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tv   Kukli naslednika Tutti  1TV  April 10, 2024 7:55pm-9:01pm MSK

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ambiguous, but it’s easy to understand this complex picture, but you still have to smile , especially smile from watching the program of the dolls-heir tootie, because this is a great show, don’t miss it.
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and long live europe! oh, what is this? it seems that someone was barked at right at a meeting of the european parliament, and rightly so, so it should be, with ursula vonderlein at work. dear colleagues, we must have a service dog in our hall. it was necessary for the chairman of the european parliament roberta mizola, but here’s a nuisance, she should bark well herself, after all, there is a full bouquet, from corruption to obfuscation of criminal cases of murders of journalists, such a difficult solver of difficulties with a dog barking, maltese roberto mizolla, we will pull out every fact that she is trying so hard to hide. maria vutina is with you, this is the heir doll. let's begin roberta
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mezola, president of the european parliament, was born in malta, the smallest country in the european union, on the shores of the mediterranean sea in the resort town of st. juliens. after graduating from high school, she entered the faculty of law at the university of malta. in 2003 received a diploma in european law, then continued her education at the college of europe in bruges. sports or politics? politics, of course. i think i was more of an activist than a student. the blonde activist impressed the then prime minister of malta, lawrence gonzi. by the way, it was through his efforts that the small but proud country joined the eu and switched to the euro. gonzi promoted twenty-five-year-old mitsola to the european parliament, but she lost. until the next election, robert to to yourself. richard cachia caruana,
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grand officer of the sovereign military order of malta, was hired. he headed the permanent representation of malta to the eu in brussels, where etsola worked for 8 years as press attaché for legal and judicial affairs. during the same period, i met my future husband. ukko mezzolo was originally from finland, graduated from the harvard kennedy school with his beloved and was drawn to european structures. when roberta and ukka got married, they became the first married couple to ran in the euro elections. parliament from different member countries, this was roberta's second unsuccessful attempt to get into an eu body. ukka then decided to leave politics, and roberta continued to work as a legal adviser to the eu high representative for foreign affairs and dreamed of winning the european elections. in 2013, she finally waited, became a european deputy and grabbed the chair with her teeth, was re-elected twice, joined the leading european people's party, but for a long time she was an unremarkable ordinary employee. in 2018, she went to the usa and
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gave a keynote speech at furman university on the topic of unity between europe and the united states in the face of external threats. after returning , mitsova had her finest hour. in 2020, she was elected vice-president of the european parliament. her boss, david sossoli, was sick a lot and roberto often replaced him. maltika's authority among european deputies has grown. six months before the end of his powers, sosol came down with pneumonia and soon died. in the end, robert was left in charge. she was elected permanently. 74 abstained and did not vote. total 616 votes were cast, so 309 votes are needed to achieve an absolute majority. roberta mitsola 458 votes. at 43, on her birthday, maltese became the youngest president of the european parliament. she managed to become convenient for all european deputies. with a conservative position, malta. regarding abortion, roberta
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supports same-sex marriage and at the same time sympathizes with traditional family values; her program also added russophobia, typical of a european politician: the president... at the top of european power, there is also charles michel, three characters, let's go in order, so, charles michel, head of the european council, then ursula vonderlein, head of the european commission, and then roberto mizola, head
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of the european parliament, that is, it turns out that three people immediately rule the european union, advice, help to understand how they get it, who is in charge? well, here it is important to understand that in the european union there are seven institutions that determine their work, they are interconnected there, if relatively speaking, the highest hierarchy is the meeting of presidents, and here, when they meet, they develop such a big policy, but we understand that this is a bit of an advisory platform, image-building, but really two key things are the european commissions, which actually manage everything, these are the directorates that are there, and the parliament, which does many things coordinates, so these... two women - this is the key to access to the entire european, relatively speaking, economy and the ability to dictate terms by the national state. it turns out that charles michel is passing by. that is look, the european union, the european council, formally is the dominant body, but all internal
