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tv   Bolshaya igra  1TV  April 11, 2024 11:00pm-12:10am MSK

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“i think we can start from the fact that this is located somewhere in the rzhevka parkhov area, and based on what the taxi driver krasnov told us, this could be an industrial zone, which is located in the area of ​​the street of advanced workers, too many people connect them with this place, of course , a finger in the sky, but let's say, brake, what happened, brake, back up. stop, izh 2715, pie, so, when they were driving along the front line, they got a call, they got out of the car, changed the numbers and decided to go to someone - one of their own, where, so they first turn several times. then they left for
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highway, after 20 minutes we reached a bumpy road, a couple of minutes later there was a railway crossing, in any case, from here in 5 minutes you can only get to this highway, but in this area there are several railway crossings, which one, well, apparently we will focus on place.
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somehow the watchman will see all the neighbors, so that the safes will be brought, so that we have the order on our hands, no, we’ll hide it here, we’ll take the money and dump it, crowbar on the ground, hands completely. there is no trick against scrap. teach the turbine while i’m
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alive, there’s a bridge ahead, there are two options, straight or to the right, if to the right, let's go back to the city, krasnov was sure that they left the city, that means straight, well, i got you, i got it, yes, leave now, that's it, come on, lieutenant, let's go, alexey, what happened, just now ? 02 lyudmila mikheeva’s neighbors called, they said that two suspicious men had entered her property, now shouting and all sorts of strange noises are being heard from there, who is mikheva, well, the landlady with whom your thief lived, i understand, well, there’s a new exit ahead to the right , and i know this place, this is zanevka, a country road leads directly to the village, and there is a railway crossing there. well, let's check it out. everything seems to fit our
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criteria, let's check. tell me, fool, where are the weapons from my car, from the car that you found in your barn? i don’t know, this is a horse gun, damn him, let me go, save me! okay, if you don’t want
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it to be good, it will be bad, now you tell me everything, police, weapons on the floor, hands on your head, ask for a weapon, i said, don’t come closer, i’ll cut you. i am a weapon set, also a major, be careful. lie down, lie down, lie down, come on, major, come on, i told you to put the outdoors on, excuse me, the turbine, oh, it hurts
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, i even forgot how painful it is, and in general, i’m too old for this. shit, they just spent a couple of days with me and started talking like a hero from an american action movie, vyacheslav mikhailovich, it seems to me that we are in place, why, do you feel what the road is like, potholes, potholes, we have half the country in potholes and potholes, here is the railway crossing, and the move is close to the exit.
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mikhailovich, i see yura, we get out of the car, yours is on the left, inna, keep your head down, police, got out of the car, turn off the engine, hands on the hood, jurassic,
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a special analytical edition of the big game is on air. we are now about to have a conversation with a very interesting guest, christian
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wighton, who we have already had on the program several times. christian was a senior state department adviser during the george w. bush administrations. looks like trump is marching from one victory to another, on the other hand you read all these criminal prosecutions against him, in general it’s not very clear, it’s clear that trump will most likely be a republican
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candidate, what are his chances from your point of view of becoming president of sha again? the fact that he will be the republican candidate is already certain, he has already gained enough votes, it is no longer a question whether he had a rival. nicky haley, she has already withdrawn her candidacy, she refused to support donald trump, but i think that in the end she will do it, so he is supported by the vast majority of republicans, joe biden also does not have any particular competitors among the democrats, there are a couple of other people who can put forward your candidacy and take away some votes from biden, this could play a role.
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finds himself in the position of a suspect, criminal cases are being conducted against him. the vast majority of republicans think these are court cases of dubious quality. criminal cases, there is one case at the state level in the state of new york, one case in
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georgia, and there are also federal cases, this is related to the events of january 6 in washington with the riots, when there will be a hearing in the federal case is not yet clear, but if trump becomes president, then he can no longer be you can't be judged, you can't put him in jail, on federal charges. considering how much influence the federal authorities have over the authorities of individual states, it is unlikely that they will be able to prosecute him either. one interesting detail is that throughout this whole process, when these cases began, trump's popularity actually grew, not fell. usually, when a person is accused of something, he loses support, but then, when trump began to be accused, people began to support him even more.
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go through the appeal process, especially given that we are now in the midst of an election campaign campaign, and especially in the supreme court , the majority, after all, the republicans, the conservatives, have six against four, so if anything, they will support him, there are some questions about the federal case, about the case of the riots on january 6, there is a question about about what kind of immunity he had at that time, because he...
