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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  April 9, 2024 10:50am-12:00pm MSK

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before the usual reduction of calories in food for weight loss, it is not long-term, unfortunately, moreover, in general, these projects with hunger, they are always difficult, because it seems that a person holds on for some time, but a person cannot live life, just like that , i eat, now i’m starving, now i’m starving, how can i make it to 12, because food becomes.
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obesity, injectable drugs appeared, which you give an injection once a week, your appetite disappears, and you live normally, moreover, a russian line appeared these drugs, so that’s it, now you need to lose weight correctly, go to the health program website, we are recruiting a whole group there for weight loss, so we are waiting for everyone, today a russian breakthrough in treatment occurred, intermittent fasting, unfortunately, ended in danger. for life, we are very sorry, but we took the first step towards happiness today, which means we have a chance to start leading a healthy lifestyle without any excesses. well, that’s all for today, let’s finish, we had a good time with you, may you have a healthy life.
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hello, information channel on the first starts working live, time will tell this program, in the studio of ruslan astashka, olesya losyeva. well, the flood unfortunately continues to gain strength. the most powerful blow of the elements occurred in the orenburg region. this is what the area looks like from a satellite now. in the next 24 hours, 35 settlements may. more than 2 thousand residential buildings will be flooded. today , the head of the russian ministry of emergency situations, alexander kurenkov, returned to the flood zones and it is reported that the minister will also visit the kurgan and tyumen regions. water level in zverennogolobsky district of kurgan region has grown by more than a meter since yesterday. governor vadim shumkov announced this. a state of emergency has already been introduced there and residents are being evacuated. people are advised to stock up on a month's worth of water due to the risk of flooding. water intake structures,
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currently the flood situation remains critical, the peak of the natural disaster is expected tomorrow, and we will tell you other details about this incident immediately after a short advertisement, do not switch. one of the most mysterious legends of our time is the existence among us of certain people calling themselves the illuminati. they have been determining our destinies for more than 250 years. interfering in the course of human development weishaut, creator of the illuminati, denial of god, denial of religion is at the head of everything, consider themselves people of demonic blood, part of the rite of passage consists of murder, i could not even imagine then that such an ordinary weekend saturday evening would end in the massacre of children , the organizers of the points were, this icon represents the masters of the illuminati, this is a militant organization, we are talking about restoring power over the world, power is based on...
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hello everyone, by the way, 18, 17, 16, 15, ignition, call, broadcast of start and landing. the first space film crew
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on saturday at the first, well, i’m different, different, evgeniy steblov, one of the most unusual artists. he became famous for the video where he looked confused and unhappy. light, do you love me? i walk around moscow, due to a family circumstance, in these films he awakened truly popular sympathy for his heroes. and for a very long time i didn’t understand what i was doing there did, and it seemed to me that soon the deception would be revealed and they would beat me. but how were the relationships in the family of evgeniy steblov himself? before tanya, i didn’t love anyone, i took her arm and she hissed me like an electric shock. our exclusive interview with the artist. who played with the most beautiful women in the country and at the same time remained faithful to his one and only. we lived with tanya for 38 years, we have our only son, a monk of the solovetsky monastery. what did his loyalty bring to the end of his life, why was he unable to avoid tragedy, all this is in god’s providence, as the lord
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will manage, so it will be. exclusive with dmitry borisov. premiere. on saturday on the first. you didn’t have the feeling that maybe god took your son away like that. somehow we are together again with those who love good music with all their souls, lilac fog, volodya, well, you hooked me so much that i swam, singing piggy in russian is another task, you know, the gears don’t always match , you were still a boss, you had neither hearing nor intelligence.
