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tv   Vremya  1TV  April 8, 2024 9:00pm-10:01pm MSK

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as they say, she has always always been against our country, maria butina, the doll-heir of tootie, was with you, now the program is time. hello, it’s time on the air, ekaterina andreeva is in the studio, briefly about the main thing. floods in different regions, what is happening in the orenburg region, where almost 7.0 houses are flooded in orvsk alone, where a lot of water is still flowing and where the situation is already improving.
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end of communication: attackers who helped ukrainian scammers dial russians were detained in six regions. details of the criminal scheme. strike the vampire, ours the military destroyed a czech installation from which ukrainian militants fired at the belgorod region. and the latest data on the state of affairs at various sites involved in the special operation. new attack. at the zaporozhye nuclear power plant, fragments of a drone and a comikat fell onto the roof of the power unit. kiev is not giving up attempts to arrange a nuclear disaster in europe. record catch for 30 years. the successes of russian fishermen and plans for the development of the industry. spotlight on the president. meeting in the kremlin with the head of the relevant federal agency. breakthrough scientific developments, support agriculture and housing construction in the far east. the main thing about the meeting of the prime minister. by their deputies.
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to defeat cancer, we will tell you how in st. petersburg they put on stream the most complex lung surgery, which allows every second patient to recover. now it's secret without the stamp. the ministry of defense has published unique documents about the crimean offensive operation, which began exactly 80 years ago. flood situations are most difficult now in the orenburg region, in the second largest city in the region orsk. the scale of the disaster is clearly visible on the map: mass evacuation of residents is underway, 2,500 people have already been taken out of flooded houses, including 700 children. along the ural river, the flood wave is now moving towards orenburg itself. they are preparing for a powerful flood in the kurgan region, an emergency situation has been introduced there, and evacuation is also underway. to help people, vladimir putin today. ordered the creation of
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a special government commission, in the morning the head of state heard reports on the situation from the head of the ministry of emergency situations, as well as the governors of orenburg, kurgan and tyumen regions. film crews from channel one from the orenburg region are now working in the disaster zone, reporting by sergei ponomarev from kurgan region by andrey golderev. stanislavskogo street is the central part of sorsk, on that side there are garages , immediately behind them there is a railway embankment, under it there is a drainage pipe. here. the day before, water began to flow here through this drainage pipe, here you can still see piles of stones from under the water, they tried to seal this pipe with sand, but all attempts were in vain, now here... there was a little less than waist-deep water, boats were plying one after another, the day before no one was in a hurry to evacuate from high-rise buildings, today you can’t get out of the entrances without high fishing suits, i screamed and threw out this flag.
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yesterday the police came to us at night, yes, i looked out the window, but there was no water, i said, let us not be flooded, it was so dry, they came twice, knocked, but we were fools, we didn’t go, we didn’t believe that we were going where we'll go, the rescuer goes around all the apartments, the eighth floor, they lowered them onto a mat, then moved them on a stretcher and here, yes, grandfather, that’s it, on dry land, there, your grandmother has arrived, more and more areas of orsk are going under water, today it broke through. another section of the dam on the ural river, almost 7 thousand houses have already been flooded, and the figure will probably increase, you haven’t slept for days now, a big disaster has united the entire city, there are almost more volunteers with boats than professional rescuers on their day off, and sometimes they even ask for special time off from work to help their own people. these are my townspeople, those with whom i live on the same page, in the same city, why don’t i should i stay away?
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i received a message from friends that people with boats were needed, anna and her husband, as fishing lovers, had them, the desire to help others, he says, was mutual, we persuade some, at first no, no, then, well, it seems somehow, who he will take us where we should go, well, they agree, they go next to strong guys, arseny stands out, he is only 15, i coordinate actions, there are vkontakte groups where they receive addresses, give them to boats, boats float, but for now here is where you can ..
