing in order to study new planets there, these are unique scientific experiments that we can only conduct in conditions of weightlessness, for example, for a flight to mars we need new
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engines, new engines will be useful on earth, we need waste disposal , for example, bioreactors, which are in great demand. technologies on earth, new communication systems are appearing more and more, and we also need this. first of all, astronautics is an industry that can make a person’s life it's better on earth. why do people rush there? because people always want to go into the unknown, discover the undiscovered and learn the unknown. what professions are needed for space exploration? astronaut?
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also astronautics, i am absolutely sure that astronautics will grow and develop, recently more than 500 space startups have appeared in the world, that is, people see potential in this, see the future in this, and not necessarily some company will
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send a person into space , we need companies that create engines, we need companies that that create satellites, we need companies that create...
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medical statistics: in 20% of cases , medications do not have the desired effect because we take them incorrectly. five mistakes: first: we swallow something that is intended to be chewed or sublingually. look, this is what the path of the tablet looks like, which we simply washed down with water. it enters
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the esophagus through the mouth, then enters the stomach, is absorbed in the small intestine, then is actively distributed throughout the body, or you can shorten its path through saliva directly into the bloodstream. under the tongue take those tablets that should act as quickly as possible within 3-5 minutes. second mistake. we violate the time of administration, yes, all these before, during and after meals are important, for example, frequently used anti-inflammatory or pain-relieving medications, antipyretics on an empty stomach, if taken, they can cause a feeling of discomfort, the same acetylsalicylic acid, ate and only after half an hour it can be done. there are drugs that are taken with meals, for example, those that help digestion, or, for example, vitamins. before meals - this is half an hour, antihistamines are usually prescribed for the treatment of osteoporosis and thyroid hormones to prevent their absorption in
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the stomach, it is necessary in the intestines, so more of the active substance will enter the bloodstream. do you know why tablets often seem to be glazed, so as not to linger where they shouldn’t. the film coating is enteric-soluble, it allows the tablet or capsule to reach the intestines, where it begins to dissolve and have its effect. the third mistake when taking medications is combining the incompatible: you can’t, for example, take many medications with milk, because calcium, which is part of milk, can bind to the drug and form insoluble complexes that will not be absorbed. the same goes when drinking tea or coffee, juices in general, be careful, citrus fruits, especially in combination with them, antibiotics, antidepressants, and hypoglycemic drugs can accumulate. fourth mistake: we ignore contraindications, but we know that alcohol plus medicine is a dangerous
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cocktail, and about caution for nursing mothers heard, you need to understand that the pills are excreted through mother’s milk, sweat, saliva and even breath. fifth mistake, we skip a dose, we can’t, we can’t think about the next dose, but i forgot to take a tablet or capsule in a timely manner, i’ll take two, it might. more than a hundred frames, if you combine them,
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create a complete sense of movement. many people come here to learn this magic, although at first no one thought that the cartoon studio at the local library would become so popular. we got a cartoon studio quite by accident, at the end of 2021 our library received the honorary status of a model, we received 5 million for... modernization, among other equipment, we purchased a cartoon studio, a camera, a laptop, decorations, we started with master classes for children, soon the adults caught up, here you go, sculpting 14 different cats for the next cartoon , why do they need this, but they’re just curious, creating a cartoon is a continuous experiment, they decided, for example, to find a new angle, turned the frame of the studio upside down, screwed in new parts, attached the camera, an old iron construction set from soviet times comes to help us, also, that is, in our animation studio uses everything, in these creative searches the beauty of such local
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animation, in the animation studio of the udmurd village of zavyalovo, almost everything is homemade, now they have a large bright lamp and a separate office, they started literally on their knees. we didn’t have anything yet, we put up textbooks and put the glass on the phone and filmed the relay animation. the teacher guides, but everyone. the children are looking for nodes themselves, today we will need to film an episode of how the girls got lost in the forest, our girls are already ready, our task prepare today the forest where they will walk, and, accordingly, raspberries. how will static dolls collect berries? we brainstormed and came up with the idea of ​​cutting a hand out of paper separately and filming a close-up, what would the cartoon be about? it is based on an ancient udmur legend, this is another feature of homemade animation, there is an opportunity to talk about your native land. in the village of prokoshevo, nizhny novgorod region, they are working on a cartoon about the history of the local city of kstov. animation is probably the most,
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say, effective tool because children are very... century, another thing is to fashion these outfits yourself and make the characters dance in circles around the birch tree, so that the birch tree remains in place, this is only at first glance easy, but what a joy it is when you get your own creation on the screen. victoria dinova, anatoly kvaskov, nazir nagumanov, channel one. friends, spring is uncontrollably moving towards summer, but our country is very large, so spring is different everywhere, somewhere the snow melted ahead of schedule this year, somewhere it still lies, and the thermometer is still at minus, and in general the weather this spring is somehow surprising, but we are already accustomed to swinging on these temperature swings, the weather this year is clearly stormy, first snowfalls, then
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a sharp warming, floods began in orenburg, samara, saratov. regions and bashkiria, rivers are overflowing their banks, there is a threat of flooding in the kurgan and tyumen regions. we're going north. there is still snow in yakutia, children are sledding , but even there the temperature is fluctuating. at the cold pole aymicon it was -10, now -25. in thix, the country's northernmost port, it is -12. the weather is wonderful, we are accustomed people, we have been living in this area since an early age, so for us it is a holiday, it is sunny, already. it’s great to give some vitamins. in karelia , the sun was also hot, and then it snowed again. oh, this unpredictable april. we expect that everything will melt soon, we’ll go to the dacha, it’s winter again. but we are not upset, we are used to this weather in the north. you'll be heading to your dacha soon, weather forecasters promise that spring is already sweeping across the country. warmth will come here from
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the southwest, also in the center of the european territory in the moscow region. and the cold will go to the urals, to the territory of siberia, and cooling is also expected in the trans-baikal regions in the south of the far east. the northern seas, the main refrigerators of our continent, are to blame for everything. well, cold waves are usually associated with the influx of arctic air from the arctic seas. for example, a cyclone passed through european territory, followed by very cold air from the barin sea. in the anticyclone there is a cloudless sky, so at night the air is very it cools down, but during the day it’s like... of course, in the sun it warms up, but since the air is cold, this process is not very intense, so the temperatures are negative at night and the daytime is not very warm, although in chukotka they don’t really expect any warming, ice fishing in full swing, i many fish in mid -may, well, on may 9, everything is correct, cherry blossoms bloomed in sochi, albeit late, but how bright, the plants were waiting for the warmth, as if popcorn
