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tv   Vremya  1TV  April 11, 2024 9:00pm-10:01pm MSK

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another ukraine, where we, the russians , the ukrainians have the same roots, one brotherly people. with this i say goodbye to you, maria butina, the doll of tuti’s heir, was with you, now the “time” program. hello, it’s time on the air, ekaterina andreeva is in the studio, briefly about the main thing. the peak of the flood, footage from orenburg and the presidential meeting on the situation in the most affected regions, how they help. ukrainian
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saboteurs were trained by the uk, the results of the fsb investigation. the testimony of a captured soldier who took part in an unsuccessful landing attempt on the tendra spit has been confirmed kherson region. in response to an attempt to damage our energy system, there was a massive strike on ukrainian tech facilities. the work of military fuel supply plants for the armed forces of ukraine has been disrupted. to call a spade a spade , the iaea board of governors met at an emergency meeting at the request of moscow on the agenda of kiev’s attack on the zaporozhye nuclear power plant. war until the last ukrainian. the verkhovna rada adopted a scandalous bill on tightening mobilization, as the kiev regime will now be driven to slaughter. a new chapter in the history
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of the vostochny cosmodrome. for the first time from the site the angara heavy launch vehicle was launched in the vamur region. a5. symbol of the thaw and encyclopedia of capital life. 60 years since the premiere of the film i walk around moscow. how the city has changed and why georgy daneli’s lyrical comedy is still watched. work to combat floods has begun to restore housing. after the flood, we need to prepare now, vladimir putin said this today at a meeting on eliminating the consequences of the disaster. the governors of the orenburg, kurgan, and tyumen regions, as well as the heads of the ministry of emergency situations, took part in it via video link. ministry of construction and ministry of finance. our correspondent anastasia kobazeva knows the details. the orenburg region, the scale of the rampant elements, is clearly visible from above, many houses are built almost completely under water, only the roofs stick out. rescuers and police officers are evacuating people from their homes, residents are taking with them the most...
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being under water, the situation in the ministry of emergency situations is being monitored, the minister will work in the region tomorrow. everything that concerns the orenburg region, well, today colleagues confirm that there is enough grouping. that, as for bottled water, bottled water is distributed free of charge directly in orsk, there are no problems, i’ll check everything tomorrow on the spot. i have no questions yet. as soon as the water recedes, the commissions will begin to work, then there will be grounds for conversation. epit situation. against the background of the flood, the region is calm, noted denis pasler. for preventive purposes , about 2.0 residents have already been vaccinated against hepatitis a. in total, the region received 50,000 doses of the vaccine. temporary accommodation centers for 15,000 people were deployed in the region. the amount of damage from the flood exceeds 40 billion rubles and this is a preliminary assessment. we will form additional groups of specialists to speed up the assessment of damage to residents. the amount of payments was doubled.
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for one-time financial assistance. applications from citizens are applied through a single portal of public services and the mfc. work to assist citizens in obtaining financial assistance for those affected by the flood. organized in each municipality, a decision was made to assign payments to 1,403 people, and in fact, 3,245 people have already received money. in kurgan regional authorities are also taking comprehensive measures to protect cities and towns and provide assistance to all those affected. there are a lot of elderly people in temporary accommodation centers. this is the village of kostygin-log. doctors visit those who really need help and support every day. out of excitement, probably, my blood pressure has risen, well, i feel like this all the time, i’m like the news will say everything, i’m starting to have no life left at home, because i was scared, i have diabetes, my blood pressure rises to 200-240 from fear, who will help me there? , local residents were caught in high water i was taken aback, here is my house with a red roof,
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district state, we raised the tvs on the cabinet on the shroud, there, well, it seems to me that they flooded, but the tv is definitely all. refrigerators, okay, that's it, we bought meat, we just went. residents of the kurgan region affected by the flood have already begun to receive the first payments. the regional government has developed a standardized procedure for providing assistance to citizens, namely the provision of one-time financial assistance in the amount of 10,000 rubles. providing financial assistance to citizens in connection with the loss of property first necessary in the amount of up to 30,000 rubles for partial and 50,000 rubles for complete loss. besides, how do you manage me? the ministry of emergency situations decided to issue preventive advances for the entire month of april to all public sector employees and municipal and government employees living in potential flood zones; the money has already been received. they are preparing for the arrival of big water in the tyumen region; governor alexander mor said that a breakthrough of the dams, which
