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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  April 10, 2024 5:00pm-6:01pm MSK

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yes, health, then this is an administrative fine, already today, in accordance with the family code, they are subject to being taken away from the family right today, without finding out anything else, it’s very good that there is such a grandfather, i really hope that today’s transfer will have its effect and guardianship will speed up with making a decision, i spent the entire program looking for at least some small opportunity to see love in a mother’s heart, but unfortunately... i didn’t find it, and here i just want to tell you that go for treatment forcibly, voluntarily, whatever you want, but first of all you now have a unique opportunity to simply save the lives of your children, in this case you need to unconditionally deprive of parental rights, we don’t know how it will happen, but now try to feed your sweetheart for 30,000. from the children’s, no, i’ll leave everything,
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if she ends up ruining the children, as you say, why would i live with her, that’s right, go away, go away, i’m just, what you just told me, that this is me, that’s all, then yes, you didn’t know, i don’t know a lot of things, and you want to take the child for yourself, i want to take it, i won’t live with her, why, if she does such nasty things to children, it’s not true, it’s not true, it’s not true that he will kick you out, no, it’s not true, what did i ruin, you ruined it, you’re the mother, i didn’t do anything to him, you’re the mother, you remember once and for all, all responsibility for what happens to the child lies with the mother and father, here is the next apartment, a complete hole, right here, the administration categorically refuses to admit this, but what to admit?
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we see many people on peace avenue who could not even get into the mosque, where today , of course, the holiday prayer took place. the president of russia, vladimir putin, congratulated our believers, muslims, on this holiday. for centuries, rosa bayram has personified for followers of islam the joy of renewal, the desire for ancient perfection, and purity of thoughts and actions. muslims in russia carefully preserve the richest. historical, cultural, religious traditions of our ancestors, exploring the paternal covenant, celebrate this holiday in their communities, in the family circle, provide assistance to those in need, we join in the congratulations of the president, and today it is important day in history, exactly 80 years ago, on this day, our troops of marshal malinovsky liberated the city of odessa from the nazi invaders, this... was one of the most important
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operations of 1944, then more than 200,000 of our fellow citizens died in odessa in the odessa region , destroyed by the nazi extermination machine, this was a great feat of our people, and it is no coincidence that the city of odessa bears the title of a hero city, and now odessa is also. one of the real fronts of a special military operation in the outskirts of odessa carried out attacks on military targets, at port facilities during the last night, this morning. boris aleksandrovich rozhen monitors what is happening on the fronts of the special military operation and then how our second campaign for the liberation of novorossia, but also odessa, is going on. and good evening,
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yes, indeed, today again at night already in the morning there were massive attacks, including on the odessa region, a bridge in the odessa region was severely damaged, there... an electric locomotive, there were also arrivals against air defense systems in the odessa region, our troops continue to record the work of enemy radars and air defense systems, mostly from behind western production, one by one they are methodically knocked out, there were also last night and today in the first half of the day attacks on the slavic-kramatorsk agglomeration, where work is intensifying on the rear infrastructure and deployment of enemy personnel, especially the enemy suffered harshly in konstantinovka, in the druzhkovka area in the slavyansk region. there the losses amounted to several hundred people killed and wounded, there two large locations were covered, plus one was covered the train is in transit, this is what concerns the strikes, well, of course , work continues in the kharkov region, as for actions on the front line, our troops continue to advance on
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the rabotinsky ledge, there is progress, again, to the north-west of tsverbovoy on the eastern outskirts of rabotin , our troops also remain present. in the area of ​​​​the center of rabotin, the enemy is sitting in the north of the village, well , continues to strengthen the defenses to the north, expecting that our troops will continue to attack in the direction of nuts, which means on the vremevsky ledge today without significant changes, our troops continued to suppress in the staromaisky area, in the ullidar direction our troops still advanced in novomikhailovka, the fighting had already shifted to the western part of the village, and our troops also occupied most of the dacha area north of novomikhailovka, which means our troops also in the marinsky direction have moved a little in georgievka and have finally gained a foothold in krasnogorovka, there is progress already in the city itself. we have made serious progress in the avdeevsky direction south of umanskoe, also yesterday
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pervomayskoe was finally liberated, russian flags have already been hung there on the outskirts, now our troops are preparing to storm the village of netaylova, this is the last village that is covering karlovka, this. from the main enemy defense centers to the north-west of donetsk , the city was also shelled from karlovka, accordingly, advancement in this direction will realize the tasks set by the military-political leadership of the country, to secure donetsk from artillery shelling, and the further we advance here, the less the enemy will have the opportunity to shell the city, also our troops continued to put pressure in berdych, and we already control more than half of semyonovka, that is, in general, here we fully retain the enemy’s initiative with our offensive here... it cannot, in the artyomovsk direction our troops also achieved success, there is progress in the bogdanovka area, in the krasnoye area, we also continue to advance to the southeast of chasyar, covering enemy positions directly in the city, and well active processing of positions in
