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tv   Novosti  1TV  April 8, 2024 12:00pm-12:16pm MSK

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i think that since the mothers of those same soldiers have already gone into battle, they were reunited there at the front, reunited at the cemetery, it turns out that the resource is really close to exhaustion, then of course the question arises, if zelensky signed a law that women should to register for military service before the age of 60, what can they do to fight there? what does he think, this is a big, big question, you know, he thinks that you shouldn’t get used to life when you’re young, you need to get used to war and death. news on channel one. hello, on air news, in the studio ekaterina berezovskaya. so, the main topic is the situation with floods in russian regions. this morning, vladimir putin heard reports from the head of the ministry of emergency situations, as well as the governors of the orenburg, kurgan, and tyumen regions. this was announced by the press secretary of the head of state dmitry. sands the government has been instructed
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to create a special commission. in the worst -hit orsk, more than 6,000 residential buildings were flooded, and from there the flood wave is moving towards orenburg. rescuers report this. as for the kurgan region, in there are more than 18,000 people in the possible flooding zone. the ministry of emergency situations also noted that they will concentrate the group in tyumen, where there is a high probability of flooding of entire neighborhoods. report by andrey goldarev. yes, you can see how deep it is, orsk continues to go under water, the evacuation zone is gradually expanding, like a list of flooded streets? it was a bit difficult to get here, there was a generation of water here, they spent the entire night rescuing people from the flood zone, additional temporary accommodation centers were deployed, and they came to help local residents bring humanitarian aid or use their own boats to help get out of the disaster zone; we have already made three trips today.
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all schoolchildren in the city were transferred to distance learning; according to the latest data , more than 6,000 residential buildings were flooded in orsk. rescuers from the russian ministry of emergency situations continue to evacuate the population due to...
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and here is a hill, look at how fast it is growing here, climbing up the mountain, in orenburg the peak flood is still expected, the water level in the ural river is approaching critical levels, almost 10 m. the evacuation of people continues, some synthes near the city were almost completely flooded. the water rose just fine. they are preparing for a serious rise in water in the tyumen and kurgan regions; here the water level in the ishi metobol rivers may exceed historical maximums by as much as 4 m. the day before , the leadership. we were talking about preparing for floods; according to forecasts , preventive evacuation has already begun in the trans-ural risk zone of more than 60 settlements. today, and what we talked about with vladimir vladimirovich, the most the main thing is to preserve the life and health of people. we will survive the damage. the most important appeal, and what i asked the president, through the media, to people, is to leave the flooded areas, not to wait for any additional warnings. this is their
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responsibility, we need to collect documents, personal belongings, food. kurgan itself is at risk. now they continue to strengthen the dams here, they create earthworks like this within the city limits, and put sandbags. according to forecasts, the water level in the river may rise above 9 m, this this means that the airport, several microdistricts and more than 100 snt could potentially be flooded. all current information about areas of possible flooding, areas from which you need to evacuate and time points. placements can be found on the regional government website. take care of children, people with limited mobility, elderly relatives, and do not leave your pets in the flood zone. if you refuse to evacuate because you are concerned about your property, law enforcement agencies will provide security. you can also join your neighbors form patrols so that they, together with departmental security officers , maintain order. in some settlements in the south of kurgan, high water may arrive tomorrow. to the mound itself
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in about 2 days. andrey goldarev, maxim trubnikov, tatyana shilina and evgeny kuznetsov, channel one. now about the large-scale fsb operation. delay. created communication centers for the operation of fraudulent call centers from ukraine, our task as technicians is to make the traffic work, that is, roughly speaking, we write, here are colleagues, you see, there you have a question, there was no message, for example, it was not delivered, as the fsb public relations center reported, only through one of
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these nodes, telephone scammers stole 7 billion rubles from russians. the funds went to finance the armed forces of ukraine, the company through which money was stolen from citizens was... registered abroad, my area of ​​responsibility here is exclusively technical, she offered me a job in her company, they registered the company in turkey, so we are engaged in a detention operation spent fsb operatives together with employees of the investigation department of the ministry of internal affairs. it has been preliminarily established that the international criminal scheme has been operating since 2022, the attackers provided work with... special equipment that made it possible to replace the numbers of scammers calling from abroad with russian ones. the scammers posed as employees of financial institutions and law enforcement agencies, after which they convinced russians to transfer savings and credit funds to so -called safe accounts. the operation was
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large-scale. the searches took place in moscow, st. petersburg, yaroslavl, sochi, moscow and leningrad regions. servers, computers, and sim card aggregation devices were seized. money in rubles and foreign currency, premium cars, criminals lived in grand style. at the moment , five members of the criminal group have been detained. the court chose a preventive measure for them in the form of arrest. law enforcement agencies carry out such operations regularly. these images show last year's contents of scammers who were also involved in spoofing phone numbers. they called and claimed that they were trying to steal money from the accounts. they asked to transfer funds to bank cards. actually belonged to ukrainian accomplices. most often, scammers pose as bank security officers or law enforcement officers. psychologists advise staying calm and not complying with the demands of strangers. dmitry kochatkov, kirilla danilov and evgenia