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disputes between members of the european union gather and resolve there. but de facto there are a lot of these discords, and a long time ago this institution turned into such an empty one, they said, as was correctly noted, it practically does not affect anything, and charles michel is a wedding general. the european commission actually has real powers. mrs. vanderleyan is involved in foreign policy, is involved in foreign trade, now they are actively there they are promoting the agenda within the european union, the same green agenda, creating, as we know, from this year their own commissioner on the issue of joint defense, that is, this is already a step forward, a serious side, that is, the european commission, it has the real institutional power of brussels , and the european parliament is the only institution of all that... is at least somehow accountable to citizens, because it is elected by residents, citizens of the european union, and then the european commission, but in a very opaque way , behind-the-scenes agreements of everything else, well, that is, for example, if we look at the two ladies you mentioned, yes, they
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both belong to the ip party, or rather the bloc of the party, such a center-right one in the european parliament, which has the most seats, therefore, in fact, roberta mizzolo, she represents the national party of malta here, the party is part of this... the very bloc, vonder represented the german christian democrats, there is the largest party of this bloc of the ipi and became the head of the european commission, yes, that is, they seem to represent the ruling bloc, but the procedure for how they are appointed is very opaque, which is why everyone in europe is so actively criticizing all these brussels institutions, because well in fact , there is no direct connection, feedback between this elite, citizens who are not accountable to anyone , and mitsola really wants to be ... similar and no different from europeans, and you know that in malta it is very strict legislation on abortion, only in exceptional cases can an abortion be performed if there are medical indications, and generally speaking, mitsola has always been in favor of
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maintaining such a policy, she talked about it, here she turns out to be in europe already in a new position, now, look, and i’m like everyone else, the position of parliament. this is my position, which i have already defended, for example, in the case of the law on abortion in poland, when i presented this law to the senate of poland, i defended this position because it was the position of the entire parliament, this is what i intend to do throughout my entire presidential term. on this issue, the position of parliament is clear and unambiguous, and this is my position too. and this is not the only change of shoes that mitsola has, the question is different: why? what is she trying?
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connections with the people, but at the same time she became famous in this field, for some reason her husband received a very good position, when she sat in parliament, several corruption scandals happened, in general, it’s clear, that she was directly accused of not reporting, for example, about the gifts that she receives from various figures, politicians, and so on, what does she report, we raised her to declare, but only, but only after a while, and at the same time , no, no, no, she says, we looked at this declaration. yes, fellow expert, have you ever heard of a gold figurine of saudi arabia
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worth 10,000 rubles? well, of course, that's impossible. gold cup, saudi, less than 150 euros, says 10,000 rubles. so, what else do we have there, a framed medal? gold and silver, then also for 150 euros, a golden statue of an alva, so here, oh, an indonesian dagger, well, too, well, up to 10.00 rubles. and such floors. that is, you open the declaration, it says everywhere: less than 150 euros, which means you are absolutely right, and you don’t even need to declare it, it’s mere pennies, ugh, and you also know that she really likes expensive dinners, she even joined to the elite long club, let's see, roberta mitsola violated the deadline set by legislators of the european parliament, within which she had to inform about her trip at someone else's expense, which included a luxurious dinner and a hotel room for her and her husband. last october , mitsola traveled to the famous french wine region of burgundy
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to take up the honorary post of dame of the wine fraternity. in their noble company, she ate a five-course dinner in a restaurant located in a real medieval castle. the brotherhood paid for mitsola's stay in a five-star hotel. when asked by a politician in an interview: did she violate the rules that everyone must follow? members of the european parliament? mitsola replied: as president of parliament, no. because the president means it’s possible. galina, i need your help. i know that you studied her appearance in detail, well, she seems simple, like a suit, a jacket, and all that. but what really? listen, well, in fact, this is , of course, not a politician in the classical sense of the word, this is a calculating woman who competently uses this whole mess called the european union in her own interests. a woman with a man's face, and a model. figure, by the way to say, she carefully monitors this figure, and she loves and is well versed in
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luxury goods, prefers clothes that are not so much from famous fashion house brands, but from elite and prestigious designers, and her clothes are made from high-quality fabrics, as a rule, cashmere, silk , she often appears in clothes made of vicuña wool, if anyone doesn’t know, the most expensive fur, the most expensive fur, expensive fabric in the world, now we see, yes, it comes from the animal of the same name, from the animal of the same name, from the family camelids, here on market of luxury fabrics, its cost, in general, starts from 100 euros per 100 g. designer jewelry, watches from famous well-known jewelry houses, unique designer scarves, the cost of which also starts from a few. hundreds of euros, and even more, in general, she is sufficiently prudent like a woman, so that at