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the city itself is underway, the enemy admits that now the most critical situation along the entire front line is precisely in the area of ​​the enemy's ravine hours, and our troops on the northern ledge have advanced in the vesely area in the direction of the recess. there, about a kilometer has already passed in recent days, there is also a little progress in belogorovka, there is a heavy assault on the pitchfork quarry, in the krasnolimansky direction without any special changes, well, in the svato-kupyansky direction, also in general without significant progress, that is, in general or the enemy is sitting here on the defensive in a number of sectors, the situation is critical for him, thank you very much, boris aleksandrovich, ozhen with accurate information about what is happening on the fronts, our slow advance is taking place in a number of areas.
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director of the zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant: over the past five days, starting on april 5 of this year, the zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant has been subjected to an unprecedented attack in its history by unmanned aerial vehicles of the ukrainian armed forces. a direct threat to the safety of the station has been created. we we are steps away from a possible nuclear disaster. there are currently signs of damage to critical core systems.
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to immediately respond to direct threats to the safety of the nuclear power plant, we also demand that the ukrainian armed forces immediately stop shelling the zaporozhye nuclear power plant. well, a very alarming statement indeed, we are in staga. possible nuclear disaster, and it is no coincidence that deputy head of the presidential administration sergei vladimirovich kiriyenko came to the zaporozhye nuclear power plant yesterday, he is very much on topic, since for many for years he headed rosatom, that is, our entire nuclear energy industry, well, today he is already in the kherson region, holding a meeting there on the problems of socio-economic development of this new territory of ours, but frans adamovich, really... uh, they are specifically planning to cause a nuclear explosion
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or a disaster like chernobyl, why? yes, they are going to do exactly this, despite the fact that this is one of the last soviet nuclear power plants, it is very seriously protected, but with such a massive use of various means, and the fact that today ukraine has thanks to the collective west. this can cause great, serious damage, and the destruction of a nuclear power plant is a charged area for a long time, if not forever, from the point of view of nuclear energy, and this corresponds to the mentality of those commanders, american, who are there, they set this narrative, and of course, this corresponds to...
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a counteroffensive, but this also requires weapons, including from the united states. we will definitely
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win. we have no alternative, but i cannot promise to give a specific date. at this, he was asked the question, what about the peace process? no, he said, they won’t push us here. let's listen. scholz will not be peace chancellor if he wants to freeze this war. putin will only use the freezing of the conflict to prepare for a new attack. of course, some people will be happy, peace. will say, yes, we managed to freeze the conflict, the missiles are not flying, but this is only until russia increases the production of military equipment and analyzes all the mistakes it has made, it’s like a pause when you look a film, but this is not a film, but reality, this is a break, but this break is for putin, but putin has already ensured that his narrative is not spread by anyone, but by the americans themselves, zelensky confirms. russia managed to distort it. these are not citizens or
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immigrants from russia, these are americans who speak in the press from certain positions, sometimes very pro-russian, the picture of the world is of course amazing, the picture of the world is amazing, but i want to say that everything is quite clear with zelensky, because the head of state, head of government who is meeting to rule a peaceful ukraine, will never... strike a nuclear power plant, this means one thing: the choice has been made, they do not assume that, in principle , they will ever have to lead a country that is, to one degree or another, in a state of... peace , they understand this very well, firstly, a demographic catastrophe has occurred in ukraine today, yes, it is, and demographers, it is assessed as absolute and irreplaceable, moreover, we now see flowers, because we will see berries in 15-20 years when demography will manifest itself in complete peace, an absolute economic
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catastrophe has occurred in ukraine, the ukrainian economy cannot be restored, so the only thing that can hold on is to make money. then this conflict should smolder in self-sufficiency mode, then they tell the europeans, both democrats and republicans, themselves, themselves, themselves, now come on, get together, finance, raise 2% of gdp for defense, and so on and so forth, they they simply passed the responsibility, and the difference between the democrats
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and the republicans in this case only in one thing: the republicans propose to do this harshly and rudely. the democrats say: well, let 's give away the last tranche of 65 billion, then let europe sort it out, from the point of view of the americans, it is europe that must continue to support the zelensky regime as long as it holds on, andrei konstantinovich, i apologize for the confirmation, you know that yesterday zelensky, this scholz, announced that he had supplied 6,000 shells, and there would be one armored personnel carrier and two heavy mine clearance vehicles and 11. these same unmanned mine clearance systems, what does this mean? that they are doing everything in order to push ukraine into a counter-offensive, as zelensky is talking about, but in the current conditions, based on the military circumstances, such a quantity of this equipment, engineering support, well, is not enough
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to solve these problems, shells in in general, well, at our rate, this is for one day of work, but...
