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tv   Vechernie novosti  1TV  April 11, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm MSK

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the period cannot deviate from this confrontational line in any way, and this is the trap into which the united states has fallen, weakening with rising inflation, with a weakening military-industrial complex, which has drawn itself into the ukrainian conflict, now the middle east conflict and is still dragging itself into the conflict in the far east, but the fact that israel cannot afford serious wars is also possible, and the united states cannot afford this either, but... our cause is just, the enemy will be defeated, victory will be ours. we pass the word news, the big game will return at 11 p.m. hello, evening news is on the air, ekaterina berezovskaya is in the studio. this is the main topic. elimination of the consequences of floods is
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the main topic, the meeting of the president with the heads of the affected regions, as well as the heads of the ministry of emergency situations and the ministry of construction, what statements were made? the hand of great britain, the sabotage of ukrainian militants who were trained at a military base near saltbury was prevented by fsb officers. the captive vssushnik told many details. from the kiev region to the lviv region. our precision strikes armed forces on critical infrastructure facilities in ukraine. trypilska tes is almost completely destroyed. you can't go into reserve. disabled people need to pass a commission. the scandalous law on tightening and mobilization was adopted by the verkhovna rada. what other innovations? on the eve of cosmonautics day. historic launch from the vostochny cosmodrome. it was my first time starting from there. angara. fighting
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floods and helping people who find themselves in the disaster zone. topic number one at vladimir putin's big meeting. the heads of the ministry of emergency situations and the ministry are in touch with the president construction, as well as heads of regions where the situation is the most difficult. orenburg, kurgan, tyumen. the situation there changes every hour. the governors' report contains all the latest information about the condition...
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87 cm, in 1942 it was 942, now it is already 10.87, the water is still coming, unfortunately, the situation in the orenburg region is being monitored by the head of the ministry of emergency situations. everything that concerns the orenburg region, but today colleagues confirm that there is enough grouping, as for bottled water, that’s directly in they distribute bottled water for free in orsk, no problem, that’s it tomorrow. i’ll check on the spot,
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i don’t have any questions yet, but as soon as the water recedes, the commissions will start working, then there will be ground for conversation, temporary accommodation centers for 15,000 people have been deployed in the region, the amount of damage from the flood in the orenburg region exceeds 40 billion rubles. this is a preliminary estimate. we will form additional groups of specialists to speed up the assessment of damage to residents. the amount of payments for one-time financial assistance has been doubled. applications from citizens are applied through a single portal of public services and the mfc. work to assist citizens in obtaining financial assistance for those affected by the flood is organized in each municipality. a decision was made to assign payments to 1,403 people, and in fact , 3,245 people have already received money. in the kurgan region, the authorities are also taking comprehensive measures to protect populated areas and provide assistance. to all victims, payments
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have already been provided. the regional government has developed a standardized procedure for providing assistance to citizens, namely the provision of one-time financial assistance in the amount of 10,000 rubles. performance. there is time, but we are sitting, not sitting, not waiting, the task you set is to proactively
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minimize the risks to citizens’ property, we are now helping citizens remove valuable property for all households that are exposed to the flood zone. some take it themselves, some have where, where, some don’t, we have warehouses organized in all populated areas under the protection of the ministry of internal affairs, whoever needs it we allocate transport, volunteers help, the ministry of internal affairs it’s helping, yes, they’re working dach, you talked on the phone then, which means they, well, they were ready without it, now they’ve especially carefully strengthened the group along the streets of the greater part, so the safety of citizens.
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i didn’t imitate, so this work too, we will work together with our colleagues, look, in some places the water has not yet come, in others it has not left yet, but now we need to think about restoring housing, first of all housing, and the infrastructure, of course , so don’t delay, please prepare for this in advance, in advance, okay, anton gengivich, add something, we are connected.
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they trained at a british military base near salisbury, under the full supervision of royal marines instructors, and mastered sabotage and reconnaissance, but the plans were thwarted by fsb officers. all this is about the sabotage of the ukrainian armed forces, as they say with a british
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accent, which was prevented by our special services. the militants wanted to land on the tendra spit in the kherson region and attack russian units. vseushnik was captured and he told all the details. anton vernitsky will continue the topic. february 29 ukrainian special forces soldier evgeniy gorin, who had just been captured, was still very emotional, after all, the only one who remained alive that day, talks about the failed attempt of his group in four boats to land on the tenderovskaya spit to capture the lighthouse. and this is him, but today he is testifying to fsb investigators. until this moment , our special services had not advertised what gorin immediately began to talk about during interrogations. thoroughly.