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richik, richik, don’t be afraid, my sweet, he it just protects, there’s food for animals, they eat everything, everything they need, they feed people if necessary, they give them clothes, they bring them, as well as food, including activists of the popular
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front, which organizes collections for victims, there are no problems with water, it is distributed by volunteers, it is available in stores, prices are checked daily by the prosecutor's office to prevent increases, a decision was made to help those who evacuated but refused to go to temporary accommodation centers and rented an apartment. within six months, the regional authorities will pay them 10,000 rubles per month, and compensation for lost housing will also be paid. a difficult situation is now developing in neighboring novotroitsk, where they are urgently strengthening the dam near lake sazanye, and people from nearby areas are being evacuated. the peak of the flood is expected in orenburg. local authorities say that a sharp rise in water in the ural river is expected today. at night, a difficult flood situation is developing in the kurgan region, where my colleague andrey golderev works. this is how the morning began today in several settlements of the kurgan region, people calls to evacuate ; more than sixty settlements may be in the flood zone. in
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some places, the high water has already arrived; this is what the south beyond the urals looks like now. rescuers from the ministry of emergency situations take out those who did not have time to leave. more sunk. houses, but the peak of the flood is still ahead, according to experts. we need to collect documents, personal belongings, food. the mound itself is at risk. now they continue to strengthen the dams here, they create earthworks like this within the city limits, and put sandbags. by according to forecasts, the water level in the river may rise above 9 m. this means that the airport could potentially flood several microdistricts and more than 100 snt. not far from the city center on the tabola embankment, the bank is currently being strengthened.
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we talked with vladimir vladimirovich, the most important thing is to preserve the lives and health of people, we will survive the damage, the most important appeal, and what i asked the president for, through the media, is for people to leave the flooded areas, not to wait for any additional warnings, this is theirs duty, more than 600 people have already been evacuated from possible flood zones, this is the picture now on the outskirts of kurgan, not far from the river, many local residents have already left here, the rest are in a hurry collecting their things and preparing for the flood. the last thing is that there are tablets, they were left yesterday, today they remembered that they still need to take them away, there are some leftovers, and then some household appliances, all of this was taken out yesterday, however, there are those who hope that the water will reach it won’t reach their home, why don’t you want to go, where are we we’ll go, at some time, but why, i ’ll be at home, no, why, no, why go, it’s just that
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the river is nearby here, well, the river won’t drown the second floor anyway, the volunteers continue to do house-to-house visits , calling on the population to evacuate. no one will stay with you here, no, no, all the up-to-date information about areas of possible flooding, territories from which you need to evacuate can be found on the website of the regional government, more than 70 temporary accommodation points have already been deployed, now there are more than 100 man, conditions have been created for families with children, let’s make sure we stay there longer, everything is provided in general, and hot tea, bed, everything, everything, good, thank you very much, we didn’t take risks, immediately here, in the region, the emergencies ministry employees continue to build up the group, additional forces are arriving in the region and bringing special equipment, the first wave of flood is expected this night in zverinnogolovskoye. people in the area are being urged to evacuate, high water may come to kurgan in a couple of days, the peak flood
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in the tyumen region has not been passed, there were also fires there today emergency mode. we establish an emergency situation in advance; everyone who is in the area of ​​probable flooding needs to collect documents and valuables so that if they receive a signal, they can leave the emergency area as quickly as possible. meanwhile, in some regions the water has begun to decline. in the southern urals it has left most villages, four houses of about eighty household plots remain flooded, the situation is improving in bashkiria in the samara region, the number of flooded houses per day has decreased from 300 to 50, in temporary accommodation centers there are 60 people. andrey guldrev, sergey ponovaryov, maxim trubnikov, yuri shotokhin, yulia khodorova and vladimir belyaev. first channel orsk. mound. now about the fsb special operation, five people involved were detained.
