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tv   Vremya  1TV  April 9, 2024 9:00pm-10:01pm MSK

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enlightened means telling the world about their existence, because this is what they fear most. actually, now we have done it. maria butina, the doll of tuti’s heir, was with you, now on the “time” program. hello, it’s time on the air, ekaterina andreeva is in the studio, briefly about the main thing. the level is rising rapidly, large waters have reached orenburg and the scale of disasters in the kurgan region, impressive footage. with one blow, our military, with the help
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of lancet, destroyed the french caesar howitzer and a report on the capabilities of the controlled ammunition krasnopol. for the third day in a row , kiev hits the zaporozhye nuclear power plant. moscow is convening an extraordinary session of the board of governors of magat. support for participants in special operations, housing construction, and industrial development. what else did vladimir putin and the head talk about in the kremlin? development of bilateral ties as a counterweight to pressure from western countries. meeting in beijing, the russian foreign minister with the chairman of the people's republic of china and the head of chinese diplomacy. she cried when the monument to soviet soldiers was destroyed and helped those who speak in russian. why are pensioner valentina vatutina going to be deported from lithuania?
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sergei sobyanin checked the new road frame in the south of the capital, how it is building a route that will relieve congestion on several highways at once. in the orenburg region, water came close to the ural federal highway. measures are being taken to prevent traffic from stopping, and workers have made embankments where necessary. meanwhile, in orenburg itself, an emergency evacuation may be announced in the near future. more than one and a half thousand houses have already been flooded in the city. the stop is under the control of the president. vladimir putin was again informed about what was happening today. the head of the ministry of emergency situations and the governors of three regions of the orenburg, kurgan and tyumen regions. the president decided to send the minister of construction and housing and communal services to the affected areas. our film crews work in the orenburg and kurgan regions. watch the reports of svetlana kostina and andrey goldrev. you can appreciate the scale of the flooding in the very center of orenburg. this is the embankment, you see, completely in water. this is a children's playground. here
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the water swings are almost waist-deep, it, in fact, continues to remain, big water came to orenburg, the ural river flooded dozens of settlements in the suburbs, the water came instantly, roughly speaking, i live there on the next street, it was 150 meters away from me , after 2 hours she was already at my house, my house was flooded, we live here with a neighbor, it’s very scary. it happens that the house is flooded, but so far there is no one in the house, we hope that it will not happen, the entire area is floating, in flooded villages they have already turned off electricity and gas, there are streets where you can only get around by boats, ivan meets his mother from work, at first we were worried about his grandmother, who lives in orsk, yesterday she called and said: hurray, i have a roof for my bathhouse, can you imagine, now they are threatened with flooding ourselves, one and a half meters, we are not afraid of water yet, we have foundations.
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high, we seem to be free, well , we’ll survive, attention, evacuation is in progress, in the evening it became known that the water level has risen sharply, as the mayor of orenburg said, it is already 915 cm, if it rises another 15, new areas will be flooded, including large residential complexes. city residents received sms alerts warning them to evacuate. mayor sergei solmin addressed the townspeople. don’t waste time, it’s better to take the children of older people out of the house without waiting for them to come. water, right now you need to collect documents and valuables, lift things and household appliances as high as possible, remove your car from the flooded area, take the warning seriously, an emergency evacuation may be announced in the coming hours. the water comes quickly, this is already clear, many residents of the suburbs did not have time to leave, some are still hoping to save their property, but the ural river is unpredictable this year; if yesterday the level did not change, then this morning it went up sharply, the water rose in just 2 hours. yesterday the water stopped altogether,
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the scale was at 30, and we don’t even see 30 yet, but it has already sank, now since 6 am the water has already risen 10 cm, highly passable vehicles are cruising through the villages. trucks are taking out everyone , they are also delivering police officers, they will patrol the streets to prevent looting in orsk, where the situation remained critical for the last few days, the water finally began to recede, in 2 hours the level in the ural river dropped by 9 cm, but continues to remain dangerous, people are placed in local schools, they are trying to do everything possible for them, they were wonderfully received , we didn’t even expect it in principle, because we came, well , of course we were in shock, but here we were immediately, that is, they placed us with a psychologist and a doctor. immediately, well, that is, there are no words at all, very grateful, helping the affected region throughout the country, united russia young guard volunteers are delivering targeted water, food and medicine, 2 tons of drinking water have already been delivered, all-russian student corps volunteers are on duty almost around the clock, they are in contact with local residents
