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tv   Novosti  1TV  April 10, 2024 12:00pm-12:16pm MSK

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do they continue to deliver them there? yes, they continue, they are supplying konstantinovka, firstly, now, this is the nearest trading zone, so accordingly, what is on the red side is the south, and what is on the red side, what is on the southern part, now they are bringing the clockwork barrier there , and of course, they and the capital of their agglomerations are also pulling up, pulling up, pulling up, and - you can’t say that they’ll get up there, they’ll throw weapons and all this other stuff, there’s no frost there. vladislav, thank you very much, vladislav andritsa was in direct contact with us, war correspondent, now the news is on the first, hello, on the air news, in the studio ekaterina berezovskaya. so, at the beginning of orenburg, the water level. the ural river
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has already exceeded the critical level by more than half a meter and the water is rising. in total , almost 3.00 more residential buildings were flooded in the orenburg region during the day. evacuation continues. volunteers help the rescuers. hydrologists warn that the peak of the flood may still be ahead. well, there is mass vaccination against hepatitis a in clinics. our correspondent, svetlana, works in the disaster zone kostina. she talked to local residents. we are located on the orenburg embankment in the center. city ​​and here you can clearly see how the water is rising, for example, now i’m walking along the roadway, just yesterday this area was dry, and we parked a few meters from here, this playground, which turned out to be completely flooded, i’m already approaching it i can’t, there is water there, probably up to my neck, i feel like the water has arrived somewhere more than a meter. an hour later , the skate park could not withstand the pressure of the water elements, the structure was carried downstream, the water level in the ural river rose by 81 cm overnight, stepped over...
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the water there is a warehouse for construction materials, a barricade of sandbags has already been erected, people hope to save the materials, uralskaya street on april 10, the water continues to rush arrive and there is such a thick, thick fog. yesterday this gate was half in the water, today it is almost invisible, people are trying to get to the flooded houses. this married couple wanted to feed their goats, while they were swimming up, the boat was damaged by the fence ended up in the water. rescuers from the ministry of emergency situations constantly
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travel on boats through flooded villages, looking for those who need help. 5a three people, the data was passed on to the operational officer, the man needs an ambulance there, overpasses 11a three adults. no one thought that the area one and a half kilometers from the ural river would be flooded. it was dry, the water came from there, along. at 3:40 at night, there is a lowland, along the lowland and there into the enemy at 2:40 everything is flooded, the water is rapidly rising, garages and hallways are flooded, the water continues to increase, all that remains is, well 10 centimeters of water will already flow into the house, consider that it’s september, october, only it will be possible to start doing repairs, changing the wallpaper, until it all dries, someone is trying to get their parents out, they refuse to leave their homes and
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are hiding in the attics, just yesterday there was hope that the village will not be flooded, today it is completely under water, i tried to persuade my parents to leave earlier, but they didn’t mind, they took the dog, the most important thing, so now we’ll take the parents too, because, because we finally got to them and reached out volunteers are actively involved in the evacuation of residents, these are volunteers of the search and rescue team of orenspas, fishermen and hunters, they bring their boats, collect requests, help people leave the disaster zone, the water has risen sharply, and so on. people who expected that they would not have to evacuate are now forced to contact 112, the water has really risen, people are demanding help, but we cannot remain indifferent, so we joined a volunteer detachment to help oren saved people, took a motor boat, streams dirty waters are flowing into orenburg, people have already been urged to thoroughly boil water ; mass vaccination against hepatitis a has begun in the region's clinics; hydrologists warn that the peak of the flood may be yet to come; they predict that the water level will rise by another half a meter in the next 24 hours. svetlana kostina,
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oleg matyushin, vladimir belyaev, boris kamenov and anatoly mineev. first channel orenburg. the minister of construction and housing and communal services irek fayzulin arrived in the orenburg region on behalf of the president. inspected flood zones and carried out a meeting with representatives of local authorities on issues of further restoration of housing and infrastructure. we looked at orenburg, we see that, unfortunately, the peak has not yet been passed, specialists have arrived who work for a long time, which means they have a lot of experience and work, which means in the shops, in the primorye, in the jewish autonomous region. we understand the task, we know how to do it, so we will work on it together with the region and the municipality. now the main thing is to show people that the federal center is also working on its tasks. the minister also
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will visit other regions that were affected by floods, including the kurgan region; according to experts, the water level in the tabol river will reach 11 m; an emergency situation has been introduced. threats to 60 settlements, over 400 houses, over 600 in household plots and summer cottages. 4,500 people were taken out of the risk zone. the situation in the tyumen region is difficult; the head of the ministry of emergency situations, alexander kurenkov, arrived there. rescuers are strengthening the group. residents of the village of ishim are preparing for evacuation. our military strikes at rear targets of the ukrainian armed forces. in sumy region managed to destroy the ukrainian howitzer parking lot. militants. footage has appeared online of a high-precision projectile allegedly hitting more than 30 soviet-made d-20 guns. several explosions occurred in odessa; it is reported that a railway bridge along with a train was damaged, as well as a power system facility. several targets were hit in the nikolaev
