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tv   Kukli naslednika Tutti  1TV  April 11, 2024 7:55pm-9:01pm MSK

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i’ll write on my channel, the director of the fbi stated that they are very concerned about the possibility of terrorist attacks by isis, which is prohibited on the territory of the assyrian federation within the united states. i have many questions about this , they were not concerned about these, this activity of this terrorist monster that had gone into the shadows, literally until the crocus, then an hour later they realized that this was isis, banned on russian territory. federation and now he suddenly threatens everyone, i have a lot of questions about this, some of them, well, i’ll sort of put them in telegram, read it, have a good weekend everyone, but in order to leave for the weekend charged, you need to charge yourself with the program of the heir doll tootie right on thursday evening, let's go, let's charge.
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secret knowledge and practices, black magic, demonic rituals in the twilight of a medieval castle. our character is nikolai tishchenko, deputy of the verkhovna rada of ukraine, restaurateur, showman and tv presenter, and part-time, as popular rumor whispers, a dark magician. he was noticed by a secret gathering of sorcerers, they say he is either a kabbalist or practices voodoo magic, and from his conspiracies even flies are dying, but wait, is the devil as scary as he is painted, is it really so, let’s figure it out together, this is the doll’s heirs and i am with you, maria butina, with the light of truth may the obscurantist ignorance be dispelled nikolai tishchenko, performer of the dirtiest zelensky's instructions, protection schemes. from recording the leisure time
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of foreign delegates with hidden video cameras in its many establishments. drug trafficking control. the people's deputy is essentially the executive link in the zelensky ermak chain. for allegedly activities for the benefit of ukraine received the order of merit from the ukrainian president, although in essence this is a kind of recognition of his service function. nikolai purchased cocaine in fairly large quantities of 100-150 g. these purchases took place before his meetings with zelensky. tishchenko put it. conditions for dealers so that the cocaine is not diluted. tishchenko, although a people's deputy from the servants of the people, considers himself owed only to himself, in the era of coronavirus endlessly violated the regime of restrictions, causing endless scandals in the rada, but he could not be stopped, being the deputy chairman of the committee on transport votes for the adoption of the law on mobilization, in order to remain on the agenda, gives personal autographs to the projectiles. they even wanted to create a separate battalion of 300 people for his raider inspections of call centers, it was made public.
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kame overthrew the authorities and sent his coach to places not so remote, so he took over numerous establishments in kiev in exchange for freedom, he handed over his accomplices, the folders with criminal cases of natishchenko disappeared from the offices of the ukrainian directorate for organized crime. one of my latest investigations was related to tischenko with his affairs since the nineties, in the ninety-ninth year he was put on the wanted list for complicity in murder. there was another search in 2001, this is all... confirmed by an official letter from the national police. it took many years for kolya obalonsky’s image to launder capital; it shocked his father, the head of a service center in obolon, at the expense of government property. officially, he warmed up a version of his initial capital by importing shoes to ukraine, and only then invested in the restaurant business. born in seventy-two in kyiv. maternal grandfather is a polish emigrant. with during his childhood, nikolai did not know any need and every time he failed his attempts to pass for one of his people.