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three chords, new season from april 14 on the first. i'm happy when i develop every day, when i wake up and know that in the afternoon, something new awaits me, when we get together with the whole family and make dumplings with potatoes, cook, this is for me. guy, you could say my hobbies are traveling, my favorite is ice hockey, i have a dacha that has turned into paradise, a flower garden, i’m proud of it, i started going to drawing classes, and i put my paintings at
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an exhibition, play music, do art, it’s very cool, i love you all, i love fishing very much, because there is a volga in rybensk, find good in every second of your life. head of the ministry of emergency situations alexander kurenkov arrived in the orenburg region to coordinate the liquidation of the consequences of the flood on the spot. the minister will fly over the territories, assess the situation, receive reports and determine further measures. there is a state of emergency in the region . in orsk, where the situation remains difficult, the water is gradually receding; overnight it dropped by 9 cm; in orenburg , a peak is expected tomorrow. this is what the orenburg region looks like now in photographs from space; changes in the flood are monitored from satellites; this is the only way to understand the scale of this
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disasters. in the morning , a siren sounded in orenburg, residents had to evacuate immediately, that’s how it happened. in general , during these days, our people there had to go through real hell, horror, that’s how they fought the elements, in short, it exploded, began to drown, the water began to overflow strongly, almost in general, up to the train in the water, i’m going to save myself. i’m standing on the canopy of the roof, which is at the entrance and we’re waiting, rescuer, we’re waiting, these guys are great,
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they bought water themselves, they’re distributing it to the residents, the first one is saved, they’re carrying the second one, change3. hey friend friend, friend, dear citizens, we are just arriving, leaving, leaving. go, pack your things, evacuate, well, it is reported that in the next 24 hours in the orenburg region about 35 more settlements may be flooded, this is about 2.0 residential buildings and almost 2,500 household plots, this is the most powerful flood in the entire history of observations, experts believe that the peak it has not yet been completed, it is expected from the tenth to... april 18, the hardest time was in the city of orsk, from there, according to the latest data, 2,500
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people were evacuated, including 700 children. now in regions in which the water came , evacuation is underway, evacuation does not always go smoothly, in the samara region , the boat on which they were taking residents of the village of poludne capsized, the boat capsized, all nine people, including a six-year-old child, ended up in the water, heads, heads, heads, no, as a result , three passengers sought medical help; currently two of them, including a child, are under medical supervision. in all flooded regions , ordinary people help rescuers, some of them have their own boats, some even especially for this. buys, a resident of the orenburg village of trotsky, in 2 days, put 30 people on a boat, including an elderly
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woman with signs of a stroke, the man’s name is pavel lambin, rescue operation, here’s the grandmother, there’s only a current through the window in the yard, now we’ll try to get out of here, but only through window, the window is narrow, that’s how mother is. rising water in the tobol river, first of all, as far as local authorities are concerned, this is
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a warning in those populated areas where we expect flooding. the second one is correct reaction of the population to evacuate as soon as possible after warning by local authorities. it is necessary to take all the documents, because as a rule, practice shows that we then spend quite a long time in order to restore these documents. unfortunately.
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and people are gathering there, most likely there will be a large inspection of the square again, and to see how the situation is, it means that evacuation is almost constantly underway, we constantly see boats with people arriving, eh, that is , not all of the people have evacuated yet, and there are good points, of course, that the water level in all areas is falling, and not critical, of course, but nevertheless, about 5 cm in some houses in the old city, which were most exposed to flooding, and
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the water dropped 30 cm , so the water also recedes from the new city, that is, the evacuation zone in the new city, which was announced, that is , houses, well, a preventive measure, let’s say, that is, houses without water, but the truth is without electricity, so people do n’t care evacuated, but there is an option that now electricity in such areas will... begin give, the water pressure drops, that is, the services warn that the water pressure may drop, so the management companies in the houses make special conclusions. floors so that people can turn on the water, fill it up for technical needs, they can’t drink it, so people need to buy only bottled water, which is the situation with bottled water, how helpful are the volunteers, the city authorities, because there was information that there are difficulties with water, i as i understand it, this issue is being resolved
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now, it is declared that it is being resolved with water, if you come to the store. it’s not there, so residents report that you can come to the store at the very opening, that is, when a new batch of goods has arrived and literally in minutes all the water is sold out, and there are, of course, volunteers from neighboring cities who bring water, and who - they even give it out for free, that is, they don’t sell it, there is an interesting point that people found out that in the maternity hospital... there is no bottled water, that is, literally after the cry for half an hour there was a huge batch of water there, but tell me in those stores where there is still water and where you can come to the very opening, prices are not inflated or some of the entrepreneurs are trying to profit from this misfortune, so i want to understand, well, i can judge large networks in
