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tv   Taksi pod prikritiem  1TV  April 11, 2024 10:00pm-11:01pm MSK

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will always be of interest to viewers of all ages. included in the classics of russian cinema, georgy danel's tapes, i walk around moscow, appeared on screens 60 years ago. from the frames of this picture you can study what moscow was like during the thaw, and the actors who participated in the filming say that they were so light that the picture seemed to fly like a bird, they call it a miracle that has no explanation, but in fact there is, of course, the entire film crew was handpicked. talented, that's why we're still watching pleasure. alexey zotov, about a film for all times. it’s almost impossible to photograph moscow from the same angles so that everything is still recognizable. for 60 years, the city has traveled through overpasses and tunnels. red square was given over to pedestrians, the metro was updated, and many switched to personal transport. well.
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there is no doubt that today director georgy danelia and cameraman vadim yusov would not film moscow from the mido skyscrapers or on the kotelnicheskaya embankment, from the height of one of the skyscrapers. in the filming request from above, the group wrote: “we need to show how the city through the ancient streets are sprouting with new buildings, and the higher you go, the better you can see how far you can walk around moscow today. intercession cathedral, better known as st. basil's cathedral.
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in the reflection, this was filmed here, now i’ll show you, well, this is the same cafe that didn’t really exist, it was staged specifically for the film against the backdrop of the old quarter, old buildings in stalin’s high-rise buildings, and don’t get distracted, but how can we walk to construction street, first lane to the right, first lane to the right, let's go, and at today i started my day dancing on asphalt, i’m walking around moscow, we were cute, we were all young. they filmed very friendly and had fun, writer, don’t you recognize us? i find out that daneliya immediately saw alexey loktev in the role of an aspiring writer from siberia, but the pushkin theater refused to let him go filming for a while; only a personal request from the director of musfilm helped. a few years later, loktev left the theater, but the role of volodya remained the brightest in his life. 18 years ago he died on his way to a movie. festival, oh so, yes, yes, so,
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there is some kind of secret in lesha, he played much less than he felt inside, this does not mean that he restrained himself there so much, no, he was furious, he was also gentle, he was touching, he danced, he was like a god , well, how did you decide, about what, about the move, the filming ended late, i saw him off, but the attitude was very gentle. more touching than anything else in the country. is there robertina? no. why not? a teenager, because there was no need to explain this joke about shortages to the first viewers. millions of robertina records the laretti sold out instantly; there was no time to print them. it would have been easier to say that his voice was broken, and there were no new products and there never would be. take off the record, i need to sleep, it’s disturbing me. there was no feeling at all that you were working, it was just flying, this picture. we came to filming.
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in it, the film crew is waiting for the same clear weather, so that drops of water even from the field fields sparkle cheerfully in the sun, a light kiosk was brought as a prop, the zax was a real one, and this neighboring intersection became a symbol of all lovers, actually from it was from this fantasy of gennady shpalikov that the whole picture was born, a girl walks deep in the rain and holds shoes in her hands, and a guy rides next to him and tries...
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everything himself, everything himself, yes, hoping for a miracle, a miracle, and i don’t trust it mostak, it’s all my fault, evgeny steblov was walking near mosfilm, then accidentally looked into the film group’s office, i ’m walking around moscow, and a miracle happened, today he himself is a teacher, almost none of his students believe that it
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was possible to get into your favorite film just like that with streets, we dreamed more, we dreamed, but it’s not hot, even 60 years later, fans of the film are looking for filming locations, arguing about who the main character is, moscow or... a good mood, and the city is getting younger, sprouting, washing itself, singing, even that verse that for some reason did not fit into the song. moscow, moscow, i love you, like a son, so russian, passionately and tenderly, i love the flood of your cars, and the fresh summer wind, alexey zototov, mikhail kunitsin, ilya marin, pavel riholetov, sergey klishin, channel one. i walk around moscow with a wonderful lyrical comedy. watch on channel one on sunday at 14:45. and now on air new series of undercover taxi detective.
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i repeat, stop immediately, save your speed, get close to everyone, immediately. the hijacker turned onto yesenin, moving north in the direction of kolocharsky, this is 8:12, approach the author, stop the pursuit, let him get away, 8708, completed the pursuit, the suspect turned into the parking lot between houses 9,11. 3307 pursuit completed. i'm on his tail.
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schumacher, the police have arrived, come out slowly with your hands up, there's a dead end on the map, let's go without any unnecessary problems, last warning, come out with your hands up.
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stand still, idiot, that's enough, don't annoy me, good, what are you doing, be careful, come back, oh, damn schumacher.