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of flooded villages. military engineers of the yasninsky missile formation went to hard-to-reach areas; on floating transporters they brought fuel for generators, clean and dry things. they joined in for help. large corporations and alfa group companies will transfer 1 billion rubles to help victims of floods in the orenburg region. now one of the top priorities in flooded areas is clean water. the water utility takes samples several times a day. here they are doing everything to quickly establish a high-quality water supply. people are literally working their asses off, so we have attracted additional reserves from the group of companies from other water utilities. we have tyumen, voronezh, and omsk, so everyone is concentrated. in this area, a special laboratory has left from onsk, which allows you to do water tests, supply more than 150 parameters, so that at any point we can quickly determine the quality of water consumed by residents. on behalf of the russian president , the head of the ministry of emergency situations, alexander kurenkov, flew to orenburg. he
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flew over the territory from the air and assessed the operational situation to determine how to proceed. together with the governor of the orenburg region, kurenkov visited one of the temporary accommodation centers. from orenburg. kurenkov flew to the kurgan region, a state of emergency has already been declared there and the peak of the flood is still ahead. my colleague andrey goldarev is monitoring the situation. according to the forecast, over 60 settlements, which means thousands of people, may fall into the zone of possible flooding. on behalf of the head of the ministry of emergency situations , additional groups of rescuers from five regions have already been sent to the region in advance. today alexander kurenkov held a meeting of the government commission for emergency response in kurgan and instructed to organize a hotline. you need to patiently talk about existing support measures, social payments, as well as how they
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can restore lost documents or receive credit and mortgage holidays. now in the kurgan region more than 20 houses are flooded. in some of them the water is already in residential buildings or is approaching them, but here the level of the tobol river is constantly approaching a critical level, this is over 8 s to m, at which large amounts of water will come to residential buildings here. people
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living near the river quickly evacuate, the troman family and beekeepers take their most valuable things with them. we transport bees, lift furniture, whatever we can. here. on it’s already flooded, the water is coming in quickly, the very first one is no longer visible, my husband pulls something off the roof every hour, now their area is setting up sticks, noting the time, walking around, looking at how far the water has arrived, well , maybe two meters, somewhere there’s three in an hour, it’s a pity, well, imagine, now we ’ve been living here for 20 years, we’ve been making money on all this for 20 years, we can’t get it all out at once, and naturally it’s all just going to be thrown away later, in 20 years it ’s not like that... no, we came here in 2004, our water reached the woodshed, it continues evacuation in the mound itself and areas of potential flooding, people leave private houses located in the suburbs, or take away valuables stored at the dacha, well , for example, i lifted everything to the second floor,
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i didn’t take anything out, it’s all there, you think it won’t reach , i think no, well, it will be enough, so now it’s impossible to get everything out, they came for the animals, but all the neighbors themselves have already left, according to forecasts... tabol may rise to a historical maximum, the authorities continue to notify the population. after warning by local authorities, you must take all documents, because, as a rule, practice shows. that that right-bank part of the mound could go under water, now they continue to strengthen the coastline here, work is
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ongoing. the day before, the authorities also called on residents to stock up on water. now how much do you plan to take, how much to stock up on? one nineteen-liter bottle and one deliterater. throughout the region, there is constant monitoring of water levels in rivers; in areas of possible flooding , alarm sirens are periodically turned on, calling on residents to evacuate to a safe place in advance. andrey golderev, svetlana kostina, maxim. trubnikov, oleg matyusha, ninakhoreva and svetlana vedyashkina, channel one, orenburg and kurgan regions. and the news is marked molniya, a forced evacuation has been announced in one of the districts of the kurgan region. and one more urgent message. the water level in the ural river near orenburg rose to 931 cm, thus exceeding the critical level. vladimir putin and kasym zhamar discussed the difficult flood situation in the border regions of russia and kazakhstan today by telephone.
