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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  April 8, 2024 10:50am-12:01pm MSK

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shoulders, but there are pulls here, if lyosha raises the handle up, the rubber bands help him, and if he lowers it down, the rubber bands stretch and help overcome the pull of gravity in all muscle groups, this is pure anatomy, we managed to find this correspondence and turn on the handle, there’s nothing else here not to say, doctor, you were silent the whole way, this, as i understand it, for example, can be used by surgeons and... and other specialists when you need to hold your hands suspended for a long time, right? absolutely true, the endosurgeon stands over the patient for many hours, try, just raise your hands and just hold it, and after a minute, after 2 minutes your back will start to burn, your hands will start to fill with lead, how much time you can spend in the exoskeleton for an unlimited amount of time, in fact your hands completely.
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great happiness, you and i had a good time, may your life be great! hello, the information channel on the first one is starting to work live! the program
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will show time in the studio ruslan astashka, alesya loseva. 10 years ago donetsk and lugansk declared their independence from ukraine 7 on april 14, the donetsk people's republic was proclaimed. the reason for this was the coup d'état on the maidan, the oppression of the russian-speaking population and nationalism that had raised its head. but kiev, or rather, the western curators of kiev did not want to hear the point of view of the eastern regions, war was declared against them, first under the guise of a counter-terrorist operation, then the nazis openly ruled the donbass, killing civilians just because they were russians, all these 10 years people of donbass fought and continue to fight for their freedom, for their right to think and speak in russian, for peace to come. but in the meantime, military correspondents report that russian troops have liberated the village of bogdanovka, this is a strategic point that will allow them to attack chas yar. now
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from almost all directions, but in the meantime kiev is trying to respond to the terrors, but continues to beg for money from its western sponsors, this is what the west thinks and says about this immediately after a short advertisement. central 812 suspicion of robbery attack on a taxi driver with the aim of taking possession of the car, again a taxi, again approximately the same area. maybe they are doing this on purpose so that we can concentrate ours. attention is focused on this area, but this is obviously a false trail. the main thing is that they stole a taxi again, which means myakisheva, myakisheva, where are you anyway? undercover taxi, premiere, watch after the program time.
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canada, great britain and the usa, has been involved in corruption scandals, and the hook on which he hangs appears perfectly. bruno kahl learned a lot from volgu. war is always propaganda battle, this is nothing new, we just need to be more decisive and take the lead. is he playing his own hidden game? russia is primarily concerned with declaring war on the entire western world. 12 thousand german troops are involved in these exercises, which are held near our borders. they are preparing for the start of hostilities. that's why bruno kahl went there. bruno kahl. and that's it . dolls of the heir tutti. today
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is the first one. intermittent fasting. leave for 8 hours, 16 hours. you're starving, the last ones scientific evidence suggests that people living under this protocol have a risk of myocardial infarction twice as high as everyone else. the program to live healthy is explained in detail. tomorrow on the first. i feel out of place as the chairman of the jury. perhaps all the most famous actors and directors in the world sat at this table. i'd like to have lunch.
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taechka, your voice knows no boundaries at all, you are an amazing classical singer, but you can sing in any genre, this is a very strong folk song, i think it’s some kind of completely new interpretation, but i recognize my dear one by his gait, he wears trousers, and he wears a hat. he wears his shoes for repairs, three chords, the new season from april 14 is on the first, the snow is still white in the fields, and in the spring the waters are noisy, they run and wake up the sleepy shore, they run and sparkle
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and shout, they shout to all ends, spring is coming, spring is coming , we are the young spring messengers, she sent us ahead, what, where, when, the spring series of games, on sunday on the first, this program time will tell, we continue our broadcast. nine russian regions in the zone floods, more than 10,000 houses were drowned, more water is expected in the tyumen and kurgan regions, the most difficult situation is now in the orenburg region, the water continues to remain there, the peak of the flood is expected on wednesday, hundreds of victims are injured, the head of the ministry of emergency situations alexander
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kurenkov said that the situation is of an emergency nature federal scale. in the center of the disaster, the city of orsk. on friday evening there was a dam break on the ural river and the surrounding areas of the city began to break out. go under water, all critical marks, the water level has already been overcome, the rise is more than 9 m, the evacuation of people has been ongoing for the third day, several thousand people were forced to leave their homes, in some parts of the city the water was rising so quickly that people simply did not have time to pack their things to leave the flood zone, damage from the flood had already reached 21 billion rubles, the the work of the org oil refinery, the water has approached orenburg, this is how people fight the elements.
