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tv   PODKAST  1TV  April 10, 2024 1:30am-2:16am MSK

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for the operation of the mechanism 1,500, then 500 kilocalories will not go anywhere, they will be stored in adipose tissue, this is how our physiology works, because a person has not always had the opportunity to have a sufficient amount of food, well, by the way, yes, zukhra, i would like to emphasize here , let’s still call it some kind of favorable factor, in fact it’s cool, it’s great, this is what saves us, what our body always saves, yes, yes, this must be taken into account, it must be retrained it will be very... difficult because and it’s not necessary, well, don’t come, lord, it’s a cold winter, well, now it’s true that the climate seems to be warmer, yes, yes, yes, again, climate changes, but with all this , we still have real frosts, and i would really like so that there is a balance, that is , this is how much we spend, this is how much we should consume, and what is happening here, firstly, food has become very affordable, even in my childhood everything was a little different, now.. ... it is absolutely everywhere, not only at home
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at your table, but just at every step, it changes a little in its balance, more fats, more simple carbohydrates, all this refined stuff, unfortunately , the phenomenon of sarcopenia is actively spreading in our country, sarcopenia is when muscle tissue is replaced by fatty tissue, and a person is a little jelly-like, he seems to be slim, but... he does not have a sufficient amount of muscle mass, and this is practically the basis of our health, well functioning and sufficient in volume, not only fat, but also muscle, and above all, probably, muscle tissue, although we also need to emphasize when there is little adipose tissue, it is not enough, it is in short supply, there will be no less problems, about the same, they will be a little different, but it will also be a rather sick organism with a lot of high all sorts of unfavorable risks.
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just like when a person has a lot of fatty tissue, so the balance has changed, the regulations have changed, now very often people eat at night and late in the evening, because they go to bed in the morning, yes, this factor makes its changes, and we all hypodynamic, we we sit here, we take the elevator up, we drive in the car, we are in a horizontal position in front of the tv, when we go to bed, it has greatly decreased... activity even as simple as walking, and so, despite the fact that such a basic mechanism is connected with a greater influx of energy resources than consumption, there are a lot of features, we have such a classification, we won’t go into its subtleties, it’s quite professionally complicated, but so that everyone can understand it, there are two big divisions, primary, elemental, so-called obesity or exogenous. institutional is so
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more complicated, so primary alementary symptomatic, here is the primary, most often people come across such pictures, obesity in the shape of an apple, obesity in the shape of a pear, here in the shape of a pear - this is when our lower part is so dense, it is typical for women, obesity , which is abdominal, is more common in men, but this does not mean that a woman cannot have abdominal obesity. it’s just more common for men, but it happens mixed and abdominal and pear-shaped? it happens when it’s already very large kilograms, yes 200-300, there’s already a lot of everything everywhere, it’s difficult to separate, and there, of course, it ’s called another word, morbid obesity, where no one counts any degrees anymore, i once wrote, by the way , not so long ago the eighth degree, but this is not done, i just wanted to show the patient how we will step together.
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and symptomatic, there may be endocrine, but we often hear the patient say, i have something with my hormones, so so this is one elemental division , sometimes something with hormones really contributes to the development of obesity, and the endocrinologist here must remove the main reason to help the person get rid of it, but there will still be overeating, or we often hear this: a statement was made to me after covid or during covid i received injections with some kind of hormone and after that i gained a lot, but most often this hormone is a glucorticoid hormone, dexsomitozone, which actually saved a person’s life, but that’s how they saved a person, there was no time for any endocrine subsequent violations, it was necessary to save the person, he was saved, but what do the same glucocorticoids do, they increase the level.