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this is it, the object is in place, we are working according to plan. wait lino, are you okay? okay, yes, okay, everything, well, turbine,
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you always have no turbines, thank god, yes, in general, i know this poor fellow, nikolai machalkin has been on our register since the age of 13, an orphan, has already been prosecuted for hijacking, but he was dressed up with a condition, yeah, and where did this belaga machine gun come from, during the second world war, yes, the devil knows, well, something lately it's been popping up too often in our area. “we lost them, you managed to copy the number, yes, try it, yes, yes, it’s really
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fake, i don’t think why, because he didn’t know that there would be an ambush, which means he didn’t come in a stolen car, but in the one they use for ordinary trips, logically, let's hope, there is, the car is not listed as stolen, the owner is ivan nikifirovich kromov, lives in ioannina, let's go, let's go, and i, and you are on the phone? i want to be with you, i want too. khromov ivan nikifrovich, yes, what is your own
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case? i was at work today, we have a large order at the factory, everyone is working one and a half shifts, can anyone confirm that you were there today? yes, anyone, from the director to the workers. okay, let's get back to the car. yes, i have already explained everything to you twice. it's okay, explain it again. but i won’t tell you anything new, i sold it at the beginning of summer, why did the buyer ask by proxy, and not officially, charge a good amount for it, and the buyer didn’t explain why? said and wants to tinker with the design, but why is everyone doing this and nothing, in these photographs you will be able to identify your buyer, oh this one
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for sure, yes 100%. a real action movie unfolded today on the streets of st. petersburg, where the police pursued a car thief, who first forced law enforcement officers to chase him throughout the city, and then opened heavy fire on the police from a machine gun, well known to us from the film about the war. the criminal was armed with an mp-40 submachine gun, also known as a schmeisser, which, as the examination showed, is the very thing that is not a real weapon of the times. great patriotic war, holy shit, what are we going to do, what are we going to do, keep looking, hello, let’s not here, why not here? i...
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asked you not to highlight our relationship at work, but i came on business, at night, who will believe me, otherwise, i really came for work, our guy crashed on the red triangle, and i wanted to, i beg you, turbine , leave, why, because our communication with you was a mistake, not for... me, good for me, i did something wrong, believe me, it will be better, for whom, first of all for you, drubin, are you serious, listen, that’s enough, but i saw how you, your ex, you ran towards each other in the car dealership, inna, we
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were married for 5 years, of course, i ’m worried about her, but what else, listen? turbin, you can deceive yourself as much as you want , you don’t need me, you love her, and she loves you, sooner or later you will get together anyway, and i don’t want to get you bogged down by that time, so thank you for you, in these few weeks, this is all, i’m sure, absolutely. what's this? mole.
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cool, in general, i called you about turbine, well, i already understood that, our project is important, very important, it is being watched from the very top, even colleagues from the moscow main internal affairs department are interested in our indian project, well , this is good, since... no, this is not just good, this is excellent, there is already talk that if our experiment is successful, it can be implemented throughout the country, but there is one nuance that worries me more and more, turbines, the osb check on the use of weapons has just ended, yesterday there was a new excess, yes, in short, day after day i have everything
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there is more doubt about whether we have chosen the right candidate for our pilot program? your thoughts? well, to be honest, at the very beginning i thought that everything would be much worse, but turbin turned out to be not the worst employee, just about, not the worst, but not the best either, in general, i’ll have to follow him in action, i understand , you want to give him a partner, yes, okay, sorry, i didn’t understand you, i... so that you can travel with him yourself over the next week, which means markin still doesn’t call his son, no, for now, you think you’ve figured it out, maybe . what about car, like her dodge, dodge durango, how it evaporated, legal, yes, and the camera, there are thousands of cameras in the city, they also evaporated, yes, of course,
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they went into the courtyards, where did the cameras come from, that is, i have nothing to report to the authorities, vyacheslav mikhailovich, yes, you’ll put it there, we have so many clues, aunt mishanya, markin’s son, his wife, his mother is sick, maybe he ’ll decide to visit her, durang’s dodge will surface sooner or later, and then he’ll shoot. the question is when? yes, can i interrogate? ok, the taxi driver has come to his senses, he can speak, but he is very weak, we were allowed 10 minutes, let's go, and his hairstyle suits him like that, a typical criminal. so they made this photo test, this photo test turned out to be, one might say, such a star ticket, then georgy nikolaevich, where is he, let’s give him here, the story that was later told, i
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’m walking around moscow, began in the head of gennady shpalikov, but long before that, such artistic intonations, some kind of internal, they were in the air, then one actress appeared there, who by that time was completely unknown, it was, bass and bulls, this is in great demand,
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space, the first feature film shot in space, mommies, how great it is that we are all here today, on saturday on the first, this year we celebrate the ninetieth anniversary of the world's first cosmonaut, yuri gagarin, let's go, you know, what kind of guy he was, elena yuryevna gagarina. the eldest daughter of yuri alekseevich. new year. the astronauts were musketeers. the first time we saw yuri alekseevich in a hat with a mustache was in butforty. our teacher was terribly strict, suddenly she bursts
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into all classes. gagarin flew into space. hooray, there were also old women in our yard and one another, but will he come back? where will he go? and he won't get caught on anything there? the fate from the cosmodrome will be explained to me. relative, when yuri alekseevich died, i saw my father’s tears for the first time, how they cried with all my relatives, there is such a tradition, be sure to drink from the well from which yuri alekseevich himself drank loons, it is believed that if you drink this water, you will definitely fly to the moss. on saturday on the first. go ahead. yesterday, on the territory of the garden on january 9, an unknown person in a klownaa costume tried to kidnap a child.