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well done guys, they bought water themselves and are distributing it to residents. the first is saved, the second is carried away, friend, friend, friend, dear citizens, the water is just rising, we get out, we get out, go, pack your things, evacuate, after the dam broke, a case was opened for negligence and violation of safety during construction, investigators will have to evaluate the actions
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of the officials responsible for the construction of the dam. it was put into operation in 2010, and the state technical supervision authorities have already identified violations in the maintenance of the lady; the head of the press service of the russian ministry of emergency situations for the orenburg region, alexander sitnikov, comes to us directly. alexander sergeevich, hello, how are you now? a situation like the situation in orsk, of course, most of all without... how much more can the water level rise? the situation is really complicated, because in orski there is water in one street or another, now we are in the sixth microdistrict and here the water is gradually starting to remain, as we can already see, the beginning of the street is flooded, i ’ll turn around now and show what’s next it 's dry there, but we expect water to flow there, so now the population will be notified, thanks to certain... the activities that are carried out there in the flooding zone manage to hold back this water a little, so to speak, so that people have
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the opportunity to calmly get out on dry land, and not wait until there is knee-deep water and the train is full of water, it will be more difficult for them to get out, i repeat that the situation is difficult and people are being asked to evacuate, often preventively, and addressing residents, and not only of the orenburg region, if you know that you are in a flood zone, people are contacting you and offering to evacuate, listen to the advice and... investigate the points temporary accommodation, stay with relatives, it doesn’t matter where, the main thing is in a safe area, because if the specialists ask, then it’s better to wait, even if the water doesn’t come to your house, but it’s better to wait and come back than to wait for the moment when it’s already it will be more difficult to evacuate on your own, you will need the help of rescuers, for every person, for every house it is impossible to assign a lifeguard from a boat, yes, so people should still approach this more organized and more responsibly if they ask people...
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work is being done somewhere on the banks of the fortifications and so on, work is also being carried out in elekia, the local administration there, together with the forces of the ministry of emergency situations of russia, is strengthening the dam that protects the regional center, there is a whole ilek district in our country, and near a river that is flooding, so far, fortunately, this work is yielding positive results, it is possible to strengthen it there, i note that here in orsk the work is organized, of course volunteers help many, but here it is. now i know that the local authorities have reoriented, a number of buses were removed from the routes and sent
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to remove people from flooded areas, that is, to organize evacuation, the supply of water to temporary accommodation points, the distribution of bottled water, and so on has already been organized, monitoring of public notifications is carried out by local administrations, of course, by specialists from the russian ministry of emergency situations, this is what gives, in principle , positive aspects to many people... that is, problems with the delivery of food and drinking water have not now been solved for the most part or are being solved? are resolved, mostly resolved, yes, the authorities are actively involved in this issue, they are trying to provide food, drinking water, and solve problems, provide temporary accommodation centers, and now they are organizing long-term accommodation centers, because we understand that the situation is difficult, and we may have to rearrange it a little. yes , this system to create more comfortable conditions for people, to transfer this danger
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somewhere safe, and there is data on the number of people who have already been evacuated and what plans for evacuation still exist there is? look, if we are talking about orsk, where i am now, then over 2 thousand people have been evacuated here, but the evacuation continues, so no matter what number i give, right now it is increasing.
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without the support of the congress, it will be difficult for us not only to win, but even to maintain our positions. i wanted to leave you a message to ask you to think about what you could do together publicly, maybe some strong message, some concrete steps to push the congress force america to focus on ukraine, i would like from you, so that you... standard for them street boy fights, zelensky's adviser mikhail podalyak, reproaches rained down from kiev, well, in the spirit of such
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, he decisively declared that if the united states does not help ukraine with money, then america will do more.
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much, but she hopes that she, being a suitcase without a handle, is still of value, she sells her main work, which she performs, this is the weakening of russia, she does this work, it must be said, using different methods, now terrorist and necessary say that these are methods, this transition is such an easy transition to terrorist methods, it impressed western curators, because they do not want to be accomplices and sponsors of terrorism, this is obvious, that is why now... we have switched to direct blackmail, if before it was so camouflaged, blackmail is easy , when it was possible not to question the hegemony of the main sponsor, for example, to appeal with some kind of empathy, feeling, and so on, now this is direct blackmail, in fact, this suggests that ukrainian
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actors see the end of this assistance, now they they are trying to take the maximum from what can be taken in general, the project is being closed, this is already obvious, but they are hoping for the last tranche, for the last aid, for security guarantees and so on, you probably noticed that a lot of ukrainian politicians already have positions in western countries, hoping that after the completion of this project they will come there and sit there without , apparently, being held accountable .