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the main hunger hormone, they often talk about it now, grillin, it even has a name , you can feel that it is very powerful, this grillin, and it causes an increase in receptors. hormones that stimulate our appetite, and a person really wants to eat uncontrollably, it’s very difficult to explain to him that he shouldn’t eat, he won’t hear, won’t understand, all his activities, all his thoughts about food, against this background it’s easy to type excess weight, so yes, there are such options, but there are also medicinal features, sometimes we take some kind of drug and notice that we have become constantly hungry, this has never happened before, yes, when we are on... we prescribe certain medications and we know that there will be such a situation, without these drugs there is no special important story that needs to be overcome with the help of these drugs. we say: you know, your appetite will increase, please try to limit such and such
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high-calorie foods so that this set is smaller than it could be, and thus we will help the patient gain less amount for the period that he needs to take these medications, that is, here... the reasons are very different, for cosmonautics day on the first , on nerves all day , we worry all day, hello everyone, by the way, 18, 17, 16, 15, ignition, call, broadcast of the launch and landing of the first space film crew on saturday at the first, well, i’m different,
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different, evgeniy steblov - one one of the most unusual artists of russia, he was glorified by a video where he looked confused and unhappy, light, you love me, i’m walking around moscow, for... family reasons, in these films he awakened truly popular sympathy for his heroes, and i for a very long time i didn’t understand what i had done there, and it seemed to me that soon the deception would be revealed and they would beat me. but how were the relationships in the family of evgeniy steblov himself? before tanya, i didn’t love anyone, i took her arm and it was like an electric shock. our exclusive interview with the artist who played with the most beautiful women of the country and at the same time remained faithful to his one and only. we lived with tanya for 38 years. we have a son, our only monk of the solovetsky monastery, what brought his loyalty to the end of his life, why it was not possible to avoid tragedy, all this is in god's providence, as god wills, so it will be. exclusive with dmitry borisov, premiere on saturday on
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the first. did you have the feeling that maybe god took your son away from you for something? this is a substance deception podcast, we talk about obesity, with me. pavlova, a famous endocrinologist, and i, olesya nosova, editor-in-chief of komsomolskaya pravda. another such, such a frequent statement that we hear from friends, from patients. we have such genetics: my mother, grandmother, everyone was overweight and i have no chance of getting rid of it, in such situations you need to figure it out, well, this is a monogenic concept, that is, when there is a gene mutation, everything is actually clear there and so , look at the person, it won’t be there . unfortunately, there will also be specific factors, and here it is really extremely difficult to avoid weight gain, but in in most 95% of cases, when a person is overweight, these are so-called polymorphisms, these are predispositions, and to certain changes, and this
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is not a death sentence at all, here a person should or can know about this, now it is fashionable to make genetic passports, and there everything is defined, defined and suggested, well , zuhra, and since...
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that’s why when people say olivier on the new year’s table should be with mayonnaise, i say, well, god bless him. once a year, yes, a disaster will not happen, but if you if you regularly eat this way, it will definitely have negative consequences, therefore, as an exclusive support for families. their traditions once a year are good for your health, you will even feel certain things that you have not felt before, so figuratively speaking, the cleansed receptors of the tongue will immediately give you a clear understanding of everything, but it will seem tastier, no, well, everyone of course in their own way will most likely react, but there was such an experiment in my family, once my relatives decided to make a conspiracy and went to fast food restaurant, and they wanted, well... to keep it a little secret, to eat something that they once thought was delicious, so they came,
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laughed, brought it with them, so to speak, with irrefutable evidence, and i was surprised what it was, they say, we went there, we wanted to, as they say, slowly eat up, have a blast, but it turned out to be not as tasty as it was before, that’s why sometimes it works like that, when you haven’t eaten it all for a long time, you don’t understand why you liked it, yes there's a lot of talk around how... to define obesity, yes, what is obesity, by what classical criteria do we make such a diagnosis, well, there is the well-known body mass index, this is a calculated indicator of the ratio of body weight, well, kilograms and height, that is, we divide body weight by height squared, we get the value in depending on the value obtained, we understand that this is a deficiency in body weight, everything that is less...
