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tv   Bolshaya igra  1TV  April 10, 2024 11:00pm-12:00am MSK

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me, my neighbors, ex-wife, ex- father-in-law, your idea was, it’s not an idea, turbines, this is my job, yeah, maybe you want to interrogate the teachers, i’ll just say right away, in high school there were problems with the chemistry teacher, the director was called at least once a month, look how the trail disappears, what is it that you are not interrogating, even if you make a joke, wit, what do you suspect me of, but you yourself don’t guess, i don’t want to guess, ask directly, directly, okay, sit down, i’ll wait, sit down, tell me, turbin, do you believe in coincidence? more likely no than yes, one and a half months ago, a gang kills your parents, steals your father's hunting arsenal, and now? the same gang is attacking
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a car dealership that belongs to your ex- father-in-law, you don't have too many turbines, don't you think? are you saying that i am involved in the murder of my parents? i don’t want to say anything, but i am forced to check all possible versions; by the way, i also don’t believe in coincidence.
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call subscriber inna. the subscriber is temporarily unavailable. class. inna, well, is it her? very similar. thank you.
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markin, the object is in place, we are working according to plan, there's a big game on the air, and we're starting the program today with a conversation with the deputy. federation council, i greet you, i want to start with history, two dates, two anniversaries, one anniversary is the 75th anniversary of the creation of nato, the second anniversary is 25 years since the plane you were on, the plane of prime minister evgeniy primakov turned around. as a result, in response
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to american bombing, nato bombing will be more accurate, mainly american bombing of serbia. the united states decided to expand nato, while explaining to russia that nato - this is a purely defensive alliance, that it is in no way directed against russia, and that on this occasion, how illogical it is to launch
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an offensive operation, an offensive, openly military operation against serbia, what is this. some concerns by russia about the emergence of new nato members right on russian borders, sometimes with claims, as in the case of ukraine, on territories that russia considers its own, that despite all this, nato does not pose a threat to russia, what do
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you think about the challenge who throws russia is nato, and what do you think nato wants from russia? well, since you started with history, let me remind myself and tv viewers that, according to non-russian, western experts, over the 75 years of the existence of the north atlantic alliance, it carried out, at a minimum, according to the most conservative estimates, 22 dozen military operations abroad, that called, beyond its own responsibility, none of these operations were defensive,
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nato is the only bloc that consistently, the only one in the history of mankind that consistently goes beyond its borders beyond its own competence, we see that recently nato secretaries general have made statements, including that they bear some special responsibility, say, for the climate agenda, that they must ensure their presence in the arctic the same, in antarctica, i don’t know where else, so to say that it is north atlantic, that it is defensive, well, it is absolutely not necessary, when 25 years ago, this whole story was just beginning, you said that it was somehow not marked for us i
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don’t agree with you about any other decisive events other than the plane’s own turn, yes, indeed, at that time russia was not yet strong enough to respond militarily to what was happening, well, there was a well-known attack... on pristina, on the airport slatina, but perhaps it was limited to this, but then it was, if you like, the point of such a befurcation, or something of no return, when for the first time, perhaps, we realized that everything that had happened in our foreign policy before, and these are the times andrei kozyrev, the first half of the nineties, and a number of subsequent years, turned out to be, well, if you like, the fruit of our imagination, some naive calculations that... it was possible to negotiate something with our western partners at that time, so at that moment the realization came that our western partners at that time did not really understand anything other than language, force, i really was a living witness to how this rethinking took place in the russian
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corridors of power, i believe that it was then that our external politics first began here, if you want to feel for points of support, points of support, because... 2 months, literally 2 months after this aggressive nato operation began in yugoslavia, pryamakov’s plane turned around, 2 months later i... accompanied evgeniy in the same plane maksimovich primakov, still the chairman of the government, to belgrade, it was the end of may, for negotiations with milosevic, when yevgeny maksimovich agreed to accept himself as a mission, a mediator, a peacemaker at the request of the then leaders of germany and france. he arrived to belgrade, there were more than six hours of negotiations with milosevic, during these negotiations milosevic agreed with almost everything that came from him. the nato countries that bombed him expected it, with only one exception - the independence of kosovo, this
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was an absolutely red line for milosevic, in fact, this remains a red line for the current leaders of serbia. so that's why i remember this now. it was agreed that after these negotiations were completed, pryamakov’s plane from belgrade airport, at the time of our landing and work on the negotiation track, the bombing was stopped by mutual agreement. so an agreement was reached that the plane from belgrade would fly directly to bon, the then capital of germany, and mr. schröder, the federal chancellor at that time, was waiting for us there, so that’s why i remember this now, what i remember is that we are walking along the runway strip, the plane is just starting to take off from this runway, and we see through the window how the bombing has resumed, how bombs have begun to explode again in residential apartments, neighborhoods...
