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tv   Zhit zdorovo  1TV  April 8, 2024 10:00am-10:51am MSK

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international are the biggest custodians, they even prohibit ukrainians from expanding their cemeteries, which are growing like mushrooms due to the fighting in the east, they say: no need, these lands no longer belong to you, you do what you want there, it is used by a german crematorium , for a second, 200 crematoria have been installed, which is why the issue related to food security in the future, which will occur, is relevant for all countries now, but with the largest reserves... of pressed water, the possibility of growing everything else, of course russia has it. that is why we are of such interest throughout the world, and that is why we are attacked so much. i now propose to include in our conversation olga vladimirovna tomashevich, deputy head of the department of history of the ancient world, faculty of history of moscow state university lomanosov, candidate of historical sciences. we are happy to welcome you. please tell us what ukraine was like 200 bc? none, because she wasn’t there. in the second millennium bc. neither egypt nor
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the territories that are now partially ukraine is located, they were not the breadbasket of the entire akumena, with akumena, frankly speaking, it was still quite modest, and here i would like to say that in general this whole story with the export of grain begins especially actively with greek colonization, that is, the 6th century. century bc, the basporan kingdom actually made a very good profit from the grain trade, because athens made a large order, athens was very generous...
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as for egypt, we have only one piece of evidence that the egyptians really were in the second millennium, where- then in the 15-14th century, maybe the hittites threw a little grain into asia minor, but that’s not called feeding. egypt, and especially not for these territories of the southern russian steppes, because of course, even when the greeks arrive there, there they find the tribes of the scythians, sovromats, myots, they are nomadic, semi-nomadic and in... lived the tauri,
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who were different in that sense , that they sacrificed foreigners, so what can you say about another state there, especially about ukraine, no way, thank you very much, all the best, let’s read the biography to the audience, it seems to me it will be interesting, please show me the biography of dmitry bely, doctor of historical sciences, defended his phd thesis on the history of ukraine in the ninety-fourth year, defended his doctoral dissertation on the history of ukraine in the tenth year, and was a professor from the tenth to the fourteenth year. for many historians in ukraine, the only way to make money, to survive, is to rip out such fakes, because there is an order for it, there are western grants for it, they will love you for it, otherwise this is the path of immigration to belarus, to russia, to other countries, where they can and many have found a good, worthy path and...
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sell and work and do a lot of things, someone chooses this path, let’s say, throwing into the trash can, perhaps all his previous achievements, after all, i think he was there in soviet times he was just starting out, he still had some basic knowledge, it’s now that he started like this , it’s grabbed in another way, there’s no other way to call it, how to do it for the sake of the poorly educated government, which reads few books, they themselves are interested in it, the americans are rubbing hands or british, and says how cool it is going on there degradation, that they throw in little money there with their own hands, they teach, many will say, well, wait a second, well, adults won’t accept these fakes, and we’re not talking about adults, we’re talking about children who absorb these things , thank you very much for coming to us today, as always , i remind our viewers that if any news raises doubts, you know, send to our editorial office reasons for pride, be sure to send everything too. all the best. the first
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channel presents. this is my friend alyosha, just recently his arm was completely paralyzed and didn’t work, and now, and now i can move it in different ways, and the kids at school like it, like this, of course, now in all directions, a unique development of russian scientists , exoskeletons, and not only in...
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completely hopeless patients, because there was great pride in the doctors who saved the terrorists, they used bullets with a displaced center, which enter on one side, tear everything and come out on a completely different side, and of course, a huge shock and respect.
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look, we have such a diagram here, this is once again a return to the conversation that if you come in, you must know the exit points, in case of a fire, first of all, because the passages that must be open and check whether they are open or no, you were taught all this, right, both during the fire and during the tera, what were you told, right?