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listen, and an unfortunate person, of course, yes, but this person can already say that he has already lost 18 kg, we started not so long ago, and well normal, normal period of time for for what period, in my opinion, it seems to me, almost less than a month, yes it’s passed, no, no, no, you definitely can’t lose more than 18 kg in a month, because it’s dangerous, it has its consequences, the weight needs to be lost gradually . classic classic such a step is 4 kg per month, but when we use
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certain medications, this step increases a little, because we reduce the risks of those troubles that threaten people who quickly lose weight, so there is no need to rush, remember, no, well zukhra, there are a lot of women who cannot lose 3 kg all their lives, there are such women, of course, but in order to start losing weight, we will talk about it... in another program, well, just briefly looking ahead, subtract from your today's color 500 and you will start to lose weight by eating two sandwiches, but if you give up two sandwiches a day, the weight will begin to decrease, well, it all depends on what your initial and weight are, well, different things, but the body mass index is - that - that parameter that helps us set e obesity, degree of obesity, calculate, let's say, cardiovascular risks and so on and so forth, but not the most objective criterion, because today we
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mentioned sarcopenic obesity, sarcopenia will not show, it will not show, it will show that a person is absolutely normal weight or even underweight or underweight can show, and this criterion can lead us astray, or if you have a bodybuilder in front of you, you don’t even need to take a bodybuilder. if we take nikolai valoev, yes, he is such a famous athlete of ours is already a political figure, his body mass index also has a good degree of obesity, but the person has a lot of muscle mass, and he has absolutely no excess fatty tissue, in any case, i don’t know, i haven’t seen nikolai for a long time, i hope he’s okay good health to him, so if in front of you is a person with a large muscular body mass, the body mass index may show some degree of obesity, but for him... it ’s not due to fat, but due to muscles, so this is a somewhat crafty indicator ,
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a parameter, but there is, and there is a more objective one, we can determine the waist circumference, here the waist circumference is a more objective criterion, there are certain ethnic characteristics, here for russia, for europe, there are certain criteria, for men the circumference should be less than 94 cm, and for women less than eight. but this is not the case everywhere, the americans have different criteria, their men have 102 cm, and their women 88, but if it’s different, why is this objectively so?
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japanese, then there are different criteria, the japanese are the only nation whose waist circumference should be less normal than women, men have 85, and women have 90, this is based on some criterion, it is clear that with our own eyes we can understand, yes, that a person is overweight, but waist circumference will not always help us in the same way as and body mass index, if we have a person ... with arcopenic obesity, and here only bioimpedance analysis of body composition comes to the rescue, or dynometry - this is the most objective gold standard in determining body composition, but you won’t send it for x-rays every time person so that he determine body composition, for example, when we lose weight, this analysis is carried out very
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often, we look at what we lose, because a person can lose both fat tissue and muscle in the process. it’s not very good to go for an x-ray every time, so a fairly objective method is bioimpedance analysis of body composition, it has no such difficulties, is technically simple, does not cause harm to the body, and is not costly financially, and maybe what is it based on? we use it often this is this the name, everything is very simple, even if you think about it and understand the meaning of the name. in english - this is resistance, biobiological resistance, that is , a current of low intensity passes through the human body, it does not harm the person in any way, when faced with the resistance of various tissues, bone, muscle, fat, the apparatus calculates the volume of these tissues and liquid, by the way, in fact, it gives such a picture in the form of tablets, beautiful
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exact parameters there, we know how many kilograms of muscle heat. fabric, how many kilograms? can be converted into liters of water in the body, as a percentage, this percentage ratio is very important for us, because sometimes a person comes and says: oh, doctor, i got such a wonderful result of bioimpedances, i say, and what’s so wonderful about it, he says: i am 70% muscle, i say that you, that you, show me a porican biob, apparently not japanese. and i slowly begin to explain to the person that this is basically impossible, that’s why we have diagnostic methods, they are objective, taxis are under cover, premiere, tomorrow after the program time, as the chairman of the jury i feel out of place, perhaps all the most famous actors and
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directors in the world were sitting at this table, i would like to have lunch, please, only this is pasadeno, we don’t have restaurants like did you feel it? matador on friday on the first, say that you like my hat, you don’t have a hat, i would like in the future to say that i did everything i could in my life, with you again the podcast deception of substances, we are talking today about
