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tv   Shou Vovana i Leksusa  1TV  April 11, 2024 12:00am-12:41am MSK

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bright, sometimes, as you yourself mentioned, but there was an opportunity, there was an opportunity to build bridges to find a common language, but under all conditions it is obvious that today we are talking about the situation that you just said, returning to the status quo will be very very it’s difficult, a separate question: do we want to return to it, at least with the current... generation of western leaders, i’m not sure about that, it was a big game, we’ll meet tomorrow on the air. recently, the heads of mok and wada announced that they were victims of russian pranks. that is, us.
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vitol dbanko said that only those athletes who condemn the special operation will take part in the olympic games in paris. thomas bach admitted that he arranged secret surveillance of russians, and completely accused the head of the international boxing association, umara kremlev, of corruption. we decided that we needed to go through with it and show thomas bach what a real prank was. today we will reveal the secret of how we manage to contact high-ranking world officials. new exclusive conversation with the head of mok and what gods does thomas bach pray to in order to harm russia even more, look, it will definitely be very interesting. and we traditionally begin by introducing the guests to the show’s studio with the lexus vanavan. today with us. our friend and guest, member
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of the state duma committee on security and anti-corruption, sultan khamzaev, hello, head of the russian boxing federation, tatyana kiriyenko, honored master of sports of russia in boxing and ambassador of the upcoming friendship games saada dolgatotova and journalist irzhist, friends, hello, thank you that they came let's start our interesting show, in the last program we showed our conversation with thomas bach, where he spoke about his biased attitude towards our olympians. about why he decided to suspend our team, why he did not give the opportunity to russian athletes to participate under his flag, and also said that he would in every possible way interfere with our friendship games that we are holding in russia. we had several communication sessions with thomas bach, many people ask, how do you do this, how does it all happen, that our interlocutors they see on the other side of the screen, someone said that this is a deepfake, some modern technology, artificial intelligence, we decided to lift the veil of secrecy for you today, and we spoke on behalf of just a certain
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african politician whom he wanted to win over to his side, in order for africa to refuse to participate in the friendship games, and , accordingly, in order to pose as an african, it was necessary to put some effort into this, just let’s see how it was, what anthem they played with this neutral athlete, how funeral music, who wrote it? do rhinoplasty for yourself, make your nose smaller, lesha, on the contrary, and put a cheburashka there, well, let’s come up with a cheburashka for the skeleton of a hand, well, right up to here and how the feeling just wasn’t there, what just didn’t happen, well, that’s right, everything is serious, yes.
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how long did it take? well, about an hour and a half, maybe, but did you connect? no, there’s something wrong with the internet, you already negotiate the phone before the call, the phone was no longer detected, it was not unlocked.
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the european commission, which is responsible for sports, also has such a position just in a european way. life, here he is bach’s colleague, according to the concept that they organized, that is, witold banko, the president of the world anti-doping organization, is participating there, bach, here schinas, a representative of the european union, first had to give a statement against the wada friendship games, what she did, then bah, what did he do, and the finale is that we should have such a conference, the european union should give a statement condemning the friendship games, in the end, as it were, everyone...
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is sure that, well, they are sure that everyone will take their side , that's why are pulling over the countries of the global south, well , let's look at the secret conspiracy that we discussed with these, just a european official, yes, he will now talk about the statement against the friendship games, yeah, how to behave, yes, gentlemen, glad to see you , glad to hear from you, how are you doing there, and now we see you, hello, how are you, my friend?
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two paragraphs for you, if you don’t mind, the beginning of the quote, the so-called russian friendship games are organized against the backdrop of russia’s unrelenting aggressive war against ukraine, its
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neighbor, russia is abusing sport and its peaceful values ​​to legitimize illegal and...