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it would seem like an ordinary apartment, but here they were committing fraud on an especially large scale. the criminals installed a computer and other equipment, they created communication centers for the operation of fraudulent call centers from ukraine. and our task as technicians is to make traffic work. that is, here we are, well, roughly speaking, we write: colleagues, you see, there you have a question, there the esvsk did not arrive, for example, it was not delivered. as the fsb public relations center reported, only through one of these nodes were phone scammers stolen. russians 7 billion rubles. the funds were used to finance the armed forces of ukraine. the containment operation
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was carried out by the fsb together with employees of the investigation department of the ministry of internal affairs. the international criminal scheme has been operating since 2022 . the attackers ensured the operation of special equipment that made it possible to spoof the numbers of those calling from abroad scammers on russian ones. the scammers presented themselves as employees of financial institutions and law enforcement agencies. authorities, after which they convinced russians to transfer savings and loan funds to so -called safe accounts. the operation was large-scale. the searches took place in moscow, st. petersburg, yaroslavl, sochi, moscow and leningrad regions. servers, computers, sim card aggregation devices, money in rubles and foreign currency, and premium cars were seized. the scammers lived large. five have been detained so far members of a criminal group. open the door, otherwise we will break it. the court chose a preventive measure for all five in the form of arrest,
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it turned out that the company through which money was stolen from citizens was registered abroad, she offered me a job in her company, they registered the company in turkey, now we are working on it, in ankara they will study information about the company , associated with ukrainian call centers, a law enforcement source told rionovosti. similar operations take place regularly in our country, on these footage of last year's arrest of fraudsters who were also involved in spoofing phone numbers; they called and claimed that they were trying to steal money from accounts; they asked to transfer funds to bank cards that actually belonged to ukrainian accomplices; they were taking courses related to linguistic programming, suggestion, and identifying people.
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man, you urgently need to go to the police, you need to do what, close your personal account, yeah, close your cards, for this you need to withdraw money, i don’t illiterate, i walked like a fool, i object and do it, deception schemes are constantly updated, scammers can say that they are calling on
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behalf of your boss, or they can synthesize the voice of your friend, technology is an art.
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head of the department. all the circumstances of the case are studied in detail. work continues with victims and witnesses to establish the identities of the victims. and this is what the official representative of the investigative committee said. investigative actions and operational search activities are being carried out aimed at establishing the detention of other accomplices in the crime, both performers and accomplices, and organizers. the investigative committee is recreating the full picture of what happened, literally bit by bit, collecting the smallest evidence. at the moment , 11 persons involved in the commission of this terrorist act have been identified, all of them have been charged and a preventive measure in the form of detention has been chosen. after the terrorist attacks on crocus cityholi, more and more people want to sign a contract with the ministry of defense, and so on throughout the country. for many, the barbaric attack on civilians who came to the concert was decisive
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argument for. valentina solovyova listened to the stories of volunteers. that feeling. which cannot be conveyed, this is solidarity with the people who are grieving around these holos, and most likely a little bit of anger at what is happening to these people who are doing this, according to male solidarity as a result of the latest events in the crocus, i saw how our country is being attacked by terrorists, i am outraged by this, i am ready to go defend my homeland, kill this fascist evil, i recommend it to everyone. support your homeland, how can you? so to the question why they decided to sign contract, volunteers all over the country answer, i received normal money here, it’s a sin to complain, everything is fine. well, there’s some kind of internal state, somehow i need to go help, how can i help? well, where they tell me to help, i will help there. in every city
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there is a rush at the selection point for military service under a contract. in general, i was very indignant, it is due to the fact that, in any case, this is a terrorist attack, and terrorism, it has no borders. nationality, i believe that not only my specific help is needed, but the help of the entire male population is needed country to fight this wickedness, there is nothing to be afraid of, you will conquer fear, you will defeat everyone, and i turn out to be a shooter, motorized rifle platoon, in civilian life nikolai alekseev from st. petersburg, music teacher, mikhail kolosov from krasnodar, nutrition consultant, decided to go into artillery, she was very supportive my wife, as she said, says that everything will work out for you, you have a head, you know where you are going. you know why you are going, that is, yes, we are going according to our conscience, and there is a specific goal, yes, with what, with whom to fight, with what call, therefore yes, there is support, of course, there is understanding, victory will be ours, denis lobikov from moscow, candidate master of sports in judo, some experience in military service, well , there is some minimum, if significant, well, it doesn’t matter, there they will teach you everything, the russian state