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the reasons obesity in the studio editor-in-chief komsomol pravda olesya nosova and i am an endocrinologist zukhra pavlova. well, are these devices or are they not devices at all, well, it means that they are simply poorly calibrated if when a person gets these 70% of muscles? well, sometimes it’s such a completely banal thing when a person stands on a platform like a scale, and well, that is, it’s like a built-in bioimpedance in some devices, and this is such a projection of the legs, but the legs are very different in composition from the composition of everything else. that is, bioimpedance in a given situations can only be measured by the condition of the legs, well, that is, where they measure the ratio of muscle fat tissue and 70% of muscles - this is definitely only the legs. legs, then the mathematical device completes what the whole body could look like if it were measured normally, yes, so the same, say, bioimpidance, which is particularly objective,
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conducted research, compared the data with denstometry data of this gold standard of x-ray research , and the data coincides, well, almost completely, therefore, when we explain to the patient that you have lost weight remarkably, in your... opinion, but you, unfortunately, have lost the most valuable thing, you have lost muscle mass and water, so let us still return to those recommendations, which were given initially, you balance the food this way, and not the way you want, yes, because a person sometimes, when, let’s say, there is a decrease in appetite against the background of medications, he begins to eat something that is not so healthy, because he doesn’t i really want to eat, how much is delicious, well, that goes without saying, if you need to eat few calories, then... you need to spend them usefully, it’s better to eat something tasty, yes, due to this tasty thing, the fatty tissue leaves in smaller quantities, and the muscle tissue
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escapes, oh, oh-oh-oh, how , on the scales this can be seen very significantly, the muscles are heavy, and i always tell the patient, please tell me what you see more, changes in the numbers on the scales or your clothes become big, so if the patient says: no, not clothes, i’m already the second there since i change things, this is a very good one. option is that adipose tissue is voluminous, so reduction in size is a good indicator, even if there is not very much on the scales, it is important for us not to see the numbers, yes, they are also of course important, but not a priority, it is important for us that the body composition becomes physiological, that there is as much fat as necessary, by the way, how much is needed for men up to 24% of normal body composition, and for women up to 31%, and of course a sufficient amount of muscle mass, then everything is fine. this is the ratio, the balance, it is priority not so much the scales as the ratios, because then there will be a person
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is healthy, which means that in terms of diagnostics we talked about methods, i would very much like certain parameters to be included in this diagnostics, i often hear, we won’t talk about what tests need to be taken, yes, because despite all that they are in many ways ... are repeated from patient to patient, each patient has his own characteristics, when a doctor examines a patient, he sees certain signs of certain diseases or conditions, and will add something else, so when they say: what should i give? a patient calls, let’s say, wants to come for an appointment, says: what should i hand over? and i always tell him: i will examine you first, interview you, then i will assign you the scope of the examination. so, i often hear this. from my colleagues, when they say that it is pointless to determine some parameters there, they do not say anything, well, for example, there is such a hormone leptin, when it was discovered in the last century,
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scientists had the feeling that a revolution had taken place, now we with the help of this leptin, its analogues, we will cure everyone of obesity, it is a satiety hormone, but it turned out that when they gave it to these laboratory animals they injected this hormone, then some actually lost weight, and some did not react to it in any way, meaning, they simply did not want to eat, they felt full all the time, but participation really worked like that, there was no increased appetite, accordingly rats and other animals lost weight, but some rats did not lose weight and even gained it, so, in fact, this hormone, like insulin, is an indicator of the volume of adipose tissue, that is... if we see a person overweight with some kind of morbid degree of obesity, we already understand that he will have a lot of insulin, or a lot of ptine, and the worst thing is that
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resistance to either hormone very often develops, resistance, they cannot act, leptin cannot tell the brain that there is enough food, there is no need to eat anymore, insulin also cannot ensure the passage of glucose into the cell, saturate this cell and give the center... cold and there to other substances, a signal: stop, we no longer need to eat, and due to this resistance, there is a lot of glucose in the blood, there is a lot of insulin in the blood, a person is always hungry, he wants to eat all the time, and until he shakes, literally, especially in the evening, when the activity of the same insulin is at its highest, sometimes to show the patient what is happening in his body, this not such a big expense, but when you show how much the same thing is screwed up... this is to show
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in medicine, there is even such a thing in anatomy exams to show such a part you have to show for the patient this visual image, it is very sobering, it is such a border defines it now like this, and if you take another step in the same direction, it will be even worse, there will be diabetes, there will be cardiovascular pathologies, and so on and so forth, i generally draw - obesity is like the sun, but i have such a positive approach, no, yes, why not, yes, why bother anyway? so i’m drawing this sun to show that obesity is the basis of many diseases. what rays does the sun have? here is one of the rays - these are cardiovascular diseases; in addition to obesity, a person will have carbohydrates disorders pre-diabetes, there is increased glycemia on an empty stomach or after eating...
