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tv   Novosti  1TV  April 9, 2024 9:00am-9:21am MSK

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a wave is expected in the kurgan region in the coming hours; the head of the ministry of emergency situations has flown to the orenburg region. new footage, including from space, of what flooded areas look like. they repelled the blow. our military destroyed the ukrainian neptune missile off the crimean coast. and new personnel from the front line, the enemy lost another bradley infantry fighting vehicle. particular trust in the unprecedented relations between the two countries, strengthening interaction on the world stage and not only meetings.
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the head of the ministry of emergency situations, alexander kurenkov , arrived in the orenburg region to coordinate the liquidation work on the spot. flood consequences. the minister will fly over the territory, assess the situation, listen to reports and determine further measures. there is a state of emergency in the region in orsk, where the situation remains difficult, the water is gradually receding, overnight the level dropped by another 9 cm, but in orenburg, on the contrary, the peak is expected tomorrow, more than 19 thousand people may find themselves in a flood zone in the kurgan region. svetlana kostina is monitoring the situation. this is what the orenburg region looks like in photographs from space; changes in the flood situation are monitored from satellites, perhaps this is the only way the scale of the disaster is becoming clear, 6,500 people have now been evacuated in the region, the damage is already estimated at tens of billions of rubles. at night in the orenburg and kurgan regions , work did not stop, urgently city services employees of the ministry of emergency situations are erecting barrier structures from sandbags, making embankments somewhere, at night ivanovo rescuers flew to the kurgan region, 120 people will help in eliminating the consequences of the spring. ural. we
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expect a historic maximum rise in water in the tobol river. first of all, what concerns local authorities, this is a warning in those populated areas where we expect flooding. the second is the correct reaction of the population to evacuate as soon as possible after warning by local authorities. it is necessary to take all the documents, because as a rule, practice shows that then... we spend quite a long time in order to restore these documents. unfortunately, the flood forecast has become even more negative. according to roshydromet, as well as the republic of kazakhstan, the water level is expected to be 11 m and higher, which is much higher than the actual 1994 flood event. no need to sit and wait for it to start. to thaw, everything
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will happen quickly, leave your homes, move to relatives in high places, go to temporary accommodation centers, they are waiting for the arrival of water in orenburg itself, the suburbs are already flooded, residents of the villages are getting to their homes in high-performance vehicles, this has not happened for a long time, this terrible consequences, well, they help out well, there is equipment that you need to get there, there is a situation on your part, you are closer to ural, right almost on the shore, yes, 20-100 m. 100 m, let’s look at the water there then, we will look at the water from our side, okay, it’s risen, now i’ll put a mark, but put a mark, if anything happens, then keep the motor vodka on this on the pulse, the local residents have already prepared for the big water, you see, so they drove their cars to a hill so that they would not be flooded, most of the residents were evacuated, a few men remained to keep order, the local residents are in contact with ...