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sbc, special boat service of the royal navy. you can easily find advertisements on the internet. videos of this royal marine unit. the captured ukrainian special forces soldier talks in sufficient detail about the training system at the british military base, where combat tactics were studied in those places where already in ukraine the same british instructors practiced the landing with them. here he is, for example, pointing out on the map the training ground near kherson, where the last days passed before the failed landing. from the city of vinnitsa, from conversations with
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her i learned that she is related to a public organization, our great britain british council, she acted as a translator between us and the british instructors, the instructors themselves are already known to our intelligence services, thanks to operational work there are their photographs and names. this is edwin, this is andrew, here in the background stands kreich, these are the british instructors who trained us in great britain. judging by the prisoner’s story, the purpose of the operation, which ours did not allow, was the taking of civilian hostages to indicate presence on russian territory, for this very purpose the saboteurs took the ukrainian flag, and here it is in a pile of captured weapons. please note that the task set by the british curators for the ukrainian special forces, the capture of the lighthouse, was largely propaganda. in addition,
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according to an fsb officer , our intelligence services knew in advance that the british were planning this operation. anton vernitsky, evgenia stefanchuk, kirill loginov, channel one. the ministry of defense spoke today about new group, high-precision strikes on ukrainian energy facilities. explosions were heard in kiev, odessa, lvov, nikolaev and kharkov regions. the largest critical infrastructure facilities in these regions have been disabled as a response to attacks on russian energy facilities. our units continue to advance in several areas of special operations. pavel pchelkin, more details. it’s just that the entire power plant is on fire, continuing to explode. there was just another flight. this is a consequence of a long-range precision weapon attack on the trypillian thermal power plant in the kiev region. lit tets turbine shop, which was completely destroyed. it was the most powerful power plant in the region after the closure of the chernobyl nuclear power plant, produced 1,800 mw and
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was the largest supplier of electricity not only to kiev, but to zhitomir and cherkasy regions. tu-95 ms missile carriers, sea-based missiles and geiran-2 drones also hit the usatov electrical substation in the odessa region and critical infrastructure facilities in the zaporozhye region. naftogaz reported explosions of two gas storage facilities, including in the city of stryi in lviv region areas. and these shots... eyewitnesses in kharkov, where tets-3 and the malos tank plant were hit, other military facilities throughout ukraine were hit, according to our military, the strikes are carried out in response to attempts by ukrainian militants to attack our energy facilities. as a result, the work of ukrainian military industry enterprises was disrupted, the transfer of reserves to the combat area was disrupted, and the supply of fuel to military units of the armed forces of ukraine was hampered; the objectives of the strike were achieved, all objects were hit. when ready, two shells. fire, listen, gun, shot! in in the northern military district zone in the ovdeevsky direction, our
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artillerymen, using counter-battery fire from geotsint s self-propelled howitzers, destroyed a ukrainian armed forces gun. fire from a distance of 23 km, the drone operators adjusted the hurricane , there was no chance. here we see how a 152-mm shell destroys the positions of the ukrainian battery, and because of the fire, artillery ammunition detonates, we cover our troops so that they do it. do not allow the enemy to make a counterattack , pinned to the ground, so to speak, by their fire. our troops are here near avdeevka improved the situation on the front line and repelled eight enemy attacks. the enemy lost up to 275 military personnel, two tanks, two infantry fighting vehicles, two pickup trucks, a polish-made 155mm krab self-propelled artillery mount, a 152mm mstab howitzer, and two 122mm self-propelled guns. it is in the donetsk direction
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that artillery crews destroy a ukrainian fortified area where the enemy was trying to concentrate forces for an attack. shot. in these footage from near chasoy yara, where our army is actively advancing, spectacular destruction american humvee armored vehicle of the ukrainian armed forces. more advantageous positions are occupied at kupyansky... of course, this would be much more difficult without air support; crews of fighters and su-34 bombers fly out on combat missions. the goal is a strong point and concentrations of enemy manpower. in the south-donetsk direction. here we see how a combat vehicle drops five hundred kilogram bombs on a target, equipped with a planning and correction module. bombs are not simple, adapt 500, volume detonating. here in these frames you can see an explosion like this bombs. pavel pcholkin, evgenia stefanchuk, alexey kozlov, channel one. meanwhile, the verkhovna rada today, in the second
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final reading, adopted a scandalous law on tightening mobilization. among the main innovations. disabled people must undergo a medical examination again; the possibility of demobilization is excluded even after 3 years of service. according to ukrainian journalists, several hundred thousand people will join the ranks of kiev militants. the topic will be continued by kirill brainin. deputies of the verkhovna rada sat in the hall half the night to consistently reject thousands of amendments to the law on mobilization. at some point, there were only 30 people left, but by morning the necessary quorum was ensured and the document was accepted. deputy conscience. thanks to an important addition to the list of those exempt from service. recognized in accordance with the established procedure as people with disabilities or, according to a decision of the military medical commission, temporarily unfit for military service for health reasons for a period of 6 to 12
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months, followed by passing a military medical commission. that is, disabled people will have to prove more than once that they and it's true.