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official meetings and visits, she does not jump to the fore, and if she is somewhere a woman who is higher in rank, in status, well, for example , if we look at how she dressed at the meeting with maysandu or svetlana tikhanovskaya, then it is absolutely obvious that she chose her wardrobe, the poorest, most unfortunate little things, although it seems to me that it is simply impossible to simplify more than sanda. clothes, branded clothes, and well, even if we look, i watched a video where her
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parents are rooting for her, yes, that is, when she was elected to the president of the european parliament, that is , there too for me, for example, everything is read simply unambiguously, and her mother is wearing an excellent cashmere coat with beautiful jewelry, that is, it is quite obvious that in this family they know a lot about good clothes, well, their lifestyle is certainly not as poor as she wants to show herself there, but what she wants to show herself there, that’s my opinion, that is, this is one thing... definitely, she, she roberta, she has very high ambitions, literally exorbitant, and i think that she will climb up at every opportunity, for the sake of being well-fed, yes. and a fairly rich life, and of course, here we are not even talking about serving people, of course not, her task is to secure a place for herself, on the world platform, and the establishment, in general, where does the money come from, where does the money come from, no, well, this is how to live, you have to find it somewhere, you can’t live on a salary somehow, obviously, you can’t buy everything
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else from all these super wool, malik, but where from? money, well, look, well, if we’re talking about qatar, right? then, of course, in 2022 he found himself at the epicenter of a large corruption scandal, specifically related to members of the european parliament. in general, you need to understand that this is just the tip of the iceberg. it really came to light, some deputies suddenly showed signs of obscurity, including, by the way, robert mitsola’s deputy, and they found millions of euros in her possession, yes, which it is not clear how they turned out, then later it became known that, well, in general, kator’s emissaries transferred this money in the form of cash.
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who make certain donations, they give gifts, as you correctly noted, she, in my opinion, declared about 150 luxurious gifts, but 125 were not, then she was also part of this scandal and so on, that is, there are a huge number of countries , which they are buying up politicians in the west in bulk , including members of the european parliament, who are trying to, well, actually monetize their position, it pays off, it pays off to be one of these representatives of the european bureaucracy. yes, you, of course, do not in any way respond to the demands of your citizens, yes, the residents of your own country, you are engaged in your career advancement and at the same time earn money, but i think that she, of course, also makes money from this, even if she hasn’t been searched yet, if they do, they’ll find something interesting, so you say, everyone has a problem there too, but my first thought is, maybe all the corrupt officials have been caught and we’re all assholes, as
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they pushed and pushed, but what is it really like? .advertising in our studio, a unique guest, a person who watched how the european parliament works directly from the inside, do not miss it immediately after the advertisement. we continue our conversation with thomas bach, where he said that he would in every possible way interfere with our friendship games
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that we are holding in russia. by participating in the friendship games, countries take sides.
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product of steller group. cognac monte chococa. product of stellar group. rom. castro. product of steller group. vodka. veda. product of steller group. old barrel cognac. product of steller group. blood pressure scale from normal, which should be lower than 100. to pressure 180, when a hypertensive crisis begins, what to do if this happens to you, how to prevent a stroke and paralysis of half.
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on the first, say that you like my hat, you don't have a hat, i would like to say in the future that i did everything i could in
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of my life, for cosmonautics day on the first. gagarin is a flash, a smile, communication, this was the face of the soviet union, which suddenly appeared to the whole world, the flight was normal for 400 seconds, they had been falling for a long time, people there, he was cheerful. conveys in a voice that the flight is normal, silence and darkness, and what will happen in the next second, you do n’t understand, let’s go, the first man in space, the first woman in space, self-infliction, excellent, the first spacewalk, the first feature film made in space, mommies, it's great that we all we gathered here today, on saturday at the first one, well, i’m different, different. evgeny steblov, one of
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the most unusual artists in russia, he became famous for the video where he looked confused and unhappy. light, do you love me? i walk around moscow, for family reasons, in these films he awakened truly popular sympathy for his heroes. and for a very long time i did not understand that i... did this myself, and it seemed to me that soon the deception would be revealed and they would beat me. but how did the relationship develop in the family of evgeniy steblov himself? i'm up to tanya i didn’t love anyone, i took her arm and it was like an electric shock. our exclusive interview with the artist who played the most beautiful women in the country and at the same time remained faithful to his one and only. we lived with tanya for 38 years, our son is our only monk at the solovetsky monastery. what his loyalty brought to the end of his life.
