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tv   PODKAST  1TV  April 9, 2024 12:00am-12:46am MSK

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then they cannot count on the fact that russia will simply repulse them and then return to the current status quo, and that then the question may really arise about whether they are needed, whether they are advisable, whether their continued statehood is permissible? well , it seems to me that now the official line is already quite definite in relation to these countries.
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we have to work, we didn’t have this system at all for 30 years, in the soviet union, it was, i repeat, in this sense we are still living on the baggage that we brought up this generation, the intelligentsia, the so-called national scientists, but they are already old, they are all already, so to speak, aged, frankly speaking, i completely agree that we need to work with them, i completely agree that this is work. let’s just say that it wasn’t always carried out as it should, on the scale that was necessary, but i also want to say that you shouldn’t let it get on your head, that goes without saying, yes, it was a big game, we’ll see you on the air already tomorrow.
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hello, i'm dmitry bak, we have another release of a literary podcast, let them not talk, let them read. today we have an absolutely unique guest, you all know him well, but at the same time, i’m sure you don’t know him completely, he is a young, passionate, strong, active, risky person. this is a person who knows russian poetry of all times, this is a famous poet, scientist, this is a professor, this is a winner of many awards, this is a television journalist, this is igor leonidovich volgin. hello, igor, hello, dima, we will be on your terms, as we are in life, i am very glad to see you, and since i promised our interlocutors that they would recognize volgin and not recognize him, let’s start right from that point. where they may not know you
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completely, i’ll now read some line, well, for example, white akhmadulina, igor will try to continue, this is... me, my purple outfit, i’m arrogantly young fat, but to the dying smile of the poets i have already trained my mouth. igor volgin, participant, witness of all those phenomena, events that we used to call the khrushchev thaw, or simply the thaw, this is the period that is, as is commonly believed, between the year 56, the twentieth party congress and the sixty-eighth or seventieth year, this is after all.
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and he, getting into the carriage with his wife, having committed his betrayal, believed that he was making a career, and meanwhile he was ruining it, well, that is , long live the career, when the career is like shakespeare, pasteur, homer and tolstoy, he made lion's pause, i promised, i promised, here's igor volgin, just
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think about your career, the words are absolutely, this is this, this is such a powerful beginning, i remember the very beginning, here i am, i was a schoolboy, fifty-ninth year, evenings on mayakovsky square, when people gathered.
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and i open a literary newspaper in irkutsk at the station, i open the newspaper and there, bon voyage , that means that was the manner. it’s full of autographs and writers, i wrote to him “the door is at vitya urin’s, a literary man,” so he introduced me there to santakolsky, antakolsky was a master, that’s a word, tsvetaeva’s friend there, well, sort of, and one night he , that means, told me here is pavel, at night the bell rings at my house, and my mother calls you to the phone, some adult, he says, mother i come up and i was about 20 years old, and if you would like to come to me immediately, well, some kind of glory says.
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my selection in the new world, and volodya sokolov, a wonderful poet, meets and says: “you
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violated my monopoly.” i say, what is it? i am the only poet who is published by both october and the new world. igor, well, look, on the one hand, these are things of bygone days, and so on. on the other hand, is there no nostalgia in this sense, how many publications there are in magazines, now there are magazines, but absolutely, now a brilliant poet will appear, will publish something in literature or in the new world. no one will notice, no one will notice, because what’s the matter, because in russia, which is side-centric, because all politics in the 19th century always went through literature, there was no parliament, there were no political parties, there was no free philosophizing, all intellectual life and political life largely went through literature, during the soviet period all this was preserved, and of course, when political renewal began, well, let’s put it this way, it could not but cause a renewal of literature.
