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tv   Novosti  1TV  April 10, 2024 9:00am-9:21am MSK

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the area was dry, the kurgan region is preparing for the peak of the flood, evacuation is already underway in some areas. iron guard. within an hour, this complex can clear mines from a kilometer to five, it all depends on the ground. smart robots, special shoes and not only the latest developments that our sappers in the dpr are already using, and personnel from the front line of the ministry of defense. the shortest possible time in the smolensk region after. after the bridge collapsed , train traffic was completely restored, work continued around the clock. holiday prayer, meetings with relatives, help to those in need and a generous table. muslims celebrate one of the main holidays, eid al-fitr. the neighboring houses are not visible. the capital is shrouded in thick fog, drivers are asked to be especially careful and weather forecasters promise abnormally cold weather in several regions of the country. at the beginning of orenburg
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, the water level in the ural river rose by almost a meter per day, the critical mark has been passed and this is not the limit, roads, some areas, the embankment in the center are flooded, residents are calling to urgently leave their homes, active evacuation volunteers are getting involved, protective structures are being built in the city, how to prepare for the arrival of big water and what the current situation is in orenburg, svetlana kostina will tell you. we are located on the orenburg embankment, in the center of the city, and here you can clearly see how the water is rising, for example, now i am... along the roadway, just yesterday this area was dry, and we parked a few meters from here, this children's playground and the swing, which turned out to be completely flooded, i can’t approach it anymore, there’s probably water there so it’s up to my neck, it feels like the water has arrived somewhere more than a meter. the water level in the ural river rose overnight by almost 50 cm and crossed the critical level. sirens and calls to evacuate sound in the city. overnight, another 300 houses in the suburbs were flooded, and residents of high-rise buildings also did not sleep all night.
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in different areas of the city they are preparing for the onset of high water, there is a warehouse for construction materials , a barricade of sandbags has already been erected, people hope to save the materials, uralskaya street 10. water it continues to come in rapidly and there is such a thick, dense fog. yesterday these gates were half in the water, today they are almost invisible, people are trying to get to flooded houses, take out valuables, the water is rapidly rising, garages and hallways are flooded. the water continues to increase, now there are about 10 centimeters left and water will already flow into the house. consider that it’s september, october, when renovations can begin, wallpaper can be made, and wallpaper can be replaced. everything will dry out, someone is trying
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to get their parents out, pensioners refuse to leave their homes and nestle on attics, just yesterday there was hope that the village would not be flooded, today it is completely under water, i tried to persuade my parents to leave earlier, but they were of no use, they took the dog, the most important thing, so now we’ll take the parents too, because, because finally - we reached out to them and got through to them, volunteers are actively involved in the evacuation of residents, these are volunteers of the search and rescue team oren saved, fishermen-hunters, they bring their boats, collect applications, help people you...
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svetlana kostina, oleg matyushin, vladimir belyaev, boris kamenov and anatoly mineev, channel one orenburg. meanwhile, in orsk , the water level dropped another almost 30 cm within 24 hours, but is still above the dangerous level, 7.0 houses are flooded, and more than 1,300 people are in temporary accommodation centers, including 230 children. rescuers are working non-stop, the kurgan region is preparing for the peak of the flood, the water level in the tabou river is growing rapidly, working. the dam is being strengthened, preventive evacuation is being carried out in some areas, almost 700 residents have already been evacuated from the safe zone. estimate the head of the ministry of emergency situations, alexander kurenkov, arrived to address the situation in the tyumen region. the day before he was in orenburg and kurgan. there is a state of emergency in the region, a large flood is expected in the ishim river, residents of the village of the same name are being prepared for evacuation, road services are filling up the coastline, and the rescue team has been strengthened. the head of magatepa called for stopping attacks on the zaporozhye nuclear power plant. after the attack on the training
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center, rafael grossi emphasized that the situation poses a serious threat to nuclear safety, but at the same time again bypassed side question is whose drones are hitting the territory of the nuclear power plant. in the russian post-press. at international organizations in vienna they said that our country is doing everything to protect the station, but it is not designed for such fire . the damage could lead to catastrophic consequences and magatte should condemn the terrorist attacks by the armed forces of ukraine. let me remind you that the zaporozhye nuclear power plant has been subjected to a series of attacks in recent days. the drones also hit the roof of the sixth power unit. in addition, three people were injured during one of the attacks. tomorrow an extraordinary meeting of the iate board of governors will take place. in order to deprive the kiev regime of the opportunity to hit civilian targets, our army is striking at the enemy’s military rear, in the sumy region we managed to destroy a gaubis camp of ukrainian militants, footage appeared online of a high-precision projectile, presumably iskander, hitting more than thirty soviet-made d-20 guns . in odessa
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, two enemy air defense systems, as well as the german iriste anti-aircraft missile system, turned into piles of metal, it is reported about explosions in the nikolaev region, where, according to some data , energy system facilities were disabled. and footage of the special operation zone on the right bank of the dnieper, intelligence officers discovered four minibuses with militants, and the vehicles were hit with a fagot anti-tank missile system. in the donetsk people's republic, our military destroyed a camouflaged artillery installation and used lancet loitering ammunition, and this is the work of su-25 attack aircraft. unguided missiles were fired at an enemy stronghold in the north donetsk direction. aircraft missiles successfully hit the target. our sappers have a lot of work; the surroundings of liberated avdievka are now littered with mines. step by step, the military clears the area, where it is difficult for a person to cope, robots come to the rescue, including those that were created taking into account the experience of the special operation.