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so i saw where they were running, i ran after them and while i was running, it turned out that i shouted to people to run after us, and so you brought out, how many people did you manage to bring out, i think... that somewhere from twenty to 30 -40, god forbid, lord, you can’t even imagine what you’ve done, you ’re standing here so modestly, silently, you, on your minus first floor, also knew where to go, this exit was open, everything turned out well, tell me, at first all the people they were breaking into the service room, the service door was closed, my partners opened the door. the whole crowd ran there, and at that moment i was running around the wardrobe and looking for people who were hiding,
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there behind counters, behind columns, somewhere in clothes, so my partner and i ran up together to these people, lifted them up, directed them to the service room, how many people did you find and directed before you ran out yourself, i can’t say exactly how many i did, because we had several guys there, everyone helped people in one way or another, but in... i didn’t think about it at all, i thought about it, i actually started to think about it for the first time, when people were already entering the office premises, i just stood nearby, waited for everyone to pass, looked at the stairs, to the first floor, which was opposite literally a couple of meters. appeared at that moment some kind of fear, because there was
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only one thought in my head that terrorists could go down these stairs, and we were all in full view, you were scared, you’re so tiny, god, i was very scared, yes, yeah, and you still brought it out, yes, i don’t know how it happened, it happened mechanically, it was just that i shouted, well, there was some kind of realization that you shouted, run after us, guys, now we can’t find any words , to tell you how great you are, a huge bow to your parents, and i want to say, that sasha’s mother is actually sitting in our hall, we raised, of course, an amazing guy, simply amazing, sit down, my dears, be happy,
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we’ll hang out, and then we’ll continue, let’s start planting, as
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gardeners say, plant in the mud in the spring, you’ll grow in the fall prince, we are preparing for the opening of the summer season, which variety of green onions is the best, together forever, we thought, sore throat, we treated it with antibiotics, it didn’t go away for me, in the end they already carried out an analysis. and it turned out to be this virus. epstein-bar virus. why doesn't it need to be treated? get up and go. to me it became easier, of course. because now i can do this, that, this way, that way. a unique development of russian scientists, an exoskeleton against paralysis. we are again together with those who love good music with all their souls. lilac fog, valodia, you hooked me so much that i
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swam. just don't give in, buddy.
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they splash and shout, they shout in all directions, spring is coming, spring is coming, we are messengers of the young spring, she sent us forward, what, where, when, the spring series of games, on sunday on the first. well, friends, let's start planting, planting all kinds of greens useful, today we will plant onions, our doctors came from the garden with onions, like this, she has a light brown braid and a blue ribbon,
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such a beautiful song, our theme today is green onions. bring us onions into the studio, the beauty is unearthly, the onions smell juicy and grow beautifully. before we guys start talking to you about how to sow it all, how to grow it all ourselves, i want us to tell at least something about luke and, of course, about his positives. qualities, we know something historical about onions, but it is known that when columbus sailed to america, then the onion was dried and given as a source of vitamin c, which means it is apparently still there, what else do we know, in general we know that the philosopher herodotus wrote that even before herodotus they knew about it for several tens of thousands of years , were eaten for
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medicinal purposes. let's go to the layouts. we have two specialists, a cardiologist, an ophthalmologist, and here is the cardiologist germanch, look, this is an arterial vessel, these are its walls, onions contain a substance called quercetin, it dilates blood vessels, thereby blood pressure, this is the first, second mikhail egorovich, this is the retina, in it. there are millions and millions of nerve cells that are responsible for vision, but there are rods and cones, 120 million rods and 7 million cones of cones, there is a special spot just a millimeter responsible for super-precise precise vision, this zone mainly contains cones, and these cones
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charged with a certain pigment, purple, rhodopsi. so let's put all sorts of different types of products on the peedistal of honor, i propose to compare the guys green by quercetin by
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vitamin quercetin vasodilator, then green onions contain almost 4 and a half times more quercetin than reptiles, that is, they cannot even be put in second place, they are somewhere on the floor. one more time, and in terms of vitamin a, green onions are in first place, onions simply don’t have it, yes, yeah, that’s it, alecin, of course, and indeed allicin in green onions, there is more in young onions, which is why immunologists are now paying close attention, because after the coronavirus pandemic they began to do experiments on animals, they showed.