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they realized that it was a prank, that it was not an african politician, but the european union, the european commission has not released any statement, but not yet. here i would like to see two key problems. what he would highlight for world sports is that bach, he is not just ruining the olympic committee, but one can say that he buried it, because bach and the european politician are together, they act as the propaganda department of washington, well, the olympic the committee is such a collective, let’s say, body, yes, in which, of course, african countries also play a key role, like any other participant in this union, and here bach shows that he didn’t give a damn about all these unions, he has a clear...
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here is boxing, one of the most important sports and the olympic movement, how did it happen that he could, it turns out, freeze the membership of the international boxing association, how did this happen? this is understandable, because they saw independence in this organization, that is, it the enormous power of the people, which rallied around one single leader, transformations immediately began, for some reason only in boxing they said this openly, that in any organization, including international...
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president bach is probably more qualified to answer this question, but you know, there is an impression that there will be no participants from the eu at the friendship games. yes, yes, they put very strong pressure on neighboring countries, which on the one hand are very... afraid that they will be the next to be attacked will attack, on the other hand, they are now saying that if we can, if we can give the big bear something, a small piece of meat, maybe we can calm him down for a while. i propose to take this piece of meat and give it to us, so for us,
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i think it’s better, but what do they think in europe, i ’m talking about friendship games and in general whether they even know what it is, of course they do, it’s interesting to eat, but of course this is perceived, as thomas bach and his colleague from the european union said by the way, but rather as a political event, that is, the olympic games contrary to the olympic games, yes, that is... i mean, yes, we are creating games that should compete with the olympic games, this is how it is perceived in europe, so all the politics, all the pressure that is exerted, naturally, the european union could, so that as few european athletes, at best, no one, well, they don’t talk about politics, now he communicates with specific political leaders, but still, this is competition and he could want to show unity. european unity, the unity of the sports world, which refuses to support
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russia, if they were really for sports for athletes, would they at least try to communicate with representatives of these games to understand what the essence of these events is? after the olympic games, i’ll give you an example in 2008, and we also had the world boxing cup in moscow, everyone came - olympic champions from all over the world showed. sat down, received certain preferences for himself, including in this part, today he understands that he is strongly discredited, discredited in the first place, i said, this is washington, brussels, london, this is a fact, all those who are close to them, he understands that friendship games for him, of course, are a crisis, and he is openly fighting, and he is in your face,
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so here i say again, there is no sport, this is not about sports, this pure war of ideology. what are the prospects for athletes coming to us now? will come, all the boxers want to come to us, and the athletes, you will see that the athletes will come, it will be wonderful, there are a lot of applications, as far as i know, but now europe is still on the fence, they are still a little afraid that they will participate in the olympic games that there will start against they have sanctions, they are all afraid of these sanctions, well, yes, there is a special commission that monitors the statement on social networks, they ask ukraine to intervene in every possible way. on russian athletes, the latest decision of the ioc on march 19, just speaks of the neutral status of the athletes they are waiting for, we were interested to find out who would go to them from russia to the olympic games, let’s take the next excerpt, let’s see, i laughed at the decision about neutral athletes, i saw their flag, so it's a very interesting thing, and
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i listened to the anthem, for me all this is funny, so... not everyone, as i think, will come to the olympic games for the anthem. we have many presidents like this. a precedent, together with the united nations, at the olympic games in barcelona in 1992. where exactly the same system was used for athletes from yugoslavia. this has also been applied in other cases and you will see athletes, they want to come. how many of them do you estimate will come? it depends on their athletic performance. some of those who support the war do not accept participation, but they still won’t be allowed.