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new opportunities have appeared, there are more employees, so now, of course, security is at a much higher level, even such a president as...
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yes, it’s clear, i hope that the precautions that apply to him are accepted will be adequate, but we also know from history that to completely protect a presidential candidate from becoming president when he is waging an energetic political campaign, well, let’s just say, it’s not very easy, but i want to ask you about something that is very relevant, as you can imagine for... the russian audience, will the aid package for ukraine be accepted, because we heard a lot of different, directly opposite things from washington, specifically from speaker mike johnson, at first he gave the impression that he was categorically against assistance to ukraine, now he creates
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the impression that, as a responsible statesman, he...
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well, then there is talk that now we still need to solve the problems with the mexican border and pay more attention to china and iran. so it’s unclear what will happen next with this package. there are many congressmen who are in favor of saying that this money should be allocated to ukraine, but there is a minority who are categorically against
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this. i think that they will still give some kind of help, but maybe not the same amount. which i wanted to give.
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donald trump, i had the impression a few weeks ago that he was against aid to ukraine, at least until...
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for trump what is more important is what is happening on i think this is a fairly flexible position, the mexican border, there now the situation is quite wild, people are crossing the free border, asking for asylum, then there is a threat from china, this is on the one hand, on the other hand, of course. nobody wants the failure in ukraine to be blamed on him. no one wants this responsibility to fall on them. shoulders. so, on the one hand, he does not want
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to refuse assistance to ukraine. in fact, lethal deliveries of lethal weapons to ukraine began even under him, but for now trump retains some uncertainty on this issue for him, as a candidate.
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and the consequences, when sergei lavrov was a few hours later in beijing, not only did he meet with sydney, but i have never seen such warm meetings between the foreign ministers of china, emphatically warm, and they talked, in general, for the first time about direct interaction between china and russia against the united states, including in relation to... defense, now i’m reading how president biden, his secretary of state, his secretary of defense, how they
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receive in washington the prime minister of japan, the president of the philippines, in general well, they almost announce a new military alliance against china, and they do it in such certain harsh formulations. russia and china. president nixon had a strategy that it was necessary to tear russia away from china, but then there were several administrations,
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which actually contributed to the rapprochement between russia and china, and this is, of course, a very stupid policy, very unreasonable, the creation of such a eurasian monolith that the united states will no longer be able to handle. yes, indeed, the minister of finance, janet eren, came, it seems that this time she managed to speak a little better, more softly compared to the previous time, then she simply yelled at the chinese minister, like at some kind of court eunuch. as for the countries you mentioned, japan, the philippines, they are a little feared because...
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china for fishing grounds, opportunities and so on, so yes, i can guarantee you. these are the secret meetings that elena had, now the national security advisor will go to china, they, of course, speak out there far from so decisively, they speak decisively in public, not on camera, they try to speak quite softly, that is this ostentatious toughness is mainly for domestic political purposes, right? yes, these are... steps towards
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iran, but at the same time they introduce some kind of sanctions, which really have no meaning. in public they try to look very tough, but in reality they behave very weakly, almost placating them. if i understand you correctly, the biden administration. roars louder than her supposed real intentions suggest, what conclusion do you draw from this regarding the conflict between iran and israel, can you imagine the biden administration supporting some kind of massive israeli strike on iran? does
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this, the united states will most likely condemn israel for such actions, they are not alone in this, for example, remember, in the eighties the united states openly condemned the strikes on iraq, but secretly supported them, so i think that in the case of iran, the administration will also be very upset, but in fact i think the world only you... if iran's nuclear program suffers significant damage, there is now a real crisis in the democratic party, but because of their support for israel, young people are already refusing to vote for democrats, and in addition, there is a fairly large muslim population in the usa diaspora in states such as michigan and arizona. i really hope that we can
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see you again on our program in the near future, good luck to you and take care of yourself. we go to advertising, and his hairstyle suits him like that, a typical criminal. so we made this photo test, this photo test turned out to be, one might say, such a ticket to the stars, then georgy nikolaevich, where is he, let’s bring him here. the story that was later told, i walk around moscow, began in the head of gennady shpalikov, well, long before that, some kind of internal artistic intonations, they were in the air, then another actress appeared there, who by that time was completely unknown, it was inna
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chyurikova, bass and bulls and... this one was in demand, all episodic roles of some kind, everyone was offered to them, usually everyone is told danel’s version that shpalikov was supposed to submit the text, but disappeared. he said that he could make all his films one more time, except i’m walking around moscow. podcast lab. today is the first one. combat tests are taking place in the special military operation zone. a new version of the pantsa missile-gun system. now the most important targets are quadrocopters, multiple launch rocket systems, hail. today, only we in the world can effectively work on this class of goals. a cloud of damaging elements appears, that is, through which it is almost impossible for the automation of the shell to fly through at such a level that the shell can be like a robot. we have eight stars marked on the vehicle, seven
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enemy aircraft and one helicopter. you have to be strong, the strong are feared and never touched, we have created a direction that ensures superiority.