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and i want to draw attention to a very important detail: zelensky is already trying to the affectionate calf of two queens is suckling, he is now trying to appeal to trump, who once said that he would stop giving money just like that, we all remember this. trump says: if you give, then only in debt, now zelsky says in an interview, but we are ready to lend, let’s lend. yes, if, as he says, i am faced with a question in a year but for free or now, but in debt, i borrow now. so this is the most important thing, he is driving the future of ukraine, the population of ukraine, the children of ukraine, unborn children into debt
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ukraine, he is driving debts, that is, he is driving them not only into political slavery, but into economic slavery, this is a very important detail, and these are new notes, they agree to everything, to give up everything, they gave up their sovereignty long ago, their independence long ago. they gave away they donated, now they are giving away their financial independence, that, of course, there will be some money, maybe there will still be some money coming in, but what about the 100-150 billion dollars they were talking about, which they received, for example, in 2022 there is no more speech, you can already forget all this why, it’s not because the americans suddenly saw the light, became somehow reasonable or changed their attitude towards russia, no, just as it has always been on...
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president biden’s attitude towards ukraine means that he provided enough weapons to avoid defeat, at least until now, but with such restrictions that kiev also could not win. look at the us dissatisfaction with the recent ukrainian strikes on russian territory. the biden administration called on kiev to stop targeting russian oil refineries and warned that drone strikes could lead to an increase in world oil prices and provoke retaliatory measures. if earlier they talked about this as if virtually, now they openly say what it is. biden insists on this, but in ukraine, it seems, they no longer listen to biden at all, they decided to go ahead and ukrainian intelligence representative andrei yusev said that kiev will expand the geography
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of its attacks on russian oil refineries. ukraine is waging a close war on the front line and a long-range war aimed at the russian infrastructure and logistics. oil refineries, airfields , factories. representative of ukrainian military intelligence andrey yuzov is mysterious. that for military purposes, the damage there is quite oil refineries are expanding. it turns out that having fought off the natural, and the geography of these attacks will be of american hands, this is a kiev gang, ready to go to the extreme, relying exclusively on terror, the head of kiev intelligence budanov, but cannot come to terms with the existence of the crimean bridge. the crimean bridge is also one of your goals, why is he still standing? now it’s standing, well, let’s go. well look, the bridge is heavily guarded and protected, but everyone is working on this issue, in the end, will it still be working by the end of this year, let's, let's
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wait and see what happens. 404 is the country 404 because it is the american administration, american target designation, system 16 of guiding drones to targets deep in russia, providing these same drones, which, if unarmed and opened, show the avionics of the french american-made company tales reiten and not only, in this regard, it can be said quite clearly that the usa is doing nothing more than trying with the same old barmaley,
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excuse the expression, leadership and approval, which is categorically from western countries and does not completely correspond to them to what the western press writes, shielding biden, who is supposedly against attacks on our refineries. ruslav stanislavich, the western press will write exactly what the western press is ordered to write, no press like us we saw modern yellow vests and...
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red caps in france, whoever, does not exist, there is a repressive apparatus, it works quite clearly and harshly, even on the territory of the states, especially since we saw this after the assault on official buildings, what they did with their opponents, so to speak, so to say that they will not protect their property, answering the previous question, which was answered by colleagues, zelensky’s hope is that he is a gouleiter, he is just a protege, he is the director, ukraine today is entirely the possession of the united states and other western countries. countries, he tells them: protect your property, they will protect their property by any means, because ukraine is a fabulously rich country, including even diamond-bearing rivers, which we still know a little about, in this regard there are rare earths there, there are oil, there is gas, there is uranium, there is a lot of everything, we are not talking about agriculture, black soil, and even including the ukrainians themselves, ukrainian women, who also deserve something, including their
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children, so, in principle, there is... the usa and western europe, this bad person, it’s funny what he says, euphemism, a military criminal, he says: you don’t want to defend your property, but i do everything , in order to protect him, he is nothing more than a target, so blows will be delivered, another thing is that we will intercept these missiles, they will be launched, because it concerns budanov, without exchanging various epithets, then this person.