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the russian side is very aggressive towards mok, you know. we are a fascist organization for them now. let me give you an example. some of my colleagues told me that there was a case with some greco-roman wrestler with some commission for a social network and a banner where he was in a photo with the slogan “stop the nazis”. and now he's disqualified. and this is a case where some of my colleagues say it's unfair. russia says war against ukraine is a war against the nazis, and after our position they say that we are a fascist organization, the only thing i am trying to tell you, mr. chairman, is that at
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this moment there is nothing innocent, this is the moment of truth for... the olympic games , that's why we're trying to make a statement that will show that if russia backs down, then maybe they can go back to mog, that's good, it would be important that... african states know that for the reasons stated by vice chairman schinas , participation in friendship games, these countries and these governments take the side of the war, they take the side of russia, what will happen next, maybe
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you could put a special label on them, this is what... what my colleagues asked me about, first they were deprived of the flag , then they were deprived of the anthem, now they have a different flag, and then, it’s not like that, they are not deprived of something, it’s the russian government that was deprived of something, you know, a good solution, maybe if they use a non-neutral flag , and the flag of ukraine to show that there is, then they will be put in a russian prison for 15 years. it’s just that we are now going to international competitions, you know what a busy boxing calendar is, and you know, when the leaders with whom i am friends, there are representatives of italy, they all say: tatyana, you just came from the gulag,
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this is something, yes , how are you, how are you, what are you, i say, look how i’m bursting with health, it looks like i’m from the gulag, in general, that is, in fact, even those who loved russia, us, they have such ideas no, what's going on, they're amorphous. now the bang in the air has already taken place once, probably this, this is the first, second, you need to understand the following, he is trying to leave himself
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room for maneuver, every time, even in this conversation, he says, well , we will give someone the opportunity to get in, but for someone all the time , why is he doing all this, he also needs to justify himself to his society that this is not segregation according to... the question is: do we need such an olympiad, our participation in this olympiad, and they say: anyone who chooses the position of russia chooses this position in a military conflict, and here
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the olympic committee and military conflicts, which are happening, why doesn’t he pursue the same principles in the arab-israeli conflict, let’s ask the question to bakha, so in this regard, this is a psychologically political open war, which , among other things, goes through the hands of bahali, these are signs of nazism, the real one. how else? do we need such an olympics? these debates have been going on for a couple of years now. who should make these decisions? we need this olympics. i am grateful to the leadership of the boxing federation, i believe that this is a position with character, i think it is very correct here in including winner usmanova said correctly, our other representatives, well, the sports elite, let’s call it that, yes, that’s what they are, so there should be a position in this part. well, what else did bach offer to ours?
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such an occasion podcast lab on friday on the first. the snow is still white in the fields, and
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in the spring the waters are noisy, they run and there will be a sleepy shore, they run and shine, and they shout, they shout to all ends. spring is coming, spring is coming, we are messengers of the young spring. she sent us ahead. what, where, when, spring series of games. on sunday on the first. this is the vavan and lexus show and we continue. we continue to communicate with the president of the international olympic committee, thomas. on behalf of an african politician whom he is trying to win over to his side. i recently had a telephone conversation with some of my colleagues in africa,
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their concern is that with... macron's words, of course, you said that everything will be in a safe manner, but can i ask vice-chairman schines whether he thinks he, that this will lead to another period of escalation? i mean his words about what he wants send troops to ukraine, does that mean it could happen during the olympics, and france. will take the side of ukraine and will participate in this war. yes, i can give you some arguments. now in the spring, when the weather is improving, we do not want to see full-scale hostilities on the ground again. so i think you can safely tell your colleagues who are doubtful that they are also interested in
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helping you and us contribute.
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this is an open discussion, which today is also taking place in france, in this part it is necessary understand that this hypocritical politician will go to any extreme, where it benefits his skin. in fact, what will happen in europe definitely does not depend on him, it depends primarily on the americans, it depends a little on the germans, and by a residual principle the british, everyone else, yes, especially, we don’t know yet, no matter how long he sits in his chair, just like bach, today there is a duty, because they will.
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today is the holiday of vavan and lexus, saint vavan and lexus, these are the heroes of the continent, and if you repeat that would be great, i 'm turning to you, god, i'm turning to you, god, really, to help me, to help you, help you, help me make the right decision, help me make the right decision.
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are you trying to collude? so unfair, i thought so at first, this is also politics, thank you, bye bye, this is my friend,
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his name is yorick, let him inspire you, bye bye, we’ll have a drink with cheburashka too, switch off, listen, i think.