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large networks, everything is standard, then there is water that costs as much as it costs, but simply finding it is almost impossible. because, well , standing in line when, well, it’s unknown , you won’t have enough of this water, so, well , there are definitely problems with water, but there are problems with bread, for example, that is, there is not always bread yes, that is, not a critical problem, of course it is, things are better than the situation with water, but nevertheless, sometimes you can go to the store, there is no bread, because many bakeries are located in the flooded part of the city, but i repeat once again, the situation not so critical, but... there was a warning that flooding was possible, and people bought food and water in advance, that’s how the issue stands, or after all, when trouble struck, everyone rushed to solve the problem, only then they began to think seriously already, well, before the flooding of the old city, after at least there were no warnings,
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they said that the dam would save us, then the evacuation just began, so the old city definitely didn’t have time to purchase. scientific expert of the russian environmental movement ilya vladimirovich rbalchenko, ilya vladimirovich, hello, and the question that interests everyone now is how possible it was to prevent this situation? let's think together, at the end of february, at the beginning of march there are record snowfalls in this region, on the nineteenth
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the warming begins and on march 20 the level of the ural river begins to increase significantly. i think that many of us can already say that on the 23rd, when there was already a critical increase in the water level, everything, in principle, was already clear. yes, of course, floods are a unique situation, and it is impossible to completely predict them, but understand that this is a critical story, and that in this case, record snowfalls and, accordingly , very sharp warming are adjacent. at the same time, i think it was possible, of course, the commission would have to work to understand whether everything was done correctly, but let’s understand that from the point of view of science, i may say cynically now, the main problem was avoided, yes, this is surprising, but what main problem was avoided, what
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is meant by it is the ereklin reservoir, which was dumped, rightly, wrongly, dumped is another question: but thanks to the fact that there was a discharge, it was possible to avoid peaks in the ireklinsky reservoir, and if it had collapsed, that is, if that dam had been damaged, then the level of flooding would have been absolutely incomparable to what we are seeing now, therefore still, we must understand, yes, the consequences are catastrophic and tragic, yes, the commission definitely needs to check whether everything has been done. right, but the spillway that was made allowed us to avoid much greater consequences, look, that means we already talked at the beginning of our broadcast. that the peak of the flood, according to some information, has not yet been passed and it is expected in the very next few days, but then what to expect? that
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’s why we kind of smear this peak, yes, of course, it was necessary to monitor the condition platinum, but to smear this peak to preserve the dam of the ireklinsky reservoir, it turned out, another thing is that... the urals, including residential buildings, that they did not warn, did not know about it, so of course, in order to prepare, we must understand what exactly development.
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there was a mass exodus of people, there were warnings, but you must admit that when you have a home, no matter how much you warn, you leave it at the very last moment, which is why, of course, it is necessary to develop, just like military regulations that are written in blood, so here, need to develop very clear rules, what, how, why to do when the dam breaks, yes, indeed, the dam there is designed for a rise of 5.5 m, and the rise was 9.5, the water can rise even higher, yes, it could not stand it, but this also means that the trucks had to go right away, right away, they had to stand ready, of course, it’s good
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for a scientist to sit here from moscow to criticize, but nevertheless, all these algorithms, these rules, they must be written, now once rewritten, it’s clear that this is a whole complex of issues and a set of problems that have to be solved, but nevertheless now... a lot of people, for example , i am concerned about one question in particular: what could be the consequences for the territory itself, how long will the water stand and what then, what will happen after that, when the houses will be suitable for habitation, will they be suitable at all after such flooding? let's understand that the water-stream system in these places will still work, where there is sand, the water will go away faster, and where there is clay it will go away. much later, of course, the first thing we must understand is that water disrupts the activities of both garbage facilities and various septic tanks, all this comes to
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the surface, but the volumes of this water are such that we don’t have to expect any directly catastrophic pollution in the territory, simply because everything is dangerous will dissolve in gigantic volumes, however, it will definitely take a week or two, as a rule. the first forecast, which is what we have now, but the wells will definitely need to be checked, under no circumstances should you drink water from the wells before checking to return to your home, i conjure, to return when there is a command not to rush, because these movements can be wave-like, as for the consequences for the environment, in general, ecologists have such a standard story that grandfather mazai, who saved the hares, has long been, as they say, no longer with us, and hares still exist in forests that are flooded, so let’s hope that
