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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  April 11, 2024 10:50am-12:00pm MSK

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grape seed oil is sold in the form of oil, that is, you can buy it in a small bottle as a food product bottle and if you add it, it has a very pleasant shade without bitterness, in fact it has such an interesting taste, we have nothing against grape seed oil, but in promises that the advertisement provides. we doubt a little what we wish for you, but this is the pleasure industry, no one can explain why women buy something, it’s a mystery. that's all for today, dear friends, there is only one thing for you, we had a good time with you, may you live healthy.
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hello, the information channel on the first one is starting to work live, time will tell the program, in the studio ruslan nastashko, olesya loseva. vladimir zelensky here announced another plan for a counteroffensive in the ssu, which includes the destruction of the crimean bridge and other objects on russian territory, but in the west it is interesting that such plans are approved. and the actions of ukraine, nato head jens stoltenberg called kiev’s strikes on civilian targets in russia a right to self-defense. but the pentagon generally stated that this is the sovereign right of ukraine. in response to such terrorist actions in the ssu, our troops launch a retaliatory strike exclusively against energy and military facilities in ukraine. this night, powerful explosions were heard in kharkov, odessa, in the zaporozhye, lvov and kiev regions, a blackout occurred in kharkov... the urals near
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orenburg rose another 32 cm this night, the dangerous indicator has already been exceeded by 124 cm. the authorities are calling on the population should urgently evacuate from the flood zone. details immediately after the short advertisement. undercover taxi. premiere. watch the time after the program. i feel out of place as the chairman of the jury. perhaps all the most famous actors and directors in the world sat at this table. i 'd like to have lunch, please, just this pasadeno. we don't have restaurants. how did you feel in a film where all the actors played themselves and only you had a role? is whoopi holbert a police officer? how do the local public perceive our films? are they expecting?
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but how were the relationships in the family? evgenia steblova? before tanya, i didn’t love anyone, i took her arm and it was like an electric shock. our exclusive and interview with the artist who played with the most beautiful women in the country and at the same time remained faithful to his one and only. we became and lived for 38 years, we have a son, our only one, a monk of the solovetsky monastery. what did his loyalty bring to the end of his life, why was it not possible to avoid tragedy? all this is in god’s providence, as god wills, so it will be. exclusive with dmitry borisov, premiere on saturday on the first. you didn't have the feeling that maybe god is like this took your son for something? this year we celebrate the ninetieth birthday of the world's first cosmonaut, yuri gogarin. do you know what kind of guy he was? elena yuryevna gagarina, alekseevich’s eldest daughter. new year, the astronauts were musketeers, it was our first time. everything they saw
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in a hat, with a mustache in butforty, our teacher was terribly strict, suddenly she bursts into all the classes, says, gagarin flew into space, hurray, we still had old ladies? in the yard and one another, and he will return, where will he go, and he won’t get caught on anything there? i dreamed about the cosmodrome, in my life, how in all soviet houses there was a portrait of iolya alekseevich and i was sure that this was a relative of my nanny, i so wanted to be yura, i came to my mother, gave out such hysterics, i want to be yura, yuri alekseevich, it was like a relative for our family, when yuri alekseevich died, i saw for the first time... my father’s tears, how they cried with all my relatives, there is such a tradition, it is necessary to drink from the well from which yuri alekseevich himself drank loons, it is believed, if you drink this water, you you will definitely fly to koska, on saturday on the first, welcome to the city in which
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even the stones under your feet can turn out to be precious, hello, yekaterinburg, emerald is a beautiful stone in itself, and i think that all women probably love this emerald, unfortunately for... 193 they say that you cannot simultaneously experience a feeling of visual pleasure and fear, they may be lying about the lives of their own, the premiere is on sunday on the first.
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season on sunday on the first, the information channel on the first continues, program time will show, we are working live, the peak of the flood has passed in orgsk, in one day the level
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of the ural river in the city fell by 42 cm, the water has already left almost 250 residential buildings, some people were even able to return to their homes to evaluate it like this visually. to the extent of the damage, at the moment all federal forces are being deployed to eliminate the rampant disaster, according to the head of the russian ministry of construction, irek faizulin, residents who have completely lost their housing will receive special certificates for the purchase of a new one, and where repairs are still possible, after according to the expert assessment, the owners of the houses will be paid compensation. priests in orskiye were able to save ancient book icons from a flooded church, and metropolitan peter of orenburg and soraktash came to the site. in the church itself, the situation is still so difficult and deplorable. in general, orenburg, after orsk, accepted the devastation of this element. the water level in the ural river near the city has already risen to 1060 cm, which is 130 cm above the critical level. more than 3,000
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households were flooded in the city. hydrologists warn that the situation could still get worse as the water level continues to rise. well, the head of the ministry of construction, rek faizulin, criticized the dambus breakthrough which... the flood began in orsk, now he is in orsk, where he is inspecting the flooded places. the dam was bearing a load, well, about 5.5 m. in fact, we got 10, that is, with great speed, a huge mass of water pressed on not the dam, but on the earthen rampart, so let’s look at it carefully, which means everyone who is entitled to this direction and then we’ll talk about the results, the dam about which thieves say.
