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tv   Uraza- Bairam  1TV  April 10, 2024 9:20am-10:01am MSK

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o blessing of the almighty, i congratulate all of us on our holiday of eidal fittar eid al-fitr, the holiday of breaking the fast. eid al-fitr is one of the two main holidays in islam; all muslims celebrate it, one might say, on a grand scale. eid al-fitr will last 3 days, all of which are declared holidays in some regions, including the chechen republic. during this time , muslims will try to visit as many relatives as possible. and, as they themselves do not say, they will look forward to the next month of ramadan. ramzan kerimov, ibragim amirkhanov, evgenia stefanchuk, sergey vaskoboynikov, first channel chechen republic. and right now on channel one there is a broadcast of the festive service from the cathedral mosque of ufa. peace to you, mercy to all.
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from everything that violates piety. it was in ramadan that the almighty made muhammad his messenger, revealing to him his first revelation. this happened, according to legend, on one of the last odd nights of the month. muslim tradition celebrates this event as the night of power of leilatel-qadr, believing that it is on this night that the almighty can change the predetermined fate of every person.
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all rights reserved. all rights reserved. praise and glory to the almighty allah of the worlds , honorable
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brothers and sisters, on behalf of the central spiritual administration of muslims of russia, its regional spiritual administrations and parishioners of thousands of parishes, we cordially congratulate you all muslims of our country and the world, your families, loved ones, on on the advent of one of our brightest holidays, eid al-fitr, on these blessed many occasions of the holiday i cordially greet you with a glorious greeting
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that expresses the essence of our faith. peace to you all, the mercy of allah almighty. his blessing and grace are immeasurable in this eternal world. and may our grateful holiday prayers be blessed at the end of ramadan, the holy abodes of all the merciful in the mosques. the president of the russian federation vladimir vladimirovich putin congratulates us on this life-affirming holiday, who in his address to russian muslims says: i cordially congratulate the muslims of russia. happy eid al-fitr, which marks the end of the holy month of ramadan. for a century, eid al-adha has personified for followers of islam the joy of renewal, the desire for moral improvement, and purity
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of thoughts and actions. muslims of russia carefully preserve the rich historical, cultural, and religious traditions of their ancestors. following the national covenant, celebrates this holiday in their communities and family circle, provides helping those in need. muslim organizations creatively participate in the life of the country in the implementation of popular patriotic, educational, and charitable initiatives, interact fruitfully with government and public structures, and pay priority attention to the education of the younger generation. supports participants and veterans of a special military operation, their loved ones, makes a great contribution to strengthening the cohesion of our people, preserving interethnic harmony, i wish the muslims of russia health and success
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all the best, vladimir putin. we, russian muslims, are also congratulated by the chairman of the government of the russian federation, mikhail vladimirovich mishustin, who... in his message to us he writes: “dear supreme mufti, please accept my congratulations on the advent of eid al-adha,” one of the most significant religious holidays in islam. it is a source of spiritual improvement, fills the hearts of millions of believers with love for their neighbors, a sincere desire to do good deeds, to show mercy and compassion for those who needs help and care, the muslim ummah makes a great contribution to maintaining interfaith dialogue, contributes to the preservation of interethnic peace of harmony, and takes an active part in the implementation of social programs and charitable
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projects. it is especially important that priority attention is paid to expanding interaction with government authorities and public organizations. strengthening traditional family values ​​and patriotic education of the younger generation. i sincerely wish you and everyone to russian muslims, good health, prosperity and all the best. sincerely, chairman of the government of the russian federation, mikhail mishustin. the chairman of the state duma of the federal assembly of the russian federation, vyacheslav viktorovich volodin, also congratulates us. that's what. writes: dear, i congratulate you all muslims of russia on the advent of eid al-fitr, a bright holiday that symbolizes the joy of life, the purity of the soul of thoughts. its traditions are based on love for family, veneration of ancestors,
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generosity and hospitality. these values ​​are passed down from generation to generation, preserving the experience accumulated over centuries. plenipotentiary representative of the president of the russian federation in the central federal district igor olegovich shegolev, deputy head of the administration of the president of the russian federation magomed salam magomed alievich magomedov, governor of the ostrakhan region igor yurievich babushkin,