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nature will correct itself, yes, there will be damage, yes, of course, there will be damage to the ecosystem’s biodiversity a serious blow has been dealt, but in this case there is no need to expect that it will be completely catastrophic; nevertheless, let me remind you once again that the most terrible consequences, saving or... thank you very much, yes, they just calmed down a little ilya vladimirovich irbalchenko , a scientific expert of the russian environmental movement, was in direct contact with us. victoria, well, a logical question, which we are already discussing here, is it possible to prepare better, taking into account the fact that such floods happen, well, not so often, accordingly, if you prepare for this every year, it is very, very, very expensive, where is this golden mean, well, we are now discussing the possibilities of preparing for... what was very remarkable for me was that on march 10 , the hydrometeorological center published a forecast about
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flooding in... the state of the snow cover, about the state of soil cover in various regions of russia, and there is a list there that can now be taken as a road map for preventing and controlling events on the ground, there is a list of more than 30 regions and specific places, among which, of course, there are both orsk and orenburg, this is a question specifically for individual departments that will be involved in inspections, how what was carried out and checked, but as far as i know, a few days before the incident... what is the active reaction, that there is already vaccination against hepatitis, and how actively the ministry of emergency situations works on the ground, it is clear that these services are now working in a centralized mode and the civilian population needs to get involved, i know that public organizations are raising
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additional funds to help. i just saw on the footage, there is the volga the federal district is connected, a number of my former leaders are now involved there, and in fact a very important question is whether the mistakes of this first wave will be taken into account in subsequent regions, the fact is that when the wave began, we understand it perfectly, its peak, it is moving like a snowball, it will now reach new settlements, and the preparation of these settlements, proper information of citizens, actions is
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very important, these are temporary accommodation points for them so that they can be evacuated, this is the preparation of the entire technical infrastructure, the substation, so that there is no short circuit anywhere, any other structures that are preserved for this period with special booms, bags , etc., strengthened, this is informing citizens that your house will be 100% flooded , that the water level is such and such, lift your valuables up and get ready to evacuate, you will be transported, and the most important thing today, the expert said, in peaceful life is a separate stage that will continue for months, this is helping people in moving, who do not have their own transport, this is assistance in resuming the work of engineering systems, sewerage, gas supply, which may have been disrupted, this is the entire hydraulic engineering part associated with drinking water in populated areas, most importantly, access of the population to their facilities, this must also take place checking the functionality, well, relatively speaking, the house in...
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the main thing for us is to save people, eliminate the consequences, yes, that is, to help the people who are now enduring all this, to provide water, food, housing, and so on, now, this now, i think, should unite us all, we are all now in this regard, to some extent, mosaic grandfathers, yes, and only then, when we eliminate all this, we will begin to ask the question of who is to blame, here in my opinion, now we need to build such priorities. now to avoid emotions as much as possible, it is clear that everyone is on edge, yes, and this applies to all parties, both the people affected and the officials, of course, that is, i must say again, everyone should adequately assess the situation, and only then really identify step by step who violated where, who should have done something where and didn’t do it, that is, i’m not a scientist, i don’t understand what this person just said, no, touche
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speak very correctly, you understand, that is , perhaps it is true that now they have done everything they could to avoid more serious ones, remember europe last year, yes, as it would seem. rich europe and how it was flooded there, and large, famous cities, they broke through dams, dams, what europe is like, i’ll tell you now, that means in in kazakhstan, the situation is also not developing in the best way, here, of course, this can directly affect us to some extent, because everything is even worse there, thick waters flooded eight cattle burial grounds and 14 anthrax burial grounds on the territory of kazakhstan, most of these burial sites are located c...
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considering the proximity to kazakhstan, could this situation be dangerous and what is the risk of the spread of anthrax? well, anyway , if we talk.
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which happened now, when koto burial grounds are being washed away, they can wash away and inactive spores in fact, so they correctly say that sampling and the scale of the epidemiological disaster can only be assessed when the water recedes, when soil samples are taken, where we will see whether there are active spores of this very anthrax, but the situation is actually for those regions where this river flows and where the floodplain of this river is, it is actually not very comforting, just in those regions.
