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tv   Novosti  1TV  April 9, 2024 12:00pm-12:16pm MSK

12:00 pm
but we must remember that there are three nuclear power plants left in ukraine that will be able to maintain generation at some level, and we shouldn’t expect that tomorrow after our strikes it will all fall apart, another thing is that we have changed the strategy to targeted and fundamental cleansing and destruction these industrial capacities that will not allow the ukrainian regime to resume its industrial production, you see... but ukraine believes, ukraine fantasizes, ukraine lives in illusions of castles in the air, here he tells his, that is, allies, that if you, as donors, cannot help us anymore, then we will dismantle you for spare parts. news on channel one.
12:01 pm
hello, there is news on air in the studio of ekaterina berezovskaya. and at the beginning of the orenburg region, the head of the ministry of emergency situations, alexander kurenkov, arrived there today to determine a further action plan to eliminate the consequences of the flood. in orenburg , more than 2 thousand household plots and over one and a half thousand households were flooded, and these figures are inconclusive. the water level in the ural river increased by 25 cm in just one day, peak expected on wednesday. meanwhile, in kurgan, which is also in the risk zone, they started. there’s the situation on your side, you’re closer to the urals, almost right on the shore, yes, 100 m, 100 m, let’s look at the water there then, we’ll look at the water from our side, okay, it’s risen, now there’s still a mark i’ll put it, and put a mark, if anything happens, then keep the motor vodka on this on...
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big water came to orenburg, if yesterday the level did not change, then today it went up sharply, suburban villages are already flooded, a siren sounds, the water came instantly, rough speaking, i live there on the next street, it was 150 meters from me, after 2 hours she was already at my house, my house was flooded, we live here with a neighbor, it’s very scary, there’s a lot of water, yes, what’s happening now, it’s coming, arrives. the house is flooded, but so far there is no one in the house, we hope that it won’t happen, the same is happening to the site, what is happening there, the entire site is floating, electricity and gas have already been turned off in the flooded villages, local residents have already prepared for big water, you see, they have driven their cars, all-terrain trucks cruise through the villages, taking out everyone who wants it, police are also brought in, they will patrol the streets to prevent looting, several people remain in their houses, they are attentive. they are monitoring
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the water level, just yesterday the water stopped altogether, it was on a scale of 30, but we don’t even see 30 yet, but it has already sank, now from 6 am until now the water has risen by 15 centimeters, not 15, by 10 cm , you can assess the scale of the flooding in the very center of orenburg, this is the embankment, you see, completely in the water, this is a children's playground, right here swing. in fact, she continues to remain in almost waist-deep water. the head of the ministry of emergency situations, alexander kurenkov, arrived in orenburg. he, together with the presidential representative in the prilozhsky district, igor komarov, and the governor of the orinburg region , assess the situation in the city from above. it can be seen that the ural river has overflowed for kilometers in some places. already close to high-rise buildings. at night , earth dumps were quickly made here. and this is what the orenburg region looks like in photographs from space. changes in the flood situation are monitored from satellites. that's the only way, perhaps.
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the scale of the disaster is becoming clear, 6,500 people have now been evacuated in the region, the damage is already estimated at tens of billions of rubles. in orsk, where the situation remained critical for the last few days, the water finally began to recede, in 2 hours the level in the ural river dropped by 9 cm, but continues to remain dangerous, a total of 2,500 residents have already been evacuated from the flooding zone, all of them hastily left their homes, water arrived right before our eyes, people are placed in local schools, they try to do everything possible for them. water was arriving quickly, yes, she wasn’t just arriving quickly, she was just rising before our eyes, she was rising right before our eyes last night, the ghoul from mogilov lives in a multi-storey building, even on the weekend it was hard to believe that the residents of the upper floors would have to leave, we have a house from the attic completely went under the water, they received us wonderfully, we didn’t even expect it in principle, because we came, well, of course we were in shock, but here we were immediately, that is, they accommodated us, a psychologist, a doctor, right away, well, that is, in general no... words, very
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grateful. the situation in the kurgan region remains difficult; 120 rescuers from ivanovo flew there at night, they will join the specialists of the ministry of emergency situations of the izverlovsk region and other regions of the urals. unfortunately, the forecast. the flood has become even more negative, according to roshydromet, as well as the republic of kazakhstan, the water level is expected to be 11 m and higher, which is much higher than the actual flood event of 1994, there is no need to sit and wait until it starts to flood, everything will happen quickly, leave your home, move to relatives in high places places, go to temporary points... accommodation in the village of zverina golovskoye, the water level rose by almost a meter in just 2 hours, the roads were flooded and under the threat of flooding, in kurgan itself there are two microdistricts and an airport, valuables have already begun to be removed from museums. svetlana kostina, sergey ponomarev, oleg matyushin, svetlana vedyashkina, sergey nashchekino, anatoly mineev, channel one.