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had opened, so the flower buds had opened, so we got one. .. explosion of flowering, which means that nature has already felt real spring. sergey abramov sotnik, liliya lobkova, channel one. we remind you that on the calendar april 8, monday, it’s time to find out what new has happened in the country and in the world by this hour. we give the floor to our colleagues from the information service. hello, new on air. in the studio of sergei tugushev. in the kurgan region , the water level in the tabol river began to rise sharply. a state of emergency has been introduced in one of the districts. 60 settlements are under threat of flooding . residents are urged to evacuate. the situation in the orenburg region is getting worse; several more villages may be in the flood zone. and the elchanka river has now overflowed its banks, despite the fact that more than 10,000 houses in about 18,500
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plots have already been flooded in the region. the most difficult situation. the water level there has long exceeded the critical level, but the authorities say that the peak of the flood is still ahead, today's schoolchildren have been transferred to distance learning, many educational institutions have equipped temporary accommodation sub-points, more than a thousand people are in them, evacuation continues, rescuers are visiting every house, the second group of reinforcements from the rescue center arrived in the region the day before, meanwhile, in the altai territory, samara and chelyabinsk regions, the flood has subsided, but employees of the ministry of emergency situations continue to provide assistance to people. now, during the special operation, units of the russian airborne forces stormed a stronghold of ukrainian formations on the outskirts of the village of chasafyar. this is the artyomovsk direction. after a massive attack by aviation and artillery, which suppressed the main enemy forces, the infantry was used. the paratroopers approached the enemy dugouts in armored vehicles from several directions and quickly captured the positions of the militants.
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another ukrainian stronghold was destroyed in donetsk. in the direction this is the result of the work of tank crews and attack drone operators, the enemy suffered significant losses, we are moving west from davdeevka. cars, about twenty militants were also eliminated. the enemy's advance towards our positions was stopped. guard private daniel semenov was able to quickly restore our vehicle from service reactive battery. thanks to this, the crew
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took a firing position and destroyed two fortified strongholds of the ukrainian armed forces, as well as an entire enemy squad. ukrainian youth are saving money to pay off military registration and enlistment office employees when they try to serve a summons. an article about this was published by the british edition of the times. this method of avoiding forced mobilization is mainly used by regulars of kiev nightclubs. actually, they now prefer not to spend money on going to an establishment, but save money for bribes - the newspaper notes. and he also reports an increase in panic among the population in connection with the law reducing the age of mobilization to 25 years. employees of the military registration and enlistment offices in the odessa region decided to go further and tried to deliver a collection point. a teenager with a weapon, they pushed him into a minibus, as soon as the teenager was caught on the street, they threatened to find out about his age, dropped him off right on the highway, threatening him with reprisals if he spoke about the incident. exactly 80 years ago, on april 8, 1944
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, the crimean strategic offensive operation began, its result was complete liberation from the nazi invaders of the crimean peninsula. on may 12 , forty at cape khersanez were completely defeated and the rest were taken prisoner. the entire 200,000-strong nazi group and sevastopol was liberated. the battle for it lasted 28 days, despite the fact that the rest of crimea was liberated in a week. on the anniversary of those events, the russian ministry of defense launched a historical and educational project on its website: the victorious breath of the crimean spring of '44. these are dozens of unique documents, photographs, maps, facts of atrocities in archival materials nazis, as well as examples of personal and mass heroism of our soldiers. for example, about the feat of nine. intelligence officer, after whom the crimean village of heroes is named. for more than two hours they fought with an entire battalion. when the romanians asked them to surrender, they shot back to the last bullet. the romanians took them prisoner,
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but our scouts did not say a word, and they even broke their arms and legs through torture. after brutal torture, the scouts were shot on the outskirts of the village. later, all nine of them. awarded the title of hero of the soviet union. and in total 238 of our military personnel received the highest award for sevastopol. 160 military units, formations, and ships were named in honor of the liberated crimean cities. boeing once again caused a fair amount of worry among passengers during flights to the united states. shortly after takeoff from denver airport, the 737-800's engine casing came off. the breaking points hit the flap. this was filmed by one of the eyewitnesses who were in the cabin. there were 135 passengers and six crew members on board at the time. the aircraft commander decided to return to departure airport. the emergency landing was
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successful. the federal aviation administration became interested in the incident. last week, the same airline's boeing engine caught fire. previously , other incidents with aircraft of the american concern were noted, which became the reason for the inspection, she identified. numerous violations during production. the broadcasts of channel one will continue with the program, good morning. we continue the morning relay race. let us remind you that on the calendar april 8, monday, in the studio of yulia zemina and roman budnikov. yes, april 8th, monday on the calendar , electric scooters began to return to city streets after a long winter. yes. in the capital you can rent them since the week before last, in my opinion. they beat you up in those, you know, gangs near the metro, in traffic jams. you don’t have to stand, you rush with the breeze, it’s very convenient, if something happens you can just leave it where you want, go to the store or even go down the subway, no, by the way, about where you want, you’re now getting excited, because yes, you need to park the scooter according to the rules, in the yard on the roadway in the middle
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sidewalks, electric scooters are parked as they wish, pedestrians are disturbed, especially with children, when you walk, those who ride leave it this way, precisely, although under rental conditions. it is clearly indicated that the trip should only be completed in the parking lot, and, at the same time, representatives of kick-sharing assure that the scooter should not disturb anyone, you cannot leave the scooter anywhere, that is , now we are driving along the street and just park it from... from it, the system simply won’t allow you, let’s check that you’re really not in the parking lot yet, but if the parking lot is in sight, its range of action is about 10 m, sometimes more, depends on the geolocation error, i conclude, yes, i was able to, but this is still a violation of the rules, the important responsibility is on the users, at first they will simply warn you, if you park at random, you will be fined again, the first time is 500 rubles, if the violation continues.