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sister, this is how relations between the european union and nato are built now? you know, i saw a certain evolution of these relations, although these two organizations were located for many, many years, their headquarters were located in the same city of brussels, but they practically did not communicate, and this continued, well, somewhere in in any case , the first decades of this...
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gradually the european union occupies an increasingly subordinate position, that is, in essence, those functions, those projects, well, i
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’ll give one example, it means there is such project of military mobility in the european union, well, the european union is not a military bloc, because that means... what is military mobility? well, i like to give one example from real life, and quite a long time ago, but in general, several years ago, the united states decided to transfer a certain column of armored vehicles from germany to hungary, as part of nato maneuvers. the road from germany to hungary goes through. neutral austria, this is a powerful armored column, well, it’s clear that the tanks were on trailers, but it doesn’t matter, it arrives at the austrian border, and there it’s closed, there barrier, and the austrian border guards say:
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today is saturday, it’s our weekend, the movement of heavy equipment on the autobahn is prohibited, this is the first, second, where are your visas, but the american generals and officers were... strange to hear such a formulation of the question, where are their visas, they just thought they were going to get rude, yes, that was an example that characterized that stage of relations, but gradually, in fact, this is the series of european union projects, which are abbreviated as sand, these are projects including those with connection.
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to say, their dimension is military-political, there, in fact, there is more and more, so to speak, tightly established interaction. in the economic sphere, of course, there are more problems, and there are also more disagreements, because the policy that the current american administration is now pursuing, and the past under trump is the same, is actually a policy of reindustrializing america, at the expense of the deindustrialization of europe. so, in the twenty-second year, this is already under biden , the law on limiting
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inflation (ara) inflation reduction act was adopted, but what does it actually mean? and it is directed , of course, not only against europe, maybe not so much against europe, primarily against china, but it is aimed at, so to speak, creating preferences for american industry, which we see as a result, the company’s largest plant...
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as for internal life, then you understand, while great britain was a member of the european union, there was one situation, from the point of view of transatlantic relations, brexit was no less important than, so to speak, relations across the lomanche, great britain, well, of course, even... being a member of the european union, it had one foot there,
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let’s say, for all those 40-odd years that it was in the european union, but nevertheless, in essence, through london this is what a common, well, one might say, an anglo-saxon or some other way to put it, line, and it was reflected in the policy of the european union. after brexit. a certain vacuum arose, because great britain began to be perceived on the continent, including in the european union, as something generally alien and became an element foreign policy of the european union. there was some competition, but it came out on top pretty quickly as, well, so to speak, the country that most accurately reflects american policy towards. europe. and, in fact, the country is a conductor of american
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interests; poland emerged quite quickly. by filling that conditional vacuum that has arisen. it is not complete, of course, but a certain vacuum. poland is one of the eu countries that takes the most anti-russian position. yes, and at the same time, one of the most pro-american positions, even in internal affairs. politics as a result of the rise in the role of poland
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led to the fact that europe became even more russophobic, not only this, but during the time that has passed since the mentioned statements of ramsveld, old europe has degraded, and the politics of today, germany, and france too, it is noticeably differs from... the policy that these countries pursued at the beginning of the 2000s, which have traditionally always been considered both the engine of european integration and the engine of some kind of european unity.
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important thing that he says: dmitry, when you talked about their traditionally neutral orientation, you were talking in general about the short period after the second world war, in principle, if you look at the history of european politics, there is hostility towards russia to varying degrees, but it was almost always present, then she talked about fear as a factor here in this russophobia. i think that she meant primarily the fear, well, if you like, of journalists, intellectuals, of taking some kind of politically incorrect position, but i thought that fear is an important factor, of course, or rather the absence of fear, i mean i mean what i was talking about in
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905-906, prime minister sergei witte. who said that when russia was defeated by japan, a defeat that few expected, the attitude towards russia changed sharply, the enemies raised their heads, and the indifferent began to consider it possible not to pay attention to russia, not to take into account its interests, and many who they used to suck up to russia.
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with the resuscitation of those deep feelings that vittyk spoke about and many others spoke about, i recently came across a quote from a well-known british politician in his time, prime minister, palmerston, who
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said this: we feel very bad when russia is not at war with anyone.