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the child screamed for help. adults came running, the clown managed to escape, similar incidents occurred throughout the city throughout the past week, in the builders' park, in the hero-firefighters park in alexandrino. the purpose of these pranks is not completely clear, either to simply scare, or to actually kidnap a child. in any case, citizens have already begun to worry, so let's catch this clown and be done with it. if anyone has any ideas how to catch him? me: i’m listening, maybe i should call the circus first? maybe i should i call your mother or send it to the director with the diary? i'm sorry. and at the end, a small announcement: throughout this week, if you have any questions, please contact the deputy company commander. if there is really something complicated that has not been postponed, then i will be available by radio. call sign 8:12.
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then they forced me out of the car , hit me in the head, and you lost consciousness, right? yes, i came to my senses when they slammed the trunk lid, i couldn’t even move, my head was splitting badly, and i didn’t hear any conversations with... partially, i whitened the face of one of them, his face was wrapped in either a scarf or a handkerchief, when he got into the car, this handkerchief flew off, i think that’s when they decided to get rid of me, and you heard it, yes , they first said that they needed to drop me off at the old place, at the old place, yes, that’s exactly
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what they said, and then someone called, that’s the one they were talking to, he told them that at the old place you can’t go, there are cops everywhere, sorry, then they went to their place, so who called, you don’t know, no, but the one they were talking to, they somehow addressed him, or,
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you know, no, i don’t know, alexey, what happened, they suspect me of involvement in a gang, who suspects, vosetski, well, some kind of nonsense, but you said, let's go to your place. what does it mean, one said that we were coming to me, how long did they take you, well, at least approximately, here it seems to me that about 25 minutes, well, about half an hour, apparently they were taking me somewhere out of town, because that there was no city noise, only highway noise.
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curiosity is burning, how are you doing, have you taken action, have you accepted it, why is it so gloomy, and this it turned out not to be a girl. 8:12, noticed a man in a suit, 8:12, accepted, estimated time 2 minutes, press.
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it’s okay, dad, it happens, i understand everything, work, you know, these upirs won’t bother us anymore, i’ll find them one by one, i’ll bury them, dad, what are you talking about, yes, about all the garbage that’s listening to me now, i don’t care about you i understand, everything is fine, i’ll call you next week, okay, bye, dad, i love you very much. creature,
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listen, maybe we can sit in the car, i try not to eat this in the car, why, if you don’t mind the interior, then you love your car? i love you, my comrade, then come to your senses, if you love, when these emergencies of yours stop, because the osb just checked you, just now, here you have a dead body again, the boy crashed into a piece of cake, well, as long as possible, alexey, i’m using his finger i didn’t touch him, he fell down, comrade major, and the counterfeit coin in the coin was also there, one is in the hospital with a brain injury, the other with a fracture of the three-legged brain, they attacked me , shot down, i barely fought back, now imagine... what an idiot i look when i come to report to the authorities, i’m alone fell, they hit themselves, can you imagine, no, with your detection rate
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everything is excellent, but these problems are constant, the bosses have already asked me the question for the second time, and we are about to fire him to hell. so think, alexey, think, otherwise you will be left without a car, and maybe without a job, i understand, comrade, i understand, 8:12, reception, central, 8:12, kirovsky lane, the alarm went off, private security left, but. .. judging by the glanast , is it nearby? central accepted, dictate the exact address. kirovsky lane, building 18, three-story office building in the courtyard.
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go there and have a look.