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a monthly payment of 300 zlotys for each ukrainian refugee and free accommodation and food in refugee centers, like this european assistance. well, this is already happening not only in poland, but in many european countries, because social packages are narrowing for two reasons: first, there is actually less money, but there is also another reason: and these countries are pushing ukrainian refugees to ukraine in order to they joined the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine, and this must be said enough.
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this is what you have to try very hard to find, yes, it will also most likely be completed, so he really doesn’t have any serious reasons now to maneuver in the financial field and from the point of view of military support, but he will very seriously maneuver in the field of terrorist activity, and here the situation becomes very sensitive, and i will simply remind you that zelensky, when back at the munich conference... he threatened and demanded provide ukraine with nuclear weapons, he actually hinted that ukraine could use nuclear weapons, not nuclear weapons as such, but its power plants.
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russia and china are taking steps towards each other, more on this after the advertisement. maltese roberto mizolla, president of the european parliament, he managed to do a lot of things, from corruption to hiding criminal cases of murders of journalists. this is what i intend to do throughout my term as president. the order of malta played a big role in its development. nevertheless, the men intercepted her. a month later, after her appointment, she
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went to kiev, these are the anti-russian sanctions. we will be by your side as long as you need it. someone has to talk about this nonsense? a factory of populism in the worst sense of the word, to close those the darkest things that happen under this noise. madam mitsula, these are generally the funeral directors of european industry. and this hairstyle suits him, a typical criminal, so they made this photo test, this
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photo test turned out to be, one might say, such a ticket to the stars, then georgy nikolaevich says where is he, let’s bring him here, the story that was later told, i’m walking around moscow, began in the head of gennady shpalikov, but long before that, such artistic intonations. some kind of internal ones, they were in the air, there they were one actress appears, who by that time was completely unknown, it was inna chyurikova, basses and bulls are in demand, all episodic roles of some kind, everyone offered them, usually everyone tells danel’s version that shpalikov had to hand over the text, but disappeared, he said that he could make all his films one more time, except i’m walking around moscow. podcast lab, tomorrow on the first. i feel out of place as the chairman of the jury ; perhaps all the most famous actors and directors in the world sat at this table. to me i'd like to have lunch please, but this is
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pasadena, we don't have restaurants. how did you feel in a film where all the actors played themselves and only you had a role? our paintings reach the local public. are you criticizing the american dream? no, i'm trying to tell the story of banks and the last seven days of laura palmer. are you laura palmer? motodor on friday on the first. tell me you like my hat? you don't have a hat. i would like to say in the future that i did everything i could.
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well, i would also like to say, even in this companies. anyone would have potential, taechka, your voice knows no boundaries at all, you are an amazing classical singer, but you can sing in any genre, these are very folk songs, it seems to me that i recognize this as a completely new interpretation. hunting, he wears trousers and boots, and he wears a hat on his head, and he wears boots on
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his belt. three chords, a new season, on sunday on the first, the snow is still white in the fields, and in the spring the waters are noisy, running and waking up the sleepy shore, they are running and shining, and they are shouting, they are shouting at the top of their voices, spring is coming, spring is coming, we are young spring. she sent us forward, what, where, when, the spring series of games, on sunday on the first.