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the situation in some areas of orenburg , according to the head of the city, is now tense, fortunately for the victims. there is no flood in the city, and according to the latest data, the water level in the ural river in orenburg has already risen to 10.69 cm. in the orenburg region, almost 12,000 residential buildings and almost 15,000 garden plots remain flooded. in the next 24 hours , a further increase in the water level in the ural river is predicted, and it is estimated that another 3,500 houses, in twenty, may be flooded. five settlements of the orenburg region, in the city also now temporary accommodation centers for
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evacuees have been deployed, yesterday there were already people in two out of five temporary temporary detention centers, but local residents report that evacuees are mostly leaving to stay with relatives or renting apartments; in yesterday’s drone footage you can see how the water level is rising, this is happening rapidly , and the water comes close to orenburg, it is flooded. already the outskirts of orenburg, and yesterday several residential buildings, one-story, and two-story houses were flooded up to their roofs in water , about half of them were flooded, and the residents some residential complexes and areas have already been evacuated, police officers are now on duty day and night, they are patrolling flooded areas, and in order to avoid looting, now i am on the embankment of the ural river, a filling dam was installed here, which was delivered to orenburg
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by a special plane of the ministry of emergency situations. behind the dam, i ’ll come closer, you can now see how much the water level has risen; yesterday there was still a staircase that led to the embankment. you can also see that emergency situations ministry employees are constantly on duty embankment, this happens throughout the entire embankment. in addition to this dam , local residents also installed dams; they reported that they worked on them for several days. today , the minister of construction and housing and communal services of russia, the head of the city, and also the governor of the orenburg region are making a tour of the city of orenburg; it recently became known that the head of the russian ministry of emergency situations also flew to orenburg. the mayor of orenburg today once again called on city residents to evacuate as much as possible. lines and do not wait for the situation to worsen. elizabeth, here regarding the visit, including the head of the ministry of construction,
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rek fayzulin, he said about the dam in orsk that it was not a dam, but an earthen rampart. have you seen this dam in orsk yourself or haven’t you personally? no, i didn’t see the dam in orsk, i’m in orenburg. we understand, yes, that it is in orenburg, but there is only one region, nevertheless, and what is generally being said on the sidelines regarding the words of irak faizulin, perhaps they have heard about it. damba critics? i only heard that today the regional governor said that the dam could sooner be call it an embankment structure, yes, yes, yes, this is what we now want to understand to what extent this information now corresponds to the cost of the dam, well, i think, now we will figure it out and most importantly, our officials are all on the spot, they will definitely understand this. thank you very much, elizaveta kosalapova, riya novosti correspondent, was with us. in direct communication, and we are following the development of the situation, until news
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from the front, the vesti lugansk film crew came under fire from ukrainian militants in the kremensk direction, they were hit at first barrel artillery, then they tried to finish off fellow journalists with drones, cameraman denis shum was wounded in the leg, he was already operated on in the lugansk hospital, and his life is not in danger, correspondent artyom yundas was shell-shocked, and unfortunately he died from... right away like us they started to leave - in an evacuation vehicle in bukhanka, we know they flew with aim.