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protect large settlements, could occur. the ishim river may leave its channel as early as this weekend. by according to forecasts, the most tense situation with access to the floodplain will be around the 20th of april, peak. there is time, but we are sitting, not sitting, not waiting, but the task you set is preventive, to minimize the risks to citizens’ property. for all households that are susceptible to flooding, we are now helping citizens remove valuable property, someone removes it themselves, some people have places where others don’t, we have warehouses in all settlements under the protection of the ministry of internal affairs, we provide transport to those who need them, volunteers help. the ministry of internal affairs is helping yes it works? davich, you talked on the phone then, which means they, well, they were ready without this, now, especially carefully, they have strengthened the eveluterovsk group, along the whaling, and above, so
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we will ensure the safety of citizens, the safety of property that ends up in the flood zone. one of the tasks of the government commission is to control the price level for the main groups of goods and essential items. and building materials, we also have a task ahead of us, and we will discuss it, this is with the mayor and fas, which means slowing down the rise in prices, after all a large amount of resources will be needed, this is wallpaper, cement there and so on, that means gas, electric meters, so that this does not imitate, so we will also work on this work together with our colleagues, look, somewhere the water has not yet arrived, where -it hasn’t gone away yet, but now... we need to think about restoring housing, first of all housing, and infrastructure, of course, so please don’t delay, prepare for this in advance, in advance, please, yes, anton gengivich, add something, we have connections with the ministry of emergency situations
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and the ministry of construction, calculations are being prepared, the money will be were not immediately allocated, there are resources in the reserve fund, great, well... the ministry of health is working, local doctors, colleagues in the regions are also working, everything is set up, in general, i hope that this kind of coordinated work will continue, and we will minimize everything and risks and consequences, please report regularly. the most difficult situation with floods is now in orenburg, the level of the ural river. area of ​​the regional center rose to almost 11 m, this is a historical maximum, multi-storey buildings are already flooded, reporting from svetlana kustina from the disaster zone. from entrance by boat, now they don’t come out like that, the residents of this house come out. we
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were here yesterday and before lunch it was still dry. and now, in order to keep things dry, they also float out like this. the courtyard of a multi-storey building on karavannaya street looked completely different just yesterday, the water was just beginning to rise, today the entire first floor was flooded, the residents were urgently evacuated, just like that in just four. 4-5 hours later i approached this house, the dogs are careful here, the emergency situations ministry employees are going around the apartments again, checking who of the residents remained. whoever hears, there is help, three boats have arrived, animals, furniture, some things can be evacuated, and so can you. vasily podryadov is trying to save what is left in the apartment and remove the most necessary things. here we have things more or less as they were, raised higher, carpets and so on. all these household appliances, what they could, but it turns out that there is water everywhere, in the kitchen, in the living room, in the bathroom, in the bathroom in general
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there is a decent depth, the water came so quickly that there was no time to even drive the cars away, the pressure was such, it's like a waterfall, it's the first time we've done this we saw it, no one believed it until the very end, we went in just a little bit, and came out already about three centimeters, you see these cars almost up to the roof in the water, but this is a small illusion, because in fact the water level is like this, and the cars have already left the ground, and actually float, this is a safety net, don’t rush, they continue to take people out of the villages, this is the only way with climbing equipment you can now leave the house, the first floors are flooded, the water is up to the ceiling, after all, there are those who do not want to leave their homes, in the direction of travel we came across two people, we asked them, they said, no, we will stay here, protect the property, but they didn’t want to, they took the phone number, the level in the ural river has already risen to almost 11 m, this is called the peak of the flood, look how it is here everything was flooded, the fences completely went under water, they
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are not visible at all, so in order to move safely on a rubber boat, you literally have to test the water, and this road with your hands. rescuers of the ministry of emergency situations today limited movement on rubber boats, the current is too strong, dangerous, several the boats have already sunk, even if i punctured the boat, so that there would be something, roughly speaking, to hold on to, because yes, yes, yes, that’s whatever, in fact, even a children’s circle, i answer, just so that something happens to you. they process every request, also a special board of the ministry of emergency situations delivered a water-filling dam to orenburg to protect multi-storey buildings where thousands of people live, this is an effective structure in the form of a huge pipe made of composite materials filled with water, we are blocking the dam, the dam is on the right side, now personnel are engaged.