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in the regions of russia about what they can do for the victims, the deputies spoke today at the plenary session of the state duma, this is what speaker vyacheslav volodin said and if some kind of trouble happens in our electoral districts, we need to be with the people, help, we see with you that now the flood situation is very difficult, alarming in in a number of regions, so i appeal to those who have not yet gone to their constituencies, you can... do this immediately, just support, let’s colleagues, ask ourselves, and more
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effectively begin to help people who we are waiting for help, and of course, we are drawing conclusions so that this does not happen in the future. now about the special operation: our troops continue to improve their position in the donetsk, south donetsk and avdeevsk directions. along the entire front, the enemy lost over 900 fighters and a lot of equipment, including nato equipment. facilities. the neptune anti-ship missile was shot down by five hymers missiles, and this destruction of the french caesar self-propelled gun in the kherson direction, a powerful explosion, a hit by lancet, apparently caused the detonation of the ammunition. on these footage of an aerial defeat of a radar station behind enemy lines in the sumy region. in addition, the tas agency reported a missile attack on a train with reinforcements from the armed forces of ukraine in the konstantinovka area, this is the territory of the dpr, which is still controlled by kiev. and in continuation of the topic, another video from our ministry of defense, fighters of the southern group of troops are destroying the positions of militants in the vicinity
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of the village of spornye in the dpr. the impact of the guided projectiles destroyed all designated targets. laser-guided krasnopol artillery ammunition can much. evgeny lyamin was convinced of this personally. we're ready, we're ready. the orland 30 unmanned aerial vehicle is installed on the launch pad. next, the soldiers of the troop center group begin to check all systems. in general, everything is the same. before the flight of a conventional aircraft, checking the target equipment, attention, gimbal, checking the board completely, that is, all systems, like floperons, that is, these flaps work, how the camera works, at the moment it is spinning, just checking, that is, approach , distance, the laser itself is also checked, a laser for targeting high-precision ammunition takes several minutes to check the drone, further from the propeller, takeoff and climb. here is a set of observations of an eagle soaring into
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the sky, there is a multi-hour flight ahead at an altitude of several meters, it flies off for reconnaissance, when it finds a target, the control guys are already starting to work, they contact the artillery, they tell them not to load shells, those same high-precision krasnopol, this guided artillery shell, krasnopol, krasnopol differs from a conventional projectile, both externally and naturally filling. here is krasnopol's brains, here is its warhead, this is the accelerating engine when fired, it fires after a few seconds, small wings open constantly. here also small wings open and taxi already when approaching the target, you can see how krasnopol, for example, during the liberation of the village tonenkoe in the avdeevsky direction destroyed enemy fortifications with accurate hits, and this is filming from an arlan, which highlights the target to krasnopol and record the defeat, on in this footage, fighters from the center group of forces destroy a ukrainian armed forces tank, our artillery crews are on
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duty, waiting for the coordinates of the target and are ready to go at any second in anger, thanks to the new high-precision ammunition krasnopol m. two, everything is much faster. the difference between the second krasnopol and the first is that its readiness time to fire was reduced by 10 times, even more than 10 times. the scouts locate the target, then the artillery connects a special remote control to the ammunition and enters the settings, this is exactly what should not be shown. it takes less than a minute to prepare, then load the ammunition into self-propelled artillery mount and access to the firing position. the eagle highlights this detected target. the first shot destroys it. camouflaged american self-propelled artillery unit m-109 paladin fires ammunition, detonates ammunition, the second is the underground command post sa 1, the first was supplied to ukraine by norway, then britain, italy, then the usa, from which the enemy can fire, including nato high-precision excalibur shells , because self-propelled guns are one of the priority targets, our krasnopol destroys
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equipment from the first shot, there was a case, we also went out, there were three targets, literally within an hour there were three targets, three shells, everything was destroyed 100%. there was a tank, a self-propelled gun and a towed gun. krasnopol hits exactly at the same time and confuses the enemy during his counter-battery work. due to the fact that its ballistic properties differ from an ordinary projectile due to its propulsion engine. the enemy does not notice his position from where we shoot. because, for example, during counter-battery combat the enemy makes a mistake hundreds of meters, but of course it is. there is no reason to hesitate; after completing a combat mission, destroying a target, the place quickly leaves the firing position. evgeny lyabin, dmitry kashchur, nikita sebastyanov, dmitry matyushin, donbass channel one. kiev militants, in retaliation for failures at the front, are hitting civilians. as a result of artillery shelling from the ukrainian armed forces in the bryansk village of klimovo, a woman and child were killed. a twelve-year-old boy
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was riding a bicycle at the time of the attack; he died on the spot from shrapnel wounds. five more people were injured, as he... specified in his telegram channel, the head of the region, alexander bahamas, the blow hit the very center of the village, a residential building was on fire, and several cars were damaged. an extraordinary session of the magathe board of governors will take place the day after tomorrow, the topic will be the situation at the zaporozhye npp. in recent days, the station has been under constant attack by ukrainian kamikaze drones. for example, today it flew over the building where the world’s only reactor hall simulator is located. fortunately, no one... suffered, but if this continues, half of europe could suffer. valentina solovyova will continue the topic. photos of today's ukrainian drone attack on the zaporozhye nuclear power plant hit the training center, where the world's only full-scale reactor hall simulator is located. we are near the building of the training center, into the roof of which a drone flew today. the attack by the armed forces of ukraine occurred 10 minutes
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after magat employees drove past the training center and were returning. just today the first deputy head of the administration visited the station president sergei kiriyenko. the situation was reported to be calm during his visit. kiriyenko discussed with the leadership of zas the state of the nuclear safety facility. the situation is heating up, given that kiev began attacking the station with drones literally every day. a direct threat to the safety of the station has been created. we are one step away from a possible nuclear disaster. the forces of the plant personnel are aimed at maintaining a safe operating mode, however, in addition to the protected power units , there are a number of objects on site c, such as a storage facility spent nuclear fuel, diesel generators that ensure uninterrupted operation of the station, large reserves of diesel fuel for emergency diesel generators, damage and destruction of which can lead to disaster.