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history is rapidly destroying those
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agreements and those security structures, even our not very long human one , which were developed with such difficulty at the time of emerging from the period of inter-bloc confrontation, from the period of the cold war in the early nineties. i meant that in 1999 russia had the opportunity to be indignant, to make a strong symbolic gesture, and most importantly, to make the right one. protect your interests, as you know, this caused the righteous, or rather unrighteous
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anger in washington, brussels and other european capitals, but in general they decided to come to terms with what russia did, because it was still obvious that it was georgia that attacked the russian peacekeeping contingent, and somehow it was so unpleasant episode between russia and nato.
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a very important date, remembering 2008, a very important event that took place a year before, i mean president putin’s speech in munyun in 2007, so if primakov’s turn over the atlantic was, well , if you want, a gesture, beautiful, powerful, but after all, with a gesture, 2007 is already a clear, put on paper, pronounced
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, russian position is articulated, and the position is not confrontational, the position is not aggressive. but with a brilliant analysis of what went wrong, what will happen if this trend continues wrong, how we all need to change in order for things to start happening the way we wanted, and 2008, it went down in history world politics not only by the conflict in the south caucasus, but by the then initiative, the most powerful initiative, the initiatives of president putin are not often remembered now, but the conclusion... of a treaty on collective security in europe, which was scornfully rejected by nato countries, and 2 months before the start of a special military operation in the twenty-second year there was another initiative of president putin addressed to the countries nato, the osce countries, the united states of america, personally,
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again on the topic of collective security, that is, in each of these cases we tried not to let this happen. i'm afraid of this word, because i've never in one of these cases, we were not interested in a military scenario for solving this or that problem, including ukraine. well, let's remember the whole history of the minsk agreements, so to speak, which russia, so to speak, created, in fact, then tried the only thing, to actually preserve and get ukraine to implement these minsk agreements. and you ask
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what nato wants from us. nato, all this time, all these 30 years after the end of the period. well, they've gotten to the point where now we have to force them, if you like, to also an operation to force peace, what is happening now in ukraine, a special military operation is our operation to force peace on the ukrainian authorities,
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who unleashed a civil war on their own territory, and the north atlantic alliance, which does not see... other foreign policy options , security policy, except for imposing your will and demonstrating your military power to the entire surrounding world with russia, this will not work, this is absolutely certain, and we have demonstrated this exhaustively at over the past 2 years. from your point of view, let's digress from rhetoric, let's talk about how we see the real intentions of nato, they would be satisfied, for example,
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with regard to control over such strong ones from the fact that they rule the world and therefore everything, countries like russia, have no red flags for them lines, has no borders, and of course, in the case of ukraine.
