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tv   PODKAST  1TV  April 10, 2024 12:45am-1:31am MSK

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probably, this is still a special criminal technology, which includes many elements, firstly, you need to get the appropriate database, these are no longer psychologists, these are technologists, that’s how things are, let’s say, here i am, i’m listening to you, i understand, that you need to start effectively combating this in schools, when you introduce elements of financial literacy, not even an element, but a whole course, that you can’t talk on the phone with people who introduce themselves there and...
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the level of elaboration of copies, yes voices, copies of behavioral models , something else, like with to fight this, when very recently there was a case in one of the asian countries, a representative of an english, but not just any, but a large financial company, through deepfakes, through conversations, through several conversations remotely via video link, transferred about 70 million dollars several payments, thinking that it was his...
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bosses from london, yes, and copies were made, but deepfakes are a deep copying of a voice, personality, everything was directly displayed on the screen with a video with the image of his boss, some phrases, orders went, and a person has corrected money in several payments, how to deal with this? well, this , by the way, has begun to be used very often recently, because over the past few months there have been calls on behalf of various kinds of managers that they need to... urgently do such and such actions to their subordinates, this is we were at the academy, how to deal with this, again, you don’t need to have some kind of special fanatical attitude towards the authorities, if the authorities called and said something, i must say that it’s good, i i’ll check, double-check, because your, so to speak, team demands some kind of
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blackmail, they should participate in the olympic games, that sanctions will begin against them there, they are all afraid of these sanctions, and after our position they say that we are a fascist organization for them now, we must ask ourselves one important question: do we need such an olympics? vavan and lexus show, premiere,
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tomorrow on the first. for cosmonautics day on the first. i've been on nerves all day, we've been worried all day, hello everyone, by the way, 18, 17, 16, 15, ignition, challenge. broadcast launch and landing of the first space film crew on saturday at the first. now , leading banks have already developed quite serious systems that prevent
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the transfer of cards that have been compromised, phones that have been compromised, and something else: the bank is proactively blocking transactions, which must also be given due credit.
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accounts similar in the relevant properties of this payment, so that yes, so that they would find out, because how scammers act, when they manage, for example, to write off a large amount from an account, they then they start spraying in small batches, a few at a time, so that no, no, no, first they pass a few in a few steps, then they remove it, that is , after two. step, withdrawal usually begins, so that it is easier to catch at the first step,
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so the more steps you take to diversify your money, why the step is a transfer, a transfer to another bank, in this sense , we have identified a very serious danger, and we are in this in a sense , we also work collectively when we involve many students in this. they are offered for a small amount to open an account, get a card , then they take this card, giving them 5 or 10,000 rubles and then use these cards, the danger here is not only that this is a toolkit for scammers, but also that these guys actually become accomplices , of course, they become accomplices, so it is very important to warn you, and if you are offered a cheap carrot worth 5-10 thousand rubles, so that...
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you open it, how do you use it, and in what volumes do you use it, because it has its advantages, it has its disadvantages,
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if you have opened a credit card, then of course a convenient tool or a deposit card, yes, respectively, a payment card, you have an advantage, if you have opened internet banking and use it, then of course this provides you with a lot of conveniences, especially now you know that you can ... you can pay through your phone, with the press of one button you don’t even need to take out your card, but you must understand that if you lose your phone, you risk that you are already a criminal, yes, because, but if it’s on your phone.
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protection is important if you care protection, then you say, yes, let the sms come, i will enter it, it is more reliable than just a payment from the fact that i gave the corresponding one through internet banking, because when you give through internet banking, then your data is licked , in principle, a hacker can
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use your internet banking, codes, passwords, etc. without your phone. but if, if you have already done double protection, then it will be more difficult to find out the corresponding sms messages and duplicate them, so each action has an additional form of protection and counteraction, by the way, here i’ll tell vpn lovers right away that by connecting a vpn to your phone, you’re simply sending all the phone’s traffic through someone unknown, let’s put it that way, all your passwords and numbers at any moment...
