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tv   PODKAST  1TV  April 11, 2024 2:10am-3:01am MSK

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23 with a total ammunition capacity of 600 rounds and a turret gun that stuck out in front of the ub-20. the maximum speed of the tenth was 550 km/h, this is almost 150 km more than the maximum speed of the il-2, well, naturally there was 400, somewhere around 350-400 maximum, but here 551, serious speed, in large quantities. il-10 attack aircraft were used in the war with japan, this is the fourth stalin prize, now the next serious model that can be remembered is the il-12, a medium-range twin-engine passenger aircraft, first flight in 1945 was produced in two versions: passenger and cargo, the passenger version was designed for transportation from...
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fifth stalin prize il-28 front-line bomber. the first flight in 1948 was 3 years after the end of the war, with a crew of three people. serially produced from 1949 to 1955. in total, 6,300 -odd aircraft were manufactured. il-28 is the first, by the way, the first soviet jet bomber. in the fiftieth year. ilyushin was awarded the sixth
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stalin prize, was developed secret machine, so the presentation of the award sheet was limited to only the wording for the development of the field of aircraft construction, here is another board, i must say, an outstanding board, just an amazing board il-18, a long-range four-engine passenger aircraft, first flight in 1957. crew five people, two pilot, navigator, norodist, mechanic, which means 120 passengers, the il-18 was initially designed as a passenger aircraft, and went into mass production from 1957 to 1985. airplane for a long time it was the main medium-haul airliner in the soviet union; a total of 700 aircraft were produced, now i’ll tell you, in my opinion. various modifications for a very
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long time was the main medium-range aircraft in the soviet union, became the first passenger aircraft for export, this was the seventh stalin prize, then you can remember the il-20, this is a radar reconnaissance aircraft, first flight in 1968, created on the basis of the il18. crew, i think, 13 people, the plane was used for reconnaissance along state border. serino was produced from sixty-eight to seventy- six. next came the equally remarkable il-38, an anti-submarine patrol aircraft. first flight in the sixty-first year, crew of 10 people, developed on the basis of the seventeenth. well, 10 people, because there is
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special equipment, flights over water, and special equipment for searching for these same submarines, it was mass -produced from the year sixty-seven, in my opinion five years until the year seventy-two, entered service in the sixty-ninth year, a total of about 70, in my opinion 65, aircraft were manufactured, then, well, the aircraft that everyone knows and which still flies today. 62 long-haul passenger aircraft, first flight in 1963, the series was produced from 1966 to 1995, 186 passenger seats, crew of five, about 300 aircraft were manufactured, 289 or 290, i don’t remember now, 75 were built for export, by the way, he still... flies to north korea and
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kimchen-in uses it with pleasure, it’s his personal plane. this was the last plane designed built during luge's lifetime. during the existence of the ilyushin company to this day, 170 have been produced, if i’m not mistaken, either five or seven aircraft models, 170, almost 180, and it’s not for nothing that the presidential board il-96, namely the il-96, the company is still working on the creation of, well, the most... reliable aircraft that exist, i want to go back for a second, that’s what i suddenly remembered, once upon a time, in my opinion, in seventy -four, maybe in seventy- three, i flew on an il-14 plane, we then studied at the moscow
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institute of civil engineering, last year, valery latoshev came to us, then he was, it’s good that i remembered him, then he was a computer and invited the kvn missy team to fly to the garrisons of military transport aviation with such concerts for their own, for the mechanics, for the airfield service, well, for those who are on the ground, we agreed on the l-14, we flew, it was an amazing airplane, we found ourselves in different situations, well, simply because the weather was not very good, but...