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the first topic will be how to plant green onions, we have a guest and expert today, agronomist, mikhail rastislavovich, vorobyov, mikhail rastislavovich, let's go to the garden. so, we have two such beds, we need to plant onions, well, in general, these onions can be cut off from an onion, stuck in a glass, and these feathers will start to grow, right? actually it is possible. there are various ways to get green onions, but the easiest way, perhaps, is to sow the seeds, by the way, this is exactly what is done in the southern regions of russia, there are no onion sets there, as we have in the more
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northern regions, you can sow in about a month or a little more, it turns out like this such green onions, yes, such green onions, they are often sold in stores, what are onions, in the southern regions of russia onions are grown in one year, but here. in central russia the summer is short, so in the first year only these small onions grow, they are called onions, they are dug up, stored in a warm room in the winter, planted in the spring in the fall of next year, they receive marketable onions, that is, we will plant them today those little onions that are called onions, yes, but how are they green? it turns out, wait,
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depending on the weather, we can already plant it in just 2-3 weeks to get powerful green leaves, and there are some tufts that have even begun to form. there is, there is a nuance here, you need to make a beard like this, water it very carefully, as gardeners say, plant in the mud in the spring, in the fall you will be a prince, in this mud, yes, in this mud we plant our onions, we often plant them face down. so, of course, there are those who, who plant upside down, anything can happen, if your soil is hard, you don’t need to screw it
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in with all your might, because you can damage it, you can use, well, some pegs, something like this, do it like this, if your soil is too hard, then sprinkle it. don’t want a glove, you know how, like this, like this, since we press everything down with earth, german six bolts every 5 cm, this is of fundamental importance if we grow onions, because they will grow with us all summer, there won’t be enough space for them , the archers will press into each other, and the green of course, we didn’t have enough space, so i wanted to say, yes, so, so, we sprinkled this onion with earth, after 2-3 weeks powerful feathers. or don’t, water it thoroughly, thoroughly; if the magnifying glass doesn’t have enough moisture, it becomes bitter, so you need to water it
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generously, water it. my grandmother just grew a big onion on the windowsill and just cut it into soup right away in a week, but now you can do it like this, it’s understandable, that’s how we all did it, we’re at the dacha, comrades, thank you, mikhail rastislavich, you open up to us very much a lot of interesting things, and i i want to go back to the kitchen with our doctors to try what our chef alexei kobba made from green onions, lesha, bring it. so, hello, well, as they say, there are variations of green onions with pies, there are variations just in salads, and i made ice cream, yes, you can make great ice cream from green onions, well, or sorbet or sorbet, yes, these are pure onions, in this case case, and since our program, in principle, well , the recipe program goes quite quickly, here is cream,
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and so you can use sour cream, and also cool.
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became kalya in kiev, he flew in to start hostilities, there was a game of being ahead of the curve, this is the frame that was created by three groups of countries: canada, great britain and the usa, he was noticed in corruption scandals, the hook on which he hangs perfectly appears. bruno kall learned a lot from volga schäuble, precisely as from his patron. war is always a battle, propaganda. this is nothing new, we just need to be more decisive and take the lead. is he not leading? its behind-the-scenes game, russia first they are concerned about declaring war on the entire western world. 12 thousand german troops are involved in these exercises, which are carried out near our borders, they are preparing for the start of armed action, that is why bruno kahl, bruno kahl, went there, and that says it all. dolls of the heir tutti, today on the first. i feel
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out of place as the chairman of the jury. are you criticizing the american dream? no, i 'm trying to tell the story from trice banks of the last seven days of laura palmer. matador on friday on the first. say what you like my hat? you don't have a hat. i would like to say in the future that i did everything i could in my life. andrei petrovich and i
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are going to our medical site, where a banal procedure is taking place, in general, for all procedures, a person will now have a blood test, but the fact is that today we want to remember with a kind word an outstanding scientist, our contemporary, who just recently passed away, what was the name of this great man, a professor, a knight,
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bought his assistant, we have a lot of people in prison, and this virus and antibodies to it the virus can be found in a routine blood test, which is now being taken from our patient, and i want, andrey petrovich, for you to ask our guests a question, our guests responded to our
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question, so, epstein virus bar, do you have epstein bar virus, do you think you are infected with the epstein virus.