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relations between russia and china are being discussed today in beijing; our foreign minister sergei lavrov arrived there on a visit. at these moments he is holding negotiations with the president of the people's republic of china sidinpin. the meeting is taking place at the house of people's assembly, i have the pleasure and honor to convey to you the best greetings of the president of the russian federation, vladimir putin. my colleague and friend and i are trying to follow your example, and today we really had very, very useful negotiations. and the re-election of president putin, of course, guarantees continuity in our relations, focusing on... new development of these relations in all areas, we note that it is thanks to the diplomacy of the leaders that russian-chinese ties demonstrate the ability to adapt to any of the most
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difficult conditions, demonstrate their resilience, they are based on mutual support in those issues that affect the fundamental interests of our states. i convey my sincere greetings to the president of the russian federation, vladimir putin. he is an experienced diplomat and a friend of the chinese people. you have done a lot of fruitful work to promote chinese-russian relations along the path of peaceful coexistence of the two powers. this in turn played a constructive role in achieving international justice. we will continue to develop the entire range of international relations, as we agreed with vladimir putin. but earlier, sergei lavrov met with his chinese counterpart. and according to the ministers, relations between the two countries have reached an unprecedented high level. the parties agreed to begin a dialogue on eurasian security with the involvement of like-minded states to jointly counteract western attempts to slow down the formation of a multipolar world. moscow and beijing also will reportedly look for ways to resolve
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the situation in ukraine, taking into account the interests of russia. since the beginning of the year , 27 terrorist attacks on transport facilities have been prevented in our country. fuel and energy complex and defense industry. fsb director alexander bortnikov stated this today at a meeting of the national anti-terrorism committee. russia has developed additional measures to strengthen security at facilities that may become targets of sabotage, including by militants of the kiev regime. strong structure repeatedly stopped attempts by ukrainian sabotage and reconnaissance units to penetrate russian territory. ukrainian neo-nazis. and their western patrons organize or are ready to actively support the commission of the most barbaric crimes on our territory by participants in the international terrorist underground. evidence of this is the recent tragic events in krasnogorsk with
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numerous casualties among the civilian population. in the current conditions , counter-terrorism actors are taking measures to strengthening the security of key facilities. involved in ensuring a special military operation and supplying new russian regions. now about the work of our military in the special operation zone and rear areas. in one of the directions, the fighters destroyed the french self-propelled artillery installation caesar. an accurate hit by an attack drone and another nato vehicle can be written off. in addition, the ministry of defense said that this morning russian air defense systems destroyed the neptune anti-ship missile over the black sea and four.
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an important stage in the construction of one of the largest nuclear power plants, the akyu nuclear power plant in turkey. this large-scale project in the nuclear industry is being implemented by moscow and ankara. full-scale commissioning work has begun at the first power unit. specialists set up and test the reliability of the equipment before putting it into operation. the progress of work was checked by the head of rosatom, alexey likhachev. the delegation visited the construction site, inspected the nuclear and turbine island facilities and coastal hydraulic engineering facilities. this year we will completely check all systems, and
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we will carry out the first circuit and hydraulic tests, load simulators directly into the reactor, we are doing everything so that next year the first block of aku iclear becomes part of the energy system of the turkish republic, all our efforts are aimed at this, the work of turkish companies is aimed at this. legendary films about the war, modern blockbusters, documentaries and projects that help preserve memory. pobeda tv channel, it is part of the first digital television family, has been on the air for exactly 5 years. broadcasting began on april 9, nineteenth, at the year of the seventy-fifth anniversary of the great victory. our favorite and most important holiday is already close, which means work is in full swing again. olga pautova will tell you how incredible programs are created literally at the limit of emotions. there is only a month left of work in bulk, for many years now, on
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the birthday of the tv channel , the countdown to our main holiday - victory day begins for its employees, which means on the air we will see declassified footage of the chronicle, modern investigations and of course the stories of those who remember those full years pains of horror and hunger, when there was one piece of bread for the whole family, there was a thread, which means the mother was a working thread, more for mom, which means... more for the eldest, and i was the smallest, i was the smallest of all, a piece of this bread was cut off, that’s how we experienced it blockade, this is one of the main projects of the channel festival thank you for the victory, film crews travel all year to various parts of our country and the former soviet union to preserve living memory, to convey not dry facts, but emotions that even after almost 80 years after the victory they didn’t lose their edge, guys, kids are like that. like me, 9-1 years old, we ran, poked at the windows, the neighbors shouted: victory,
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victory, it is very important to spy and overhear what is unsaid, klyuchevsky had such a thesis, to overhear what he kept silent about in stories, we are actually doing it now at the same time, tears well up in our eyes, we have one magnificent heroine who tells how she became the ussr tennis champion in 1937 and 1939, for example, this saved me... i consider tennis in general to be life in general, because it was easier to endure than many others, and you involuntarily ask how old she is now, realizing that she celebrated her 102nd birthday there in the fall, at that moment i understand that we managed to capture , we recorded it, we saved it, which means everything was definitely not in vain. three, 2, 1, already 5 years old, the victory tv channel is classic films about the war, the latest blockbusters, tv series, reconstruction of historical events and talk shows, in which young audiences are told things that are not about
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you read in textbooks. what astronomers did in the moscow planetarium during the war, scientists teach pilots, bombers, navigation by the stars. the chimes of the kremlin's spasskaya tower strike nine in total. many times the enemies tried to bring us to our knees, but all as one, our, oh, i can’t,
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emotions, like for the majority, for anna nikolaevna this is a very personal story, the war took her father away from her, even now, you see, it’s like this there was emotional work that i simply could not stand, my father went missing, and then i found out that he died in a concentration camp zeithain in 1943. every year on may 9, the pobeda channel comes to different cities of russia to organize a holiday for veterans. this year the concert will take place in magnitogorsk at the monument to the rear front. together we will remember those who gave us victory. in addition to the fact that this is a victory channel, it is a memory channel, because, well, we know, they say that a person is alive as long as he is remembered. olga pautova, yulia zagranichnogo, ilya marina, sergey klishin, channel one. that's all for now, thank you for being with us, now the program is on air, time will tell. about,
12:16 pm
good point, entry point.


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