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stefanchuk. first channel. now about attacks on rear targets in the ukrainian armed forces. it is reported that in the odessa region, near the city of chernomorsk, an important logistics transport hub was damaged. according to some information, we are talking about a railway bridge. at night, the dolgintsevo airfield in krivoy rog, where ukrainian air force aircraft were based, was hit. there was also an explosion on the territory of a gas infrastructure facility in the dnepropetrovsk region. a critical infrastructure facility was damaged in the zhytomyr region. russian high-precision strikes, including on industrial sites, are a response to the ukrainian armed forces’ attempts to attack our energy facilities. to avdeevka, liberated by the russian army. brought a large one a batch of humanitarian aid for local residents, the most necessary things, including warm clothes, food, generators, gasoline, as well as sim cards, all this was delivered by the popular front team, along with the volunteers the head of the executive committee mikhail kuznetsov came, he said that with the support of the popular front, they are trying their best
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to help establish a peaceful life, even restoring the temple. i would like to say a huge thank you to all the residents of our country who help, who participate in our humanitarian efforts, because... routes, primarily those that are part of international transport corridors. there should be no so -called blind spots on the highways. another point is directly related to those who often use these roads, truckers. the president instructed to work out options for increasing the daily allowance for them. the fact that
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the calculation scale was outdated was discussed with the head of state in february at a meeting with the heads of logistics companies. but another important document on the construction of a high-speed railway moscow, saint petersburg. the president instructed the government and russian railways to design all stages of the facility’s creation by july 1 next year, in addition, to allocate at least 300 billion rubles from the national welfare fund to finance the project. increasing its own competencies in significant sectors of the economy and achieving technological sovereignty is one of the most important tasks of the government, mikhail mishustin stated at a meeting with deputy prime ministers. to support domestic scientists who are involved, among other things, neutron research, the cabinet of ministers will allocate 450 billion rubles. the funds will be used to create breakthrough technologies, as well as to train personnel. in addition, additional financial assistance will be received. the president emphasized that an agro-industrial complex enterprise must be able
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to attract borrowed funds in the required amount to carry out current tasks. the government pays special attention to this issue. a year earlier , more than 200 billion rubles were allocated for the implementation of the program of preferential lending to farmers, this year almost 215 billion. to subsidize new investment loans. we will allocate an additional 5 billion rubles so that entrepreneurs can expand the production of agricultural products, increase their processing capacity, open advanced farms, build storage facilities, purchase all the necessary materials for planting, and provide a wide selection of products for our consumers. russia in 1814 preserved france as a great power, stated this. our country did not
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allow great britain and prussia to dismember france after the war. congress of vienna organized by the predominant role of russian diplomacy then developed a new system of international relations. it provided europe with several decades of peace and existed exactly until the european powers themselves destroyed it. in 1814, our country sought not only to help the peoples of europe
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end the bloody war as soon as possible, but to contribute in every possible way to the establishment of a just post-war world order. the exercises of the strategic missile forces have ended in the irkutsk region. there were more than 300 soldiers and about 300 pieces of equipment are involved. military personnel of the unit. equipped with formidable yars complexes, they completed more than twenty complex tasks. they mastered new patrol routes, made marches up to 100 km long, removed special equipment from zones of conditional chemical contamination, and trained to repel attacks by saboteurs. the defense forces noted that the exercises showed the high level of combat training of the unit, as well as the professionalism of the personnel. new incident with a passenger boeing. liner on... which had more than 140 people on board, including the crew, lost part of the engine casing during the flight. all
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this was filmed by one of the passengers through the window. the board was heading from denver to houston and was forced to make an emergency landing half an hour after takeoff. according to local media, no one was injured. now the federal civil aviation administration is looking into the details of the emergency. there have been many similar scandals recently. the aircraft manufacturer's reputation is crumbling. the ceo of the company said that he would file a complaint resignation. and that’s all for now, thank you for being with us, right now time will tell the program. we have joined, viewers of the first channel have joined us, we greet you from the bottom of our hearts, friends. today we have one clear topic, but which, naturally, will lead to many questions, which means many additional topics. the topic is, well, a flood, i don’t know, an emergency,
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the dams are approaching the 12 m mark. they say that the last time this happened, or it seems comparable, so let’s say it happened in orsk in the spring of '57 year, then... the water reached a level of 10-12 m, but stopped, experts, also important and alarmed, report that this year there will be a record, that is, they no longer directly assume, but claim, it will be broken, and let's see, what are the local residents going through today? in short, the dam exploded and started drowning ...


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