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a piece of lard costs from 50 to 100 hryvnia, buckwheat, well, 12 hryvnia, i bought it in the intervals between banditry and parliament. despite his illiteracy and lack of political experience, tishchenko wrested his powers from power, but in reality he remained the bandyugan of the nineties, with the same methods and approaches. while the ukrainian military
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is rapidly losing ground along the entire line of contact, a split has emerged in the american elites, and the ostentatious luxurious life. he dines in his expensive restaurants, spends money on gifts, and goes to resorts under the guise of official business. at the end of the business trip, he started a divorce with the transfer of assets to his wife and her entourage. strange coincidences raise questions about the reasons for breaking up with a young spouse. the couple announced their separation just before the mandatory publication of electronic declarations. the people's deputy, apparently, is preparing in advance both for reporting and for the scenario of a complete retreat of official kiev, but in the end this turns into another unsuccessful attempt to preserve the way things are distorted face. what a terrible shame, but let's understand everything in order, but for starters, nikolai tishchenko is still a deputy of the verkhovna rada of ukraine, but suddenly a very interesting
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conversation between mr. tishchenko and one of his colleagues, so to speak, appears online, let's listen to him later let's figure it out with our experts, what is it about? i want to build a battalion, i need help, i want to make a big dinner in new york, i need help, i need him to help me build a party, build a battalion, build pennies, build camps where i will teach young people military patriotism, i understood, okay, there is also an understanding, i will just have to finance this battalion, that’s it, i ’ll build it on purpose. somewhere around we already have 300-400 people, okay, i understand , i’ll convey everything in principle, yes, i’m just not sure that, well, he needs everything for everyone everywhere , well, you understand, he will
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determine it himself, he will determine it, because look how it works first we identify we write so that no one can bribe there. or say there we are with someone there even we will resolve bribes, if we are already starting with us, no one can resolve them. the first and main question, in fact, who are the participants in the conversation, well, we somehow got to know tishchenko a little bit, who is yegor burkin? the fact is that his and tishchenko’s rise is connected with the arrival of ermak to the position of head of the office, he created an alternative biography for him, he had a task following the dosa. answer, he was completely responsible for leisure, for restaurants, for ambassadors, for taylor, respectively, his task was entirely this entertainment, yes, which happened for zelensky, including, well , yegor burkin, aka levchenko, who received
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a passport in ukraine in 14, he is a native of russia, he began his activities here when russian law enforcement agencies got serious. by this drug cartel, because the question was about the production and distribution of synthetic drugs, they took it seriously, then burkin this whole company moved to ukraine after the coup, that’s where they got card blanche and started supplying drugs like a line front, an attempt was recorded, and it has already been implemented, this is the supply of narcotic substances to russia. that is, they announced couriers, quickly recruited them, and there were laboratories working there, these are more than a thousand specialists who worked in the laboratories, here is demchin, this is the first deputy of the sbu of ukraine, who reported the materials, they
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sold them, that the turnover of this company, khimprom was per day 200 million rubles, i understand correctly, this is not a company, this is not a factory, this. but nikolai kishchenko with the arrival of both zelensky and his godfather ermak, they picked up this topic,
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they don’t close the criminal case, but they keep this leader himself on a leash, but at the same time he needs some youth in whom he will educate patriotism, battalions, but this is the key phrase: i need people, i need a party, i need a battalion, that’s it and what does he mean, he now needs to create... a certain group of untouchables, where did these synthetic drugs come from as technologies? i’ll tell you, everything is very simple, this is technology that came from the united states of america, it is important for them that it be produced on the territory of ukraine, so that this was spread at the front, and so that there were young distributors who were connected not by one blood, but by one pill. for this we need our own people in the sbu, these people in the sbu must give a roof, a hundred percent roof for these young people who will come. who will first work as agents, distributors, or anyone else, to create
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an army of like-minded people, an army, where can you get young people right now, but taking into account the fact that all healthy and young people are called up to the front, that is, it turns out you need to take a certain number of conscripts in quality at the same time, drug distributors will be raised there, just as tishchenko was raised by his brothers, so it turns out that yes, brothers.
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i can continue to act there, i ’m now claiming half of what they earn everywhere i don’t go, each such kindergarten earns one per month, now it’s closed, that’s it, they don’t earn a ruble, what do you tell him, let’s tell him , what do you tell him, well, about the constant that you are 50 together, look, the constant is the first thing, it’s him, we agree with him. and i ask for a constant for myself, then the tool on call, we have the coolest tools
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that the country has today, now i ask for 50 minutes for any call, we are all talking about jews, yeah, 50 minutes for any call, and i want a constant for myself separately so that i was not included in these agreements, and my constant, for example, there are 100 jews per month. dear experts, in my opinion, i need help to figure out what the connection is between jews, kindergartens, constant 50 minutes and one ruble, well, most likely the constant is kickbacks, which are exactly what should work well a constant share of the rollback, not changing, never decreasing, constant, jews are the euro, of course, this is understandable, yeah, jews are here, the kindergarten has something to do with it, these are call centers.