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at the same time, ukraine continues to prove that it uses exclusively terrorist methods of warfare. in the kursk region , a whole family died, a father and two children, in in the village of apanasovka, ukrainian militants dropped an explosive device from a drone on a civilian vehicle. this information was reported by the regional governor. nato believes that such attacks on civilians are justified, and the head of the north atlantic alliance, jens stoltenberg , gave kiev his permission to strike territory outside the north atlantic treaty organization zone. ukraine has the right to self-defense according to international law, we have the right to help ukraine, to exercise its right to self-defense, without making nato and
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the allies part of the conflict. also this is part ukraine's right to self-defense to strike at the legitimate ones. russia is the sovereign right of ukraine, the united states has endowed them with this right, although in principle this, on the one hand , causes them some fears and concerns, and yesterday at congressional hearings such approval of kiev’s terrorist policy was expressed by assistant secretary of defense of the united states, celeste wolanberg . if you want to win a war, you can't sit
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back, take blows and not deliver them, so why don't the ukrainians attack the oil and gas industry? russia's gas infrastructure? frustration, when on the one hand the minister of defense says there is no need, we have always said the development of pluralism to the level of bipolar , there is no need to do this, the boshni says: well, this is the sovereign right of ukraine, let him do what he wants, in fact, in my opinion, in the united states in america there is no such
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serious discrepancy, there is a certain strategy, and no matter how paradoxical it may seem now, there is little in this strategy... republicans and democrats differ, they decided the next thing, strategically, we started a fire, we achieved the main thing, a clash between russia and europe, we threw gasoline on this fire, but gasoline cannot be poured indefinitely, the fire must continue to burn on its own, the united states of america stopped its assistance, now this is a problem for europe , that is why we are told tales about the great michael. almost said jackson, johnson, until recently, people in the 99% of the world did not know not only the name of the speaker of the house of representatives, that there was such a position at all, it turns out that now it is a figure of historical proportions, because in general the surname johnson is already a household word, yes, yes, because the fate of humanity depends on his will, so to speak, on the movement of his little finger, this is of course funny, in fact
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the position, we understand perfectly well that the current administration is democratic ... could have provided the necessary military assistance without a decision from congress. at the disposal of the president of the united states of america, about 6 billion, there is a special act that allows the provision of military assistance at any time, any state. this was not done. democrats blame republicans for this. the republicans say: we have a cunning plan, the general strategy is this: guys, we have made a mess, and now you are to smear, europe is now to be slammed. and in this regard, americans understand perfectly well. what next will we ask from european states, because with their weapons ukraine will strike us not the united states of america, they fulfilled their mission, they started the mess. the divergence between democrats and republicans is related to in terms of domestic political issues, with the election struggle, the democrats would like to present it
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as if it were the republicans who were preventing the victory of ukraine, the republicans, that the democrats as a whole failed everything, because they...
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took russia away. they did this for 5 months after that, but nothing happened. ukraine has carried and continues to bear more fire than russia. and from december, the end
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of december, the current chairman of the joint chiefs of staff, brown, announced an addition to this strategy, which sounds like every russian killed in test. that is, the task in this case is to create such a level of losses, no matter among the civilian population, anyone, the russians. all march, they tried to push into our territory, break into, force us, again drag reserves of troops there and fight there, we know that nothing came of this either, but i say again, their principle is very simple, absolutely indiscriminate war against russia in all directions, at the official level it’s like this, but we don’t... we don’t support it, we’re not for it, but it’s the right of ukrainians that ukrainians' rights are being exercised by the method of a kick in the ass, the american one, they
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naturally keep quiet about this, but support is one of the forms of complicity, so incidentally, but what they are now, they are involved in this war and have been waging a war since september of twenty -two , when all their decisions were made, when massive military support began, today on the territory of ukraine there are not a hundred, but several thousand foreigners, these are... mercenaries, and military specialists, and various instructors, whoever is there, including and even representatives of various foreign design bureaus who sit there and work out the experience of this war and test, so to speak, this or that weapon in combat conditions, that is, this is such a huge laboratory. alexander vladimirovich, there is a feeling that they are still disowning americanism, but from europe, from the conflict, it seems like there is nato, so let nato take it away. nato is engaged in taking the initiative, including sending its mission to ukraine, but they seem to say that the mission is not military, but training, but official, and this will already be
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european or nato, i’m already confused, to be honest, about who divides the established contingent they want, but the nato mission, that’s how to understand it, in the end, if they go there, what will happen for ukraine and for us, will they go to your opinion, you know, firstly, the constitution of ukraine prohibits. deployment on the territory of ukraine, i’m talking about i ’m just talking about where all these things came from, you know, the phrase, the training base, everything else, that is, it prohibits the placement of foreign special bases, the only exception is the black sea fleet of the russian federation, yes, the constitution of ukraine was written down, so when reznikov was still the minister of defense, they then liked to play the fool, that we don’t place british bases there in ochakov, but this is a training center, now training centers are allowed by law, yes, well, this is not a military base, so they like to play with these words, it directly prohibits, that is, it is imperative only a military base.
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they quickly didn’t give a damn, revised, rewrote, it’s all right, yes, that’s how it is, now they’re also coming up with some names, but everyone understands perfectly well that the only essence of what will destroy the usa or nato is, yes, it will really be a military mission, it will be a military base, of course, it will be, well , not at the level of some ordinary people, it will be direct control of the armed forces there by ukrainian forces.
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they made this photographic test of him, this photographic test turned out to be, one might say, such a star ticket, then georgy nikolaevich said: where is he, let’s bring him here. the story that was later told, i am walking around moscow, began in the head of gennady shpalikov, but long before that. there were some kind of internal artistic intonations, they were in
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the air. and then another one appears there.