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ukraine all potential conscripts are required to provide up-to-date information about themselves within sixty days, this also applies to those who managed to go abroad; draft dodgers, or in ukrainian in ukrainian, evaders, will remain without consular service, however, judging by the flash mob that has swept social networks, the foreign evaders are not too upset. but it’s one thing for the lucky ones who meet the new law on mobilization under palm trees, and it’s quite another thing for them to be locked up in ukraine. footage of the capture of reservists has been appearing regularly on social networks for a long time, but now all the traditional disputes with employees of military registration and enlistment offices in city transport or simply on the street will break against the above norm of the law; people in uniform have the right to grab and drag. attempts by women to recapture their men provoke remarkable statements near military
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structures. the day before, in an interview with the british , the adviser on gender issues to the commander of the ground forces. ukrainian armed forces oksana grigorieva said that it is time for ukraine to abandon the old-fashioned approach towards women following the israeli model of conscripting them into the army. in kyiv, such plans were quickly refuted, but is there ever smoke without fire, especially if you pay attention to the words of commander pavlyuk himself at the height of the discussion about tightening mobilization. i urge ukrainians to put aside their emotions, not to succumb to provocations, they must realize that no one will be able to sit out. well, not that no one at all. deputies received reservations, plus two assistants for each, and, for example, employees of strategic enterprises, among which were the chapeteau circuses, a brewery and a fish restaurant. western sponsors of ukraine hardly delved into such details, but the amazing awareness of us senator lynsey graham, who recently visited kiev, about the age limit for conscription, suggests under whose dictation the new
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law was written. i hope that those who are eligible to serve in the ukrainian army will join. i can't believe this at 27 years old. fighting for your life, that's why you should serve, not at 25 or 27 years old. we need more people at the front. the conscription age, by the way, was lowered to 25 years by a separate law, even deeper, digging a demographic hole in which turned out to be a country. this is not the bottom yet, because the latest statistics indicate the lowest birth rate in the entire history of observations, including the period when such a state did not exist in the desired territory, and although the ukrainian authorities prefer not to officially name the numbers, it is still at the end. employees of the federal security service, as
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well as the ministry of internal affairs, the ministry of emergency situations and the national guard, conducted a counter-terrorism operation in the suburbs of nalchik. a gang of militants who planned to carry out terrorist attacks in the republic was blocked on the territory of a gardening partnership. on offer to surrender, two criminals opened fire and were killed, as reported by the national anti-terrorism committee, naz fsb discovered automatic weapons and ammunition at the scene. the investigative committee opened a criminal case. the share of russian drugs on the domestic market should increase to 70% in 7 years. mikhail mishustin announced this today at a government meeting. to achieve such indicators, it will continue to improve support measures for domestic manufacturers, stimulate development and research, including through subsidies and grants. the head of the cabinet of ministers noted that the government has approved a plan for the implementation of the pharmaceutical industry strategy until 2023, and another topic of today’s meeting is the expansion of the program
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for the use of maternity capital, there will be lamps, the president in his message to the federal assembly set the task for housing under construction to become more affordable for families, for why the government provides an additional opportunity for citizens to use maternity capital in order to a... improve their living conditions, we also talked about this in detail during the report in the state duma. the corresponding resolution has been signed, now it will be possible to use such funds for the reconstruction of the house, the so-called blocked development or as it is more often called a townhouse, as well as pay for the already completed construction work in such housing with maternity capital. we hope that such measures will help first of all. families with children to improve their living conditions. a historic launch took place at the vostochny cosmodrome on the eve of cosmonautics day. started from site 1a
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angara. here it is, a heavy -class launch vehicle. the same command to start was given exactly at noon. the engine is starting. took place on the third try. the flight was postponed several times; just minutes before the launch , the automatic system was activated, indicating errors. just a few minutes after launch, the upper stage successfully separated and launched the small spacecraft gagarinets into low earth orbit. angara went into space from vostochny for the first time. previously, rockets of this family were launched only from the plesetsky cosmodrome arkhangelsk region. today's event marked the beginning of flight development tests of the space complex.