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all in order for them to work in this market accordingly, but all this did not save parimachi, because there is another lobby there that did not like it, then literally after a short time zelensky introduces sanctions against parimachi, suspends all their work, and that is, there are still internal disputes going on, of course, there is, look, i want to convey, mr. tishchenko represents those persons about whom you just spoke, who will solve all the issues, and he says: we, of course, need 50%, but he, knowing that ... will receive a share, is already telling him that you know, well there is also my share. the global essence is that he wants, roughly speaking, to milk two cows, he milks his own, his partners, but he also wants special preferences for himself, special terms, this is what has now been removed, okay for us, but those who stand behind him, they will also hear all this, i think that if not
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i said hello when they heard this conversation, but we just started, then we’ll move on, there will be much more to come. bulletproof vests, assistance to ukrainian military personnel, he sent, funny, by the way, he bought maybe a person just now he will take the money for himself and send it, for example, to one, no, many, ukraine, we are in transcarpathia again, we are again in transcarpathia, now we will test armored armor so that our soldiers are well protected, and we will test... specifically on me, here is one armored armor, they have already given it to me, very soon you will find out, how bullet-proof it is, bullet -proof, here is class e, first, this is first, this is second class, i saved one, yeah, let’s try, let’s go here and there, probably,
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attention, i can put two in a sandwich and just. well, it happened, don’t be angry, the quality is not very good, but well, the money still needs to be spent somewhere, in a few minutes we will continue to figure out who nikolai tishchenko works for, because this is the most interesting thing. undercover taxi. premiere. watch the time after the program. cognac monte shoca, product steller group. rom castro, a product of the stellar group. vodka, veda, product of steller group.
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old barrel cognac.
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exclusive with dmitry borisov, premiere on saturday on the first. didn’t you have the feeling that maybe god took your son away for something? welcome to a city where even the stones under your feet can be precious. hello, ekaterinburg. emerald is a beautiful stone in itself, and i think that all women probably love this emerald. unfortunately for us men. chop, this is not the time to slave, the snow makes the filling unsurpassed, juicy, dumpling - this is a small universe, below me, how many meters? you speak down 193, they say that you cannot simultaneously experience a feeling of visual pleasure and fear, they are lying, you can, the lives of your own, the premiere on sunday on
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the first, chanson, this is not just for you, you need to do it, shalom my friend shalom, even if in different ways let's go on the roads, shalom.
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it’s sunday on the first day, the snow is still pouring in the fields, and in the spring the waters are noisy, they run, they wake up the sleepy shore, they run and sparkle, and they shout, they shout all over the place, spring is coming, spring is coming, we are young spring, messengers, she sent us ahead, what? where, when is the spring series of games, on sunday on the first,
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studying the history of my country, i understand how russia is. and i am from vologda pronishka and from there greetings to you, all the best to you, health, happiness, a lot of laughter for many years to come, the city of gorodets is famous for gorodets gingerbread, gold embroidery, gorodets painting, greetings to the republic of udmurtia and hello, kostroma region, i am glad that the fields are being sown and harvested , i’m glad that something new is being built, this year i was in altai and it’s just a planet within a planet. only russia can be better than russia, we are the first to conquer space, we can do anything. russia, we love you.
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kolya obolonsky, kolya, 50%, kolya cutlet. and all this is the deputy of the ukrainian rada nikolai tishchenko. why was he called that? what kind of business is he doing there? continued. explain, well , let’s continue to figure out our waste, where can we spend a huge amount of constants, kindergartens, well, all these things, look, there’s no point in getting into the construction site for now, it’s not clear yet configuration, that is, it is not clear what and what the state promises, it turns out that so far it is not delivering anything, i listened there in the office, i understood, in short, they all want it for a long time, so we need to think about this budget for something else . to develop or maybe buy some kind of business, or i thought that i could take this money and open a restaurant in the right, once again, a restaurant in prague, and
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open a restaurant in prague, that is, do exactly how to do a business in prague, such as ukrainian ukrainian style restaurant, i'll do it, well, some proper restaurant, like the right business, if we still need to make some kind of outpost in prague for all of us, i understand, maybe not just one, but maybe... a couple, let’s see, new names, i even already know, with who to open them, i’ll take a face there, in short, we’ll just have a clear business there, what i see is that here in europe, just restaurants, this is a hashlag, we looked, tishchenok really has an incredible number of restaurants, they all differ in that they restaurants that have, so to speak, separate areas in which you can apparently book a table or make something else, level restaurants.