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the analysis has already turned out to be this virus, a few days after the onset of the disease you still need to do a blood test, so the sooner a blood test is done at a high temperature, especially in children, we are here we make a diagnosis, why? because in a blood test we will see specific cells, look, this virus attacks, this is a white blood cell, a lymphocyte, this virus attacks.
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diseases, of course, this must be understood, this is a special infection, it affects, it cannot be treated, it affects lymphocytes, our white blood cells, that is, this is very similar to the course of immunodeficiency, however, andrey petrovich, why can’t it be treated with penicillin antibiotics, because which in this case is very, very common, in almost 80% of cases a person develops an allergy.
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i’m now 31 years old, but 21, it’s believed that there really is such a disease, chronic fatigue syndrome, and the bara virus is considered one of the reasons why?
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studied children in uganda, where they found whole epstein found this virus precisely when the tribes that had a high frequency of this lymphoma, and he was looking for the reason why suddenly this lymphoma, not hotshkin's, the so -called, appears in these children when they saw large lymph nodes began to secrete various components from there, here then they found this virus. or specific treatment against the epstein-bar virus does not exist yet.
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moreover, the majority of us, 95%, are indeed among those who are infected, living with it, and it doesn’t matter. it’s clear, so don’t believe it, there is no treatment for scammers. and one more question: is it necessary, if you have the epstein virus, to be tested for a genetic predisposition to lymphoma. is there such a possibility? there is such a possibility, this is a really important aspect, but because it will talk about the risks that exist when activation of this virus, then it is possible that lymphoma can occur, that is, such a degeneration of these very lymphocytes, which is not just an atypical mononuclear cell, a cell that is not cancerous, defective, but not cancer, into cancer cells that kill ours.
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epstein. epstein. a fond memory, because he left us a great discovery. this is probably why god gave him such a long, long life. let's take a short break and then continue. chanson. this is not just for you, you have to do it.
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he wears trousers, and he wears a hat, boots he wears jealously, three chords, a new season from april 14, on the first, there is still
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snow in the fields, and in the spring the waters are noisy, running, waking up the sleepy shore, running and... splashing and shouting, they are shouting to all ends, spring spring is coming, we are messengers of the young spring, she sent us forward, what, where, when, the spring series of games, on sunday on the first. well, move your hand, this program is to live a healthy life, friends, this is where we started our program, this is alyosha, a wonderful guy, in a very early childhood, about 2 years old, he suffered a cerebral hemorrhage, a stroke, and was half paralyzed.
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just recently lyosha started a new treatment, his hand was paralyzed, it didn’t move at all, now wave, give it some more. like this he can move everyone in all directions, this is very important, because when the hand does not move, the muscles atrophy, and now his muscles are growing, really, my dear, tell me how your school reacted to this? well, at the beginning, when i went for the first time with this huge thing, so to speak, and they were in shock, they just looked at me all day, as if, lyosha, what is this, and then somehow are you used to it? there they started saying, well, hello , bye, teachers too, well, something like this, in general, as they say, the resounding success did not last long, yes, my dear, this is really an amazing design, we now want to show you the children, this archival footage of doctors, which doctors do for themselves, with various
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diseases, the essence of which is the same: for some reason, arms or legs do not move. let's look at these archival footage, here's to the child. exoskeleton, the arm, which did not move at all, now rises perfectly, here you see, so, the exoskeleton, the development of russian scientists, but not only a boy, we also have a girl, that’s the same thing, filming before the exoskeleton, the arm does not rise by itself, the movement is only up to the elbow, now with the exoskeleton, that is, as soon as the arm starts to move, muscles grow, that's right, tell me what changed for you when you? i started wearing an exoskeleton, well, i began to feel it, the exoskeleton actually became my second body, and it became easier for me, of course, because now with the exoskeleton i can do this and that, here and there, then to me, god, what a good boy, really, how old are you now, 11, what do you