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say, don’t communicate with wild animals in any way, we give antibiotics and be extremely careful, or rather, don’t eat their meat, because it’s dangerous, there we can get infected, but the good thing is that through the skin, through the shelf, through water, the risk of infection in humans is extremely minimal, the risk of infection is greater through the air. aerogenic route and direct contact with animals, in general, yes, we don’t drink water from the tap, from wells, we drink bottled water, we monitor the whole situation and draw the right conclusions. thank you very much, candidate of medical sciences, infectious disease specialist evgeniy dimokov was in
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direct contact with us, now a short advertisement, then we will continue the conversation about the conclusions. central 812. suspicion of robbery against a taxi driver with the aim of taking possession of a car. again a taxi, again approximately the same area, maybe they are doing this on purpose so that we focus our attention on this particular area, but this is obviously a false lead, the main thing is that they stole a taxi again, this means, myakisheva, myakisheva, where are you anyway, undercover taxi, premiere, watch after the program time. i feel out of place as the chairman of the jury. perhaps all the most famous actors and directors in the world sat at this table. i would like lunch please, this is pasadena only,
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we don't have restaurants. how did you feel in a film where all the actors played themselves and only you had a role? police officer?
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the first spacewalk, the first feature film shot in space, mommies, how great it is that we are all here today, on saturday for the first one. premiere. i love my country. on saturday, on the first. studying the history
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of my country, i understand how multifaceted and vast russia is, and i am from vologda panishka, and from there greetings, all the best to you, health, happiness, a lot of laughter for many years, the city of gorodets is famous for gorodets gingerbread, golden embroidery. a city where even the stones under your feet can
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turn out to be precious. hello, ekaterinburg. emerald is a beautiful stone in itself, and i think that all women probably love this emerald, unfortunately, for us men, only to chop it. this is not the time to be servile, evgeniy. snow makes the filling unsurpassed and juicy. dumpling is a small universe. below me, how many meters are you talking down? 193. they say that it is forbidden. temporarily experience a feeling of visual pleasure and fear, they may be lying about the lives of their own, the premiere, on sunday at the first, the snow is still white in the fields, and in the spring the waters are noisy, running, waking up the sleepy shore, they are running , shining and shouting, they are shouting to all ends, spring is coming. spring is coming, we are
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messengers of the young spring, she sent us forward, what, where, when, the spring series of games, on sunday on the first. the information channel on the first continues, time will tell the program, we are working live, yesterday the head of our ministry of foreign affairs sergei lavrov came on an official visit to china, where he met with his colleague at the aani, and today a lot of meetings are expected, the schedule is tight, everything is planned, well, it’s worth saying that the day before switzerland announced its intention to still hold a so -called peace summit on ukraine in early june, it’s interesting that according to journalists. publications are focusing on the global south, because
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approximately eighty countries are going to take part in it, including, naturally , china, india, saudi arabia, brazil, the united arab emirates, in this light, of course, special attention is focused on sergei lavrov’s visit to beijing, well, in general, in kiev and washington they understand perfectly well that it is really not just that sergei lavrov flew to meet his colleague vani, this is one of the main topics , naturally, this is ukraine, sergey. stated that both russia and china believe that meetings on ukraine, which ignore the interests of moscow, have no prospects, they said. current state of affairs surrounding the ukrainian crisis, we are grateful chinese friends for their objective, balanced position, for their willingness to play a positive role in the matter of political and diplomatic settlement. chinese friends clearly state the need to take into account the legitimate
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concerns of all parties involved, primarily in the field of security, and in this context , my chinese colleagues and i, in switzerland in early june, and with the participation of china, a special emphasis is placed on china, china declares that it will never adds fuel to the fire, the head of the chinese mit, wang yi, said this; in china they believe that if they collect conference on ukraine, then necessarily with the participation of moscow and kiev. it is necessary to advocate
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a new model of interstate relations in the spirit of dialogue, partnership and alliance, instead of confrontation, and to counteract hegemony. despotism and bullying. it is important to unshakably promote the consciousness of an equal, orderly multipolar world. the chinese country supports the timely convening of an international conference, which is approved by both the russian and ukrainian countries, with equal participation of all parties and an honest discussion of all options peace plan. and this statement by the head of the chinese ministry of foreign affairs vani is very important, especially in light of the fact that russia has repeatedly said that it refuses to accept. participation in this peace summit on ukraine. it is noteworthy that exactly one day before sergei lavrov’s arrival in china, the head of the us treasury department, janit gelin, flew there, she did not speak like sergei viktorovich lavrov, she immediately arrived with threats, but like a standard american. as a result of her negotiations in beijing, janet hellin