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unfortunately , almost 98,000 people in the republic were forced to leave their homes, including more than 30,000 children. there have not been such strong floods in kazakhstan for 80 years. the fsb received confirmation of london's direct involvement in the ukrainian conflict. the investigation was based on the testimony of the ukrainian armed forces special forces, the only survivor of the unsuccessful landing operation in the kherson region. the prisoner told how to land on tendrovskaya spit. they were trained by british marine instructors, trained in including in the united kingdom, near salisbury.
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anton wernicki knows the details. on february 29, the newly captured ukrainian special forces soldier yevgeny gorin, still very emotional, after all, the only one who survived that day, talks about the failed attempt of his group in four boats to land on the tenderovskaya spit to capture the lighthouse. and this is him, but today he is testifying to fsb investigators. until this moment , our special services did not advertise what they were talking about. in great britain, who were citizens, as we later learned in a conversation with the commanders, these are employees of the sbc, the special boat service of the royal navy of great britain. on the internet you can easily find advertising videos of this unit of the royal marines, which specializes in conducting
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amphibious assaults and sabotage at targets along the coast. the team that included gorin was transported first by bus to poland, and then by... by plane to the uk, we landed somewhere near the city of saltbury, about half an hour's drive from it there was a military base, as far as i know, it was called five riffles. the captured ukrainian special forces soldier talks in sufficient detail about the training system at the british military base, where combat tactics were studied in those places where already in ukraine the same british instructors practiced the landing with them. here he is, for example, indicating on the map a training ground near kherson, where the project...
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was largely of a propaganda nature, and even if it was carried out it would not have affected the situation on the line combat contact. in addition, according to an fsb employee, our intelligence services knew in advance about the british planning of this operation. anton vernitsky evenia stefanchuk, kirill loginov, channel one. in response to attempts to attack russian energy facilities,
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our army continues to knock out critical infrastructure that meets the needs of the ssu. a series of explosions. in odessa, lvov, nikolaev, kharkov and kiev regions. it is reported, in particular, about the complete destruction of the trypillian tes. in addition to the capital region, the station supplied electricity to the neighboring cherkasy and zhytomyr regions. pavel pchelkin has a detailed picture, and he also has the latest data from the front line. just dig up the entire power plant, continuing to explode, just to discourage the arrival. this is a consequence of a long-range precision weapon strike on trypillian. thermal power plant in the kiev region, the tets turbine shop is on fire, which is completely destroyed. it was the most powerful power plant in the region after the closure of the chernobyl nuclear power plant. developed 1,800 mw and was the largest supplier of electricity not only to kiev, but to zhytomyr and cherkasy regions. tu-95 ms missile carriers and geiran-2 sea-based missiles and drones also hit
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usatov’s electrical substations in the odessa region and critical infrastructure facilities in the zaporozhye region. naftogaz reported an explosion. gas was stored in two, including in the city of stryev, lviv region, and this footage was filmed by eyewitnesses in kharkov, where tets-3 and the malyshev tank plant were hit. other military installations throughout ukraine were also hit. by according to our military, the strikes are carried out in response to attempts by ukrainian militants to attack our energy facilities. as a result, the work of ukrainian military industry enterprises was disrupted, the transfer of reserves to the combat area was disrupted, and the supply of fuel to military units of the armed forces of ukraine was hampered. the targets of the strike were achieved, all objects were hit, when ready, two shells, quickly, fire, shoot, gun, shot, in the northwestern military zone in the ovdeevsky direction, our artillerymen destroyed the gun with counter-battery fire from self-propelled howubs apu. the fire was from a distance of 23 km, the drone operators corrected it, there was no
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chance of a hurricane. here we see how a 152-mm projectile destroys the positions of the ukrainian battery, and this is due to what arose. so to speak, to the ground with your fire. here, near avdeevka, our troops improved the position on the front line and repelled eight enemy attacks. in this direction , losses amounted to 275 military personnel. here is the latest video from a russian kamikaze drone that hits an american bradley armored vehicle. our troops in the donetsk direction also improved their tactical ones. the enemy's losses here are the highest in 24 hours. the esu lost up to 520 military personnel, three armored personnel carriers, four cars, and a 155mm m-770 howitzer. 152 mm mstab gun, 122 mm gvozdika self-propelled artillery mount, 105 mm american-made m119 cannon, two