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kolak, if you stand on this stool, then if all the instruments will fail, actually it is necessary so that if all the instruments fail, in this hood you can determine by the stars, well, at least the direction of movement, so i think, if a non- professional gets out into this hood, this is approximately how you get up in this glass cap, the noise of the engines is not heard, the feeling of icarus, i have never experienced such... such an intoxicating feeling of space, and the most amazing thing that ruined me for the rest of my life, and probably since then i have been stuck to the sky, is the night , night landing at the airfield, when you you’re standing here in complete silence, suddenly
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somewhere far, far away, especially when it’s a military airfield, you can’t see the city lights, then suddenly there’s a small arrow far, far away ahead, you see it in... absolute silence, there’s your house, and he goes in the glesada, begins to go straight to the end of the runway, the feeling is incredible, i was sitting in the right seat of the co-pilot, they were seating me, and i remember, our pilot was captain chubachenko, the co-pilot we called him sashka, but he was wonderful , a cheerful, young guy, he let me into the second seat, such feeling: of course, i never, i didn’t, i didn’t touch what i tore, i didn’t hold on to the horns, i didn’t understand anything, i sat like this, but a feeling of reliability, some kind of feeling, as if i was sitting at home i’m watching a movie in my chair, a movie about stars, about clouds, about the sky,
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this, this is unforgettable, oh, if only someone could stand on this stool like that, look into this cap, someone... this is a big sign quality, you can draw a star. on channel one podcast everyone wants to fly, we are talking today about the 130th anniversary since the birth of the man who
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glorified our country, the creators of a unique aviation company that still bears his name, ilyushin. how to say, a rather complex character, why can i judge this? i met a man who came when ilyushina passed away and took his place, genrikh vasilyevich.
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i was surprised that a person was going on vacation, and what would he do there if his favorite thing was here, it’s amazing, i must say that it wasn’t ostentatious, he just really , in his team, all this was connected only with with the pleasure that he received and his colleagues in business should have received, he learned to play the button accordion solely so that in rare moments of rest, and even when he was in a sanatorium or somewhere else , he gathered his people around him to play. .. for them, on this very accordion or button accordion,
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in the seventieth year he retired, conveying that he tore, as i said, to genrikh vasilyovich novozhilov, a man, by the way, also of amazing foresight, simply an amazing designer who kept ilyushin’s company was simply in his hands, and so he brought the whole matter to his departure, this is an amazing fact: ilyushin died in the seventy-seventh year, the company is still operating , during the existence of the company , about 175 have been produced to date, a little more aircraft, including all modifications, civil, military, transitional aircraft, and so on, 175, a phenomenal result, and can naturally be compared with world-class aircraft manufacturers. well, well, this is considered a very big result. he passed away in seventy-seven, oh
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what everyone who worked with him says with sadness, really with sadness. ilyushin from the very beginning, from the central design bureau and before, now the aircraft have become completely serious, no longer different, the aircraft have come, which, well, how to say, are the older brothers of the l96, they all talk about only one thing: more reliable than an airplane... probably not , that is , how can i say, probably not, because you can still compare it with aircraft of a different design of a different modification, you can take the tupolev, they are not, they are different in characteristics, different in purpose, in all likelihood and even certainly in reliability, they are the same, but they are just different, there are no planes like these, and it’s not for nothing that these planes are these planes.
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holy, someday these will be our planes, if we, and i hope so, i believe in this without foreign imported parts, they will be, this is a fact, they will definitely be, they are quite comparable with all the aircraft that are produced in the world, with all those aircraft that we have flown for many years, 30 years, among others, but i... am sure that these machines will stand on the wing, and yet, still, we will be proud that we are flying on such aircraft, just for the simple reason i repeat that i am not afraid to compare, these aircraft that were produced in our country are being produced now, or reliability is equal, tupolev is equal to reliability, yakovlev is equal to reliability, miles is equal.
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that we should be proud that the country gave birth to such people, that fate simply gave us such legendary personalities, there are many of them, there are many of them now, someday...
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hello, this is the podcast mount with fire and i, its host denis gorelov, with a story, no, not about tv series, as usual, but about the oscars in 2024, which no longer really meets our interests, but out of inertia we still watch it, today according to all in...