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oh, look, they apparently hit me when they were turning it back. what do you think this is? rear turn signal reflector cover, what kind of car do you know? 2715, he also calls the pie, well done, how do you know? i love cars, well, let's go and report to the dispatcher, be quiet, guys, the police! so next time you ask me why am i so nervous? the last time
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markin called his son not using the program, but via a regular cellular connection, the call was made from an unregistered sim card, after the conversation the sim card stopped showing signs life, it’s almost as if he’s mocking, uh-huh, i ’m telling you for sure, there’s someone in his organs, absolutely one hundred percent, you think that ’s it? turbin, don’t you think so? let's exclude the turbine from the list of suspects, but if it later turns out that it is him, you will be responsible for it, and you have nothing but conversations with him, you can imagine what consequences this will have for you. well, let's clean it up.
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let's leave it for now, let's leave it, i'll go, well done, yuri, what a great guy, can't you see he's carrying a man, tell me, let's take him away, he's still there they will cover the forest, let him go crazy. then he himself admits that it’s not him, that is, you also don’t believe that it’s the turbine? no, of course, space architect, designer, artist, engineer, galina andreevna balashova, there was just a box, red, red, in this device they were supposed to fly around the earth, korolev said and... nonsense, and i want to tell you thank you that only in russian
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cabins there is a porthole, at the architectural institute they teach a person how to organize space, how to organize space, so that it is beautiful, convenient, and necessary, so you were instructed to develop symbolism, in america they signed that this is a completely different artist, and you yourself dreamed of flying into space, well, you see, the time has come for just such an occasion: podcast lab: tomorrow on first. welcome to a city where even the stones under your feet can be precious. hello, ekaterinburg. emerald is a beautiful stone in itself, and i think that all women probably love this emerald. unfortunately for us men. just chop, this is not the time to be timid. snow makes the filling is unsurpassed, juicy. pelmen -
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below me, how many meters are you talking down? 193. they say that you cannot experience a feeling of visual pleasure and fear at the same time. they're lying! can! the life of our own! premiere! on sunday on the first! combat tests are taking place in the special military operation zone: a new version of the pantser sm missile and gun system. now the most important goals are these. they are afraid and never touch, we have created
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a direction that ensures that superiority, by the day of the air defense forces, on sunday on the first. chanson, this is you have a reason to do it, you have to do it, shalom, my friend, shalom, let it go to hell.
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three chords, a new season, on sunday the first, the snow is still white in the fields, and the waters are noisy in spring. they say in all directions, spring is coming, spring is coming, we are messengers of the young spring, she sent us forward, what, where, when, the spring
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series of games, on sunday on the first. why are you looking at me? have you just eaten? hello, hello, what are you doing here? i came to see you, but i can’t, you nerd! you are my good one, how i miss you, you are okay? yes, well, you did celebrate, yeah, i see, and
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what did you celebrate, another tsab in my worthless life, come here, why? well, go, i need to tell you something, speak from there, i can’t, it’s a secret, well, in my ear, please, well , go, please, for such a secret, well , come, come here. olya, you are drunk, absolutely, is this a problem? yes, i'm not peeing, this can be fixed, sit here, i'll be right back, okay, what am i doing, i'll come now, now.
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good morning, good morning, the coffee smells so delicious,
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you will, uh-huh, and you will have breakfast, breakfast i will, great, you have problems with your wife, no, everything is fine. or no, i can help with something. and you’re probably following olenka, she’s been here for a long time, since yesterday, and you know, it seems like she was drunk,
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she almost fell over, lesh, thanks for yesterday, well, for what, well, for what we have? “ there was nothing, we weren’t expecting repin’s painting, and you ’ve been drinking tea here for a long time, but no, you just sat down, you’ll have breakfast with us, and what were you doing, laying down, lesh, we’ll probably go, let’s go, zhen!” how do you even live in this parental lackey? what you said? what you
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said? stop, you don’t understand that he’s provoking you, like then? i said let's go home! and various showdowns took place there , they were selling drugs, oh-oh-oh, major, look, you are
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now having a nostalgic attack, so already, an addition to the explosion of volgin’s private house, two artillery shells were found in a barn on the site, the cops have already been called, but it is required assistance in evacuating citizens, all squads in the area, help is needed, 812 accepted, woman, why are you walking here, please come through quickly. no need to walk here, but are you standing here, can you read the inscription, please move away, woman, where are you going, please move away, all citizens behind the fence, everyone, urgent evacuation, major shabarkin, pps regiment, what is the situation, but nothing is clear yet, explosion in house for some unknown reason, the owner of the house was blown to pieces, the house, you can see for yourself in what condition, when walking around the territory in sarai, two antediluvian artillery shells were discovered, artillery shells from where, apparently... apparently, as always, some kind of then the bastard dug this up, now we urgently need all the inhabitants evacuate, it could explode at any moment,