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diabetes itself and some other troubles, this will be a violation of the lipid cholesterol profile, and our fats are in the wrong balance, and this will contribute to atherosclerosis, again, cardiovascular diseases, this is an imbalance of sex hormones, androgen deficiency, followed by erectile dysfunction, reproductive dysfunction, and so on, in women this is polycystic ovary syndrome, which very often develops against the background of excess body weight or... this is a disorder, you and i often discussed this at one time, of purine metabolism, that same gout, yes, hyperuricia, high levels of uric acid, usually against the background of fatty degeneration of the liver, is now raging, this disease is progressing, hepatosis, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and there is this very high uric acid, followed by arthritis, arthrosis, urolithiasis, this radiance, it
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will only increase with each person, unfortunately it does not illuminate a person’s life with health, on the contrary, so when we start so literally, as you know, in a rusty pipe from which there is a leak on all sides, close individual holes, this is of course a necessary measure, but initially we need to fight obesity, let’s remove this solar disk, everything else will crumble like a house of cards. well, zukhra, it was very interesting, thank you very much, i had a podcast with you. deception of substances, my name is olesya nosova, i am the editor-in-chief of komsomolskaya pravda, the famous endocrinologist was with me, zukhra pavlova. hello, dear viewers, as always, you are watching the triggers podcast, with you
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presenters. hello, good evening, please tell us what you came to us with, you know, i have such a problem, i’ve probably had it since adolescence, since i was 12 years old, in adolescence i developed a disease such as anorexia, later i was diagnosed by doctors with anorexia nervosa. and the disease either manifests itself or disappears, that is, it does not depend on any events occurring in my life, that is, suddenly it is not there, suddenly it resumes again, it does not have any periodicity so that it can be tracked, and i i learned to cope with this as best i could, i learned to live, but my question is, why did i have such an image formed in my head
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that i... try to fit him all the time, that is, this is a certain weight, a certain look, in a different image, when i gain weight, or when i try, yes, if you can call it that, to live like ordinary people, with more or less acceptable nutrition, why don’t i like this image, why is it that the way i look is so important that this is reflected throughout my life, that is, to me in normal weight, i don’t want to be normal. to exist as a person, to act, to achieve something, only by being in such a small, uh, person that i strive for, i do something, well, i have more strength, more energy, more aspirations, desires, uh, in general , help, if possible, how do you achieve such a small weight, this is physical exercise, and these are
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dietary restrictions. quite tough, have you always played sports? sports, yes, but to what extent dietary restrictions depend on what stage it is. and if you eat normally, well, as far as i understand this, yes, it’s normal, but i eat once or twice a day, well, usually it’s some kind of salads, some kind, i don’t know, there’s meat, vegetables, there’s steamed everything, of course, nothing harmful, nothing fatty, but when this next peak occurs, and i leave once every 3 days, once every 5 days, it happens that once every 10 days, you don’t want to eat or you just don’t eat, i don’t eat on purpose , that is , you feel hungry, but try not to eat, yeah, these days how do you feel, you know, after about three, well, after the third i don’t feel hungry anymore during the day, and i just
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don’t even think about whether there was food today or not, i can drink coffee, but it would be preferable that it be made with some kind of vegetable milk, maybe one energy drink a day, and that’s it house, something like that, this is where all my food ends, how old are you? 37, 37, are you married? no, you, you were in a relationship, you are now in a relationship, and i have been in relationships many times, at the moment i have a very good friend who supports me, well, friend, friend, yeah, who are you does it surround you at all? my mother, but we live separately... this is my comrade and comrade, okay, let’s do this, the last time was, well, if it’s called an attack of anorexia, that is, now it’s coming, it ’s coming now, how long ago, with s july of this year, that is