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noto electronic warfare stations. these shots from near chasogo yar, where our army is actively advancing, show the spectacular destruction of an american humvee armored vehicle of the ukrainian armed forces. more profitable milestones employed at kupyansky in the south-donetsk direction. of course, this would have been much more difficult without air support. crew. su-34 fighter bombers take off on a combat mission. the goal is a stronghold and concentrations of enemy manpower in the southern donetsk direction. here we see how a combat vehicle drops five hundred kilogram bombs on a target, equipped with a planning and correction module. bombs are not easy. adab 500, volumetric detonating. here in these frames you can see the explosion of such a bomb. pail pchelkin, evgenia stefanchuk, alexey kozlov, channel one. further. there are more and more people who plan to join our defenders in the defense zone who want to sign a contract with the ministry of defense every day; people from all different professions
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and ages come to military registration and enlistment offices all over the country to mobile selection points. for many, the starting point was the monstrous massacre of civilians by terrorists in krasnogorsk, near moscow. i’m already tired of watching our villages and cities being bombed, well, the last straw began to crumble. i have never seen this anywhere, that is, at all, then i didn’t even imagine that this was even possible. when an unarmed person, that is , they simply take on children, people, shoot, to take revenge for these dead children, adults, women, for me it’s just a matter of honor and place, these are animals, i will not go around our country with machine guns. and in confirmation of the words of our volunteers, today in the vicinity of gardinal the special services neutralized a gang of armed terrorists who were planning sabotage in kabardi on balkari. the special operation was carried out by employees of the fsb, police, and the russian guard. and... emergency special forces blocked the militants on the territory of the gardening partnership; when asked to surrender, they responded with fire and were destroyed; there were no casualties among the security forces and civilians. terrorism is a common
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threat that must be fought together. this was stated by russian foreign minister sergei lavrov at a meeting with brix parliamentarians and their delegation on a working visit to moscow. our foreign minister emphasized the role of legislators in jointly opposing terrorism. recent. this topic was discussed at a parliamentary meeting brix delegation with the chairman of the federation council. valentina matvienko assured that russia will do everything to identify those who ordered the terrorist attacks and make their names public. foreign
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colleagues were received by state duma speaker vyacheslav volodin. in addition to security and the fight against terrorism, economic cooperation was also discussed. issues of development of the eurasian economic union were discussed today by vladimir putin with permanent participants of the russian security council. operational meeting of the head of state with members. establish energy supply, restore transport links, to help enterprises that suffer losses due to the flood, what else was discussed, anna kurbatova will tell you. the flood situation is the number one topic at today's government meeting. mishustin began the meeting with the cabinet of ministers with instructions. the most important thing is the safety of our citizens, providing them with everything
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they need. in the affected regions, the prime minister said, energy supply should be established as soon as possible, and where high water has begun to recede, it is necessary to establish transport as soon as possible and, of course, restore houses. the minister of construction and housing and communal services irikanvarich fazulin must assess what is needed.
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summer lesha shows fish that have two houses at once. his sisters, alina and nastya , each asked for tents for their birthday, which they call their rooms. a family with three children lives in a hostel 20 km away. today the parents promised their children that there would be a home. i believe that the opportunity to use maternal capital to build a house is a big plus. i would also like to take advantage of this chance to invest capital to build a house to build our
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big house. another topic on the agenda of the cabinet meeting is the development of our pharmaceuticals. here, of course, russia has made a big leap forward. over the past 4 years , 30 new pharmaceutical production facilities have been opened in our country, we must understand that these are the years when there was a coronavirus pandemic, when 19.00 western sanctions fell on russia. for example, last year a plant was opened in zelenograd to produce drugs for the treatment of cancer and cardiovascular diseases. many of them have never had one before domestic analogues. we produce 80% of the drugs on the list of vitally important drugs, for example, at the largest pharmaceutical plant, moscow endocrine, we now produce drugs that are so necessary for children with severe genetic diseases who suffer from severe convulsions, and what is important, these drugs are not in the form of tablets, which a child cannot afford during an attack, it can even be difficult to swallow, in a gentle solution form. more recently, there has been a shortage of drugs that
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belong to the group of psychotropic drugs and which.