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it continues, but even this year with 19.5 million, the american academy did not achieve the result that it considered in the twentieth year disaster, in 2021, when attention to the ceremony was at its lowest, the list of films, in general, left only people
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crying because of this matter, the film nomad land about an elderly woman won. who hangs around america without work in her own trailer, critics then wrote, that - an international panorama, telling about how sad the faces of ordinary new yorkers and residents of the american outback, won at the oscars, and this year, of course, the competition was much better, of the ten films presented on the shortlist, four can be named of a fairly... high level films, first of all , martin scarcez's film killer of the flower moon, arthouse cinema, jorg lanthimos, the poor unfortunates, zone of interests, the picture that won the competition for the best foreign film, it was also nominated for the main oscar, perhaps, an american read, the film
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that won this year is open, i’m grandiose. to be honest, i don’t consider it an event; as a matter of fact, i don’t see any special genius in director christopher nolan, unlike so many and visitors to various film sites. the fact is that while making the movie, nolan refused to answer, perhaps, the most important question in the biography of the creator of the american atomic bomb, robert oppenheimer, the question: was the great physicist... the very first creator of atomic weapons, robert oppenheimer, an informant ministry of state security of the ussr. the kgb did not exist then, the ministry was renamed in 1953, but there is every reason to believe that the great physicist worked quite seriously and consciously for our foreign intelligence.
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he spoke about this most directly at one time in his memoirs. a person more than others involved in the most secret state secrets, lieutenant general pavel anatolivich sudoplatov, he directly said that our intelligence will affect our nuclear industry all the leaders of the atomic project worked, not only the exposed fuchs, but also oppenheimer, and szillar, and bohr, and fermi, he said that there were informants on nuclear issues in manhattan. the accuracy of his memoirs, after all, never in his life had such a level of clearance as general sodoplatov himself had. what was the reason for such
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readiness of american physicists to work for us? it seems that einstein was the first to say that the possession of weapons of such destructive power will make america a dominator over the entire planet, and, importantly, can lead to completely uncontrollable mass.
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there is every reason to believe that oppenheimer did exactly the same. frankly speaking, if in the film oppenheimer there had been even an echo that robert oppenheimer
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was, after all, an informant for our intelligence, christopher nolan’s entire scheme would have gone to waste. in fact, today the film corresponds more or less to the traditional agenda of the democratic party, which has always been the nest. oscar academy, this is a movie about a levada professor, obsessed with the idea of ​​nuclear fission, by man, about a man, who in his youth, due to the peculiarities of the great depression, messed around with the communists, which is now blamed on him, all sorts of evil right-wingers, everything is just like it is happening now, here... the bright leftists of the democratic party, here are the right-wingers who want to make america again great, and isolating, closed to the rest of the world, another
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thing is that yes, if oppenheimer’s levada interests at some point led her to work for soviet intelligence, this makes the figure much brighter, more voluminous and interesting than oppenheimer played, too this year's oscar winner. for the modern american public, thus the oscar is once again confined to internal american problems, again it ceases to be, frankly speaking, an award for great world cinema, if they slightly changed the plot, then on the other hand the picture simply would not...
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this year scarceza flew by like plywood over paris, as he always did, almost always over the previous 50 years, in fact, martin lucanovich’s relationship with oscar was always bad, perhaps the very first grandiose disaster the film academy happened with the first of the great films from corcese and the film taxi.
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the girl from the campaign headquarters was played by sybil sheppard, in fact the dream of all american men of that time, the fact is that for the first time in the entire history of the american screen she appeared on the screen without anything in the film by peter bogdanovich, the last picture show. it was the year sixty-nine, america was very slow in matters of nudity, europe and even the soviet
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union were very much ahead of it. and since the film was aimed precisely at teenage audience, talked about how bad it is when you are drafted into vietnam, and what wonderful classmates you sometimes have, in particular blonde sybel shepard, of course, all generations of american men fell in love with her right away, such a beautiful girl, a dream, ugly taxi driver travis bicol, played by robert deniro , tried to take him to hard porn, and of course, against this background... sylvester stalon, a little stupid, but certainly positive, a good family man, a winner and in general the center of the american dream, looked more presentable, so he actually won. this is still the podcast mount with fire and i, its host denis gorelov with a story about the main films of the american film academy oscar 2024. scarceza apparently decided that
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he was now in favor.