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war is always a battle of propaganda, in this there is nothing new, we just need to be more decisive and take the lead. is he playing his own hidden game? russia is primarily concerned with declaring war on the entire western world. 12 thousand german troops are involved in these exercises, which are held near our borders. they are preparing for the start of hostilities. that's why bruno kahl went there. bruno kahl. and that's it. the dolls of the heir
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tutti today on the first month and a half ago kill the parents of lieutenant alexei turbin. from now on we have many questions that still have no answer, we will have to follow up on his case, no one in the department should know that we are meeting, handsome, our shooter has ripened everywhere, explain how you manage to do it everywhere the first to appear is that menen is incensed, the investigators came to me today and asked all sorts of nonsense, why don’t you pick up the phone, i called you five times, now explain to me why you call him several times a day, including at night . undercover taxi. premiere. watch the time after the program. mole. cool. i'm proud
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to live in. such a beautiful country that we have so many regions, so many different cultures, i know a lot about our homeland and i want people to know it too, this is very important. ulyanovsk is the birthplace of lenin, koramzin and goncharov. taganay is a whole adventure park, there are bears and more. fyodor chaliapin at one time throughout his life called himself a simple little peasant. white nights of leningrad, gray peaks of the caucasus, blue lakes of karelia, green sea of ​​taiga. same wonderful, like our sunny komyk, no one returns from a trip the same person, so travel, develop yourself, on any route, in any village, we are all one big family, intermittent fasting,
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you walk for 8 hours, you fast for 16 hours, the last scientific evidence suggests that people following this protocol are at risk. myocardial infarction is twice as high as everyone else, the program to live healthy has been sorted out in detail, tomorrow on the first, we are again together with those who love good music with all my soul, lilac fog, young, well , you hooked me so much that i swam, just don’t boast of friendship.
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there is still snow in the fields, and in the spring the waters are noisy, they run and wake up the sleepy shore, they run and search and shout, they shout to all ends, spring is coming, spring is coming, we are messengers of the young spring, she sent us ahead, what, where, when , a spring
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series of games, on sunday at first. more and more details of ukrainian participation in the terrorist attack in crocus are emerging, the detained militants are cooperating with the investigation and revealing more and more new details, the curator was in touch with everyone, it was he who gave instructions for retreating to ukraine; according to the plan, the terrorists were supposed to abandon the car at the border of the bryansk region and ukraine, then cross the border under cover. in kiev, everyone was promised a million rubles, this is what the terrorists themselves say during interrogation. what plans did your group have after the terrorist attack? who gave
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the instructions to you? saifyo, saifyo told us that we were going to ukraine kim, and there was already 1 million rubles there. let's go. kiev and somewhere i had to wait for money of 1 million rubles. syflo said. what there will be guys waiting for you at the ukrainian border who will help us cross the border and got to kiev, he told us: go towards kiev, when you get to the border you are far from the border, leave your car, trust me, i will help you further. well, in addition to trying to escape to ukraine, the terrorists had a lot of things on their phones.
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from the very beginning, a general directive was given not to recognize ukraine as a responsible party, and this directive worked, it was given at the highest level, joseph biden there and so on, here. on the one hand, on the other on the other hand, an information blockade, any information about the terrorist attack in crocus city hall in the west is blocked, this is presented as a not very serious incident, which, well , will not play any role, plus more and more new information reasons are being created that obscure this, the situation, well, of course, for obvious reasons, it is obscured, it seems to me that this kind of practice and civil societies of different countries are very... seriously following this, because they are aware of what happened in moscow, in krasnogorsk, or rather,
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so, i think that this kind politics, it will further ruin the reputation of western media, alexey, alexander germanovich has already canceled them altogether, i disagree a little, but nevertheless, we must clearly understand that this terrorist attack is the cornerstone in the basis of the hypothesis , well, not hypotheses... but versions about the terrorist essence of the ukrainian project, not the state, the project, but the western countries felt that this was their strategic mistake, that they had made this mistake, so now a lot of effort will be devoted to to neutralize this negative effect for them, the task of the russian side is not to allow this to happen, because otherwise the ukrainian project will continue, the participants of the ukrainian project will understand that everything is permissible, they will do everything at all. everything to strike at