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just stop, stop communicating, because one way or another , you are giving a reason to get hooked, to become again a victim of some sociological schemes, some other manipulations, just stop the conversation. thank you, leave your information and i will call you back. rule number two: if it seems quick to you, some kind of
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immediate benefit, especially this it concerns our young audience when they offer you 5-10 thousand for opening a card. and handed it over, nothing more, remember that in addition to the fact that you become participants in a scheme to deceive people, because the card will not be used just like that, no one gives money just like that, you automatically become an accomplice in much more serious crimes, even up to criminal penalties, up to heavy sentences for, say, if some operations were carried out with this card in favor of prohibited organizations. become simple accomplices of terrorists with appropriate punishment, and rule three: if something did happen, you were stupefied, you felt bad and succumbed to tricks, you...
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didn’t use a lot of people to carry it out, so this term is already professional , this year we celebrate
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the ninetieth birthday of the world's first cosmonaut, yuri gagarin. do you know what kind of guy he was? elena yuryevna gagarina, alekseevich’s eldest daughter. new year, the cosmonauts were musketeers, we saw yuri alekseevich for the first time in a hat and a mustache in butforty. we have she was terribly strict, suddenly she burst into all the classes, gagarin flew into space, hurray, there were also old ladies in our yard and one another, and he will return, where will he go, and he won’t get caught on anything there, in my life, as in all soviet houses there was a portrait of alekseevich and i was sure that this was a relative of my nanny, i so wanted to be a yura, i came to my mother... he gave out such, i want to be a yura, yuri alekseevich, it was like for our family relative, when yuri alekseevich died, i saw my father’s tears for the first time, how they cried with all my relatives, there is such a thing
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tradition, be sure to drink from the well from which yugar himself drank, it is believed that if you drink this water, you will definitely fly to kosk, on saturday on the first. welcome to a city where even the stones under your feet can be precious. hello, ekaterinburg, emerald is a beautiful stone in itself, and i think that all women probably love this emerald, unfortunately, for us men, just chop, it’s not time to chop, the snow makes the filling unsurpassedly juicy, the dumpling is small universe, how many meters below me, you say down, 193, they say that you cannot simultaneously experience a feeling of visual pleasure and fear. let's say a few words about the current situation in the banking system, well
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, first of all, i would like to talk about the rate, so i heard your opinion that the rate of 16% is not only bad, but also good, why is this good? no, i usually focus more on that... i, of course, remind you that at the same time it gives an opportunity to those of our fellow citizens and to those bank clients who have free
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funds, there are few of them, unfortunately, the layer of people who have free funds is very thin, but there is, and so for them, of course, the opportunity to at least save, increase, because today in reality banks and...
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opponents who they say that there is no need to accumulate in banks at all, there are a thousand other options, in principle they offer many alternatives, and even many declare that the banking system has no future, banks will die out and their place will be replaced by corresponding electronic alternatives, well, let’s talk a few words on this topic, because it was very relevant in the summer, especially right here, as young people say, there was hype around the topic of the digital
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ruble. despite the fact that the central bank says that it is only testing the platform, a number of banks have announced that they are taking part in this sveshing, 30 banks this year will be involved in this experiment, but the digital ruble is still not from this series , these banks are not needed, why if there is a platform, a platform of the central bank, no, i mean, that this is all digitalized, but the corresponding ones will go away. systems that serve telephones, the internet, that is , the internet will go to the internet, but the banks themselves, their role will be reduced, they will die as an institution, this is what we are talking about, the central bank, introducing the digital ruble into circulation, has and sets other tasks, so tell us a little bit for our audience, should we be afraid of the digital ruble, because these conversations are starting that we will be monitored
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every step, every payment, once again, for we are already being watched, in this sense, again, any phenomenon has two sides, like any coin, there is a positive side, that when we can all follow everyone, and cameras hang everywhere, and traffic is accordingly transparent, you can to track children using a locator, this all provides certain pleasant opportunities.