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there is an earth, there is a sun, there is a moon, that’s right, and you don’t ask yourself whether you need to respect the russian state, so...
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this approximately correctly reflects the sentiments, and even the behavior that could be observed in the eighties, and in the nineties, well, in a certain sense, this too, if we turn to the classics, is akin to the aphorism of the famous fabulist ivan krylov.
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russia can only be defeated at the cost of complete the destruction of life on earth, and nothing else
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is subject to the collective west, and this overlaps with the general trend that has been manifesting itself in the world for quite some time, the gradual reduction of the influence of the collective west in politics and economics, in ideology, in finance, and... a feeling that they have convinced themselves that they are under the protection of an impenetrable shield,
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the fifth article of the nato charter, one for all, all for one, so they can afford, well, whatever they want, to insult russia, to attack russia, in general, it will all suit them from hand, therefore, i want to ask you a provocative question:
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there were problems with the south caucasus due to the presence of the army of nagorno-karabakh, where there were
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more tanks than in armenia and azerbaijan combined, but... the question was discussed: should the baltic states be included and they were not included, why? the main argument used, including by the americans, was that in the event of a major conflict, this area of ​​europe was indefensible, and there were other arguments, they had no tanks, no planes, no combat helicopters, and we took into account the sworn assurances the then leaders.
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this is the highest advisory body under the ministry of defense, and what was interesting was that everyone was talking about the fact that it might come down to, uh, the need to defend the baltic countries, but there was not a single scenario, not a single proposal to defend in such a way that they would not be destroyed . they haven’t come up with such an option, well, you know, lately there have been some hints or arguments from some american politicians that for the sake of this or that baltic country, american troops will not get into a fight with russia, we’ll see,
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i hope it doesn't come to that. but for this , the baltic countries should probably reconsider a little their such, well, i would say, butchery policy towards russia and stop, so to speak, provoking not only russia, and not even so much russia, we have a clear opinion about them, and my nato allies, i would offer them without any hope that my proposal would be accepted. revolutionary idea, to understand that if you want to enjoy security, being on the periphery of a country like russia, normal relations with russia are the best guarantee of your safety. thank you very much, vladimir alekseevich, it was very interesting to talk with you, i hope
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to see you again on our air soon. let's go to advertising. i feel out of place as the chairman of the jury. perhaps all the most famous actors and directors in the world sat at this table. i'd like to have lunch. please, it's just pasadena. we don't have restaurants. how did you feel in a film where all the actors played themselves and only you had a role? is whoopi goldbert a cop? how do the local public perceive our films? they expect some other round of russian cinema, from the clinic, are you criticizing the american dream? no, i 'm trying to tell the story of banks and the last seven days of laura palmer. matodor is on first tomorrow. tell me you like my hat.
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you don't have a hat.
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there is a big game on the air, and now we will talk with andrei andreevich sushentsov, dean of the faculty of international relations. we welcome you, thank you for the invitation, dmitry, i’m looking at the behavior of ukraine, and sometimes i’m amazed, on the one hand, it seems that ukraine has nothing special to boast about on the battlefield, it seems that russia has repeatedly said lately that... moscow is ready for serious negotiations, there are problems with american help, the europeans are providing assistance, but let’s listen, what zelensky says about
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the inadequacy of this assistance, let's listen to what his foreign minister kuleba just said on behalf of zelensky. polite, calm diplomacy didn't work, but people can. hate me, and i might ruin a relationship with someone, part tells me that diplomacy is first and foremost a personal relationship, but then i told that part to shut up and gave free rein to the part that wanted to speak up, we tried everything, but nothing seemed to work, i’m banging my head against the wall, although as a diplomat i should have i would like to take it apart brick by brick, but this method of introducing diplomacy does not work, i feel that all my efforts are useless, i just don’t understand why nothing is happening, well, here’s the minister of foreign affairs.