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threatened the celestial empire with the most serious consequences for any cooperation with russia. we are concerned. the role that any companies, including chinese, play in russian military procurement. these companies must not provide material support for the war or they will face significant consequences. any banks that facilitate significant transactions expose themselves to the risk of us sanctions. and purely by coincidence, of course, in the very next week , us secretary of state antony blinken is going to heaven, but of course this is not associated with these visits. he probably just wants to take a walk, and he is also going with a belligerent attitude, they don’t fly there with anyone else, on the eve of his visit to china, blinken listened, according to rumors, he made a lot of harsh statements. china and hong kong have become key gateways for russia to obtain restricted technologies, including chips and integrated circuits used
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in weapons or needed to create them. moreover, as the publication’s interlocutors said on condition of anonymity, in recent months russia has received support from china. intensified. anthony blinken this week briefed european allies on the scale and significance of chinese support and the need to do more to reduce it. blinken asked allies to raise the issue directly with china and take action against chinese businesses and companies. well, it’s interesting, of course, that china’s position is here. china said that if america begins to scare beijing with sanctions against chinese companies and banks for doing business.
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passions are heating up and i think this is not the last visit expected in the near future we remember several visits, including from russia.
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into its orbit, let me remind you, the g20 summit, neither russia nor china went there, and zelensky, as a puppet, also needs it, why is it so important to have china, because the struggle you are talking about, economics or politics, the economy is dragging political questions follow, when they become decisive in the fate of the united states, when we observe in parallel the processes of growth in the value of gold on the stock exchange, when they purchase it, they understand that the chair is shaking under them and political authority, as they are accustomed to. power corrupts, but absolute power corrupts with absolute political authority to try to maintain the credit of trust on which the economic
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system rests, so they consider it possible to threaten china in this way, but we see such a move does not work, which drew attention even from lavrov’s visit that issues of sanctions, preserving production chains, supply chains, and logistics are becoming key for russia and china, and here there is apparently an understanding that in within the framework of brix, the shanghai cooperation organization will take steps specifically on...
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the water is rapidly increasing, they are accustomed to acting with the world only from a position of strength, because they have nothing to offer either china or other countries, as they say, carrots, they can offer money or whatever -loans are like carrots for ukraine, but for other countries that want to live outside of american influence, it is important that they simply do not exist in this coordination system, in fact, what with brix is ​​not against the usa, it is for each other, we are building its alternative system, financial. humanitarian, well, right up to the creation of alternative olympic games, which have discredited themselves, the so-called friendship games,
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but what is important is that the whole world is now watching this and... the rock-solid relations between russia and china are confirmed as reality and china has not flinched, therefore what they are now proposing is trying to create a group of countries that in switzerland will accuse russia of some violations, will propose some non-existent plans, it is doomed to failure, it will be nothing, all the steam will go to the whistle, this is where international politics will really be forged, this is most likely istanbul, turkey, and
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such an agent plan proposed by the turks. future negotiations, which are a huge bloc of strategic security, which has now been reset, i remind you that there is no treaty on strategic offensive weapons, no missile defense, no conventional weapons on the european continent, when countries have limited themselves, all this has been reset, now only the law of the strong applies, in this situation is the beginning of planetary negotiations, when china and russia are drawn in on the one hand, and france, britain and the usa on the other hand, this is a completely different approach. perhaps the westerners are not yet ready for this, or as a last chance they think, what if it works out, what if the chinese waver and we convince the russians of this, to negotiate, despite the situation on the battlefield, and it is different there now. ruslan, one remark, remember about driving a wedge, kissinger managed to drive a wedge between the soviet union and china, because they acted differently, now the united states is using a completely different technique, this one