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about the baptism of fire of the newest machines, report by gusein huseynov. this means that these rods are used for trolling stretch marks such as ozm, mon. plows for trolling guy wires that are on the ground. operator of the scorpion robotic complex shows his new assistant, small, mobile with high maneuverability. using this machine, you can not only clear stretch marks, but also examine hard-to-reach places. in the front part of the back there are cameras that are adjustable in height, and the robot can also deliver explosives on a cart to mine an object. and this is just one of the developments. specialists from the international mine action center presented the latest equipment in their field. and this sapper will now be testing a new mine clearance machine for the first time, and not somewhere on the training ground, in close proximity to the front line. before the new robotic complex
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stalker had time to enter the field, it had already come across several mines, which had just cleared one of them, within an hour this complex, here’s another one within an hour, this complex can clear mines from a kilometer to five, it all depends on the ground . the area around the recently liberated avdeevka, where specialists from the international mine action center are now working, is literally strewn with ammunition. under the robot's trawl detonates not only anti-personnel mines, but also anti-tank mines. the complex was developed and assembled by ural specialists on the basis of a caterpillar tractor. the hull is reinforced with armor, equipped with video cameras, and a three-meter trawl is installed in front, which. essentially plows the ground and destroys explosive finds. the vehicle is designed, it is unified, you can make a road, make passages, you can carry out complete humanitarian mine clearance, this depends on the tasks facing the unit.
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completed the task complex, characteristics i confirmed my own, the width of the trolls is about 3 m, the speed depends on the terrain and the types of mines installed. in addition to robotic equipment, sappers presented anti-drone guns, protective suits and even boots. some with a special high sole are able to withstand the explosion of a small ammunition, others are not quite similar in shape to classic shoes, but are designed to withstand a mine. we do not have a contact detonation of a mine under the foot itself; the detonation points are moved forward and backward by the paws. when it explodes, it happens. tatlo is just the legs of this ovoya. some the products are still undergoing combat testing, say sappers. others have been put into operation and are actively used. a special protected patrun vehicle designed for transporting an engineering and grooming unit. it is designed in the form of an armored capsule
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rotor, designed to explode under a min-igronat vehicle. all new products were created taking into account the experience of a special military operation. everything has already been taken into account here. the nuances that we encountered in the first years of the start of the svo, today all this is being improved, we share experience, we summarize and implement quickly. since the beginning of the special operation, sappers have already cleared thousands of hectares of land and many socially significant objects, there is still more to come, so such developments will definitely be useful to them here. huseyn huseynov, farid muslimov, boris chuchupalov and anastasia slobodenyuk, first channel donetsk people's republic. now there is a small advertisement, we will be back in a few minutes, do not switch. maltese roberto mitsola, president of the european parliament, has a lot to do. he managed to do everything from corruption to blurring criminal cases killing journalists, this is what i intend
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to do throughout my entire presidential term. the order of malta played a big role in her formation, nevertheless, they intercepted her, a month after her appointment she went to kiev, these anti-russian sanctions, we will be with you as long as necessary, someone has to carry this nonsense, a factory of populism in the worst sense of the word, in order to cover up those very dark things that... are happening under this noise, mrs. mitsola are generally the funeral workers of the european industry and european prosperity, the eurozone is in recession, popular discontent is growing due to the fact that real incomes have fallen to the level of the twelfth or thirteenth year, she is a performer, a very clear performer, abandoned by the global elites, they are hiding behind, they are not showing their ears, roberta mitsola, europe and her maltese cross. dolls of the heir tutti, today on the first. undercover taxi. premiere. watch the time after the program. we continue
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our conversation with thomas bach, where he said that he would interfere in every possible way with our games of friendship, which we conduct in russia. participation in friendship games. countries are taking sides in the russian-ukrainian war. and they take the side of russia. and we spoke on behalf of a certain african politician whom he wanted to win over to his side.