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will learn everything from us, whether you want it or not, you can do anything, you are in a fighting mood, i see, well, yes, of course. i have sports experience, and igor came from belgorod, which is regularly shelled by militants, he wants to serve on the border, how will his family react, they are afraid, but you they decided anyway, yes they decided, i think that everyone needs to get up and go, in general , many clearly know what branch of the military they would like to get into, master the skills of piloting a drone, i can, each of the candidates necessarily goes through the offices of psychologists and doctors, according to health, of course we... carry out selection, that is, we do not send people with viral diseases, if a person has some kind of conditional flat feet and he wants and... rose up not against the ukrainians, but against nazism, against
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this brown plague, which climbs there, considering the influx of volunteers, at this moscow point their number has doubled in a week, the employees are working without a break, why are you here today, and what else, your partners are there, your cousin is there, and i should be there too, you don’t. igor kozachenko, larisa nikitina, sergey filippov, channel one. now the daily report of the ministry of defense. the russian army has improved
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the situation in three directions of the special operation: donetsk, avdeevsky and south donetsk. along the entire front, the enemy lost over 900 militants, a large amount of equipment, including which self-propelled guns, paladins, specks, the united states and poland, as well as american howitzers m-119 and m-777. and in these frames, the destruction of the czech vampire volley fire system, from which the ukrainian armed forces fired at the belgorod region. our city served its purpose. the precise hit and detonation of the ammunition was recorded by a drone camera. zelensky’s criminal regime is not abandoning its attempts to provoke a nuclear disaster in europe. kiev again attacked the zaporozhye nuclear power plant with kamikaze drones. for the reaction to a dangerous provocation in our country the world is watching. anatoly lazarev, he will also remind you how russia responds to sabotage against its energy system. this is all that remains of the kamika apu drone. it could have
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caused a nuclear disaster, but so far it has only become a pile of scrap metal. the zaporozhye nuclear power plant has been attacked several times over the past 2 days, three people were injured. recently, attacks on the zaporozhye station by the ukrainian armed forces have become more frequent. three arrivals were recorded today. the arrival was recorded by the dome of block number. 6 zaporozhye nuclear power plant, arrivals may indicate that a provocation is being prepared in relation to the zaporozhye station on the part of vysu. the nuclear power plant did not have any critical damage, the equipment was intact, the drone did not detonate, and the charge was neutralized. the zaporozhye nuclear power plant is the largest in europe and the ukrainian armed forces are not abandoning attempts to destroy it, which could lead to catastrophic consequences. any nuclear power plant is designed with a safety margin, but no one expected that they would regularly try to blow up nuclear power plants.
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russia will raise the issue of strikes against zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant at one of the upcoming meetings of the un security council, said the permanent representative of russia to the welcoming organization vasily nebendia. we call on the international community to condemn these irresponsible and extremely dangerous actions of the kiev regime. his western sponsors, instead of covering up his crimes by supplying weapons and ammunition, should be held accountable for the reckless actions of ukrainian political leaders. military authorities. the russian foreign ministry also blames the strikes on their possible consequences on the leadership of those countries that arm the armed forces of ukraine, support them
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financially and informationally, and supply intelligence data. by its criminal actions, ukraine , supported by the united states and its western satellites, essentially makes it clear that it has embarked on the path of nuclear terror. the task of the world community, as well as international organizations, primarily magatha, is to deprive kiev of the ability to carry out terrorist attacks on... nuclear facilities. the international community, represented by, for example, the head of magat, stated that the situation a situation where global nuclear security is under threat ; rafael grossi assessed the level of this threat as serious. recognizing the very fact of the attack on the nuclear power plant. grossi, however, avoided the question of whose drone it was, although agency inspectors were at the station at the time of the attack. the fact that someone is targeting a nuclear power plant is a huge concern. you can't attack the station, no matter what. for the first time
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attempts to attack the zaporozhye nuclear power plant and other russian energy facilities. in response, the russian army delivers powerful and targeted strikes against targets in the energy and gas industry of ukraine, which are associated with the enemy’s military-industrial complex. the armed forces of the russian federation strike only at military targets, clearly and accurately, so as not to harm the civilian population and not lead to any man-made disasters or problems in the given territory. what we see from the militants of the zelensky regime.