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managers of magate. kyiv attacks terrorists could provoke a nuclear disaster in europe. our correspondent, pavel krasnov, tried to figure out why european officials are so careless about such a serious problem. magatha's board of governors met in vienna to discuss a technically simple issue: the threat of nuclear disaster caused by ukrainian drone attacks on the zaporozhye nuclear power plant. the technical answer here is also obvious: the attacks must stop, and the head. escalation of threats to nuclear security in ukraine, significantly increasing the risk of a nuclear accident. no one can benefit or achieve any military or political advantage by attacking nuclear facilities. that's just who this appeal is addressed to, starting in the fall of twenty-
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two. after unsuccessful attacks, the zaporozhye plant lived in a relatively calm mode, everything changed last weekend, when several drones hit the territory of the nuclear power plant. on monday, a ukrainian drone nearly destroyed the dome of the sixth power unit. on tuesday, the building where the reactor hall simulator is located came under attack. the day before, an air threat was again announced in the area of ​​the station. there are norms that have already been established in international law and international practice. nuclear facilities, peaceful nuclear facilities, are not subject to shelling, it seems that the ukrainians held out for almost a year and a half, did not directly shell the territory of the station, and now they have put it on stream, everyday practice, shelling every day, in general, the reasons for such actions lie on the surface , a very unenviable position at the front, kiev compensates with terror, a long-established tactics, attacks on peaceful cities are also
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nothing more than terrorism, but here the threat is even higher, not a single nuclear power plant in the world is being built as a military facility, this is not a bastion, and this is not a firing point or fortification. this is a nuclear power plant, well, this is an energy facility, it is protected as much as possible from just such accidents, yes, a plane was flying, it was an accident, but if someone launches it, it will be loaded, excuse me, with, say, ammunition or explosives some kind of aircraft in the station dome, then who can give a full guarantee that the amount of explosive will not be enough to destroy this doll. the consequences of such an accident are clear, but on the territory of the station there is also a storage facility for spent nuclear fuel, which can also become a source of contamination. today , representatives of rostekhnadzor visited the zaporozhye npp, examined the damage caused by kamikaze drones and met with magat experts. you
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are present and see what is happening here, that at the russian station, nuclear, regularly there is an external influence that is categorically unacceptable.
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radiation has no boundaries, so of course we would like to avoid this. the extreme hypocrisy here is mixed with sincere recognition that the threat has really existed for a long time, ever since kiev began shelling the zaporozhye nuclear power plant back in 1922 and even planned an airborne landing. targeting drones at nuclear power plants is also an old trick. how many times have ukrainian drones attacked? the city of kurchatov, where the kursk nuclear power plant is located, blatant nuclear blackmail, moreover, the kiev elite is trying to take hostage not only russia, but at least half of europe, but the latter is clearly showing stockholm syndrome. our western colleagues are so accustomed to
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automatically turning a blind eye to any crimes and ugly antics of the kiev regime that they manage not to even notice the direct shelling and drone attacks they resumed a few days ago at the zaporozhye nuclear power plant. risking a nuclear disaster in the very center of europe. if europe is unable to say a word in your defense, it may be worth hearing the position of countries that do not belong to the collective west. on monday , the un security council will discuss the situation around the zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant. pavel krasno, dmitry volkov, irina bliznyuk, dmitry malyshev and sergey kamensky. first channel. the verkhovna rada today adopted a scandalous bill to tighten mobilization. iceberg, our correspondent, kirill brainin, looked into the details. deputies of the verkhovna rada sat in the hall half the night
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to consistently reject thousands amendments to the law on mobilization. at some point, only 30 people remained, but by morning the necessary quorum was ensured and the document was accepted. the parliamentary conscience seems to have been slightly calmed by the disappearance of the scandalous norm about the possible.