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governor of st. petersburg alexander dmitrievich beglov, head of the republic of bashkastan radi faritovich khabirov, head of the republic dagestan, sergey alimovich melik. head of the kabardian-bolkar republic kazbek valerievich kokov, head of karachayev of the circassian republic, rashid borisbeevich temrezov, head of the republic of mordovia artyom alekseevich zdunov. bashkakhstan, konstantin borisovich tolkachov, as
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well as the chairman of the spiritual administration of muslims of uzbekistan, mufti nuriddin khalik nazarov. congratulations also continue to arrive from ministers, deputies of the state duma, and heads of public and religious organizations of our country, near and far abroad, from heads of diplomatic missions of muslim and arab countries in moscow, from regional spiritual directorates of the central spiritual directorate of muslims of russia and its parishes. we express our sincere and heartfelt gratitude and gratitude to the president of our country, vladimir vladimirovich putin, to all those who congratulated us on this blessed holiday. and we pray to the most generous almighty to strengthen the fraternal cooperation of all peoples and followers of traditional faiths of our country in the name. peace of harmony, spiritual and moral revival, power
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and prosperity of our one god-protected state. we pray to the almighty creator to send blessed help, courage and fortitude to all the leaders and leaders of our country, to everyone who is dear and close to the aspirations of the people, unity, indivisibility, prosperity, peace and tranquility of our great fatherland russia. dear brothers and sisters, the holy month of ramadan has ended, the blessed month of observing lent, which, as you know, was prescribed as the most important religious pillar, not only to muslims, but also to the followers of all god's messengers and prophets. and this convincingly testifies to a single divine source of revelation to all humanity.
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our orthodox compatriots have begun lent, and it is still ongoing for them. it is the observance of fasting that is a sacred rite given by god, a test of a person’s sincerity and the firmness of his faith in the creator, undoubtedly in his destiny in this world. yes, faith, for only a person who has unconditionally wholeheartedly believed in a single creator is able to flow. the whole month strictly and unswervingly observe fasting, abstain not only from daily bread,
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but also reverently hoping for his mercy and contentment, each of us tries to observe this god's quarantine for sins and bad deeds, truly a quarantine. for a whole month we zealously observed fasting, imbued with the deep understanding that this is the most important pillar of islam, and its establishment was prescribed to us... by the creator himself in the holy quran, therefore observing fasting is a great honor and dignity for every sincere believer man, because the almighty lord defined the purpose of fasting with the words: maybe you will become more god-fearing and pious? maybe why? because a lot depends on sincerity and compliance with all... rules, on abstinence in this blessed month, and
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this piety and mercy should only be in the heart of the one who respects, only in the month of ramadan, and how important is the manifestation of mercy and compassion in relationships people, we can understand from the words of the prophet muhammad, he says, يرقق القلب ويملاه خشيه فاذا هم بطاعه بدر اليها واذا هم بمعصيه اعرض ع نها مليت. this is worship, says the prophet muhammad, salallahu alayhi wa sallam, this is a ritual. fasting is steadfastness, for fasting softens hearts and fills them with god-fearing piety. a fasting person, just thinking about doing a good deed, immediately rushes towards it, does it, but if
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something sinful suddenly creeps into his head, he will immediately decisively turn away from it, for he is a prophet. “this is a barrier, and if any of you fasts,
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let him not use foul language, swear, or falls into ignorance, and if..." someone tries to start an argument or quarrel with you, then let him answer: i am a fasting person, i keep a fast, and i don’t have the opportunity to quarrel with you for a whole month, this is practice , and someone who is used to it cannot do without using foul language even for a few minutes, accepting this command of the prophet muhammad, not only with our minds, but... with our souls and hearts, we cannot help but feel the pain and suffering of those who find themselves in need and adversity, who are not starving only during fasting, fasting really should elevate purify us. with repentance and hope , by the permission of allah almighty , this month we are deeply imbued with conscious
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fear of god and piety. fasting should awaken the carefree. what a motivating reason for the active awakening of good feelings, compassion and mercy for one’s neighbor, for confirming the strengthening of love for the almighty creator and for all his creatures, and undoubtedly, that all this should be manifested through good deeds, through selfless help to all who need
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it, to all those who suffer, and not only during post. and that is why, after the end of the blessed ramadan, a month of prayer, patience, pious thoughts and good deeds, every muslim must distribute fitra sadaqa, that is, cleansing alms equal to at least a person’s daily food, and wealthy people for whom zakat is obligatory must distribute from one fortieth part of him is not his for the poor.