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remember what happened - a little earlier with dr. zhivvaga, when the book was transferred abroad, what a tragedy, yes, we remember, the nobel prize, here is the book by andrei voznesensky, my love diary, also published abroad, here is such a selection, well, would be erotic poems, but most were published, that is , there are no barriers, but i remember when my first book of poems came out, it was called excitement, i was wildly indignant, because i had it... it was called night cities, in my youth she left the guard in 1965, i saw when it came out, the excitement was gone, they
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just took night cities in which one was more exciting, well, i ’ll tell you another thing, we talked about roles, that means literature, 1962, i’m 20 years old, comes out in january of sixty -three, i’m 20 years old, not 20 years old, and by the way, yes, the first issue of the new newspaper literature and life, literature, literary russia is coming out, which replaced the friendly joke there in the first issue. to golubkina, it was a hussar ballad, it was written on me, please forgiveness, there is glory and oil in the cup, look , the poet don’t get drunk, i’m 20 years old, i’m getting drunk, i’m still not drunk, it’s nice, well , i’m drunk, of course, but not from fame, of course, this is a unique, unique historical phenomenon , a unique literary phenomenon, it has not been repeated in the last 65 years, here is a small book of a parabola, a book of mandeshtam is just as small and voznesensky, print runs, take it, i have the first book, the first book
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was 10,000 copies, the second book is 20,000 copies, now everything is instant. after all, they signed up in line to read solzhenitsyn, well, it’s not just nostalgia, it’s not that it was good, it became bad, you can’t say that either, no, no, it was a resonant effect, yeah, of public expectation and a certain literary emancipation, so, here is a podcast, let them not talk, let
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them read, we are talking with the poet igor volgin, after all, igor, you know. of course, these are my thoughts, i am a member of the seventies, this is no longer one of the oldest, of course, well, the undergrowth of the seventies, so i heard a lot it’s already a later time, but such views are quite skeptical now, well, we all know them, yes, that is, not everyone followed this call, the so -called leonozov school, yes, if you take, well, well, brodsky, these brodsky orphans, akhmatova, of course they are.
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my beloved, who was born in 1907, and his debut was in sixty-two, sixty -two, the same book, before the snow, the same year when solzhenitsyn, when brodsky, the book before the snow is 55 years old, well, he was a translator, but poetry written translations, like my head hurts, but i wrote poetry i always wrote poetry all my life, yes, but it was such a late debut, he performed at my studio too, but he was already famous then, i would like two more words about vladimir sokolov, maybe be. imprinted on everything, i’m friends with him, another story, but vladimir sokolov was a recognized poet, and they divided everyone into yevtushenkoites and sokolovites, that is , such a pop singer, this is yevtashenka.
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it’s just that ehrenburg’s article about him has already appeared, he mentioned it for the first time, he was quoted there, a filieton about it appeared in the crocodile, ridiculing, as it were, some kind of, then i remember his not only his debut, there was his evening in the slutsk tsidri, i went, but i was a schoolboy, the house of artists, i was a schoolboy, and it was inconvenient for me to go in a school uniform, i was with my older brother, he was on vacation, he was in the military, he was wearing a jacket, my hands were sticking out of it, it was too big for me.
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zaishche, and such poetry arose from this, that is, it is such a crucible, a melting pot, yes, where all kinds of people, cosmonauts, poets, translators, outcasts, officialdom, everything is fused, well, khrushchev himself in style of behavior with changing moods, then he publishes, allows solzhenitsyn to be published, then he destroys the exhibition, well, yes, then he, well, he had a lot of moods, well, it’s probably also worth saying about the leningrad way, the leningrad...
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so that did igor volgin read poetry earlier, or maybe about his early days? yes, i read early, but first i want to read this poem, and this is the opening of my latest poetry book, it can be shown homomopoticus, poems about poems, here are poems collected over many years, here are the poems later, that is, not from this century and poems from the last century, so i will first read the first poem, since i am a child of war, a child.
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a railway hospital, an obstetric unit, i still dream of existence, without being separated from non-existence, a war year, naked, frank, life and death, looking point-blank, imply a frank, pronounced sentence, the enemy stands from the volga to the english channel and father , the road is farther than i have a mother who is a debutant, a military correspondent with a gutka crust, and the evacuation is abandoned on... hatoy with tanks in the urals, i am the light i appear prematurely, the germans are mocked, damn them , i appear as a nameless light, overshadowed by a blizzard of death, not particularly desirable in general.