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during the period of martial law , male citizens of ukraine from 18 to 60 years of age are required to have a military registration document with them along with an identity document and present them upon request. authorized representative of the district territorial center for recruitment and social support or a police officer, as well as a representative of the state border service of ukraine in the border strip, controlled border area and at checkpoints across the state border of ukraine. all potential conscripts are required to provide up-to-date information about themselves within sixty days; this also applies to those who managed to go abroad; draft dodgers or, in ukrainian, evaders, will be left without consular service. however, judging by the flash mob that has swept social networks. the cordon uhilants are not too upset. the lucky ones have one thing to do,
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those who meet the new law on mobilization under palm trees are completely different, locked in ukraine. footage of the capture of reservists has long appeared regularly on social networks, but now all traditional disputes with military registration and enlistment office employees in city transport or just on the street will be broken by the above-mentioned rule of law, people in uniform will grab and drag from now on. it’s time for ukraine to abandon the old-fashioned approach towards women following the israeli model of conscripting them into the army. in kiev, such plans were quickly refuted, but is there smoke without fire, especially if pay attention to the words yourself.
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i hope those who are eligible to serve in the ukrainian army will join, i can't believe it's at 27 years old, you are fighting for your life so you should serve, not at 25 or 27 years old, we need more people at the front. by the way, the conscription age was lowered to 25 years by a separate law, even deeper, digging out the demographic hole in which the country found itself. this is not the bottom yet. because recent statistics indicate the lowest birth rate in the entire history of observation,
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including the period when such a state was on the desired territory did not exist at all, and although the ukrainian authorities prefer not to officially name the numbers, at the end of last year zelensky let slip that the military demanded half a million conscripts from him, and given the frenzied zeal with which kiev implements the postulate about the need for war to the last ukrainian, this is certain not the limit. kiril branin, irina bliznyuk, continuing the topic, the news agency quotes a high-ranking source in our military defense, they noted that a new counter-offensive in the ssu will end a complete disaster for ukraine with the final disintegration of its army. the day before, the head of the kiev regime had just stated that there are such plans, but with a caveat, if the west helps. our military department recalled how the previous counter-offensive in the summer of 2023 ended, with the death and serious injury of more than 166 in the absence
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of those in ukraine willing to voluntarily develop this zelensky madness with their lives and health further, the kiev regime is filling the huge shortage of armed forces personnel with new cannon fodder, promoting the law about mass forced mobilization of citizens. at the same time , zelensky is fully responsible for providing hundreds of thousands of mobilized people with the necessary weapons. lies to the west, there is nothing of its own in ukraine for a long time, and in the west it is already left to strip their troops naked. thanks to such non-trivial approaches to military planning, there is no need to doubt that the implementation of zelensky’s new counter-offensive plan will end in complete disaster for ukraine, with the final defeat in the ssu beginning the path to peace on russian terms. you are looking time, now advertising, immediately after the negotiations in the kremlin between the presidents of russia and belarus, the historic launch from the vostochny cosmodrome and the 60th anniversary of the film. i'm walking around moscow, stay with us on channel one. call, broadcast
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of the launch and landing of the first space film crew. on saturday, on the first. old barrel cognac, a product of stella. snop product of stellar group, montechoca cognac, product of stellar group, rom castro, product of stellar group, vodka, veda, product of stellor group, welcome to the city where
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even stones underfoot can be precious. hello, yekaterinburg, emerald is beautiful in itself. 193 they say that you cannot simultaneously experience a feeling of visual pleasure and fear, they are lying, you can, the lives of your own, the premiere is on... sunday on the first, i saw you on tv, who is on tv in our house, are you kidding, are you kidding, you just kidding, how does the bayan differ from the accordion, there is c major,
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doseptocord, dominor, it confused me even more, but do you like it? what a beauty, yes, martin, of course you have no chance, you should become a star, and well, yes, the best, new season, on sunday on the first, the snow is still white in the fields, and in the spring the waters are noisy, they are running, waking up the sleepy shore, they are running, shining and shouting, they are shouting to all ends, spring is coming, spring is coming, we are messengers of the young spring, she sent us forward , what, where, when, spring series of games,
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on sunday on the first. and this hairstyle suits him, a typical criminal, so they made this photo test, this photo test turned out to be, one might say, such a star ticket, then georgy nikolaevich says: where is he, let’s give him here, the story that then happened it’s told, i’m wandering around moscow, began in the head of gennady shpalikov, but long before that.