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chairman kener sidzenpin met with russian foreign minister sergei lavrov. chinese analysts say the development sends a strong signal that beijing will resolutely develop its strategic partnership with moscow despite pressure from the west. cooperation between the two countries remains the key to global strategic balance with the hope of promoting the concept of a multipolar world, in which the state of the global south has assigned more significant roles. however,
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the us and nato insist on describing it. which are committed to partnership with china, we now have information that kishida, the prime minister of japan, arrived on an official visit to the united states, i think that his visit, well, is now of great importance in this context, especially against the backdrop of talk about that the united states
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is pushing for expansion.
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you can take something else from the americans, that’s what will happen next, with whom they will ally, whether they will fight with china at the same time, we will see, but in general the situation is of course very dynamic, but the united states of america does not lose hope, they never lose hope, because not biden, not many members of his party even imagine what space are they in what universe do they live, today in the international affairs committee of the state duma we considered the issue of... ratification of the agreement between russia and china on the creation of a lunar station, well, in may this issue was already will be put to a vote in the state duma, truly the largest scientific project that has ever happened on planet earth, from all
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points of view, well, the lunar question, it also raises questions in the united states of america, listen, shaloh johnson, she is a democratic congresswoman. speaks to students, puts on glasses to look at the lunar eclipse, look, sometimes you hear the expression full moon, and sometimes you just need to go out to see the full moon, it's so smooth a rounded circle, which mainly consists of gases, so the question is why and how we, humanity, can live on the moon, will lunar gases allow us to do this, the sun is a powerful source of heat,
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the social political system that exists there, that’s for us everyone gathered in the studio, for our viewers, we hear evidence of degradation in general , incredible nonsense, but i am sure that a significant part of the students who listen to this congressman quite believe that
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this is such a good scientific theory, these are people who do not know history, well, with the possible exception of the history of the united states of america a little, are people who do not know the law of physics. laws of economics, why know all this, in the united states of america this is not required, you will work as a blogger, lawyer, participate in all kinds of performances, in fact, this will be your life, in order to be a lawyer, i need to know the constitution , as is known, absolutely, as it turned out, there is no particular need for this, therefore today we see what is called the degradation of the main political class - the united states of america, and this means that you always end up saying that victory will be ours, and i can say that we are now in the middle of the transfer, we can say this , because we see, you know, this, what we observed now, we are not
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able to win, this is already evidence, yes, seriously, we fly with the chinese to the moon, and we see there that the congresswoman is sitting on a cloud of gas, a nightmare , maybe it’s already gasping like this.
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it is very important that congress approves the additional aid bill for ukraine as soon as possible, i would like to remind everyone that our army does not give money to ukraine, we provide... what does that mean? let's listen to
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austin's conversation with senator eric schmit of missouri. what does victory look like for ukraine, how will you define victory? you may have heard my previous statements, senator, we said from the very beginning that we would like to see ukraine as a democratic and independent country so that it can defend its sovereign territory and repel aggression. so this means that crimea is part of ukraine? crimea is part of ukraine. but for the war to end, should ukraine control crimea? from the point of view of the changing situation, how it is progressing, i would not want to predict what president zelensky will decide. with all due respect, i think part of the problem is that this administration has not outlined an exit strategy. as for me, this is carte blanche for a war that, without any clearly defined goals, will be endless. from this and skepticism. so i did not vote for an additional aid package, because we
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do not have sufficient control over the spending of funds, victory has not yet been determined, indeed, when victory has not been determined, and what will be a victory, yes, what does america spend money on, and processes in general, which are happening today in the united states of america, it seems to me that in this department, andrei konstantinovich said in his speech that on december 15 last year, they are in congress.