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when he said goodbye to us, yes, this is a very important system, yes, he hands out cards, there is a gold, platinum card, the discount of my friend who invited him was 50%, well, it’s always tempting to say, i went there, and a birthday party can be arranged at all, if you are a good friend, that is, he attracts these people, they get to know each other, and i had a fairly high status, he had an interest in me,
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in its restaurants the american embassy was supposed to serve very well and great britain, so he, accordingly, very closely entertained william taylor there when... then he was also an ambassador and , accordingly, all the food delivery there and so on, everything stood on him, but the fact is that these are all these cameras that you are talking about they said, this is really true, well, that is , let’s say, a circle of people, arahamya, getmontsev there, razumkov there, they didn’t go to these restaurants at all, well, that is, because everyone understood perfectly well that he was recording and carrying ermaka, showing who what he does, and he passed it all on to one of his people to the immediate boss, therefore, did he feed all these diplomats at his own expense? everything was free, well, of course , the state paid for it all there, as i understand it, but now the end of the budget was for what it was called correctly there, entertainment and
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accompaniment of holidays, events , entertainment and leisure, this is a line in the budget , that is, all this, this whole coven was for the money of the ukrainian people, no, he didn’t pay his own, he gave discounts for it, but how do you know this anyway? was so whole a formed budget, because he was completely responsible for zelensky’s entertainment, for his leisure time, for his rest, for his narcotic substances and so on, it was tishchenko who completely oversaw it all, directed it himself, he has a whole team of professionals who are completely responsible for this, it’s not just showing some restaurant there, supposedly a friend came there and recorded something there, there’s a huge team of professionals working there, okay, well, maybe he’s just a businessman, well, even if the money got to him that way. but he he invested everything in the business, he invested it in real estate, because it is also very profitable, look, we have some elements of his tax return, while it’s official, let’s see, so, that means
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the apartment in kiev is 158 m2 in use, respectively, once yes, and pay attention to how interesting it is, he wrote down some of it himself, but most of it was written for some friend of his, and... the restaurant, the car also belongs to his father, his father, non-residential premises, but this is apparently a mercedes- benz 19 year old it is in his declaration i wrote it down, and now the most interesting thing is that there are houses that have not yet been declared, which, well , it seems like he says it’s not his, but for some reason his wife calls it a house, malik, it’s okay, what kind of house is that interesting, well, it’s worth a house, if i’m not mistaken 7 million hryvnia, as some believe, was also processed, but not processed by someone near the airport. zhulyany, in general, the man also earned money beyond his strength, well, and we talk a lot, yes, that somehow suddenly he broke into the restaurant business, but the question arises, well, you can’t just break in without a lot of money, yes and accordingly, it was as if someone initially helped him, well, it is obvious that the very
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gangster structures with which he was associated helped, and it was correctly noted today that money was channeled through all this, in my opinion, his first restaurant it was called the decision, there was already a big scandal due to the fact that, firstly, it was difficult to find this time, that is, there was a restaurant. literally for their own people and the price tags there were all six times higher on average than the cost of the same food there, let’s say, in neighboring restaurants, that is, it was obviously such a laundering office, well, it is clear that he earned a lot of money, well, later he already went into big politics, but it is clear that, of course, for a long time, i think, he was still connected with ermak through television, yes, because he participated in all these tv programs, shows, and then he went into politics, here , of course, he will start making very serious money from the year nineteen, and also mr. tishchenko, is there an interesting one? collection of jewelry, that's all as it should be with photographs, please comment to us that this is a watch we have here, my wife, actually, you know, well , of course there are raids of speed, but
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jewelry is very expensive, yes, yes, a well-known company, yeah, three watches, listen, what a modest one, yes , you will tell us how much it costs, so i, for example, will honestly tell you, i don’t know, there are patek watches that are the most expensive in general, the most expensive, the thing is that there is a category of people who save, here beautiful, people buy a painting, worthy, something else, everything here is simple and primitive, bought it, sold it, that’s the story, there’s nothing sophisticated here, you have to understand that, he didn’t buy it, he just squeezed these watches from people, he’s an ordinary bandit, that’s something. can i ask one question, why? this was the trend, the more watches, the better, like mushrooms, you know, not only for the well-known butu izents, here are the perfumes, so that they are like that in general,
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message, message, don’t offer me less, give me more when you run to your prague restaurant, very envelopes were like that, yes, salt the envelope i’ll tell you, sometimes they they called these things boilers. boilers are criminals, when he put on these boilers, sewed for negotiations, it was immediately obvious who would talk to you, but i would like to make one note, the fact is that you are now looking at the declaration, most likely on the twentieth year, why after a special military operation they make a unique decision to prohibit deputies from declaring all property, no, because the question is not about declaration, yes, but about people not seeing, but the americans pressed it hard program and two months ago they forced me to fill out a declaration, they said: okay, let’s fill it out.