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i constantly ride around the area, see if the scooter is in the parking lot, it’s somewhere in the distance, if i see something like that, i just pick it up and take it to the parking lot. there are about a thousand such parking attendants in moscow, and there are 60 times more rental electric scooters. in situation center. what we see is that our system has determined that the overload in the parking lot has almost doubled, and from the layouts we see the overload and an application has been sent to rental operators. over the past year, about 9,500 such violations were identified. half an hour is given to operator technicians to get to the place, plus another half hour to actually restore order. in most cases, the problem is resolved, if not. scooters, like cars,
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can be towed. since last year, we began working to pick up scooters at specialized insurance sites gko mpp. it is in the interests of kick-sharing companies not to allow such situations, so if those who are used to parking scooters illegally have not yet been fined, it is just a matter of time. natalya kovaleva, denis panomariov, stanislav khizhnyakov, konstantin struchkov, anzhelika pankratyeva, channel one. now about money, or more precisely about plastic money. we. they have long been accustomed to paying by card very often, scammers have also adapted, they have learned to steal money from us from these cards, and even if, and if you dig deeper, it turns out that most of these crashes are carried out not by some super hackers, but by the most banal swindlers, we just help them steal our money. we’ve been using bank cards for more than 30 years, it seems like we’ve already learned that you can’t reveal the three-digit pin code, but the statistics are not encouraging, last year we had a car.
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they stole more than 15 billion from russians. sometimes they forget on tables, sometimes they forget in toilets, wallets and phones, and cards. this is one of the most popular ways to reveal card data, the second is to give it into the wrong hands when paying, the third is to put it next to it, but on in a prominent place, scammers can take a photo of it. it seems that without the code on the back the plastic is useless, but banks recommend not to show even the card number again, this is not a set of random numbers, the names are encrypted in the first six.
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a fraudster, for example, can make a small transfer to a card to contact the holder, and the more information he extracts, the more options there are for similar fraudulent legends to be true. known card number, name and issue date, some online services can already purchase. for the same reason, the card should not be photographed and sent in chats or stored on the phone. the messenger can be hacked, you can forget your phone or lose it. linking a card on the internet is, in theory , safe if you have an official one. but still , for the internet it is better to use only one card and connect the 3d secure function to it, this is when for payment you need not only a three-digit code, but also an sms from the bank. if a person is attentive and careful, he compares the online store where he pays for it and reads this confirmation message.
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accounts: one main account, where money is stored, the second expense account with a bank card. at any time, you can transfer a specific one to yourself. it’s even better to have two different amounts in the bank for purchase. you can also link a credit card to sites, but here it is better to set a limit on the amount of purchases and the number of purchases. remember, you are the card holder, and it is your responsibility to keep your card details secret. his arm was completely paralyzed and didn’t work, and now, and now i can move it in different ways, and the kids at school like it, like this, of course, now in all directions, a unique development of russian scientists, exoskeletons, and not only in the program to live
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healthy, today on the first, cognac. monte shoca is a product of the stellar group. rom castro is a product of the stellar group. veda vodka, a product of the stellar group. old barrel cognac, a product of stellor group. the snow is still white in the fields. and the waters are already noisy in the spring. they run and wake up the sleepy breg. they run, shine and shout, they shout in all directions, spring is coming, spring is coming, we are messengers of the young spring, she sent us forward, what, where, when, the spring series of games, on sunday
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on the first. i feel like a happy person when my loved ones are with me and when everything is fine with them, and we spend common evenings playing board games, when i am with my sister, the main happiness is my family, and we say hello to everyone to our women. and grandfathers and sisters, brothers, many thanks to my parents for raising me, making me a real person, what makes me happy is the health of loved ones, not only loved ones, everyone around me, and this is very important, i wish that i was healthy our country,
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i love my country, i’m proud of it and i wish it to everyone find your happiness in her, our dear. the morning continues and we travel around russia, right now we will go to kalmykia, an amazing, very original region, we will visit the main buddhist temple of sheets, learn about ancient local traditions that live today. the badmaev family leaves the first cup of kalmyk tea in front of the buddha figurine. this is an offering to the ancestors. every buddhist family has such a corner with a figurine. for example, the little buddha of the badmaevs is approximately 120 years old; the figurine is passed from father to elder son. it was brought from... from distant tibet. the life of buddhists in kalmyks has interesting and even unusual traditions. one year is added to a person's age immediately after birth. all things are planned according to a calendar, where good days and not so good days are scheduled. you see, the icon is yellow, there are scissors at the bottom, and you can get a haircut, and
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you will have good luck. with a stroke, you remove all the negativity that you have accumulated. you can remove the negative in the main buddhist temple of ilista, in kalmyd style. khurul, we are in no hurry to go inside, first there are prayer wheels, we go around the khurul clockwise we turn the drums in the direction of the arrow, there are prayers inside them, and by rotating them we seem to increase these prayers, the power of these prayers significantly. both spiritual practice and a walk turn out to be the sounds of morning prayer inside. camera and monitor, all this is broadcast on social networks, people write in the comments the names of their loved ones, wishes, the monks see this and immediately pronounce these names in their prayer. the words are in tibetan, it was there that 400 years ago the kalmyks began to learn the basics of buddhism. it seems that this is a complex religion,
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enlightenment, nirvana and all that, but the locals the monks talk about it so simply. if a person's thoughts are good, his path and end result are good. without patience a person, they say, is like on the battlefield without armor of wars, if i need to develop patience, then i need to tolerate someone. it turns out that the buddhist will thank his noisy neighbors above, and this philosophy here is close not only to the kolmyks, but also to other peoples of the republic. tatyana azaeva professes buddhism, her friend tatyana poberey is orthodox, but also visits khurul. there were moments like this, it was hard, somehow bad, i want to retire somewhere, there are a lot of russians. they walk, just as they should, we know all the customs, we will never go to the kurul if we don’t go around all these drums, we don’t spin the prayers, and the kolmyks, in turn , bathe in the ice hole for baptism and celebrate together with the orthodox... easter, we bake kulechi, we paint eggs, we ate these colored eggs, they seemed so tasty, otherwise