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and so to speak, they talk about it openly, but
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so that you, again, also understand, everything that concerns special forces of almost all nato countries, they are on this territory, they train, they conduct combat operations, and today we are talking about the crews of tanks and artillery systems that conduct this, well, they really the french are already there , indeed macron does not exclude the possibility of sending troops to britain, for now this is at the level of retired generals, the conversation is yes... at the level of politicians there is no such conversation, but in the united states the right of the purse has the house of representatives, the house of representatives has a majority of republicans, the mood in the republican party is clearly not pro-ukrainian, let’s listen, for example, to scott perry, his interview with stuart warner. we want to help everyone, everyone needs our help. are you ready to give up ukraine and
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let putin win in order to solve problems on our border? don't you want to give in somewhere? are you ready to say: let the ukrainians lose if we don’t solve the problem at the border? is that what you mean? we don't want ukraine lost, but this question should be asked of the democrats, in particular chuck schumer and joe biden. is it worth saving ukraine, because most likely we won’t save it. they will not be able to defeat russia, which is many times stronger than them. the question is: are the democrats ready to continue spending billions on this, are they ready?
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the conclusions of my apparatus are that since 2014 we have spent 300 billion dollars in ukraine, my employees have carried out calculations, now we are printing or rather burning 80 thousand dollars per second, 4.6 million dollars per minute, we can no longer maintain this pace, we must find better ways to spend our money, 300 billion dollars is a lot of money, i must say, dollars per second - if you add in what the europeans spent, then in general it turns out very a lot of money, so to be honest, the discussion regarding whether to allocate money to ukraine or not to allocate money to ukraine, it seems speculative to me, that’s what the status of ukraine now has for
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western countries, this, in my opinion, is the most important, i think that is why so many copies are being broken around this situation, it would seem, establish a negotiation process, turn on the political signals, everything will be resolved, but no, the situation is developing exclusively in a confrontational manner, i think the reason for this is that the western countries that have spent such a lot of money on ukraine, they already perceive it as their property, so this is precisely why they are putting pressure on theirs, he says, highlight, this is ours, there is some kind of russia, which is on the field fight...
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but at the same time he actually went to trump in florida, met with him, nothing worked out, and then asked to meet with johnson, the speaker of the house of representatives, and johnson said: “ah, i don’t have time to meet with the british foreign secretary, who is he anyway, this is the situation, they just sent him, now the situation is that he is united.” the states of western countries are quite actively sending to the middle east, where the situation is developing, well, in a very dynamic manner, after advertising. we we continue our conversation with thomas bach, where he said that he would in every possible way interfere with our friendship games that we are holding in russia.
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participation in the friendship games, countries take sides in the russian-ukrainian war, they take the side of russia. and we spoke on behalf of a certain african politician, whom he wanted to win over to his side, if we can give the big bear something, a small piece of meat, we can calm him down for a while, and here bang shows that he has a clear political installation, he works it out, when they say: don’t go to the friendship games, this is intimidation, this is blackmail, they should participate in the olympic games, that sanctions will begin against them there, they are all afraid of these sanctions. and after our position they say that we are a fascist organization for them now. we must ask ourselves one important question: do we need such an olympics? show? vavan and lexus, premiere, today on the first. as the chairman of the jury, i feel
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out of place. perhaps all the most famous actors and directors in the world sat at this table. i'd like to have lunch please, this is pasadena only, we don't have restaurants. how did you feel in a film where all the actors played themselves, and only you had a role, and is holbert a policeman?