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and the meeting of leaders of the united states, japan and the philippines taking place today in washington. let's listen. the meeting between biden, quisida and
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marcos showed more aggressive the actions of the united states and its allies to isolate china, rather than allowing the chinese leadership to intimidate and isolate its neighbors in the south china sea and other regions. and these are the recommendations given to the united states. friendly statements that create the impression that the cold war does not exist contribute to the outbreak of a hot war. they give americans the illusion of complacency and
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signal reconciliation to chinese leaders. for u.s. forces to truly deter china, they must be located at striking distance, given the maritime geography of the indo-pacific region and the threat that china's massive missile arsenal poses to american bases, the state department will need to expand the agreement with not weakly, no words, no words, you know, the only thing with what i agree with is that the cold war really continues, but it was definitely not initiated by china and not implemented by china, this cold war has never stopped since on the part of the united states and its allies, this is a bet on total hegemony, and... when in your question you asked about the topic of some greater restraint of china in foreign policy, my answer to this is that the chinese are lucky geographically, they do not border the nato bloc,
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so, as we have to do in russia, so we are forced to react earlier and more decisively, but they get to the chinese, well, absolutely, all these backlashes, other alliances that are now being created around china in order to contain development of china. inevitably, and i think, in the near future they will, in a good and a bad sense, provoke china to a much tougher and harsher policy towards the west, according to the model by which our country already acts, so to speak, i repeat once again , not because it’s our choice, i think it’s not only not our choice, it’s clearly not the chinese choice, but of course, look, maybe... yesterday at sergei lavrov’s meeting with the chinese foreign minister vany, vany was used completely for me a new wording that
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on... the united states of america, about which we are now talking, willingly or unwillingly, throughout our entire program, they do not think so, they believe that peace is the property of the united states
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of america and its allies. we do not believe that peace, well, maybe in some future, should become the property of china, russia, or some other group of states, we are talking about the fact that peace is the property of all humanity, this is a fundamental difference between the image the thinking of our geopolitical opponents, our way of thinking, this is the fundamental difference between their model unipolar world is our vision of a multipolar world, but don’t you think that in soviet times there was such a slogan: peace to the world. don’t you think that, in general, to some extent this slogan remains relevant, but only with the understanding that if you want to defend peace, you must be ready to face the challenge that increasingly poses with dignity and seriousness? nato. and this is the main conclusion that our country made then at the turn of the nineties and zeros.
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starting from the turn of pryakova’s plane over atlantic, and of course, at the time of the change of the first president of russia, boris nikolayevich yeltsin, to the current president of russia vladimir vladimirovich putin, then there was that very point of no return, which we very clearly passed in the right direction, and i am sure that the current readiness of russia, even not only and not so much economic and military, but psychological, moral, because...
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to say, moscow is behind us, moscow is behind us , the world majority is behind us, that’s when nato members try to speak on behalf of everything humanity, they still remain thirty, fifty, but at most 60 countries from 193 states, members of the united nations, we, our partners in brix, our partners in the shanghai cooperation organization, in the commonwealth of an independent state, in many other integration structures, we are the world majority, that is what makes us. stable, strong and convinced of the rightness of our cause. i am not saying this in the mode of slogans, i am pleased to state that our country has really gone through a colossal way since nato began bombing the federal republic of yugoslavia 25 years ago. mr. deputy chairman of the federation council, it is always a pleasure to talk with you, i hope to see you again on our air in the near future. and now we're off
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to advertising. undercover taxi. premiere. tomorrow after the program time. what is the west planning against russia? regarding the so-called friendship games? we urge national olympic committees not to participate. these are not people who should lead, but simply must undergo treatment.
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russia, he became famous for his roles where he looked confused and unhappy. light, do you love me? i walk around moscow, for family reasons, in these films he awakened truly popular sympathy for his heroes. and for a very long time i did not understand what i had done there, and it seemed to me that soon the deception would be revealed and they would beat me, but how were the relations in the family of evgeniy steblov himself? before tanya, i didn’t love anyone, i took her arm and she hissed me like an electric shock. our exclusive interview with the artist who played with the most beautiful women in the country and at the same time remained faithful to his one and only. we lived in the camp for 38 years, we have a son, our only one, a monk of the solovyatsky monastery. what did his loyalty bring to the end of his life? why was it not possible to avoid tragedy? all this is god’s providence, as god directs, so it will be. exclusive with dmitry borisov, premiere on saturday on the first. didn’t you have the feeling
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that maybe god took your son away for something? there's a big game on the air. attitudes of the modern west, leads to the erosion of traditional forms of social and spiritual life, loss of identity and
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national self-awareness, characteristic of certain states of peoples, this is the path of civilized degradation into...