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together maslenitsa and the kolmytsky tsigansar and the muslim navrus are more fun, there is only one reason, spring has come, yuri nesterov, dmitry parfenov, alexander ignatov, natalia kaldaeva, channel one. good morning, this exercise is called power release. i can do it 15 times. the movement is not for beginners; it requires strong back and abdominal muscles. i’ll show how beginner athletes can strengthen their muscles: we go into the plank with bent arms, elbows clearly under the shoulders, we don’t press our head into our shoulders, on the contrary, we stretch our neck, buttocks, back abs tense, clench our palms into fists, while exhaling we raise our right hand, as if we’re hitting an invisible person enemy. we return to the starting position, one by one change the position of the hands. exercise will help
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strengthen the muscles of the whole body, especially the arms and back. you can train at this rate on the horizontal bar. let's continue! well, now our columnist yegor uspensky will drag us into the world wide web. he prepared bait. the brightest and funniest videos from the internet. we start with a video that is rapidly reaching the heights of internet fame. its main character is a plump cat named mickey. he climbed into the box, but he can’t get out. internet users are guessing then either the entrance to the box is very small, or someone is eating too much. the following footage touched the hearts of 10 million users of the world wide web. the dog got scared of the thunderstorm and hid in the bathroom to support him. the little owner came, sat down next to him on the floor and stood there to reassure him: “it’s okay, don’t be afraid, i’m with you.”
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we haven’t had raccoons for a long time, friends, it’s time to fill this gap: a resident of toronto, canada covered his car with an awning so that it wouldn’t be damaged by hail. when the elements left , the awning was removed, and they found a whole family of raccoons that had already settled in and were not at all wanted to leave their home. well, finally, meet the artist. the video has become incredibly popular online and has already earned more than 20 million likes. you know what happens: i bought tickets to a theater or a concert? but plans have changed, it’s not possible to go, and it happens that the organizers of the event themselves cancel. yes, yes, how can i get my money back for already purchased tickets to concerts or performances? alyona. now he’ll tell you everything: how to get your money back for a ticket to a concert or performance? it all depends
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on the reasons for the return, if the organizer cancels event, the full cost of the ticket will be refunded within 10 days; in case of postponement, it is important that a new date be set within the next 6 months; if this does not happen, the event is considered cancelled, the refund period in this case is up to 180 days. if the viewer simply changes his mind about going to the event, he can also get money for the ticket, but how much? it depends exactly on when he applies: 10 days before the event, according to the rules, 100% of the ticket price will be returned, 50% in 5 days, 30% in 3 days, and if you apply less than 3 days in advance, you can get nothing get. if the viewer has a valid reason - illness or death of a relative, this can be confirmed with appropriate certificates: the cost of the ticket will be refunded in full , regardless of the date of application. to receive money, you need to follow three simple steps. contact the box office where you purchased your ticket directly. if the purchase was made online, the return must be processed on the website. as a rule,
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there is a special form for this. if the box office refuses, contact the event organizer directly, he is always indicated on the ticket, and he is the one who must return the money. this can be done in person, by registered mail or through a special form on the organizer’s website. when submitting an application in person or by mail, you must attach a copy of your passport, the original ticket or a printed one. for a ticket, payment receipt, bank card details for a refund. and if the organizer never returned the money to you, then you are left with an appeal to rospotrebnadzor or legal proceedings. alena korolkova, channel one. statistics, which, as ilf and petrov said, know everything, declare that in one year the inhabitants of the planet about 100 billion bananas eat the earth. imagine, they counted just pieces. well, maybe they were wrong by a couple, it doesn’t matter. we eat a lot, a lot of bananas. well, yes, it’s true, bananas have long ceased to be exotic, the stores are full of them, all year round,
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right now we find out where bananas grow, and which varieties are the sweetest, which ones taste like potatoes, and we cook them accordingly. let's also find out whether it is possible to eat speckled bananas with longitudinal ribs and a bright aroma? i ’ve tired myself with these questions, i’m waiting for answers, sweet yellow ones, well, of course, where growing? in africa, on a palm tree, of course, these are them, bananas, yellow sweet varieties of kavend, which occupy almost all the shelves in our country, are resistant to diseases, easily tolerate transportation, ripen well in boxes, but, of course, do not grow on palm trees, no, it's not a palm tree. this is an ordinary grass, herbaceous plants, fruit, berry, wow, grass is 10 m tall, and the clusters of berries are weighty and they are not only yellow, other more exotic varieties have red, black and even blue fruits, but inside they all have the same light color pulp, and healthy properties are similar. bananas are a kind of
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energy drink, that is, they contain mainly carbohydrates and relatively few vitamins and ae. there is quite a lot of potassium in bananas, in mini-bananas the concentration of sugars is higher, so they are sweeter, but in the fruits of the plantain variety there is a lot of starch, they resemble vegetables, they even need to be peeled like potatoes and must be heat-treated, the chef from peru ronaldo deep-fries this it turns out crispy on top, soft inside, you can’t make such a dish with regular bananas, too soft for side dishes for snacks you need hard and... small plantains, baking is another matter, for pies, cookies, muffins, the sweeter the better, here you pay attention to the peel, brown dots appear due to the fact that the fruit is already ripe, that is, it it’s not scary if there are some brown spots on it, you won’t eat them anyway and they don’t affect the quality of the banana in any way. even when ripe, the longitudinal ribs are almost invisible, and the smell