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they talk about the water level in different areas of the village and help residents move to safe areas. just yesterday the water stopped altogether, the scale was 30, and we don’t even see 30 yet, but it has already sank, now from 6 am until now the water has already risen by 15 centimeters, no, not 15, by 10 cm. the city continues to actively prepare for floods in orenburg; several temporary accommodation points have been deployed. rescuers receive calls asking for evacuation. svetlana kostina, dmitry matyushin, sergey polomaryov, oleg. matyushin, anatoly mineev, channel one. our military repelled an enemy attack off the coast of crimea. ukrainian militants fired an anti-ship missile neptune towards the peninsula, but it was detected in time by air defense systems. in addition, several enemy attempts to attack targets in the belgorod and voronezh regions were thwarted. and this is footage from the special operation zone. artyomovsk direction, the crew of our infantry fighting vehicle destroyed the american bradley vehicle. in the kupinsky sector, the enemy is being pushed back by t-8 tanks. and on the kharkov crew
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helicopters destroyed a group of saboteurs. russia called for the convening of magatte's board of governors at an extraordinary session. for drone attacks on the zaporozhye nuclear power plant. in addition, moscow is waiting for a full-format report and a clear reaction in connection with the shelling from the international agency. the nuclear power plant has been subjected to a series of kamikaze drone strikes over the past few days. the day before, one of them was beaten. debris fell on the roof of the sixth power unit. there were no critical damages, the warhead was neutralized. earlier on sunday, three people were injured during the attack. person. the arrivals were recorded by magat employees. the head of the organization, rafael grossi , called drone strikes on nuclear power plants reckless. noted that they jeopardize global nuclear security. the kiev regime will not be able to evade responsibility for a new drone attack on the zaporozhye nuclear power plant; russia will seek honest assessments of what is happening from magathe, foreign minister sergei lavrov said. today is the second
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day of his official visit to beijing, the head of nashamid held talks with his chinese colleague, ivan i. we discussed the ukrainian crisis, strengthening bilateral ties and opposing western sanctions. report from beijing. as permanent members of the un council and responsible powers, we will further strengthen our strategic interaction on the world stage under the presidency.
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there will be a current flourishing in russian-chinese relations. the plan for inter-ministry of foreign affairs consultations for the next year is not just a memorandum or agreement of intent. this is a specific list of activities that russia and china intend to hold it in a significant year for both countries. seventy-fifth anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations. in 1949, our country
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was the first to recognize the newly formed young republic, so the russian guests were treated to champagne for the occasion, an elegant gesture emphasizing the friendly tone of the visit. and as the ministers subsequently stated at a joint briefing, in conditions when both countries are experiencing sanctions pressure from western countries, our response will be synchronous. minister wang yi yesterday invented this formula, double counteraction against double deterrence. we remember how our leaders formulated the tasks of standing, back to back, shoulder to shoulder along the path.
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and friendship games before the launch of new banking mechanisms. for many years it has been said that we really have the highest level of bilateral relations in the political spectrum, but there was a lack of economic content. now all this is being replenished, you see trade turnover, you see, i think, a colossal number of russian delegations working here. trade turnover between russia and china is growing year by year. cross-years of cultures have been announced, yes china is becoming more and more accessible to ordinary russians; in february, visa-free entry to the picturesque tropical island of hainan was simplified, which made many tourists happy on the eve of the summer holidays. natalya lyublinskaya, sergey shilin, evgenia stefanchuk and sergey shatila, channel one, beijing. now there is a small advertisement, we
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will be back in a few minutes, do not switch. intermittent fasting. recent scientific evidence suggests that people following this protocol have twice the risk of myocardial infarction. than everything the rest of the program was sorted out in detail to live healthy, today on the first. i feel out of place as the chairman of the jury ; all the most famous actors and directors in the world sat at this table. i'd like to have lunch please, but this is pasadena, we don't have restaurants. how did you feel in a film where all the actors played themselves?
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“say that you like my hat, you don’t have a hat, i would like to say in the future that i did everything i could in my life, i’m proud to live in such a beautiful country that we have so many regions, so many different cultures, i know they knew about it, this is very important. ulyanovsk is a lot about our homeland and i want people to also
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be the homeland of lenin, koramzin and goncharov. taganay is a whole adventure park, there are bears and more. fetor chaliapin at one time called himself a simple vyadsky peasant throughout his life. the white nights of leningrad, the gray peaks of the caucasus, the blue lakes of karelia, the green sea of ​​taiga, are as beautiful as our sunny komyka. nobody comes back from the trip the same thing. human, so travel, develop yourself, on any route, in any village, we are all one big family, we are again together with those who love good music with all their souls, lilac fog, volodya, well, you hooked me so much that i swam, just don't show any friendliness.