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sbach agreed to this call twice, why is it so important for him to boycott the russians? athletes? yes, because he has already played too much in politics, and he is far from sports, he does not live up to his position, he has played so much, he has some kind of revenge against russian
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athletes, and so that russia would go without the anthem flag. why is the topic of friendship games so important for bach? he repeatedly mentions them in conversation with us, because friendship games are that direction. which is created for athletes, where athletes can really perform, representing their country, fully, their people, and what is missing in olympic games, because the international olympic committee has turned into a private shop where they make their own decisions about who to let in and humiliate athletes, i want to say that athletes do not need to go to this olympics, not a single sports functionary has... the right to decide for an athlete ride without a flag or anthem. a sports functionary is a support staff. thomas bach, one might say, is a waiter for athletes, and he is trying to show himself as the owner of the athletes, and he wants to humiliate the athletes,
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so that the athletes perform without their countries, the same thing, so that they abandon their mother. what worries him is not that an international association has appeared, which... created for countries, for athletes, which unites countries, friendship, yes, friendship games, the name already speaks for itself, thomas bach only thinks about his enrichment and about slavery, so that athletes perform, you know, gladiator fights, perform, all the money he earned money for himself, shared his team, the athletes did not receive anything from this, and they also had to dictate how they should live, and the friendship games... for athletes and for their future, of course, he’s worried about it, he’s not worried about the fact that the sport has developed, this already shows how much he’s worried about
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his well-being, that’s what he ’s worried about, about his private club that they created, they show that they are independent, supposedly, in fact, they do what... the owners of this private club tell them. we invited thomas bach to pray for vawan and lexus, and this did not bother him. how can such behavior be characterized? we'll keep an eye on a possible passing career. umar, thank you very much for being with us, we are thomas bach. bach and the leadership of the olympic committee, they are the executors of the political order that is dictated to them by london, brussels, washington, this is clearly obvious. in this part.
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bach, our conversation turned out to be extremely well . well, we will follow thomas’s career frankly, we are waiting for responses, maybe prayers , statements from the outside.
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hello, this is a psychic podcast and we continue to pull the thorns out of your hearts and smooth out the wrinkles on your foreheads, but at least we strive to do so. our today's heroes are parents. two years old, 3 years old and two. first, my mother, vera, came to us. and the requests of faith are, it seems to me, understandable, recognizable: how to raise children to be independent, happy, successful, but at the same time preserve yourself somewhere, leave yourself somewhere. it is not surprising that by the time of our meeting, denis was ready to come to our studio and discuss this problem, as was probably necessary. discuss everything together, dad and mom, husband and wife, family psychologist olga
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shubina, today will try to figure out how to get through this maze? faith when you you felt that it was all over, now you can’t take them out anymore, now you need some kind of help, how did this happen? well, we had a son , at first it was somehow not so difficult with one child, and then, when mikhail was one and a half years old, we had a daughter. and since the girl was born prematurely, she needed a lot of attention, a lot of time, and of course, doctors are constantly rehabilitating, and i want to have time, so to speak, to give that older child all the attention, he also needs a mother, and of course a year and a half he is still very small at that time there was a moment, plus such a child seems to require a lot of attention, but what was the last straw or some kind of turning point when you... or what, it seems that we need to deal with this situation,
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it seems, something what’s going wrong is that you get very tired, and you seem to be unable to do less, and you try this internal race to do as much as possible, but you realize that it’s physically impossible , that is, when you fall asleep somewhere on the floor in the nursery, when you don’t remember the last time you ate, there or else here are some of them. things, it’s just that at some point you realize that all this is accumulating, plus some other problems are accumulating, for example, health problems that need to be solved there with your self-realization, since you understand that children, they are they will grow up, and as far as you have thought, you also have long-term planning, denis, and you are a dedicated dad, yes, i try to help actively, so you try to help when faith asks you, or you yourself already understand that this is what you should do.


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