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, since july of this year you have been in an anorexic crisis, so, yeah, now you are 37, how much do you weigh now, what is your height, how to understand, my height is meter 75, yeah. at the moment i keep my weight at 50 kg 50. have you had any weight fluctuations? how significant? when it started in july in july the weight was about seventy-seventy, yes, i have a lot of muscle mass, due to this it’s even difficult to say that i weigh 70, but at the same time, well , that is, i look like 60, due to the muscles i weigh more, yeah, now i’m trying. keep 50, there are deviations, yeah, but i try to negotiate, what was your lowest weight? the lowest weight for all all periods was 43 kg, yeah, and if you are in such good
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shape, in general you feel good at seventy, that’s right, well, at seventy i really don’t like myself, well, okay, what weight, when you are satisfied with yourself, what is this? right now, right now, yes, so what, i like you too, but where’s the problem? and the problem is that the people close to me are very worried about me, they are afraid that i might leave further, although i know that it’s like, but, well, there’s a border that cannot be crossed, if you imagine that they are sitting there now behind, like in such programs with the audience, who sits there and worries about you, my mother and...
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okay, let's leave this situation a little then, in july you weighed 70, it turns out for these six, what are july, august, september, october, november, yes, in 5 months you lost 20 kg, lost 20 kg, and you, well , for some time already weighed 50, in how long did you lose 20 kg, i think this is three months, three months, how did you feel during these months? i’m losing weight so quickly, well, i can’t say that i felt somehow uneasy, but i don’t see you having any problems at all yet, but it turns out that you were losing weight, losing weight, losing weight, you were losing weight with the help of sports and nutrition, yes , yeah, okay, but there are some
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health problems, that’s why we are now, i just want to start worrying about you, i haven’t been able to yet, no, at the moment there are no health problems, well, the only thing is that i feel very cold. there in the pool it takes me a long time to get used to the water, but this is not such a problem, that is, if it were not for the concern of that audience, which seems to be basic, then in general everything is fine, everything is fine, you have enough. could you tell us about the history in general, how it was formed, i can’t directly complain about my childhood, and i don’t want to, but childhood it was difficult, yeah, when i was 5-6 years old, my father... died very suddenly,
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he died of leukemia, yeah, and my mother found herself in a difficult situation at that time, and decided that she needed to get additional education , improve my qualifications, and that it would probably be quite difficult for me and her in this regime, she gave me to her mother, that is , to my grandparents, and somewhere before the first year... universities, i lived with them completely, my mother came periodically, these were often weekends, she spent with me for a while, but the relationship was quite complicated, because we couldn’t spend time together for a long time, and because my mother had a lot of her own problems, every time she came, that is, at first it was the scandal is quite serious, i didn’t always understand what... the reason was, i did something wrong, that is
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, you know, such a premonition of a holiday every friday, but at the same time you move away from the door because it’s scary, well, that is first you need to survive what will happen, so my mother often spent time with her friends, that is, i i felt that i was missing her, at school i didn’t have such a wide range of friends, not that i seemed to suffer from it, i just lived and well... i’m not a particularly talkative person, that is, i felt at ease this was comfortable, but i understood that somewhere inside it was somehow very, very difficult for me, i started smoking early, and you know, when i smoked, i always, well, that is, i didn’t smoke because it was fashionable then or something else, i liked that i inhaled, it seemed like such a bitter smoke, yes, but when i exhaled, it it makes me feel better, that is, i am now