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there is something in this, maybe, really, enough already, this is all hip-hop, everything is there, three chords, a new season from april 14 on the first, the snow is still white in the fields, and the waters are noisy and running in the spring and they wake up the sleepy shore, they run, shine and shout, and the days are shouting all over the place, spring is coming, spring is coming, we are young spring hans, she sent us
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forward, what, where, when is the spring series of games, on sunday on the first. this is the news on the first, and we continue: in the smolensk region they have increased the group of specialists who are working around the clock at the site of the bridge collapse in vyazma. now almost half a thousand people work there. let me remind you that the emergency happened on the eve of the evening at the crossing at that moment there were a car and a truck. a woman died. five people were injured, three will be sent to moscow for treatment. the gas supply in the region has been disrupted; it may take several days to restore it, also about four. trains are delayed. a criminal case has been initiated into the incident under an article of negligence; the overpass plans
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to completely dismantle and build a new one in its place. governor vasily anokhin took personal control of the situation. there were seven spans of bridges, which means that six collapsed, one remained, it survived, but in fact the bridge will have to be completely dismantled, cut, a damaged gas pipeline, 800 households are left without gas. the communication line is damaged, work will be carried out around the clock, a historical event that has been awaited for several years, today at noon the first launch of a heavy -class launch vehicle is planned... mount a5 from the vostochny cosmodrome, its mass is almost 800 tons, it uses environmentally friendly fuel, now the final preparations for the launch are underway; according to plan, 12.5 minutes after launch, the upper stage with the payload will separate from the third stage of the angara. rockets of this family are capable of launching heavy spacecraft into orbit, and they plan to send modules of the future russian orbital station into space. to
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preserve the memory, the pobeda tv channel has been broadcasting films about the war for 5 years now. declassified archival footage, reconstruction of historical events, unique projects, and of course, priceless memories of veterans, not just facts, real destinies and living emotions, but how much work behind the scenes, especially now, when on the eve of the country's main holiday - may 9, olga pautova will continue , remains it’s only been a month, there’s been a ton of work, it’s already been a year since the channel’s birthday, and for its employees the countdown to our main holiday, victory day, begins.
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thank you festival for the victory, film crews travel all year to various parts of our country and the former soviet union to preserve a living memory, to convey not dry facts, but emotions that, even almost 80 years after the victory, have not lost their sharpness. guys, children like me, 9-1 years old, we ran, poked at the windows, the neighbors shouted: victory, victory, it is very important to spy and eavesdrop on what klyuchevsky did not say. there was such a thesis, to overhear something that history was silent about, we are actually doing the same thing now, tears come to our eyes, we have one magnificent heroine who tells how she became the ussr tennis champion in 1937 and 1939, for example , it saved my life, i think tennis in general, in general,
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because it was easier to bear than many others, and you can’t help but ask how much how old is she? realizing that she celebrated her 102nd birthday there in the fall, at that moment i understand that we had time, we captured, we recorded, we saved, which means everything was definitely not in vain. 3, 2, 1, already 5 years old, pobeda tv channel is classic films about the war, the latest blockbusters and tv series, reconstruction of historical events and talk shows, in which young audiences are told what you can’t read about in textbooks, what astronomers did in moscow planetarium during? scientists teach pilots, bombers how to navigate by the stars, spasskaya tower chimes the kremlin strikes nine, only one hour remains before the start of the parade. our older viewers remember very well how every
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may 9 the famous duo of announcers, igor kirillov and anna shatilova, went on air from the victory parade. the pobeda channel invited them to become part of a unique project. frame by frame, a chronicle of the entire holiday on june 24, 1945 was collected, from the very morning until the evening fireworks. and kirillov and shatilova became the voices of that legendary parade, but several times tears prevented them from saying a word. many times the enemies tried bring us to our knees, but all as one, we can’t. emotions. like for most, for anna nikolaevna this is a very personal story. the war took away.
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during the eclipse, they gathered in american cities; in new york, glasses were distributed for free, although enterprising residents began selling them for $10 apiece. one of the main viewing platforms was neagarsky falls, where...


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