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today is the first one. undercover taxi. premiere. watch the time after the program. this is the "time" program. and we continue. the footage we just received from the kremlin. vladimir putin holds negotiations with his belarusian colleague alexander lukashenko. he arrived in moscow today on a working visit. alexander grigorievich, thank you for coming to cosmonautics day, especially since we have a significant event, our cosmonauts, the first woman, an astronaut from belarus, we also have a good event today, our new rocket flew from the new
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cosmodrome, it’s heavy, this is another stage in the development of the space industry in russia, among other things, of course, we have something to talk about. keeping in mind our economic relations, they are developing, developing successfully, we demonstrated good economic growth rates last year, now everything is on the rise, in the first months of this year, our overall growth is even greater than last year, diversification is developing, cooperation growing. mutual, mutual complementarity, everything is generally on the rise, we are very happy about this, of course, we will talk about security issues on the western borders, belarus in russia, i know that you are aware of all these events, what is happening in the ukrainian
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direction , nevertheless, of course, taking advantage of your visit to inform you about what is happening in detail, well, in general, you know, we have never given up on the peaceful resolution of disputes, moreover, we were inclined precisely to this, not we we started this war in 2014, that’s it it began... with a coup in ukraine, and then, when everything became so heated , it was you who initiated the peace negotiations in belarus, we started it in two cities, then the negotiating teams moved to turkey, to istanbul, and practically completed it there this work, which was going on for a long time, was initialed on both sides, the ukrainian side was also initialed, this paper was initialed, this document, well, as you
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know, then under pressure from the west, the ukrainian side abandoned these agreements, let me remind you that then we were told that we could not sign a document, ukraine cannot sign troops with a pistol, we need to withdraw troops from kiev, we did it, after we did it, our agreements were thrown into the trash, but now, as you know, the idea is being promoted to hold some kind of conference in switzerland, we are not invited there, moreover, they believe that we have nothing to do there, but at the same time they say that nothing can be decided without us. and since we're not going there, it's in general, some nopticum says that we refuse negotiations, they don’t invite us, they say that we refuse, but
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it would be funny if it weren’t so sad, but, but, but once again i want to emphasize what we are for , but not in the format of imposing on us any schemes that have nothing to do with reality, but if, why am i saying this, that if the need arises, let me contact you, maybe we will continue consultations with you in this direction, that's what concerns others directions, then you are also well aware of this, well, for example, in the energy sector, unfortunately we have observed a series of attacks on our energy facilities recently and were forced... to respond, i want to emphasize that even for humanitarian reasons we did not carry out any to no
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attacks, meaning that they did not want to leave social institutions, hospitals, and so on without power supplies, but after a series of attacks on our energy facilities they were forced to respond. but i repeat once again, if all this loops into the solution of those issues, oh which we spoke initially, and in the energy sector are also related to the solution of one of the tasks that we set for ourselves, and this is demilitarization, which we, first of all, proceed from the fact that in this way we influence the defense industry, the defense.
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i have already said, our position is that they can only agree there on how
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to intensify the escalation of this conflict, without russia, what can it be? there is a peaceful process there, there cannot be a peace process, well, maybe they are right that they do not invite us there, because what to talk to them about, what to talk to them about you can talk if they are trying to gather more than 100 states there, dictate something to us or persuade us, this is not a proposal for peace negotiations, i think that they, well, in any case, the opposite country has driven itself to a certain extent.. ... into the corner, well, yes, when they refused negotiations in the hope of defeating russia on the battlefield, inflicting a strategic defeat on it, now they understand that this is impossible, they refused negotiations and now find themselves in a rather difficult situation, but our original we found ways out, well, yes, but our goal
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is not to put everyone in a difficult situation, we... on the contrary, we are ready to work constructively, but, but no imposition on us of any position that is not based on reality, of course , it can’t be, what i’m getting at is that i absolutely support the current position of the russian leadership, your position on the peace process in this conflict, i absolutely support it, today there is everything to sit down and negotiate, they don’t want it, it’s clear why they don’t want it, we are already at...