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control is an important, necessary thing, but if you overdo it, then you will lose motivation for market participants, however, the same can be said about corruption, if you completely destroy corruption, then supposedly you will lose motivation, but no, corruption is still
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an dishonest motivation, lending is a bona fide motivation, you yourself assess your risks, the bank together with you assesses the client’s risks and you are motivated to... he will lend, he will serve, he will will open current accounts, make payments, and then also take commissions, of course, he won’t do it for free, so there’s no need to go to any of these extremes, balance is important, well, what can i say in conclusion,
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that i i'm very glad that it's not easy participant, one of, well, let's say, the most experienced specialists in banking and banking law is at the head. association of russian banks, but also academician ras with such a sound, logical position at the head of the organization, which monitors the very balance so that there are no distortions in either direction, well, further development in any case should keep pace with progress, but do not forget not only the opportunities, but also the risks that lie behind it and keep your ears open, and your brains sane and sober in memory. thank you thank you very much, gorigi nashotovich, for coming, for telling us in detail. this is the easy money podcast, and today we spoke with the president of the association of russian banks, garigin tusunyan, about what new and old types of fraud are present on
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the market, how banks are fighting it, and how we can resist scammers and ordinary citizens. hello, this is a podcast deception of substances, with you olesya nosova, editor-in-chief of komsomolskaya pravda, and the famous endocrinologist zukhra pavlova. zukhra, let's talk about today obesity, about the types of obesity, because it turns out that this is not at all obvious to a non- specialist, all fat people look about the same, but it turns out there are different reasons. this obesity, in general, what, what is happening in the world, how big a problem is this now? oh, a big problem, a pandemic, although the who called the 21st century the obesity epidemic, but in fact it is a pandemic, an epidemic is on one continent,
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a pandemic is on all continents, unfortunately, this pandemic is progressing, that ’s why we talk so much about obesity, because we can’t cope with this, the number of people is increasing, i read here in komsomol pravda: not on the vos website that we now have a billion obese people, not so long ago, two or three weeks ago there in lectures on obesity, i said there are more than 700 million people with obesity, that’s a billion, and this despite the fact that there are more and more ways to combat obesity, yes, and the whole government is taking great measures, doctors, scientists, there is a huge information campaign going on in the media propaganda in a good way, yes they provide opportunities and... to independently balance your diet, increase physical activity, and at the same time , the number of obese people is progressively increasing, unfortunately, among children. previously , we knew for sure that the children’s part is the most slender part, people, well, they
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are active, they eat only when they want, like mothers don’t try, yes, yes, it was like that, but now many children are overweight and obese, and this is an even bigger problem, because... the earlier obesity begins, the more difficulties there will be in adulthood it will be more difficult to deal with this. yes, we have data that clearly demonstrates how progressively increased. the number of obese people, and the most interesting thing is that not many years have passed, let’s say from 1975 to 2014, and in less than half a century the number of people among women among men has increased two or three times, and pay attention, in 1975 men with obesity practically, which never happened, we can say, yes, yes, it is, there is such an interesting picture floating around on the internet, beach, a lot of people, people on the beach naked in swimsuits, and it says on the idea:
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the gap for physiology, for evolution, this is find the thin one, that’s how strong it is, this isn’t even a mix, it’s an imperceptible thing, that is, nothing has changed genetically, we so we understand that these are mainly external factors, external factors are nutrition, this is movement, the daily rhythm.
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fatter people than africa or america, we are on this list, thank god we are not in first place, but there are such interesting statistics for post-soviet countries, and there we differ, in our country, women are in second place after one of the baltic countries, and men. in sixth, in last place, in my opinion, there is nineteenth, twentieth, i don’t remember, and among women among men tajikistan, but one might get the impression that the more economically developed this country is, the more obese people there are, these are the current trends is changing and in many countries, say, with less developed economies, the number of overweight people is increasing progressively, this is due to which foods...