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beat. but how were the relationships in the family ? it turned out that soon the deception would be revealed and evgeniy steblov himself would be killed? before tanya, i didn’t love anyone, i took her arm and it was like an electric shock. our exclusive interview with the artist who played with the most beautiful women in the country and at the same time remained faithful to his one and only. we lived with tanya for 38 years, our son, our only one, a monk of the solovsky monastery. what did his loyalty bring to the end of his life? why was it not possible to avoid tragedy? all this after? wash, as the lord directs, so it will be. exclusive with dmitry borisov. premiere. on saturday, on the first. did you have
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the feeling that maybe god took your son away for something? this year we celebrate the ninetieth birthday of the world's first cosmonaut, yuri gagarin. go! do you know what kind of guy he was? elena yuryevna gagarina, alekseevich’s eldest daughter. new year. there were astronauts musketeers, the first time we saw yuri alekseevich in a hat with a mustache in butforty, our teacher was terribly strict, suddenly she burst into all the classes and gagarin flew into space, hurray, there were also old women in our yard and one another, and he will come back, where will he go, but he won’t get caught in anything, in my life, like in all soviet houses, there was a portrait and i was sure that this was a relative of my nanny, i so wanted to be a yura, i came to my mother, i gave out such hysterics, i want to be
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yury. yuri alekseevich, it was like for ours family relative, when yuri alekseevich died, i saw my father’s tears for the first time, how they cried with all my relatives, there is such a tradition, be sure to drink from the well from which yuri alekseevich himself drank loons, it is believed that if you drank this water, you will definitely fly to the church , on saturday on the first. welcome to a city where even the stones under your feet can be precious. hello, ekaterinburg. emerald is a beautiful stone in itself, and i think that all women probably love this emerald. to unfortunately, for us men, we just chop. this is not the time to be servile, evgeny, the snow makes the filling unsurpassedly juicy. dumpling is a small universe. below me, how many meters are you talking down? 193 say that you can’t simultaneously experience a feeling of visual pleasure and fear, you can lie about your own lives, the premiere is on sunday on
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the first, a big game live, and a really big game, now unfolding in the middle east, and as... diplomatic, and military-political. diplomatic primarily within the walls united nations, where palestine has applied to join the united nations must be decided by the security council. the security council has several permanent members, five of them, including russia, china, britain, france and the united states, with veto power, and there is a good chance that the united states could. use its right of veto, and china makes statements that, in general, it was difficult
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to expect from it recently, concerning in general the role of the united states with...
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what they want from him is for him to stop all this, for him to win instantly or to stall for time, they can’t give anything, just imagine that you are an arab, yes, and you are looking at this very superpower, what can be done from it get good things, as many troubles as you want, no clear policy, let’s give you weapons for something, they won’t give it since all their weapons went to ukraine
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, they are now stripping european allies, they also... that he is preparing for strikes on nuclear issues , israel is already beginning to declare in these conditions object of iran, if any unacceptable damage is caused to the israeli side, the israeli foreign minister, israel kats, made a statement that if iran attacks israel from its territory, israel will react by attacking iran, that
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did not explain in any way , why didn’t he immediately respond, said about the post, i think that in the near future, if a political consensus is not found, a new stage of conflict in the asian region may break out, and what could be a consensus in these in this situation, consensus in this situation find impossible, and in many ways the world is hostage to the policies pursued personally by netanyahu. it is obvious that netanyahu is interested, firstly, in prolonging the war as much as possible, and secondly, he must emerge from this war as a 100% winner, because otherwise he will sit in the dock , he understands perfectly well that he will be responsible for the situation that happened 7 october, at this moment his main ally and sponsor the united states of america is showing hesitation, the left wing of the democratic party is putting pressure on biden, saying what
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something terrible is happening, a terrible death is happening. do something, america has hesitated, so netanyahu is playing to raise the stakes, so america will not go anywhere in that situation if it comes to... the united states of america comes first, and this is true. in
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principle, the system of any security in the middle east is being destroyed. well, we are now, of course, guessing, but what could iran really respond to, what can they do, and what will israel do in response? iran's response is likely to be quite radical, because which seems to be the case. the iranian domestic audience also requires this permission, but i would now remember, oddly enough, hemingway, who used to say that i don’t know the formula for success, but i know the formula for defeat, it’s trying to please everyone, what the united states of america is doing now , this is an extremely weak position, everyone sees this, unfortunately, and this, unfortunately, will end in a truly nuclear conflict between iran and israel, so that these countries do not claim that they, apparently, already have nuclear weapons, or an exchange of strikes on nuclear facilities.
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the majority, at the same time there is a very influential jewish lobby, without whose support biden also cannot win the election, that is, the situation is tearing him apart now, he cannot make any
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decision that could save him in the election, and this is the main thing, what is important for him now, because america is a country that deals with domestic politics, foreign policy is only a tool to ensure... victory in the elections, biden, unfortunately, for me, as for a supporter of biden, as the next president of the united states, the situation is very bad, well, our cause is just, the frag will be defeated, victory will be ours. let's take the floor to the news, the big game returns at 11:00 p.m. hello, the evening news is live in the studio of ekaterina berezovskaya. here are the main topics. the critical point has been passed. orenburg.


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