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highway moscow-petersburg. this order was given to the government by vladimir putin. another thing concerns uninterrupted communication on roads, primarily in international transport corridors. there should be no so-called blind spots on these routes. the president also ordered an increase in the daily allowance for truck drivers. this topic was discussed in february at a meeting of the head of state with the heads of logistics companies. significant figures: the record catch over the past 30 years is 5.3000 tons. fish, modernization of the industry and an investment volume of 300 billion rubles. president vladimir putin discussed the development of the fishing industry with the head of the federal agency for fishing by ilya shestakov. there was talk about the construction of ships and the problems associated with it. but these are the ones our correspondent anastasia kobuzeva knows. her report on the meeting in the kremlin. 5,300 thousand tons of fish were caught in the past twenty-third year. this is a record for the last 30 years. salmon putin,
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for example, has completed.
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well, they were somehow dismissive, now they are very happy, by the way, i can say that those vessels that are already working in the field, that were built at our shipyards, show very good quality good result. in order to have something to catch, you need to preserve fish stocks, and this is the task of fish hatcheries. last year , 3.700 million fingerlings were released throughout the country. based on the sterlid, we now see that the stock has recovered strongly, this is noted by fishermen, amateurs and industrialists, and we are now carefully proposing that this year, already in certain areas of the volga, the sterlid should be opened for amateur fishing, which means, well, of course, with certain restrictions on the timing of the catch by gear catch, what about amateurs?
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kamchatka is our leader, but proportionally and other regions have expanded quite well, but for kamchatka this is very significant, because of course their economy is very much designed for the fishing industry. the head of the federal fisheries agency also told the president about an interesting scientific project. together with our colleagues from african countries, we are currently working on a large african survey to study fish stocks in african countries. friends asked about it; they are interested in working together. the scientific expedition
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will begin in the second half of this year. anastasia kobozeva, ekaterina koryaka, pavel rudakov, kirill loginov, channel one. science was discussed today at a meeting of the head of government with his deputies. discussed funding for research aimed at creating new materials, also focusing on preferential loans for agricultural producers and subsidy programs for housing rentals in the far east. and pavel pchelkin will tell you more about everything. siberian ring photon source or skif for short, an installation that will soon start operating in the novosibirsk science city koltsov, accelerates particles almost to the speed of light, they begin to emit radiation, which makes it possible to examine the structure of any matter, down to the atom.
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sources of synchronous and neutron radiation. in addition, the allocated amounts take into account grant support for projects, as well as training of scientific personnel in this area. we must do everything necessary to quickly increase
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our own competencies in critical industries and achieve the technological sovereignty of our country. another topic meetings - development of the agro-industrial complex. this is one of the strongest sectors of our economy. last year , the second record grain harvest in the modern history of russia was harvested, including thanks to state support, for which more than 440 billion rubles were allocated within the framework of the state program alone. the president emphasized that the agro-industrial complex enterprise should be able to attract borrowed funds in the required amount to carry out current tasks. here is just one example of such lending: dairy plant in tverskaya areas. part of a large agricultural holding, it has a full cycle of production of dairy products, its own cows, laboratories for quality control of feed, milk and, of course, the most modern production lines, the products are in demand both in the region and in the capital,
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modernization is now being completed here, automation, robots at every step , they are already producing twice as much cottage cheese as before. the modernization is taking place within the framework of a preferential lending program; the volume of investment under the program amounted to about 4 billion. selection of products. development of the far east -
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this is a systematic project aimed at creating new industries and comfortable living conditions in the region. one of the areas is the program of affordable rental housing. it was launched last year. the government allocated 87 billion rubles for it. thanks to this, 10,000 apartments will be built. residents in chukotka, primorye and yakutia have already moved into the first apartments of the project. students and young professionals can take advantage of the preferential tool.