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are more conducive to the accumulation of adipose tissue, true, it all depends on age, on the initial condition, of course, on genetic factors, but with all this, if you pay attention to a woman of reproductive age, someone with a guitar figure, yes, then this is just a woman with such good hips, with good mammary glands, that is, the subcutaneous fat layer prevails over the visceral one, over the one in the abdomen, or on the abdomen, and this is healthier. condition, therefore a woman of reproductive age with a certain excess
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of adipose tissue mainly in the subcutaneous layer, this is a healthy woman who is reproductive, nature is very puzzled that everything will be fine with her, because the most important thing for nature is reproduction. zukhra, you said that in 1930 there will be 30% of men, unfortunately, 33% - this is according to who data, these are the forecasts, and for women, what is their dynamics? unfortunately, it’s the same, there will be more of them, because there are already about so many of them now, we have... the dynamics i also really like this information on our districts, we won’t present it here, it’s difficult there it’s enough to figure it out like this, but the point is that we have very different dynamics in different federal districts, the minimum number of people who are obese and overweight in the north caucasus district, in the siberian district, for example, there is the largest number, and here there is such a very important factor that it also needs to be taken into account, where a person lives in... well, he potentially moves more and eats less fatty foods,
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which help to warm up, yes, and where it’s cold, people spend a lot of time moving less, but you can’t run around skiing or you can’t go for a walk there at -30 or -20, well, frankly speaking, he is practically in hibernation in front of the tv, practically, that’s why this is also one of the factors that must be taken into account, there is an interesting scientific observation that people who started . play sports, but as i understand it, these are those people who have never exercised before, after some time, and maybe even very quickly, they stop doing household chores very intensively, at least on the same day. because they apparently secretly believe that since i i tensed up in the gym, then at home, why should i wash the floor there, i have already fulfilled my norms of physical activity and so on, so the scientists made an interesting conclusion that it turns out that this is absolutely wrong, but you cannot replace
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household chores with physical activity, i agree, if the question became that you need to lose weight, which means you need to add more. it turns out that where it’s colder, people are at greater risk from the point of view of obesity, well , including because, remember, in the summer it’s hot to eat a sandwich with butter , yes, with caviar, let’s say you want much less or with cheese than in winter, when this food is more acceptable, you want this fatty, warm, hot thing. but because you need to warm up, well, it’s cold, this is not the most important thing, but this also has its place, you and i talked about timosha, by the way, patients sometimes come and say: i’m timosha, timosha’s pallas’s cat, let me remind you that in the fall, in the fall the pallas’s cat timosha, he gained weight, went to fatten up, he gained
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twice as much weight in order to survive the winter normally, but by the way, now timosha has lost weight, lost weight, and yes, he spent everything he saved up over the winter. ready for spring, for active events, and so on, in general, returned to its previous form, and for many people this is also typical, in the winter they gain or even for winter they also begin to gain fat, and in the summer they shed it, they shed it very actively, and this is often associated with dachas, with vegetable gardens, but this is bad in general or acceptable, this is practically - such a natural move, if only it is plus or minus 2-3 kg, when we are talking about some big leaps, this is of course bad, nothing good about it. no, and i often i noted earlier at the clinic that in the summer practically patients with type 2 diabetes simply disappear, well, they almost never exist, they prescribed more medications in advance for themselves so that they could go to the dacha in the summer, and the point is not only that they were far from the clinic, they were much less worried about the problems there with
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sugars, because at this dacha there is constant activity, there is no time for sugar and sugar does not bother him, he knows that the person is busy, he is doing well with weight gain, and accordingly everything is fine with sugars, too, if all other recommendations are followed, then it would be good to say here, when we talk about obesity, here i would really like to say what is the main mechanism for gaining adipose tissue, if we take it quite literally simply, then remembering our great compatriot lomanosov , which together hid the law. preservation of weight, as much as it comes, so much remains, well, in a simple statement, then obesity is just about this: if a person eats 2,000 calories, he spends only with physical activity and some basic needs, for the operation of the mechanism 1,500, then 500 kilocalories will not go away, they
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will be stored in adipose tissue, this is how our physiology works, because a person has not always had the opportunity to have a sufficient amount. well, by the way, yes, zukhra, here i would like to put emphasis, let’s still call it some kind of favorable factor, in fact, this is cool, this is great, this is what saves us, what our the body always saves, yes, yes, this, this must be taken into account, it will be very difficult to retrain him, because there is no need, well, don’t come, god, it’s a cold winter, well, now it’s true, the climate seems to be warmer, yes, yes, yes, again, climate changes, but with all this, we still have real there are frosts, oh really... i wanted there to be a balance, that is , this is how much we spend, this is how much we should consume, and what is happening here, firstly, food has become very affordable, even in my childhood everything was a little - a little differently, now she is absolutely everywhere, not just at home at your table, well...


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