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already in the 21st century, the film walkx wall street lost, respectively, the film 12 years a slave, it seems that all these films are significant, important and tdp, but if the films raging bull, taxi driver, casino, walks sol street, say something and are known to any person, who at least yesterday began to understand cinema, then...
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they shut him down now he was nominated 10 times and did not receive a single statuette, why is all this happening? the thing is that the main thing... scarce was in general the realization of how great, how pleasant, how sweet it is to be in america, a complete son of a bitch. all his films are success stories, ended by frosts, beaten moral monsters, sometimes just not the most pleasant characters, such as boxer lamotta or stand-up comedian robert papkin in the film the king of comedy, well, there was also the exception of the success story of jesus christ in the film last.
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for 40 dollars, coffins for 1.00 dollars, well , td etc., profiting in every possible way from simple-minded indians, but the biggest crime was that all the surrounding whites began
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to marry indians, after which the indians were found either shot in a ditch or poisoned some kind of poured whiskey, then it was just raging. when in the first episodes of the film the main reference senior scoundrel from karsez’s movie, robert denira, hugs the reference younger scoundrel from karsez’s movie, leody
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caprio, this actually makes it clear that throughout the huge 3-2 hour film, by the end of it, we, the relatives, will kill, bend. another academic failure, which, in general, oscar already had enough of. now a few words about other nominees since 2010, instead of five names on the shortlist
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there are 10. let's talk about the rest. zone of interest is a film about a concentration camp commandant with wentz, which, of course, could not become the main film. 2024 simply because it cannot be a major film, film about the commandant of the auschwitz concentration camp. the film is very good, and it is good precisely because no atrocities occur in the frame, there are no ovens, no hundreds of people driven into crematoriums, there is such a wailing wall, a fence, this very commandant, in front of which phloxes grow, in front of which mastiffs will develop . uh, the little kids of this same commandant are jumping, well, some issues related to current life are discussed, in general, a normal lawn, however, sometimes thick black smoke comes from behind the fence, and somewhere in the distance people are screaming, but the inhabitants of this bungalow
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they are already used to not noticing it, and even calmly and joyfully, together with the children, splash in the pool, which is also on the territory of this lovely household,
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seriously, and the tilt is clearly towards korea, because america has already fought with japan, most likely with china will. now, the film is about a private school in the seventies, in which at christmas, inside the school there remains a loser-teacher and a loser-student who... was not taken just in time for the christmas holidays, the film
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is wonderful, but monstrously burdened, line of a black african-american boyfriend whose son died in vietnam, in general, this aunty was absolutely useless in the plot itself, and besides, she also increased the running time very much, by about 25 minutes, so the film would have fit perfectly within 1:40, now he had more than 2 hours, but it was absolutely clear that this particular young lady would receive the oscar for best supporting actress, it just so happens that the oscar for best supporting actress has long been reserved for black fat women, if there is one in the nomination at least one black woman, much less a fat one woman, then she is the one who will receive the oscar, this has already happened five times out of six, this year the situation was extremely complicated by the fact that ... the oscar for best supporting actress
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was nominated by three black actresses and two of them were fat . it seemed to me that the aunt from the film the color purple has a much better chance, because in this film her heroine simply knocked out the white mayor of the city, and even sang a powerful black song of national freedom over his body, it seemed to me that it was impossible to kill her , but here i was wrong, the prize was given to the lady from the film left behind, and it was certainly in vain, she is not an actress at all, it is clear that when she needs to play something serious, a drama about the mother of a dead son, the director films her from behind, everyone knows very well, in what situations do directors have to do this, when...