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tomorrow on the first. tell me you like my hat? you don't have a hat. i would like to say in the future that i did everything i could in my life. for cosmonautics day on the first. gagarin is a flash, a smile, communication. this was the face of the soviet union, which suddenly appeared to the whole world.
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400 seconds, the flight is normal, it’s been there for a long time. people are falling there, and he conveys in a cheerful voice that the flight is normal, silence and darkness, and what will happen in the next second, you don’t understand, let’s go, the first man in space, the first woman in space, feeling great, first spacewalk, first feature film shot in space. mommies, how great it is that we all gathered here today, on saturday, at the first one. chanson, this is not just for you, you need to do it. shalom, my friend, shalom, let him go along the roads, it was so festive, and i wanted to go out dancing, but i
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couldn’t. mom, mom, i love the gypsy, dear, your voice knows no boundaries at all, you are an amazing classical singer, but you can sing in any genre, when spring comes, this is a very strong folk song, it seems to me that this is some kind of completely new interpretation, and i recognize my dear one by his gait, he wears it.
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three chords of the new season on sunday on the first, welcome to the city where even the stones under your feet can be precious. hello, ekaterinburg, emerald is a beautiful stone in itself, and i think that all women probably love it. this is an emerald, unfortunately for us men, just chop, this is not the time to slave, evgeny, the snow makes the filling unsurpassed, juicy. dumpling is a small universe. below me, how many meters are you talking down? 193. they say that you cannot experience a feeling of visual pleasure and fear at the same time. they may be stealing their own lives. premiere on sunday on the first. the information channel on the first continues, in the united states they are still thinking, but they have not decided what the victory of ukraine in this war is, during the hearings in the senate of lloyd austin
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they asked who should keep crimea, in the end, in the opinion of the united states, so postin thought for a long time, thought, thought, and the head of the pentagon did not find an answer. what does victory look like for ukraine? with all due respect, i think part of the problem is that this administration has not outlined an exit strategy, which to me is carte blanche for war, which without any clearly defined goals will be endless. well, hypothetically about possible
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negotiations with russia, zelensky suddenly spoke, he gave a long interview to german to the media, in an exclusive announcement, the publication bel published the following headline: is ukraine losing the war, mr. zelensky? well, honestly. the president of ukraine, of course, does not have an answer, but he decided at a peace summit in switzerland to approve a certain plan for negotiations, and then send it to russia through intermediaries. if the next counteroffensive fails, you will not be able to take back the country when it comes time to sit down at the negotiating table with vladimir putin. we have developed a very specific plan ten- point diplomatic negotiations, which should be based on a peaceful outcome.
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you do this, he said, i love the rustling of nuts, this is what is happening now in switzerland, it’s called the rustling of nuts, zelensky needs to make some noise, some sounds. demonstrate that he is doing something, achieving something, moving somewhere, the swiss conference itself is devoid of any meaning, the fact that our diplomacy refused to participate in it is absolutely justified, firstly, switzerland is not a neutral country in this conflict, formally switzerland is a neutral country, but let me remind you that it has joined all anti-russian sanctions, which means that it is de facto participating in an information, economic, financial war against russia. the second important point, at this summit
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they said from the very beginning, that we will discuss zelensky’s plan. what is zelensky's plan? zelensky’s plan is that russia should, for no apparent reason, given the current state of affairs at the front, fall to its knees and say, dear, dear, do whatever you want with us, yes, we we withdraw troops, we capitulate there, pay you endless indemnities, you begin to command our oil, the funniest thing in this regard is that... zelensky dictates the rules of european security, energy security, well, that is, this plan was drawn up in those days , when the anglo-saxons blew into the ears of the ukrainians that they were the most important nation, the leader of the free world, those times had passed, but the piece of paper remained, this piece of paper is supposed to be discussed at the summit in switzerland, russia says: listen, guys, we have something to do, we don’t love the rustle of nuts as much as the master. china said that if
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russia doesn’t exist, there is no point, and china says an absolutely common thing, well, here ’s how to negotiate an end to the conflict without the participation of one of the parties to the conflict, a man came to the legislature and said: register my marriage with this one, and where is she ? there are no victories at the front, the situation is dire, everyone sees how for six months the united states of america has been tormenting him with these, waving these 61 billion, his authority within the country is falling, he needs to demonstrate something, but he understands that if he just says guys, we're going to switzerland.
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this conference has no political significance, it is a purely propaganda event, gentlemen, well, they are making a certain bet on the position of the global south, they are already actively declaring that china will be present, although china is here literally for days he said that without russia’s participation, he doesn’t see the point in holding any summits, yes vlad, briefly, please, very briefly, this conference is very important for zelensky for his legitimization, let me remind you.