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in a difficult relationship, because the age difference, when i already started my first year, i myself made the decision that i needed to return to my mother, i don’t know how it would be, i understood that it would be difficult, and i returned to her, we spent a long time building a difficult, very difficult relationship, because we didn’t know who we were at all, well, in general, how to communicate, and how did you return to her, you just rang the doorbell, and i lived in another city? in the moscow region, i came, yes, i said that
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now we will live together, yeah, that’s my decision, now we will live with you, yeah, but after some time our relationship is still better, it got better, she also tried very hard, now i think that we are great, well done, there were several hospitalizations during this time, whom i was hospitalized, for whatever reason, yes, because of anorexia, yeah. but the clinics, let’s just say, one of them was not specialized at all, it’s better not to go there, the other two clinics were specialized, but to say that they opened something for me, somehow worked with me, i can’t say that, well they put you in neurological clinics, yeah, yeah, well, it was difficult, that is, this is not psychological treatment, it’s...
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from the point of view of anarexia, you know, and i didn’t quite understand the first peak, when i was 12 years old, that we’ll get back to it now, yeah, then it was, rather, it was difficult in terms of relations with your mother, not in terms of relations
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with the disease, that is, it was difficult with your mother, you know, what a thing, your illness, like any other, probably another disease, this is probably an indicator of imbalance, it... is not the cause of imbalance, because here you are sitting now, if you were to be called a sick person, but you still can’t turn your tongue, despite the fact that you yourself call this a period of crisis, perhaps from the point of view of some kind of gastroenterologist , or maybe even a neurologist, you are not in remission, on the contrary, in crisis, i don’t know, however, i’m not a doctor, but from the point of view of an ordinary person, no matter how sick you look now, this year we celebrate the ninetieth anniversary of the first in the world.” cosmonaut yuri gogarin. go! do you know what kind of guy he was? elena yurievna gagarin, eldest daughter, yuri alekseevich. new year, the cosmonauts were musketeers, we saw yuri alekseevich for the first time in a hat and a mustache in butforty. our teacher was terribly strict, suddenly she burst into all the classes,
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gagarin flew into space, hurray, there were also old women in our yard and one another, and he will return, where will he go? there is such a tradition, you must drink from the well from which yuri alekseevich himself drank loons, it is believed that if you drink from this water, you will definitely fly to koska, on saturday on the first.
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studying the history of my country, i understand how multifaceted and vast russia is. and i'm a boy from vologda. and from there, greetings to you, all the best to you, health, happiness, lots of laughter for many years to come. the city of gorodets is famous for gorodets gingerbread, gold embroidery, and gorodets painting. hello to the republic of udmurtia. and hello kostroma region. i am glad that the fields are being sown and harvested, and i am glad that something new is being built. this year i was in altai, and it’s just a planet within a planet. russia can only be better. russia, we are the first to conquer space, we can do anything, russia, we love you, you are watching the triggers podcast, its host tatyana krasnovskaya is with you, sergey nasebyan, and we are talking with nicole about anorexia, you can
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stand up, yes, of course, yeah, thank you, just to our viewers to the viewers. yeah, okay, in this context, let's just go back to the first episode, when at the age of 12 you said you were diagnosed with anorexia nervosa, yes, or anorexia nervosa, yes, yes, tell me how, what happened, here, what were you in at that moment when this started happening, i started going through puberty, and i was a little scared, or perhaps even a lot. but the fact is that my parents didn’t really explain to me what it is, what happens to girls in general, they didn’t teach you about the concept of the menstrual cycle , including, yeah, yeah, when i saw how my body was starting to change, yeah, i was scared , shocked, maybe, and i
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resisted it.


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