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dream about, what do you want to become, well, i want to make my own channel on youtube, so what will you talk about there? well , i’ll tell you some facts, and i’ll also tell you some kind of entertainment channel that i want to do, well, how about you, just a little more modest, what does that mean more modest? well , that is, the cameras are not so big, well, that is , the volume is smaller, but you know what i want to tell you, always set great goals, never don’t tell yourself about... i can’t do this, tell yourself only one thing: i can do everything, then you really can, understand? so don’t speak more modestly, you have to tell me: i want yours, only 100 times better, right? and the fact that you want to make a program based on facts means that one way or another it will be a popular science
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program, this is just a huge happiness, i want to say that lyosha’s entire family is present here, his older brother, his mother. and dad, shake your hands at us, and i just want to say that you are great, because with such huge problems, raising such a bright, such a clear, such a lively boy is simply happiness, so tell me what your program will be, good, compared to mine, 100 times better, or better in the thousands, sit down, my dear, i want to show you one more... video, these are two girls who were also seriously ill, here they are, the same thing, this is a hereditary serious illness, completely different, exactly the same. sonya and lisa, sisters, their hands don’t work, with the exoskeleton at the first fitting the child is already raises his arms to full height, this is just
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great happiness, girls, come to me, my dears, they carried exoskeletons for a long time, and now they can cope without them, how long did you wear exoskeletons until you grew up, about 9 years, 9 years, yes ? now how long has it been without exoskeletons or are you still at a new stage, that is, you have grown up, they will make new ones for you now or you no longer need them, we can probably already do without them, without them, that is, now you can do everything, i i want to say that girls are 16 years old, it’s hereditary disease, today they do absolutely everything with their hands, correctly, and draw, and sew, everything else that you dream of being, girls, i want to be a cartoonist, draw cartoons. oh, i wish this for you, and you are a clothing designer, well, so be it, sit down, my dears, now i want
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to invite the doctors who are the authors of all this professional splendor, please come to us, and one doctor, well, come to us, go, go, everyone, i immediately want to ask you to take off your robe, because one of the doctors put on an adult exoskeleton, these exoskeletons. move your hands and tell us what the essence of this machine is, why the hands that don’t move, let’s turn you around like this, begin to move, what is the essence of the design, explain to us, this situation, this design helps keep the hands in a state of weightlessness, yeah, hands it becomes easy, therefore the load on... them is less, and here you can perform various movements, since the area of ​​​​his movements does not differ from
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the hands of a healthy person. and how, explain to me, i don’t understand why the hand that was hanging, suddenly, here’s alyosha, he starts wave it 360°. there are several little secrets here, the first secret is anthropobiomechanical compliance, we struggled with it for a long time, then we found it, of course, the levers with which archimedes was going to turn the world upside down, and of course we have helpers in the form of rubber rods, perpetual motion machines mobile, which will fit the club, please come, no, the exoskeleton, just stand there, and we’ll just show it to adults, because this is a healthy adult, but a surgeon, for example, he is forced to do something, and like lesha’s. it works, we made several segments in the exoskeleton, one of them repeats the forearm segment, the second
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repeats the shoulder segment, the shoulder girdle segment, but there are traction, if lyosha raises the handle up, rubber bands help him, and if he lowers it down, the rubber bands stretch and help overcome the traction gravity, for all muscle groups, there is pure anatomy here. we managed to find this correspondence and turn on the handle, there’s nothing more to say, doctor, you were silent the whole way, this, as i understand it, for example, can be used surgeons or other specialists, when you need to hold your hands suspended for a long time, that’s right, absolutely right, the endosurgeon stands over the patient for many hours, just try, just raise your hands, just raise and hold now, and just hold, and in a minute, in 2 minutes your back... will start to burn, your hands will start to fill with lead, how long you can work in the exoskeleton for an unlimited amount of time and
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in fact your hands will be completely...


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