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but guarded by a secret hand, in a city where everything is unfamiliar to me, where the hotel is filled with ballet dancers, named after the people's commissar, like an anti-tank cocktail, on the edge of life untouched, i survive with other children, i am a muscovite under the bombs, conceived and born in the city of perm, where blissfully i am sleeping, one of the judges of that country that did not surrender in battle, whose fronts play battle tales for me with all their guns. well, these verses are connected. with a lot of everything, and with a lot of everything, but from the early, that is, poems, well, also, by the way, connected with the war, everyone thought that the war with hitler would last not years, but weeks, and seph at the darkened window, with they looked into the loudspeakers with hope, as if levetan could announce that having accumulated our troops along the way, we carried out a furious ramming, and broke through to the vistula on the odor, and that the clock of the fascists...
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poems associated with this physical and moral shock: you drove, my destroyer adorable, you didn’t even slow down, the heavenly light immediately dimmed, the evening light showed through, i soared, without visible marks, among the gasoline pores, already virtually immortal, still practically healthy, and an angel in a crimson cloud was already bending over me, there on the highway behind odintsovo, at the turn to another world,
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but left you without sadness, without memory, not remembering the evil, but the father and mother held the weak soul by two wings, they grabbed as best they could, without understanding what, why, and thus the soul was held in the body, it seems like nothing else, even without looking back, she went there, then the trace of this death grip would not have been erased from her never, well, these are early poems, but how are you now, well, i’m curious how the poet perceives all this half a century later? early on, i want to say that i would not refuse a single line, even what was published in october, in my youth in the new world, i would not refuse a single line, here they are sincerely, i don’t know, they are good bad, but i wrote them as i felt then, don’t let them talk about the podcast, let them read it, i’m dmitry bak, my guest today is a wonderful poet, my friend, igor volgin, then it came completely
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another. this era is precisely what led to the fact that you know something different about volgin. after the history department, there was an excursion into the history of literature, into science, a long excursion, a long excursion, here i have a book in my hands, one of many books, the book is called mutual responsibility, but here it is written from five books, the life and death of dostoevsky, yes, this from five books, from five books, well then they ask me now why this suddenly happened. they ask why this happened, maybe i felt at some point that i well, it’s hard to explain, because maybe i can express myself more fully, realize myself like i don’t know, like a person, like i don’t know, like who? well, it’s strange, because none of the poets i stopped, and i haven’t written for almost 30 years, but i’ll tell you poetry. forgives betrayals,
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even with dostoevsky, in general, does not forgive betrayals, but the fact is that it fascinated me in some way, i saw some completely unknown plots in dostoevsky, even say, i reviewed the situation of his death, the writer’s diary totally parasitic, i wanted write a phd thesis on a writer’s diary, in the vast world literature about dostoevsky in all languages ​​there was not a single work on the writer’s diaries, this is a unique phenomenon, then of course, what is the life of a writer, it is a scenario in...
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yes, the missing conspiracy, the last year will be born in russia, by the way, i had, to take the title of the books unquotable, born in russia, guessed me, the devil guessed me, born in russia, sum and talent, said pushkin, or let’s say, i have the name of the missing conspiracy, dasaev’s, when he read a western book, he he said, the whole conspiracy has disappeared, now a seven-volume book is being published, six volumes have already been published, five of them are dedicated to dostoevsky, this volume that i showed is a force of nature.
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are combined, perhaps some kind of literary effect is obtained, as the poetic one happened in many ways, different, but when they return to poetry, it’s strange to say, then some moment appeared when i don’t even know what it’s connected with, when it, when this is about the eleventh year, about this century, absolutely, well, 10 years, that’s 10-12, it gives hope, friends, suddenly there is a need to say something differently, of course, well, it’s hard for me to judge this from the outside, well, it’s always like that.
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nabokov’s novel the gift, where the bastard cherdyn reads his poems and also feels this sacred horror, this unpredictable thing may disappear, but you have it, and let’s open the curtain today, despite all formats, let’s give the floor
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to our guest again, well, from a new book, well, these are the poems, the father hasn’t gotten up for 3 years, the relatives, as usual, faded away, and the mother, dragging along as if on earth... sniffed at him with effort changing diapers, they were 90, three wars, god had mercy, sitting on bunks, a trip to crimea, fire from the country, delirium of perestroika. dacha in cotoirs, and the mother spun this thread for so long, only in order not to get involved with the bitch, in order to bury her father herself, but it turned out that she was called first, leaving for that unspeakable land, where there are no benefits, no time, no rules, she whispered: lenya, catch up, and my father didn’t make me wait, they left in 2002, and i live, and nothing like that, and the world didn’t collapse, and thunder didn’t strike.