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civilian infrastructure on the territory of the russian federation, at nuclear facilities and so on, then they will understand, they will give us the runaround, this is now this moment, it is very important, responsibility for all participants in this terrorist attack must come without fail, simply, otherwise rules will form a new reality, which all of us peaceful people will not like very much, but for now ukrainian terrorists do not stop their attempts. to attack russian regions only on sunday, the ministry of defense says that 15 drones were shot down over the belgorod and bryansk regions, yesterday the zaporozhye nuclear power plant was attacked, this is one of the most powerful attacks in recent times, a direct threat to the security of the station was created, one of the combat drones got into the dome of the sixth power unit, three station employees were wounded, magath inspectors were at the station at the time of the impact several hours later. there was even a statement about the shelling of the station, but as
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always, the mgt inspectors were so neutral that they could not even determine that they were fired at from the ukrainian side. magat experts were informed by zas representatives about the detonation of a drone at the facility. this detonation is consistent with magathe's observations. i call for refraining from actions that contradict magathe's five principles and jeopardize nuclear safety. now on direct connection with the studio. who was unloading food near the canteen of the zaporozhye station, the second arrival was in the area
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of ​​the cargo port and there was also an arrival in the dome of the sixth power unit, one was shot down by a drone, the second hit the dome itself, yeah, and magate experts, inspector magatera were there, saw everything, recorded it, but we recorded what exactly, and the places of arrivals, that is, the consequences of arrivals, yeah, evgeny, well, we understand that due to your duty... service and work and position, you probably cannot directly hand over the magat inspectors, we can do this topic reasoning, for obvious reasons you can’t do this, but at least on the sidelines, they understand everything, because officially they to yes , of course they understand everything, they are at the station constantly, 24 hours, that is, they see everything that is happening, that is it would be strange not to understand. evgeniya, please tell me, what is the goal, where are they hitting specifically or
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just randomly? it's hard to say, that is, if, for example, this. the dome - this was essentially an arrival at the power unit, everything else, they are trying to target infrastructure facilities, and how since these infrastructure facilities are less protected than the structure of the unit itself, and just in these stories there may be consequences, there may be consequences, that is, for example, there are diesel generators, fuel, that is, there may be a fire, there may be everything that whatever, but if they broke through the dome of the power unit, what would be the consequences? well, to be honest, the vvr reactors that are located at the zaporozhye station are among the most reliable, and even during the design process all sorts of different influences are included, both internal and external, that is, they sufficiently resistant to both external and internal influences, but of course, not a single nuclear power plant is designed to withstand full-fledged fire
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from the armed forces. thank you very much, the press secretary of the zaporozhye nuclear power plant, evgeniya yashina, was in direct contact with us. it is very noteworthy that evgenia honestly told us that the mgt inspectors understand everything perfectly well, they make official statements solely within the framework of their powers, they do not have a ballistic examination to determine where they came from, they don't even try. western troops to ukraine, this is zelensky’s secret dream, he admitted this himself in one of his interviews, but it turns out that public, public zelensky cannot call for this, because of russia. i can't go public today. today i cannot publicly say, yes, let’s give peace to the armies, come to ukraine and fight. do you know why? because russia will raise hype in the world, they will begin to raise the society of other states that they cannot send their children to war, that this is not their war, they will begin to split the unity between the countries of europe and nato countries. therefore, it is risky for us to be initiators. if i come up with such
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an initiative, then russia will do everything to stop us from receiving military assistance from other states. societies will be divided, they will put pressure on the leaders of their states, they will...