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unfortunately, for us men, just chopping, it’s not time to chop, eugene, the snow makes the filling unsurpassedly juicy, the dumpling is a small universe, below me, how many meters are you talking down 193, they say that you can’t simultaneously experience a feeling of visual pleasure and fear, they may be lying about their own lives, the premiere is on sunday on the first. roberto mitsula, the whole president of the european parliament, but does she have real
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power, or is she just controlled by someone? let's continue to figure it out. and now we will call the ex-member of the european parliament here and interrogate him about how everything is happening there. andrey mamykin in our studio. hello andrei. for these corruption scandals you are talking about, all this you have seen, what is happening behind closed doors, this is very an interesting case is why at the beginning of this legislature of this convocation there were two vice-presidents of the european parliament, one
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greek, a socialist. there’s a behind-the-scenes story, that is , some commissions meet there, lobbyists generally come in, they come up and say, andrey, here’s a big gift for you, they bring a gift and there are lobbyists, there are official lobbyists, and any deputy can look at register of the european parliament, that yes, this is the lobbyist there, he protects tigers. release of tamil lan or anything else, whether you want it or not, meet, this is the official part, it’s not like it’s a crime, you can officially declare this meeting on your personal account on the website of the european parliament, you had such meetings, yes there were, but my legislature did not need these meetings to declare, now they have gone further in their policy of double standards, it is necessary to declare, but in reality these meetings are not a crime, when, well, for example, some rich person like bill gates comes up and says
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not to you... and not to your committee leader, but to the head of your political group or even the president at very narrow, closed meetings, where an ordinary deputy cannot get, that such and such a line of european legislation needs to be pushed through, so this is the kind of corruption that not a single television camera will see, and then your head of some faction comes up to you and says: listen, everything is simpler, now is the time of scientific and technological progress, deputies are handed out voting sheets, like lists to vote, and you can, of course, to say that i am against lgbt marriages being celebrated in christian churches, and you can even vote as you want, but you are against the group line, if you get a critical mass of votes against the group line, well, theoretically you could even be expelled from your group political group from your political faction, and you met with mitsola, yes of course, well, a pale leech, not a very smart personal impression, well , i don’t know, i don’t know, look, let’s
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not leave, we’ll watch her interview now, where once... "we stand for the rule of law, we stand for values, we stand for peace, we stand for democracy." it was then that i realized that being european means that you can collect one after another.
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there is a character named gabriel attal, this man is deliberately trying to modestly try to be in the shadow of mr. macron, because if macron sees something stronger, he will eat it whole, he will not tolerate something stronger next to him, here is roberta mitsola, i believe that she is exactly like that, she is now participating in the race for the leader. she goes strictly behind the leader, when the leader gives up, even just a little bit, she will immediately eat him, and you know, there’s a small little nuance here, maybe some one in the top, but they discussed qatar and other things on the topic, these are all the stories, in in 2005, he had a wedding with ukka metsula, this is her husband, in the malta times newspaper there was a list of people invited to the wedding, and i received this, you know, i wrote down the last name, eva ignatius mitsola, so i started poking around further, it turned out
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that. .. world, while they, she admits, that they are not shy about interfering in internal affairs of sovereign states, behind the scenes she also behaves, well, she is such a pale moth, she is nothing, well, she probably has some skills that she received in the forge of european personnel, in the college of europe, that is, this is a skill, not only the president of the european parliament, but an ordinary deputy can order image makers for himself, he can take lessons for free at the expense of the european parliament in acting, in public speaking, they can
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teach you how to speak for several hours. at the plenary session, this is a factory of populism in the worst sense of the word words, all this is at the expense of european taxpayers, it’s normal, i’m sorry, i’ll literally say one word, her competitor, she rather even restrains herself, behaving, as you correctly defined, such a pale moth, she is objective, if you take her beginning, she is pale please, now look at her, she is already showing her imperious habits, relatively speaking, she is already putting pressure on her interlocutor, this is obvious, ursula is merkel’s protege, who retired, and is now the unspoken leader among countries.