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is clearly pronounced. yulia kozlova, mikhail chetveryakov, vasily yurov, tatyana yus, perva. channel you can watch for an infinitely long time how the fire burns, the river flows, how a funny baby elephant named chaba takes the first bath in his life, splashes, frolics with all his might, and also radiates positivity, which we hope to generously charge in the morning not only to the subscribers of his page, but to all of us, as well imagine, you need to tame your trousers, i, for example, won’t shorten them, for those who know how to sew, of course, this is a pair of stitches. has this whole adventure, but if the trousers are jeans, and you need to hem them for a child who is growing like in a fairy tale, without raising them by the clock, everything becomes a little more difficult to decide sewing expert milana vasilieva will help you with this puzzle, you bought jeans for your son or daughter, now they are too long, they need to be hemmed, but after 5-6 months the teenager will stand out, and then why buy new ones again,
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no, i’ll show you how you can shorten jeans without cutting them excess fabric. fold it on the table, set aside as many centimeters from the seam as you need to shorten the trousers, draw a line with chalk, now take a needle with strong thread and make stitches like this all over the trouser leg, do not pull the thread too much, and now we pull it by the edge and a miracle happens, the jeans are shortened, and even so that the factory seam is preserved, we iron them, it looks perfect. and in a few months, when the child stretches out again, and children grow very quickly, you simply remove this hidden seam and the jeans will miraculously increase in length, look, there are no traces of hemming, the fabric together with the hem is easy to iron, in my opinion this is a very cool way , do not trim excess fabric, temporarily tuck it in, watch
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today on channel one the continuation of the serial undercover taxi detective and a taxi and... the driver is, let's say, unusual, at the wheel is lieutenant alexey turbin, an operative who always finds himself in the thick of things, as they say, at the right time, in the right place, in case you forgot something, in case you... then you missed it, maybe you got confused in the plot, don’t worry, we ’ll remind you of everything, again you, why are you following me, i’m not, this is some kind of unreal coincidence, coincidence or not, but alexey turbin is an undercover operative, always. ..
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find out what new has happened in the country in the world by this hour. we pass the word to our colleagues from the information service. hello, on the air news, in the studio sergei tugushev. the scale of flooding in the orenburg region is growing; the elshanka river has overflowed its banks. several more settlements may be in the flood zone. despite the fact that the region is already on the other hand.
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saved, this is another 50 people to the seven hundred who are already involved in eliminating the consequences of the natural disaster. meanwhile , in a number of other regions the flood began to subside, as in the altai territory. rescuers erected almost two dozen temporary dumps there, pumped out water from personal plots, there is no risk of re-flooding. the situation in the samara region is improving; about a thousand households have already been drained. the flood has almost gone in the chelyabinsk region, but the emergency situations ministry continues. provide help to people. russian foreign minister sergei lavrov arrived in china on a two-day official visit. the board of the head of the ministry landed at beijing airport. in the capital
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of the people's republic of china, the minister is scheduled to hold talks with his chinese counterpart. it is reported that, among other things, the situation in ukraine will be discussed in asia-pacific region. issues of bilateral cooperation interaction in the international arena. latest data on the progress of the russian special operation. the chicks attacked the vysu command post in the southern donetsk direction. the su-34 crews attacked the enemy with aerial bombs with universal planning and correction modules. this made it possible to complete a combat mission without entering the destruction zone of enemy air defense systems. under the fire, our artillerymen destroyed the armored vehicles and dugouts of the militants. they were discovered using a copter. then the coordinates were transferred to the crew of the fagod man-portable anti-tank missile system. and he hit it accurately. strike, these fighters hit targets at a distance of up to 5 km from pre- prepared shelters. according to the development data , we move to a certain place, create
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camouflage and specifically wait for this or that column to move, these are armored vehicles, unarmored vehicles, maybe an ambush specifically on dugouts, if, for example, enemy personnel left this dugout and back returns there. there is an ambush for him to go there returned to defeat the enemy. our artillerymen worked effectively in the area bordering the belgorod region on the territory of ukraine. there. at the expense of the rszz, grad destroyed, along with its ammunition , the enemy vampire multiple launch rocket system, which was shelling russian populated areas. for this, the crew of our combat vehicle received awards, medals for bravery, for bravery and two st. george crosses of the fourth degree. in russia, mobile offices have begun to operate, processing and issuing electronic certificates for combat veterans. the project was launched by the ministry of defense. this is
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essentially a bank card in chip. which duplicate the data of a regular paper id, first of all they can be received by military personnel working on the front line, as well as those undergoing treatment and rehabilitation in hospitals, and in general such electronic documents will be issued not only to participants of the svo, but also to veterans of previous companies. those who have already received a plastic id see many advantages in it. you don’t have to carry a lot with you, no id, no cards, no... everything is in one thing turns out to be convenient, the id can be lost or damaged, especially since we are in the northern military district, anything can happen, but plastic is not afraid of water, well, as they say, or dirt. the shelling of the zaporozhye nuclear power plant by ukrainian armed forces is an act of nuclear terrorism by the kiev regime, and the world community is obliged
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to respond to it, about this in its telegram. the official representative of the russian foreign ministry, maria zakharova, wrote to the channel. she wondered: are us leaders aware france and germany, in that their wards on the bank may not leave anything of wildlife, to the defenders who consider themselves the heads of western states. on sunday, the ssu staged a series of attacks on the zaporozhye unified energy system. first, they shelled the area with artillery, after which they launched several drones. three station employees were injured. one of the drones. fell on the dome of the sixth power unit. the aircraft did not cause critical damage. the head of magate, rafael grossi, reacted to this attack. he called to refrain from any actions that violate the basic principles of protecting nuclear facilities. and lastly, the strategic missile forces completed their exercises with the irkutsk formation. units equipped with yars complexes mastered new patrol routes and worked on