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we call on the leadership of european states to immediately respond to direct security threats. these shots show the kamis drone shot down over the sixth power unit the day before. the drone did not detonate, the warhead was neutralized. on april 7, ukrainian armed forces drones attacked the station several times, tried to hit power units, and were suppressed russian electronic warfare systems. in addition, arrivals were recorded in the area of ​​the nitrogen-oxygen station, next to the cargo port and near the dining room. three people, employees of the nuclear power plant, were injured. 20 minutes before the attacks, magath experts carried out a planned walkthrough of this territory and... here is the reaction of the international atomic energy agency to the new attack. zaporozhye nuclear power plant informed magath about today's drone attack on the training center adjacent to the plant as a direct threat. nuclear safety this no, but the latest incident once again emphasizes the extreme seriousness of the situation. rafael grossi noted that today's incident is a quote: an ominous event,
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since it shows a clear willingness to continue these attacks, but no word on who is carrying them out. the head of the russian foreign ministry, while on a visit to beijing, recalled that russia, agreeing with the constant presence of magaten experts from the zaporozhye nuclear plant, was counting on an objective assessment of what was happening at the nuclear facility, but so far in response to a provocation... of the igt executive council for special meetings of the security council, and there we will insist on the need to receive direct, without any prevarication, assessments of the actions of the ukrainian regime. i think that this time we won’t be able to escape responsibility. there was an episode when... magata employees were allowed to climb onto the roof of the sixth nuclear reactor to verify the consequences of a drone strike,
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at that moment another drone was approaching them, and which was successfully neutralized by russian military personnel, but i don’t know, it can’t be like that so that ukrainians don’t see that on the roof of the reactor there are people in blue uon... uniforms, uniforms with the inscription un, that is, un. today the same thing happened near the training center. the head of magathe, rafael grossi, yesterday avoided answering a direct question: could ukraine be behind the attacks on europe’s largest nuclear power plant, saying that he did not want to, quote, get involved in a politicized discussion. finally, there is a threat to global nuclear security. none of the reactors were designed with constant attempts to blow them up. demonstrative reaction and the usa on... we believe that russia is playing a very dangerous game by militarily seizing europe's largest ukrainian nuclear
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power plant, and we continue to call on russia to remove its civilian military personnel from the plant, return full control to the competent ukrainian authorities, and refrain from any actions that could lead to a nuclear incident at the plant. this statement was commented on by the russian ambassador to the united states. even nuclear terrorism is perceived in washington as a good thing if it is directed. against the russian federation encouragement zelensky’s criminal regime is akin to walking on the edge of a knife, irresponsible kiev attacks threaten a radiation disaster, such actions undermine global security, it is extremely important to prevent zelensky from allowing a radiation disaster to occur in his onslaught. the head of european diplomacy, josep borel, today also condemned the attacks on the station, while completely missing the most important fact, who is behind them? reckless drone strikes on the zaporizhia nuclear power plant increase the risk of a nuclear incident. such attacks must stop, i fully support the work of magathe ceo rafael grossi. russia must withdraw from the zaporozhye nuclear power plant. i don’t think that in
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reality kiev alone, without the support of coordination with the west, would have decided to undertake such a strategically important action aimed at escalating the situation as an attack on a nuclear power plant. i am firmly convinced that there were preliminary agreements. my worst guesses. i spoke about the fight against terrorism, including international terrorism, at a meeting today national anti-terrorism committee, its head is fsb director alexander bortnikov. since the beginning of the year, it has been possible to prevent this in our country.