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this is what they call it differently, who doesn’t loves, calls him a gangster and the mafia, who treats him well, some european functionary calls him, it is he who is a kind of curator of mrs. mitsola for the time being, because he stayed in malta, she has already grown taller, you know, she grows, grows will grow together with her husband, who received a good role, a good function, a good position, i do not agree that mitsolu is macron’s man. wants to be and doesn’t want to be, because we showed a good story at the beginning, and there the theme sounded with furman university, it was not an easy trip to the united states of america, because it is mitsola who is a politician of a new
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format, this is a person who, for the sake of global peace, should represent all layers of society, all the values ​​that exist in the world, furman university is not an easy university, a university that, behind which stands the baptist circles of the united states of america, we know who the main baptists of the united states of america are, this is the rockefeller family, brent nelson hosted it, which barack obama once promoted to a leadership position in the united states of america, that is, this is the same line of globalization that has now captured the european union, it is anglo-saxon, it is not francophone, like emmanuel macron, who is promoting. together with atalie, so this girl, naturally, within the framework of this particular agenda, is a global baptist, who, where our bishops can bless same-sex marriages, can be from the lgbt community, where on the one hand she is
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maltese and a representative after all conservative catholic circles, coming out of them, yes, nevertheless, being initiated by the gentlemen who are behind the club of rome, bilderberg, just the same... significant volumes of sea wastewater air pollution, diesel engines that provide electricity to cruise liners are responsible for passengers and crew both on shore and at sea. the average cruise ship at sea
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emits more gray oxide than 13 million cars. 13 million cars, one average cruise ship, and absolutely nothing. mitsola is not worried about this. taking into account the modern european agenda, i wonder why we are now discussing politics from malta, but the answer lies in the following: the fact is that the major players of the european union, such as germany, france, italy are the same, other players, they are so they are stuck in the anti-russian, ukrainian agenda now, that they simply physically do not want to take on the uncomfortable responsibility for any new steps, but what new steps? this is the inclusion of ukraine in the european union and, by the way, there is also about moldova, she also said, we need some new blood, some fresh blood, who is suitable for this? oh, malta is good for this, ideal, the politician is from there. i would not say that she is a politician, she is not
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a politician, she is a typical functionary or businessman, raised, so to speak, in a european bureaucratic, bureaucratic incubator, she absolutely, but... so to speak, corresponds to the status that she has european parliament, listen, the word parliament, it confuses everyone, there is no united states. europe, they do did not take place, there is no constitution of europe, it never took place, it failed, there is no legal basis for the functioning of parliament, no, you see, this is a fiction, this is a sinecure for either well-deserved, so to speak, retired politicians, or a place for political adventurers , and the only function, so to speak, of this european parliament is for...
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mrs. roberta previously worked for 8 years, unknown to atasha, in the small special mission of malta to the european union. atache is a lower position, that's all, that is, a person could work for another 20 years, never get out of there, then suddenly after 2 years she becomes a european deputy, and what happened at this junction, who helped her with money, the opportunity to run for office, and this is gentlemen, madam catherine ashton, british sheep. which, by the way, is a very interesting biography, if we look, in the ninety-
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ninth year she received a life peerage, but her biography hides where she was before, then everything is known, she worked in intelligence, she later joined the privy council the king, the queen, was present there, and so our roberta just managed to work for a year as her personal secretary, and this served as a trigger when the british most likely believed in her and began to artificially raise her, perhaps combining her with an american. after the death of the previous, relatively speaking, president of the european parliament, she was appointed in a week, and can you imagine what kind of struggle there can be for these positions, when we just now showed you the graphics, when the germans and french control almost half of the european parliament, then suddenly for malta voted immediately, we understand that this was a pre-formed agreement, so the americans, understanding the british as well. they are hiding behind, they are not showing their ears in this story, but note
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that literally a month after her appointment she went to kiev, these anti-russian sanctions, all this is a link in one chain, they, relatively speaking, understand that smart power, which americans are now preaching all over the world, there is no need to change people’s beliefs, we will simply change our leaders, who will tell them a fictional reality, through them we will influence, well , look, as for malta, there are many different...