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compassion and mercy, therefore the prophet muhammad sallahu alayhi wa sallam said: “hazari ramadan, beware of ramadan, fasting, a whole month of practice in piety and fear of god burns your sins, so repentance and rituals must undoubtedly be sincere. dear compatriots, for centuries we... almost two hundred peoples and followers of all traditional faiths, in mutual respect, for joy and adversity, have lived, thank god, in peace and harmony on our earth. great fatherland, the friendship of peoples and religions are not empty words for us, but actually experienced experience, formed over centuries and
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a hard-fought common history, we are united by too much for us to allow the forces of darkness push us together, only together we can defeat terror and build a truly lasting peace, undoubtedly from our unity and cohesion. a lot depends on what we do not experience in our ancient history, we are united by fate, and the breeze will not blow, and the leaf will not fall, except by the will of the almighty, our ancestors said, and so it is said in the sacred books, by the will of the almighty creator, and by his predestination and destiny destined for centuries, we have become not only neighbors, but also compatriots in a single... great power and we are building relationships on spiritual and moral basis of our traditions. and
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as our president vladimir vladimirovich putin noted, no one will be able to sow the seeds of discord, panic and discord in our multinational society. neighbor, your brother, rights and responsibilities to your neighbor.
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living in a divine way on the path to achieving the happiness of this eternal world, there can be no place for violence and anger, terrorism and extremism, both for the individual and for peoples and states. righteousness and humanity, life in a divine way - this means preserving the most beautiful, wonderful world for our children and grandchildren. faith and grateful repose to the almighty creator to the best of our ability and... the possibility of returning to the eternal world with a calm soul and a clear conscience. leaving this world to the next generation in
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safety, prosperity and well-being. this is righteousness and humanity, commanded to us by the almighty creator. it is for this purpose that the almighty creator allah subhanu wa taala has sent his messengers and prophets throughout the history of mankind. only then can we be worthy of the title of god’s vicegerent on earth and close to the almighty allahu wa ta'ala. remembering this: according to faith and conscience, we need to live with family and friends, friends and neighbors, with all compatriots in mutual respect in a world of harmony, for the divine law wishes for others what... what you want for yourself and do not wish that for another what you do not want for yourself is an unshakable principle of the sharia of islam. that is why a person who believes in god must
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see in another person, first of all, his brother or sister, the highest creation of the creator. we are aware of our responsibility, first of all, to lord, we must abstain from the evil of violence.
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when they try to set peoples and countries, god’s creatures, against each other through violence and hostility, but unfortunately, this is happening in the world, and we see in the middle east, in palestine, what is happening, with us, what happened even in the month of ramadan, who has sincere faith, true faith, cannot act contrary to one’s faith to the command of the almighty, the almighty creator reminds us:
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of you, before the almighty, the most god-fearing, truly the almighty allah, who knows and knows what you do, are all equal before the almighty, and preference for dignity before the almighty only according to good deeds, says allah wa taala in this verse. dear brothers and sisters, dear compatriots, the almighty creator has entrusted us with such... a beautiful homeland, like no other. we have a huge country, which the almighty lord of the worlds has endowed with untold riches and bounties. and we undoubtedly must pass on the centuries-old traditions of perseverance, justice and righteousness to our children, grandchildren and subsequent generations. after all , undoubtedly, the creator is one and the same.