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the swiss press described the four most likely scenarios: the presence of foreign troops in ukraine. option one: kiev fortress. french troops occupy territory north of kiev in order to prevent an attack from belarusian territory. this means easing the load on the ukrainian army has the opportunity to transfer forces to the front. option two. reserve forces on the zaporozhye front. french troops are located in the rear of the ukrainian army and are preventing a breakthrough through the dnieper. option three. odessa fortress. french troops occupy the territory of northern odessa. this could ensure the security of the black sea port. in addition, french units would have the opportunity, if necessary, to redeploy to moldova or prevent the crossing of the dnieper. option four. deployment in moldova. french troops could provide support to the moldovan
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government in the event of a landing of armed groups, little green men or russian intervention in gagauzia. alexander germanovich, are they there yet? well, this has been discussed for weeks, openly and not only in the swiss press, but on french television, but which scenario is most likely? in my opinion, alisa riksanovna probably two , 3 and 4, they are not only discussing, but maria zakharova made a statement the other day that 1,500 french troops are already in fact ready to move to the line, so to speak, to ukraine, to ukraine, excuse me. but in this direction, the question is rather in westerners’ understanding of their role in this conflict, because the president of france, in my opinion , is confessing something. auto’s thoughts, considering us untermens, that is, he believes that if the french with their flag stand up to conquer
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the dnieper, then certainly we, like probably slavic slaves, certainly cannot fight in the french way, these are the french , new nayat wunderwaffe, new, alexey alekseevich, so based on this, well, clearly, that 2000 of the french contingent, which nowhere and never, except against the natives of operation barkhane or... serval in africa, in malia, never fought against the shelled army that was fighting, was drawn into a war on its own land, as we told the french about it general martinez, just the other day, he said why our soldiers, this is a general, a general, not only that, it’s enough, i would say with good experience to an african, he said why our soldiers will fight in ukraine, russian soldiers are fighting their homeland, i'm quoting now the french general, he doesn’t give half a penny to lumanny for the survival of his soldiers in the ukrainian meat grinder, but to macron. another logic, he really is a fascist, he really considers us idiots who cannot raise a hand against the white master, so the question of setting up the dnieper
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remains possible for me, the question of bringing them into moldova, not just possible, within the framework of what may sandu is doing together with his, he would tell, well, how can i put it better, his accomplice, the prime minister of romania, declaring that moldova is populated exclusively by romanians, ignoring the bulgarian population. population, russian population, greek population, this is really surprising, but it seems to me that eugenia gutsu gave a very clear answer on this matter about gagauzia today we are still the bashkan, that is, the head, the head of the gagauzians , ruslan stanislavich understood, but the question is, that the french can enter moldova, let’s look at things soberly, they are standing two steps away from moldova, they don’t need to throw anything, they are standing right on the other side of the country the romanian border has five brigades, and what’s more, they have a massive fist of several tank companies there. is concentrated and there are combat helicopters, and what’s more, they are waiting for them in moldova, and thus they, of course, will begin to control the region of northern odessa, where
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bernard henri levy, a known warmonger in the middle east everywhere, visited, and he answered from the point of view, somehow the french military, although it is clear how bernard henri levy could be responsible for this, for preparing the defense of odessa more than a year ago, he was seen there with precisely this mission, so to we need to prepare for this, here’s the question: does that mean the french and romanians won’t? then to sort out the collision relations, is this inevitably of interest if the french enter moldova? well, in fact, the romanians, again, let’s look at things soberly, have always been considered the backyard of europe, the poorest population, who were allowed in due to a certain, i would say misunderstanding, by the european union, because you constantly have to pay for them, and in this era there is still third mountains were called nothing more than a strange gas station, hence the name, in fact was the name regarding romania from the side of the third rich. in this regard, well, the french in this case, it seems to me, will do with moldova, as we did with bulgaria, we have a vivid example of bulgaria, today it
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is owned by french capital, belgian capital too to a large extent, well, since the topic of romania was raised, then prime minister of romania marchal charlacu said that the unification of romania and moldova is possible, which provoked a huge scandal. i support the union of moldova with romania, and i continue to believe in it. culture, the death of the moldovan ethnic group,
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the death of the moldovan language, for 30 years the pro-romanian forces in our country have been carrying out ardent propaganda, and unfortunately, this propaganda is primarily anti-moldovan, they deny moldovans the right to call... we understand that in this case there will be a reaction not only from chisinau, but also from the controlling actions of the moldovan authorities in bucharest. the reaction can be very different, from loud, threatening statements to the deployment of troops in attempts to dissolve the silent autonomy. internally we... are ready for any scenario. gagauzia will firmly rely on the results of the 2014 referendum, on the law on a special
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legal status, on the code of state property management and the constitutional rights of our region; if chisinau refuses independence in one form or another, we will achieve our independence ourselves. alexandrovich, well, loud statements have been made on both sides, which means that moldova is entering this geopolitical game more actively, which is now developing. what is the purpose of this whole thing, to stretch our strength, or some other game. and moldova enters, and moldova.
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to another neighboring republic, to moldova, in order to shake up the situation there, and this is really fraught, since such conversations not only completely bury the possibility of any discussion of the return to the transnistrian republic in any form, it has already been decided, here we are now we have just witnessed that other subjects of the moldovan republic will already be experiencing centrifugal attempts, but i assure you, i was in moldova and...
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their past, they have not forgotten their historical ones , but there are many more people who have not forgotten cultural, spiritual ties with russia, they will not give it up so easily, and we, unfortunately, will be able to witness another very serious conflict, which, in principle, is what the west needs, which does not protect the citizens, residents of these countries, does not protect their economy, does not protect their social stability, it is important for them, as the most important thing, this...