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for 10 people at once, as for the picture, of course, oscar and lemy stone, for some reason the majority of the world's population is sure that playing a weak-minded or weak-minded person is the pinnacle of acting , in my opinion this is not so, no
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acting skills in the performance, for example, tom hanks did not show, the horotesque action associated with traditional antics, and of course emmy stone, you just need to take off your hat to her for constantly appearing naked in the frame, this is generally a rather sharp trick of an actress who had not allowed herself to such, and decided to agree only in a big and serious arthouse film. director, but otherwise, perhaps, stone certainly lost the oscar, indian lily gladstone from the film hillery flower moon, very glad that most commentators here agree with me that the debate for the main female oscar
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was between actresses named stone and gladstone, my sympathies are on the side of the indian, although stone too, in general... the actress is quite high-quality and high-level. maestra's film told the story of the suffering of the wife of the great leonard bernstein from cancer. frankly speaking, films of this kind have already been made about tchaikovsky, mainly, of course, from that side. but director and screenwriter bradley cooper, who also played the title role, was nominated for all three. their oscar roles are not received nothing, frankly, let’s say, completely deservedly, the fact is that when the director of the film superimposes the most gorgeous twitchy urban overture to the film site
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story, clearly written perfectly for the concrete jungle of a big city, he superimposes it on the green lawn of the estate. long-distance editions to moscow and back, having reached moscow, he immediately changed to an oncoming train and never saw the city, because jews were not allowed to live there, great and interesting discoveries about the life of jews in the russian empire, especially aggravated the fact that conductor koussevitzky served
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as a double bassist in the orchestra of the bolshoi theater for 11 years, the same conductor koussevitzky who could not come. from the roof of a quarrelsome husband and accusations that he fell his wife, a long movie, i can’t say that it’s at all interesting, but nevertheless, it won an oscar for the screenplay, today the main american agenda is based on the fact that all men are scoundrels ,
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if women threw them off the roofs, then that’s where they belong, and the barbie movie, of course, was a massive hit. it is not the woman who was produced from the man ribs, and the man was produced from a female quirk, and it would have been better for him to remain there within the framework of this quirk. and finally, the last picture of the ten was, in general , a rather nice film of american fiction,
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the story of a black writer and teacher, whom no one wants to perceive as a black intellectual; it is clear that such a paradoxical dark topic could not get into the top, most often for such films, the authors are given an oscar for best screenplay, because the screenplay is considered territory smart guys for smart guys, always, as soon as some complex paradoxical picture appeared on the horizon at the oscar academy, it was paid off with an oscar for the screenplay, this was the case with the film pulp fiction, it was nominated for an oscar eleven times.
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no matter how much he won, we see the usual oscar turnover and a further decline in the planet’s interest in this ceremony can be predicted without any difficulty. it was a podcast called mount by fire and i am its host denis gorelov with a story about the oscar ceremony in 2024. hello everyone, this is a podcast deception of substances - this
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is a waste for the desperate, and it is hosted by me, olesya nosova, editor-in-chief of komsomolskaya pravda, endocrinologist pavlova. well, today we’ll probably talk about something that people don’t actually know about, about proper cooking of food, because how with the help of proper cooking you can improve a product, make it more useful, or, in fact, make it worse, that’s it. .. for example, the easiest way is to add extra salt to the dish being prepared, there is such a trick, for example, do not add salt to the dish at all cooking time, but for the vast majority of people this is not acceptable, and they think that the dish becomes somehow different, that’s what you think about this, we have a lot of stereotypes, a lot of habits that have been with us since childhood all our lives , and often we hear how people say my... grandmother, my mother cooked this way, i will cook this way, they refer to their longevity, for example, but what is the point of adding salt
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to an already prepared dish, the only point is, that edible salt, when we add salt to a prepared dish, it loses this same iodine, that is, well, the most valuable thing, actually , not only that, when we prepare a dish, these are some large volumes, and we put this salt by eye, we don’t understand, strictly speaking. there is a tablespoon or two tablespoons, and how much each specific person will then eat, the point is precisely not to overeat salt, because this, as it turned out, is the most harmful habit that has the most detrimental effect on our health, so when we we cook, we should not add salt to the dish, we should add salt to the cooked dish in our plate, so we we understand how much salt we used, and moreover, we can... teach ourselves not to over-salt this food, this is really a very important point, because as you know, not long ago a study was published where
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the 15 most harmful eating habits were identified.


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