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and the investigative committee reported today that after an appeal from state duma deputies, a criminal case was opened regarding the financing of terrorism by officials of the united states and other countries, this is how
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the scheme succeeded. it was established that funds received through commercial organizations, in particular the oil and gas company burisma holdings, operating in ukraine, over the past years were used to carry out terrorist acts in the russian federation, as well as beyond its borders in order to eliminate prominent political and public figures and cause economic damage. the investigation is checking. sources of income and further movement of funds in the amount of several million us dollars, the involvement of specific individuals from among government officials, public and commercial organizations in western countries. in addition, connections between the direct perpetrators of terrorist acts and foreign curators, organizers and sponsors. washington is actively using the digital environment to fight
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defending countries. of certain states of peoples. this is the path of degradation. the most striking example is the national identity characteristic of ukraine. in the struggle for its world hegemony, the united states identified russia as its main enemy. at the same time, the main efforts are aimed at destroying traditional russian spiritual and moral values ​​and multinational culture. of particular importance
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is the implementation of the goals of the tasks that enshrined in the fundamentals of state policy to preserve and strengthen traditional russian spiritual and moral values. the most important thing about what is happening in bashkiria was discussed at a meeting in the kremlin by vladimir putin with the head of the republic, radiy khabirov. support for special operation participants, creation of new jobs, increased investment, housing construction - these are the main topics. in september , elections for the head of the region are due to take place in bashkiria, and this was also discussed. our correspondent, konstantin paneshkin, knows all the details. in 2019 on in the gubernatorial elections, radi khabirov won a landslide victory with a result of more than 82%. but now the term of office expires in 2024, so today the kremlin, in a sense, is reporting on all the years in the chair of the head of the region. your average performance there is good. the republic is actually
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developing well. thank you for your support, many programs that are available through the government are on your instructions, we are trying very hard to participate in them. but about the economy after that, the first point in the governor’s report is support for the participants in the special operation. we the republic was oriented in such a way that we really had no more important task. from the very beginning, bashkiria sent volunteer units to the front. we were allowed to create a volunteer unit - this is the bashkartstan regiment. at first they held the attack with force in the direction, then took part in breaking through the defense. enemy, therefore very combative, by your decree, so, unfortunately, we posthumously awarded the title of hero of russia, lieutenant colonel migunova, battalion tank commanders. the authorities of the republic telecom take themselves equipment and equipping the natives of bashkiria. we made a lot of efforts to ensure that the battalion left here fully equipped, we even bought them armored military equipment. after more than two years of the special operation, the region is providing 39 measures of support to military personnel and their families. over the past 2 years, we
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have sent more than 7 billion rubles for support, that is, that’s all. specific things, well, sometimes we even meet with the guys, what would we like, he says, we would like, for example, santoria, we have a lot of sanatoriums, so we send their family, if he himself can’t, also with his parents and so on, at some point the natives of bashkiria from the front asked for spiritual support, then the republic for the first time sent clergy, an orthodox christian and a muslim, to the front, i bought them cars, the two of them constantly travel together, father victor and hamza ha, they’ve been there for almost 2 years now with the guys on the front line, and periodically i call them back for vacation to rest. he says: we can’t, we ’re leaving there. along the way, ufa provides significant assistance to the sponsored red ray vlnr back in may 2022, bashkiria equipped there is an asphalt plant right there to get the roads in order as quickly as possible. the roads there, vladimirich, are just perfect roads, so we drive fast. and the region always finds the necessary funds for all this. investment projects that would be noted a lot, you know, petrochemicals are of course a plus. the dopors of bashkiria have not often attracted large investors, but in recent years khabirov managed to reverse the trend. today
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, a dozen businesses are registered in the republic. the governor’s personal involvement also contributes to this. what kind of watch is this? here it is for me, for me, every thursday i gather the investment committee, it doesn’t matter what ’s going on, i gather, i personally receive investors, different ones at that, they come, and we immediately make a decision. bashkiria is also proud of the rapid development of housing construction, it is growing, progressing, by the thirtieth year, on your orders, we must build 4 million m2, but we have already approached 3,300, so we will achieve this in the region, the problem of defrauded shareholders has been solved, this was such a bad wound in the republic , but...
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we are not fulfilling the indicator of the national project, we will definitely fulfill it, we accepted a whole range of metals and works vladimirich will definitely do it. radiy khabiroov’s plans for the development of the region have a horizon of more than one year, but his term of office expires already this year. bashkiria is facing elections. if you trust me to continue this work, i would try to ensure the plans that exist, this pace of development of the republic. in general, everything works out. and there are many plans, and the results are good.