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camouflage issues. and combat security, the support unit carried out the withdrawal of special equipment from zones of conditional chemical contamination, the soldiers also trained to repel attacks by sabotage groups, the experience gained during the special operation was taken into account for analysis drones were used to secure the route, there is a descent, that's all for now, stay with us, the program will continue the broadcast of the first channel, good morning, good morning to everyone who just... joined us, it is with great pleasure that roman budnikov meets you today and yulia zemina, on the calendar is monday, april 8, the 8th day of the second spring month, friends, we wake up soon, we don’t pass by spring, we need to recharge ourselves with a great mood, well, they talk about the spring blues, yes it exists, but we won’t take it , we will drive her, walk, walk and walk again, in the middle of spring this is what you want most of all, with a dozen specialists
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with it it starts with the windows and always with changing the curtains, winter ones in the wash, spring ones on the cornice, this is spring, of course the mood is cloudy, light, fresh, it was so lingering , it’s a difficult winter, what do you want in such a delicate veil, you’ve noticed that cleanliness improves your mood, so if you are a car owner, urgently go to the car wash, otherwise... you know how it happens, we accumulate dirt all winter, and then we are surprised that the body is rotting . we had such a case, a man arrived, immediately after washing, we found very large, so to speak, holes in it, which had already begun to decompose the body. this is all from reagents, they eat into the paintwork, rain cannot wash it off, a car scrub will do the job, a service like that at a car wash. the body is being cleaned with a special mitten and clay, just water, this composition will not be removed. after which we preserve, so to speak, the body, they
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call it a quartz coating, what else needs to be protected? that's right, eyes from the sun, we put on last year's glasses, but they are too big, no reason to throw it away. first, you should check the screws, if you need to tighten them with a small screwdriver, if the glasses continue to fall off your nose, then the plastic is deformed. the frame changed shape if the glasses were kept warm, for example, next to a radiator, but everything can be fixed: in optical shops they will heat the plastic with a hairdryer and adjust it to your size. and also be sure to check the lenses, even micro-scratches allow ultraviolet light to pass through, if you are not satisfied with the quality of the lens, it is scratched, there may be a small chip, then nothing complicated, the lens can be replaced, you can make a lens with a gradient and can replace it with some other color. spring is the time to experiment with color. the soul asks for that green coat and a pink jacket to boot. but what kind of blow to the wallet is this? we get scarves from the mezzanine, or
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buy them if you want new things. you know that we now have 143 ways to tie scarves. the first way is how my mother wore it. like katerina tikhomirova from moscow doesn’t believe slimes. we have become. easier, more relaxed, we just hid the scarf a little collar, we straightened it a little like this over the shoulder, we got a little bit of this sailor look, it’s even better when we release it with a triangle forward, we get a little scarf effect, warm and functional, alyonushka, we call this image, well, when we tie it like this so, and if we immediately turned out to be a little bit of a french deer, stylist svetlana dubrovskaya recommends having time to walk in... all the beauty that is in your wardrobe in the spring; already start making a list of new looks and things to do for the summer. ksenia ionkina, dmitry gardienko, mikhail karasev, vladimir repin and alexey nikozakov, channel one. and now, dear women, pay attention, let’s not look away from the screens, because we will talk about beauty,
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it’s spring, we need to live up to it, of course, makeup artist safi kovalenko advises to do a little magic with astanal cream, okay, let’s do some magic. complexion depends on the time of year, one way or another, in the summer we all sunbathe, and after winter we look overly pale, even me. this means that you need to adjust the color of your foundation, otherwise your makeup will look inharmonious. highlight or to change the shade in any way, as a makeup artist, i prefer adjusters. these are colored liquid pigments for decorative cosmetics, including. for foundation and concealer. let's check how it works. in the spring i add a little white adjuster to my foundation. literally the size of a match head, see how the tone brightens? i'll also add blue pigment to create a neutral
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undertone. look, i treated one half of my face with foundation without additives. and on the second half i apply a mixture of foundation creams with adjusters. this option is ideal for me, if you don’t have such pigments, no problem, now let’s figure out what else you can use. hello yana, please have a seat. our model has light skin. let's apply your usual foundation to half of your face. now it is too light for you and makes your face look pale. add a little liquid bronze to the tone. cover the second half of the face, this tone is ideal for your color. and one more trick: for those who
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sit in the office all day at the computer and don’t see sunlight. a pink makeup base will help refresh your earthy complexion. apply it before foundation. there is no pink base, we use a tricky trick. add a little pink lipstick or liquid blush to the tone. and, of course, bright makeup is popular in spring. yana, you look great. i wish everyone a sunny mood. on the calendar, april 8, on this day only in 1912 , the premiere of the first animated film in russia took place. and what about our production, the cartoon was called beautiful lyukanida or war of barbels and stags, told about unhappy love in the world of insects, in honor of this event we celebrate the day of russian animation on april 8, well, now according to the horoscope, april 8, the twenty-ninth
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lunar day meets the first, the twentieth day of the sun, very powerful, though a little impulsive, but energetic, hardy, tireless, and his head is bright, he will add: determination and confidence will give him bright ideas, this day is very good for bosses and in general for everyone who needs to captivate other people, motivate them to some business, inspiration comes to him, the minuses are where the pluses are, he is self-confident, likes to command, sometimes he engages in project-making, on such days our sense of proportion lets us down, we consider our opinion to be the only correct one and react nervously when others do not agree with him , aries, keep this in mind when you have to discuss something with colleagues or business people, the main thing is to remember that accuracy and discipline are very important today, you can’t
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be late, let someone down, cheat your heart even over small things, well, you understand, and no alcohol get carried away. an ambiguous day for the twins, in the business sphere everything will go with a bang, including work that requires a lot of physical effort, but on the personal front not everything is going smoothly, disputes with family, problems with neighbors, mutual reproaches are possible, however, by the evening everything should get better, cancers will have the opportunity to get rid of some... debts, fulfill some obligations, repay someone good for good. good news may come later in the evening, and today you risk falling in love. something romantic shines for the lions, today they are very attractive, and lionesses are generally irresistible. there will be a chance to find a non-standard solution to some problem, but be careful here. remember what the stars said about a sense of proportion and don’t let anything happen to you. it’s not a bad day for the girls, however, they won’t be able to relax, they might even have to. yourself someone else's work, but it will add points to you and