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nationwide sympathy, but for a very long time i did not understand what i had done there, and it seemed to me that soon the deception would be revealed and they would beat me. but how were the relationships in the family of evgeniy steblov himself? before tanya, i didn’t love anyone, i took her arm and it was like an electric shock. our exclusive and interview with the artist, who played with the most beautiful women in the country and at the same time remained faithful to his one and only. we lived with tanya for 38 years, we have a son, our only one, a monk of solovyatsky. what did his loyalty bring to the end of his life? why was it not possible to avoid tragedies? all this is in god’s providence; as
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god directs, so it will be. exclusive with dmitry borisov. premiere. on saturday on the first. you didn’t have the feeling that maybe god took your son away for something. the snow is still white in the fields, and in the spring the waters are noisy, running and waking up the sleepy. breg run and shine, and they say, they say in all directions, spring is coming, spring is coming, we are messengers of the young spring, she sent us forward, what, where, when, the spring series of games, on sunday on the first.
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this is the news at the beginning, and we continue: in russia over the past year the number of especially serious crimes committed by teenagers has increased by almost a third, it is necessary to increase the effectiveness of prevention among young people, this was discussed at the operational meeting of the investigative committee, it was chaired by the chairman of the department, alexander bostrykin, he heard reports from regions where recently high-profile crimes occurred, the head of the investigative committee noted... it cannot be left without consequences, and the perpetrators must be punished. in the smolinsk region , train traffic has been completely restored after the collapse of the bridge in vyazma, the second
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main track has been opened, the first train between moscow and minsk was launched the night before, and almost half a thousand tons were removed from the track. new tracks were laid and the contact network was re-arranged. more than 300 railway workers and dozens of pieces of equipment were displaced in the aftermath of the incident. let me remind you that the overpass collapsed on monday, one person was killed and five were injured. according to forecasts, abnormal cold temperatures are expected in several russian regions at once, in karelia and the nenin autonomous okrug down to -25, which is about 10° below normal. frosts are also in the north of the urals and southwest of siberia. at the halftime, the thermometer will reach -30. well, moscow was shrouded in thick fog that night, visibility in some places was about 300 m, you couldn’t even see neighboring houses, the situation on the roads was difficult, drivers are asked to be especially careful. one of the main islamic holidays today is eid al-fitr, it will last
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3 days, the holy month of ramadan and strict fasting ends. vladimir putin congratulated russian muslims. the telegram published on the kremlin website says that muslim organizations make a great contribution to strengthening the cohesion of our people and preserving interethnic harmony, and support the participants and veterans of the special operation. in the morning , thousands of believers rushed to common prayer; in moscow, most of the people were at the cathedral mosque, broadcast footage. eid al-fitr in a different way called the holiday of breaking the fast. today everyone will gather at a large table with their family; the housewives have been preparing traditional dishes since the evening. it is also customary to help.
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as many people, guests, come in, everyone, so that he can find something he likes on the table, we , in turn, try for this, we can cook until late at night, not sleep, and since it is very important for housewives, for muslim women, to feed the guest, we naturally, we receive reward for this, we are pleased, and early in the morning the men go to the mosque for the festive prayer, from there to the ancestral village, first first of all, you need to visit the graves of your ancestors, first of all you need to visit your wife’s relatives, congratulate them on the holiday , then go congratulate all other relatives, acquaintances, friends, they all live in different parts of the republic, so all three days of the holiday will be spent traveling, well today is a joyful day for all muslims around the world, this is one of the most important holidays. muslims believe that the koran was revealed by the almighty during ramadan; during this month , the reward increases for every good deed
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many times, the elderly and orphans in the republic were helped financially, the children of the svo participants were invited to the entertainment center. i have two children, disabled, we could not dream of getting an apartment, everything is like in a fairy tale, this is a great gift for us, a sacred month. this is footage from ufa, believers together at a holiday prayer; in moscow, thousands of muslims gathered for prayer in the cathedral mosque. it was a month of prayer, we prayed. to grant peace, we prayed to grant success to our warriors, the defenders of the fatherland, who today protect us all, protect our country, we we continue to pray for peace, for victory, for
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the blessing of the almighty, congratulations to all of us. happy holiday, eidal fitr , eid al-fitr, the holiday of breaking the fast. eid al-fitr is one of the two main holidays in islam; all muslims celebrate it, one might say, on a grand scale. eid al-fitr will last 3 days, all of them are declared holidays in some regions, including the chechen republic. during this time, muslims will try to visit as many relatives as possible, and, as they themselves say, they will look forward to the next month of ramadan. ramzan kerimov, ibragim amirkhanov, evgenia stefanchuk, sergeeva. oboynikov first channel chechen republic. and right now on channel one there is a broadcast of the festive service from the cathedral mosque of ufa.


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