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very far from how the real world works, here is another point connected with mrs. mitsola, after all i think that , of course, the role of the european parliament is limited, no one argues with that, yes, but now... a lot of european bureaucrats, they are panicking about the upcoming elections to the european parliament in june, they will be held there, apparently this is massive the dissatisfaction of the population in europe will result in such a protest vote and, again , according to the sociology that is now coming, approximately a third of all seats in the european parliament will go to - well, non-systemic parties, and
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of course how it will be how such systemic centrist parties will have to work in this case, but this is a big question, but as for the chairman of the european commission, really the only... truly important position in brussels, she may have one, but not in the near future, after all, vander wants to go for a second term as head, the future head of the european commission, so metsova is still here, if she hopes for some kind of discovery for herself, yes, which can be used, it will only be in 4-5 years, she has already learned one very important quality, this is to serve her masters correctly , because let's remember what , conventionally... it became famous, and , above all, what malta itself became famous for, the absolutely brutal murder of a journalist, an investigator, who just published papers against the authorities of malta and not only, and officials much higher, which means what's the matter mitsola makes, in my opinion, well in quotation marks , of course, a brilliant combination, she
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says: yes, yes, we will investigate, we are already investigating, we have almost already started, we will be there soon, and 6 years pass, she is simply for it. .. masterfully obscures the process, but what was the matter with the journalist, who are we talking about? in fact, this is very loud from the point of view of europe, it shocked, because mrs. daphne, galicia, who there at such a fifty-year-old woman made her block , began to raise the whole texture that was happening in malta, but the fact is that this island was also famous for the fact that, firstly, it is a former british monarchy, the british retain their influence there, british banks work through... various schemes are going on, starting from the smuggling of libyan fuel, which goes to the european union, there is a small one, as they say , lac on the occasion and ending with a number of other areas, and in general the prime ministers who are appointed, relatively speaking, in malta are people whose task is simply to maintain the existing status, just like the current prime minister,
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who is famous for the fact that he was in the past a bodybuilder and a football player, so this investigator began to dig in a very dangerous direction, there were about 50 people against her... all sorts of different corruption scandals often come to light in the european union, we are talking about one country, then about another, then about some major politicians, then smaller ones, because malta is almost the gateway to this corruption, so of course it is quite obvious that top -ranking maltese officials are not interested in such investigations, let’s take a break for a short advertisement
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and let’s continue, maria butina is with you, these are the dolls-heir of atuti, don’t go anywhere. this year we celebrate the ninetieth birthday of the world's first cosmonaut, yuri gagarin. go! do you know what kind of guy he was? elena yurievna gagarina, the eldest daughter of yuri alekseevich. new year, the astronauts were musketeers. we first saw yuri alekseevich in a hat with a mustache in butforty. our teacher was terribly strict, suddenly she bursts into all classes. gagarin flew into space, hurray! there were also old women in our yard and one another, and he will return, where will he go, but he is not there would cling to nothing, the cosmodrome in my life, as in all soviet houses there was a portrait of ilekseevich, and i was sure that this was a relative of my nanny, i so wanted to be yuri,
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i came to my mother, i gave out such hysterics, i want to be yuri, yuri alekseevich was like a relative for our family when yuri alekseevich died. “for the first time i saw my father’s tears, how they cried with all my relatives, there is such a tradition, you must drink from the well from which yugar himself drank, it is believed that if you drink this water, you will definitely fly kosku, on saturday on the first. bourbon stirsman, a product of the stellar group, mancacher whiskey, a product of the stellar group. cnop gin, a product of the stellar group, monteshoka cognac, a product of the stellar group, rom. product of the stellar group, and his hairstyle suits him like that, a typical criminal, so they made this photo test, this