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the russian economy is showing steady growth, mikhail mishustin announced this at a strategic session in the government. the prime minister particularly noted the quality of growth. the best indicators in the manufacturing industry are growing consumer activity and demand for domestic goods and services. our economy continues to develop confidently; according to the ministry of economic development, in january gdp grew by almost 5%, in february by 7.7%. growth in industry has strengthened, this is about 8.5% in february, the locomotive, as in the twenty-third year, remains processing, which is very important, our manufacturing industry is growing at a record pace, in the second month of the year it grew by 13.5%, this is the best
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monthly figure in at least several recent years. unemployment again reached a historical low of 2.8%. necessary. to support this attitude, i am guided primarily by the national development program that the president outlined in his message to the federal assembly; by 2030, russia should enter the top four largest economies in the world in terms of purchasing power parity. a new dialogue on eurasian security and an invitation to like-minded states to it. russia and china discussing future cooperation. the level of relations between our countries is unprecedentedly high, this was noted at...
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shizen ping cordially welcomes sergei lavrov, calling the head of the russian foreign ministry a friend of the chinese people. politeness is characteristic of the inhabitants of the middle kingdom, but in this meeting one can also feel the personal attitude of chairman xi. i am glad to see you again and ask you to convey my sincere greetings to president vladimir putin. you are an experienced diplomat and a long-time friend of the chinese people. over the years you have done a lot of fruitful work work to promote russian-chinese relations and bilateral cooperation.
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i have the pleasure and honor to convey the best greetings of the russian president to you to the federation of vladimir putin, the re-election of president putin, of course, guarantees continuity in our relations and a focus on new development of these relations in all areas. my colleague and friend and i are trying to follow your example, and today we really had very, very useful negotiations. indeed, behind closed doors, sergei lavrov ivan. and communicated more 2 hours, and although the meeting of two titans of international diplomacy obliges us to follow the strictness of protocol, there are smiles on their faces, the atmosphere is clearly warm, and even a glass of igoristov following the signing of a plan for future inter-schmid consultations, because this year is also a landmark date - 75 years of the establishment of diplomatic relations, in 1949, our country was the first to recognize the newly formed chinese people's republic. it is symbolic that it is plum blossom season in beijing. and these delicate flowers against the backdrop of the state residence seem to emphasize the current
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flourishing in russian-chinese relations. and it was against this background that janet helen visited china. the visit of the american treasury secretary was remembered for a surge of hostile rhetoric. threats of sanctions for chinese companies cooperating with russia. the foreign ministers of russia and china gave a joint answer, dotting all the i's. unilateral sanctions are bullying. they violate international law and international law.
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conflict, and secondly, in efforts to resolve, seek to eliminate these causes, primarily in the context of ensuring equal, indivisible security, including in europe, but in general, in the world as a whole. speaking about the prospects for bilateral relations, there are many joint projects, from sporting events such as the brix and friendship games, the intervision song contest and the eurasian film award to the launch of new interbank mechanisms. for years it has been said that we really have the highest level of bilateral
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relations in the political spectrum, there was a lack of economic content, but now all this is being replenished, you see the trade turnover, you you see, i think, working here, there is a colossal number of russian delegations, trade turnover between russia and china is growing year by year, cross-years of cultures have been announced, and china itself is becoming more and more accessible to ordinary people...
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this year we will completely check all systems, and the first circuit, and we will carry out hydraulic tests and load simulators directly into the reactor, we are doing everything so that next year the first acuiclear unit becomes part of the energy system of the turkish republic, all efforts are directed towards this... ours, this is what the work of turkish companies is aimed at, you look at the time, now there is advertising, and in the second part of the program there is an attack of russophobia in the baltic states, for which they want to expel pensioner valentina vatutina from lithuania, the moscow-minsk train service has been restored after the collapse of a bridge in the smolensk region, and how the construction of a large transport hub in the south of the capital is progressing. stay with us on channel one. central 812 suspicion of robbery on a taxi driver with the aim of
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taking possession of a car, again a taxi, again approximately the same area, maybe they are doing this on purpose so that we focus our attention on this particular area, but this is obviously a false lead, the main thing is that they stole a taxi again, this means, myakisheva, myakisheva, where are you even taxi... cover the premiere watch after the program time. rom kastro a stellar group product, veda vodka, a stellar group product, old barrel cognac, a stellar group product, burbon stirsman, a
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stellar group product, whiskey mancacher, a stellar group product, cnop gin. are you criticizing the american dream? no, i trying to tell the story of trisa banks in the last seven days of laura palmer. you and laura
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palmer, motodor on friday on the first. tell. what do you like about my hat? you don't have a hat, do you? i would like to say in the future that i did everything i could in my life. the snow is still white in the fields, and in the spring the waters are noisy, running and waking up the sleepy shore. they run, shine and shout, they shout to all ends. spring is coming, spring is coming. we are the young spring messengers, she sent us forward, what, where, when, the spring series of games, on sunday on the first.