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they expect to win back, because they are already accustomed to the idea that the new territories of the russian federation will no longer return to ukraine, so they propose, as it were, offer russia an exchange, come on, give up, give up these territories, they will become part of the corresponding states there, and we will explicitly de facto recognize this, this is already being said on the sidelines, but here it is difficult to get rid of, frankly speaking, one very unpleasant feeling: we must clearly understand that the european union is expanding, expanding in an expansionist way, all these people of moldova want to join the european family, now the people of armenia want to join the european family and georgia and so on, guys, these are the words that cover the expansionist nature of your movement to the east, which is accompanied to a large extent by the nato countries,
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a military bloc that is by no means defensive, it is exclusively. offensive, this is also very difficult not to notice, when was the last time sweden, finland were included in it, and so on, they will now include some other central european country, and the european union and nato are aggressive supranational entities that carry out expansionist policies, this is necessary clearly understand, further proceed from this, further proceed from this, if this policy is expansionist, russia must provide its own, its response to this expansionist.
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in the avdeevka area, we expect russia to intensify offensive actions in late spring early summer, especially in the donbass region. now russian troops have advanced closer to chasov yar, and i expect that their offensive will go in the strategic direction of pokrovsk in the donbass. while budanov selects points on the map. work has almost stopped in kharkov all military production of the kyiv regime. the next strikes were carried out by our aerospace forces over the weekend. the mayor of kharkov said that there was almost no electricity left. an air raid alert was announced in kharkov, and at approximately 11 o'clock our opponents were struck in the center of kharkov, as well as in our industrial area.
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two s-300 missiles flew into the area, causing a fire to break out at one of the production plants. in addition, the blast wave damaged many nearby objects. there was a very serious situation in the city the situation regarding electricity supply, strict power outage schedules have been introduced. because there is simply not enough of it for everyone. in addition to energy infrastructure facilities, we knock out enemy artillery installations that are hitting belgorod, a video shot from a drone captured the moment the vsushnikov hit the artillery crew, a powerful explosion, and then the detonation of the ammunition, only a stop remained from the gun, while in the ssu everything is the same use their terrorism tactics and place artillery near residential areas houses, but we already went through this, actually to this.
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“hello, good afternoon, why is there so much fuss, what military production have we stopped in kharkov and why is zelensky so angry? well, in fact, kharkov is the most important node of the military-industrial complex of the soviet union, in importance it was probably no lower than, for example , the ural complex, because, in my opinion, i remember the story, the guys told me, there was a moment when kharkov produced three tanks a day during the union in the eighties, that is, there..." a huge number of not only the morozovskoye design bureau, yes, which developed the t-64, they worked on many other vehicles there, yes, that is, there are still very powerful tank factories, repair, tank repair factories, and many aircraft
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factories, that is, there is enough qualified personnel potential here for so that even in the conditions that currently exist for ukraine, to create a production facility for the minimum repair, restoration of equipment, armored vehicles, as well as the creation of unmanned aerial vehicles there. in large quantities, and therefore circumcision opportunity to do this, and this is the easiest thing to do without destroying everything there, the territory of this industrial zone is huge, yes, that is , you can spend a lot of missiles on everything, it is much easier to destroy the energy sector of the region and , accordingly, without energy, no production is possible today, this way opportunities are cut out, the same the most, by the way, is being done not only in kharkov, but let’s look carefully for more than one week in the krivoy rog area, this too. a very significant industrial area, which is also energetically cut out from a single energy systems of ukraine, and thus kharkov krivoy rog is now the two main targets of our aerospace forces in night strikes, well, it is logical
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to assume that the kharkov region and the krivoy rog region are the goals of our further advancement dnepropetrovsk region, krivoy rog in the dnepropetrovsk region, dnepropetrovsk region, but this it is logical to assume that although there are difficulties with crossing the dnieper, the kiev regime is nevertheless active.