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it was used to launch heavy vehicles into orbit, in particular iss modules. with the help of angara , a new russian orbital station will be built. the hangar is built according to a modular design; from universal blocks it is possible to assemble different rockets with a carrying capacity from 3.5 to 38 tons. our correspondent, maryana itskevich, followed the historic launch from the east today. let's start. the launch vehicle engine is starting. the engines came out with the main thrust. ask. for the first time in the history of the vostochny cosmodrome, a heavy launch vehicle the angara soars into the sky again, you can feel the power from the launch right here, several kilometers from the launch pad, the earth trembles under your feet, the rocket gains altitude, not without excitement, because it took two days to fix the problems, but now we can say for sure that the launch took place, it was a hard 3 days for us because this is not a television show or
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a holiday launch. they say they could see the carrier in the sky even on sakhalin, but the audience here can see it much better. it’s great, it’s great that we have such projects in our country and it’s great that they are being launched spacecraft that you can come and see with your children and show them the power of our country. it’s still important for us now, because we worked at the vostochny cosmodrome, designed a special track, and for a heavy class, so that’s why we are here, i
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had a lot of fun, i understood. with what it was possible to do this before, well, this is actually the dream of my whole life, to see a rocket take off in general, we are with our pet, a bead, the mascot of our launches, we were at all the launches, we didn’t miss a single one, many we were worried whether the launch would take place today, because it was postponed twice so that the rocket could take off, the tourists even performed a ritual dance, inventing movements on the go, however, even the head of the launch complex has his own signs here, for example, i was wearing only a shirt all launch days , well... we all woke up and arrived at the launch complex in a fighting mood, we were determined for success, we believed in ourselves, we had been preparing for the launch of the rocket for many years, the angara will again
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replace the heavy launch vehicle proton m, which has been in operation since the sixties takes off only from baikanur. the hangar, again, like a constructor, can be assembled from universal modules, create rockets, carriers of different classes, it can take more payload up to 24.5 tons, for comparison, the proton m is 2 tons me. the new rocket is more environmentally friendly and safer, because it uses fuel based on oxygen-kerosene, which is less aggressive to the environment, the feeling when a child was really born, took the first step, and who will live for a long, long time on this earth, on this amur land , because today the first step was taken, further beyond the angara rocket, and the fifth, this will be one of the main products that will launch heavy satellites. this launch is a test, but it proves that our country can send heavy launch vehicles not only from baikanur from kazakhstan and not only from the plesenskaya cosmodrome of the ministry of defense, but now from vostochny from the amur region, there are
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many tasks ahead. we still have a lot of work to do with this rocket to ensure its reliability, and in twenty years it will need to launch a manned spacecraft. thanks everyone for the work, i sincerely thanked the entire military today. it was only thanks to their efforts that they did not give up, they thoughtfully worked to correct all the situations and in the end, success awaited everyone today. angara will again deliver payload more than once, including for the construction of a new russian orbital station, however, for the same task a heavier rocket has yet to be created, which will be done in the coming years. another version of the a5b rocket will be able to launch up to 38 tons of payload into orbit. marjanacha. modernity, because it was filmed in such a way that will always be of interest to viewers of all
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ages. georgy danel's film, i'm walking around moscow, which became a classic of russian cinema, appeared on screens 60 years ago. from the frames of this picture you can study what moscow was like during the thaw, and the actors who participated in... say that they were so light that the picture seemed to fly like a bird, they call it a miracle that has no explanation, but in fact, of course, the whole film crew was hand-picked and talented, so we are still watching with pleasure, alexey zotov, about a film for all times, to film moscow from the same angles so that... everything is almost impossible to recognize, for 60 years the city has moved along overpasses and tunnels, red square has been given over to pedestrians, the metro has been updated, and many switched to personal transport, for sure...


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