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to buy an ultra expensive apartment, it
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had to be a penthouse, but it was unusual in that it was necessary not only to choose one apartment, they had to be two adjacent ones, each apartment had to be at least a thousand square meters in area, and the most basic condition - the fact that they should be adjacent to each other, and this was the most expensive sought-after area of ​​​​dubai - this is the palm jumeirah, to understand the cost of such a pinhouse starts from half a billion rubles, that is, two pinhouses is already a billion, when we started to select the object itself, we selected several options, and here at this moment another person contacted me and said that his assistant had previously communicated with me , and this is now communicating with him, the one who will directly buy is communicating with me, and several technical requirements were issued, very complex and unusual in terms of their implementation, and first, it is necessary it was necessary to make complete sound insulation. apartments, change the usual glass to
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an impenetrable glass, that is, this is a certain degree of protection, make the second adjacent apartments in such a way that they are hidden apartments from everyone, that is, there is a passage through a hidden door, and this door opens only at - say, at a certain configuration of the plumbing, there you need to move the database, then a door opens through which you can go, and what’s more, from the second apartment, which should have been hidden. indicated to the customer what to perform, here is the most important understanding and that i will remodel the entire pinhouse from scratch, there will be a big increase in price, to which i received the answer that the price, in principle, does not matter, the main thing for... the customer is safety, during the negotiations in the context it was announced to me ,
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that it will be necessary to register for different persons , basically the money will go, the transfer of money will go from ukraine, in principle, that my clients are customers from ukraine there was no doubt, but since the order is very complex, this can be practically implemented in the pinhouse impossible, i suggested another option, to buy a detached villa, which can be rebuilt in any way, that is, you can completely demolish it and build it from scratch, and in about 2 weeks. sound reduction systems, noise insulation,
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armored glass, the second villa, on the contrary, should have had an audio recording system, that is, these are hidden systems, so that, as they explained, it was possible to observe what was happening in the second villa, the third villa - this was - say, for staff, for security , that is, reinforced - there is a large gym there, then there is more emphasis on the service system, let's say, if the total price tag for all this is how much, well, do you estimate it so roughly? this price is already more than 2 billion rubles, who is the customer, then the situation developed as follows: when we requested documents in order to be able to negotiate with the direct seller of this villa, well... more precisely, the selected villas, they sent me three passports , in one of these passports, my colleague, who is involved in legal support of the transaction, saw the name of nikolai tishchenko, she recognized him tishchenko himself, for whom she once worked in a restaurant, in his restaurant in kiev, told me a lot about this person,
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that in this restaurant there is an active sale of prohibited substances, prostitution, escorts, all this was absolutely open and natural the plan for this... restaurant, so what did you do? well, after the information received , i doubted the need to continue working with this person, we completed the interaction, that is, you refused the deal, and that means this penthouse will go to someone to another, i have no doubt that this pinhouse or the villa there was bought anyway, yes villa, but it doesn’t matter anyway, thank you very much, that’s how interesting it is, what kind of appetites nikolai tishchenko turns out to have, we’ll find out in a couple of minutes, where did what come from? i wonder what kind of group teschenko belongs to? and his hairstyle suits him like that, a typical criminal, so
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they made this photo test, this photo test turned out to be, one might say, such a star ticket, then georgy nikolaevich says: where is he, let’s bring him here. that all his films he could make one more time, except i'm walking around moscow. podcast lab. today is the first one. mancacher whiskey is a product of the stellar group. сnop gin, a product of the stellar
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group. montechoca cognac, a product of the stellar group. castro rum, a product of stellor group, vodka veda, a product of stellor group. i feel out of place as the chairman of the jury. all the most famous actors and directors in the world were sitting at this table. i 'd like to have lunch please, but this is pasadena, we don't have restaurants. how did you feel in a film where all the actors played themselves?
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say that you like my hat, you don’t have a hat, i would like to say in the future that i did everything i could in my life, for cosmonautics day on the first, i’m on nerves all day, we’re worried all day, hello everyone, by the way.