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“i love our country very much, i am very glad that i am russian, i am proud of this and am loyal to my country, i recognize and admit that i love my homeland, i love mother russia, because i am russian in spirit, because russia is my land , and we will preserve you, russian speech, great russian word, very, very much, i love you, russia, you are with us. to all citizens of our dear homeland, unity, a peaceful sky of cohesion, this is the program of time, and we
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continue, the memory of the 77 soviet ...the dates of those executed by the nazis on april 9 , 1942 were honored in the netherlands. 77 candles lit up at 6:30 am, at this time, more than 80 years ago, the nazis cold-bloodedly shot prisoners of war. in total , about 900 red army soldiers are buried in the cemetery called the soviet field of glory. residents of the city of lezden carefully preserve their memory and even plan to open a museum here early next year. local activists say the government remains fully supportive.
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took a photo with the russian flag in the background. the photo, as the woman assures, was taken many
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years ago. previously, she headed the russian cultural center, it was closed 5 years ago, last summer. valentina vatotina went to renew her residence permit, for this she had to fill out a form. there is whose crimea is the question. valentina was probably afraid of the consequences of a direct answer and wrote: “i don’t know.” the lithuanian department of state security has counted. that vatutina poses a threat to national security and should leave the country in which she was born and lived all her life. the woman is already preparing for her second trial. the story of pensioner borisa kotkova from neighboring latvia shows that the ability to challenge a decision can be a luxury. so on january 10, kotkov received a letter from the ministry of internal affairs of the republic. the man was informed of the deprivation of his residence permit and deportation, as a carbon copy of him, allegedly a threat to national security. katkov is 82 years old. despite the right to appeal within a month, after only 2 days for... what is called a training camp, they gave an hour to 13 members,
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they remained with latvia and i don’t know what kind of system is in the republic of latvia, what kind of nationalism is being opposed? katkov studied for a quarter of a century support of russian-speaking compatriots, now it has arrived, deportation of old people, is it possible to fall lower, lithuanian citizen valentina filyanova moved, if not to say, fled from the eu to russia, she says, she was interrogated for an hour and a half at the latvian border, he points at the map and says: tell me that ukraine will win, he just yelled at the whole office, he waved his arms, i thought he would just attack me.
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not a fact, judging by what is now happening with another latvian citizen elena kreili, she was detained on march 16 during nationalist march, better known as the march in memory of the ss legionnaires, woman. went to a protest rally in a leather coat and a beret with a red flower with five petals, how do you have to be afraid of the red star in order to organize such a coat and a beret with a flower were eventually confiscated, supposedly in them elena resembled a red commissar, and these are the shots taken by her entrance. before the nationalists' march, the woman was under surveillance, and a police car was cruising around the house. the footage was published by journalist alexey stefanov. elena is famous in the republic with its pro-russian position. in general , five criminal cases have been opened against her, if i’m not mistaken, but in the first case she has already received a sentence, and a year in prison, suspended,
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the second case has just begun in court, on the very first day of the trial, when it took place, on leaving the hall she was detained and arrested again for 2 months, now she is in prison, the situation is so crazy, it’s even difficult to describe it, because well, in a normal country, for the fact that a person expresses his point of view and speaks exclusively about friendship between russia and latvia does not punish them at all, in its own way. but on april 4, the court decided to arrest the woman, she is accused of publicly glorifying aggression and war crimes, no noise in brussels, so two members of the bundestag rödginuhäuter came down with harsh criticism: no, not the baltic countries, slovakia, where on april 6 in the second round of the presidential elections speaker of parliament petra pellegrini won, he won and declared: i will do everything for slovakia.
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there are no elections, as far as one can understand, but people are complaining about the cleanliness of the conduct voted, but obviously don’t like the choice made, and now ideas are being expressed about how slovakia can be punished. it is noteworthy that these threats come from the same characters who have not read... read a lecture on the so -called values ​​of european democracy, however, perhaps there is no contradiction here if the showcase of these values ​​is the baltic countries that tyrannize russian-speaking people. ivan blagot, dmitry volkov, liliya zorina, zulfiya khakimova, khristina ivanova, channel one. with bank cards the world is now residents of gagauzia will be able to use it. the head of the autonomy, evgenia gutsul, and the chairman of promsvyaz bank, pyotr frodkov, signed a cooperation agreement today in moscow. for the gagauzzi it is.