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i leave, knowing at the same time that my beloved i’m not destined to read poets to you, but perhaps, as if for fun, i feel your palm in my fist, i ’ll have time to take you to a compulsory school, i’ll be the only one left to pay, on the other shore i’ll pray that you can get into at least the moscow state university, and in the morning, son of lulls, don’t chase my shadow, it’s just a pity that i can’t see my long-awaited grandchildren like my ears, but by the way,
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do the right thing, listen to your mother, honor your father, my daughter, the last joy of life , having no end, well, these are the poems, i think they are very an important poem is the beginning of our conversation today, because we are talking here about the connection of times, about how strangely everything comes together, i am very glad that igor volgin was our guest today, igor, thank you very much, i am sure that... we will meet again more than once, including here in our podcast, to you, dear interlocutors, i, as always, speak with emphasis, with emphasis, with passion, read with pleasure, dear friends.
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electrons running in an eternal circle, different things are attracted to each other, but for some reason we are moving. in different directions, you are in orbit, i am under water, oh we dream of different things with you, a fragile snowflake, a space station, you are beyond my gravity, i was looking for you on earth, i was looking for you in space, i’m tired of explaining to all the gods that we were created to be together, but you flew away and didn’t come back, i can’t catch up with you, i can’t reach you, i can’t get through to you, i can’t deny myself, and you wandered into my
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gravity, salt shines equally for everyone, we got a lucky ticket, but... we have to give it back for something, a lot of patience, a crack in my forehead don't destroy the brick walls, i menela and you, beautiful elena and you! beyond my gravity, i was looking for you on earth, i was looking for you in space, i'm tired of explaining to all the gods that we were created to be together, but time does not heal, time cripples, they know when i am, with whom you are seen, the yellow press and paporations, and you are beyond my
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gravity, dear friends, radion gazmanov opened a podcast today. melodies of my life, i am its host, valery syutkin, and today my guests are those guys and those girls who are associated with the voice program, and today i have us anastasia speredonova, hello, finalist of the first season, the main one, sergei volchkov, winner of the second season, radion gazmanov, presents the fourth season, and i was a mentor in the eighth and ninth, which also unites us all and... nit around the project, name, to whom the voice. by the way, here’s a question for all of us, what song brought you into this profession, because for me this melody was, the beatles ensemble, or rather paul macarno, he wrote it, this song can’t buy my love, love can’t be bought, i love him heard, and how is it
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sounded, she immediately began to sing, i got such a shiver, you know it runs right through my body, what song gave me goosebumps? for the first time, well, let's start with radion, probably something from sting, here's the album nothing like the sun, english and new york, by the way, the first song i heard was not englishman, but this will be together tonight, yeah great , he later sang with annilennex, if i'm not mistaken, yes, nastya, what's your melody, the very first song is marai kerry can leave, i was about five years old, i'm in front of the mirror, of course, with a comb and...
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yes, it’s a difficult question, i just remember the song, perhaps, that brought me to victory on the big stage, this is of course muslim magamaev’s song blue eternity, but from childhood i remember a ray of sunshine from the golden bremen musician, moreover that i listened to sting, listened to dj music, scooters and tv everything else was probably newfangled, yes, yes, fire, and even though they were recording, matches were burned before, well, that’s it, i had everything, but this i remember in my life a ray of golden sunshine. let's see how it was we have personnel. anastasia speredonova.
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it was impossible not to turn, they simply killed me, i sat there, i went crazy, this is impossible, incredible energy. this is such a backlog that you can just go crazy, oh sea, sea, rocky rock, you don’t need to give the surf, sea, take me, to the distant distances, a couple yourself. the main goal of the voice is to reveal new names to our viewer, this is where the well-known question from our tv viewers comes a lot, naturally, where, where are these finalists, here they are with you at seryozha’s.


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