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is not bad for strengthening your authority, but be more careful while driving, some troubles are shining on the scales, at work and perhaps at home, relatives may be busy with something, it is not excluded unplanned expenses, but not ruinous, the evening is clearly going to entertain you with something. this day will help scorpios to express themselves and, as they say, open up, there will be a chance to excel at work, just calm down, something or someone can piss you off, but... you don’t need quarrels at all, and the evening will help you forget about business, perhaps in good company. the luminary hints to sagittarius that believing all sorts of gossip is the last thing, especially if they are gossiping about your good friends. otherwise, the day is quite successful, including for career, and money is coming to you. capricorns today are charming, eloquent, know how to approach people and, of course, will be able to take advantage of this. just be careful, don’t get too caught up in these games, don’t outsmart yourself, and be careful. with technology, a productive day aquarius, however, is a little
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hot-tempered, so don’t let your mood guide you and don’t rush, you’ll make people laugh in a hurry, as for money, your motto is accounting and control, pisces, you may have to unravel something, what - figure it out, maybe fix it someone’s mistakes, you need to work very carefully with documents today, especially if they relate to housing, feel free to make a date for the evening, good luck to you. the snow is still white in the fields, and in the spring the waters are noisy, they run, they wake up the sleepy shore, they run and shine, and they say, they say in all directions, spring is coming, spring is coming, we are messengers of the young spring, she sent us ahead, what, where, when , spring series of games. on sunday on the first, a food vacuumizer, like that,
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a miracle gadget, a housewife's dream, sealed the food in vacuum packaging, cheers to yourself easy in the refrigerator, does not spoil for a long time, and is very convenient, unfortunately, not all of them are, firstly, these devices are equally convenient, and secondly, they are equally effective, how to choose the best one, what to look for when choosing, let’s find out. experimentally, a vacuum sealer used to be an expensive production device, today it is a common household appliance for the home, the main design element is the same, a vacuum membrane pump, to put it simply, it can be compared to a syringe. the action of the pump begins with the membrane moving downwards from the chamber, thus, the volume of the chamber increases, the pressure in it decreases, so-called vacuum occurs, the air that
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we need to pump out directly from the bag, due to the pressure difference, it begins to flow inside the chamber. why do we need a vacuum at all? to protect the product from interaction with water pores and oxidation by oxygen from the air. oxygen is a source of nutrition for many microorganisms, so by removing air from there, we can increase its shelf life from seven to... times, the truth is important temperature, those products that are supposed to be stored in the refrigerator are stored there, there are bacteria, some in the air, there are bacteria and there are enzymes that are in the products themselves, initially, we cannot extend the shelf life of any product indefinitely, that is we slow down the action of these microorganisms, it’s like with any chemical reaction, as the temperature rises, its speed increases, there are also a number of products that are not recommended to be vacuumized. these products include mushrooms, various
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soft cheeses such as brie, blue cheese, as well as garlic and onions. the main distinguishing feature of these products is availability. they contain anaerobic bacteria. anaerobic means oxygen-free; it is not needed for their reproduction. colonies of anaerobes, even in a vacuum , emit gas and destroy the product. you can vacuum it, but for a short period of time, put blue cheese right there so that the refrigerator doesn’t smell. the more expensive the packer, the more bells and whistles there are. in larger copies they are naturally more expensive. they immediately there is room for bags or sleeves for sealing. here they will need to be stored in separate packages. sleeves, you don’t have to look at the power, the speed of pumping air depends on it, at home, when sealing a small bag, the difference between weak and powerful will be in seconds, there are too many functions in expensive models - working with soft products, manual pumping of air so that berries can be baked i didn’t flatten it, but this is according to my needs, as is the length of the sealing
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bar. ruslan yunyaev, nikita kulakov, anatoly barikalov, dmitry gardienko, first channel. bridges connect the banks, make the paths shorter, and bring us closer to each other; in general, there are more bridges, good and different, there are actually more of them, thanks to the national project for safe, high-quality roads. residents of the village of rapushkalitsa in karelia now travel to school or the nearest hospital via a temporary crossing; the old bridge over the upper seduksa, built in the seventies, has been dismantled. there were destructions of the supporting structure of the support beams, which were, strictly speaking, emergency. the new bridge has been under construction since may last year, the foundation is arched hydro design
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because there is a lot of traffic here, it was difficult to pass, but it was already vibrating, there will be lighting and special noise barriers, so no one will hear passing cars in nearby houses, but... the traffic flow through the village is considerable, more than 300 cars per day. the alonyat peranbilt road connects the regional centers of the city of alames, the city of petkaranta, and the city of sortala. the road runs along the coast of lake ladore, a tourist destination. there are plans to reconstruct three more bridges this year. year in the same region. all according to the national project are safe and high-quality roads. pskov. the history of the troitsky bridge began in the 14th century; it connects the fifty-thousandth district with the center. in march 2022, the bridge was closed for reconstruction, opened in december twenty-third, the historical appearance was preserved, the bridge became wider, instead of two there are four lanes, making it easier for drivers. there used to be more traffic jams, but now due to the bridge, it has gotten better. it's also more convenient for pedestrians. it took me 40 minutes to get to work, but it took almost
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an hour, we went around the pedestrian bridge, raised this thing, this is the most important thing in my opinion, because it was very low, here is the parapet. we walked and were afraid that you would slip, god forbid, you would fall down there. in gubakha, perm territory, the repair of the bridge across the kusva was completed in november; during the work , reverse movement was allowed, that is, it was not completely blocked. in each direction, the repairs were phased; without a bridge, for example, it would be impossible to get to the local city-forming chemical enterprises. to date, the list of major repairs of artificial structures includes 61 objects from 300 located in the pern region. just this year. according to the national project , safe, high-quality roads will be repaired, reconstructed or built more than 700 bridges and overpasses, with a total length of about 60 km. evgeny pelyakov, nadezhda zypkina, channel one. nowadays