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first of all, state employees, these are pensioners, could use all the banking products that promsvyaz bank provides at a high international level. train traffic in the moscow-minsk direction, which was interrupted the day before due to a bridge collapse in the smolensk region, has been resumed. so far the trains have only been sent along one route,
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the first swallow has already passed him. work on the second one is almost completed. as for vehicles, a temporary road and crossing will be built at the site of the overpass in vyazma; passenger cars and special vehicles will be able to use it. medical education week is the name of a large conference at which 700 specialists from all over the country and guests from abroad gathered in moscow at the russian exhibition forum at vdnkh. practicing doctors, scientists and teachers exchange experiences and discuss how to educate the new generation doctors a modern challenge for medical education is to prepare a specialist in such a way that he will be able to work with new sources of information throughout his professional life, analyze the results of his activities and the achievements of his colleagues, this is exactly the approach with the skills of self-education and analytics, this is
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the modern requirement for medical... approaches, the creation of new drugs, medical devices, equipment, this is the basic knowledge that a future doctor-researcher should receive, of course at the university, therefore... approaches are changing, programs for training doctors are changing. in the south of the capital, the construction of a large transport hub is in full swing, which will connect the moscow high-speed diameter with the solntsevo-butovo-varshavskoe highway. half of the work has already been completed and mayor sergei sobyanin came to check the level of readiness of the facility. the route will seriously change the situation for the better for residents of western
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beryulyovo, southern and northern butovo, chertanovo. and in total, these changes. will affect almost 600,000 people, and will significantly reduce travel time. about how construction is going in the report by anastasia kobuzeva. moscow high-speed diameter, finish line. the last section remains, its length will be 3.5 km in a straight line. we are talking about the section from 32 kilometers of the moscow ring road to the main highway of new moscow, solntsevo, butovo-varshavskoe highway. and the entire speed diameter is almost 70 km. the northern direction has been introduced. traffic was launched relatively recently along the first section of the southern direction from the enthusiasts highway, kada house in the warsaw highway area in september last year, that is, a little more and the mega-construction will be completely completed, as work is progressing on the last section of an important transport artery, the mayor of moscow checked today. sergei sobyanin spoke about plans for the future. at the end of 25, we are already planning to enter
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with the moscow high-speed diameter... connection with kaluga, with the highway, with kiev and minsk, thus incorporating a whole range of highways and seriously unloading mkat and improving transport security for hundreds of thousands of residents of moscow and the moscow region . how it is expected that the new connection will help reduce travel time by more than 20 minutes, in addition, the southern part of the moscow ring road and a number of large metropolitan streets will be relieved of congestion. all this will happen while construction is in full swing. the road workers are working. today, more than 600 people are working, 107 units of equipment are working, i think that we will build all this on a schedule, this year you will connect the high-speed diameter with varshavka and simferopol shs, that ’s right, good, thank you, safety, durability, comfort - three main criteria in the work of builders. route six-lane, workers are now laying
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asphalt, then they will apply markings, install road signs, and a noise barrier. there will be no traffic lights, the highway is a high-speed highway, this section of diameter, as the builders say, floats above the ground, that is, it consists of stops, there are four of them at once, one bridge over the bizza river. the section of the moscow high-speed ​​diameter will have two tunnels, one of them passes directly under the moscow ring road, which is important, vehicular traffic will not be stopped during construction. there are still 80 km of utility lines to be rebuilt, three treatment facilities, and at the very end , improve the surrounding area. already today , about 400,000 cars pass along the moscow diameter every day. this is the longest expressway without traffic lights in the country, thanks to this important piece of art.
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there was always ice cream, he didn’t care about anything, and mishanya also boasted about his connections, what connections, in the mentorship, well, they say he has his own people among you, who, if necessary, will do everything for him, mishanya - he told everyone this , with whom he got involved or got into a share, so that no one would think... to throw him away or whatever to testify, so maybe he was just showing off, i thought so too, only later i regretted it, then they offered me a deal that
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they would let me go, and i would hand over to mishan, after all, mishan worked more, and i was in the wings, in general, i agreed. i was put up in a cop’s apartment, you know perfectly well what it is, where this hut is, only their own people know, only the cops, that’s right, yes, but they crippled me there, broke my arm, legs, back, and also a concussion and a broken bone liver, in general, to survive, i survived. mishanya turned my life into hell, i want him to die, but i don’t know anything, i have nothing
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to help you, or maybe you know yegor, this is mishani’s close friend, the mountain is there, yes, i heard what it is, what i heard , do you know, have you seen it? his last name is markin, you can describe it, no, i just heard it, spoke to him on the phone a couple of times, he also has a voice that sounds like it’s smoky.


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