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cosmonaut yuri gagarin. do you know what kind of guy he was? elena yuryevna gagarina, eldest daughter of yuri alekseevich. new year, the cosmonauts were musketeers, we saw yuri alekseevich for the first time in a hat and a mustache in butforty. our teacher was terribly strict, suddenly she bursts into all classes, gagarin in space flew. hooray! there were also old women in our yard and one another: will he come back? where is he going?
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i saw you on tv, who is on tv in our house, you’re joking, you’re joking, you’re joking, how does bayan differ from harmonica, there’s c major, doseptocord, c minor, it confused me even more, and you like to perform more than one or with the team, so isya... what a delight, yes, martin, of course you have no chance, you should become a star, but yes, the best
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of all, the new season, on sunday on the first, and now it’s time to figure out which one possesses such secret magic... at that time, as a rule, these were people, shop workers, and nikolai tishchenko began with the manufacture of italian shoes, well,
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there were probably blanks and so on, sales, so he started with shoes, and most likely , that this is from the father, and the father already had some contacts, because if you are a shop worker, you have money, of course, right away the roof is, as a rule, the police, and then the owls certainly appeared. but when boris sovlokho appeared with this group , the collapse of the nineties was characteristic of the entire soviet union the group is who boris sovlokhov is - this is a champion , he is an athlete in the war, the thing is that there are whole brothers there, the most famous is boris sovlokhov, and so he is, while all the athletes, this was typical for the nineties , they created these protection groups.
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nikolai tishchenko, then there is boris savlokhov, who is the head of the organized crime group, he recruits brothers around him who go to the gym together , then they are usually legalized in the form of a private security company.
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they said, it was ninety-six, in ninety-eight there is, well, such as it is said that the information is that they got together again, they were relaxing in a cafe somewhere, in this cafe they had a fight, it turns out that some person came in while they were resting their brigade, and tishchenko ran into him, it turns out that that person he grabbed a knife lying on the table and hit tishchenko in the stomach, but tishchenko, in fact, did not notice this; in fact, he grabbed the jug that was standing at that time.
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came out unscathed, but where does ermak appear? ermak, most likely with ermak, well, i can’t say for sure, probably only tishchenko himself can say ermak, but focusing on the early 2000s, when they met each other, ermak was never a particularly influential producer there, but he somehow moved in these television circles, then, in fact, most likely it was thanks to ermak that tishchenko got into a famous show in ukraine, called games patriots, there are big races in russia, remember where the teams fought with bulls, in fact, we met him at these races. so here they are, but it’s just tishchenko, he’s without a hat, so what happened there, well, we have with him, our personal story, he was then he became, they appointed him, although he had never had any particular authority in our team, they appointed him captain of our team, and against the backs, the two of us entered the arena then, there was a similar competition, and when necessary, well there there was such a swing, you just had to lure yourself with bc at the moment
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when he takes you, your partner should run there. lift on this swing so that the bull runs under you, then the team gets one point there, well, tishchenko and i actually got it and we very quickly scored enough, well, a lot of points then, yes, but when the siren sounded, just at that time the bull ran under me, i was then hanging in the air, kishchenko simply lets go of this swing, i fall into the arena then from a fairly high height, and he just went to give an interview, that is, he just came out and gives at this time, and at this time i am with a bull in a cage, i’m standing, thinking, lord, what kind of infection is it, a driver? first, he is very pragmatic, this person does nothing to give him something, what in this person motivates him it didn’t work, he’s not capable of, you know, i’ll go unselfishly, i’ll do it, he always thinks, what will this give me? again, it’s
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just his, as he says himself, a constant. catastrophe, i already love lard, better than shmatol, because you didn’t go to lard, you’re not ukrainian, the life of one ukrainian is big, or rather life, or rather death, i know, in my head
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there’s a competition going on, klyuchko-litishchenko, stupid is even dumber , a? i even know, i’m even lost, but nevertheless it’s laughter and laughter, and the man is holding a huge segment, here are restaurants, cameras, ambassadors, drugs, this is very seriously, you know, it is very important not only to collect this information, which is called incriminating evidence, because it is very important where this information is stored, i will remind hoover, hoover said, you may have great incriminating evidence, i will come to you and take it, but why is he so sure that i won’t take this incriminating evidence from him? but it’s very simple, because he has a roof inside kiev, and this roof also has a us roof, which stores real incriminating evidence, because there are two different types of incriminating evidence, when he collected incriminating evidence on the embassy, ​​it’s clear that he did this not only for himself, he is the compromising evidence that needed to be used correctly, including for political purposes, here we are witnessing