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region. i will add that russian high-precision strikes, including on industrial infrastructure, are a response to attempts in the ssu to attack our energy facilities. and now about like in an ied zone. our artillerymen work, they hit the target precisely, even if the target is located several kilometers away, and of course, the russian military is fluent in the art of camouflage. they shared some secrets with our correspondent, alexey ivanov. we drive to the advanced artillery positions near artyomovsk, as the soldiers say, in the dark, even in our car, the headlights are off, we drive thanks to the moonlight, all in order to remain unnoticeable for as long as possible to the enemy, so feel free to visit positions during the day are impossible, the commander of an artillery battery with the call sign uraz is taking us to the soldiers, he, as they say, goes around all his crews every night, so even in the dark he can navigate well, constantly listens to the sounds outside the window, the enemy does not sleep,
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scouts also fly in the sky at night, the same thing, that is, all this can be seen for many kilometers, even in the evening at dusk, movement is dangerous, but sometimes it is necessary. in one area there are several guns of different calibers, 122 and slightly more powerful 152 mm, for example, the trouble-free d-20 howitzer, proven over the years , can even fire high-precision guided projectiles from krasnopol, but this time the crew is loading a standard high-explosive fragmentation projectile. only a few seconds between shots, shot! well , now the d-20 howitzer has worked, the flash can be seen several kilometers away, 10, 15 kilometers away, nevertheless, our soldiers prefer to work at night, because it is possible to destroy
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a fat, so-called target, a tank, or an armored vehicle. new targets come at night even more often than during the day, the enemy spends time rotating personnel. in such cases, the twenty is simply irreplaceable, it effectively works against manpower, against armored vehicles, if we are talking about the d-20, can we even call it such a sniper rifle? yes, yes, it is possible, 100% possible, because we always hit targets accurately, even without a sighting device, well, you can say that, yes, it happened that they even hit an atv on the move, it happened, three opponents were riding on an atv, they were hit, second. load one in battle, load one in battle, but the gun is aimed and loaded, this is already a neighboring crew the d-30 howitzers are waiting for confirmation of the target coordinates from our reconnaissance officers; they are working right on the line of contact, observing all the enemy’s movements using night
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vision cameras on drones, while there is a moment’s lull inspecting the weapon, which is difficult to detect even during the day, let alone at night. the soldiers of this artillery crew fundamentally abandoned camouflage nets, because the net... even uncamouflages them very clearly visible from above by copters, they cover the guns with branches, slate, wood, tires, even so that from above it all just looks like bushes. or trees, tell me how long it takes approximately to camouflage after a strike, up to a minute, up to a minute, if all calculations take up to a minute, and then very quickly, efficiently, and to unmask, even less, break, do not build, as they say, an accurate strike , the strike range is approximately 10 km, now after the shot, we all go to cover together with the crew,
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without the economic sovereignty of the country , mikhail mishustin said today at a meeting with
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the participation of russian scientists, this is impossible president of the russian academy of sciences gennady krasnikov. the head of the cabinet congratulated the head and the entire team on the three hundredth anniversary of their wounds. the prime minister emphasized that our scientists have done a tremendous amount of work and have created a solid foundation for technological scientific schools. it is especially important that all fundamental research and applied developments were in keeping with the spirit of the times and were related to national development goals. so it is possible, when the president met with the academy, he said that our academy of sciences should become such a headquarters for the development of the domestic science, i would like to hear how you evaluate the results of 2023, we launched such large programs, they are called large scientific projects, from 24 to 26, 100 million for each work per year, this is very important, because new ones are being formed there ... chains from universities, scientific research works, institutes and
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high-tech companies. we have advanced a lot in expert activities by one and a half times, we have increased our expertise, we have also done a lot of work here on our scientific advice, we have 45 and 105 of them today pre-departments, they are very important, because not only members of our academy work there, but actually. the entire landscape is scientific, it is very important that investments in research and development work increase, it is very important that we prioritize those scientific areas that will give the maximum effect both for technological development, our sovereignty, and for increasing income at all levels of the budget , but most importantly, will be built on competitive solutions so that we can compete, compete in the world in a number of branches of science and technology. muslims today celebrate one of the two main holidays in islam, eid al-fitr, which
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traditionally will last 3 days. the day marks the end of the holy month of ramadan, a strict fast during which believers were not allowed to drink or eat until the sun set behind them. in mosques throughout russia, collective prayers. in moscow , tens of thousands of believers came to perform festive prayers at the cathedral mosque. this holiday, according to muslims, is a symbol of spiritual and moral renewal. he teaches mercy. historical, cultural, religious traditions of ancestors provide assistance to those in need. muslim organizations creatively participate in the life of the country, in the implementation of popular patriotic, educational, and charitable initiatives, interact fruitfully with government and public structures, and give priority attention. education of the younger generation, support participants and veterans of a special military operation, their relatives, make a great
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contribution to strengthening the cohesion of our people, preserving interethnic harmony. and that’s all for now, thank you for being with us, right now the program time will tell, we have connected, viewers of the first channel have connected to us, hello friends, but our topic is still the same, it is absolutely impossible to make any other main topic. this is an emergency situation, this is a catastrophe somewhere, literally in the orenburg region, the water continues to remain, yesterday nadezhda and i said that in rooda there were some signs that the water was leaving, but no, it was coming, now under the threat turned out to be the city of orenburg itself, the regional center, where there is a population of more than half a million; in addition, the water comes up to the federal highway.


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