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, everyone remembers about health, or more precisely about medications, and the fact that they must be taken strictly as prescribed by the doctor, but many forget that they need to read the instructions. well, they probably think that if the doctor prescribed it, then there’s no point in reading the instructions. ah... by the way, this it is very important, before meals, after meals, take it with water or under the tongue, otherwise the tablet may simply not work, and even cause harm. medical statistics: in 20% of cases, medications do not have the desired effect because we take them incorrectly. five mistakes: first: we swallow something that is intended to be chewed or sublingually. look, this is what the path of the tablet looks like, which we simply washed down with water. it enters the esophagus through the mouth. then enters the stomach and is absorbed in the small intestine, then actively distributed throughout the body, or shorten its path through saliva directly into the bloodstream. take those tablets under the tongue that should act as quickly as possible within 3-5 minutes. the second mistake is that we violate the reception time. yes, all this before,
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during and after meals matters. for example, frequently used anti-inflammatory or more soothing medications... which are taken during meals, for example, those that help digestion, or, for example, vitamins, before meals - this is half an hour, antihistamines, drugs for the treatment of osteoporosis and thyroid hormones glands, in order to prevent their absorption in the stomach, it is necessary in the intestines, so more of the active substance will enter the bloodstream, and you know why tablets are often as if in glaze, so as not to linger where it is not necessary, the film coating is enteric, it allows the tablets. .. or the capsule reaches the intestines, dissolves there and begins to exert its therapeutic effect. the third mistake when taking medications
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is incompatible combinations. for example, many medications should not be taken with milk, because calcium, which is included in composition of milk, it can bind to the drug and form insoluble complexes that will not be absorbed. the same goes for drinking tea or coffee, juices in general, citrus fruits. especially, in combination with them , antibiotics, antidepressants, and hypoglycemic drugs can accumulate, becoming toxic. the fourth mistake is that we ignore contraindications, but we know that alcohol plus medicine is a dangerous cocktail, and we have heard about caution for nursing mothers. you need to understand that the tablets are eliminated even after mother's milk, sweat, saliva and even breath. fifth mistake, we skip the move. it is forbidden. reception to think, oh, i forgot to take a tablet or capsule on time, i’ll take two, this can lead to an overdose and the development
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of side effects. doctors repeat that if we are undergoing treatment, then it should be done responsibly, and the clues are usually in the instructions for the drug. yulia molostova, dmitry roshkov, anton remenny and yulia bykova - channel one. friends, today is april 8th - the day of russian animation. well, who doesn't like cartoons? and now, by the way, he anyone can take it off, whether a child or an adult. hand-drawn plasticine puppets in the animation studio in the city of velsk make cartoons for every taste. move my grandfather a little, and i take a picture on the computer. more than a hundred frames, if you combine them, a complete feeling of movement is created. many people come here to learn this magic, although at first no one thought that the cartoon studio of the local library would become so popular. we got a cartoon studio completely by accident, in the end. in 2021, our library received honorary status model, we received 5 million for modernization,
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among other equipment we purchased a cartoon studio, a camera, a laptop, decorations, we started with master classes for children, soon the adults caught up, here you go, they are sculpting 14 different cats for the next cartoon, why do they need this, yes just interesting, creating a cartoon is a continuous experiment, we decided, for example, to find a new angle, turned the frame of the studio upside down, screwed in new parts, under the camera we have an old iron construction set from the soviet era to help us, that is, in our cartoon studio we use everything in these creative search for the beauty of such local animation, in the cartoon studio of the udmurd village of zavyalovo, almost everything is homemade, now they have a large bright lamp and a separate office, they started literally on their knees. we didn’t have anything yet, we installed textbooks. and put down the glass phone and filmed applied animation. the teacher guides, but the children find all the moves themselves. today we will need to film
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an episode of how the girls got lost in the forest. our girls are already ready, our task today is to prepare the forest where they will walk, and accordingly the raspberries. how will static dolls pick berries? we brainstormed and came up with the idea of ​​separately cutting out a hand from paper and filming a close-up of what the cartoon would be about, based on it. the udmurd legend is another feature of homemade animation; it is possible to tell about your native land. in the village of parokoshevo, nizhny novgorod region, they are working on a cartoon about the history of the local town of kstov. animation is probably the most, let's say, effective tool, because children are very involved in the creative process in a playful way and learn the history of your region. it’s one thing to find out how girls dressed in the 15th century, and another thing to learn about the clothes themselves. to sculpt and make characters dance in circles around a birch tree, so that the birch tree remains in place, this is only at first glance easy, but what a
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joy it is when you get your own creation on the screen. victoria edinova, anatoly kvaskov, nazirnogumanov, channel one. this is where our program ends, but a new spring day is just beginning, and we wish you a good day. good news and take care of yourself and its seven right now the news is on the first. hello, news time is first. we will tell you about the most important events right now. evacuation around the clock. the water rose just fine. vorsk, where the most difficult situation with floods, another
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rescue squad arrived, additional temporary accommodation points were deployed. and... they are also preparing for the arrival of big water. fagot missile systems are in use, capable of destroying any enemy armored vehicles. and footage of the assault. ivanovo paratroopers took the militants' stronghold in the artyomovsk direction. 35 days remained until freedom; exactly 80 years ago , the crimean strategic offensive operation began, the result of which was the complete liberation of the peninsula from the nazi invaders. it was such a joy, we came, we had a lot of military men in the yard, we kissed, started with fireworks. despite all the lifting of western bans, moscow awarded the laureates of the first national phoenix prize, those who successfully revived on the russian youtube platform in conditions of unprecedented pressure from unfriendly countries.


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