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the fact that such brigadiers who received... quite a lot of power, they become political figures gradually, and from a foreman to a politician, he hasn’t had much time here, kolya has the purest cocaine, but you have to understand one simple thing when people say with pleasure: imagine, if he doesn’t deceive, doesn’t dilute, how can he dilute when zelensky was hosted by him, because he can’t poison zelensky with unknown means, the question is, if he has collected a sufficiently large database of compromising evidence on almost all businessmen, politicians, because one way or another everyone has been to where that person, that puppet master, who holds this base, question, good question, look, we have prepared for you... our version, yes, this is the political alignment, where we put two intelligence services, george soros, and , well, uncle samm, as the aces, so in a broad sense, capital,
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yes, we made lyovochkin kings, kolomoisky, penchuk and ermak, queens by obvious gender, tymoshenko, mosiychuk, nulaland and venediktova, then, razumkova they called him... you have two jacks , this is, as they say, the zaluzhny budanov there with us, and arkhamiya, well, in the six, excuse me, we got klitschko, actually, tishchenko, actually umerov, here’s an interesting character, dmitry garton, over time there may be a shuffle, the kings may come in the six, and jacks will take the place of the kings, but i’ll just take off the transfer, they’ll kick them out again, so what well this is such a good rule, i think the sixes will remain in place. well, yes, sixes, as a rule, all the rest can be moved, but we’ll look at this, you know, we’re talking about tishchenko, it seems funny there, but on the other hand it’s serious, yes, the person has a huge amount of information, so
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he gets away with it water from any situation, you know, in my opinion, as a result of communicating with this bastard, and forgive me such epithets, but i personally can afford to say this, a very cynical, very pragmatic person, you know, here... a person , who all the time, i agree, absolutely thinks about his own benefit, and how no matter what he does, no matter what he does, these are always numbers, numbers in his head, which must necessarily become money in his account, or expand his influence on those or other directions. kolya at one time understood one very good rule, the main thing is to cooperate with the special services, then, no matter what you do, you will always have a way out of any situation, at first it was the sbu in ukraine in the dashing nineties and in the 2000s... but he very cunning in all this, so he was able to do it on time
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to get our bearings, and i also hope maybe we’ll touch on the topic of this magical one and the sorcerer poppy, so i wanted to move on to this very topic, that is, look, he’s so cunning, you can’t grab him with your hands, and something there's something missing in this picture. in 2009, nikolai tishchenko decided to call upon the magical powers of the black castle for help, this is the castle nikolai tishchenko went to in 2009, and there he made a frank admission that he turns out to be a magician and sorcerer. i was interested in this video, where is the black castle. black the castle turned out to be in the suburbs of kiev and it was a home. it was an ordinary soviet household house, and then a very enterprising
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comrade remodeled it, hung plastic ones there, which means these domes made a black castle out of it in order to invite all kinds of characters from the ukrainian elite there for a lot of money, and well, there too not just the little one. they called up, yes, and ermak also hung out there with him, here we have tishchenko again, and so here they are, so this coven is happening here, and here is ermak, that is they all gathered to engage in sessions of black magic together, there was a certain magician there who organized it, the magician invar, the magician invar has one, there was a mentor, a certain magician luris, between the magician lurris and the magician invar in some...
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they bought tickets to this house everyday life, when calculating with today's money, they were cheated out of 1.00 euros each for a ticket in order to gather there to study like this means black magic, but you have to be such an idiot, put on some kind of raincoat, go to the service center in order to believe in collective witchcraft. we just watched another one proof that ukraine is ruled by satan, this is not accidental, i wouldn’t go there, but i went there.
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first channel, let's see, it's another matter if he records me and then puts it somewhere online, well, well, this will be in my career, it will be in my life, and he's the kind of guy who can freak out, you know, that's how it turns out that someone finally freaked out and leaked all the incriminating evidence on the gentleman.
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another ukraine, where we, the russians , the ukrainians have the same roots, one brotherly people. with this i say goodbye to you, maria was with you butina, the doll of tuti's heir, is now on the "time" program. hello, it’s time on the air, ekaterina andreeva is in the studio, briefly about the main thing. prik flood, footage from orenburg and the president's meeting on the situation in the most affected regions, how they help. people and is preparing
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to restore flooded housing.


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