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traditions, values ​​were felt, and if today we are talking about trying to remember
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what happened before, then we can talk about traditional family values, about politeness, about education, about good manners, they set the tone of life, and i grew up at that time, in the seventies. and you know, this is reminiscent of how people behave now in the russian outback, in a beautiful city st. petersburg, i have a feeling that i have returned to the roots of europe, to what europe used to be, all this is preserved here, europe has changed a lot, the west has changed a lot, and russia preserves what was once the legacy of european traditions . i completely agree with you, when i... came to washington, united states, in '73, there were, of course, very dangerous areas, a black ghetto, but the rest of washington was a safe city,
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a clean city, a pleasant city, now, despite the fact that there are some unrest riots that were accompanied by...
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whatever, if they are accused of some kind of harassment, discrimination or simply wrong views, in general this is not only about a lack of physical safety, from my point of view we are talking about a lack of respect for the rights of others, first of all, the right to have your own opinion, how do you react to this? i agree with you, now we can talk about
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the lack of courage of a very large number of people, they prefer to follow censorship rather than take risks, do not enter into disputes, because if you have a different opinion, you will be censored. i would say life has become boring because people prefer to repeat certain narratives, certain positions and opinions. as if everyone was now reading some kind of written theses, there is nothing interesting in this, it is monotonous, so there is no more dialogue, we can talk about scattered monologues conducted by people who repeat the same words, so the richness of the language, unfortunately lost, in russia i feel rich.
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live, and of course, i don’t like it in europe to no one, but i adhere to precisely this position, scientific freedom, if i write and of course, there are a huge number of ways to make some kind of comment, then, of course, i should be able to print it, in germany and france, these are the countries where i taught , this is no longer the case, because now...
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the fbi requested some materials about me , and that they could not tell me then, because by law they do not have the right to immediately inform a person about this kind of surveillance, but now they had the right to inform me, and i asked my lawyers, how to treat this, treat it normally, such is life today that if a person...
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from your point of view, this is such a turn, it affects our perception of what the west has become, of course it does, i... the united states, excuse me, the senator also did not violate anything, but i had many contacts for allegedly helping
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russia to have contacts with trump, which was later proven.
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to the monument to the red army, a majestic monument, where every year on february 23, when we were at various forums in vienna, we went they laid flowers there, and how reverently they treat the memory of soviet soldiers, but something has changed, government, there has been some kind of shift in the brain, because what the west is doing now is beyond anything, not even in the worst years, i don’t know, well...
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i think you know, for some reason i am sure that this will pass, it will take time, it is clear that this will not happen at one moment, but in order this happened, we must prove to the whole world, which we ourselves, by the way, are absolutely sure of, that our country, in in general, it brings only
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positive and good things to civilization, we must prove that we fought against nazism and will continue to fight, we must prove that the truth always wins, and no matter how they scare us, here comes nato, the americans with their power, you know , in general, i take this completely calmly, because i always said one thing, uh, in the forties , all of europe, without exception, fought against the soviet union, whose total potential was significantly greater than the soviet union, but life seemed that not potential determines. winner and first of all, the spirit of the people, the ability to unite and unite around one or another patriotic idea, so i hope that sooner or later europe will come to its senses, europe will understand that without russia it will not be able to solve a lot of the problems that it solved
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together with us for many decades, i am for this process to go faster, europe to understand that it is necessary not... sambach, where he said that he would in every possible way interfere with our friendship games that we are holding in russia. participation in friendship games, countries take sides in russian-ukrainian war.