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photo test turned out to be, one might say, such a star ticket, then georgiy nikolaevich says where is he, let’s give him here, the story that was later told, i i’m walking around moscow, began in the head of gennady shpalikov, but long before that. tomorrow on the first. premiere. i love my country. on saturday, on the first. we are again together
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with those who love good music with all their souls. purple haze. volodya, you hooked me so much that i swam. just don't fall, buddy. there is something in this, maybe, really, enough already, this is all
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hip-hop, everything is there, three chords, a new season, on sunday on the first, there is still snow in the fields, and in the spring the waters are noisy and running they wake up the sleepy shore, run and... shine and shout, they shout to all ends, spring is coming, spring is coming, we are messengers of the young spring, she is us sent ahead what, where, when, spring series of games, on sunday on the first. and who is roberto mizola,
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the president of the european parliament, ready to serve? does she have her own supervisor, and if so, where? now we'll find out. and who actually put it on? this is where the novel began to touch on the topic, because let’s see, before, during her appointment to her position, she appears with such characters. this is george vella - the president of malta, well, accordingly mitsola - the president of the european parliament, lawrence gonzi, prime minister of malta, fourth to thirteenth year, and richard kachya kaurana, advisor to the prime minister of malta on eu affairs. this is that distant friend. and for some reason, many of you say that he is the customer of these processes, everything related to its promotion. there are interesting facts about him. let's look at a little information about it. i must say, he has a fairly serious track record, we will not take into account here the great officer of the national order of estonia, we will still
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pay attention to the most important thing, the great officer of the sovereign military order of malta, order of malta, what is this? the order of malta is a structure of the roman catholic church, moreover, the order of malta, like the vatican, is a sovereign state, but they think so, and with... with its capital not in malta, but the capital in the maltese palace in rome. this is a serious structure, absolutely, which is one of the main financiers of the roman catholic church, through which really large flows flow. in general, this is interesting, malta could at one time have been a russian province empire, when they turned to paul i, when there were events related to napoleon, and we could be in malta in... russia, connected with russia, now you will be surprised, but let’s say there was such a representative of the order of malta in
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russia, by the name of savareti, nikola savaretti, so his dad n varete built avtovaz and was connected with the agnelli family, who in turn were one of the founders of the roman club of the same notorious, who are one of the owners of the economist magazine, so here’s the story with the order of malta, i would not actually say about mrs. mitsola that she is a protege of the order of malta today, then yes, most likely the order of malta played a big role in her formation, but ... her formation precisely as the great european official that she became , it’s connected, i already spoke about furman university, that is, she was moved by the maltese, she moved, yes, but nevertheless , after furman she became rockefeller, she was intercepted, and mitsola is truly a unique politician, she still i’m not i agree that she is a businessman, she is still
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a politician of the new global policy, because it suits a conservative.
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that is, that is, in general, never, yes, this is such a politically correct term that this will never happen, the reasons really are clear why ukraine will never be allowed into the european union, yes, because so far even yes, despite 2 years into the conflict, ukraine is a fairly large country. if we assume that tomorrow ukraine will somehow automatically be accepted by the european union, according to according to all the rules of the european union, ukraine will have to receive tens of billions of euros in subsidies,
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if not hundreds of billions, in all areas, but the main thing is, of course, agricultural products. yes, ukrainian farmers will receive these very subsidies, but we can imagine what the reaction of farmers in all other european countries, polish, czech, german, french, will be, they are already organizing riots against this whole crazy agenda, and if subsidies are taken away from them, they will be transferred ukrainian, but this will most likely be the collapse of the european union, this everyone understands it perfectly well in brussels, so these statements are, of course, populism for him, and a political game, an attempt to show himself as one of his own, and so on and so forth, but nothing more, that is, no one even ukraine...