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has increased the pace of its advance in ukraine,
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and the russians are advancing towards chasov yar, west of bakhmut, a heavily fortified city that is an important springboard for the ukrainians. now the ukrainians are constructing trenches, burrowing into the ground, building fortifications, their goal is to resist the onslaught russians, an offensive that will certainly begin in the spring or summer. today there is no longer any talk, as there was a year or two ago, of the ukrainians advancing and the russians retreating, everything is exactly the opposite. the kremlin is certainly trying to take advantage of ukraine's shortage of weapons and ammunition before any new supplies arrive. ukrainian officials say the russians now have a five-fold advantage. ukraine fears that the russians will launch a major offensive on kharkov. security, president zelensky visited defensive
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borders east of kharkov, just a few kilometers from the russian border, where ukrainians are constantly waiting for a new russian offensive. are doing on the eastern front, ukrainian intelligence chief kirill buddanov says he expects them to advance in the donbass, trying to capture chasov and the town of pokrovsk northwest of avdeevka. the optimism of the early spring of 2023 gave way to quite noticeable pessimism. the russians took over.
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it is very difficult for ukraine to resist the russians. we have witnessed the failure of the vaunted counteroffensive. there was excessive optimism that was created by the western media, but... the reality is that without air support, without the support that the west must provide to ukraine, the situation will not succeed. in america they are very worried about their investments in ukraine; the assistant minister of defense, a certain celeste wallender, we have already mentioned her, said that washington must urgently provide kiev with money. otherwise, the previous 2 years of investment in the square simply won’t pay off. no recent work two years of investing in ukraine's future won't pay off if we don't agree on help in the next few months. in general, for the american elite this is not an empty investment at all, so many people have already died. yuri
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ivanovich soon joins our conversation. yuri ivanovich, hello, we will speak with you today as american investment experts. investments, how are things going with investments in ukraine now, things are going there now, they say that not everything is good, and the statripol test is most likely up to the end the war will have to say goodbye, well, of course , there is no exact data yet, but judging by that fire, by the explosions, detonations, repeated detonations, again ours struck in two stages, that is, at first they struck once, then they saw that it was hit there, that no, they applied it again, well, the locals say that they are very pessimistic. yes, just a few minutes ago there was an official message from the ukrainian energy company that this test was completely destroyed near kiev, well, let’s say, after they made a statement about the burshtyn mine that it was completely destroyed, but nevertheless, according to our primary intelligence data from the so-called oblique satellite information, it is clear that it
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could have been restored, today, by the way, we struck there again, so that their statements would not, so to speak, diverge from reality. therefore, we will still wait for our objective means, and not their statements, we still don’t need to believe their statements, because they are trying with all their might, including with the help of an information curtain, so to speak to hold on to everything that is possible, they understand that russia has every opportunity to destroy any tests in ukraine, air defense, in fact , again, this is also an interesting point, if previously they were quite serious in the kiev air defense system, then the strike on trypillian this shows , that it is already full of holes there, not to mention full of holes, it’s practically not there, so we strike, there was a very interesting point about the daggers, and the daggers hit western ukraine today, that is, it looks like the remnants of the air defense that used to be covered at first kharkov, then there was no longer enough for kharkov, kiev, now there is obviously not enough for kiev, they are all concentrated in western ukraine in order to keep the situation under control, for them these are strategically important points and for
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europe, by the way, too, that is, obviously, that the problems will only grow, well, let ’s wait for now with final statements on the trypillian tet, what a blow? according to tripolskaya tets near kiev, what will they lead to and what will be the consequences for us, first of all, what will they not be able to do? well, as long as we don't talk about the fact that they will not be able to do anything at all, the task of destroying the energy sector is not one-time, that is, it is like a step-by- step task that is solved step by step, that is, the trypillian tetsa is the most important tetsa of the kiev energy hub, it is the most powerful, there there are still several smaller points, nevertheless, this is the most powerful test that was here, then... what will happen, exactly, i think, we will do the same scheme as in kharkov, because kiev and kharkov are the most important units for the production of weapons, repair of weapons, warehousing, that is, logistics hubs. according to kharkov, as it was, we destroyed the power stations, destroyed the substations, thus not allowing energy to be transferred to this area from other, primarily nuclear
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power units, that is, as i understand it, we are gradually knocking out the tez, the hydroelectric power station, and there will also be two power stations in vyshgorod, one holds the kiev reservoir, this is the kiev hydroelectric station, the second is literally nearby, it is a couple of kilometers away, the kiev pumped storage power plant, here they are together, as i understand it, they will most likely be in the near future attacked, because it will need to be knocked out as a whole, the entire energy hub of kiev will basically be extinguished, then the substations of the otroven and khmelnitsky nuclear power plants will be knocked out, and then the situation in kharkov will repeat for kiev, but again this will most likely be done step by step. zelensky started talking about the fact that it turns out that the peace formula that he will now propose to the summit in switzerland later before... better of russia’s mediators, but before he generally