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how exactly this situation should develop, and this is a false understanding of ukraine’s role in this crisis, it is only an instrument of the american western strategy to weaken
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our country, this instrument has a service life only as long as this instrument is well sharpened, as long as it acts in the interests of the real subjects of this situation, the united states. this understanding is very difficult for ukrainians, they try to adapt their behavior to the expectations of the united states in order to better please them, they adopt the vocabulary that the american political establishment is trying to convince congress, support ukraine, this is investment vocabulary, we are your best investment in the field of security, we are ready to sacrifice ourselves in the name of achieving common western goals in the field of security. look how useful we are to you, while the relative usefulness of ukraine, in general it is already obvious to everyone that it is coming to an end, more than a year ago, american research circles,
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in particular the rant corporation, came to the conclusion that the protracted crisis, a protracted war, not in the interests of the united states, and such a rather direct and cynical quote in this report, which was called ng along the wall, it said that with the relatively high costs associated with continuing the conflict, the relative advantages for the united states are becoming less and less, they by this point, a year ago, had already received the main the benefits that could be extracted tied the europeans to themselves, eliminated any centers of strategic autonomy on the european continent, destroyed russian-european relations, and imposed a new defense policy on the europeans. a purchase of american weapons, in general, the united states is relatively indifferent to what the geography of ukraine will look like, on the horizon of several years, where this front line will be, ukraine's task is to continue
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to serve as a tool for weakening our country until ukraine faces immediate, rapid defeat , immediate collapse of the front, this is quite incomprehensible in the eyes of many -
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that this country is corrupt, that this country is, well, frankly, let’s say, absolutely incapable, not economically, not militarily plan to support itself, that this is a country that completely ignores western ideals, at least in the way that the west publicly extols these ideals, and that this night blindness that we observe in the collective west , that it is present because... useful, it is useful as anti-russia, if suddenly ukraine made peace with russia, then interest in ukraine would probably quickly either disappear or at least be greatly reduced, and maybe they understand this in kiev, so they deliberately they are going to aggravate the situation, the problem is what she endured. the center of formation of its
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interests beyond the borders of its country, it does not act in its own interests, not in the interests of development, prosperity, creating conditions that will truly protect its security, not for the purpose of developing science, technology, healthcare, not for the development of its rather rich cultural heritage, ukraine is looking for western attention, living in the illusion, the dream that the west is able to solve... all ukrainian problems, this has a certain echo of such an ancient philosophical, even greek idea about a symphony, that a certain union of different opposites is possible on earth, in this union it will be possible to solve any problems, including political ones, and sacrificing many of its interests, seeking this western attention , ukraine is now essentially completely turning itself into its own. an instrument
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of western policy, if at some point state-minded forces come to ukraine, who realize that the value of ukraine, its true interests lie purely within its borders, within these borders people live very a diverse and complex population in its composition, complex and often irreconcilably determined as a result of many decades of policies that the ukrainians themselves, with the support of the west, pursued, and if they realize that in order for this... whole complex of problems, but opportunities to be realized, they realize that they need good neighborly relations with our country, there probably should be other politicians, because these politicians, if wartime conditions were discarded, if the state of emergency were lifted, if there were elections, when it would be possible to really express different points of view,
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the voters gave him an electoral mandate, i will remind you that vladimir zelensky was elected on the platform of peace, on the platform of protecting the russian language, on the platform of seeking a compromise with russia, as a result, he did not fulfill these promises - due to a number of objective, but mostly subjective circumstances, in fact, now this government has put all its possible resources on one single very unlikely scenario, the former commander ukrainian armed forces.
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because what we want will largely depend on what we will do in practice, when i look now at the collective experience, you are the dean of the faculty of international relations, your colleagues have an idea of ​​how this collective experience sees their possible in practice possible relations with russia, i have a feeling that they are on this topic... i didn’t even really think about it, but i could be wrong. over the past few decades, the united states, followed by most western countries, has found itself captivated by this idea of ​​domination, domination, the idea that the west and the united states, first of all, can afford to ignore any objections
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from russia, china, any other country. and this superiority complex was well expressed in the famous dialogue between russian president vladimir. putin at that time the american president george w. bush, the dialogue was dedicated to the deployment of american missile defense in europe, it took place somewhere in the mid-2000s, vladimir putin himself spoke about it, in this dialogue there was essentially reflects the formula for the west's vision of relations with our country, our president objected to the deployment of missile defense systems in europe, pointing out that the stated purpose of these systems was supposedly what they were aimed at. against iran does not correspond to the geography of the deployment of this pro system, it will begin to threaten russian strategic forces and force russia to respond. president bush got tired of listening to vladimir
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putin's rather systematic and reasonable arguments, and answered him with a three-part formula. he said: “vladimir, in response to the remark our president that russia will be forced to respond." this will provoke russia to respond. vladimir, we are not enemies, so do what you want, and we will do what we want. if translated from diplomatic language into russian, this means, that we are not enemies, we will not deliberately act against your interests. do what you want, whatever you do, it cannot affect our interests, because we are essentially on different scales, and we will do what we want, you have no right of veto on any of our actions.


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