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through the railway, a report from st. petersburg about the most complex operations that allow defeat cancer, and another 80 years since the beginning of the crimean offensive operation, stay with us on the first channel, central 812 suspicion of robbery on a taxi driver with the aim of taking over a car, again a taxi, again approximately the same area, maybe they are doing this on purpose so that we focused their attention precisely on this area, but this is obviously a false trail. the main thing is that they stole a taxi again, which means myakisheva, myakisheva,
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where are you anyway, undercover taxi, premiere, watch the time after the program. cognac monte chococa, a product of the stellar group. rom kastro is a product of stellar group. vodka. veta, a product of the stellar group. old barrel cognac is a product of the stellar group. bourbon stirsman. product of steller group. visky mancatcher is a product of the stellar group. snob gin
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is a product of stellor group. the first beplav in ukraine from domestic components is sent into mass production. it is quite obvious that there is a russian soldier standing there, wearing our standard 6b-45 helmet with an ak-12. how russian drones were praised on air at the ukrainian marathon. this is what either the tenth or the thirtieth arvan. and now they have reached mayakovsky, calling him a ukrainian. we need to see what he is. the speaking mentality of the ignorant peasantry is only capable of appropriating the achievements of others in order to somehow rise. anti-fake, premiere, tomorrow on... first, in order to live, enjoy life, you need to do what you like. why did you, tatyana mikhailovna,
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decide to become a teacher? because i love children very much. i am a master of ceremonies. who is this? the man who connects hearts. i am working on the tap. in ferrous metal i go to work with joy, from work with pride, study to become a heating engineer and you won’t regret it, one day i became an artist, for example, with such a wonderful voice we can voice some grandfather, i wanted to be an artist, then a navigator, a captain of a long-distance swimming, at the end of the tenth grade i decided to become a doctor, like my mother, in small steps, you can move towards your goal, nothing is impossible. well, i'm different, different. evgeny steblov, one of the most unusual artists in russia, he became famous video where he looked confused and unhappy. light, do you love me? i walk around moscow, for family reasons, in these films he awakened truly popular sympathy for his heroes. and for a very long time i didn’t
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understand what i had done there, and it seemed to me that soon the deception would be revealed and they would beat me. but how did the relationship develop in evgeniy’s own family? before tanya, i didn’t love anyone, i took her arm and it was like an electric shock. our exclusive interview with the artist who played the most beautiful women in the country, and at the same time, he remained faithful to his one and only. we lived in the station for 38 years, we have a son, our only monk at the solovensky monastery. what did his loyalty bring to the end of his life? why was it not possible to avoid tragedies? exclusive with dmitry borisov. on saturday on the first. did you have the feeling that maybe god took your son away from you for something? this is the program time and we continue. emergency in the smolensk region, a bridge
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across the railway collapsed in vyazma. at that moment there were two cars on it, a passenger car and a truck. one person died, five suffered. railway tracks and train movements are damaged. suspended, because of this , three swallows were detained, two smolensk-moscow and one in the opposite direction. according to the ministry of emergency situations, passengers were transferred to buses. long-distance trains, including those to belarus, were bypassed. four restoration trains will repair the railway track. on site, all work to establish the consequences of the incident is coordinated by the governor of the smolensk region, vasily anokhin. the first all-russian congress, where modern technologies for maintaining health are passing.