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ruled out russia’s participation in any negotiations on a possible conclusion of peace, what does this mean? this also says once about the inadequacy of the situation, they do not understand adequately, do not react to the situation, it is obvious that now russia, in conditions of good situations at the front, powerful attacks on the enemy’s rear, it dictates the conditions, and not kiev, respectively, the conditions that are then possible. will form the basis of some documents, i don’t think that this will happen, well , let’s assume, yes, they can be dictated by russia, accordingly russia can make some proposals, to which either the other side will agree or not, that is, the scheme works here on the contrary, therefore everything that he is there, that they will decide there in switzerland, they will gather there, talk, contribute, it doesn’t even need to be discussed at all, it doesn’t make any sense, okay, but what’s on the fronts, then for them, these are our arguments, first of all, what is happening there, now the sofyar direction, the kharkov direction, how is the situation? well, the situation as a whole continues to deteriorate for the enemy, moreover, even the information dumps, which previously tried to keep the information
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component vigorously, they look at it very pessimistically, they even begin publish our maps, i saw on butusov that they even started publishing our maps, somehow surprising for this editor-in-chief, that is, everything says that everything is very sad for them, despite the fact that they are trying to pretend to be cheerful view, well , first of all, this is karlovska. direction ocheretinskoe, the enemy tried yesterday to counterattack on ocheretinskoye, but nothing happened, and we finished pushing the enemy beyond the line of the umanskaya nitailovo road, accordingly we are attacking nitailovo and working very well there krasnogorovka, again, we have good successes in the seversky sector, i really hope that in the near future there will be an assault on the white mountain, and the white mountain essentially holds half of the front, if we take it, everything from the enemy will fall to the north and eastern seversk , northeast north. that is, in the liman direction, it is a very key point, by the way, during the great patriotic war, there were also very fierce battles for it, after the loss of the white mountain from the enemy, everything
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collapsed for the fascists, i hope it will be the same here, well, in chasvyarsky, after we have pulled up the flanks, in general they have already pulled up, i think we should expect attacks both on the flanks and in the center in the next few days, that is, we will already be entering the city, well, formally, we have already entered the city, then there are some houses in the eastern part of the canal microdistrict, and it is actually part of now in yara... it was founded, according to some sources, in 1654 by tsar alexei mikhailovich, but there is also information that in general the idea of ​​​​creating kharkov belonged to alexei mikhailovich’s father, mikhail
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fedorovich, but in ukraine they write their own history, so ukrainian-oriented, and after all, you see, purebred ukrainians still remember dinosaurs, now they, therefore, take themselves too much, these impostors claim that russia illegally usurped the victory in world war ii, this is stated by the mayor of kharkov. igor terekhov, who was repeatedly fined for speaking russian. britannia. great britain gave russia the opportunity to usurp victory in the second world war. this is mistake. despite the fact that ukraine lost the most. lost most of all ukraine. have you seen the memorial in washington? dead, right? those who died during the second world war. how many british died, how many allies who were on our side? the coalition died then, so much destruction, so much grief, and we took and gave the right to consider ourselves the winner in that war to russia, well, how is this
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possible, i really want us to return to this issue, because our grandfathers, our fathers... 27 million, or even more, the data varies, now it’s clear, yes, because for them this is the second world war, and for us the great patriotic war, they will never understand this, so they were in no hurry for a very long time, these allies, conventionally, my grandfather always called them, he called them conditional allies, implying who they are, in fact, they were in no hurry to open a second front, but they were in a hurry not to be late in dividing up the victorious
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pie when our troops entered europe, so... by the way, as part of the fatherland then, yes, there was a ukrainian republic and the ukrainians fought, fought with nazism and according to hitler’s plan, in fact, everything the population of ukraine was subject to destruction, all natural resources were exported to germany, it turns out that after so many years, almost as if yes, well, nothing has changed, changing the places of the terms, as we know, the amount does not change, people like terekhov, clearly not they want to shut up, so there is nothing left to do but... shut up, in general, when i read his words several times, i was somewhat, well, not that i was shocked, my brain began to explode, because, that means, speaking of that that we usurped the victory, yes, that means he's trying thus bending over to the west, which, as part of the soviet union, fought against nazism, who is tirekhov, he is a descendant, i just don’t know, well, i don’t know who his
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grandfather was, maybe he also fought against nazism. but nevertheless, here is terekhov himself, he is a follower of nazism, how can you explain this? alexander? firstly, russia did not steal anything from anyone, but victory cannot be stolen, victory is like a symbol, they themselves abandoned this victory, did russia prohibit celebrating may 9 in ukraine? no, they themselves said that this is not a holiday, they they themselves began to celebrate may 8th there with europe, and you know, it’s disgusting that he was fined for the russian language, but he never learned the language, well, it’s... not the language he speaks, it’s not even surzhek, that ’s what he says, yes, he’s defending these allies of britain there, there’s absolutely a feeling that the red army, that is, his ancestors fought as part of the allies, and not as part of the red army, i’ll just remind you of the numbers, no matter how bandera gets involved there, yes, that bandera’s followers fought there for the freedom of ukraine, although it was war, there were only two sides, the axis, yes, and those who fought the nazis, and no matter how they
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said, but in the ranks of aun, all of them and the upa, there were a maximum of 200... that’s exactly who stole from someone, but they made an undertaking from the soviet union, an undertaking after berlin falls that the soviet union will open a second front and help the americans bomb japan. japan
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did not capitulate because the americans did.