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of those that are being discussed, there is the most movement right now, can you explain to us? situation at the moment, because as i understand, based on your messages in your telegram channel, the battle for the clock will begin literally this week, well, apparently, well, according to the statements of the ukrainian soldiers who are there, for them this battle has already begun , because they have already suffered huge losses over the last week, and literally tonight they struck the central repair base in chachacha. ogneuporov plant,
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they are now clearing out the rubble, judging by radio interceptions, we dealt them a big blow, that is, more than 100 dead, a huge number of wounded, seriously injured, dozens of pieces of equipment destroyed, it was their center for storing reserves, we delivered a powerful blow to two workshops at once, as i understand it, well, if we didn’t put them away, then at least at least they were destroyed, and most likely they used volumetric explosion bombs, that is, due to the nature of the damage, most likely everyone survived. there were about 400 personnel and up to 50 pieces of equipment for radio interceptions, most of them are no longer fighters, and here, indeed, we are delivering powerful blows, we are now trying to prepare for the assault, but having caught on the outskirts, the eastern outskirts of the frequented ravine, we have already done this, this is the so-called channel microdistrict, we are now pulling up the flanks, over the weekend bogdanovka was cleared, for which there were very long battles, since our movement to the canal to the canal microdistrict provided a flank for this attack. and now we not only took this
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position here, we also took the heights north of bogdanovka, which we also followed for a very long time fighting, so we have now reached the outskirts of the settlement of kalinovka, which is essentially also located on the pass, that is, on a canal, that is, part of kalinovka is on one side of this canal, part is on the other side of this canal, and there are also battles to the south, now there is a ravine, the so-called ravine - blue mortars or there is also a so -called german forest there, here there is a very fierce battle, our troops. yesterday they took two strong points here, but the defense line here has not yet been broken, there are very serious positions, that is, we are pressing on a fairly wide front, by the way, this allowed us, because the enemy is dragging reserves here, a lot of reserves, to intensify military operations to the south, and here, too, there is a good fire defeat in the area of ​​​​kleshcheevka, kurdyumovka, i do not rule out that in in the coming days our troops will strike here too, well, i also paid attention to the ovdeevskoe direction, because yesterday we achieved significant success there. were able to walk almost a kilometer,
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our attack aircraft took about a kilometer on the outskirts of novokalinov, these are northern villages, dairy farms are entrenched in them, and this is very dangerous for the enemy, especially since the clearing of semyonovka is going on at the same time, that is, the most dangerous direction for them is ocheretina, we also attack here and achieve success. thank you very much, yuri ivanovich fadalyaka was in direct contact with us. not only is ukraine running out of western weapons, but soldiers are tightening the screws on kiev. he is already driving absolutely everyone he can into mobilization. zelensky signed a number of laws where the conscription age was reduced to 25 years, but now they will not be included in the register of those liable for military service. only men, but also women aged 18 to 60 years, there are still options not to get to the front line, this is how the british press talks about them. for young people in kiev frightened by the prospect of joining the army , tools are available to help them.
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to avoid being sent to the front, in kiev hundreds of thousands are browsing telegram channels in search of advice on how to evade conscription agents, directly helping people avoid conscription is illegal, so messages are encrypted, it is unclear whether these channels will help at all, video producer dmitry refused to give his real name, said he was taking precautions to avoid being drafted. he travels between ukrainian cities only at night to avoid falling into the hands of military commissars and has saved thousands of euros for a bribe. i don't want to serve. dima said. it turns out that saving lives in ukraine is, well, simply terribly expensive. military commissars in ukraine absolutely sweep away everyone. here in the odessa region they even tried to mobilize a fourteen-year-old schoolboy, so western journalists are asking questions about how much human resource will be enough ukraine and how many soldiers zelensky’s military commissars can collect using violent methods.
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ukraine is struggling with low troop levels, officials have not said how many new soldiers could potentially join ukraine's armed forces, but kiev not only needs more fighters, they
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also have few weapons and ammunition, the issue of us funding remains at an impasse in congress. ukrainian commanders on the ground are making difficult decisions.
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be able to do such things, go to the border, i remind you that in kharkov region, the just removed head of administration offered 141. rubles to evacuate a child somewhere away from the battlefield, preferably abroad, so there are a lot of such schemes working in ukraine now, there are no statistics, i think
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that since they have already started the mothers of those same soldiers in battle, they joined up there at the front, unite at the cemetery, it turns out that the resource is really close to exhaustion, then of course the question arose... if zelensky signed the law that women should also stand up to register for military service until the age of 60, what they can fight there, what he thinks is a big, big question. he believes that one should not get used to life when one is young, one should get used to the war of death. news on channel one. hello, on the air news, in the studio ekaterina berezovskaya. so, the main topic is the situation with floods in russian regions. this morning, vladimir putin heard reports from the head of the ministry of emergency situations, as well as the governors of the orenburg, kurgan, and tyumen regions. this was reported by the press secretary of the head of state.


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