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thank you everyone for your work, i sincerely thanked the entire combat crew today, it was only thanks to their efforts that they did not fold their arms, they thoughtfully worked to correct all situations, and in the end, success awaited everyone today. and in minsk they solemnly welcomed marina vasilevskaya, the first female cosmonaut in the history of the republic. there was a real celebration at the airport. those gathered warmly
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welcomed the fellow countrywoman, who became a national heroine, and thanks to such successful cooperation with russia, belarus is becoming a new space power. after landing, vasilevskaya went to the palace of independence to meet with president alexander lukashenko, where he awarded her the title of hero of belarus. watching our beautiful fields, such green, beautiful short forests, in general, i am very happy, i feel
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good, we are undergoing rehabilitation. in the star city, also after today's event we will go back to moscow and continue our rehabilitation. the golden hands of doctors - the most modern equipment and an atmosphere like home. the 100,000th baby was born today in the network of hospitals of the mother and child group of companies. a joyful event occurred in novosibirsk. there are clinics of this network in thirty-two cities of our country. and future parents trust.
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weighing a little over 3 kg appeared this morning, they called the baby roman, as if i were just in some kind of fairy tale, in fact, for so long i had been imagining this meeting with him for months, while my wife was giving birth, my husband was nearby, and then he was one of the first to take his son in his arms, this is good, because sometimes in these moments you need support, and this is the most valuable thing to give support, for almost 20 years of work, since the founding of the mother and child group of companies in the country. woman, but also babies, including providing assistance in utero, even unborn women at any stage and not only the babies themselves, thanks to high-tech techniques, well, this is how frozen embryos are stored, in these containers in liquid nitrogen, the chances of becoming parents here give it even to those who seem to
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have already lost any... in these test tubes a new life is literally born, and in order for the future baby to emerge healthy, high-quality cells are selected almost manually, based on a number of criteria. we rank the embryos by quality and transfer the best one, that is, we determine the number of cells in the inner cell mass, the size of the embryo, we can say here that here are 1 2 3 4 5 6 embryos of good quality, and we are still observing the rest of the embryos. biomaterial can be stored on for several decades, the clinic has been operating a delayed maternity program, thanks to which a woman can freeze her eggs if she is now, for example, struggling with a serious illness; women often have diseases that then need to be treated with fairly aggressive therapy, these are women of young age, of course, before this therapy, and we need
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to think with patients about... making a certain supply of their biological material, and if the baby was born prematurely, doctors are able to perform a real miracle, newborns are cared for here even with extremely low weight, the smallest patient weighed about 470 g. our department is an open intensive care unit, and parents can come here at any time of the day, there is a kangaroo-type method, yes, that is , when a premature baby gives all his best. on the chest to the mother, this emotional contact helps speed up the nursing of such children and their recovery. the clinical hospital in novosibirsk is multidisciplinary; it provides medical care in various directions, such clinics will soon appear in khabarovsk, kaliningrad, chelyabinsk and surgut. tatyana kozlova, khristina ivanova, konstantin anisimov, siberian bureau, channel one. that's all for now, thank you for being with us, right now the program "time will tell."
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hello, on the air of the first channel, the program time will tell, and i am artyom sheinin, and today, unfortunately, we begin the program with unpleasant, tragic news, you know, probably everyone has heard that yesterday the film crew of the team came under fire. lead lugansk, yesterday there was news that cameraman denis shum was wounded in the leg, and correspondent artyom yundas was shell-shocked, unfortunately, and there was news that the officer accompanying them, evgeny polovodov, major of the west press center of the russian ministry of defense, was wounded federation. unfortunately, yesterday, when we had already gone off the air, news came that major.


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