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in the forty-first year it was occupied in the forty -third year it was liberated by us, so to the question of who is doing what and how is it in general it’s not worth it, and the third thing, of course, you need to understand is that he said these favorite ukrainian wishes. voted for the adoption of this new bill on mobilization, which is popularly called mobilization a long time ago, we still have to sort out all the nuances that were ultimately included in this bill, but at
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the moment it is obvious that for such officials, this is how, which we discussed, yes, this one, how is he, terikhov or whoever in the kharkov region, women will now defend him, time edition with reference to the words syrsky, or rather adviser syrsky, writes that kiev is planning. the words were immediately refuted by the disinformation center at the national security and defense council of ukraine; a special message states that there is no plan to mobilize women yet. the issue of mobilizing women today
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is not relevant and is not being considered by the authorities. women can mobilize into the ukrainian defense forces exclusively voluntarily. other - not planned. but ukrainian resources write that not everything is so simple. while plans to mobilize for today, or more precisely, probably even before the vote for a new bill, there were no plans, but these plans may appear very quickly, as soon as the shortage of manpower becomes even greater. refutes women's mobilization, but the devil is in the details. the main point is that the authorities stated that this issue is not on the agenda, hence the conclusion that it is not on the agenda now, but in a month it will be or by the end of the year, when the shortage of manpower will intensify. and now in direct contact with us is a special correspondent of the komsomolskaya media holding true, dmitry steshin. dmitry, hello. hello, of course, i would like to ask you about the marinsky direction, where you were, as far as i know, the withdrawal there was
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not easy, but this topic with the mobilization of women would also like to hear your opinion and whether they still meet military women, in what numbers are our guys on front on that side? they began to appear after the counter-offensive, when apparently they were exhausted - all the reserves right now - since the new year they have started to appear in droves, so i look at what is being broadcast live, but well, this is bad a sign in fact for ukraine, i was also waiting for this law, for some reason i was sure that they would push for mobilization from the age of 18 - short training courses, that’s all, actually for the front, but it didn’t work out, the deputies were simply afraid. because, well, this law, i think, would shake up ukraine as it should, it would not add fighting spirit to ukraine, well , as always, there are nuances, they can make changes literally in the evening or tomorrow, but we’ll see
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how the situation is, the marina direction, what's the story with your complex waste in general? zelensky promises a new counter-offensive, what do our guys and you think about this topic, uh, our guys, i was generally amazed at the scale of our work... i was only in one group, but i won’t say how many of them worked there, at the same time, day it was very good for work, windless, but in just literally half a day of work we knocked out a military supply warehouse, destroyed shelters, seriously damaged, i think, without restoration, an american mk-19 automatic mounted grenade, and well , the cherry on the cake, it means there was an armored personnel carrier there, baited american.