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most likely one of these shells could hit the house, it’s clear, come with me for a walk, but i won’t go anywhere, i was born here and i’ve been walking wherever i want for 70 years, i was born here, i’ll die here , why don’t you put up a fence, you want to die now, you can’t wait, then let’s go there, it will be safe there, come on! let's get through everything, petrovich has finished his game, he's an old fool, and i told him, you'll finish the game, yes, he's found himself a great adventure, he's an old drunk, and where is he? i just took it, but i met him when he was carrying a bomb, drunk, to the drobodan, i looked, and the bombs, like in a movie about the war, i said, oh well, where did you get this from, it says, kolka gave it to me, what a joke, this strange guy who rented a house from a person and disappeared 2 days ago. oh, we need
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to tell all this to the police. oh, i'm afraid. they won’t leave me alone later. how do you feel? it sucks. but allow me, i ’ll still ask a few questions. so, yesterday we stopped at the fact that criminals someone called, and then one of them said that you can’t be taken to your old place, you have to go to him. they drove you for about 30 minutes, it seems to me that somewhere like this, well, i told you that i don’t have anything like that, i just rented out a room to kolya and he put the car in a shed, but why didn’t you, citizen, raise the alarm, when your bastard disappeared, after all , several days had passed, they should have called us,
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just like that, a tenant has disappeared, i’m renting a room to him, his name is... and i’m like his mother or something, and then he often disappeared for 2 days, this one came sunken eyes, barely alive, what else are you can you tell me about the road, please try to remember, it’s very important, but they first turned a couple of times and then went onto the highway, but i already told you that, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, why are you sure? what exactly... the noise in the city is completely different, i understand, but what then, then they turned onto some road, very rough, well, further,
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further, i remembered. after this bumpy road there was a crossing, a railway crossing, are you sure, yes, i’m sure you have the keys, no, he hung it up himself, well, we have to break it, break, wait, break. wow, there are keys, no, mochalkin didn’t have them with him either, he already stole another one, and
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you won’t find it this time, that’s enough terehov. auto mechanic, that's right, let's go, thank you, in general, turbinin made everything much simpler this time, turbines, as you say, in general, this car belongs to grigory marchenko, unknown to me, two sentences for the sale of ammunition for weapons, by the way, the second time the weapon was .
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super dangerous paint examination and much more important and interesting in the program live healthy, tomorrow on the first. in the role chairman of the jury i feel out of place, perhaps all the most famous actors and directors in the world were sitting at this table, i would like to have lunch, please, but this is pasadena, we don’t have restaurants. how did you feel in a film where all the actors played themselves, and only you had a role, and is whoopi goldbert a cop? how do the local public perceive our films? they are expecting some other turn of russian cinema. are you from the clinic? are you criticizing the american dream? no, i'm trying tell the story of trisa banks and the last seven days of laura palmer. matador, tomorrow on
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the first. tell me you like my hat. you don't have a hat. i would like to say in the future that i did everything i could in my life. call, broadcast of the launch and landing of the first space film crew on saturday on the first, well, i'm different, different, evgeny steblov, one of the most unusual artists in russia, he was famous for the video where he looked confused and unhappy. light, do you love me? "i walk around moscow, for family reasons, in in these films, he awakened truly popular sympathy for his heroes, but for a very long time i did not understand what i had done there, and it seemed to me that soon the deception would be revealed and
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they would beat me. but how did family relationships develop from evgeniy steblov himself? before tanya, i didn’t love anyone, i took her arm and she hissed me like an electric shock. our exclusive and interview with the artist who played with the most beautiful women in the country and at the same time remained faithful to his one and only." 38 years old, we have a son, our only one, a monk of solovetsky the monastery, what brought his loyalty to the end of his life, why it was not possible to avoid tragedy, all this is in god's providence, as god wills, it will be so. exclusive with dmitry borisov, premiere on saturday on the first. you didn’t have the feeling that maybe god took your son away from you for something. the bandits called a taxi here. the two of them got into the car at once. then we turned right towards the mentors, and then we stopped somewhere here under the bridge, pulled red out, turned him off, put him in the trunk, and then went to some old
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place, what kind of old place is this, i think we can start from the fact that it is located somewhere in the rzhevka porokhov area, and based on what the taxi driver krasnov told us, this may be an industrial zone, which is located in the area of ​​the street . they have too many connections with this place, of course, a finger in the sky, but let’s say, brake, what happened, brake, back up, what... 27:15 pie. so, when they were driving along the frontline workers, they received a call, they got out of the car, changed their numbers and decided to go to one of their own. where? yes, they first
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folded several times.


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