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fights and cannot fight alone without rehabilitation, we also understand that our patients have begun to live, but we need them to live with dignity, socially adapted, physically adapted, programs have appeared in families, very interesting programs, and i must say that we are very happy , that this direction is also developing, in the continuation of the topic-report just about the technologies that are used for treatment. diseases in st. petersburg, where now lung cancer is not a death sentence, every second patient returns to a normal life. alena germanova spoke with both doctors and patients. i was not afraid to undergo operations, i always understood that if there was any opportunity, i should take it, i didn’t really understand
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how difficult the situation was. doctors diagnosed him with cancer at 33, the tumor was removed along with part of the shoulder. metastases appeared in the lungs. in germany, where vyacheslav underwent chemotherapy, only 10 of them could be removed, but many times more would remain. a master of sports in muay thai, he is not used to giving up and turned to the doctors of the research center named after petrov. here is the metastasis, here is the metastasis, these are the bunches of grapes. when they showed me these ct scans, i said that well , no, well, no, well, you understand that this is unrealistic, but still i changed my mind, the line of reasonableness is always pushed back, because the desire to help, it is... 170 images , but even if all of them were removed , cancer cells invisible to the eye could remain, which means a relapse in the future and everything would be in vain. and then
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the doctors decided to use the method of isolated chemoperfusion. first affected by metastases the lungs are simply turned off, then artificial blood circulation is started in them , they are literally washed with chemical drugs, and their concentration is hundreds of times higher than with conventional therapy, since the lungs are isolated from the body for the patient, this is no longer dangerous, but is destructive, even for microscopic ones. tumors stage by stage, first the metastases were removed, then chemotherapy was administered, dozens of hours at the operating table, next to the surgeon, anesthesiologist, nurses, it was a common victory for their team and the patient, months between each operation breaks so that vyacheslav had time to gain strength, a lot depended on his mood, the last time when they operated on, they said that we didn’t see you here again, and vyacheslav learned doctors from st. petersburg by chance from an article. evgeniy levchenko also helped sixteen-year-old polina from the pskov region with girls. she already had cancer and numerous metastases in the lungs, now, 15 years later, she is completely healthy. i feel great, no extraneous sensations, for 15 years now,
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i’ve been breathing deeply when we removed this the girl has 42 metastases, a doctor helped me, an oncologist who has been dealing with this problem all his life, he said what we are doing, evgen, what we are doing, 42 metastases, but evgeniy levchenko was awarded a prize for the operation. he is before the name of academician perelman, the method of chemo-perfusion of the lungs has actually been known in the world since the seventies, but if in europe and the usa there are not hundreds of such interventions at all centers at once, then evgeniy levchenko has already performed almost 400. this is the operation of last hope , as it is sometimes called, brought every second patient into complete remission. this the meaning of our work in general, yes, when you are you, you are useful, you just help with your work, so take it out of bony hands. i may be rude when i say that it’s not in vain that we trample the earth, that is, but this is what makes it worth living and working, vyacheslav has big plans for
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life, work, travel, he wants to return, albeit to small, but sports activities, to in the last stages of the lungs there were no signs of damage, the disease receded, under the onslaught, if not a miracle, then the hand of courage of the levchenko brigade. alena germanova, andrey vetrov, vladimir smirnov, ksenia ugarova, shamil fabrikov, channel one, st. petersburg. the victorious breath of the crimean spring forty something like that on...
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alexandrovna collected on her site, in a german helmet, many fragments of antonin; during the years of the war, the city was practically wiped off the face of the earth. three lines of powerful fortifications, height 240 m. visibility in clear weather 12 km, everything is in full view, the germans were sure that sapun mountain was impregnable, but after massive artillery. preparations on the morning of may 7, 1944, our troops are going to assault, the battle continued continuously until 9:00, here is the top
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breather of the mountain, ivan ivanovich potuk, not just a participant in the assault, the head of the reconnaissance battalion in the thirty-second guards taman rifle division, i recorded an interview with him in the spring of 2019, a year later the veteran passed away, with his group he arrived near sevastopol first on april 15, the first day of the reconnaissance . uh, my knees were damaged to the point of bleeding, it was so, so difficult
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to overcome this steep slope, the fighting on the outskirts of sevastopol. continued until may 12, when the remnants of the entire 200,000-strong force were completely defeated at cape khersanez enemy group on the peninsula. dozens of unique archival documents, photographs, maps about the preparation of the crimean offensive operation were declassified by the ministry of defense 80 years later. in a coded message to comrade ivanov, in fact, stalin himself, marshal vasilevsky, under the pseudonym alexandrov , explained the reasons for postponing the start of the operation from february-march to a later date. due to the storm's broken crossing, the roads turned into impassable swamps. april 8 , 1944. the first day of the crimean offensive operation. on this canvas of a unique diorama, by the way, the largest scale on the peninsula, artists depicted the capture of the armenian army by our troops. artillery preparation began early in the morning and lasted more than 2.5 hours.