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uavs, out of despair, from a lack of shells and artillery, were put on starvation rations after the counterattack, but we just have this very pleasant and powerful addition to the artillery. aviation missiles, like that. zelensky promises a new counter-offensive, how real is the story, with such drone work, at least on one sector of the front, yes, that’s what i saw, and during daylight hours we didn’t see a single ukrainian armed forces fighter on the surface, so they were sitting in holes, well, what counterattack is possible, we saw only a small group. but
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already at the limit of range, the guys couldn’t do anything, they watched and flew away, and i was in this direction, yes, there was krasnogorovka on the right, which was being hammered non-stop by the factories, yes, we have the marinsko-kurakhovsky direction, well, there was no enemy activity on the ground it was, i don’t know who is going there, where to attack, this is purely my subjective opinion, dmitry, but you have not been in war for the first year in general. very good understanding of the situation on the spot, from radio interceptions, from sensations, from the pulse, i would even say what’s going on there now, is this already hopelessness or are they still holding on and clinging? the most interesting radio interception that i have heard, there are six of us, we are trapped in a dugout, we cannot get out, and this generally characterizes, yes, well, i can say, not well, not everything, not everything is like that. rosy, yes,
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the enemy’s fpv drones are working, we pissed him off by the middle of the day so much that we had to go underground for several hours, periodically fired shells, but not exactly, he snaps, yes, but it has always been accepted that that out of despair in the ssu we have superior to a drone, what i saw was exactly the opposite, yes we... went dozens of times, thank you very much, special correspondent of the komsomolskaya pravda media holding, dmitry steshin was in direct contact with us, against the backdrop of all this situation, zelensky continues to assure his friends in the west that the ukrainian armed forces have a completely new plan, a counter-offensive and victory is just around the corner, you really believe that crimea and donbass can be returned, because last year your counter-offensive failed, your there are not enough soldiers. as we expected, is it
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true, the russians knew how we would attack, where would we attack from? do you have a new counteroffensive plan? yes, we have a counter-offensive plan, and this counter-offensive must produce results, we will definitely win, we have no alternative, but i cannot promise to give a date for this. andrey konstantinovich, will the west continue to invest in castles in the air of zelensky and ukraine? to some extent they will continue, they will continue in terms of ensuring that the endless war continues. of course, there is no one there for ukraine to win doesn't seriously count on it. this is quite symbolic, there will be a plan for a successful counter-offensive after a successful vote in the lower house of parliament, after the rain on thursday, that is, not at all. if
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now the laws of mobilization go straight to the full , they will rake up everyone they can, and they remembered israel, and we don’t know what will happen to israel, especially now that israel has joined the fight against iran, but there is another example of total mobilization, this is the speech of mr. goebbels before a huge rally, his call for total mobilization was with much more enthusiasm than now the law on mobilization in ukraine, he asked 10 questions to the huge assembled crowd. including do you want total war? everyone shouted: i, yes, we want, after 2 years germany suffered a complete defeat. alexandrevich, are there any chances that the ukrainian people, after the adoption of this bill, the already scandalous law of mobilization, will somehow wake up? yes , he is already waking up, he is already waking up, because literally yesterday’s and the social surveys that were published are becoming more and more ukrainians see that the country is going in the wrong direction, you know, the rake is constantly ukraine, first they elect someone, yes, they believe in it, and then the country goes. there are already
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the number of those people who say that ukraine is going in the wrong direction, it will increase, but in order to overthrow zelensky, well, understand, this is a military dictatorship, well, what can a person do against this colossus, especially since we are not talking about zelensky, well, what’s the point of dumping zelensky, the country is under external control, well , it won’t be zelensky, it will be belensky, what difference does it make in ukraine, for ukrainians? nothing will change, the question here is, as it was correctly said, the united states will give money or not, but the law can be passed, this is , of course, an argument so that yes, give us money, we will already...
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well, - firstly, it must be said that we have already received an answer to this new law for everything, let me remind you that today there are approximately 800 thousand in service with all this defense, with everything about a million, and 6000 are running away from mobilization, this is their number, 3000 only for one region, just extrapolate to the number of regions , the minimum is 6000, that’s 6 million people who left we don’t think so, we only take those who they officially announced, who are wanted, who are running around, so...
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yes, these are not offensive forces, these are forces for some kind of counterattacks, or at least for the fire brigade, when somewhere, for example , we will break through, that is, we must understand that the enemy will cling, snarl, snarl harshly, cruelly, and here there should be no trace of throwing hats, but the last thing is important, we must understand that for those whom are not going to mobilize, we need equipment, weapons, ammunition, ammunition, nobody knows where to get them now, nato troops, even this is already happening. so to speak , an american analyst with ukrainian roots roughly voiced a year ago that ukraine needs to call up one and a half million, then it will turn the corner and win, now we have come to the implementation of this plan, but we then
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said that for this one and a half million we need no less than 2-3 tanks, at least 2-3 artillery pieces and a bunch of other things that are needed, you know, so the question is to put people... you can put on a military uniform, but as we understand, as they like to say, meat cannon in ukraine, it doesn’t solve anything by itself, well, you see, yes, i’m absolutely right, there’s such a terrible shortage in ukraine, but first of all, they lack, of course, brains. news on channel one. hello, employees of the federal security service, as well as the ministry of internal affairs, the ministry of emergency situations and the national guard carried out a counter-terrorism operation in the suburbs of nalchik.


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