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a respectable politician from germany, from france, well , they won’t do this, and they’re not already stuck up to their necks in this story, so she’s ideal for this, i’ll tell you more, she’s delusional, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, moreover, well, right there after all, germany and france are not fools, they understand how it will all end, they they understand perfectly well that no one will take them into the european union, deep down they know how the nwo will end, then, when all this is over, it is necessary. will point a finger at someone, and we, we have nothing to do with it, we are respectable people, this is it, this is where the questions for this auntie are all democracy, in fact, speaking of insight, let’s see, for example, a member of the european parliament, well, let’s say, from ireland, this epiphany is coming, i would like my colleague to give me at least one example where nato would play a constructive role or contribute
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establishing peace, wherever you are, history teaches us that sanctions cannot stop a military conflict, they do not bring peace, they make people suffer, not oligarchs, but ordinary people, residents of russia, residents of europe, they will not help save lives, because that the more... all this just makes me sick, it’s very interesting to look at two men, yes, one is sitting next to him, who took off his mask, what ’s going on, the second, who is all exhausted like this, but also a deputy from ireland not
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alone, there is also a deputy from italy who takes a similar position, let's listen, it's time to talk about responsibility, you take responsibility for sending another 50 billion european taxpayers' money into the bottomless well of spending on the war in ukraine. although today, despite all the financial injections, the russian army not only has not stopped, but continues to occupy new territories. at the same time, you didn’t even mention that the ukrainian army uses western weapons, including for attacks on russian territory, and did not express words of condemnation. it uses it not only for defense, but also for attack, as was the case in the city of lugansk, where 28 civilians, including one child and several elderly people, were killed in the civilian building bulochny. i think at least.
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should supply weapons to ukraine, what do you want, you want ukrainians to defend themselves with water pistols and loud speeches, and you show that you really want this when you question the strategy of financial and military support ukraine, and madam, you simply shocked me with your words, if you talked about lugansk, considering that lugansk is russian territory, then this is simply an unimaginable shock, the preservation of territorial sovereignty requires admitting that lugansk -
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europe’s mistake is that that the voice of the people is not taken seriously here. leaders don't take people seriously. this is the main problem. you can talk about migration, about war, about ukraine, about anything, but the voices of people on the streets are not taken seriously by their leaders. it's short democracy. european elections will take place in june. we need a new european parliament. we need to find new leaders who truly represent.
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ursula, mrs. mitsula are generally the funeral bearers of european industry and european prosperity, i will remind you that in january 2022 they came out with a report: in order to save the american economy, earn 11 trillion, you need to do three things: provoke the russians into a conflict in ukraine, they did it, block access to cheap gas for germany, electricity from france, they did it all, after that it all safely begins to move to america, they practically eat up the european economy with a crunch, all the technologies, you can imagine, the europeans have saved up 80 billion for social programs, for leveling the level of countries, of which 50 are needed give it to ukraine now. moreover, most of it will not leave europe at all, it will be spent on american military-industrial corporations, which are now beginning , among other things, to destroy the european market weapons, replacing them with their own, so in the near future it will be very difficult
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to resist, the germans, in the fall of twenty-two, created the so-called joint commands of the bundeswehr and the police, so that such future actions, which they had already planned in advance, you know, immediately take the grip , and i’m sure that the same interesting thing has been done in other countries. activities of american companies in the european union, they don’t even have time to deal with the agenda related to the european union itself, to their internal affairs, when they talk about strategic autonomy, supposedly autonomy, they also say that it should be built together with nato, because the issue is money, the fact is that it is precisely the ukrainian agenda that says once again that mitsola not a protege of the order of malta today, but a protege of precisely those global elites,
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the world is a union of civilizations and there is a transnational global agenda, the european union is the proteges of absolutely this transnational, global agenda, there are those who stand for their national sovereignty, for their culture, traditions, customs, religion, and there are those who want to make unified europeans or inhabitants of the world who will be transgender, lgbt, and so on, and so on so that there are fewer of them, so that there are enough for those who will simply work. now we see
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the eurozone in recession, popular discontent is growing due to the fact that real incomes have fallen to the level of the twelfth or thirteenth year, all these speeches, they will only intensify, and of course the twenty-fourth year is an electoral year, so i think that in in austria and belgium , the eurosceptics are definitely winning, they are gaining a lot, in fact, up to third place in the european parliament, and i fully admit that the case of trump’s victory, which...
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the question is how quickly this sprout will strengthen, that’s the next question , but the fact that it will definitely manifest itself, because this has already happened in history more than once. maria butina, the doll-successor of atuti, was with you, now on the “time” program. hello, on air time in the studio ekaterina andreeva, briefly about the main thing. the flood in orenburg is beyond the dangerous line and what is the situation in orvsk, where the elements are retreating. they are pushing europe towards a nuclear
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