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baton, but look at the protocol, look at how... the waters are clowns, well, as for being drawn into negotiations, but europe is going to be drawn into drawing others into a war, the head of european diplomacy, josep barel, said that the possibility of a high-intensity war in europe is no longer a fantasy, however, he immediately admitted that he does not know how to generally pay for building up the military capabilities of the european union, he lacks imagination here, but european leaders here continue
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to convince themselves and others in unison that ukraine is still... it turns out, capable of winning, such rhetoric is supported by german chancellor olaf scholz. the war in ukraine will end the moment president putin decides to withdraw his troops, but he will only make this decision if he understands that he cannot dictate the rules of an unjust world and that time is not in his favor, so supporting ukraine is the key to restoring peace in europe, and we will stick to it as long as it takes. in germany there is no need to look for the key to world war, the third set is already hanging and apparently it’s an eyesore, but, by the way, scholz is echoed by the president of finland, alexander stoop, such a notorious russophobe, he believes that there can be no dialogue with russia. when you become a mediator in peace negotiations, it all starts with dialogue, after dialogue you begin to define the parameters,
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but i think in this case the hard truth. is that peace can only be achieved on the battlefield. putin only understands the language of force, and in many ways this war is too big for him to lose. sometimes i wonder if whether peace is almost impossible from his point of view, but i think there is a shift in the narratives coming from the ukrainians and zelensky. there are talks about a peaceful forum, which we need, but when the conditions will be right for this, i don’t know. to be honest, right now we have absolutely no political dialogue. with russia, i don't think we can establish it, and we shouldn't. the europeans don’t limit themselves to words; they came up with a new concept called, well, like a new, well-forgotten old one, russia will soon attack us and allocate very large military budgets for this. let us recall that in january of this year , the bilt publication published excerpts from materials allegedly from a secret bundesfer document, which spelled out clear steps in
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the event of a possible conflict with russia. let's remember this one. first, in the spring, russia will launch an offensive and defeat ukraine by june 2024; second , russia’s hybrid attacks on the west will begin in july. russia will provoke aggression against ethnic ones. russian minorities in the baltic states, third, there will be clashes that russia uses as a pretext for the beginning of september large-scale military maneuvers in western russia and belarus. fourth. in october , russia will deploy medium-range missiles to the kaliningrad region with the aim of striking the suwalki corridor. for the fifth time since december 2024, this area will experience an artificially created border conflict and unrest with numerous casualties. on january 6 , 2025, a special meeting of the nato council will take place, at which poland. and the baltic states will report a growing threat from russia. seventh. in response, in march 2025, russia will transfer additional troops to the baltic states and belarus. eighth. on day x, the nato commander-in-chief will order
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the transfer of 300,000 troops to the eastern flank, including 30,000 bundeswehr soldiers. just a few months have passed, the bundeswehr is sending several thousand of its soldiers, military personnel, a whole large group, to lithuania. and... by the end of 2027, the german brigade should be transferred to lithuania on a permanent basis. the bundeswehr command has already left for the baltic states. subdivision must prepare thousands of their family's soldiers for deployment.
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federal government, i know that there is still a lot to be done, even on the spot, the infrastructure must be adequate, there must be barracks, housing, apartments, on the lithuanian side there is still a lot to be done, and we, i assure you, will do everything
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possible so that from the very began to equip the brigade as it should be equipped, many will now say, yes, the germans have cockroaches in their heads, not cockroaches in their heads, but revenge over the russians is in their heads, yes they send their soldiers to... well , ukraine there, that means to all sorts of territories adjacent to ukraine, well , naturally, to ukraine under the guise of military attacks not their own, you know, secretly, so that not everyone understands what it is in general, from there, so, in fact, they send, but there is no ammunition in ukraine, they do not supply ammunition, ukrainian telegram channels say that they have to get out of it independently, now our source said that ukraine. actively purchasing soviet ammunition on black market, primarily in african countries. we began to actively use the grain for weapons scheme, when loaded boxes with food leave the ports of odessa and return with military equipment and
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ammunition. by the way, this problem is being actively covered by american journalists, the wol street journal, in general , they write here that it turns out that due to the fact that the american congress is delaying the issue of allocating military aid to ukraine, poor ukrainian soldiers are getting help.