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a sudden main attack from the shore of sivash, from where the enemy was not expecting. became a key factor for the successful advancement of our troops. the fifty-first army, having completed the melitopol operation, approached this area and, having crossed sivazh on november 1 , 1943, took a bridgehead on the southern bank of sevash. at the same time, a strike was launched from an occupied bridgehead in the kerch region. our troops rapidly advanced per day at a distance of 20 to 65 km, the enemy used survival tactics when retreating. on the ground, destroying all strategic objects, in archival materials there are facts of nazi atrocities, examples of personal and mass heroism of our soldiers, in honor of the feat of nine scouts, the crimean village of heroes was named, for more than two hours they fought with a whole battle, when the romanians asked them to surrender, they shot back to the last bullet, the romanians took them prisoner, but
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our scouts didn’t say a word and even tortured and... broke hands-legs. after brutal torture, nine scouts were shot on the outskirts of the village. after the romanians retreated, local resident lyubov gabkova discovered private vasily ershov alive among the tortured bodies. he was taken to the hospital with nine gunshot wounds, broken limbs and multiple bayonet wounds. all nine were awarded the title of heroes of the soviet union. 238 of our servicemen were awarded the highest award for sevastopol. 160 military units and formations of ships were named in honor liberated crimean cities. vitaly katchenko, ruslan yusupov, ekaterina belova and victor vasin, first channel crimea, sevastopol. that's all, keep an eye on the time and stay updated. and now on channel one premiere. action-packed undercover taxi detective , new series. and we came to
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the conclusion that you are unreliable partners. we will look for new ones. we're back again, spend a day off to come back again, toss a coin, just hope, just hope, just hope, don't lose it.
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5708 thirteenth alley building 29 kirovsky area, an armed attack on a private home, the criminals were wearing masks, they were dangerously armed, they had bladed weapons with them, and during the attack they also took possession of the victim’s gun.
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was there anyone else in the house at that time besides you? yes, i live alone, to claim that they were wearing masks, wearing masks, well, i pulled off the mask from one of them. i knocked him out, the second one came at me with a knife, and then he picked up the first one and they ran away, so what car did they drive up in? we arrived by taxi, as i
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said, by taxi, just last night only in the center there are 18 episodes, so we urgently request you to flash more often during rush hour. near the shops, remind, so to speak, citizens of our existence, i flash, therefore i exist, don’t be smart, gerashkin, he exists, you prove your existence to me with your deeds, further, last night in a private residential area in the kirovsky district a robbery was committed attack on an elderly man, the attackers were wearing balaclavas, but the victim, a former paratrooper, by the way, turned out to be...
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crimes in kirovsk, murmansk and severomorsk, its location in our city has not been established, again you and this one of yours. i say, i didn’t have any business with him, neither in the colony nor in the wild, what can i tell you about him, i don’t know anything about him, well, you should know something, after all, they were in the same cell, i don’t communicate with morons, well, understand, i would tell everything with joy, i just don’t know anything about him, that is , you don’t want to cut your sentence for helping the investigation, it’s a pity. but she seemed to have a girl, what kind of girl, she sent a letter, then she stopped, like forgiving love, the tomatoes withered, this girl, you see, you're all...


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