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it is impossible to divide it. prophet muhammad said: we are messengers of god and prophets, children of different mothers, but we have one faith, god is one and one. the difference may only be in details, but we all believe in one single creator, and on the day of judgment we will return to him. that undoubtedly, each of us will answer to him, on sunday on this day, therefore true faith cannot, sincere faith cannot incite a person to hatred, malice and enmity, this is impossible, and life in this world is given only once and then there is eternity, faith and good deeds should help us live, mutual trust and respect for the peoples of our
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vast homeland... and the followers of traditional faiths, who have shared its joys and sorrows for centuries, are a priceless gift from god, this gift that the previous generations of our ancestors preserved for us is the most what the people of russia are proud of and can generously share as good examples to the peoples of the world to make a worthy contribution to strengthening peace and harmony throughout the world. so it's the past. our present and future are one and the same, our pride is great, he loves and takes care of her our sacred duty, we need to unite not only desires and dreams, but efforts and efforts, realizing responsibility before god, before the fatherland and before subsequent generations of our descendants, our one and only homeland
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means living and rejoicing in... overcoming troubles, adversity, we must test life in fraternal cooperation only together, on these blessed days of the end of fasting, we pray to the all-merciful allah subhanu wa taala for all our soldiers, reliable defenders of our united fatherland, especially for those who fulfills his sacred duty to his homeland during a special military operation in ukraine to protect civilians. demilitarization and eliminating the threat of a revival of nazism in this long-suffering region, i fully support state measures to strengthen the unity and independence of our country, to effectively repel the treacherous forces of international terrorism and their accomplices, we, muslims of russia, together with our orthodox compatriots and followers of all traditional faiths of our country
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russians, and henceforth we will make a worthy contribution to the preservation of peace, unity, sovereignty and power of our great, one and only god-protected power of russia. “when the orthodox holiday prayer is performed, the crier will announce, says the prophet muhammadlahu alaylam, truly the lord allah subhana wa taala has forgiven your sins, return to your abodes with the firm
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intention of never returning to sins, and this day is called in heaven, the day of reward for good deeds.” deeds, may the mercy and grace of the almighty creator not be absent. our hearts and families, communities and temples, villages and cities of our vast homeland, true peace and prosperity, may these holidays be blessed to all of us in good health, purity of faith, sincere observance of the divine conditions of life, may allah almighty deign to see and rejoice in the repetition of such blessed dates of sacred holidays for many.
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now, to perform the holiday prayer, believers line up in rows, facing towards mecca, the main shrine of islam, the kaaba, and mentally towards the almighty the creator, thereby showing submission to him and gratitude for his boundless mercy. to conduct prayer, the grand mufti takes his place at the head of the believers. allahu akbar.
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allahu akbar. allahu akbar.
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all rights reserved. this is the case. all rights reserved. يعاد الله اكبر سمع الله
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translated, its meaning is as follows: praise be to allah, the ruler of the worlds, merciful and merciful. lord of the day of judgment. only you alone we worship, only you alone we cry for help. guide us on the right path, the path of those whom you have bestowed with your blessings, those who have not incurred your disfavor and those who have not fallen into error. when reading surah al-fatihah at the end, the believer says the word amen, which literally means truth, right. surah al-fatihah is followed by
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another surah of the koran at the choice of the leader. the reading of the sura, like any beginning of a good deed, is always preceded by words in arabic. in the name of god, all merciful and merciful. for rahman and arachim - two names of the attribute of god, going back to the meaning of the word arakhma, mercy. both names express one of the main qualities of the almighty.
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this happened gradually over
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23 years. the holy qur'an contains only revelations sent down by god. there is not a single word from the prophet muhammad. he was just an intermediary. in conclusion, i would like to once again recall the words of the prophet muhammad. beware of the forbidden, you will become the most pious of people. be content with what god has given you, you will become the richest. do good to your neighbor, you will be a sincere believer in god. wish for people what you wish for yourself, and you will become a true believer, submissive to the almighty, the creator, and a muslim. dear tv viewers
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of channel one, you watched the broadcast of the festive service at raza bayram, the izufim cathedral mosque, the historical residence of the supreme mufti of russia. i sincerely would like to wish that the almighty creator will honor us with the opportunity to see each other again and rejoice in the repetition of such blessed dates and events. happy raza bayram holiday. good health, peace, mercy to you all. the first channel represents, this is a laser, this is an egg white, this is how the laser coagulates or folds the white. there's this little white ball at the end of the hole.


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