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one of the countries, our mid comes out immediately and he says, explains why there is no need to sell, yes, that’s why they argue, they argue that guys, you will sell, of course, but then keep in mind, you will have such problems, immediately these ammunition will become more needed and so on, that is , there is constantly a behind-the-scenes war going on, including a diplomatic one, it is going on on all fronts, and accordingly, that’s what they said in january, april is already ending, now they say june and that is far from a fact, and the most interesting thing is that there is already competition for them the money came, recently...
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even more harshly, they will hunt even more harshly, because the regime needs to survive, there is no ammunition, well, at least people, throwing people at the front is also like one of the options, for them people are without ... well , as if they have no value for zelensky and his gang , people do not amount to anything, their value is their personal happiness, personal income and personal well-being, everything else does not matter, hence the result, i don’t think they will be able to collect a lot of people, especially since people are becoming more and more active in fact, even the activists are defending themselves, well , really actively, there are murderers, there is a systemic group resistance in certain villages, when women simply do not allow the tetskashniks to come in and... carry out mobilization,
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especially since it is no longer particularly pointless for the villages to carry it out , yesterday there was dochveliy’s material, which showed that in the cherkasy region, villages were raked out with everything, literally everything, but now the cities are being raked out, but again, city residents are no smarter or richer, so they can pay off, they can pay money to escape to europe and thus avoid mobilization, i don’t know what the numbers are now, but when the first wave, so to speak, of this total mobilization and the ukrainian channels they... then quickly closed this topic, but information leaked that through the official borders, then there are 6,000 men of military age leaving the country through official channels every day, this is the beginning of january, they then tried to cover it up, again illegal crossings, that is, a huge number of men simply fled, and even if they want to mobilize someone, yes someone, someone they are mobilizing, but these are not the numbers they are counting on, thank you very much, yuri ivanovich fadalyako, he was in direct contact with us, well, western journalists are very...
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closely following the strategy of our strikes on ukraine , the financial times noted that russia has changed its tactics of attacks on ukraine’s energy infrastructure. the damage from russia’s latest attacks on ukraine’s energy infrastructure turned out to be more serious than in the winter of 2022-2023. russia has changed its strike tactics, using precision-guided missiles. some objects are not will be able to fully restore by next winter. march, russia struck seven thermal power plants and two hydroelectric power plants. all of them were located in regions where there are not enough modern air defense systems. if not for warm weather, energy imports from the eu and increased production of electricity from renewable sources, ukraine would have faced widespread power outages. here the other day, prime minister of ukraine denis shmygal said that as a result of our strikes at the moment destroyed.
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commits provocations against the zaporozhye nuclear power plant, and ukraine’s western partners should pay attention to this, but of course they turn a blind eye to it. andrei franovich, but before this, many people noted such attacks, they did not observe what is behind this? before this, they washed at distribution points, at
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large substations and, relatively speaking, took care of the common soviet heritage in the form of hydroelectric power plants, thermal power plants, which are expensive to restore for a very long time ... well, we understand that in a short time move the thermal power plant, restore it in ukraine, this is very difficult and expensive, some part will be moved, but this does not mean that they will be able to completely, look, the german metal plant says, we will open soon in ukraine, they say, several, yes,
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what are the plans in general, let them dream more , taking into account the work of our aerospace forces on the energy infrastructure and other facilities, there are no prospects there, there never were. in fact, but this could easily be sold to the ukrainians as another victory. what as for the zaporizhzhya ees, what kind of attacks there were, unprecedented, a few days before there were fakes that russia was allegedly using the zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant as a weapon against ukraine. by guarding there, ensuring security there, defending it from drones and other attacks, we are using it as a weapon. therefore , we shouldn’t expect any assessments from the west at all, we just need to continue, they openly wrote that it was russia that hit the drone with a drone... well , of course, donetsk fired at itself, yes, for 10 years, but how long can ukraine continue in this state will the lithuanian thermal stations, which are closed, help ukraine hold out, which means the ukrainians are proposing to dismantle the stations for parts - this is generally nonsense in my opinion, but we must remember
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that there are three nuclear power plants left in ukraine that will be able to maintain generation for another at some level, and you shouldn’t expect that tomorrow after our strikes it will all fall apart, another thing is that we changed the strategy on target to... hello, news is on air, ekaterina berezovskaya is in the studio.


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