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so they made this photo test, this photo test turned out to be, one might say, such a star ticket, then georgy nikolaevich says
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where is he, let’s give him here, the story that was then told, i’m walking around moscow, began in the head of gennady shpalikov, but long before that , such artistic intonations were some kind of internal, they were in the air, then one actress appeared there, who by that time was completely unknown, it was ina chyurikova, basov and bulls - this is in great demand. all episodic some roles, everyone offered them, usually everyone tells danel’s version that shpalikov was supposed to submit the text, but disappeared. he said that he would make all his films one more time, except i’m walking around moscow. paws podcast, on first tomorrow. i feel out of place as the chairman of the jury. perhaps all the most famous actors and directors in the world sat at this table. i'd like to have lunch. please, only this posadena, we do not have restaurants. how did you feel in a film where all the actors played themselves, and
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were you the only one who had a role? is whoopi goldbert a cop? how do the local public perceive our films? they are expecting some, some other round of russian cinema. are we at the clinic? are you criticizing the american dream? no, i'm trying to tell the story of banks and the last one. say you like my hat, you don't have a hat, i would like to say in the future that i did everything i could in my life. this year we celebrate the ninetieth birthday of the world's first cosmonaut, yuri gagarin. what kind of guy was he? elena yurievna gagarina, alekseevich’s eldest daughter. new year, the astronauts were musketeers.
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the first time we saw yuri alekseevich in a hat with a mustache was in batforty, our teacher was terribly strict, suddenly she burst into all the classes, gagarin flew into space. hooray. there were also old women in our yard and one another, but will he come back? where will he go? and he won’t get caught on anything there. like the cosmodrome in my life, like in all soviet houses there was a portrait of ili alekseevich, and i was sure that this was a relative of my nanny, i so wanted to be yura, i came to my mother, i gave out such hysterics, i want to be yura, yuri alekseevich - it was like a relative for our family, when yuri alekseevich died, i saw my father’s tears for the first time, how they cried with all my relatives, this is a tradition, be sure to drink from the well from which yuri alekseevich himself drank loons. it is believed that if you drink this water, you will definitely fly to space. on saturday, on the first. there is a big game on the air, you mentioned
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the regime in ukraine. and you know, everyone says, and not without reason, that this regime is under the complete control of the united states and partly great britain. there is a good russian proverb: whoever you mess with, you will pick up worse and worse, some habits and methods of clients, they also sometimes influence their patrons. so let's see what a certain mr. zelensky teaches the united states regarding freedom of the press? russia has managed to distort the global information field; they are promoting their narrative through media. information, these are not citizens or immigrants from russia, these are americans who perform in the press from certain positions, sometimes very pro-russian. that is, in other words,
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mr. zelensky accuses almost everyone who is not ready to support ukraine that they defend russian interests, and so that there are no questions, he clearly states that he does not limit his list of accusations to those who left russia, to those , who has any family ties with russia, no. he is talking about normal native americans who simply do not have the habit of blindly trusting someone abroad, in this case ukraine. well you you know, i think that i hope, in any case, that an epiphany is also brewing in american society, it seems to me that they understand that the bet that they made on ukraine, in fact, it did not justify itself, well
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, ukraine continues.
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constant questions that stretch from history, literally pull out of chests, pull out questions of the past, and if we talk about austria and russia, it is important to remember that there has always been this antagonism, between vienna and st. petersburg, all this stretches from the balkans, with serbia, it was always a question between catholics and orthodox, this is
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the formation of a monopoly. on the field on ideas, on values, all this is a very old conflict between vienna and between russia, so it’s difficult to talk about good relations here, centuries when there was a very strong confrontation, and this is not only the belites, unfortunately, all this, so i’m studying the history of russia in recent years, and i now understand that i knew quite little, all this has a long history, right up to... the history with sweden, that is, this confrontation, this expansion on both sides, so we are talking about a large number constant factors, let's even turn to
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portugal or spain, we can say that there is a historical time that does not concern us here, after all, geography is a factor that greatly influences history, it seems to me difficult to underestimate. it would be possible to fire, it’s impossible to fire everyone, but
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there were no voices that were ready to object to these stupid sanctions in “we want to leave everything as it is, they can’t be done in sports, in science, economics, business, please, you can impose as many sanctions as you like, but when it comes to art, sports science, this is disgusting,
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returning to the status quo will be very, very difficult, a separate question is whether we want to return to it, at least with the current generation of western leaders, i’m not sure about that, it was a big game, we’ll meet tomorrow on the air .


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